Midterms Reviewer BIOETHICS

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10 L E C

Health Care Ethics (Bioethics)
Maria Teresa Farala, RN
21 O1
Ethical Principles Continuation..

1. The individual's right to control
I Principle of Confidentiality
A Limits of confidentiality personal information and protect
II Principle of Veracity privacy.
A Justification of Truth Telling
B Two Approaches of Truth Telling Let the patient understand that if we
C Benevolent Deception are not fully aware of the status and
III Principle of Fidelity all that information that is needed for
the healthcare provider to come up
Ethical Principles Continuation
with a good intervention and
B. Principle of confidentiality treatment plan for them, there would
be a hassle if they will not give the
- Information can be restricted to those correct information.
authorized who have access to it.
- It is mandatory when a patient submits
himself to a hospital care or admission, he 2. Utility- if patients suspect that health
should give the correct information that is care providers reveal sensitive and
needed for a healthcare provider to draw personal information they may be
correct interventions for them. This reluctant to seek care.
information needs to be kept in confidence to If the patient is admitted, it is
protect the rights of every individual. mandatory for them to provide
specific information, especially when
we have in our physical assessment.
● Is an important aspect of the trust that
patients place in health care professionals. ❖ biographical data that we
Once the patient opens up to us or shares need from our patient.
any information relating to the ❖ Information relating to the
hospitalization, it is mandatory for the nurses chief complaint on why they
or healthcare provider to protect this are submitting themselves for
information and withhold in confidence. admission. If the reason for
their admission or their
stigma, then likely our patient
● It refers to the medical or professional
will control the information
secrecy in which certain information is
that they are going to tell us.
committed to a physician in his official
❖ These patients also have their fear of
capacity for the sake of medical assistance.
suffering from stigma. For example
they have committed abortion,
● Basic ethical arguments in favor of suicide, or stealing that often times
confidentiality: draws the attention of people in the
Ethical arguments mean questions on what hospital. They would be reluctant to
limitations this patient has to give us the share this information.
information that we will need from them. ❖ But if the healthcare provider carries
himself in such a way that we are
trustworthy, then the patient will


never be reluctant to share the you get to get the feelings of mentally
information. challenged individual, then they are going to
❖ We should know the rights of share everything. Then you would know that
individuals for confidentiality. the person is planning for suicide, or to do
homicide. In cases like that wherein
Limits of confidentiality

- Not throughout or not absolute

- There are areas where it is not all the time
that we have to observe the rights to people are at tea, then we need to share or divulge
confidentiality. information to proper authority not to anyone
especially the healthcare team.

1. Principle of harm- applied when professionals

recognize that maintaining confidentiality will
C. Principle of Veracity
result in preventable wrongful harm to
innocent others. ● Veracity- relates to the practice of telling the
Example: when the patient is able to share truth.
something with the nurse, when they get out ❖ Truth Telling- will bring about respect,
of the hospital, they will get back to the open communication, trust and
person who did harm to them for revenge. shared responsibility.
And what if that person is innocent, then Always remember that when a
there is a possibility of harm. If so, if these patient is admitted to a hospital, we
people are innocent, even if they have the ask them information and not only
right of confidentiality, then we should be information, but we ask them to tell
able to divulge information to the right ears the truth. Because when we are going
to prevent harm. to tell us the truth, that will also give
way for the healthcare provider to
draw/manage/plan out for the
2. Principle of vulnerability- the duty to protect complete management of the
others from harm is stronger when the third patient’s illness. Moreover, if we tell
party is dependent on others or somehow the truth, we will be able to earn the
vulnerable. respect of the people, patient. And
Example: If you are a community nurse and through telling, the patient would
you know that there is domestic violence also feel that their secrets or
happening in a household, and you know information are safe with us. That is
already that the victim of that domestic why there would be open
violence is a minor, then the principle of communication, trust, and shared
vulnerability applies. If the person for that responsibility.
matter cannot do anything, then:

