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Let’s Check

Activity 1. Clearly, the development of intellectual revolutions showed how society

transformed by science and technology with their perspectives and beliefs. At this
point, let us determine how it influenced and affected society's life and outlook.
Discuss and write your answers thoroughly to the questions below:

1. The Id, Ego and Super Ego of Freud

The benefit of this is to analyse and determine on what is the psychological conditions of
the person and to enumerate the mental disorder.

College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2 Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

2. Natural Selection and Survival of the fittest.

An evolution in which Charles Darwin stated that an organism that have
the ability to adapt to the exact environment and gradually transform or
change their body to the fittest compatible to survive

3. Explain the concept of Geocentrism and Heliocentrism.

Geometric-An earth centered theory of ptomely, Ptomely’s model stated
that the earth was the center of the universe and all other planets
including Sun, Moon, Stars are orbiting the earth, Ptomely also pointed
that all planets that orbiting earth and earth doesn’t move at all.

Heliocentric-Sun centered theory of Copernicus, It is an opposite theory

of ptomely in which Copernicus stated that sun was the center of the
universe and the sun doesn’t move nor did the star.

4. Name other scientific revolutions that happened in the following places:

a. Meso-America
In Meso-America the Maya civilization made the most noteworthy advance
in science and innovation. Among its developments were the position-value
number framework with zero, the advancement of the foremost exact
known calendar,the development of elastic and the corbelled curve.

b. Asia

China's Innovative Contributions Not as it were that, but the Chinese are
too credited with concocting printing. The two kind of go hand in hand, do not
they? China is additionally credited by numerous for concocting the compass,
which makes a difference us explore around the world. Around 1000
Advertisement, the Chinese concocted explosive.

c. Middle East

Truly, a few of the foremost important innovative accomplishments within the

Center East were related to the utilize of water, from the old Iranian qanats
(underground canals that brought water from the mountains to the bone-dry
plain) to the present day dam frameworks on the Nile and Euphrates Streams.

College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2 Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

d. Africa
Numerous propels in metallurgy and apparatus making were made over the
aggregate of antiquated Africa. These incorporate steam motors, metal chisels
and saws, copper and press devices and weapons, nails, stick, carbon steel and
bronze weapons and craftsmanship

Let’s Analyze

Activity 2. The transformation to the perspective and beliefs of the society brought
pieces of evidence of sciences and technology's link to humanity. These lead to
more scientific research and experiments to deepen the understanding of what
surrounds us in different aspects.

At this juncture, you will be required to EXPLAIN your answers about the following

1. Why do you think were most intellectual ideas controversial?

In my own perspective intellectual ideas does have an impact to our society that
people will study and have a deeply understanding first before believing it.
2. Why did people accept these discoveries despite being contradictory to what
was widely accepted at that time?
In the past there only small discoveries and people does not have enough
knowledge to judge or have a feedback about ongoing discoveries.

3. How do intellectual revolutions transform societies?

Society gains a lot of knowledge about intellectual revolution and give us a better
and specific understanding.

4. What do you think are the positive and negative results brought about
innovations and technological advances in the information age? Reflect
on your answers and come up which do you think the possible rules and
guidelines in using the different media information.

It gives people gain more progress or efficient process by the newly discovered
technology, On the other hand by gaining some new idea people kept arguing
on the exact innovation

College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2 Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

In a Nutshell

Activity 2. The relevance of science and technology to the life of society is

incontestable. In this portion of the unit, the module will be requiring you to state your
arguments or synthesis relevant to the topics presented. I will supply the first two items,
and you will continue the rest.

1. Through the intellectual revolutions, it opens the mind of society, letting us

deepen our scientific and technological understanding of the world. Through
widening research and experiments don, it provides a more comfortable and
accessible life of humanity.
2. Intellectual revolutions are continuous as long as humanity will always struggle
and never stop in finding the right information that will benefit society, mainly
when there are ongoing discoveries.

Your turn

3. People will keep learning anddiscovering new and more advance technology and have
a controversial on what will the benefit or the positive or negative outcome of the ongoing
4. By the time, Technology will keep advancing influenced by the intellectual revolution
and giving a prosperity life for the people living in the present

B.S.I.T 1 yr

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