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Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and
perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews

  Ota E, da Silva Lopes K, Middleton P, Flenady V, Wariki WMV, Rahman MO, Tobe-Gai R, Mori R  

  Ota E, da Silva Lopes K, Middleton P, Flenady V, Wariki WMV, Rahman MO, Tobe-Gai R, Mori R.  

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD009599.
DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009599.pub2.


Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane
systematic reviews (Review)
Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cochrane Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

HEADER......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
METHODS..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 1.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
RESULTS........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 4.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 5.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 6.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................................................................... 31
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
ADDITIONAL TABLES.................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
APPENDICES................................................................................................................................................................................................. 90
WHAT'S NEW................................................................................................................................................................................................. 91
HISTORY........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 91
CONTRIBUTIONS OF AUTHORS................................................................................................................................................................... 91
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST..................................................................................................................................................................... 91
SOURCES OF SUPPORT............................................................................................................................................................................... 91
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PROTOCOL AND REVIEW.................................................................................................................................... 91

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) i
Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cochrane Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

[Overview of Reviews]

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal

death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews

Erika Ota1, Katharina da Silva Lopes2, Philippa Middleton3, Vicki Flenady4, Windy MV Wariki5, Md. Obaidur Rahman6, Ruoyan Tobe-Gai7,
Rintaro Mori8

1Global Health Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing Science, St. Luke's International University , Tokyo, Japan. 2Graduate School of
Public Health, St. Luke's International University, Tokyo, Japan. 3Healthy Mothers, Babies and Children, South Australian Health and
Medical Research Institute, Adelaide, Australia. 4NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Stillbirth, Mater Research Institute - The
University of Queensland (MRI-UQ), Brisbane, Australia. 5Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia. 6Global
Health Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing Science, St. Luke's International University, Tokyo, Japan. 7School of Public Health,
Shandong University, Jinan, China. 8Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Contact address: Erika Ota, ota@slcn.ac.jp.

Editorial group: Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group.

Publication status and date: Edited (no change to conclusions), published in Issue 12, 2020.

Citation: Ota E, da Silva Lopes K, Middleton P, Flenady V, Wariki WMV, Rahman MO, Tobe-Gai R, Mori R. Antenatal interventions for
preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews 2020, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD009599. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009599.pub2.

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Stillbirth is generally defined as a death prior to birth at or after 22 weeks' gestation. It remains a major public health concern globally.
Antenatal interventions may reduce stillbirths and improve maternal and neonatal outcomes in settings with high rates of stillbirth. There
are several key antenatal strategies that aim to prevent stillbirth including nutrition, and prevention and management of infections.

To summarise the evidence from Cochrane systematic reviews on the effects of antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth for low risk
or unselected populations of women.

We collaborated with Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth's Information Specialist to identify all their published reviews that specified
or reported stillbirth; and we searched the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (search date: 29 Feburary 2020) to identify reviews
published within other Cochrane groups. The primary outcome measure was stillbirth but in the absence of stillbirth data, we used
perinatal mortality (both stillbirth and death in the first week of life), fetal loss or fetal death as outcomes. Two review authors
independently evaluated reviews for inclusion, extracted data and assessed quality of evidence using AMSTAR (A Measurement Tool to
Assess Reviews) and GRADE tools. We assigned interventions to categories with graphic icons to classify the effectiveness of interventions
as: clear evidence of benefit or harm; clear evidence of no effect or equivalence; possible benefit or harm; or unknown benefit or harm
or no effect or equivalence.

Main results
We identified 43 Cochrane Reviews that included interventions in pregnant women with the potential for preventing stillbirth; all of the
included reviews reported our primary outcome 'stillbirth' or in the absence of stillbirth, 'perinatal death' or 'fetal loss/fetal death'. AMSTAR
quality was high in 40 reviews with scores ranging from 8 to 11 and moderate in three reviews with a score of 7.

Nutrition interventions

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 1
Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Clear evidence of benefit: balanced energy/protein supplementation versus no supplementation suggests a probable reduction in stillbirth
(risk ratio (RR) 0.60, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.39 to 0.94, 5 randomised controlled trials (RCTs), 3408 women; moderate-certainty

Clear evidence of no effect or equivalence for stillbirth or perinatal death: vitamin A alone versus placebo or no treatment; and multiple
micronutrients with iron and folic acid versus iron with or without folic acid.

Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence: for all other nutrition interventions examined the effects were uncertain.

Prevention and management of infections

Possible benefit for fetal loss or death: insecticide-treated anti-malarial nets versus no nets (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.47 to 0.97, 4 RCTs; low-

Unknown evidence of no effect or equivalence: drugs for preventing malaria (stillbirth RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.36, 5 RCTs, 7130 women,
moderate certainty in women of all parity; perinatal death RR 1.24, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.63, 4 RCTs, 5216 women, moderate-certainty in women
of all parity).

Prevention, detection and management of other morbidities

Clear evidence of benefit: the following interventions suggest a reduction: midwife-led models of care in settings where the midwife is the
primary healthcare provider particularly for low-risk pregnant women (overall fetal loss/neonatal death reduction RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.71
to 0.99, 13 RCTs, 17,561 women; high-certainty), training versus not training traditional birth attendants in rural populations of low- and
middle-income countries (stillbirth reduction odds ratio (OR) 0.69, 95% CI 0.57 to 0.83, 1 RCT, 18,699 women, moderate-certainty; perinatal
death reduction OR 0.70, 95% CI 0.59 to 0.83, 1 RCT, 18,699 women, moderate-certainty).

Clear evidence of harm: a reduced number of antenatal care visits probably results in an increase in perinatal death (RR 1.14 95% CI 1.00
to 1.31, 5 RCTs, 56,431 women; moderate-certainty evidence).

Clear evidence of no effect or equivalence: there was evidence of no effect in the risk of stillbirth/fetal loss or perinatal death for the following
interventions and comparisons: psychosocial interventions; and providing case notes to women.

Possible benefit: community-based intervention packages (including community support groups/women's groups, community
mobilisation and home visitation, or training traditional birth attendants who made home visits) may result in a reduction of stillbirth
(RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.73 to 0.91, 15 RCTs, 201,181 women; low-certainty) and perinatal death (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.70 to 0.86, 17 RCTs, 282,327
women; low-certainty).

Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence: the effects were uncertain for other interventions examined.

Screening and management of fetal growth and well-being

Clear evidence of benefit: computerised antenatal cardiotocography for assessing infant's well-being in utero compared with traditional
antenatal cardiotocography (perinatal mortality reduction RR 0.20, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.88, 2 RCTs, 469 women; moderate-certainty).

Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence: the effects were uncertain for other interventions examined.

Authors' conclusions
While most interventions were unable to demonstrate a clear effect in reducing stillbirth or perinatal death, several interventions suggested
a clear benefit, such as balanced energy/protein supplements, midwife-led models of care, training versus not training traditional
birth attendants, and antenatal cardiotocography. Possible benefits were also observed for insecticide-treated anti-malarial nets and
community-based intervention packages, whereas a reduced number of antenatal care visits were shown to be harmful. However, there
was variation in the effectiveness of interventions across different settings, indicating the need to carefully understand the context in which
these interventions were tested.

Further high-quality RCTs are needed to evaluate the effects of antenatal preventive interventions and which approaches are most effective
to reduce the risk of stillbirth. Stillbirth (or fetal death), perinatal and neonatal death need to be reported separately in future RCTs of
antenatal interventions to allow assessment of different interventions on these rare but important outcomes and they need to clearly
define the target populations of women where the intervention is most likely to be of benefit. As the high burden of stillbirths occurs in
low- and middle-income countries, further high-quality trials need to be conducted in these settings as a priority.


What are the most effective interventions during pregnancy for preventing stillbirth?

What is stillbirth?

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 2
Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cochrane Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

A stillbirth is generally defined as the death of a baby before birth, at or after 22 weeks of development.

Why is this important?

Stillbirth can be very upsetting for families. It is most common in low- and middle-income countries but also affects people in high-income
countries. Numbers of stillbirths have not fallen much in the last 20 years and, despite the high numbers, it is not widely recognised as
a global health problem. It is important to raise awareness of effective methods of preventing stillbirths, particularly in low- and middle-
income countries.

What did we do?

Cochrane systematic reviews of interventions aim to answer specific medical questions based on up-to-date research studies. We searched
for all Cochrane systematic reviews that assessed ways of preventing stillbirth during pregnancy to produce an overview of Cochrane
evidence on preventing stillbirth.

What evidence did we find?

We found 43 Cochrane reviews that assessed 61 different ways of preventing stillbirth during pregnancy, or infant deaths around the time
of birth. However, few of these provided any clear evidence of an effect during pregnancy to reduce the risk of stillbirth or infant death.

We grouped them into four different areas: nutrition, preventing infection, managing mothers' other healthcare problems, and looking
after the baby before it is born.


- Giving mothers balanced energy and protein supplements to increase the growth of the baby, particularly in undernourished pregnant
women, probably reduces stillbirth by 40%.

- For Vitamin A alone versus placebo (sham) or no treatment, and multiple micronutrients with iron and folic acid compared with iron with
or without folic acid, there was clear evidence of no effect.

Prevention and management of infections

- Insecticide-treated anti-malarial nets versus no nets may reduce loss of the baby in the womb (fetus) by 33%.

Prevention, detection and management of other healthcare problems

- Where midwives were the primary healthcare provider, particularly for low-risk pregnant women, loss of the fetus or infant deaths fell
by 16%.

- Having a trained traditional birth attendant versus having an untrained traditional birth attendant probably reduces stillbirth in rural
populations of low- and middle-income countries by 31% and infant death by 30%.

- A reduced number of antenatal care visits probably results in an increase in infant death around the time of birth.

- Community-based intervention packages (including community-support groups/women's groups, community mobilisation and home
visits, or training traditional birth attendants who made home visits) may reduce stillbirth by 19%.

Checking the baby before birth

- Cardiotocography measures the baby's heart rate and contractions in the womb. It can be recorded automatically by computer or
manually, with pen and paper. Computerised cardiotocography to monitor baby’s well-being in the womb, by measuring contractions,
probably reduces the rate of infant deaths around the time of birth by 80% when compared with traditional cardiotocography.

We were uncertain about the effects of other methods.

What does this mean?

We found a large number of reviews but few produced clear evidence. The effectiveness of the methods used to prevent stillbirth varied
depending on where they took place, highlighting that it is important to understand how they were tested. The findings cannot be applied
to women in general and across all global settings.

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 3
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BACKGROUND Description of the interventions

Description of the condition In low- and middle-income countries, the most common causes of
stillbirths are infections such as syphilis, gram-negative infections
An antepartum fetal death, also known as stillbirth (a term and malaria in first pregnancy within malaria-endemic areas;
preferred by the community (Froen 2011)), is defined by the gestational hypertensive disorders, especially poor management of
International Classification of Diseases 11th revision (ICD-11; WHO pre-eclampsia and eclampsia; obstructed or prolonged labour with
2020), as a fetus that has suffered an intrauterine death after the associated asphyxia, infection and birth injury; and low availability
24th week of gestation and before the onset of labour, although of caesarean section (Lawn 2016). In high-income countries, the
definitions very widely (Lawn 2016). Global estimates indicate that majority of stillbirths occur prior to the onset of labour with the
at least 2.6 million (uncertainty range 2.08 million to 3.79 million) main causes being related to placental pathology (Flenady 2011).
stillbirths occurred in the last trimester of pregnancy in 2008 (when However, a specific cause is not identified in up to 70% of stillbirths
the fetus was at least 1000 g in birthweight or at least the 28th depending on the system used to classify these deaths and the level
week of gestation), with more than 55% of stillbirths occurring in of investigation undertaken, even in high-income countries where
the antepartum period (Cousens 2011). Advances in care during placental pathological examinations and autopsies are available
pregnancy are required to reduce the risk of antepartum stillbirths (Flenady 2011).
(1.46 million) and to address pregnancy hypertension, maternal
infectious diseases and fetal growth restriction (Lawn 2011). Early Bhutta and colleagues reviewed 35 potential interventions to
stillbirths (20 weeks up to 28 completed weeks of gestation) are prevent stillbirths, of which they strongly recommended 10
rarely counted in low-income countries (Flenady 2016; Lawn 2016). for implementation: periconceptional folic acid fortification,
The vast majority (98%) of these stillbirths are from low- and insecticide-treated bed nets or intermittent preventive treatment
middle-income countries. Over half of all stillbirths (55%) occur in for malaria prevention, syphilis detection and treatment, detection
rural Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, particularly in settings and management of hypertensive disease of pregnancy, detection
where the number of skilled birth attendants and caesarean and management of diabetes in pregnancy, detection and
sections are significantly lower than in urban settings (Lawn 2011). management of fetal growth restriction, routine induction to
Third-trimester stillbirths approximate three million early neonatal prevent post-term pregnancies, skilled care at birth, basic
deaths every year (Lawn 2011). emergency obstetric care and comprehensive emergency obstetric
care (Bhutta 2011).
Despite this large burden, stillbirths have been ignored in global
statistics and global health policy, were not included in the In this overview review, we focused on interventions during
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs; UN 2010), are not included antenatal care to prevent stillbirth during pregnancy. These include
in the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs; UN 2015), nor the following interventions.
in estimates of the global burden of disease. Furthermore, most
1. Nutritional interventions: periconceptional folate
countries generally under-report or do not include stillbirths in
supplementation, vitamin A supplementation, vitamin
their vital statistics reporting systems (Blencowe 2016). MDG5 (to
C supplementation, vitamin D supplementation,
improve maternal health) has shown the least progress among all
vitamin E supplementation, vitamin supplementation
MDGs (UN 2010). Maternal mortality is correlated with stillbirth; in
for preventing miscarriage, calcium supplementation,
low- and middle- income countries, prolonged labour, infections
iodine supplementation, magnesium supplementation, zinc
and haemorrhage, asphyxia and trauma are the leading causes
supplementation, multiple micronutrient supplementation,
of maternal death or stillbirth (McClure 2007; Weiner 2003). Major
energy and protein intake in pregnancy, marine oil and other
risk factors for stillbirths in high-income countries are maternal
prostaglandin precursors
overweight and obesity (body mass index of 25 kg/m2 or higher),
maternal age over 35 years, primiparity and smoking (Flenady 2. Prevention and management of infection: insecticide-treated
2011). nets for preventing malaria, drugs for preventing malaria
3. Prevention, detection and management of other morbidities:
The ICD-10 defines early fetal death as the reporting of the death smoking cessation, support for women at increased risk of low
of a fetus with a "birthweight of 500 g or more; if birthweight birthweight, women carrying their own case notes, midwife-
is unknown, by gestational age of 22 completed weeks or more; led care, traditional birth attendant training, alternative
or, if both criteria are unknown, by crown-heel length of 25 cm versus standard packages of antenatal care, group antenatal
or more" (WHO 2020). The World Health Organization (WHO), for care, community-based intervention packages, diuretics
international comparability, defines stillbirth as the reporting of for preventing pre-eclampsia, nitric oxide for preventing
late fetal deaths at a birthweight of 1000 g or more, or 28 or more pre-eclampsia and its complications, progesterone for
completed weeks of gestation and a body length of at least 35 cm. preventing pre-eclampsia and its complications, antioxidants
In this overview, we define the term 'stillbirth' to include all fetal for preventing pre-eclampsia, altered dietary salt, screening
deaths at a birthweight of at least 500 g or at 22 weeks of gestation for gestational diabetes mellitus, diet and exercise for
or later. We define miscarriage as occurring before 22 weeks of preventing gestational diabetes mellitus, screening for thyroid
gestation. Our main focus for this overview is to assess antenatal dysfunction, treating periodontal disease and testing for
interventions to prevent stillbirth during pregnancy; we excluded placental dysfunction.
interventions for stillbirth during the intrapartum period (death 4. Screening and management of fetal growth and well-being:
that occurs after the onset of labour but before birth), as this will be ultrasound for fetal assessment in early pregnancy, routine
covered in a separate overview review. ultrasound in late pregnancy, fetal movement counting, fetal
and umbilical Doppler ultrasound, utero-placental Doppler

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 4
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Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

ultrasound, fetal and umbilical Doppler ultrasound, antenatal placental malaria was associated with twice the risk of stillbirth,
cardiotocography for fetal assessment and symphysial fundal indicating that placental damage is the likely cause for many of
height measurement (SFH) in pregnancy for detecting abnormal the fetal deaths with maternal malaria (Van Geertruyden 2004).
fetal growth. A Cochrane Review concluded that the prevention of malaria in
pregnancy through chemoprophylaxis or intermittent preventive
How the intervention might work treatment (IPT) is associated with reductions in low birthweight
and severe maternal anaemia and increased mean birthweight
1. Nutritional interventions
in the first two pregnancies (Radeva-Petrova 2014). Chloroquine
The nutritional status of pregnant women is important for a has not been found to have any harmful effects on the fetus
healthy pregnancy outcome (WHO 2016). Inadequate dietary when used in the recommended doses for malaria prophylaxis or
intake can lead to adverse perinatal outcome due to increasing chemoprophylaxis; pregnancy is not a contraindication to malaria
requirement of macro- and micronutrients during pregnancy (Abu- prophylaxis with chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine.
Saad 2010; De Onis 1998). Di Mario and colleagues reviewed risk
factors for stillbirth in low- and middle-income countries and 3. Prevention, detection and management of other morbidities
concluded that maternal nutritional status is one of the factors Globally, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, which occurs in about 6%
significantly associated with stillbirth (Di Mario 2007). Balanced of pregnancies and decreases blood flow, causing poor fetal
energy protein intake improves fetal growth and reduces the growth and hypoxia, often results in stillbirths (McClure 2009).
risk of fetal and neonatal death under maternal undernutritional A population-based study has shown that pregnancy-induced
conditions (Imdad 2011). Folic acid supplementation before hypertension is associated with increased risk of stillbirth and
pregnancy and during the first two months of pregnancy reduces neonatal mortality (Ananth 2010). Existing interventions for
the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs), which account for a reducing the risk of pre-eclampsia include calcium and aspirin
small proportion of NTD-related stillbirths (Blencowe 2010). used for prevention; and use of anti-hypertensive drugs and
Replacing iron-folic acid supplements with multiple micronutrient magnesium sulphate for management of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
supplements in the package of health and nutrition interventions (Jabeen 2011). Even though there are no treatments available to
delivered to mothers during pregnancy will improve the impact reduce the incidence of pre-eclampsia; the stillbirth rates could be
of supplementation on fetal growth and development and on substantially reduced with screening and medical management,
birthweight (Shrimpton 2009). While the immediate association including early labour (Menzies 2007).
between stillbirth and nutritional interventions is limited in
accurate and robust evidence, nutritional interventions during The prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus continues to rise.
pregnancy are closely related to perinatal and neonatal outcomes. Gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with increased risk of
For example, low maternal serum zinc levels during pregnancy macrosomia, large-for-gestational age, perinatal mortality, pre-
are associated with an increased risk of low birthweight and eclampsia and caesarean section (Wendland 2012). A differential
small-for-gestational age (Wang 2015). An increased dietary intake diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus is obtained if women fall
of fruits and vegetables or vitamin C during pregnancy has within one or more of the following thresholds at any time during
been associated with increases in fetal growth and birth weight pregnancy: fasting plasma glucose 5.1 to 6.9 mmol/L (92-125 mg/
(Jang 2018). Vitamin D supplementation is associated with a dL), one-hour plasma glucose of 10.0 mmol/L (180 mg/dL) or higher
possible reduction in the risk of pre-eclampsia and preterm following a 75 g oral glucose load and two-hour plasma glucose 8.5
birth and may increase birthweight (Perez-Lopez 2015). Vitamin to 11.0 mmol/L (153-199 mg/dL) following a 75 g oral glucose load
E has a preventive effect on many maternal and perinatal (WHO 2013). While earlier studies showed an association between
complications such as pre-eclampsia, growth restriction, preterm gestational diabetes mellitus and stillbirth, recent studies could
premature rupture of membranes and serious neonatal morbidities not verify this association and current evidence is inconsistent
(Rumbold 2006). Calcium supplementation is associated with a (Rosenstein 2012).
significant benefit in the prevention of pre-eclampsia (Hofmeyr
2018). Magnesium deficiency especially has been linked with Tobacco smoking during pregnancy is a potentially preventable
pre-eclampsia and preterm birth, which have higher rates of cause of adverse pregnancy outcomes, including placental
perinatal and neonatal mortality relevant to stillbirth (Chein 1996). abruption, stillbirth, preterm birth (less than 37 weeks' gestation)
Iodine supplementation during pregnancy has been shown to and low birthweight (less than 2500 g; Hammoud 2005; Salihu
increase birthweight, reduces maternal and fetal hypothyroidism 2007; US 2004). Nicotine and other harmful compounds in
and improves intellectual development (Zimmermann 2012). cigarettesrestrict the supply of oxygen and other essential
nutrients, restricting fetal growth (Crawford 2008).
2. Prevention and management of infections
Post-term pregnancy is associated with an increased rate of
Infections such as TORCH infections including Toxoplasmosis, stillbirth (Galal 2012; Norwitz 2007). The major cause of perinatal
Other (syphilis, varicella-zoster, parvovirus B19), Rubella, morbidity and mortality in post-term pregnancy is presumed to
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Herpes, malaria and various others are a be the progressive uteroplacental insufficiency (Hussain 2011;
leading cause of stillbirth worldwide and account for about half Sanchez-Ramos 2003).
of the stillbirths in low- and middle-income countries (Di Mario
2007; McClure 2009; Schmid 2007; Van Geertruyden 2004). Syphilis Periodontal diseases are relatively common during pregnancy
may cause congenital syphilis by being transmitted to the fetus and have been linked to adverse pregnancy outcomes including
transplacentally or by placental infection which results in the preterm birth, pre-eclampsia and low birthweight, but there is no
decrease of blood flow to the fetus and also causes fetal death clear evidence that this link exists, as several intervention studies
(Goldenberg 2003). A review of nine hospital studies found that