❖ Call out the parents ❖ Right to information- patients have

❖ Or share information to proper the right to obtain complete, current
information concerning diagnosis,
treatment, and prognosis in terms
Example: In the hospital, if the information they can easily understand.
It is not always that the patient has to
speaks about a vulnerable people, then we
tell us everything truthfully, but we as
should draw the line when we are going to a healthcare provider are expected to
share the information and when to fit in. This tell the truth to our patient.
is common to psychiatry wards because when Remember that when they submit


themselves for admission, they need responsibilities that are based solely on his
to know many things about their decisions or actions.
illness. If there is information that we It might be good that you are not telling the
are not going to share with them it truth, but the problem there is that each of us
will increase or trigger the anxiety of deserve or has a right to self-determination.
those patients.

Self-determination is an inherent capacity of

Justification of Truth Telling an individual to decide what is best for us.
1. It is argued that our human and moral quality
as persons is taken away from us if we are
If the patient or the client accepts the
denied whatever knowledge is available about
situation, they can start planning already on
our condition as a patient.
how to live their remaining days in their
Whatever information that we are not telling
our patient, it is just like denying them the
rights to information.
Two Approaches of Truth Telling

2. As patients, we have entrusted to the

physician any knowledge he has about
Person-centered- considers patient as a person with a
ourselves, so the facts (findings) are ours and
problem, but not as a problem himself/herself
not his, hence to deny them to us is to steal
from us. If we tell the truth, that is because the person is the
This speaks about the healthcare team. When patient and is having a problem but not
the patient entrusted the information to the himself/herself is the problem.
doctor, it is in the kind sight that the patient
believes that the doctor is going to keep that
information. Indeed, after all the laboratory You are going to tell the truth, based on the person
sets, the doctor has the responsibility to draw
conclusions from the result. It is the right that
the doctor has to tell the patient about the You may not tell the person about his condition right
result. away, but as the person gets better, you need to tell
the truth.

3. The highest conception of the physical-patient

relationship is a personalistic one which is We are looking at the person as a whole.
based on mutual confidence and respect for
each other’s right
We need to tell the truth because the Problem-centered- consider the patient’s condition,
physician or the healthcare provider and illness or diseases.
patient-relationship is something that is We need to center our decision making of telling the
based on mutual confidence. We are not truth on the problem itself.
only dealing with life but also dealing with
information relating to the patient.
For example, the patient needs blood
transfusion right away, even though the
4. To deny a patient pertinent knowledge about patient will get anxious, but it does not
himself, especially in a life and death change the fact that the person is in need of
situation, is to deprive him the ample time to blood transfusion, but you need to tell the
prepare for his own death or to carry out person.


● Benevolent deception- practitioner is allowed
to intentionally withhold information based
on his/her “sound medical judgment” that to
divulge the information might potentially
harm the depressed and unstable patient for
an unpleasant fact.
❖ Violation of the principle of veracity

As a healthcare provider, it is okay to not tell

the truth right away if it might cause harm or
death. Wait until a certain time of recovery
and that is the time that you will tell the
truth. This is called white lies because it
means that the lie does not stay forever and
it should be divulged in the right time.

Your action especially in-favor of the patient

will be defined by the word benevolent

D. Principle of Fidelity

● Refers to the concept of faithfulness to our

duties, obligations, vows, or pledges.
● Refers to one’s loyalty to a worthy cause
● Telling the truth as the situation demands it
● Keeping actual and implicit promises, and not
representing fiction as truth.

Act of doing an obligation. Forgetting one’s

duty is a violation of fidelity.

To avoid violation of fidelity, inform the

people on the situation ahead of time.

