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O que é método científico? A mesma coisa que o método
experimental? Esta questão está mal colocada. Deveria haver o
método científico? Não existe uma forma única de se construir uma
casa, ou de se cultivarem tomates. Dificilmente poderíamos esperar
que algo tão heterogêneo quanto o crescimento do conhecimento
pudesse estar atrelado a uma metodologia única.

Ian Hacking

> Art & literature = cyborgs & thinking-tools

> Transmediation as a thinking-tool: theory and practice
> Augmented tattoo: implications to embodied communication
> Graph network analysis of literature
> Mining verse into the prose
> Photobooks
> Empirical Aesthetics
> Dance and locative media

> Art & literature = cyborgs & thinking-tools

> Transmediation as a thinking-tool: theory and practice
> Augmented tattoo: implications to embodied communication
> Graph network analysis of literature
> Mining verse into the prose
> Photobooks
> Empirical Aesthetics
> Dance and locative media
> Literature
> Dance
> Music
> Theory
) [=|
Mind is just less
and less in the
Andy Clark
classical dance
cascade of complex events

> new artifacts: point-shoes

> new set of problems
> equilibrium
> verticality
> etherial
verse as a thinking-tool

> verse
> verbal time perception
> recurrence
Roman Jakobson

> I am convinced that verse

is maximally effective at making
us experience verbal time, and this holds just as true for oral, folkloric
verse as it does for written, literary verse. Verse, whether rigorously metrical or free
simultaneously carries within it both linguistic varieties of time: the time of the
announcement and the announced time. Verse pertains to our immediate experience of
speech activity, both motor and auditory. At the same time, we experience the structure of
the verse in close connection with the semantics of the poetic text – regardless of
whether there is harmony or conflict between the structure of the verse and the semantic
of the text – and in this way the verse becomes an integral part of the developing plot. It
is difficult even to imagine a sensation of the flow of time that would be more simple and
at the same time more complex, more concrete and yet more abstract.” (Jakobson 1983:

> Queiroz, J. & Stjernfelt, F. (guest eds.) 2011. Diagrammatical Reasoning and Peircean Logic
Representation. vol.186 (1/4).
> Queiroz, J. & Moraes, L. (orgs.) (2013) A Lógica de Diagramas de C.S.Peirce: Implicações em Ciência
Cognitiva, Lógica e Semiótica. Editora UFJF.
> Aguiar, D. ; Queiroz, J . Artefatos Cognitivos e Técnica de Dança. Revista Digital de Tecnologias
Cognitivas, v. 4, p. 49-59, 2010.
> Atã, P.; Queiroz, J. (in press) Semiotic niche construction in musical meaning. RSSI. Recherches
sémiotiques. Semiotic inquiry.
> Castello Branco, M.; Queiroz, J. (submetido) Técnica estendida para flauta transversal, artefato
cognitivo e criatividade transformacional. El Oído Pensante.
> Estefani, T.; Ata, P.; Queiroz, J. 2015. How Cognitive Niche Construction Shapes Storytelling? An
Investigation of e-picturebooks as Cognitive Artifacts. In: H. Schoenau-Fog, L.E. Bruni, S. Louchart, S.
Baceviciute (eds.). Interactive Storytelling LNCS-Springer. pp 345-348.

> Art = cyborgs, thinking-tools & artifacts

> Transmediation as a thinking-tool
> Augmented tattoo: implications to embodied communication
> Graph network analysis of literature
> Mining verse into the prose
> Humanomics: mapping humanities in MG and RJ
> Photobooks
> Empirical Aesthetics
composition from Cezanne

chance operation from Cage

surface-problem from Rhotko

Ela é uma trabalhando. Ela é uma não precisando estar mudando. Ela é uma
trabalhando. Ela é uma ganhando esta coisa ganhando não precisando estar
mudando. Ela é uma não precisando ficar mudando. Ela é uma sendo a uma
que ela está sendo. Ela é uma não precisando estar mudando.
Ela está ganhando sendo uma trabalhando. Ela está indo ganhando sendo
uma trabalhando. Ela está trabalhando. Ela não está precisando sendo
Ela está completamente ganhando sendo uma trabalhando. Ela está
ajudando nesta coisa, ajudando completando ganhando sendo uma
trabalhando. Ela não está precisando estar mudando.
“Four Dishonest Ones” (1911)
(Tradução Daniella Aguiar)
composition from cinema

poetamenos from Klangfarben-melodie


> external methodology for

choreographic composition

> proto-computing binary

artifact to create and
explore new syntactical
problems in dance
> sequence of choreography parts
> sequence of movements
> chance operation
> movements duration
> rolling dice > movements direction
> picking cards
> tossing coins
> dancers location
> consulting the I-Ching > speed of choreograpghy sequences
> number of dancers in each
by externalizing chance
I have distributed the
of the processes!
If transmediation is a thinking tool … How does it work?
If transmediation is a thinking tool … How does it work?