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 5
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Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

could not demonstrate improvements in pregnancy outcomes after Types of interventions

treatment (Srinivas 2012).
We included all types of interventions used for preventing stillbirths
4. Screening and management of fetal growth and well-being in the antenatal period for pregnant women. The interventions
include: nutrition interventions; interventions for prevention and
Screening and management for detecting fetal compromise, management of infections; interventions for prevention, detection
especially impaired growth and distress, have been developed and management of other morbidities; and interventions for
to identify problems during pregnancy (Haws 2009). These screening and management of fetal growth and well-being.
interventions include detection of intrauterine growth restriction
through clinical examination such as ultrasound screening Types of outcomes
or fundal height measurement. Symphisical fundal height
Primary outcomes
measurements aim for the detection of fetuses with poor growth
as delay in the diagnosis of this fetal condition may lead to 1. Stillbirth, perinatal mortality or fetal loss/fetal death, as defined
stillbirth (Challis 2002). Fetal hypoxia or compromise can lead by the study authors, or any combination of two or all of these.
to reduction in fetal movements, which can be identified in
pregnant women with formal assessment of fetal movement In the absence of stillbirth data or if there were limited numbers of
counting or fetal phonocardiography (Bhutta 2011). Also, some stillbirth data for an outcome, we used perinatal mortality, fetal loss
advanced technologies for assessing adverse perinatal risks have and fetal death as outcomes.
been developed to detect umbilical vascular flow patterns such
as Doppler velocimetry, which measures blood flow dynamics in Secondary outcomes
uterine, umbilical and fetal arteries (Alfirevic 2015; Haws 2009; 1. Low birthweight (LBW), less than 2500 g
Hoffman 2009). 2. Small-for-gestational age (SGA) or intrauterine growth
restriction (IUGR), as defined by the study authors
Why it is important to do this overview
3. Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) stay
For women and their families who experience stillbirths, the impact
can be devastating (Heazell 2016). In countries with a high burden Search methods for identification of reviews
of stillbirths, there are interventions that can substantially reduce
We collaborated with the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth
stillbirths and could also improve maternal and neonatal outcomes
Information Specialist to identify all their published reviews that
(Bhutta 2011). By implementing improvements in pregnancy-
specified or reported stillbirth/fetal loss or perinatal mortality as
related care, large reductions in stillbirths can be achieved in low-
an outcome. We initially screened a list of 873 reviews, protocols
and middle-income countries (Goldenberg 2011; Pattinson 2011).
and registered titles listed with the Group. We also searched the
This overview of Cochrane systematic reviews brings together
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (date of last search: 29
evidence on the interventions and strategies aimed at preventing
Feburary 2020) to identify reviews published within other Cochrane
stillbirths during pregnancy.
groups (see Appendix 1).
Data collection and analysis
To summarise the evidence from Cochrane systematic reviews on The methodology for data collection and analysis was based on
the effects of antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth for Chapter V of the Cochrane Handbook of Systematic Reviews of
low risk or unselected populations of women. Interventions (Pollock 2019).
METHODS Selection of reviews

Criteria for considering reviews for inclusion Two review authors independently assessed for inclusion all the
potential Cochrane systematic reviews in order to identify the
Types of studies relevant reviews that assess the effects of antenatal interventions
In this overview of reviews, we have included all published that aim to prevent stillbirth during pregnancy, reviewing the
Cochrane systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) objectives and methods, including outcomes and participants. We
of antepartum interventions aiming to prevent stillbirth/perinatal only included Cochrane systematic reviews if they reported our
mortality/fetal loss/fetal death as long as stillbirth is listed as a primary outcome stillbirth, fetal death or perinatal mortality. We
primary or secondary outcome. Cochrane Reviews are regularly resolved any disagreement through discussion or, if required, we
updated and employ methods to minimise bias (Moher 2007; Shea consulted a third review author.
Data extraction and management
Types of participants Two review authors independently extracted data from the reviews
We included either low-risk populations, or all pregnant women using a predefined data extraction form and another review author
(i.e. unselected populations). We have excluded reviews that verified the extracted data. We resolved discrepancies through
included only women in high-risk groups, for example, women discussion or, if needed, through arbitration by a third review
at risk of imminent very preterm birth or HIV-positive pregnant author. If any information from the reviews was unclear or missing,
women. we accessed the published papers of the individual trials. If we
could not obtain the information from the published papers, we

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 6
Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

contacted the individual review authors or authors of the original 10.Was the likelihood of publication bias assessed? (Yes:
papers for further details. publication bias was explicitly considered and assessed.)
11.Was the conflict of interest stated? (Yes: source of funding or
Assessment of methodological quality of included reviews support for the systematic review AND for each of the included
Two review authors independently assessed the quality of evidence studies was clearly acknowledged)
in the included reviews and the methodological quality of the
systematic reviews. We resolved discrepancies through discussion For all items a rating of 'yes' is considered adequate. A review that
or, if needed, through arbitration by a third review author. adequately meets all of the 11 criteria is considered to be a review
of the highest quality. For this overview, we considered reviews that
Quality of included reviews achieved scores of between 8 to 11 as high quality; scores of 4 to 7
as moderate quality; and scores of 0 to 3 as low quality.
We assessed the methodological quality of each systematic review Two review authors independently assessed the quality of the
using the AMSTAR (A Measurement Tool to Assess Reviews) included reviews using AMSTAR and another review author verified
instrument (Shea 2007). AMSTAR evaluates the methods used in a this assessment. We resolved differences by discussion and
review against 11 distinct criteria and assesses the degree to which consensus and, if needed, through arbitration by a third review
review methods are unbiased. author.
We identified and discussed differences in quality between reviews,
Each item on AMSTAR is rated as yes (clearly done), no (clearly not
and used the review quality assessment to interpret the results of
done), cannot answer, or not applicable.
reviews when synthesised in this overview.
These criteria, and the way they assess review quality, are as
follows. Quality of evidence in the included reviews
1. Was an 'a priori' design provided? (Yes: the research question We did not re-evaluate the risks of bias among the individual trials
and inclusion criteria were established before conducting the included in the eligible systematic reviews as it is a component
review.) of all Cochrane Reviews (Higgins 2011a). We used the GRADE
2. Was there duplicate study selection and data extraction? (Yes: assessment from the pooled outcome data as assessed by authors
at least two people working independently extracted the in a particular systematic review. GRADE integrates the review
data and the method was reported for reaching consensus if author’s judgment on risk of bias and the pooled estimates of
disagreements arose.) individual trials. According to the criteria described in the GRADE
3. Was a comprehensive literature search performed? (Yes: at least Handbook, we performed GRADE assessment ourselves when the
two electronic sources were searched; details of the databases, review authors had not assessed it (Schünemann 2013).
years searched and search strategy were provided; the search
We did not reassess the GRADE assessment for our primary
was supplemented by searching of reference lists of included
outcomes in the included systematic reviews where it was reported
studies, and specialised registers, and by contacting experts.)
by review authors. If review authors did not assess GRADE, we
4. Was the status of publication (i.e. grey literature) used as made a new assessment ourselves. As we included a large number
an inclusion criterion? (Yes: authors searched for reports of systematic reviews, we created figures by assigning graphic
irrespective of publication type. They did not exclude reports icons to present the direction of review effect estimates with our
based on publication from the systematic review. No: the confidence on estimates (see Figure 1). To assign a graphic icon, we
authors stated that they excluded studies from the review based considered GRADE judgements and the pooled summary statistics
on publication status.) with 95% confidence intervals. The graphic icons indicate mutually
5. Was a list of studies (included and excluded provided)? (Yes: a exclusive assessment categories such as clear evidence of benefit,
list was provided.) clear evidence of harm, clear evidence of no effect or equivalence,
6. Were the characteristics of the included studies provided? possible benefit, possible harm, and unknown benefit or harm
(Yes: data on participants, interventions and outcomes were or no effect or equivalence. The clear evidence of benefit, harm
provided, and the range of relevant characteristics reported.) and no effect or equivalence refers to GRADE moderate- or high-
7. Was the scientific quality of the included studies assessed and certainty evidence with narrow confidence intervals. The possible
reported? (Yes: predetermined methods of assessing quality benefit or possible harm refers to GRADE low-certainty evidence
were reported.) with clear benefit or clear harm (the confidence interval does not
cross the line of no effect) or GRADE moderate- to high-certainty
8. Was the scientific quality of the included studies used
evidence with wide confidence intervals not crossing the line of no
appropriately in formulating conclusions? (Yes: the quality,
effect respectively. We considered GRADE low, moderate- or high-
and limitations, of included studies were used in the analysis,
certainty evidence with wide confidence intervals crossing the line
conclusions and recommendations of the review.)
of no effect, low-certainty evidence with no effect or equivalence,
9. Were the methods used to combine the findings of or very low-certainty evidence, as unknown benefit or harm or
studies appropriate? (Yes: if results were pooled statistically, no effect or equivalence. To define 'clear evidence of no effect or
heterogeneity was assessed and used to inform the decision of equivalence', we considered a confidence interval of risk ratio (RR)
the statistical model to be used. If heterogeneity was present, within the range of 0.75 to 1.25 as sufficiently narrow to indicate a
the appropriateness of combining studies was considered by minimal effect relative to the comparator.
review authors.)

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Figure 1.   Explanation of certainty of evidence for graphic icons (all icons by Freepik at www.flaticon.com)

Data synthesis 3. Clear evidence of no effect or equivalence (moderate- or high-
certainty evidence with narrow CIs crossing the line of no effect).
We summarised the characteristics of included reviews in tables
(see Table 1; Table 2; Table 3; Table 4) as well as the AMSTAR ratings 4. Possible benefit (low-certainty evidence with clear benefit, or
for each separate review (see Table 5; Table 6; Table 7; Table 8). We moderate or high-certainty evidence with wide CIs not crossing
also provided individual review narrative summaries of the relevant the line of no effect).
results for the individual reviews (Table 9; Table 10; Table 11; Table 5. Possible harm (low-certainty evidence with clear harm, or
12). moderate or high-certainty evidence with wide CIs not crossing
the line of no effect).
We assigned graphic icons to communicate the direction of review 6. Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence (low,
effect estimates and our confidence in the available data. This moderate or high-certainty evidence with wide CIs crossing the
is the framework adopted by Medley and colleagues in their line of no effect, or low-certainty evidence with no effect or
overview on 'Interventions during pregnancy to prevent preterm equivalence, or very low-certainty evidence).
birth: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews' (Medley 2018),
and was based on graphics produced by the WHO to describe RESULTS
different types of workers and their roles in maternal and newborn
care (optimizemnh.org/optimizing-health-worker-roles-maternal- Description of included reviews
newborn-health). We used six graphic icons to indicate mutually
In this overview review we searched for Cochrane systematic
exclusive assessment categories (see Figure 1), the results of
reviews and identified Cochrane systematic reviews of
these assessments are presented below in the results section.
interventions for pregnancy and childhood health. We found a
We adapted the model slightly in this overview: we changed the
total of 873 Cochrane systematic reviews (including titles, protocols
'unknown harm or benefit' graphic icon in the framework to include
and full reviews). After screening titles and abstracts, we excluded
both high- and moderate-certainty evidence and to also include
807 titles and retrieved 66 titles in full text for further assessment
unknown evidence of no effect or equivalence.
(see Table 13 for list of reasons for exclusion). Figure 2 gives
1. Clear evidence of benefit (moderate- or high-certainty evidence a flow diagram outlining the selection process and numbers of
with confidence intervals (CIs) not crossing the line of no effect). reviews. After further selection, quality assessment, categorisation
2. Clear evidence of harm (moderate- or high-certainty evidence of targeted primary outcome and exclusion of duplications, we
with CIs not crossing the line of no effect). included 43 reviews.

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Figure 2.   Flow diagram outlining the selection process and numbers of reviews

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The titles of the 43 Cochrane Reviews are listed below in 28.Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop
alphabetical order. smoking in pregnancy (Chamberlain 2017)
29.Routine ultrasound in late pregnancy (after 24 weeks' gestation)
1. Altered dietary salt for preventing pre-eclampsia, and its (Bricker 2015)
complications (Duley 2005)
30.Screening and subsequent management for thyroid dysfunction
2. Alternative versus standard packages of antenatal care for low- pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy for improving maternal
risk pregnancy (Dowswell 2015) and infant health (Spencer 2015)
3. Antenatal cardiotocography for fetal assessment (Grivell 2015) 31.Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus based on different
4. Antenatal dietary education and supplementation to increase risk profiles and settings for improving maternal and infant
energy and protein intake (Ota 2015a) health (Tieu 2017)
5. Antioxidants for preventing pre-eclampsia (Rumbold 2008) 32.Symphysial fundal height (SFH) measurement in pregnancy for
6. Calcium supplementation commencing before or early in detecting abnormal fetal growth (Robert Peter 2015)
pregnancy, for preventing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 33.Traditional birth attendant training for improving health
(Hofmeyr 2019) behaviours and pregnancy outcomes (Sibley 2012)
7. Calcium supplementation during pregnancy for preventing 34.Treating periodontal disease for preventing adverse birth
hypertensive disorders and related problems (Hofmeyr 2018) outcomes in pregnant women (Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017)
8. Calcium supplementation (other than for preventing or treating 35.Ultrasound for fetal assessment in early pregnancy (Whitworth
hypertension) for improving pregnancy and infant outcomes 2015)
(Buppasiri 2015) 36.Use of biochemical tests of placental function for improving
9. Combined diet and exercise interventions for preventing pregnancy outcome (Heazell 2015)
gestational diabetes mellitus (Shepherd 2017) 37.Utero-placental Doppler ultrasound for improving pregnancy
10.Community-based intervention packages for reducing maternal outcome (Stampalija 2010)
and neonatal morbidity and mortality and improving neonatal 38.Vitamin A supplementation during pregnancy for maternal and
outcomes (Lassi 2015) newborn outcomes (McCauley 2015)
11.Diuretics for preventing pre-eclampsia (Churchill 2007) 39.Vitamin C supplementation in pregnancy (Rumbold 2015a)
12.Drugs for preventing malaria in pregnant women in endemic 40.Vitamin D supplementation for women during pregnancy
areas: any drug regimen versus placebo or no treatment (Palacios 2019)
(Radeva-Petrova 2014)
41.Vitamin E supplementation in pregnancy (Rumbold 2015b)
13.Effects and safety of periconceptional folate supplementation
42.Vitamin supplementation for preventing miscarriage (Balogun
for preventing birth defects (De-Regil 2015)
14.Fetal and umbilical Doppler ultrasound in normal pregnancy
43.Zinc supplementation for improving pregnancy and infant
(Alfirevic 2015)
outcome (Ota 2015b)
15.Fetal movement counting for assessment of fetal wellbeing
(Mangesi 2015) We summarised the characteristics of included studies in Table 1,
16.Giving women their own case notes to carry during pregnancy Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4.
(Brown 2015)
17.Group versus conventional antenatal care for women (Catling Objectives and scope of the reviews
2015) All included reviews aimed to evaluate the impact of some specific
18.Insecticide-treated nets for preventing malaria in pregnancy antenatal interventions on adverse maternal, fetal, neonatal and
(Gamble 2006) infant outcomes. Although the outcomes varied in these reviews,
19.Iodine supplementation for women during the preconception, we only included reviews where stillbirth or perinatal mortality
pregnancy and postpartum period (Harding 2017) or fetal loss were reported. Other outcomes reported included
low birthweight, small-for-gestational age or intrauterine growth
20.Lipid-based nutrient supplements for maternal, birth, and infant
restriction and admission to NICU in this review.
developmental outcomes (Das 2018)
21.Magnesium supplementation in pregnancy (Makrides 2014) Among 43 included reviews:
22.Midwife-led continuity models versus other models of care for
childbearing women (Sandall 2016) • 43 reviews reported stillbirth or perinatal mortality or fetal loss/
23.Multiple-micronutrient supplementation for women during fetal death, or a combination of one or all of these (Alfirevic
pregnancy (Keats 2019) 2015; Balogun 2016; Bricker 2015; Brown 2015; Buppasiri 2015;
Catling 2015; Chamberlain 2017; Churchill 2007; Coleman 2015;
24.Nitric oxide for preventing pre-eclampsia and its complications Das 2018; De-Regil 2015; Dowswell 2015; Duley 2005; Gamble
(Meher 2007) 2006; Grivell 2015; Harding 2017; Heazell 2015; Hofmeyr 2018;
25.Omega-3 fatty acid addition during pregnancy (Middleton 2018) Hofmeyr 2019; Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017; Keats 2019; Lassi 2015;
26.Pharmacological interventions for promoting smoking Makrides 2014; Mangesi 2015; McCauley 2015; Meher 2006;
cessation during pregnancy (Coleman 2015) Meher 2007; Middleton 2018; Ota 2015a; Ota 2015b; Palacios
27.Progesterone for preventing pre-eclampsia and its 2019; Radeva-Petrova 2014; Robert Peter 2015; Rumbold 2008;
complications (Meher 2006) Rumbold 2015a; Rumbold 2015b; Sandall 2016; Shepherd