We are to be faithful to our promise with the


As a student nurse, we need to take good care

of humanity. It is engraved already in our


07 LEC
Health Care Ethics (Bioethics)
Prof’s name here


I. Principle of Justice ○ Goods and services in healthcare:
a) Comparable Justice ○ How many medicines you are going to give
b) Non Comparable Justice in the barangay or who are you going to give
c) Criteria of Distribution your only kidney that can be transplanted sa
d) Criteria of Comparison 10 who needs it in Davao or who is the
e) Random Selection recipient number of bags of platelet
II. Principle of Beneficence available
III. Principle of Non-Maleficence ○ When the cases of dengue will spiral again
IV. Principle of Double Effect
and the need or demand for platelet
concentrate will increase in demand
E. PRINCIPLE OF JUSTICE ○ Medications, vaccines to the constituents of
○ Relates to fair, equitable and the barangay
appropriate treatment in light of what is ○ If mas daghan ang constituents sa boulevard
due or owed to persons, recognizing kaysa sa agdao, mas daghan ang sa blvd
that giving to some will deny receipt to

○ Distributive justice – application of the

○ In the advent of covid, the budget and
principle focuses on distribution of
national budget has been drained given to
goods and services
people who are in need, no resources, no
~Relevant basic areas of health care: food, no income, the govt has done a drastic
mode to provide
1. What percentage of resources is
reasonable to spend on health care WHICH ASPECTS OF HEALTH CARE
2. Which aspects of health care should ○ Using the covid situation, the increase of
receive the most resources covid debt or mas evident sa Luzon, the
3. Which patients should have access to the bigger the funds ibigay sa luzon
limited health care staff, equipment etc. ○ Mindanao has a big area, increasing number
Refers to the fairness in the conservation of of covid victims specifically in big cities,
equality when it comes to distribution of goods in Digos, Tagum, neighboring areas do not
health care, it has to be fair, equitable and receive much of the budget related to covid-
appropriate, so it says there 19 budget because they don’t have much
Having a piece of cake and you have 4 siblings,
you have to divide the cake equally into 4, so the
principle of justice in health care ethics is that the - Example: If there is only one healthy kidney
principle of justice speaks about at times the equality viable for transplant and there are 10 people
or the fairness of the distribution of goods would who need it, there has to be fairness, some
depend on the gravity of the need of an individual, believe that all should receive equally
there is what we call fairness in the situation regardless of the need,



- A German philosopher believe there are 1. Criteria of Inclusion – Selection of Candidates

superior individuals, so the choice of
Inclusion - who’s included?
distribution will depend on the present or
future social contribution of the person a. CONSTITUENCY – is the person a member of
the community?
a. Ex:
i. Covid vaccine – you are a health nurse
1. Comparable justice with 50 vaccines. However, there are 75
- What a particular patient receives Is people outside, waiting for the
determined by the gravity of the condition or vaccination.
2. Noncomparable justice I. What happens to the 25? How will you
- Distribution of goods/resources is determined decide?
by a certain standard
 Check for the person if he/she is a member
of that specific community and if he is a
- Nursing care: dalawa ang dumating admitted, recipient f that vaccine
one due to circumoral cyanosis, labored  Prioritizing the members
breathing, then the other one: mas sayo
nisulod sa er, fever and headache ii. Two patients in SPH need a mechanical
- Two came in who deserve fair treatment and ventilator but only one ventilator is
fair care, you as a nurse with the scarcity of available.
man power working in er, you know that you iii.
need to attend first to the one who has  Choose the patient who is from davao
circumoral, if unahon nimo ang patient na  If both are from davao proceed to the
naay fever, but the fairness in the principle of next criteria
justice speaks about that the patient care that
the person receives will be determined b. PROGRESS OF SCIENCE – can new knowledge
depending on the gravity of the gravity of the be gained from the case?
condition or the need of the patient a. Ex:
i. Two patients in SPH need a mechanical
ventilator but only one ventilator is
- Standard how should the goods be distributed
 Patient 1 (senior citizen)
 Patient 2 (teenager)
 Choose the teenager because he/she is
younger and is more able to provide
new knowledge

c. SUCCESS – chance of the treatment to be

a. Ex:
i. Two patients in SPH need a mechanical
ventilator but only one ventilator is

 Give the ventilator to the adolescent

because they are more likely to survive


2. Criteria of comparison 3. RANDOM SELECTION (James Childress)
Comparing case scenarios James Childress is an author of a bioethics book

a. The likelihood of successful treatment a. First come first serve basis

compared with others in the group a. First to come or first to reserve a slot
a. Ex: b. Lottery
i. There are 5 mechanical ventilators and 10 a. Kidney lottery in front of the people
patients are in need of it. Who has the who wished to have the kidney
highest possibility for survival? transplant