● projective augmented intelligence technique

○ anticipation
○ prediction
● antecipating new unexpected events and patterns of
semiotic behavior
● keeping under control the emergence of new patterns
If transmediation is a thinking tool … How does it work?

● generative model
○ providing new unexpected surprising data
○ generation of competing ideas
● allow the system to generate candidate instances
If transposition is a thinking tool … How does it work?

● problem-solving strategy
○ framing new set of problems
antecipation of effects based on
Cage’s systematic exploration of
chance protocols in music

production of competing ideas and

candidate instances in several
descriptive levels
a new set of problems
a new set of problems dance-music

syntax performance space

motor skills
observer position

> Queiroz, J.; Ata, P. (in press) Intersemiotic translation as a thinking-tool - scaffolding creativity in
dance. In: Niklas Salmose & Lars Elleström (Eds). Transmediations! Communication Across Media
Borders. Routledge 2018.
> Queiroz, J.; Ata, P. (in press) Intersemiotic translation as an abductive cognitive tool. In: Kobus
Routledge 2018.
> Queiroz, J.; Ata, P. (prelo) Tradutores intersemióticos são ciborgues mas não são criaturas
pós-humanas. In: Karl Erik Schollhammer (Ed). Estudos Visuais e a Literatura. Ed. PUC-RJ.
> Aguiar, D.; Queiroz, J. (in press) DANZA, CREATIVIDAD Y ARTEFACTOS COGNITIVOS. Interpretatio.
Revista de hermenéutica.
> Aguiar, D.; Ata, P.; Queiroz, J. 2015. Intersemiotic translation and transformational creativity.
Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics, 1 (2): 11-21.
● Repetition of sentences
(and words) with slight
● Use of small words
● Rhythm produced by the
use of small words
● Use of gerundial verbs
● Use of grammatically
unimportant words
● Endless and regular
● Repetition of sentences ● Repetition of movements and
(and words) with slight sequences of movements with slight
differences differences
● Use of small words ● Use of small movements
● Rhythm produced by the ● Repetition and rhythm pattern used
use of small words in the design of scenography
● Use of gerundial verbs ● Repetition in music composition
● Use of grammatically ● Repetition intensification by dance
unimportant words duet
● Endless and regular ● Everyday movements
platitude ● Endless and regular platitude
This one is one having been doing dancing. This one is one doing
dancing. This one is one. This one is one doing that thing. This one
is one doing dancing. This one is one having been meaning to be
doing dancing. This one is one meaning to be doing dancing. (...)
Even if she was one and she was one, even if she was one she was
changing. She was one and was then like some one. She was one
and she had then come to be like some other one. She was then
one and she had come then to be like some other one. She was
then one and she had come then to be like some other one.
● Repetition
● Minor grammatical
● Words with immediate
meaning (simple situations
of life)
● Continuous and changing
● Composition that doesn’t
center in one point (no
● Rhythm
● Repetition ● Frames with same size
● Minor grammatical ● Repeated frames
changes ● Small changes
● Words with immediate ● Colors: grey variations
meaning (simple situations ● Simple dash, objects in the
of life) frames
● Continuous and changing ● Composition doesn’t focus in the
thought center
● Composition that doesn’t ● Rhythm recreated by the
center in one point (no variations among lighter greys
climax) and darker greys
● Rhythm

> Aguiar, D.; Queiroz, J. (orgs.) Tradução, Transposição e Adaptação Intersemióticas. Pedro & João
> Vitral, L.; Aguiar, D.; Queiroz, J. 2016. An Intersemiotic Translation of a Mobile Art Project to a
Photographic Essay. Photographies v. 9, p. 91-107.
> Salimena, M; Queiroz, J. 2015. Intersemiotic Bestiary -- Intersemiotic Translation of El libro de los
Seres Imaginarios. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 11 (4): 419–431.
> Queiroz, J. & Aguiar, D. 2015. C. S. Peirce and Intersemiotic Translation. In: Trifonas, P. (Ed.).
International Handbook of Semiotics, Springer. pp 201-215.
> Aguiar, D. & Queiroz, J. 2015. From Gertrude Stein to Dance: Repetition and Time in Intersemiotic
Translation. Dance Chronicle, 38, 204-232.
> Queiroz, Joao; Lu, Chia, Silva, Guilherme de Oliveira; Salimena, Mariana. 2014. Tradução
Intersemiótica do 'Poeta Comedor de Leões no Covil de Pedra'. Scientia Traductionis, v.15, p.