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2017; Sibley 2012; Spencer 2015; Stampalija 2010; Tieu 2017; 86 (Chamberlain 2017), and the number of participants included
Whitworth 2015) ranged from 389 (Meher 2007), to over 310,000 (McCauley 2015).
• 25 reviews reported low birthweight (Bricker 2015; Buppasiri
2015; Catling 2015; Chamberlain 2017; Coleman 2015; Das 2018; Interventions
De-Regil 2015; Dowswell 2015; Gamble 2006; Harding 2017; 1. Nutritional interventions
Hofmeyr 2018; Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017; Keats 2019; Makrides 2014;
McCauley 2015; Meher 2006; Middleton 2018; Ota 2015a; Ota We included 16 reviews that assessed nutritional interventions
2015b; Palacios 2019; Radeva-Petrova 2014; Sandall 2016; Sibley (Balogun 2016; Buppasiri 2015; De-Regil 2015; Das 2018; Harding
2012; Spencer 2015; Whitworth 2015) 2017; Hofmeyr 2018; Hofmeyr 2019; Keats 2019; Makrides 2014;
McCauley 2015; Middleton 2018; Ota 2015a; Ota 2015b; Palacios
• 25 reviews reported small-for-gestational age or intrauterine
2019; Rumbold 2015a; Rumbold 2015b).
growth restriction (Bricker 2015; Buppasiri 2015; Catling 2015;
Churchill 2007; Das 2018; Dowswell 2015; Duley 2005; Keats 2. Prevention and management of infection
2019; Harding 2017; Heazell 2015; Hofmeyr 2018; Iheozor-
Ejiofor 2017; Makrides 2014; Meher 2006; Meher 2007; Middleton Interventions for prevention and management of infection
2018; Ota 2015a; Ota 2015b; Robert Peter 2015; Rumbold 2008; included two reviews on malaria prevention (Gamble 2006; Radeva-
Rumbold 2015a; Rumbold 2015b; Shepherd 2017; Stampalija Petrova 2014).
2010; Whitworth 2015)
3. Prevention, detection and management of other morbidities
• 28 reviews reported admission to NICU (Alfirevic 2015; Bricker
2015; Brown 2015; Buppasiri 2015; Catling 2015; Chamberlain There were 18 reviews on prevention, detection and management
2017; Churchill 2007; Coleman 2015; Dowswell 2015; Duley of major morbidities during the antenatal period (Brown 2015;
2005; Grivell 2015; Heazell 2015; Hofmeyr 2018; Hofmeyr 2019; Catling 2015; Chamberlain 2017; Churchill 2007; Coleman 2015;
Makrides 2014; Meher 2006; Meher 2007; Middleton 2018; Robert Dowswell 2015; Duley 2005; Heazell 2015; Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017;
Peter 2015; Rumbold 2008; Rumbold 2015a; Rumbold 2015b; Lassi 2015; Meher 2006; Meher 2007; Rumbold 2008; Sandall 2016;
Sandall 2016; Shepherd 2017; Spencer 2015; Stampalija 2010; Shepherd 2017; Sibley 2012; Spencer 2015; Tieu 2017).
Tieu 2017; Whitworth 2015).
4. Screening and management of fetal growth and well-being
Sixteen reviews evaluated the effects of interventions on both
We included seven reviews for screening and management of
stillbirth and perinatal mortality (Alfirevic 2015; Bricker 2015;
fetal growth and well-being (Alfirevic 2015; Bricker 2015; Grivell
Chamberlain 2017; Churchill 2007; Hofmeyr 2019; Keats 2019;
2015; Mangesi 2015; Robert Peter 2015; Stampalija 2010; Whitworth
Lassi 2015; McCauley 2015; Middleton 2018; Radeva-Petrova 2014;
Rumbold 2015a; Rumbold 2015b; Sibley 2012; Shepherd 2017;
Stampalija 2010; Tieu 2017), and these reviews prioritised results Methodological quality of included reviews
of stillbirth. Reviews that did not report the outcome of stillbirth
assessed perinatal mortality instead (Catling 2015; Dowswell 2015; Methodological quality of included systematic reviews
Duley 2005; Grivell 2015; Harding 2017; Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017; Meher We used the AMSTAR rating scale to assess the methodological
2007; Robert Peter 2015; Whitworth 2015). quality in each included review (Shea 2007). The Cochrane
Study characteristics and populations Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions specifies
a standard protocol specifying the methods, such as the
The study designs included: randomised controlled trials (RCTs) search strategy should be comprehensive, data extraction and
(Alfirevic 2015; Balogun 2016; Bricker 2015; Brown 2015; Buppasiri management should be carried out independently by at least two
2015; Catling 2015; Chamberlain 2017; Churchill 2007; Coleman authors, methods for data synthesis should be specified, reasons
2015; Das 2018; De-Regil 2015; Dowswell 2015; Duley 2005; for excluding studies and characteristics of included studies should
Gamble 2006; Grivell 2015; Harding 2017; Heazell 2015; Hofmeyr be described, the quality of methodological of included studies
2018; Hofmeyr 2019; Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017; Keats 2019; Lassi 2015; should be determined, and data should be analysed and findings
Makrides 2014; Mangesi 2015; McCauley 2015; Meher 2006; Meher should be reported.
2007; Middleton 2018; Ota 2015a; Ota 2015b; Palacios 2019;
Radeva-Petrova 2014; Robert Peter 2015; Rumbold 2008; Rumbold Of all included reviews, we rated 40 as high quality with an AMSTAR
2015a; Rumbold 2015b; Sandall 2016; Shepherd 2017; Sibley 2012; score ranging from 8 to 11 (Alfirevic 2015; Balogun 2016; Bricker
Spencer 2015; Stampalija 2010; Tieu 2017; Whitworth 2015), quasi- 2015; Brown 2015; Buppasiri 2015; Catling 2015; Chamberlain
RCTs (Alfirevic 2015; Balogun 2016; Bricker 2015; Catling 2015; 2017; Churchill 2007; Coleman 2015; Das 2018; De-Regil 2015;
Chamberlain 2017; Das 2018; Dowswell 2015; Grivell 2015; Harding Dowswell 2015; Grivell 2015; Keats 2019; Harding 2017; Heazell
2017; Heazell 2015; Hofmeyr 2018; Lassi 2015; Makrides 2014; 2015; Hofmeyr 2018; Hofmeyr 2019; Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017; Lassi
McCauley 2015; Middleton 2018; Palacios 2019; Radeva-Petrova 2015; Makrides 2014; Mangesi 2015; McCauley 2015; Meher 2006;
2014; Rumbold 2015a; Rumbold 2015b; Sandall 2016; Sibley 2012; Meher 2007; Middleton 2018; Ota 2015a; Ota 2015b; Palacios 2019;
Tieu 2017; Whitworth 2015), cluster-RCTs (Balogun 2016; Brown Radeva-Petrova 2014; Rumbold 2008; Rumbold 2015a; Rumbold
2015; Catling 2015; Chamberlain 2017; Harding 2017; Keats 2019; 2015b; Sandall 2016; Shepherd 2017; Sibley 2012; Spencer 2015;
Mangesi 2015; McCauley 2015; Sandall 2016; Shepherd 2017; Sibley Stampalija 2010; Tieu 2017; Whitworth 2015) and three as moderate
2012) and randomised cross-over trials (Chamberlain 2017). RCTs quality with a score of 7 (Duley 2005; Gamble 2006; Robert Peter
are regarded as the gold standard study design for evaluating the 2015).
effect of an intervention. The range of the number of included
trials ranged from one (Hofmeyr 2019; Robert Peter 2015), to

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As all 43 included reviews were from the Cochrane Library, they (Churchill 2007; Lassi 2015; Meher 2006a; Ota 2015a; Radeva-
included only RCTs (individual or cluster-RCTs) or quasi-RCTs. The Petrova 2014). Most of the participants in the included studies
methodological quality was generally high, as assessed by AMSTAR. of the following reviews were blinded to treatment allocation
(risks of performance and detection bias) (Balogun 2016; Buppasiri
For AMSTAR ratings for each Cochrane systematic review, see 2015; De-Regil 2015; Keats 2019; Hofmeyr 2018; Hofmeyr 2019;
Table 5 for nutritional interventions; Table 6 for prevention and Middleton 2018; Ota 2015b; Radeva-Petrova 2014; Rumbold 2008;
management of infection; Table 7 for prevention, detection and Rumbold 2015a; Shepherd 2017). Some reviews reported loss to
management of other morbidities; and Table 8 for screening and follow-up data or attrition and risk of incomplete data outcome
management of fetal growth and well-being. (Alfirevic 2015; Churchill 2007; Dowswell 2015; Duley 2005; Gamble
2006; Keats 2019; Meher 2006; Ota 2015b; Rumbold 2008; Rumbold
Certainty of evidence
2015a). Heterogeneity amongst included studies was very high in
Forty-two out of 43 (98%) Cochrane systematic reviews used the one review (Chamberlain 2017), but was reported low in one review
domain-based evaluation for assessment of risk of bias as outlined (De-Regil 2015).
in Chapter 8 of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of
Interventions (Higgins 2011b). We evaluated pooled outcome data from each systematic review
using GRADE assessments. We did not reassess the GRADE
We rated most of the included reviews at low risk of bias in assessment for our primary outcomes in the included systematic
terms of sequence generation and allocation concealment (risk reviews where it was reported by review authors. If review authors
of selection bias) (Balogun 2016; Bricker 2015; Buppasiri 2015; did not assess GRADE, we made a new assessment ourselves. As we
Das 2018; De-Regil 2015; Duley 2005; Gamble 2006; Hofmeyr 2019; included a large number of systematic reviews, we created figures
Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017; Middleton 2018; Meher 2007; Ota 2015b; by assigning graphic icons to present the direction of review effect
Rumbold 2008; Rumbold 2015a; Sandall 2016; Shepherd 2017; estimates with our confidence on estimates (see Figure 3; Figure
Sibley 2012; Spencer 2015; Whitworth 2015). But some reviews 4; Figure 5; Figure 6), as outlined in the Methods in Assessment of
failed to provide evidence of the treatment allocation procedure methodological quality of included reviews.

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Figure 3.   Certainty of evidence for nutritional interventions. Note: a green tick for clear benefit, a black equals sign
for clear evidence of no effect or equivalence, and a blue question mark graphic icon for unknown benefit or harm or
no effect or equivalence (see Figure 1)


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Figure 4.   Certainty of evidence for intervention of prevention and management of infection. Note: a green plus sign
for possible benefit, and a blue question mark graphic icon for unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence
(see Figure 1)


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Figure 5.   Certainty of evidence for intervention of prevention, detection and management of other morbidities.
Note: a green tick for clear benefit, a red-cross for clear harm, a black equals sign for clear evidence of no effect or
equivalence, a green plus sign for possible benefit, and a blue question mark graphic icon for unknown benefit or
harm or no effect or equivalence (see Figure 1)


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Figure 6.   Certainty of evidence for intervention of screening and management of fetal growth and well-being.
Note: a green tick for clear benefit, a green plus sign for possible benefit, and a blue question mark graphic icon for
unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence (see Figure 1)

Effect of interventions Secondary outcomes

Nutritional interventions (16 reviews) Two RCTs assessed the effects of this intervention on low
birthweight and reported little to no difference between
We included 16 Cochrane systematic reviews on nutritional intervention and control groups (RR 1.13, 95% CI 0.84 to 1.52; 5048
interventions in this overview (Balogun 2016; Buppasiri 2015; Das women).
2018; De-Regil 2015; Palacios 2019; Keats 2019; Harding 2017;
Hofmeyr 2018; Hofmeyr 2019; Middleton 2018; Makrides 2014; 2. Vitamin A supplementation (two comparisons)
McCauley 2015; Ota 2015a; Ota 2015b; Rumbold 2015a; Rumbold
McCauley 2015 included 19 RCTs, cluster-RCTs and quasi-RCTs that
2015b). See Table 9 for all results relating to dietary interventions.
randomised over 310,000 pregnant women, who received vitamin
1. Folic acids A supplementation or one of its derivatives, and who lived in either
an area of endemic vitamin A deficiency or in an area with adequate
De-Regil 2015 included five RCTs with 7391 women who became intakes. This review evaluated stillbirth, perinatal death and low
pregnant or were 12 weeks pregnant or less. This review assessed birthweight. There were no studies assessing the effect of vitamin A
the effects and safety of folate supplementation alone or in supplementation during pregnancy on small-for-gestation age and
combination with other vitamins or minerals for pregnancy admission to NICU.
outcomes: stillbirth and low birthweight. No RCTs reported on
small-for-gestational age and admission to NICU. 2.1. Vitamin A alone versus placebo or no treatment

Primary outcomes Primary outcomes

Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no effect on the Clear evidence of no effect or equivalence: only two RCTs of
risk of stillbirth between women receiving supplementation with vitamin A alone during pregnancy compared with placebo or no
folic acid and those not, but the evidence is very uncertain (risk ratio treatment reported the effect of this intervention on stillbirth, and
(RR) 1.05, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.54 to 2.05, 4 RCTs; 6597 showed that there is probably no reduction for stillbirth (RR 1.04,
women; very low-certainty evidence). 95% CI 0.98 to 1.10; 122,850 women; moderate-certainty evidence)
or perinatal death (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.07; 1 RCT, 76,176
women; high-certainty evidence).

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Secondary outcomes Primary outcomes

There was also evidence of little to no difference in low birthweight Unknown benefit or harm: we are very uncertain about the effects
(RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.16; 4 RCTs, 14,599 women). of Vitamin D supplementation alone during pregnancy compared
with no treatment/placebo (no vitamin or mineral) on stillbirth (RR
2.2. Vitamin A with other micronutrient versus micronutrient 0.35, 95% CI 0.06 to 1.98; 3 RCTs, 584 women; very low-certainty
supplements without vitamin A
Primary outcomes
Secondary outcomes
Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence: the
evidence is very uncertain about the effect of Vitamin A on Vitamin D supplementation probably results in a reduction in low
stillbirth (RR 1.41, 95% CI 0.57 to 3.47; 2 RCTs, 866 women; birthweight (RR 0.55, 95% CI 0.35 to 0.87; 5 RCTs, 697 women;
very low-certainty evidence). The evidence suggests that vitamin moderate-certainty evidence).
A supplementation in combination with other micronutrients
5. Vitamin E supplementation
compared to micronutrients without vitamin A, probably does not
reduce perinatal death, although the CI is wide and so we cannot Rumbold 2015b included 21 RCTs and quasi-RCTs that randomised
be certain there is no effect (RR 0.51, 95% CI 0.10 to 2.69; 1 RCT, 179 22,129 pregnant women, who received vitamin E supplementation
women; moderate-certainty evidence). alone or in combination with other separate supplements
during pregnancy. This review assessed the effects of vitamin
Secondary outcomes E supplementation on pregnancy outcomes: stillbirth, perinatal
There may be a reduction in low birthweight for women receiving mortality, intrauterine growth restriction and admission to NICU.
vitamin A with other micronutrients (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.47 to 0.96; 1 No studies assessed the effect of vitamin E supplementation on low
RCT, 594 women). birthweight or small-for-gestational age.

3. Vitamin C supplementation Primary outcomes

Rumbold 2015a included 29 RCTs and quasi-RCTs, that randomised Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence:
24,300 pregnant women. This review evaluated the effects of administration of any vitamin E supplementation alone or in
vitamin C supplementation, alone or in combination with other combination with other supplements during pregnancy probably
supplements on pregnancy outcomes: stillbirth, neonatal death, does not reduce stillbirth, although the CI is wide and so we cannot
perinatal death, infant death, intrauterine growth restriction and be certain there is no effect (RR 1.17, 95% CI 0.88 to 1.56; 9 RCTs,
admission to NICU. There were no studies assessing the effects of 19,023 women; moderate-certainty evidence). The evidence is very
this intervention on low birthweight and small-for-gestational age. uncertain about the effect of this intervention on perinatal death
(RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.77 to 1.54; 6 RCTs, 16,923 women, very low-
Primary outcomes certainty evidence).
Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence: vitamin C Secondary outcomes
supplementation administered alone or in combination with other
separate supplements compared with placebo, no placebo or other There was no reduction in intrauterine growth restriction (RR 0.98,
supplements, probably does not lead to a reduction in stillbirth, 95% CI 0.91 to 1.06; 11 RCTs, 20,202 women), or in admission
although the CI is wide and so we cannot be certain it has no effect to NICU (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.08; 8 RCTs, 17,594 women)
(RR 1.15, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.49; 11 RCTs, 20,038 women; moderate- for women receiving any vitamin E supplementation alone or in
certainty evidence). The evidence is very uncertain about the combination with other supplements during pregnancy.
effect of vitamin C supplementation administered alone or in
6. Vitamin supplementation for preventing miscarriage (four
combination with other separate supplements compared with
placebo, no placebo or other supplements on perinatal death (RR
1.07, 95% CI 0.77 to 1.49; 7 RCTs, 17,271 women, very low-certainty Balogun 2016 included 40 RCTs, cluster-RCTs and quasi-RCTs that
evidence). randomised 276,820 pregnant women. This review assessed the
effectiveness and safety of any vitamin supplementation on the
Secondary outcomes risk of spontaneous miscarriage. It reported stillbirth and total
There may be no effect on intrauterine growth restriction (RR 0.98, fetal loss. In this overview we have reported only comparisons not
95% CI 0.91 to 1.06; 12 RCTs, 20,361 women) or admission to covered by individual vitamin reviews or only reporting low-risk
NICU (RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.06; 9 RCTs, 18,371 women) with populations.
vitamin C supplementation administered alone or in combination
Primary outcomes
with other separate supplements and placebo, no placebo or other
supplements. 6.1. Multivitamin versus control

4. Vitamin D supplementation Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference in

stillbirth (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.17; 1 RCT, 5021 women; low-
Palacios 2019 included 30 RCTs and quasi-RCTs, with 7033 pregnant certainty evidence) or total fetal loss (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.17;
women. This review examined the effect of oral vitamin D 1 RCT, 5021 women; low-certainty evidence) for women receiving
supplementation versus no treatment/placebo on stillbirth and low multivitamins compared with control.
birthweight. There were no studies assessing the effect of vitamin
D supplementation on small-for-gestational age or admission to
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 17
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6.2 Multivitamin plus vitamin E versus multivitamin without vitamin E effects of high- and low-dose calcium supplementation during
or control pregnancy for preventing hypertensive disorders and related
Unknown benefit or harm: for women receiving multivitamin plus problems of pregnancy and neonatal adverse outcomes: stillbirth
vitamin E compared with women receiving multivitamin without or death before discharge from hospital, low birthweight, small-for-
vitamin E or control there may be little or no difference in risk of gestation age and admission to NICU.
stillbirth (RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.39 to 1.98; 1 RCT, 823 women; low- 8.1. High-dose calcium supplementation (≥ 1 g/day) in pregnancy for
certainty evidence) or total fetal loss (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.46 to 1.83; 1 preventing hypertensive disorders
RCT, 823 women; low-certainty evidence).
Primary outcomes
6.3. Folic acid plus iron versus iron
Unknown benefit or harm: the evidence is very uncertain about
Unknown benefit or harm: there was little or no difference in risk the effect of high-dose calcium supplementation compared with
of stillbirth (RR 0.38, 95% CI 0.02 to 9.03; 1 RCT, 75 women; low- placebo treatment on stillbirth (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.09; 11
certainty evidence) or total fetal loss (RR 0.23, 95% CI 0.01 to 4.59; 1 RCTs, 15,665 women; very low-certainty evidence).
RCT, 75 women; low-certainty evidence) for women receiving folic
acid plus iron compared with women receiving only iron. Secondary outcomes

The intervention may reduce low birthweight (RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.72
6.4. Folic acid plus iron and antimalarials versus iron and
to 1.01; 9 RCTs, 14,883 women) but may have no effect on small-for-
gestational age (RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.86 to 1.29; 4 RCTs, 13,615 women)
Unknown benefit or harm: one RCT compared women who and admission to NICU (RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.18; 4 RCTs, 13,406
received folic acid plus iron and antimalarials with women who women).
received iron and antimalarials and there was little or no difference
in risk of total fetal loss (RR 13.0, 95% CI 0.74 to 226.98; 160 women; 8.2. Low-dose calcium supplementation (< 1 g/day) in pregnancy for
low-certainty evidence). preventing hypertensive disorders
Primary outcomes
7. Calcium supplementation commencing before or early in
pregnancy, for preventing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy Unknown benefit or harm: the evidence is very uncertain about
the effect of low-dose calcium supplementation during pregnancy
Hofmeyr 2019 included one RCT that randomised 1355 non- on stillbirth (RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.14 to 1.67; 5 RCTs, 1025 women; very
pregnant women with previous pre-eclampsia, of whom 651 low-certainty evidence).
became pregnant. This review assessed calcium supplementation
commencing before or early in pregnancy for preventing Secondary outcomes
hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. Participants received 500
There may be a reduction in the risk of low birthweight (RR 0.20,
mg calcium or placebo from enrolment until 20 weeks' gestation
95% CI 0.05 to 0.88; 2 RCTs, 134 women) and NICU admission (RR
followed by 1.5 mg/day calcium for all women after 20 weeks. This
0.44, 95% CI 0.20 to 0.99; 1 RCT, 422 women) for women receiving
review determined the effects of the intervention on pregnancy
low-dose calcium supplementation. However, there was little to no
loss/stillbirth or neonatal death before discharge and perinatal
effect on small-for-gestational age (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.54 to 1.21; 4
death or NICU admission, or both, for more than 24 hours. Low
RCTs, 854 women).
birthweight and small-for-gestation age were not reported.
9. Calcium supplementation other than for preventing or
Primary outcomes
treating hypertension
Unknown benefit or harm: there was little or no difference in risk
of stillbirth (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.48 to 1.27; 1 RCT, 579 women; low- Buppasiri 2015 included 25 RCTs with 17,842 women, who
certainty evidence); pregnancy loss, stillbirth or neonatal death received calcium supplementation during pregnancy. This review
before discharge (RR 0.82, 95% CI 0.61 to 1.10; 1 RCT, 632 women; determined the effect of calcium supplementation on maternal,
low-certainty evidence) or perinatal death or NICU admission, or fetal and neonatal outcomes (other than for preventing or treating
both, for more than 24 hours (RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.77 to 1.60; 1 RCT, hypertension) including stillbirth or fetal death, low birthweight,
508 women; low-certainty evidence) for women receiving calcium intrauterine growth restriction and admission to NICU.
before and early in pregnancy compared with women receiving Primary outcomes
Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no effect of
Secondary outcomes calcium supplementation in reducing stillbirth or fetal death (RR
Secondary outcomes were not reported. 0.91, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.14; 6 RCTs, 15,269 women; low-certainty
8. Calcium supplementation for preventing hypertensive
Secondary outcomes
disorders (two comparisons)
Calcium supplementation during pregnancy compared with
Hofmeyr 2018 included 27 RCTs that randomised 18,064 pregnant
control probably does not reduce low birthweight (RR 0.93, 95% CI
women, who received high-dose calcium supplementation (≥
0.81 to 1.07, 6 RCTs, 14,162 women; moderate-certainty evidence),
1 g/day of elemental calcium), and 12 RCTs and quasi-RCTs
intrauterine growth restriction (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.61 to 1.13, 6 RCTs,
that randomised 2334 pregnant women, who received low-dose
1701 women) or NICU admission (RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.18, 4
calcium supplementation (≤ 1 g/day of elemental calcium) from
RCTs, 14,062 women).
at the latest 34 weeks of pregnancy. This review determined the

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 18
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10. Iodine supplementation Secondary outcomes

Harding 2017 included 14 RCTs, cluster-RCTs and quasi-RCTs that There is probably no reduction in low birthweight (RR 0.93, 95% CI
randomised over 2700 women. This review assessed the effects 0.78 to 1.12; 14 RCTs, 5643 women; moderate-certainty evidence)
of iodine supplementation for women in the periconceptional, and small-for-gestational age (RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.11; 8 RCTs,
pregnancy, or postpartum period on pregnancy and infant 4252 women; moderate-certainty evidence) in pregnant women
outcomes: perinatal mortality, low birthweight and small-for- administered routine zinc supplementation compared with those
gestational age. Admission to NICU was not assessed. who did not receive zinc.

