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Employees/Workers Participation in Management"

This Project Report is on Workers Participation in Management {WPM}, Economic Decisions, Social Decisions of Employees. It is the process, by which authority and responsibility of managing industry are shared with workers. Economic Decisions Economic Decisions like methods of manufacturing, automation, shutdown, lay-offs, mergers. Personnel Decisions Personnel Decisions like recruitment and selection, promotions, demotions, transfers, grievance settlement, work distribution. Social Decisions Social Decisions like hours of work, welfare measures, questions affecting work rules and conduct of individual workers safety, health, sanitation and noise control. In practice, the participation of employees/workers can take place by one or all the methods listed below:

Board level participation Ownership participation Complete control Staff or work councils Joint councils and committees Collective Bargaining Job enlargement and enrichment Suggestion schemes Quality circles Empowered teams Total Quality Management [TQM] Financial participation

The concept of WPM is a broad and complex one. Depending on the socio-political environment and cultural

conditions, the scope and contents of participation change. International Institute of Labour Studies: WPM is the participation resulting from the practices which increase the scope for employees share of influence in decision-making at different tiers of organizational hierarch with concomitant assumption of responsibility. ILO: Workers participation, may broadly be taken to cover all terms of association of workers and their representatives with the decision-making process, ranging from exchange of information, consultations, decisions and negotiations, to more institutionalized forms such as the presence of workers member on management or supervisory boards or even management by workers themselves as practiced in Yugoslavia.

Significance of Employees/Workers Participation in Management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To improve the efficiency of enterprise. To establish harmonious industrial relation To attain industrial peace and harmony To give the workers and acceptable status. To develop self management in the industry. To increase the productivity level with mutual understanding Easy to implement the change may by possible by WPM Information sharing and decision making Improving the self control degree.

Factor considering in Employees/Workers Participation in Management [WPM] :

The type of decision Subject matter of participation Level of participation Subsidiary level Time factor Extend of participation Significance of decision Industrial practices Past experience data Degree of possibility No. of workers Methods of participation Managerial views regarding workers

Objectives of Project Report Objectives of Project Report shoes the ultimate aim for doing the work on project these are as follows1. To analyze about the various methods of workers participation in management [WPM] 2. To determine the criteria for workers participation in management 3. To analyze about the various results and effectiveness in regarding of workers participation in management [WPM] 4. To determine the factors for workers participation in management [WPM] 5. To analysis about the challenges faced by workers participation in management [WPM] 6. To analyze about the full concept of workers participation in management.

Scope of Workers Participation in Management :

Information Sharing : Share the information! That says it all. According to this view, participation takes place when the management solicits the opinion of workers before taking a decision. The management ultimately takes the decision. Workers are given a say or an opportunity to influence decisions, they play a passive role in the process of decision-making, but have no final say in the matter. Sharing Decision-Making : This school holds that participation of an individual in something occurs when he actively takes part. The focus here is that there must exist taking part actively. Workers sit with the representatives of management to take important decisions particularly on matters affecting the workers. Workers may be members of Works Committees, Joint Management Council, etc. along with the representatives of management. The decisions are taken through mutual discussions between the representatives of the workers and those of the management. Self-control : The essential feature of self-control (or management) is that management and workers are not visualised as two distinct groups but as active members with equal voting rights. Participation in Yugoslavia is an example of self-control.

Participation at the Board level: He or she can prevail upon top management not to take measures that would be unpopular with the employees. He or she can guide the Board members on matters of investment in employee benefit

schemes like housing, and so forth.The Government of India took the initiative and appointed workers representatives on the Board of Hindustan Antibiotics (Pune), HMT (Bangalore), and even nationalized banks. The Tatas, DCM, and a few others have adopted this practice. This would be the highest form of industrial democracy.The workers representative on the Board can play a useful role in safeguarding the interests of workers.He or she can serve as a guide and a control element.

Research Methodology Research Methodology (also called manner) is defined as "the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a discipline". Research Methods The goal of the research process is to produce new knowledge. Some of research methods are: Exploratory Research : Exploratory research, which structures and identifies new problems Constructive Research : Constructive research, which develops solutions to a problem Empirical Research : Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence As discussed previous the main approaches of research,

Here I used in this project report on Workers Participation in Management [WPM], an exploratory research approach. Analysis and interpretation focus three main principle for WPM a. Experience b. Possibilities c. People building and mutual development.


We also focus on saving plans through WPM There are various constraints and challenges of WPM such as secrecy level managerial attitude industrial practices degree participation and nature of decision We mainly focus on QCC and TQM for WPM and other methods are simultaneously adopt. Possibility and experience are two main principle for WPM

Conclusions we can conclude that WPM is very important tool for productivity increased harmonious relationship and industrial growth. There are various methods of WPM.
Sample Employee Engagement Questionnaire
Choose the answer that best describes how you agree with the following statements using the following key: * Strongly disagree * Disagree * Agree

* Strongly agree My work responsibilities are reasonable ___________ My participation and views in this organization are valued __________ The leaders in this organization are role models _________________ I can communicate directly with my bosses ________________ My bosses motivate me _________________ The people I work with are professional ___________ My contributions are received positively ________________ All employees in this organization are treated equally _____________ I am proud and happy to work for this organization ____________ I am confident that I can get ahead in this organization because of my merits ___________________ I am involved in the performance of the organization ________________ I can easily communicate with my bosses and co-workers ______________ I trust my colleagues and senior management _________________________ I have enough resources to get my job done best __________________ Are there enough opportunities in the organization for you to be able to learn and grow? __________________________________________________________________ Does your job make you feel important? ____________________ Do you agree with the mission and the vision of the organization? _________________________________________________________________ Are you happy with the stress release programs offered by the organization? _____________________________________________________________

How would you suggest that management rewards staff who have performed well?

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