> Aguiar, D.; Mattos, A.; Zampronha, E.,Queiroz, J. (2014). [5], Sobre a tradução
intersemiótica de Gertrude Stein. Cena UFRGS, 15, 1-15.
> Aguiar, D.; Queiroz, J. 2013. Semiosis and intersemiotic translation. Semiotica 196:
> Aguiar, D. & Queiroz, J. 2013. Iconicity and intersemiotic translation. In: Writing, Voice,
Undertaking. Susan Petrilli (ed.). NY: Legas. 29-32.
> Aguiar, D. & Queiroz, J. 2010. Modeling Intersemiotic Translation: Notes Toward a
Peircean Approach. Applied Semiotics, v. 24, p. 68-81.
> Aguiar, D.; Collin, L. & Queiroz, J. (eds.) (prelo) Ao Vires Isto: Gertrude Stein em Tradução.
Ateliê Editorial.

> Art = cyborgs, thinking-tools & artifacts

> Transmediation as a thinking-tool
> Augmented tattoo: implications to embodied communication
> Graph network analysis of literature
> Mining verse into the prose
> Humanomics: mapping humanities in MG and RJ
> Photobooks
> Empirical Aesthetics
> Dance and locative media

> Calmon, J. H.; Queiroz, Joao ; Goes, C.; Loula, Â. 2014. Augmented Tattoo: a proposal of
tattoo visualization in augmented reality. In: Proceedings WVC 2014. Uberlândia: Editora da
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, 2014. v. 1. p. 97-102.
> Bitarello, B.; Queiroz, J. 2014. Embodied Semiotic Artifacts: on the role of the skin as a
semiotic niche. Technoetic Arts: a Journal of Speculative Research, 12:1, 75-90.
> BITARELLO, B. ; FUKS, H. ; QUEIROZ, J . New technologies for dynamic tattoo art. In: Fifth
International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2011, Funchal.
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied
interaction. New York : ACM - The Association for Computing Machinery, 2011.

> Art = cyborgs, thinking-tools & artifacts

> Transmediation as a thinking-tool
> Augmented tattoo: implications to embodied communication
> Graph network analysis of literature
> Mining verse into the prose
> Photobooks
> Empirical Aesthetics
> Dance and locative media
How can network analysis provide a metric for
“equivalence” (or correspondence) relation between
semiotic source and target in translation?
source target
system system
source target
system ? system
source model target
system ? system
target 1
target 2
target 3
target ...
target 1
target 2
target 3
target ...
target 1
target 2
system target 3
target ...
SpeechGraphs: words, syllables, graphemes
Network analysis:
Graph attributes
Jabberwocky, Lewis Carroll

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

> Queiroz, J.; Moreira, L. (in prep.) Multilevel network analysis of literature
and translation studies.
> Queiroz, J.; Moreira, L. (in prep.) State of the Art - Graph Network Analysis
of Literature.

> Art = cyborgs, thinking-tools & artifacts

> Transmediation as a thinking-tool
> Augmented tattoo: implications to embodied communication
> Graph network analysis of literature
> Mining verse into the prose
> Humanomics: mapping humanities in MG and RJ
> Photobooks
> Empirical Aesthetics
> Dance and locative media

> Art = cyborgs, thinking-tools & artifacts

> Transmediation as a thinking-tool
> Augmented tattoo: implications to embodied communication
> Graph network analysis of literature
> Mining verse into the prose
> Humanomics: mapping humanities in MG and RJ
> Photobooks
> Empirical Aesthetics

> Art = cyborgs, thinking-tools & artifacts

> Transmediation as a thinking-tool
> Augmented tattoo: implications to embodied communication
> Graph network analysis of literature
> Mining verse into the prose
> Photobooks
> Empirical Aesthetics
competing models

> Vitral, L.; Queiroz, J. (in press) The epistemic role of intermedial visual artworks:
An analysis of the photobooks Palast der Republik and Domesticidades. Sign
System Studies.
> Fernandes, A.; Queiroz, J. 2017. Quarenta anos do fotolivro Quarenta Clics em
Curitiba de Leminski e Pires, Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea. n.51,
> Vitral, L.; Aguiar, D.; Queiroz, J. 2016. An Intersemiotic Translation of a Mobile Art
Project to a Photographic Essay. Photographies v. 9, p. 91-107.
> Vitorio, A.P.; Queiroz, J. 2016. Semiose e intermidialidade nos fotolivros Silent
Book e Si por Cuba. Discurso Fotográfico 12, 21: 198-219.

> Art = cyborgs, thinking-tools & artifacts

> Transmediation as a thinking-tool
> Augmented tattoo: implications to embodied communication
> Graph network analysis of literature
> Mining verse into the prose
> Photobooks
> Empirical Aesthetics
dance and locative art
final comments ...

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