Primary outcomes 13. Multiple micronutrient supplementation

Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference in Keats 2019 included 21 RCTs and cluster-RCTs that randomised
perinatal mortality (RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.42 to 1.03; 2 RCTs, 457 women; 142,496 pregnant women (women who were HIV-positive were
low-certainty evidence) for women receiving any supplement with excluded). This review evaluated the benefits of multiple-
iodine compared with women receiving the same supplement micronutrient supplementation with iron and folic acid for
without iodine, no intervention, or placebo. pregnant women on stillbirth, perinatal mortality, low birthweight
and small-for-gestational age. No studies assessed the effect of the
Secondary outcomes intervention on admission to NICU.
Iodine supplementation to women in the periconceptional,
Primary outcomes
pregnancy, or postpartum period may result in little or no
difference in low birthweight (RR 0.56, 95% CI 0.26 to 1.23; 2 RCTs, Clear evidence of no effect or equivalence: there was
377 women; low-certainty evidence), or small-for-gestational age no reduction in stillbirth for women who received multiple
(RR 1.26, 95% CI 0.77 to 2.05; 2 RCTs, 377 women). micronutrients supplementation with iron and folic acid in
pregnancy compared to women who received iron with or without
11. Magnesium supplementation folic acid (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.86 to 1.04; 17 RCTs, 97,927 women;
Makrides 2014 included 10 RCTs and quasi-RCTs that randomised high-certainty evidence) and perinatal death (RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.90
9090 women with normal or high-risk pregnancies. This review to 1.11; 15 RCTs, 63,922 women, high-certainty evidence).
assessed the effects of magnesium supplementation during Secondary outcomes
pregnancy on maternal, neonatal and paediatric outcomes:
stillbirth, low birthweight, small-for-gestation age and admission to The intervention reduced the risk of low birthweight (RR 0.88, 95%
NICU. CI 0.85 to 0.91; 18 RCTs, 68,801 women; high-certainty evidence)
and probably reduced small-for-gestational age (RR 0.92, 95% CI
Primary outcomes 0.88 to 0.97; 17 RCTs, 57,348 women; moderate-certainty evidence).
Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference
14. Energy and protein (four comparisons)
in risk of stillbirth (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.43 to 1.25; 4 RCTs, 5526
women; low-certainty evidence) for women receiving magnesium Ota 2015a included 17 RCTs involving 9030 pregnant women with
supplementation in pregnancy compared to no magnesium either high pregnancy weight or high gestational weight gain. This
supplementation. review assessed the effects of dietary advice, supplementation,
or restriction on gestational weight gain, pre-eclampsia and/or
Secondary outcomes pregnancy outcomes: stillbirth, low birthweight and small-for-
There may be no effect on low birthweight (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.83 gestational age but effects on admission to the NICU were not
to 1.09; 5 RCTs, 5577 women) and little to no differences in small- reported.
for-gestational age (RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.54 to 1.07; 3 RCTs, 1291
14.1. Nutritional advice during pregnancy
women), or admission to NICU (RR 0.74, 95% CI 0.50 to 1.11; 3 RCTs,
1435 women) in women receiving magnesium supplementation in Primary outcomes
pregnancy compared to no magnesium supplementation Unknown benefit or harm: only one RCT with 431 women, who
12. Zinc supplementation received specific advice to increase dietary energy and protein
intake, reported on stillbirth and found little to no difference
Ota 2015b included 21 RCTs with over 17,000 normal pregnant compared with no nutritional education or normal care (RR 0.37,
women with no systemic diseases and their babies. This review 95% CI 0.07 to 1.90; low-certainty evidence).
assessed the effects of zinc supplementation during pregnancy
(before 27 weeks' gestation) on maternal, fetal, neonatal and infant Secondary outcomes
outcomes: stillbirth or neonatal death, small-for-gestational age Nutritional advice during pregnancy was associated with a
and low birthweight. There were no studies assessing the effects of reduction in low birthweight in one RCT (RR 0.04, 95% CI 0.01 to
zinc supplementation on admission to NICU. 0.14; 300 women). One RCT reported small-for-gestational age and
Primary outcomes
found little to no difference in small-for-gestational age (RR 0.97,
95% CI 0.45 to 2.11; 404 women; low-certainty evidence).
Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference in
stillbirth or neonatal death (RR 1.12, 95% CI 0.86 to 1.46; 8 RCTs,
5100 women; low-certainty evidence) between pregnant women
administered routine zinc supplementation and women who did
not receive zinc.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 19
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14.2. Balanced protein/energy supplementation in pregnancy 0.90, 95% CI 0.82 to 0.99; 15 RCTs, 8449 women; high-certainty
Primary outcomes evidence).

Clear evidence of benefit: 12 RCTs assessed the effectiveness 16. Lipid-based nutrient supplements
of balanced protein/energy supplementation given to pregnant
Das 2018 included four RCTs that randomised 8018 women with a
women. Balanced energy/protein supplementation probably
singleton pregnancy. This review assessed the effect of ready-to-
reduces stillbirth (RR 0.60, 95% CI 0.39 to 0.94; 5 RCTs, 3408 women;
use lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS) for maternal, birth and
moderate-certainty evidence).
infant outcomes in pregnant women. The outcomes stillbirth, low
Secondary outcomes birthweight and small-for-gestational age were reported, but not
perinatal death and admission to NICU.
The intervention of balanced energy/protein supplementation
probably reduces the risk of small-for-gestational-age at birth Primary outcomes
(RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.69 to 0.90; 7 RCTs, 4408 women; moderate-
Unknown benefit or harm: there was little to no difference in
certainty evidence). These effects of balanced protein/energy
stillbirth (RR 1.14, 95% CI 0.52 to 2.48; 3 RCTs, 5575 women; low-
supplementation did not appear greater in undernourished women
certainty evidence) for LNS versus iron and folic acid.
and had little to no effect in reducing preterm birth.
Secondary outcomes
14.3. High protein supplementation in pregnancy
There may be a reduction in low birthweight, although the CI also
Primary outcomes
indicates a slight increase (RR 0.87, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.05; 3 RCTs, 4826
Unknown benefit or harm: when high protein supplementation women; moderate-certainty evidence) for LNS versus iron and folic
was administered to pregnant women, there was little or no acid. The intervention probably slightly reduces the risk of small-
difference in stillbirth (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.31 to 2.15; 1 RCT, 529 for-gestational age compared with iron folic acid supplementation
women; low-certainty evidence). (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.89 to 0.99; 3 RCTs, 4823 women; moderate-
certainty evidence).
Secondary outcomes

In one RCT with 505 women there is probably an increase Prevention and management of infection (two reviews)
in small-for-gestational age for women receiving high protein We included two Cochrane systematic reviews on prevention and
supplementation during pregnancy (RR 1.58, 95% CI 1.03 to 2.41; management of infection in this overview (Gamble 2006; Radeva-
moderate-certainty evidence). Petrova 2014). See Table 10 for all results relating to prevention and
management of infection.
14.4. Isocaloric balanced protein supplementation in pregnancy

Two RCTs involving 184 women assessed the effect of isocaloric 1. Insecticide-treated nets for preventing malaria (two
balanced protein supplementation versus protein replaced by an comparisons)
equal quantity of non-protein energy in pregnancy, but did not Gamble 2006 included five RCTs with 6759 pregnant women who
report on stillbirth, fetal growth, or admission to NICU. lived in malaria-endemic areas. This review analysed the effects of
insecticide-treated nets to prevent malaria in pregnancy on fetal
15. Omega-3 fatty acid addition during pregnancy
loss and low birthweight. There were no studies assessing the
Middleton 2018 included 70 RCTs that randomised 19,927 pregnant effect of this intervention on small-for-gestational age and NICU
women, regardless of their risk for pre-eclampsia, preterm birth admission.
or intrauterine growth restriction. This review estimated the
effects of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) 1.1. Insecticide-treated nets versus no nets (all)
supplementation or dietary addition during pregnancy on stillbirth, Primary outcomes
perinatal death, low birthweight, small-for-gestational age and
admission to NICU. Possible benefits: using insecticide-treated nets was found to
possibly reduce the risk of fetal loss (RR 0.68, 95% CI 0.48 to 0.98; 5
Primary outcomes RCTs; low-certainty evidence).
Unknown benefit or harm: the evidence is very uncertain about Secondary outcomes
the effect of omega-3 on stillbirth (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.62 to 1.42; 16
RCTs, 7880 women; very low-certainty evidence) or perinatal death Using insecticide-treated nets may reduce low birthweight (RR 0.80,
(RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.54 to 1.03; 10 RCTs, 7416 women; low-certainty 95% CI 0.64 to 1.00; 4 RCTs).
evidence). 1.2. Insecticide-treated nets versus no nets (first or second pregnancy,
fifth or greater pregnancy)
Secondary outcomes
Primary outcomes
The intervention probably does not reduce small-for-gestational
age/intrauterine growth restriction (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.90 to 1.13; 8 Possible benefits: Gamble 2006 observed a possible reduction
RCTs, 6907 women; moderate-certainty evidence) or admission to in fetal loss with insecticide-treated nets used in first or second
NICU (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.03; 9 RCTs, 6920 women; moderate- pregnancies compared with no nets (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.47 to 0.97; 4
certainty evidence). However, omega-3 LCPUFA supplementation RCTs; low-certainty evidence).
during pregnancy showed a reduced risk of low birthweight (RR

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 20
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Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference on (Brown 2015; Catling 2015; Chamberlain 2017; Churchill 2007;
the risk of fetal loss in pregnant women with four or more previous Coleman 2015; Dowswell 2015; Duley 2005; Heazell 2015; Iheozor-
pregnancies (RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.17 to 6.23; 1 RCT). Ejiofor 2017; Lassi 2015; Meher 2006; Meher 2007; Rumbold 2008;
Sandall 2016; Shepherd 2017; Sibley 2012; Spencer 2015; Tieu
Secondary outcomes 2017). See Table 11 for all results relating to prevention, detection
Insecticide-treated nets used in first or second pregnancies showed and management of other morbidities.
a reduction in the risk of low birthweight (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.61 to
0.98; 3 RCTs). There may be little to no difference on the risk of 1. Smoking cessation (two comparisons)
low birthweight in pregnant women with four or more previous Chamberlain 2017 included 86 RCTs involving over 28,000
pregnancies (RR 1.12, 95% CI 0.56 to 2.24; 1 RCT). pregnant women in any care setting, women seeking a pregnancy
consultation, and health professionals, with respect to smoking
2. Drugs for preventing malaria (two comparisons) cessation. This review examined the impact of promoting smoking
Radeva-Petrova 2014 included 17 RCTs or quasi-RCTs with 14,481 cessation during pregnancy, including cognitive behaviour
pregnant women living in a malaria-endemic area. This review therapy, educational and motivational interviewing approaches,
assessed the efficacy of drugs given to prevent malaria in pregnant stages of change-based interventions, feedback of fetal health
women on stillbirth, perinatal mortality and low birthweight. There measurement, provision and rewards and incentives for smoking
were no studies reporting the efficacy of drugs on small-for- cessation and provision of nicotine replacement therapy or other
gestational age and admission to NICU. pharmacological agents on mothers' and infants' outcomes:
stillbirth, perinatal death, low birthweight and admission to NICU.
2.1. Any antimalarial drug prevention versus placebo/no intervention
(women of all parity groups) Coleman 2015 assessed pharmacological interventions for
promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy, in a review that
Primary outcomes
included nine RCTs with 2210 women. This review assessed
Unknown no effect or equivalence: there is probably no reduction the effect of pharmacological treatments (i.e. bupropion and
in stillbirth with any antimalarial drug prevention administered varenicline as well as other drugs) for smoking cessation on
to pregnant women of all parity groups (RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.76 pregnancy outcomes including stillbirth, low birthweight and
to 1.36; 5 RCTs, 7130 women; moderate-certainty evidence) or admission to NICU.
perinatal death (RR 1.24, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.63; 4 RCTs, 5216 women;
moderate-certainty evidence), indicating that antimalarial drugs There were no studies reporting the effect of the interventions on
had little impact on preventing stillbirth or other pregnancy-related small-for-gestational age.
outcomes, although the CIs are wide and so we cannot be certain
1.1. Interventions for smoking cessation in pregnancy versus control
there is no effect.
Primary outcomes
Secondary outcomes
Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence: for
There may be little to no difference in low birthweight (RR 1.06, pregnant women receiving interventions for smoking cessation
95% CI 0.89 to 1.27; 4 RCTs, 3644 women; low-certainty evidence) during pregnancy there is probably no reduction in stillbirth (RR
for pregnant women of all parity groups receiving antimalarial drug 1.20, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.90; 8 RCTs, 6170 women; high-certainty
prevention compared with placebo or no intervention. evidence) or perinatal death (RR 1.13, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.77; 4 RCTs,
4465 women; moderate-certainty evidence) compared with those
2.2. Any antimalarial drug prevention versus placebo/no intervention
(women in first or second pregnancy) who did not, although the CIs are wide and so we cannot be certain
there is no effect.
Primary outcomes
Secondary outcomes
Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no differences
in stillbirth with any antimalarial drug administered to women in Interventions for smoking cessation in pregnancy may reduce the
their first or second pregnancies compared with placebo or no risk of low birthweight (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.71 to 0.94; 18 RCTs, 9402
intervention, (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.63 to 1.49; 4 RCTs, 2703 women; women) and admission to NICU (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.61 to 0.98; 8 RCTs,
low-certainty evidence) or perinatal death (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.54 to 2100 women).
1.00; 2 RCTs, 1620 women; low-certainty evidence).
1.2. Nicotine replacement therapy versus control
Secondary outcomes
Primary outcomes
This intervention showed a possible reduction in low birthweight Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference in
(RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.61 to 0.87; 10 RCTs, 3619 women; moderate- risk of stillbirth for women receiving nicotine replacement therapy
certainty evidence) for women in their first or second pregnancy for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy (RR 1.24, 95%
receiving any antimalarial drug prevention compared with those CI 0.54 to 2.84; 4 RCTs, 1777 women; low-certainty evidence).
who received placebo or no intervention.
Secondary outcomes
Prevention, detection and management of other morbidities
(18 reviews) There may be little to no effect on the risk of low birthweight (RR
0.74, 95% CI 0.41 to 1.34; 6 RCTs, 2037 women) and admission to
We included 18 Cochrane systematic reviews on prevention, NICU (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.64 to 1.27; 4 RCTs, 1756 women) for women
detection and management of other morbidities in this overview receiving nicotine replacement therapy compared with control.

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2. Women carrying their own case notes outcomes showed a probable reduction in stillbirth (odds ratio
(OR) 0.69, 95% CI 0.57 to 0.83; moderate-certainty evidence) and
Brown 2015 included four RCTs and cluster-RCTs involving
perinatal death (OR 0.70, 95% CI 0.59 to 0.83; moderate-certainty
1176 pregnant women. This review evaluated the effects of
giving women their own case notes to carry during pregnancy
on administrative outcomes, maternal satisfaction and control, Primary outcomes
health-related behaviours and clinical outcomes: stillbirth or
neonatal birth and admission to NICU. There were no studies Unknown no effect or equivalence: there was probably no
reporting the effects of the intervention on low birthweight or reduction in the risk of stillbirth (RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.28;
small-for-gestational age. 2 RCTs, 27,594 women; moderate-certainty evidence) or perinatal
mortality (OR 0.79, 95% CI 0.61 to 1.02; 1 RCT, 24,007 women;
Primary outcomes moderate-certainty evidence) for additionally trained traditional
birth attendant versus trained traditional birth attendant, although
Clear evidence of no effect or equivalent: there is probably no
the CIs are wide and so we cannot be certain there is no effect.
reduction in stillbirth or neonatal death (RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.99 to
1.01; 2 RCTs, 713 women; moderate-certainty evidence) for women 5. Alternative versus standard packages of antenatal care
carrying their own case notes compared with control.
Dowswell 2015 included seven RCTs and quasi-RCTs with 60,724
Secondary outcomes pregnant women who attended antenatal care clinics and were
There may be little to no difference in admission to NICU (RR 1.18, considered to be at low risk of complications during pregnancy and
95% CI 0.36 to 3.83; 1 RCT, 501 women) for women carrying their labour. This review assessed the effects of alternative packages of
own case notes compared to control. antenatal care programmes on perinatal death, low birthweight,
small-for-gestational age and admission to NICU.
3. Midwife-led care
Primary outcomes
Sandall 2016 included 15 RCTs, quasi-RCTs and cluster-RCTs with
Clear evidence of harm: there is probably an increase in perinatal
17,674 pregnant women. This review assessed the effectiveness
death for women with reduced number of antenatal care visits (RR
of midwife-led models of care for childbearing women and their
1.14, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.31; 5 RCTs; 56,431 women; moderate-certainty
infants on fetal loss, low birthweight and admission to NICU. There
were no studies reporting the effect of the intervention on small-
for-gestational age. Secondary outcomes

Primary outcomes There was evidence of no reduction in low birthweight (RR 1.04,
95% CI 0.97 to 1.11; 6 RCTs), small-for-gestational age (RR 0.99, 95%
Clear evidence of benefit: midwife-led models of care for
CI 0.91 to 1.09; 4 RCTs; moderate-certainty evidence) and admission
childbearing women and their infants in comparison to other
to NICU (RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.79 to 1.02; 5 RCTs; 43,048 babies).
models of care were more likely to result in reduced fetal loss or
neonatal death before 24 weeks (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.98; 11 6. Group versus conventional antenatal care
RCTs, 15,645 women; high-certainty evidence) and overall fetal loss
and neonatal death (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.71 to 0.99; 13 RCTs, 17,561 Catling 2015 included four RCTs, cluster-RCTs and quasi-RCTs
women; high-certainty evidence). that randomised 2350 women. This review compared the effects
of group antenatal care versus conventional antenatal care
Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference in on psychosocial, physiological, labour and birth outcomes for
reducing fetal loss or neonatal death equal to or after 24 weeks women and their babies and on care provider satisfaction.
(RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.49, 12 RCTs, 17,359 women, moderate- Perinatal mortality, low birthweight, small-for-gestational age and
certainty evidence). admission to NICU were assessed.