Principle of Justice is also applicable to a lot of health

 The one who does not smoke
care services like in situations where you have to
 Drink
choose who or to whom will you give your care first.
 No premorbid conditions (hypertension, asthma,

b. Life expectancy of the person ○ It requires to act in ways that benefit

a. Years of life patients.
b. Violates the human rights but we are
to come up a decision relating to ○ Beneficent acts are morally and legally
justice demanded by our professional roles.
c. It will be unfair for the senior citizen
but if we think about it, the ○ Lays the groundwork for the trust that
adolescents are more likely to survive society and individuals places in the
c. The person’s family role profession.
a. A person who has important role in a
b. Ex: a father of five/ breadwinner and
a single man who lives alone and 1. Do or promote good
only provides for himself 2. Prevent evil or harm
i. The father of 5 is going to be 3. Remove evil or harm
d. The potential of the person in making future EXAMPLE FOR PROMOTE GOOD
a. Ex  We give health education, what is the effects of
i. You are a consistent honor smoking to the health.
student with a lot of potential  Teach our client, do not smoke if you are
in terms of future pregnant or beside a children because 2nd hand
contribution VS the daughter smoke is dangerous to the people who doesn’t
of the president who may also smoke.
run and take the position of
the president  When we encourage our client to avail
immunization in our health center.
e. The person’s record of services or
i. A group of 40 students who
 The nurses has a responsibility to report
need mechanical ventilators
 Prioritize those who have conducted research and
whatever happening in the unit that is not
contributed in the society contributing to the mood of your patient or
the general.


EXAMPLE FOR REMOVE EVIL or HARM - management : remove the fetus in the fallopian tube

 Guided by the Nursing Code of Ethics - effect: abortion

 If something is going on in your unit or you WHY REMOVE THE FETUS?

know that there is. REMEMBER:
 Removal of whatever is dangerous in your a) The 1st intention is to save the life of the mother.

PRINCIPLE OF NON - MALEFICENCE b) Pag remove ng fertilized ovum in the fallopian

tube the BAD EFFECT is the fetus will die. Pregnancy is
○ It requires to act in such a manner as to
cancelled. So sino ang nauna? Nauna ang pag save ng
avoid causing harm to the patient.
mother, to follow ang sequence ng abortion.
○ Included in the principle are deliberate
OR if hindi nauna ang pagsave ng mother, SABAY
harm, risk of harm, and harm that occurs
nung nangyari. Nung nakuha mo ang fertilized ovum
during the performance of beneficial acts
sa fallopian tube, the mother’s life is safe while the
○ It means avoiding harm as a consequence of baby is dead already.
doing good
c) There’s a abortion. Di natuloy ang pregnancy. But
○ Harm or pain should not be inflicted upon they achieved the 1st intention of good effect.
others regardless of their social and
ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Giving morphine to cancer
economic status or affiliation always avoid
harm to your client
 Cancer patient - a person who feels a great
○ Hippocratic Oath " I will never use treatment
amount of pain
to injure or wrong the sick"
 Morphine - a strong analgesic that will relieve the
○ Be resilient/responsible for the health of
cancer patient with the pain.
the patient be open to any possible
complications that you may think can harm  Side effect of morphine: supress the respiratory
the patient and act quickly to any function of a person
circumstances that may occur
 GOOD INTENTION: make the patient relieve the
remaining days of the life of the patient more
○ an act is foreseen to have both good and bad
meaningful because nabuhay sya na walang sakit
effects (to the patient)
by giving morphine.
○ Violation of beneficence
 BAD EFFECT: patient continually receive
○ This lesson Will help you make decision morphine injection may result to respiratory
(what if ang steps na gagawin or actions will depression (side effect of morphine)
yield both good and bad, what do you do?)

a) Good effect must be directly intended  Our action will be justified by the principle of
double effect.
b) Good effect or bad effect must occur
simultaneously or bad effect must follow the  Top priority : relieve the pain of the cancer
good effect patient to continually battle against the cancer.

