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English Adjectives

  Opinion Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material Purpose  

a silly   young     English     man

a   huge   round     metal   bowl

a   small     red     sleeping bag

1. Which is the correct order?

a small Canadian thin lady 8. Which is the correct order?
a Canadian small thin lady a cotton dirty old tie
a small thin Canadian lady a dirty cotton old tie
a thin small Canadian lady an old cotton dirty tie
a dirty old cotton tie
2. Which is the correct order?
a carving steel new knife
a new steel carving knife
a steel new carving knife
a new carving steel knife round small reading lamp

3. Which is the correct order? ………………………………………....

a beautiful blue sailing boat
a blue beautiful sailing boat German old yellow car
a sailing beautiful blue boat
a blue sailing beautiful boat …………………………………………

4. Which is the correct order? wooden huge sailing ship

an old wooden square table
a square wooden old table …………………………………………
an old square wooden table
a wooden old square table physics boring old teacher

5. Which is the correct order? …………………………………………

an new French exciting band
a French new exciting band slim Canadian handsome
an exciting French new band snowboarder
an exciting new French band
6. Which is the correct order?
a red big plastic hat sugar blue round bowl
a big red plastic hat
a plastic big red hat …………………………………………
a bit plastic red hat

7. Which is the correct order?

a small Japanese serving bowl
a Japanese small serving bowl
a small serving Japanese bowl
a serving small Japanese bowl

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