Secondary outcomes Primary outcomes

The intervention did not reduce risk of low birthweight infant (RR Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference
0.96, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.13, 7 RCTs, 11,458 women) or admission to in perinatal mortality with group antenatal care compared with
NICU (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.04, 13 RCTs, 17,561 women). individual antenatal care (RR 0.63, 95% CI 0.32 to 1.25; 3 RCTs, 1943
women; low-certainty evidence).
4. Traditional birth attendant training (two comparisons)
Secondary outcomes
Sibley 2012 included nine RCTs, quasi-RCTS and cluster-RCTs
with more than 32,000 women. This review assessed the effects There may be little to no difference between group antenatal care
of traditional birth attendant training in combination with and individual antenatal care for the outcomes low birthweight (RR
improved heath services on positive pregnancy outcomes, stillbirth 0.92, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.23; 3 RCTs, 1935 women; moderate-certainty
and perinatal death. There were no studies reporting on low evidence), small-for-gestational age (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.24; 2
birthweight, small-for-gestational age or admission to NICU. RCTs, 1473 women), or admission to NICU (RR 1.48, 95% CI 0.63 to
3.45; 2 RCTs, 1315 women; moderate-certainty evidence).
Primary outcomes
7. Diuretics for preventing pre-eclampsia
Clear evidence of benefit: one cluster-RCT that randomised 18,699
pregnant women and that compared trained versus untrained Churchill 2007 included five RCTs that randomised 1836 pregnant
traditional birth attendants to mediate positive pregnancy women, both at high and low risk of pre-eclampsia but without pre-
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eclampsia at trial entry. This review examined whether the use of pre-eclampsia. This review assessed the effectiveness and safety
diuretics during pregnancy prevents the onset of pre-eclampsia on of any antioxidant supplementation during pregnancy on stillbirth,
stillbirth, perinatal death and small-for-gestational age. No studies small-for-gestational age and admission to NICU. Low birthweight
reported effects of receiving diuretics during pregnancy on low was not reported.
birthweight or admission to NICU.
Primary outcomes
Primary outcomes
Unknown benefit or harm: antioxidants for preventing pre-
Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference eclampsia administered to pregnant women may have little to no
between receiving diuretics versus placebo or no treatment in effect in reducing miscarriage or stillbirth (RR 1.32, 95% CI 0.92 to
reducing stillbirth (RR 0.60, 95% CI 0.27 to 1.34; 5 RCTs, 1836 1.90; 4 RCTs, 5144 women; low-certainty evidence) compared with
women; low-certainty evidence) and perinatal death (RR 0.72, 95% control or placebo.
CI 0.40 to 1.27; 5 RCTs, 1836 women; low-certainty evidence).
Secondary outcomes
Secondary outcomes
Antioxidants for preventing pre-eclampsia may result in little to no
Small-for-gestational age was not estimable (1 RCT, 20 women). difference in small-for-gestational age (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.62 to 1.11;
5 RCTs, 5271 women) or admission to NICU (RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.95 to
8. Nitric oxide for preventing pre-eclampsia and its 1.29; 1 RCT, 2714 women) compared with control or placebo.
11. Altered dietary salt
Meher 2007 included seven RCTs that randomised 389 pregnant
women. This review determined the effectiveness and safety of Duley 2005 included two RCTs with 603 pregnant women who
nitric oxide agents on perinatal or neonatal mortality, small- had normal or high blood pressure without proteinuria during
for-gestational age and admission to NICU. The outcome low pregnancy. This review assessed the effects of altered dietary salt
birthweight was not reported. on the risk of developing pre-eclampsia and its complications:
perinatal death, small-for-gestational age and admission to NICU.
Primary outcomes
Primary outcomes
Unknown benefit or harm: nitric oxide agents administered to
women during pregnancy may result in little to no difference in Unknown benefit or harm: low versus normal intake of dietary
reducing perinatal or neonatal death (RR 0.25, 95% CI 0.03 to 2.34; salt for preventing pre-eclampsia in pregnant women with normal
2 RCTs, 114 women; low-certainty evidence). or high blood pressure probably makes little to no difference in
perinatal death (RR 1.92, 95% CI 0.18 to 21.03; 2 RCTs, 409 women;
Secondary outcomes moderate-certainty evidence).
There was little to no clear difference between intervention and
Secondary outcomes
control group for the outcomes small-for-gestational age (RR 0.78,
95% CI 0.36 to 1.70, 2 RCTs, 108 women) or admission to NICU (RR There was little to no effect altered dietary salt on the risk of small-
1.05, 95% CI 0.25 to 4.35; 1 RCT, 68 women). for-gestational age (RR 1.50, 95% CI 0.73 to 3.07; 1 RCT, 242 women)
or admission to NICU (RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.40; 1 RCT, 361
9. Progesterone for preventing pre-eclampsia and its women) compared with control.
12. Community-based intervention packages
Meher 2006 included 10 RCTs with 4659 pregnant women with
normal blood pressure or high blood pressure without proteinuria. Lassi 2015 included 26 community-based RCTs and quasi-
This review assessed the effects of progesterone or any other RCTs involving pregnant women at any period of gestation.
progesterone to prevent pre-eclampsia and its complications on This review assessed the effectiveness of community-based
fetal or neonatal death, small-for-gestational age and admission to intervention packages (community support groups/women's
NICU. Low birthweight was not reported. groups, community mobilisation and home visitation, or training
traditional birth attendants who made home visits) in reducing
Primary outcomes maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and improving
Unknown benefit or harm: the evidence is very uncertain about neonatal outcomes: stillbirth and perinatal mortality. The effects
the effect of receiving progesterone during pregnancy versus of community-based intervention packages in reducing low
placebo or no treatment on fetal or neonatal death (RR 1.34, 95% CI birthweight, small-for-gestational age and NICU admission were
0.78 to 2.31; 4 RCTs; very low-certainty evidence). not reported.

Secondary outcomes Primary outcomes

Progesterone during pregnancy compared with placebo or no Possible benefit: community-based intervention may reduce
treatment may result in little to no difference in the risk of small- stillbirth (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.73 to 0.91; 15 RCTs, 201,181 women; low-
for-gestational age (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.19 to 3.57; 1 RCT, 168 women) certainty evidence) and perinatal mortality (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.70 to
or admission to NICU (RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.35; 1 RCT). 0.86; 17 RCTs, 282,327 women; low-certainty evidence).

10. Antioxidants for preventing pre-eclampsia 13. Screening for gestational diabetes

Rumbold 2008 included 13 RCTs that randomised 16,606 pregnant Tieu 2017 included one RCT and one quasi-RCT with a total of
women considered to be at low, moderate or high risk of developing 4523 women. This review assessed the effects of screening for
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gestational diabetes mellitus on different risk profiles and settings Secondary outcomes
on maternal and infant outcomes: stillbirth, perinatal mortality and For low birthweight (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.27; 1 RCT, 4516
admission to NICU. Low birthweight and small-for-gestational age women) or admission to NICU (RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.81 to 1.34;
were not reported. 1 RCT, 4516 women) there may be little or no difference for
Primary outcomes women receiving universal screening compared with case finding
in pregnancy for any thyroid dysfunction.
Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little or no differences
in stillbirth (RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.10 to 12.12; 1 RCT, 690 women; low- 16. Periodontal treatment (two comparisons)
certainty evidence) and the evidence is very uncertain for perinatal
Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017 included 15 RCTs with 7161 women. This
mortality (RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.10 to 12.12; 1 RCT, 690 women; very low-
review assessed the effects of treating periodontal diseases in
certainty evidence) for women receiving primary care screening
pregnant women in order to prevent or reduce perinatal and
(screening appointment for gestational diabetes mellitus at their
maternal morbidities and mortality. The outcomes perinatal
local general practitioner’s clinic) compared with secondary care
mortality, low birthweight and small-for-gestational age were
screening (screening appointment for gestational diabetes mellitus
reported, but not admission to NICU.
at the hospital women attended for antenatal care).
16.1. Periodontal treatment versus no treatment
Secondary outcomes
Primary outcomes
The intervention did not show a reduction in admission to NICU (RR
0.99, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.69; 1 RCT, 690 women) compared with control. Unknown benefit or harm: the evidence was very uncertain about
the effect of periodontal treatment for perinatal mortality (RR
14. Diet and exercise for preventing gestational diabetes 0.85, 95% CI 0.51 to 1.43; 7 RCTs, 5320 women; very low-certainty
Shepherd 2017 included 23 RCTs and cluster-RCTs with 8918 evidence) for women receiving periodontal treatment compared
women and 8709 infants that assessed the effects of combined with no treatment.
diet and exercise intervention for preventing gestational diabetes Secondary outcomes
mellitus and associated adverse health consequences. The effects
of this intervention on stillbirth, perinatal mortality, small-for- Periodontal treatment did not reduce the risk of small-for-
gestational age and admission to NICU were reported. Low gestational age compared with no treatment (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.81
birthweight was not reported. to 1.16; 3 RCTs, 3610 women; low-certainty evidence). However, this
intervention reduced the risk of low birthweight (RR 0.67, 95% CI
Primary outcomes 0.48 to 0.95; 7 RCTs, 3470 women; low-certainty evidence).
Unknown benefit or harm: the evidence is very uncertain on 16.2. Periodontal treatment versus alternative periodontal treatment
whether combined diet and exercise for preventing gestational
diabetes mellitus makes any difference to stillbirth (RR 0.69, 95% CI Primary outcomes
0.35 to 1.36; 5 RCTs, 4783 women; very low-certainty evidence) and Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference
may have little to no effect on perinatal mortality (RR 0.82, 95% CI for periodontal treatment versus alternative treatment on perinatal
0.42 to 1.63; 2 RCTs, 3757 women; low-certainty evidence). mortality (RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.60 to 1.85; 2 RCTs, 855 women; low-
certainty evidence).
Secondary outcomes

Diet and exercise for preventing gestational diabetes made little Secondary outcomes
to no difference in the risk of small-for-gestational age (RR 1.20, We are uncertain about the effect of periodontal treatment on low
95 CI 0.95 to 1.52; 6 RCTs 2434 women) and did not appear to birthweight (RR 1.39, 95% CI 0.92 to 2.09; 1 RCT, 756 women; very
reduce admission to NICU (RR 1.03, 95% CI 0.93 to 1.14; 4 RCTs, 4549 low-certainty evidence) compared with alternative periodontal
women). treatment. Small-for-gestational age was not reported for this
15. Screening and management for thyroid dysfunction
Spencer 2015 included two RCTs with a total of 26,408 women. 17. Biochemical tests of placental function
The review assessed the effects of different screening methods Heazell 2015 included three RCTs and quasi-RCTs that randomised
for thyroid dysfunction pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy on 740 women. This review assessed whether clinicians' knowledge
maternal and infant outcomes: fetal and neonatal death, low of the results of biochemical tests of placental function were
birthweight and admission to NICU. Small-for -gestational age was associated with improvement in fetal and maternal outcomes of
not reported. pregnancy such as stillbirth, small-for-gestational age or admission
to NICU. Low birthweight was not reported. Placental function was
Primary outcomes
tested using biochemical tests, e.g. measuring maternal oestrogen
Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence: there or human placental lactogen (hPL) levels, using maternal biofluids,
is probably little to no difference in fetal and neonatal death (RR alone or in combination with other tests for placental function.
0.92, 95% CI 0.42 to 2.02; 1 RCT, 4516 women; moderate-certainty
evidence) for women receiving universal screening compared with Primary outcomes
case finding in pregnancy for any thyroid dysfunction. Unknown benefit or harm: the evidence is very uncertain about
the effect on miscarriage or stillbirth (RR 0.56, 95% CI 0.16 to 1.88;
2 RCTs, 740 women; very low-certainty evidence) for women who

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had placental functional tests compared with women receiving Secondary outcomes
standard care. There may be little to no difference in risk of low birthweight for
Secondary outcomes women receiving routine ultrasound in late pregnancy (after 24
weeks' gestation; RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.71 to 1.18; 3 RCTs, 4510 women)
There may be little to no difference in the risk of small-for- or small-for-gestational age (RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.28; 4 RCTs,
gestational age for women who had placental functional tests 20,293 women), but no reduction in admission to NICU (RR 1.01,
compared with women who received standard care (RR 0.44, 95% 95% CI 0.91 to 1.14; 5 RCTs, 12,915 women).
CI 0.16 to 1.19; 1 RCT, 118 women; low-certainty evidence) or
admission to NICU (RR 0.32, 95% CI 0.03 to 3.01; 1 RCT, 118 women). Primary outcomes

Screening and management of fetal growth and well-being Unknown benefit or harm: serial ultrasound and Doppler
(seven reviews) ultrasound administered to women in late pregnancy compared
with selective ultrasound examination may have little to no effect
We included seven Cochrane systematic reviews on screening on stillbirth (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.36 to 1.93; 1 RCT, 2834 women; low-
and management of fetal growth and well-being in this overview certainty evidence) or perinatal mortality (RR 0.59, 95% CI 0.30 to
(Alfirevic 2015; Bricker 2015; Grivell 2015; Mangesi 2015; Robert 1.17; 1 RCT, 2834 women; low-certainty evidence).
Peter 2015; Stampalija 2010; Whitworth 2015). See Table 12 for all
results relating to screening and management of fetal growth and Secondary outcomes
well-being. There may be little to no difference between serial ultrasound and
Doppler ultrasound compared with selective ultrasound for the
1. Ultrasound for fetal assessment in early pregnancy
outcomes low birthweight (RR 1.14, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.52; 1 RCT,
Whitworth 2015 included 11 RCTs and quasi-RCTs that randomised 2834 women) and admission to NICU (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.30;
37,505 women with early pregnancies, (less than 24 weeks' 1 RCT, 2834 women). However, there was an increase in the risk
gestation). This review assessed the effects of routine early of small-for-gestational age for women receiving serial ultrasound
pregnancy ultrasound for fetal assessment on perinatal mortality, and Doppler ultrasound (RR 1.36, 95% CI 1.10 to 1.68; 1 RCT, 2834
low birthweight, small-for-gestational age and admission to NICU. women).

Primary outcomes 3. Fetal movement counting

Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference Mangesi 2015 included five RCTs and cluster-RCTs that randomised
between receiving routine or revealed versus selective or concealed 71,458 pregnant women who had reached the gestational age of
ultrasound in early pregnancy for reducing perinatal death (RR fetal viability. This review evaluated the effects of fetal movement
0.89, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.12; 10 RCTs, 35,735 women; low-certainty counting on stillbirth. The effect of fetal movement counting versus
evidence). hormonal analysis was not assessed on low birthweight, small-for-
gestational age and admission to NICU.
Secondary outcomes
Primary outcomes
There may be little or no difference in the risk of low birthweight
(RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.33; 8 RCTs, 19,337 women) or small-for- Unknown benefit or harm: in one RCT, the evidence was
gestational age (RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.81 to 1.35; 3 RCTs, 17,105 women) very uncertain about the risk of stillbirth for women receiving
and no reduction in admission to NICU (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.88 to 1.02; fetal movement counting compared to those receiving hormonal
8 RCTs, 19,088 women). analysis (RR 3.19, 95% CI 0.13 to 78.20; 1 RCT, 1191 women; very
low-certainty evidence).
2. Routine ultrasound in late pregnancy (two comparisons)
4. Fetal and umbilical Doppler ultrasound (five comparisons)
Bricker 2015 included 13 RCTs and quasi-RCTs with 34,980
women who received late pregnancy ultrasound (after 24 weeks' Alfirevic 2015 included five RCTs and quasi-RCTs that randomised
gestation). This review assessed the effects on obstetric practice 14,624 pregnant women in both unselected and low-risk
and pregnancy outcome of routine late pregnancy ultrasound populations. This review assessed the effects of routine fetal and
on stillbirth, perinatal mortality, low birthweight, small-for- umbilical Doppler ultrasound on stillbirth, perinatal mortality and
gestational age and admission to NICU. admission to NICU. There were no comparisons that reported
the effects of this intervention on low birthweight or small-for
2.1. Routine ultrasound after 24 weeks' gestation versus no/
gestational age.
concealed/selective ultrasound after 24 weeks' gestation
Primary outcomes 4.1. All routine Doppler ultrasound versus no Doppler ultrasound
(fetal/umbilical vessels only - subgroup analysis)
Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence: the
Primary outcomes
evidence is very uncertain about the effect of routine ultrasound in
late pregnancy (after 24 weeks' gestation) administered to women Clear evidence of benefit: all routine Doppler ultrasound used
in late pregnancy on stillbirth (RR 1.18, 95% CI 0.51 to 2.70, 6 RCTs, only in fetal or umbilical vessels compared with no Doppler
28,107 women; very low-certainty evidence). Routine ultrasound in ultrasound probably reduces stillbirth (RR 0.34, 95% CI 0.12 to
late pregnancy (after 24 weeks' gestation) probably makes little to 0.95; 2 RCTs, 6877 women; moderate-certainty evidence). However,
no difference to perinatal mortality (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.54, 8 it should be noted that in the main review (Alfirevic 2015), data
RCTs, 30,675 women; moderate-certainty evidence). for stillbirth were not pooled due to clinical heterogeneity. Data
were presented separately for subgroups of fetal/umbilicla vessels
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only and fetal/umbilical + uterine artery. There was evidence of Secondary outcomes
a difference between subgroups. Although the subgroup analysis Multiple Doppler ultrasound used only in fetal or umbilical vessels
of fetal/umbilical vessels only showed that Doppler may have did not reduce the risk of admission to NICU (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.56
improved rates of stillbirth, the subgroup analysis of fetal/umbilical to 1.52; 1 RCT, 2016 women) compared with control.
vessels + uterine artery found no such differences. This result
should therefore be treated with caution. 4.5. Multiple Doppler ultrasound assessments versus no Doppler
ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels + uterine artery)
Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence: all routine
Doppler ultrasound probably does not reduce perinatal mortality Primary outcomes
(RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.21 to 1.07; 2 RCTs, 5907 women; moderate- Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference
certainty evidence), although the CI is wide and so we cannot be in the risk of stillbirth for women receiving multiple Doppler
certain it has no effect . ultrasound in fetal or umbilical vessels in combination with uterine
artery Doppler ultrasound assessments compared with those
Secondary outcomes
receiving no Doppler ultrasound (RR 1.41, 95% CI 0.44 to 4.46; 2
All routine Doppler ultrasound used only in fetal or umbilical RCTs, 5276 women; low-certainty evidence) or perinatal mortality
vessels compared with no Doppler ultrasound did not reduce the (RR 1.16, 95% CI 0.29 to 4.56; 2 RCTs, 5276 women; low-certainty
risk of admission to NICU (RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.18; 2 RCTs, 5002 evidence).
Secondary outcomes
4.2. All routine Doppler ultrasound versus no Doppler ultrasound
There may be little to no difference in admission to NICU (RR 1.01,
(fetal/umbilical vessels + uterine artery - subgroup analysis)
95% CI 0.67 to 1.53; 1 RCT, 2475 women) between intervention and
Primary outcomes control group.
Unknown benefit or harm: there was little to no difference for 5. Utero-placental Doppler ultrasound
women receiving all routine Doppler ultrasound in fetal or umbilical
vessels in combination with uterine artery Doppler ultrasound Stampalija 2010 included two RCTs and quasi-RCTs involving 4993
compared with those receiving no Doppler ultrasound for stillbirth pregnant women who were considered to be either low or high
(RR 1.41, 95% CI 0.44 to 4.46; 2 RCTs, 5276 women; low-certainty risk, who had utero-placental Doppler ultrasound performed at
evidence). We are uncertain about the effect on perinatal mortality first or second trimester of pregnancy. This review assessed the
due to very low certainty evidence (RR 1.16, 95% CI 0.29 to 4.56; 2 effects of utero-placental Doppler ultrasound on stillbirth, perinatal
RCTs, 5276 women; very low-certainty evidence). mortality, intrauterine growth restriction and admission to NICU.