c) Bad effect may be permitted to occur after the  Bad effect: respiratory depression.
intention of good effect
growing at the fallopian tube )
Ans. YES


10 L E C
Health Care Ethics (Bioethics) 15
Ms. Maria Teresa Farala, RN 21 O3

OUTLINE that they were going to take a vid and post it

I Principle of Legitimate Cooperation on the internet.
II Principle of Common Good & Subsidiary
III Principle of Stewardship and Role of o Walang mukha ng client pero he’s a
Nurses human being. The fact that he is being
operated, means wala siyang
IV Principle of Totality and its Integrity
magawa. So, the people around him
V Principle of Ordinary and Extraordinary can do what they want to do.
o And the doctor, can actually DO
something. BUT, he did not do
anything. He did not tell the one that
Principle of Legitimate Cooperation was taking the video to stop doing it
Principle of Legitimate Cooperation and such.

• Cooperation comes from the latin word cum o The person (gay man) submitted
which means "with", and operari which means “to himself to the healthcare personnel
work”. because that person trusts them.

• Cooperation is working with another in the o The patient believes “they (healthcare
performance of an action. personnel) are here for my own good”

 Group work, group crime, group actions o Even if you were just there in the
operating room and you weren’t the
Example: The formal agent identifies itself with one who took the video or took
purpose of evil act. pictures, you still violated it.
Immediate- directly does it Why?
Agree to the act; or condole "don't worry about it,
its nothing Advising or counselling.  Because of “cooperation”.
 You were there when that happened or you
Example: were present there.
 E.g. There’s this video that surfaced the
internet way back before pa, This happened in • Legitimate - refers to moral acceptability
Cebu. Inside the Operating room, there was a  Legal
group of healthcare personnel (nurses,
surgeons and etc) which made an operation • Moral object - refers to the objective goal of the
with a gay man. They removed a canister on action
that man’s anus. While they were performing
the surgery, a member of the healthcare team • Intention - reasons why you choose to act (ex.
took footage of what happened there. Some of Giving money to charity)
the people inside that room also made some  E.g. alam mo may nagnakaw tiningnan mo
“side comments”. Then it was uploaded on lang, wala kang may ginawa so natuloy yung
youtube. pagnakaw nung tao.

 This example is a violation of the principle of • Cooperation with evil does not mean working
legitimate cooperation. together despite disagreement about the ends or
means of the act. Thus, cooperation does not imply
Why? condoning evil
• Wrongdoer - the party who initiated the wrongdoing
 The autonomy of the person is being violated –
they did not ask permission to the gay man


• Formal cooperation - occurs when the evil end are  We are all stewards of our life. Ang owner ng
directly chosen by means of encouragement, praise. life natin is the divine God. Then binigay satin.
Advice or any other support. As a steward, may responsibility tayo to take
care of our lives.
 E.g. (yung sa example earlier) lahat ng  Steward - “taga bantay”
healthcare personnel kay nandun sa place and  We have the responsibility to nourish our lives.
walang may ginawa to stop the action (pag
Role of Nurses
• Material cooperation occurs when the evil end are
indirectly chosen by the person who has chosen good • Nurse leaders or stewards are finding themselves
end. collaborating with regulatory boards to improve on
 Mediate cooperation - when the involvement standards of practice, certification and accreditation
is only accidental.
 Immediate cooperation - the cooperators • nursing managers in all disciplines of nursing will be
involvement is necessary for the evil to the chief patient and safety officers and stewards for
continue. Same as formal cooperation their organizations and institutions.

• is responsible for the welfare and interests of the

Principle of Common Good and Subsidiary population, especially the trust and legitimacy with
which its activities are viewed by the general public
Principle of Common Good and Subsidiary
 E.g. If you are a parent, you are a steward of
• Common Good - the sum total of social conditions your children
which allows people, either as group or as individuals,  E.g. if you are a teacher, you are a steward of
to reach their fulfilment more fully or more easily. your students.
Primary goal of society is the good of the people and
of the whole person.  Yung mga heads, leaders, they are convening
for what’s the best. They are the ones thinking
 When you decide for your actions, the goal of how to better the nursing life in the Philippines.
the action should be for the good of many not  People are placing so much regard on nurses.
for the good of only 1 person. That nurses are made to “care”.