Secondary outcomes Primary outcomes

There may be little to no difference in admission to NICU (RR 1.01, Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference
95% CI 0.67 to 1.53; 1 RCT, 2475 women). for women who received utero-placental Doppler ultrasound
assessment compared with those who had no Doppler ultrasound
4.3. Single Doppler ultrasound assessment versus no Doppler in the second trimester in stillbirth (RR 1.44, 95% CI 0.38 to 5.49; 2
ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels only) RCTs, 5003 women; low-certainty evidence) or perinatal mortality
Primary outcomes (RR 1.61, 95% CI 0.48 to 5.39; 2 RCTs, 5009 women; low-certainty
Possible benefits: perinatal mortality may be reduced in women
receiving single Doppler ultrasound used only in fetal or umbilical Secondary outcomes
vessels (RR 0.36, 95% CI 0.13 to 0.99; 1 RCT, 3891 women; low-
certainty evidence). There may be little to no difference for women who received utero-
placental Doppler ultrasound assessment on intrauterine growth
Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference for restriction (RR 0.98. 95% CI 0.64 to 1.50; 2 RCTs, 5006 women)
women receiving single Doppler ultrasound assessment compared or admission to NICU (RR 1.12, 95% CI 0.92 to 1.37; 2 RCTs, 5001
with those receiving no Doppler ultrasound in stillbirth (RR 0.40, women) compared with those who had no Doppler ultrasound.
95% CI 0.08 to 2.06; 1 RCT, 3891 women; low-certainty evidence).
6. Antenatal cardiotocography (CTG) for fetal assessment (two
4.4. Multiple Doppler ultrasound assessments versus no Doppler comparisons)
ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels only)
Grivell 2015 included six RCTs and quasi-RCTs involving 2105
Primary outcomes pregnant women and their babies. This review assessed the effects
Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference of antenatal CTG for fetal assessment on perinatal mortality and
in the risk of perinatal mortality for pregnant women receiving admission to NICU. No comparisons reported the effects of the
multiple Doppler ultrasound used only in fetal or umbilical intervention on stillbirth, low birthweight or small-for gestational
vessels (RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.21 to 2.93; 1 RCT, 2016 women; low- age.
certainty evidence) compared with those who received no Doppler 6.1. Traditional antenatal CTG versus no antenatal CTG
Primary outcomes

Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no difference

for pregnant women at increased risk of pregnancy-related

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complications who received traditional antenatal CTG in perinatal Nutritional interventions

mortality (RR 2.05, 95% CI 0.95 to 4.42; 4 RCTs, 1627 women; low-
The certainty of evidence and its direction of effect for all nutritional
certainty evidence).
interventions are presented in Figure 3.
Secondary outcomes
There may be little to no difference on admission to NICU with
traditional antenatal CTG (RR 1.08, 95% CI 0.84 to 1.39; 2 RCTs, 883 Of all systematic reviews that reported stillbirth, only one
women; low-certainty evidence) compared with no antenatal CTG. systematic review reported clear benefit of the nutritional
intervention of balanced protein/energy supplementation in
6.2. Computerised antenatal CTG versus traditional antenatal CTG pregnancy (Ota 2015a). We found the following interventions from
two systematic reviews that showed a clear evidence of no effect
Primary outcomes
or equivalence with a comparator: vitamin A alone versus placebo
Clear evidence of benefit: computerised antenatal CTG for or no treatment (McCauley 2015); and multiple micronutrients with
assessing infants' well-being in utero during pregnancy probably iron and folic acid versus iron with or without folic acid (Keats 2019).
reduces perinatal mortality (RR 0.20, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.88; 2 RCTs, 469
women; moderate-certainty evidence) compared with traditional Fourteen systematic reviews consisting of eighteen nutritional
antenatal CTG. interventions reported evidence for the outcome of stillbirth that
we categorised to be of unknown benefit, harm, or evidence of
7. Symphysial fundal height measurement in pregnancy no effect or equivalence because of moderate- or low-certainty
evidence with wide confidence intervals crossing the line of no
Robert Peter 2015 included one RCT that randomised 1639
effect or very low-certainty evidence.
pregnant women with singleton fetuses of 20 weeks' gestation and
above. This review assessed the effects of symphysial fundal height 1. Supplementation with any folate versus no intervention,
(SFH) with serial ultrasound measurement of fetal parameters or placebo or other micronutrients without folate (De-Regil 2015)
clinical palpation to detect abnormal fetal growth and outcomes:
2. Vitamin A with other micronutrients versus micronutrient
perinatal mortality, neonatal detection of small-for-dates and
supplements without vitamin A (McCauley 2015)
admission to NICU. The outcomes stillbirth and low birthweight
were not reported. 3. Vitamin C supplementation alone or in combination with other
supplements (Rumbold 2015a)
Primary outcomes 4. Vitamin D alone versus no treatment/placebo (no vitamins or
Unknown benefit or harm: there may be little to no differences minerals) (Palacios 2019)
between tape measurement and clinical palpation in reducing 5. Vitamin E supplementation (Rumbold 2015b)
perinatal mortality (RR 1.25, 95% CI 0.38 to 4.07; 1 RCT, 1639 women; 6. Multivitamin versus control, multivitamin plus vitamin E versus
low-certainty evidence). multivitamin without vitamin E or control, folic acid plus iron
versus iron (Balogun 2016)
Secondary outcomes
7. Calcium supplementation versus placebo (before and/or early
The intervention made little to no difference on neonatal detection pregnancy only) (Hofmeyr 2019)
of small-for-dates (RR 1.32, 95% CI 0.92 to 1.90; 1 RCT, 1639 women; 8. Routine high-dose calcium supplementation in pregnancy by
low-certainty evidence) or the risk of admission to NICU (RR 1.06, baseline dietary calcium, low-dose calcium supplementation (<
95% CI 0.70 to 1.61; 1 RCT, 1639 women; low-certainty evidence). 1 g/day) with or without co-supplements versus placebo or no
treatment (Hofmeyr 2018)
9. Calcium supplementation versus placebo or no treatment
We identified 43 reviews investigating the effectiveness of various (Buppasiri 2015)
interventions during pregnancy for preventing stillbirth. The 10.Magnesium supplementation versus no magnesium (Makrides
methodological quality of the included systematic reviews was 2014)
found to be high according to AMSTAR quality ratings. 11.Zinc supplementation versus no zinc (with or without placebo)
(Ota 2015b)
Summary of main results 12.Nutritional advice during pregnancy, high protein
In the 43 included Cochrane systematic reviews, we summarised supplementation in pregnancy (Ota 2015a);
the certainty of the evidence for our primary outcomes: stillbirth, 13.Omega-3 versus no omega-3 (Middleton 2018)
fetal loss or fetal death, and perinatal death. Six graphic icons 14.Lipid-based nutrient supplements versus iron folic acid (Das
indicate our confidence in and interpretation of the available 2018)
evidence (Figure 1). For moderate- or high-certainty evidence, we
used three graphic icons: a green tick for clear benefit, a red-cross None of the systematic reviews reported clear evidence of harm,
for clear harm, and a black equals sign for clear evidence of no possible benefit or possible harm for any nutritional interventions.
effect or equivalence. For possible benefit and possible harm, we
used a green plus sign and a yellow minus sign respectively. A blue The systematic reviews that assessed two interventions: folic
question mark graphic icon indicates unknown benefit or harm or acid plus iron and antimalarials versus iron and antimalarials
no effect or equivalence. (Balogun 2016), and any supplement containing iodine versus same
supplement without iodine or no intervention/placebo (Harding
2017), did not assess the outcome of stillbirth.

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Fetal loss or fetal death Stillbirth

Two systematic reviews assessed the effects of five nutritional Only one systematic review that reported stillbirth showed a clear
interventions on prevention of fetal loss or fetal death that we benefit of the intervention due to moderate certainty evidence
categorised to be of unknown benefit, harm, or evidence of no (the confidence interval did not cross the line of no effect):
effect or equivalence because of effects of estimates with wide trained versus untrained traditional birth attendants (Sibley 2012).
confidence intervals and moderate/low- or very low-certainty We found the following intervention from a systematic review
evidence: multivitamin versus control, multivitamin plus vitamin E that showed a clear evidence of no effect or equivalence with
versus multivitamin without vitamin E or control, folic acid plus iron a comparator: case notes versus control (Brown 2015). Only
versus iron, folic acid plus iron and antimalarials versus iron and one intervention reported possible benefit for the effect of the
antimalarials (Balogun 2016); and calcium supplementation versus community-based interventions (Lassi 2015).
placebo (before and/or early pregnancy only) (Hofmeyr 2019). None
of the other systematic reviews reported the outcome of fetal loss The following interventions were considered to be of unknown
or fetal death. benefit, harm, or evidence of no effect or equivalence due to high-,
moderate- or low-certainty evidence with wide confidence intervals
Perinatal death crossing the line of no effect or very low-certainty evidence:
interventions for smoking cessation in pregnancy versus control
For perinatal death prevention, seven systematic reviews assessed
(Chamberlain 2017); additionally trained versus trained traditional
the effect of eight nutritional interventions. We categorised two
birth attendants (Sibley 2012); nicotine replacement therapy versus
interventions as moderate- or high-certainty evidence that showed
control (Coleman 2015); diuretic versus placebo or no treatment
a clear evidence of no effect or equivalence with a comparator:
(Churchill 2007); any antioxidants versus control or placebo
vitamin A alone versus placebo or no treatment (McCauley 2015);
(Rumbold 2008); primary care screening versus secondary care
multiple micronutrients with iron and folic acid versus iron with
screening (Tieu 2017); combined diet and exercise interventions
or without folic acid (Keats 2019). We found six nutritional
versus standard care (Shepherd 2017); and test of placental
interventions categorised to be of unknown benefit, harm, or
function versus standard care (Heazell 2015).
evidence of no effect or equivalence because of moderate/low-
or very low-certainty evidence with wide confidence intervals: Fetal loss or fetal death
vitamin C supplementation alone or in combination with other
supplements (Rumbold 2015a); any vitamin E supplementation Only three systematic reviews assessed the effect of interventions
(Rumbold 2015b); calcium supplementation versus placebo (before of prevention, detection and management of other morbidities on
and/or early pregnancy only) (Hofmeyr 2019); any supplement reduction of fetal loss or fetal death. A clear evidence of benefit was
containing iodine versus same supplement without iodine or no found for midwife-led interventions for childbearing women and
intervention/placebo (Harding 2017); omega-3 versus no omega-3 their infants (Sandall 2016). We categorised two systematic reviews
(Middleton 2018); and vitamin A with other micronutrients versus as having evidence of unknown benefit, harm, or evidence of no
micronutrient supplements without vitamin A (McCauley 2015). effect or equivalence: progesterone versus placebo/no treatment
(Meher 2006); universal screening versus case finding in pregnancy
Prevention and management of infection for any thyroid dysfunction (Spencer 2015).
There were only two systematic reviews that assessed the impact Perinatal death
of prevention and management of infection interventions on the
reduction of stillbirth, fetal loss or fetal death and perinatal death For perinatal death, we categorised one intervention as showing
(Figure 4). clear evidence of benefit: trained versus untrained traditional birth
attendants (Sibley 2012); one intervention as a clear evidence
We categorised one systematic review to be of unknown benefit, of harm: reduced number of antenatal care visits/goal-oriented
harm, or evidence of no effect or equivalence because of moderate versus standard antenatal care visits (Dowswell 2015) and one
or low GRADE certainty of evidence with a wide confidence interval intervention as a evidence of possible benefit: community-based
crossing the line of no effect: preventive antimalarials versus intervention versus control (Lassi 2015).
placebo/no intervention (women of all parity groups; women in first
or second pregnancy) (Radeva-Petrova 2014). The following interventions reported evidence for the outcome of
perinatal death that we categorised to be of unknown benefit,
We found evidence of possible benefit for reducing fetal loss or fetal harm, or evidence of no effect or equivalence due to moderate/low-
death in the following interventions: insecticide-treated nets versus certainty evidence with wide confidence intervals crossing the line
no nets (all), and insecticide-treated nets versus no nets (first or of no effect or very low-certainty evidence.
second pregnancy) (Gamble 2006). Another intervention included
in this systematic review was assessed as evidence of unknown 1. Interventions for smoking cessation in pregnancy versus control
benefit, harm, or evidence of no effect or equivalence due to GRADE (Chamberlain 2017)
low- or very low-certainty with a wide confidence interval crossing 2. Additionally trained versus trained traditional birth attendants
the line of no effect: insecticide-treated nets versus no nets (fifth or (Sibley 2012)
greater pregnancy) (Gamble 2006). 3. Group antenatal care versus individual antenatal care (Catling
Prevention, detection and management of other morbidities
4. Diuretic versus placebo or no treatment for preventing pre-
The certainty of evidence and its direction for all interventions of eclampsia (Churchill 2007)
prevention, detection and management of other morbidities are
summarised in Figure 5.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 28
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5. Nitric oxide versus placebo/no intervention for preventing pre- 1. Routine/revealed versus selective/concealed ultrasound in early
eclampsia (Meher 2007) pregnancy (Whitworth 2015)
6. Low versus normal salt intake in pregnancy (Duley 2005). 2. Routine ultrasound after 24 weeks versus no/concealed/
7. Primary care screening versus secondary care screening for selective ultrasound after 24 weeks (Bricker 2015)
gestational diabetes mellitus (Tieu 2017) 3. Serial ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound versus selective
8. Combined diet and exercise interventions versus standard care ultrasound (Bricker 2015)
for gestational diabetes mellitus (Shepherd 2017) 4. All routine Doppler ultrasound versus no Doppler ultrasound
9. Periodontal treatment versus no treatment, periodontal (fetal/umbilical vessels only) (Alfirevic 2015)
treatment versus alternative periodontal treatment (Iheozor- 5. All routine Doppler ultrasound versus no Doppler ultrasound
Ejiofor 2017) (fetal/umbilical vessels + uterine artery), multiple Doppler
ultrasound assessments versus no Doppler ultrasound
Screening and management of fetal growth and well-being (fetal/umbilical vessels only), multiple Doppler ultrasound
The certainty of evidence and its direction for screening and assessments versus no Doppler ultrasound (fetal/umbilical
management of fetal growth and well-being related interventions vessels + uterine artery) (Alfirevic 2015)
are described in Figure 6. 6. Utero-placental Doppler ultrasound versus no Doppler
ultrasound, second trimester (Stampalija 2010)
Seven systematic reviews reported the outcome of stillbirth or 7. Traditional antenatal CTG versus no antenatal CTG (Grivell 2015)
perinatal death, but no reviews reported fetal loss or fetal death.
8. Tape measurement versus clinical palpation (Robert Peter 2015)
Overall completeness and applicability of evidence
We found one systematic review that reported stillbirth with an
We identified a total of 43 Cochrane Reviews that focused
intervention that we classified as showing clear evidence of benefit
on 61 different comparisons for preventing stillbirth for this
due to moderate- or high-certainty evidence (the confidence
overview. The overview addresses a broad question about
interval did not cross the line of no effect): all routine Doppler
the effectiveness of various interventions during pregnancy on
ultrasound versus no Doppler ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels
stillbirth. All reviews involved the appropriate types of participants,
only) (Alfirevic 2015). However, this finding should be viewed with
interventions, comparators and outcome measures. However, only
caution because it is based on a subgroup analysis as data were not
seven interventions showed an effect during pregnancy to reduce
pooled for the main analysis due to clinical heterogeneity.
the risk of stillbirth, perinatal death or fetal loss. Although the
We categorised the following interventions targeting stillbirth to be number of Cochrane Reviews included in this overview was large,
of unknown benefit, harm, or unknown or no effect or equivalence most of the results were derived from a small number of trials,
because of moderate/low-certainty evidence with wide confidence therefore, limiting the evidence to support the effectiveness of
intervals crossing the line of no effect or very low-certainty intervention during pregnancy on stillbirth. The findings should be
evidence. interpreted with caution.

1. Routine ultrasound after 24 weeks versus no/concealed/ While the available evidence to support the interventions to reduce
selective ultrasound after 24 weeks, serial ultrasound and the risk of stillbirth provided by this review is limited, we believe
Doppler ultrasound versus selective ultrasound (Bricker 2015) that it would be useful to understand the association between
2. Fetal movement counting versus hormonal analysis (Mangesi the interventions and their effects. The findings of this overview
2015) are applicable to near future international policy agenda and
practice. However, the evidence suggests that seven prevention
3. All routine Doppler ultrasound versus no Doppler ultrasound interventions during pregnancy were only beneficial in specific
(fetal/umbilical vessels + uterine artery), single Doppler target populations or settings.
ultrasound assessment versus no Doppler ultrasound
(fetal/umbilical vessels only), multiple Doppler ultrasound 1. Balance protein/energy supplementation in pregnancy
assessments versus no Doppler ultrasound (fetal/umbilical appeared effective particularly in undernourished pregnant
vessels + uterine artery) (Alfirevic 2015) women. The evidence suggests this intervention is unlikely to be
4. Utero-placental Doppler ultrasound versus no Doppler effective in overweight pregnant women or in those who exhibit
ultrasound, second trimester (Stampalija 2010). high weight gain.
2. Insecticide-treated nets were effective when targeted at women
Perinatal death with a number of previous pregnancies and conducted in
For perinatal death reduction, we found one intervention with settings where malaria is endemic. Therefore, they may only be
a clear evidence of benefit: computerised antenatal CTG versus applicable and may have a much larger impact when applied in
traditional antenatal CTG (Grivell 2015), and one intervention as a malaria-endemic areas.
possible benefit: single Doppler ultrasound assessment versus no 3. Midwife-led care models were effective only for fetal death
Doppler ultrasound (Fetal/umbilical vessels only) (Alfirevic 2015). before 24 weeks of gestation, administered in settings where a
midwife is the primary healthcare provider to provide care for
We categorised the following interventions as having evidence of childbearing women, particularly for low-risk pregnant women.
unknown benefit, harm, or unknown equivalence due to moderate/ The applicability of this intervention to other settings where, for
low-certainty evidence with wide confidence intervals crossing the example, medical doctors are the major healthcare providers
line of no effect or very low-certainty evidence. should be considered.

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 29
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4. Traditional birth attendant intervention was conducted in included studies of the following reviews were blinded to treatment
rural populations of low- and middle-income countries, where allocation (risks of performance and detection bias) (Balogun 2016;
traditional birth attendants were accessible and preferred to Buppasiri 2015; De-Regil 2015; Keats 2019; Hofmeyr 2018; Hofmeyr
assist women during pregnancy and labour, and post-partum. 2019; Middleton 2018; Ota 2015b; Radeva-Petrova 2014; Rumbold
The effects of this intervention are unknown in settings with 2008; Rumbold 2015a; Shepherd 2017). Some reviews reported loss
lower numbers of traditional birth attendants, lack of access to to follow-up data or attrition and risk of incomplete data outcome
health facilities or in urban populations. The results should be (Alfirevic 2015; Churchill 2007; Dowswell 2015; Duley 2005; Gamble
interpreted with caution since it was derived from one study 2006; Keats 2019; Meher 2006; Ota 2015b; Rumbold 2008; Rumbold
conducted in 2005. 2015a). Heterogeneity amongst included studies was very high in
5. Community-based intervention packages including community one review (Chamberlain 2017), but was reported low in one review
support groups/women's groups, community mobilisation and (De-Regil 2015).
home visitation, or training traditional birth attendants who
made home visits were mostly applied in low- and middle- We evaluated pooled outcome data from each systematic review
income countries. using GRADE assessments. We did not reassess the GRADE
assessment for our primary outcomes in the included systematic
6. All routine Doppler ultrasound, particularly using fetal/umbilical
reviews where it was reported by review authors. If review authors
vessels only targeted unselected and low-risk pregnant women.
did not assess GRADE, we made a new assessment ourselves. As we
Studies assessing the effects of this intervention were published
included a large number of systematic reviews, we created figures
between 1994 and 1997. The relevance of this intervention for its
by assigning graphic icons to present the direction of review effect
implication to current practice thus should be considered.
estimates with our confidence on estimates (Figure 3; Figure 4;
7. Computerised antenatal CTG was performed in high-income Figure 5; Figure 6), as outlined in the Methods in Assessment of
countries, where CTG may be feasible and affordable. Moreover, methodological quality of included reviews.
the participants in the trials administered with this intervention
were women at risk of complications only, therefore it is not Potential biases in the overview process
clear if this intervention can be evaluated or would be beneficial
for low-risk women living in low- and middle-income countries. At all stages of conducting this overview, we considered a number
Furthermore, the quality of trials was low, and so results should of potential biases. We attempted to reduce the risk of bias
be interpreted with caution. in several ways: two review authors independently applied the
eligibility criteria and assessed the reviews for inclusion, extracted
The findings may slightly differ across target populations and data, and assessed the scientific quality of reviews according
settings. Most of the included studies were conducted in low- to AMSTAR. Review authors who are also authors of included
and middle-income countries and it is therefore not clear if the reviews were not involved in the selection or AMSTAR assessment
findings can be applied to the general population of pregnant of the particular review. We reached consensus through virtual
women and in all contexts globally for reducing the risk of stillbirth. consultation with a third review author. We included only reviews
Most of the interventions were more system- or community-based that included individual RCTs, cluster-RCTs, quasi-RCTs or cross-
rather than individual interventions. Our results show that broader over trials to limit the risk of bias that may be reported by
interventions such as nutrition, models of care, and community- observational data and narrative reviews. Although all included
based interventions like insect nets may be more effective than reviews used a standard methodological quality assessment to
more screening, monitoring or individual interventions. assess the risk of bias of included trials, where information was
incomplete or data reporting errors were suspected, we referred to
Quality of the evidence the original study reports from the Cochrane Reviews.
In this overview, we used the AMSTAR rating scale to assess the At the time when this overview was completed, a few of the
overall quality of evidence and methodology in each Cochrane potential reviews had not yet finished. Two of the 43 included
Review. The results of AMSTAR are described in Table 5, Table 6, Cochrane Reviews (Duley 2005; Gamble 2006), had not conducted
Table 7 and Table 8. The AMSTAR scale uses three levels of quality: new searches since 2009. One review (Gamble 2006), from
high, moderate and low. Of the included reviews, we assessed 40 the Cochrane Infectious Diseases, could not be searched from
as having high scores between 8 to 11 and four as moderate with a Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth's Trials Register (via the
score of 7. Information Specialist). Therefore, the findings we have reported
in this overview do not include the new study results from these
Forty-two out of 43 (98%) Cochrane systematic reviews used the
domain-based evaluation for assessment of risk of bias as outlined
in Chapter 8 of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews Agreements and disagreements with other studies or
of Interventions (Higgins 2011b). We rated most of the included
reviews at low risk of bias in terms of sequence generation and
allocation concealment (risk of selection bias) (Balogun 2016; In this overview, the included systematic reviews differed in
Bricker 2015; Buppasiri 2015; Das 2018; De-Regil 2015; Duley 2005; terms of their setting and this, together with differences in
Gamble 2006; Hofmeyr 2019; Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017; Middleton 2018; assessments of quality, may account for disagreements in findings
Meher 2007; Ota 2015b; Rumbold 2008; Rumbold 2015a; Sandall relating to stillbirth/fetal loss/perinatal death. For example, a
2016; Shepherd 2017; Sibley 2012; Spencer 2015; Whitworth 2015). pooled analysis of a Cochrane Review for promoting calcium
But some reviews failed to provide evidence of the treatment supplementation commencing before or early in pregnancy for
allocation procedure (Churchill 2007; Lassi 2015; Meher 2006a; preventing hypertensive disorder during pregnancy showed no
Ota 2015a; Radeva-Petrova 2014). Most of the participants in the clear evidence to support this intervention in reducing stillbirth

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(Hofmeyr 2019). The findings of this review are in agreement of stillbirths occurs in low- and middle-income countries, further
with evidence from another two reviews, which assessed the high-quality trials are needed to be conducted in these settings as
effectiveness of this intervention on preventing or treating a priority.
hypertension and related problems during pregnancy (Hofmeyr
2018; Buppasiri 2015). Ota 2015a assessed the effectiveness of Implications for research
protein and energy supplementation in pregnancy and reported
Research efforts should be focused on high-quality RCTs to evaluate
that balanced protein/energy supplementation during pregnancy
the effects of prevention interventions, including technology-
was significantly associated with a 40% reduction of stillbirths, but
based interventions, on measuring stillbirth and to ensure the
there was no clear evidence in reducing stillbirths when pregnant
accuracy of the evidence. Future research should be conducted
women received high-protein supplementation.
to clarify which approaches are more effective to reduce the risk
Bhutta 2011 reviewed 35 potential interventions to prevent of stillbirth. Moreover, stillbirth, perinatal mortality, fetal loss or
stillbirths and recommended 10 interventions. For nutritional fetal death should be investigated as a primary or secondary
interventions, they recommended periconceptional folic acid outcome, measured by World Health Organization definitions, in
fortification. This is in disagreement with the findings of two new RCTs, to ensure that the best evidence is readily available. It
included reviews in our overview, which saw no clear evidence would be helpful to report all losses before birth (presumably after
in the reduction of stillbirths for women receiving folic acid some reasonably early gestational age) as a trial outcome. Future
supplementation (Balogun 2016; De-Regil 2015). However, we trials are needed, especially focusing in specific areas and target
identified that balanced energy and protein supplementation were populations of women who are eligible to receive the interventions
effective in reducing stillbirth (Ota 2015a). to further generalise the findings. Because the burden of stillbirth
is more in low- and middle-income countries, more high-quality
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS trials should be conducted in these countries and future trials
are required before these interventions can be expanded to other
Implications for practice settings.

This overview summarises the evidence from Cochrane systematic There is also a need for the assessment of risk factors associated
reviews of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of antepartum with the outcome of stillbirth, and assessment of adverse effects
interventions aiming to prevent stillbirth, perinatal mortality, fetal related to the interventions should be taken into account.
loss and fetal death, and can be used by researchers, clinicians,
decision makers or policy makers to assist them in decision-making ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and knowledge translation. While most interventions were unable
to demonstrate a clear effect in reducing stillbirth or perinatal As part of the pre-publication editorial process, three peers (an
death, several interventions suggested a clear benefit, such as, editor and two referees who are external to the editorial team)
balanced energy/protein supplements, midwife-led models of commented on this review, as well as a member of Cochrane
care, training versus not training traditional birth attendants, and Pregnancy and Childbirth's international panel of consumers and
antenatal cardiotocography. Possible benefits were also observed the Group's Statistical Adviser. The authors are grateful to the
for insecticide-treated anti-malarial nets and community-based following peer reviewer for her time and comments: Professor
intervention packages, whereas a reduced number of antenatal Caroline Homer and also to the other peer reviewer who wishes
care visits were shown to be harmful. However, there was variation to remain anonymous. We also appreciate the support of Leanne
in effectiveness of interventions across different settings, indicating Jones from Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth.
the need to carefully understand the context in which these
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for
interventions were tested.
Scientific Research (B) Grant Number JP17H04452. We appreciated
Further high-quality RCTs are needed to evaluate the effects of the support from Dr.João Paulo Souza in the protocol stage.
antenatal preventive interventions and which approaches are most
This project was supported by the National Institute for Health
effective to reduce the risk of stillbirth. Stillbirth (or fetal death),
Research (NIHR), via Cochrane Infrastructure funding to Cochrane
perinatal and neonatal death needs to be reported separately
Pregnancy and Childbirth. The views and opinions expressed
in future RCTs of antenatal interventions to allow assessment of
therein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those
different interventions on these rare but important outcomes and
of the Evidence Synthesis Programme, the NIHR, National Health
they need to clearly define the target populations of women where
Service (NHS) or the Department of Health and Social Care.
the intervention is most likely to be of benefit. As the high burden

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Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

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Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 1.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: nutritional interventions 
Review Date last Number Review question/objec- Study de- Types of partici- Interventions Relevant Overall AMS-
title searched in of studies tive sign pants outcomes TAR score

the review included (stillbirth and relevant
(number defini- GRADE assess-
of partic- tion used ment in report-
ipants in in the re- ed in review
included view)

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
Effects August 2015 5 studies To examine whether peri- RCTs Women who become Oral supplements of fo- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 9
and safe- conceptional folate sup- pregnant were ≤ 12 late alone and with oth- birth
ty of 7391 plementation weeks pregnant, in- er vitamins and minerals (as de- GRADE: not as-
pericon- women reduces the risk of neural dependent of age given on a daily or inter- fined by sessed for rele-
ception- tube and other congenital and parity or histo- mittent (1, 2 or 3 times trial au- vant outcomes
al folate anomalies (including cleft ry of neural tube de- a week on non-consec- thors)
supple- palate) without causing fect-affected preg- utive days) basis and 2. LBW
menta- adverse outcomes nancy compared with
tion for in mothers or babies receiving a placebo, no
prevent- supplementation or oth-
ing birth er vitamins and minerals
defects but no folate.

Vitamin March 2015 19 studies To review the effects of RCTs Pregnant women Vitamin A supplementa- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 10
A sup- supplementation of vita- receiving vitamin A tion, alone or in combi- birth
plemen- > 310,000 min A, or one of its deriv- Clus- supplementation ei- nation with other sup- (as de- GRADE:
tation women atives, during pregnancy, ter-RCTs ther in areas with en- plements compared fined by
1. vitamin A
during alone or in combination demic vitamin A de- with a control group, trial au-
Quasi-RCTs alone: peri-
pregnan- with other vitamins and ficiency or in areas (placebo, no treatment thors)
natal mor-
cy for micronutrients, on mater- with adequate in- or another intervention) 2. Perina- tality, high-
mater- nal and newborn clinical take as defined by tal mor- certainty evi-
nal and outcomes. the WHO global data- tality

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

newborn base on vitamin A 3. LBW
out- deficiency 2. vitamin A
comes with oth-
(Mc- er micronu-
Cauley trients: not
2015) assessed

Vitamin March 2015 29 studies To evaluate the effects of RCTs All pregnant women Vitamin C supplementa- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 9
C sup- vitamin C supplementa- receiving either vita- tion, alone or in combi- birth,
plemen- 24,300 tion, alone or in combi- Quasi-RCTs min C supplementa- nation with other sepa- neona- GRADE:
tation in women nation with other sepa- tion or control either rate supplements com- tal
pregnan- rate supplements on preg- in areas where there pared with placebo, no death,

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 1.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: nutritional interventions  (Continued)
cy (Rum- nancy outcomes, adverse is inadequate dietary placebo or other supple- perina- 1. stillbirth
bold events, side effects and intake or where there ments tal moder-

2015a) use of health resources is presumed ade- death ate-certainty
quate intake or in- evidence
(no def-

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
3. Admis-
sion to

Vita- July 2018 30 studies To examine whether oral RCTs Pregnant women of Vitamin D supplemen- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 10
min D supplements with vitamin any gestational or tation during pregnan- birth
supple- 7033 D alone or in combination Quasi-RCTs chronological age, cy irrespective of dose, (as de- GRADE:
menta- women with calcium or other vi- parity (number of duration or time of com- fined by
1. stillbirth not
tion for tamins and minerals giv- births) and number mencement of supple- trial au-
women en to women during preg- of fetuses. Pregnant mentation. thors)
during nancy can safely improve women with pre-ex- 2. LBW, moder-
2. LBW
preg- maternal and neonatal isting conditions (i.e. ate-certainty
nancy outcomes gestational diabetes) evidence
(Palacios were excluded

Vitamin March 2015 21 studies To assess the effects of vit- RCTs Pregnant women Vitamin E supplementa- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 9
E sup- amin E supplementation, receiving vitamin E tion, alone or in combi- birth
plemen- 22,129 alone or in combination Quasi-RCTs supplementation or nation with other sepa- (no def- GRADE: still-
tation in women with other separate sup- control, living in ar- rate supplements com- inition) birth, moder-
pregnan- plements, on pregnancy eas where there is ei- pared with placebo, no 2. Perina- ate-certainty
cy (Rum- outcomes, adverse events, ther inadequate di- placebo or other supple- tal mor- evidence
bold side effects and use of etary intake of vit- ments tality
2015b) health services amin E or where is 3. IUGR

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

presumed adequate
4. Admis-
sion to

Vitamin November 40 studies To determine the effec- RCTs Pregnant women (< Comparisons of specif- 1. Total AMSTAR: 9
supple- 2015 tiveness and safety of any 20 weeks' gestation) ic vitamin(s), alone or in fetal
menta- 276,820 vitamin supplementation, Quasi-RCTs or women in the re- combination with other loss, GRADE: not as-
tion for women on the risk of spontaneous productive age group agents with either place- defined sessed for the
Clus- comparisons of
prevent- miscarriage planning on becom- bo, other vitamin(s), no as the
ter-RCTs interest
ing mis- ing pregnant in the vitamin(s) or other inter- com-
carriage near future, regard- bined

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 1.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: nutritional interventions  (Continued)
(Balogun less of whether they ventions for the preven- num-
2016) are at low or high risk tion of miscarriage bers of

of having a miscar- early
riage miscar-

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
loss <
loss ≥
12 and
< 24
2. Still-

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

loss at
≥ 24

Calci- July 2018 1 study To determine the effect of RCTs Women of child Calcium supplementa- 1. Preg- AMSTAR: 9
um sup- calcium supplementation, bearing age but not tion with or without ad- nancy
plemen- 1355 given before or early in yet pregnant, and ditional supplements or loss/ GRADE:
tation women pregnancy and for at least women in the early treatments, compared still-
1. pregnancy
com- the first half of pregnancy, stages of pregnancy with placebo, no inter- birth at
mencing on pre-eclampsia and oth- (up to approximate- vention, or the same ad- any
stillbirth or
before or er hypertensive disorders, ly 12 weeks' gesta- gesta-

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 1.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: nutritional interventions  (Continued)
early in maternal morbidity and tion). Low or high ditional supplements or tional death before
pregnan- mortality, and fetal and risk population for treatments age discharge

cy, for neonatal outcomes pre-eclampsia 2. Preg- (offspring
prevent- nancy outcomes),
ing hy- loss be- low-
perten- fore 20 certainty evi-
sive dis- weeks' dence
orders gesta- 2. perinatal
of preg- tional death and/or

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
nancy age NICU admis-
(Hofmeyr 3. Perina- sion for >
2019) tal 24 h, low-
death certainty evi-
and/or dence
sion for
> 24 h

Calcium September, 27 studies To determine, from the RCTs Pregnant women, re- Supplementation with 1. Still- AMSTAR: 10
supple- 2017 best available evidence, gardless of the risk high-dose calcium (≥ 1 birth or
menta- 18,064 the effect of calcium sup- Quasi-RCTs of hypertensive dis- g/d elemental calcium ) death GRADE: not as-
tion dur- women plementation during preg- orders of pregnancy. or low-dose calcium (< before sessed for rele-
ing preg- nancy on the risk of hyper- Women with diag- 1 g/d elemental calci- dis- vant outcomes
nancy tensive disorders and re- nosed hypertensive um) from at the latest charge
for pre- lated maternal and fetal disorders of preg- 34 weeks of pregnancy, from
venting or neonatal adverse out- nancy were excluded compared with placebo, hospi-
hyper- comes as wells as women no treatment. Compari- tal (no
tensive with multiple preg- son of different dosages defini-
disor- nancy of calcium tion)
ders and 2. LBW
related 3. SGA
4. Admis-

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

sion to

Calci- September 25 studies To determine the effect RCTs Pregnant women Calcium supplementa- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 9
um sup- 2014 of calcium supplemen- who received any tion during pregnancy birth or
plemen- 17,842 tation on maternal, fetal calcium supplemen- compared with placebo fetal GRADE:
tation women and neonatal outcomes tation or no treatment death
1. LBW, moder-
(other (other than for preventing (fetus
than for or treating hypertension) died in
prevent- uterus
ing or after 20

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 1.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: nutritional interventions  (Continued)
treating weeks’
hyper- gesta-

tension) tion or
for im- during
proving labour
pregnan- and de-
cy out- livery)
comes 2. Perina-
(Bup- tal mor-

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
pasiri tality
2015) 3. LBW
5. Admis-
sion to

Iodine November 14 studies To assess the benefits and RCTs Women who become Injected or oral iodine 1. Perina- AMSTAR: 11
supple- 2017 harms of supplementa- pregnant, or preg- supplementation (such tal mor-
menta- > 2700 tion with iodine, alone or Clus- nant or postpar- as tablets, capsules, tality GRADE:
tion for women in combination with other ter-RCTs tum women of any drops) during precon- (includ-
1. perinatal
women vitamins and minerals, for chronological age ception, pregnancy or ing still-
Quasi-RCTs mortality,
during women in the preconcep- and parity (number the postpartum peri- birth/fe-
the pre- tional, pregnancy or post- of births), regardless od irrespective of com- tal
certainty evi-
concep- partum period on their as to the iodine sta- pound, dose, frequency death
tion, and their children’s out- tus of the study pop- or duration and
pregnan- comes ulation or setting neona- 2. LBW, low-
cy and tal certainty evi-
post- death, dence
partum as de-
period fined by
(Harding trial au-
2017) thors)
2. LBW

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

3. SGA

Magne- March 2013 10 studies To assess the effects of RCTs Women with normal Magnesium orally ad- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 8
sium magnesium supplemen- or high-risk pregnan- ministered at any time birth
supple- 9090 tation during pregnancy Quasi-RCTs cies during the antenatal pe- (no def- GRADE: not as-
menta- women on maternal, neonatal and riod, regardless of dose inition) sessed
tion in paediatric outcomes 2. LBW
preg- 3. SGA

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 1.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: nutritional interventions  (Continued)
4. Admis-
sion to


Zinc sup- October 21 studies 1. To compare the ef- RCTs Normal pregnant Routine zinc supplemen- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 9
plemen- 2014 fects on maternal, fe- women with no sys- tation vs no zinc supple- birth or
tation > 17,000 tal, neonatal and infant temic illness. Women mentation or placebo neona- GRADE:
for im- women and outcomes in healthy who may have had tal
their babies 1. stillbirth,
proving pregnant women re- normal zinc levels death

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
pregnan- ceiving zinc supple- or they may have (no def-
certainty evi-
cy and mentation, placebo or been, or likely to inition)
infant no zinc supplementa- have been, zinc defi- 2. SGA
outcome tion cient 2. SGA, moder-
(Ota ate-certainty
2. To assess the above weight
2015b) evidence
outcomes in a sub- < 10th
group analysis review- centile 3. LBW, moder-
ing studies performed for ges- ate-certainty
in women who are or tational evidence
are likely to be zinc defi- age)
cient 3. LBW

Multi- February 21 studies To evaluate the benefits RCTs Pregnant women of MMN supplementation 1. Still- AMSTAR: 10
ple-mi- 2018 of oral MMN supplementa- any gestation. HIV- with iron and folic acid birth
cronu- 142,496 tion during pregnancy on Clus- positive women were compared with supple- (no def- GRADE:
trient women maternal, fetal, and infant ter-RCTs excluded. mentation with iron, inition)
1. stillbirth,
supple- outcomes with or without folic acid 2. Perina- high-
menta- tal mor- certainty evi-
tion for tality dence
women 3. LBW
during 2. perinatal
4. SGA mortality,
cy (Keats high-
2019) certainty evi-

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

3. LBW, high-
certainty evi-
4. SGA, moder-

Antena- January 17 studies To assess the effects of di- RCTs Pregnant women, for Specific advice to in- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 10
tal di- 2015 etary advice, supplemen- the assessment of crease dietary energy birth
etary ed- 9030 tation, or restriction on dietary restriction, and protein intakes, en- (death GRADE:
ucation women gestational weight gain, pregnant women ergy and/or protein sup- after 20

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 1.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: nutritional interventions  (Continued)
and sup- pre-eclampsia, and/or with either high plementation, or pre- weeks’ 1. nutritional
plemen- pregnancy outcomes pregnancy weight scription of low energy gesta- education:

tation to or high gestational diet tion a. stillbirth,
increase weight gain and be- low-
energy fore certainty
and pro- birth) evidence
tein in- 2. LBW b. SGA, low-
take (Ota 3. SGA certainty
2015a) evidence

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
2. balanced
ergy intake:
a. stillbirth,
tainty evi-
b. SGA,
tainty evi-
3. High protein
a. stillbirth,
b. SGA,
tainty evi-

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

c. other out-
not as-
4. Isocaloric
protein in-
a. relevant

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 1.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: nutritional interventions  (Continued)
not re-

Omega-3 August 2018 70 studies To assess the effects of RCTs Pregnant women, re- Omega-3 fatty acids 1. Still- AMSTAR: 10
fatty omega-3 LCPUFA, as sup- gardless of their risk (usually fish or algal oils) birth
acid ad- 19,927 plements or as dietary ad- Quasi-RCTs for pre-eclampsia, compared (no def- GRADE:
dition women ditions, during pregnan- preterm birth or IU- with placebo or no inition)
1. perinatal
during cy on maternal, perinatal, GR omega-3 fatty acids. 2. Perina- death, mod-
pregnan- and neonatal Trials that assessed tal

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
cy (Mid- outcomes and longer- omega-3 fatty acid death tainty evi-
dleton term outcomes for mother co-interventions (e.g. 3. LBW dence
2018) and child omega-3 with another
4. SGA/ 2. LBW, high-
IUGR certainty evi-
Studies or study arms
that compared omega-3 5. Admis- dence
doses or sion to 3. SGA/IUGR,
types of omega-3 (e.g. NICU moder-
DHA vs EPA) directly ate-certainty
4. infant ad-
mission to
NICU, mod-
tainty evi-

Lipid- May 2018 4 studies To assess the effects of RCTs, Women with single- Interventions involving 1. Still- AMSTAR: 11
based LNS for maternal, birth ton pregnancy of any the provision of LNS for birth
nutrient 8018 and infant outcomes in Quasi-RCTs age and parity, liv- point-of-use food (as de- GRADE:
supple- women pregnant women. Se- ing in stable or emer- fortification or direct fined by
1. LBW, moder-
ments condary objectives were gency settings consumption, irrespec- trial au-
for ma- to explore the most tive of dose, frequency thors)
ternal, appropriate composition, and duration vs no inter- 2. LBW