 E.g. If naga duty ka then hindi ka Stewardship of self

nagpavaccine, and then nag duty ka sa
 To meet the domains of stewardship in health
hospital, syempre madali mahawaan ang mga
care and the nursing profession, it is crucial
patient sa hospital. So, if sinabing compulsory
that nurse leaders engage with:
yung pagpavaccine, this is because it’s for the
common good. • the development of self

• Subsidiary - Every task of society should be  Before you aim to be a quality nurse, you
assigned to the smallest possible group that can should aim first to be a “good person” so that it
perform it. If the smaller group is unable to resolve the will be easier for you to become a quality
problem itself, a group at a higher level assume nurse.
responsibility  “we can better serve others if we serve
 If di magawa ang task nung nasa lower level,  If you don’t serve yourself first, you’ll end up
the people above them or those in higher level, burned out
can help if di kaya gawin basic needs of the
community. • nurse leaders or stewards will need to use of
mentors and personal coaches to assist them in
refining skills and improving competencies.
Principle of Stewardship and Role of Nurses
 E.g Sumama ka sa head nurse and then bago
ka lang. You told her na “may bago na kaming
intervention na nalearn.” You said, “Pag
• a steward is a selfless servant who manages walang brown bag we can make use of our
assets and possessions without owning them, hands.” And the head nurse responded to you
foresees future trends and creates plans and by saying na wag ka mag imbento kasi
interventions. matagal na siya as a nurse.
o It is a violation.
• when one is entrusted with something of value,
there is an obligation to improve on it.


o Kasi may responsibility ka to update  It does not violates the principle of totality.
yourself sa mga bago na interventions Why?
or things in regard sa profession mo.  Because it’s for the person’s own good man
 You have the responsibility as a nurse to rin.
update yourself so that your patients will
always receive an “excellent care” Applications

• Surgeries that needlessly remove body parts or

• Healthy nurse leader stewards will thus become organs are immoral
visible and sound role models within their
institutions to maintain the balance between self • Tattoos and piercings are not inherently immoral
and professional fulfilment but they may be immoral if they deface the body
by quantity or content.
 As a nurse, you should rest too for your own
good. • Torture is a moral evil because it seeks to dis-
integrate the body and the spirit
Principle of Totality and its Integrity
• Self-mutilation is self-hatred expressed through
Definition spite of the body.

• The human body is an integral part of the human • That chemical contraception effectively shuts
person and is therefore worthy of human dignity. It down a healthy bodily system is part of what
must be kept whole. No body part should be makes it immoral.
removed, mangled or debilitated unless doing so is • Even if the pro-choice argument that an embryo
necessary for the health of a more essential body is part of the woman's body rather than an
part or the body of a whole. An unessential or independent human person is true. it should not be
redundant body part may be removed for the good removed except when its presence endangers the
of another person. woman's life.
 It’s about respecting our body as a whole.
 Each part forms part of our body and so, Principle of Ordinary and Extraordinary Means
removing any part is unethical or unacceptable
because each part of the body is part of the
human being. • It is generally held that one can forgo extraordinary
means of continuing life but is obliged to continue
 E.g. Pinabenta ng boy yung kidney for her sick ordinary means of care.
mother. Para may pera siya na magamit.
• "Life, health and earthly actions are allocated, and
o Regardless for para sa mother yung
thus subordinate, to spiritual purposes. Death is
pag sell niya ng kidney, violation siya
because it violates the principle of
seen as an integral element of life, since according
totality. to Christian beliefs death is not the end but
transition of new life.” -- Pope Pius XII
Principle of Totality Ordinary vs. Extraordinary
 by Philosopher Thomas Aquinas • Ordinary means are all medicines, treatments and
• All of the organs and other parts of the body exist operations that offer a reasonable hope of benefit and
for the sake of the whole person. Because the that can be obtained without excessive expense, pain
purpose of the part is to serve the whole, any or other inconvenience.
action that damages a part of the body or prevents
• Extraordinary means are all medicines, treatments
it from fulfilling its purpose violates the natural
and operations that cannot be obtained or used
order and is morally wrong.
without excessive expense, pain or other
• However, a single part may be sacrificed if the inconvenience or that, if used, would not offer a
loss is necessary for the good of the whole person. reasonable hope of benefit.

Ex: the principle of totality would justify the  It depends on the situation if the means is
amputation of a gangrenous limb, because the ordinary or extraordinary.
person could die if the gangrene spread.
 E.g. a person undergo bks (below knee
1. An infant with Down's syndrome, who needs low-risk
amputation) because he has diabetes mellitus.
surgery to correct intestinal defect, the parents refuse
surgery stating that mental retardation will mean less
Does that violates the principle of totality?
meaningful life of the baby


2. A 7 year old who meet an accident with severe
internal bleeding Her parents refuse consent of blood
transfusion because its forbidden in their religion

3. An 87 year old incompetent woman with congestive

heart and kidney failure, has primary cancer of the
intestine. Surgery is the usual management, but the
family refused and the doctor decided against it.

28 LEC
Health Care Ethics (Bioethics)
Maria Theresa Farala


OUTLINE  With legality, now, wives can sue their
I Principle of Personal Sexuality husbands of rape
A Principle of Personal Sexuaty as follows:  The goals of human life is the picking part
II 2 Norms of Moral Sexuality on the procreation. With the personalized
*NOTES sexuality, the aim is to take part in the
procreation. The goal of it is fruition, or in
other words is to have a child. This backs
 Is based on the understanding of sexuality as up the practice or the mandate of the
one of the basic traits of the human person catholic practice which is against
and must be developed in ways consistent contraception.
with enhancing human dignity  The contraception like pills, intrauterine
 The principle of personalized sexuality device (IUD), and the stand of the church
speaks about the idea that sexuality can is that this is more of abortificient than
be used, yet it will enhance human stopping or preventing pregnancy.
dignity.  Abortificient = there can be union of the
 This element of human character often leads sperm and the egg and then later, this is
to a loss of human dignity and an inability to stopped and the pregnancy is
pursue the truly fulfilling goals of human life. discontinued
 Loss of human dignity if sexuality is not  Takes note of a humanized sexuality, one that
done with respect to human person. represents the fulfilment of the physical and
 Different perspectives on common sensual need but also evidenced with love and
sexuality practices, a classic example is sacramental mystery.
shades of grey, the keys of mister grey, for  Physical and sensual satisfaction gained in
some mental health inclined person, there sexuality but there should be love and not
is a disorder. Mrs. Grey’s experienced just lust.
often times erodes human dignity,  Lowered down sexuality as a main
because it is a given that we are human commodity
person, we have to be respected and we  Influence of culture in Filipinos, marriage
have complete set of rights and that should be done before engaging in
should not exclude sexuality. sexuality.
 And it goes without saying, if you are
married and if the person does not agree
to have sexual intercourse that has to be


The Principle of Human Sexuality may be
stated as follows:
 The gift of human sexuality must be used in
marriage in keeping with its intrinsic, indivisible,
specifically human teleology.
 The consequence should be good
 It should be a loving, bodily, pleasurable,
expression of the complementary, permanent
self-giving of a man and a woman to each other,
which is open to fruition in the perpetuation and
expansion of this personal communion through
the family they beget and educate.


1. Laws or social attitude that hinder human
freedom to achieve these values in ways the
individual desires are unjust and oppressive.
 Not acceptable because it is unjust and
1. Sexual Behavior, at least among consenting
adults is entirely a private matter to be
determined by personal choice, free from any
moral guilt.
 With personalized sexuality, it is
acceptable as long as they are conseNting
adults and they agreed and “walang
naapakan na tao”, likely even outside the
context of marriage, that sexuality or the
practice of sexuality can be acceptable.




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