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

birth, frequency and duration of vention, placebo, or an- 2. SGA, moder-
3. SGA ate-certainty
and in- LNS administration other intervention
fant de- evidence
tal out-

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 1.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: nutritional interventions  (Continued)
AMSTAR: A Measurement Tool to Assess Reviews; DHA: docosahexaenoic acid; EPA: eicosapentaenoic acid; IUGR: interuterine growth restriction; LBW: low birthweight;
LCPUFA: long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids; LNS: lipid-based nutritional supplements; MMN: multiple-micronutrient; NICU: neonatal intensive care unit; RCT: ran-

domised controlled trial; SGA: small-for-gestational age; WHO: World Health Organization

Table 2.   Characterstics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention and management of infection 

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
Review ti- Date last Number Review question/objective Study de- Types of Interven- Relevant Overall AMSTAR score and rele-
tle searched in of studies sign partici- tions outcomes vant GRADE assessment
the review included pants
(number (stillbirth
of partic- defini-
ipants in tion used
included in the re-
studies) view)

Insecti- February 5 studies To compare ITNs with no RCTs Pregnant ITNs com- 1. Fetal AMSTAR: 7
cide-treat- nets or untreated nets on women in pared to no loss
ed nets for 2009 6759 preventing malaria in preg- malaria-en- nets or un- (abor- GRADE: not assessed
preventing women nancy demic areas treated nets tion or
malaria in still-
pregnancy birth)
(Gamble 2. LBW

Drugs for June 2014 17 studies In malaria-endemic areas, RCTs Pregnant Any an- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 9
preventing to assess the effects in preg- women timalar- birth
malaria in 14,481 nant women Quasi-RCTs living in ial drug (birth of GRADE:
pregnant women endemic chemopre- a fe-
of: 1. malaria chemoprevention for
women in malaria ar- vention reg- tus with
pregnant women (all parities):
endemic eas imen given no vital
1. Malaria chemopreven- a. stillbirth, moderate-cer-

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

areas: any to pregnant signs,
tion vs no chemopreven- tainty evidence
drug reg- women born af-
tion irrespective of the b. perinatal mortality, moder-
imen ver- ter the
regimen ate-certainty evidence
sus place- 28th
bo or no 2. Malaria chemopreven- week of c. LBW, low-certainty evi-
treatment tion with SP (called inter- preg- dence
(Rade- mittent preventive treat- nancy)

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 2.   Characterstics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention and management of infection  (Continued)
va-Petrova ment) with no chemopre- 2. Perina- 2. malaria chemoprevention for
2014) vention tal mor- pregnant women (parity 0-1):

3. Preventive regimens for tality a. stillbirth, low-certainty evi-
Plasmodium vivax 3. LBW dence
b. perinatal mortality, low-
certainty evidence
c. LBW, moderate-certainty

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
AMSTAR: A Measurement Tool to Assess Reviews; ITN: insecticide-treated net; LBW: low birthweight; RCT: randomised controlled trial

Table 3.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities 
Review Date last Number Review question/objective Study de- Types of par- Interventions Rele- Overall
title searched in of studies sign ticipants vant AMSTAR
the review included out- score and
(number comes relevant
of partic- GRADE as-
ipants in (still- sessment
included birth
studies) defin-
in the

Psy- November 88 studies To assess the effects of RCTs, Clus- Women who 1. Counselling (MI, CBT, psy- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 9
choso- 2015 smoking cessation inter- ter-RCTs, are current- chotherapy, relaxation, problem birth
cial in- > 28,000 ventions during pregnancy Quasi-RCT, ly smoking or solving facilitation, and other (no GRADE: not
terven- women on smoking behaviour and Randomised have recently strategies) def- assessed

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

tions perinatal health outcomes cross-over quit smoking 2. Health education ini- for relevant
for sup- trials and are preg- tion) outcomes
3. Feedback of fetal health
porting nant 2. Peri-
4. Incentive-based interventions
women na-
1. in any care (financial incentive on smoking
to stop tal
setting, cessation)
smoking mor-
in preg- 2. seeking a 5. Social support
nancy pre- 6. Exercise ty
(Cham- pregnancy 7. Others 3. LBW
berlain consultation
4. Ad-
2017) or

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 3.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
3. health pro- sion
fessionals in to

trials NICU

tion strate-
gies to sup-
port pregnant
women to stop

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.

Pharma- July 2015 9 studies To determine the effica- RCTs Women who are Pharmacological treatments aimed 1. Still- AMSTAR: 8
cologi- cy and safety of smoking pregnant and at promoting smoking cessation in- birth
cal inter- 2210 cessation pharmacothera- who also smoke cluding, but not exclusive to, treat- (no GRADE: not
ventions women pies (including NRT), vareni- ments that have been proven ef- def- assessed
for pro- cline and bupropion), other fective in non-pregnant adults (e.g. ini-
moting medications, or ENDS when NRT, tion)
smok- used for smoking cessation bupropion, varenicline; and ENDS 2. LBW
ing ces- in pregnancy. used to promote smoking cessa- 3. Ad-
sation tion. mis-
during sion
pregnan- to
cy (Cole- NICU

Giving August 2015 4 studies To evaluate the effects of RCTs Pregnant Any intervention that involved giv- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 8
women giving women their own women from ing women their own case notes to birth
their 1176 case notes to carry during Clus- the time of their carry during their pregnancy from or GRADE:
own women pregnancy on administra- ter-RCTs first antenatal the time of their first antenatal visit neona-
1. stillbirth
case tive outcomes, maternal visit to the end through the time of hospital admis- tal
or neona-
notes satisfaction and control, of the postpar- sion for the birth of the baby and death
tal death,
to car- health-related behaviours tum period into the postpartum period (no

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

ry dur- and clinical outcomes def-
ing preg- ini-
tainty ev-
nancy tion)
(Brown 2. Ad-
2015) mis-

Mid- January 15 studies To compare midwife-led RCTs Pregnant Midwife-led models of care com- 1. Fe- AMSTAR: 9
wife-led 2016 models of care with oth- women pared to other or shared care on tal
continu- 17,674 er models of care for child- the basis of the lead professional loss/ GRADE:


Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 3.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
ity mod- bearing women and their Quasi-RCTs in the antepartum and intrapartum neona- 1. overall
els ver- infants and to determine Clus- periods tal fetal loss

sus oth- whether the effects of mid- ter-RCTs death and
er mod- wife-led care are influenced (all neonatal
els of by: fe- death,
care for tal high-
child- 1. models of midwifery care loss certainty
bearing that provide differing lev- be- evidence
women els of continuity fore

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
(Sandall 2. varying levels of obstetri- and
2016) cal risk af-
2. LBW
3. Ad-

Tradi- June 2012 9 studies To assess the effects of TBA RCTs 1. Trained and TBA training 1. Still- AMSTAR: 9
tional training on TBA and mater- untrained birth
birth at- > 32,000 nal behaviours thought to Quasi-RCTs, TBAs (refer- (num- GRADE: not
tendant women mediate positive pregnancy Clus- ence to tar- ber assessed
training outcomes, as well as on ma- ter-RCTs get interven- per for relevant
for im- ternal, perinatal, and new- tion) 1000 outcomes
proving born mortality and morbid- 2. Mothers and live
health ity neonates births)

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

behav- cared for by 2. Peri-
iours trained and na-
and untrained tal
pregnan- TBAs (or mor-
cy out- those who tali-
comes are living in ty
(Sibley areas where (num-
2012) such TBAs ber
attend a ma- still-
jority of births
births - a +
proxy for ex- live

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 3.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
posure of births
women to 0-7

TBAs) d
3. Areas (or per
communi- 1000
ties) hav- live
ing #1 and births)
#2 (in the
case of clus-

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.

Alter- March 2015 7 studies To compare the effects of RCTs Pregnant Provision of a schedule of reduced 1. Peri- AMSTAR: 9
native antenatal care programmes women attend- number of visits, with or without na-
versus 60,724 providing a reduced num- Quasi-RCTs ing antena- goal-oriented antenatal care, com- tal GRADE:
standard women ber of antenatal care vis- tal care clin- pared with a standard schedule of mor-
1. perinatal
pack- its for low-risk women with ics and consid- visits tali-
ages of programmes providing the ered to be at ty
ty, mod-
ante- standard schedule of visits, low risk of de- 2. LBW er-
natal and to assess the views of veloping com- 3. SGA ate-cer-
care for the care providers and the plications dur-
4. Ad- tainty ev-
low-risk women receiving antenatal ing pregnancy
mis- idence
preg- care and labour
sion 2. SGA,
to moder-
NICU ate-cer-
tainty ev-

Group October 4 studies 1. To compare the effects RCTs Pregnant Group antenatal care compared 1. Peri- AMSTAR: 10
versus 2014 of group antenatal care women access- with conventional antenatal care na-
conven- 2350 vs conventional antena- Quasi-RCTs ing antenatal (1-1 basis) tal GRADE:
tional women tal care on psychoso- care mor-
Clus- 1. perinatal
ante- cial, physiological, labour tali-
ter-RCTs mortali-

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

natal and birth outcomes for ty
ty, low-
care for women and their babies. (still-
women 2. To compare the effects birth
(Catling of group antenatal care or
2015) vs conventional antena- neona- 2. LBW,
tal moder-
tal care on care provider
death) ate-cer-
tainty ev-
2. LBW
3. SGA
3. NICU ad-
4. Ad- mission,
mis- moder-
sion ate-cer-

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 3.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
to tainty ev-
NICU idence

Diuret- May 2010 5 studies To ascertain if the use of di- RCTs Pregnant Prophylactic administration of di- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 8
ics for uretics in pregnancy pre- women, both uretics of any group during preg- birth
prevent- 1836 vents the onset of pre- at high and nancy when used in order to pre- (no GRADE: not
ing pre- women eclampsia low risk of pre- vent pre-eclampsia def- assessed
eclamp- eclampsia but ini-
sia without pre- tion)

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
(Churchill eclampsia at 2. Peri-
2007) trial entry na-
3. SGA
4. Ad-

Nitric ox- February 7 studies To determine the effective- RCTs Pregnant Studies were included if they were 1. Peri- AMSTAR: 8
ide for 2012 ness and safety of nitric women were in- comparisons of any nitric oxide na-
prevent- 389 women oxide for preventing pre- cluded, regard- agent with any of the following: tal GRADE: not
ing pre- eclampsia and its complica- less of gesta- mor- assessed
eclamp- tions tion at trial en- 1. placebo or no intervention; tali-
sia and try. 2. another nitric oxide donor or ty
its com- precursor; (birth
plica- 3. any other intervention for pre- at
tions vention of pre-eclampsia or
(Meher be-
2007) fore

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

2. ges-
3. SGA
4. Ad-

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 3.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)


Proges- January 10 studies To assess the effects of RCTs Pregnant The following comparisons were 1. Fe- AMSTAR: 8
terone 2011 progesterone, or any oth- women with included: tal
for pre- 4659 er progestogen, for preven- normal blood death GRADE: not
vent- women tion of pre-eclampsia and pressure or 1. any progestogen vs placebo or or assessed
ing pre- its complications high blood no intervention neona-

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
eclamp- pressure with- 2. any progestogen vs any other tal
sia and out proteinuria intervention for preventing pre- death
its com- were included, eclampsia (no
plica- regardless of 3. 1 type of progestogen vs another def-
tions gestation at tri- progestogen, during pregnancy, ini-
(Meher al entry. if appropriate tion)
2006) 2. SGA
3. Ad-

Antioxi- April 2013 13 studies To determine the effective- RCTs Pregnant 1. Comparisons of any antioxi- 1. Mis- AMSTAR: 9
dants for ness and safety of any an- women consid- dant/s (any dosage regimen) car-
prevent- 16,606 tioxidant supplementation ered to be at with either placebo or no antiox- riage GRADE: not
ing pre- women during pregnancy on the low, moderate idant/s. or assessed
eclamp- risk of: or high risk of 2. Comparisons of ≥ 1 antioxidant still-
sia developing pre- with other antioxidant/s birth
(Rum- 1. pre-eclampsia eclampsia (no
3. Comparisons of antioxidant/s
bold 2. SGA infants with other interventions def-
2008) 3. baby death ini-
4. Comparisons of ≥ 1 antioxi-
4. maternal and neonatal tion)
dants with other agents com-
morbidity 2. SGA

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

pared with placebo or no an-
5. long-term development tioxidant/s, other antioxidants 3. Ad-
of the child or other interventions mis-
6. side effects and adverse sion
events to

Altered October 2 studies To assess the effects of al- RCTs Women who Any comparison of altered dietary 1. Peri- AMSTAR: 7
dietary 2009 tered dietary salt on the risk had normal salt intake with normal salt intake na-
salt for 603 women of developing pre-eclamp- or high blood during pregnancy was included, as tal GRADE: not
sia and its complications pressure with- were comparisons of one form of mor- assessed
prevent- and to compare the effects out proteinuria alteration with another, such as re- tali-
ing pre- of one form of alteration during preg- stricted salt intake with increased ty

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 3.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
eclamp- with another, such as re- nancy were in- salt intake, and comparisons of di- (still-
sia, and stricted salt intake with in- cluded, regard- etary salt intake with other mea- birth

its com- creased salt intake, and to less of gesta- sures for prevention of pre-eclamp- or
plica- compare the effects of al- tion at trial en- sia death
tions tered salt intake with other try in
(Duley measures for prevention of the
2005) pre-eclampsia first
7 d

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
2. SGA
3. Ad-

Com- May 2014 26 studies To assess the effectiveness Communi- Women of re- Intervention packages that includ- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 9
muni- of community-based inter- ty-based tri- productive age ed additional training of outreach birth
ty-based vention packages in reduc- als group, particu- workers namely, lady health work- fe- GRADE: not
inter- ing maternal and neona- larly pregnant ers/visitors, community midwives, tal assessed
vention tal morbidity and mortali- RCTs women at any community/village health work- death
pack- ty and improving neonatal period of gesta- ers, facilitators or TBAs in mater- af-
ages for outcomes. tion nal care during pregnancy, delivery ter
reducing and in the postpartum period; and 28
mater- routine newborn care weeks
nal and of
neonatal ges-
morbid- ta-
ity and tion
mor- but
tality be-
and im- fore

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

proving de-
neona- liv-
tal out- ery
comes of
(Lassi the
2015) ba-

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 3.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
2. Peri-


Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.

Screen- June 2017 2 studies To assess the effects of RCTs Pregnant Different protocols, guidelines or 1. Still- AMSTAR: 10
ing for screening for GDM based on women, women programmes for screening for GDM birth
gesta- 4523 different risk profiles and Quasi-RCTs already diag- based on different risk profiles and (no GRADE:
tional di- women settings on maternal and in- nosed with settings, compared with the ab- def-
1. stillbirth
abetes fant (GDM) in their sence of screening, or compared ini-
not as-
mellitus outcomes current preg- with other protocols, guidelines or tion)
based on nancy and with programmes for screening 2. Peri-
different pre-existing 2. perinatal
risk pro- (type 1 or 2) di- mortali-
files and abetes mellitus ty, very
settings were excluded. low-
for im- certainty
proving evidence
mater- birth
nal and and
infant neona-
health tal
(Tieu mor-

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

2017) tali-
3. Ad-

Com- November 23 studies To assess the effects of di- RCTs Pregnant Any type of dietary advice with any 1. Still- AMSTAR: 10
bined di- 2016 et interventions in combina- women regard- type of exercise intervention (i.e. birth
et and tion with exercise interven- Clus- less of age, ges- exercise advice, providing exercise (> GRADE:
exercise ter-RCTs tation, parity or

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 3.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
interven- 8918 tions for pregnant women plurality. Stud- sessions) compared with no inter- 20 1. perinatal
tions for women and for preventing GDM, and ies involving vention (i.e. standard care). weeks) mortali-

prevent- 8709 infants associated adverse health women with 2. Peri- ty, low-
ing ges- consequences for the moth- pre-existing na- certainty
tational er and her infant/child GDM, type 1 or tal evidence
diabetes type 2 diabetes mor-
mellitus were excluded. tali-
(Shep- ty
herd (still-

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
2017) birth
3. SGA
4. Ad-

Screen- July 2015 2 stud- To assess the effects of dif- RCTs Women, either 1. Any screening method (e.g. tool, 1. Fe- AMSTAR: 10
ing and ies 26,408 ferent screening methods pre-pregnancy program, guideline or protocol) tal
subse- women (and subsequent manage- or during preg- for detecting thyroid dysfunc- and GRADE:
quent ment) for thyroid dysfunc- nancy (includ- tion (including hypothyroidism, neona-
1. fetal and
manage- tion pre-pregnancy and dur- ing both single- hyperthyroidism, and/or thy- tal
ment for ing pregnancy on maternal ton and mul- roid autoimmunity) pre-preg- death
thyroid and infant outcomes. tiple pregnan- nancy or during pregnancy com- 2. LBW moder-
dysfunc- cies). Women pared with no screening 3. Ad- ate-cer-
tion pre- with a pre-ex- 2. Comparison of ≥ 2 methods of mis- tainty ev-
pregnan- isting diagnosis screening (e.g. case finding vs sion

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

cy and of thyroid dys- universal screening). to
during function were NICU
preg- excluded.
for im-
nal and

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 3.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)

Treat- October 15 studies To assess the effects of RCTs Pregnant Treatment for periodontal dis- 1. Peri- AMSTAR: 11
ing peri- 2016 treating periodontal disease women consid- ease, performed by a dentist, den- na-
odontal 7161 in pregnant women in order ered to have pe- tal hygienist or therapist, either tal GRADE:
disease women to prevent or reduce perina- riodontal dis- singly or in combination with coun- mor-
1. peri-
for pre- tal and maternal morbidity ease (diagnoses selling on oral hygiene, antiseptic tali-
venting and mortality of gingivitis and oral agents, topical or systemic an- ty

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
adverse periodontitis) timicrobial therapies compared (in-
ment vs
birth after dental ex- with either placebo (for adjunctive clud-
no treat-
out- amination treatment), no treatment or alter- ing
comes native treatments fe-
a. peri-
in preg- tal
nant and
women neona-
(Iheo- tal
zor-Ejio- deaths
for 2017) up
28 d
af- b. LBW,
ter low-
birth) cer-
2. LBW
3. SGA dence
c. SGA,

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

2. Peri-
ment vs
no treat-
a. peri-

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 3.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)

b. LBW,

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.

Use of July 2015 3 studies To assess whether clini- RCTs All pregnant Comparison of women who had 1. Still- AMSTAR: 10
bio- cians' knowledge of the re- women, regard- placental function tests (biochem- birth
chemical 740 women sults of biochemical tests of Quasi-RCTs less of whether ical test of placental function car- (no GRADE:
tests of placental function is associ- deemed to be ried out using the woman's mater- def-
1. stillbirth
placen- ated with improvement in high risk or low nal biofluid, either alone or in com- ini-
very low-
tal func- fetal or maternal outcome risk for preg- bination with other placental func- tion)
tion for of pregnancy nancy compli- tion test/s) and the results were 2. SGA evidence
improv- cations, or uns- available to their clinicians with 3. Ad-
ing preg- elected partic- women who either did not have 2. SGA, low-
mis- certainty
nancy ipants by the the tests, or the tests were done sion
outcome study investi- but the results were not available evidence
(Heazell gators. Women to the clinicians NICU
2015) who had preg-
nancies com-
plicated by
or structural
anomaly were

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

AMSTAR: A Measurement Tool to Assess Reviews; CBT: cognitive behavioural therapy; ENDS: electronic nicotine delivery systems; GDM: gestational diabetes mellitus; LBW:
low birthweight; MI: motivational interviewing; NICU: neonatal intensive care unit; NRT: nicotine replacement therapy; RCT: randomised controlled trial; SGA: small-for-
gestational age; TBA: traditional birth attendant

Table 4.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being 
Review Date last Number Review question/objective Study de- Types of Interventions Relevant Overall AMSTAR
title searched in of studies sign partici- outcomes score and relevant
the review included pants GRADE assessment

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 4.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being  (Continued)
of partic- (stillbirth
ipants in defini-

included tion used
studies) in the re-

Ultra- March 2015 11 studies To assess whether routine RCTs Women Routine ultrasound exam- 1. Perina- AMSTAR: 9
sound early pregnancy ultrasound with early ination compared with se- tal mor-
for fetal 37,505 for fetal assessment influ- Quasi-RCTs pregnan- lective ultrasound exami- tality GRADE: perinatal

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
assess- women ences the diagnosis cies, i.e. < nation (de- mortality, low-cer-
ment of fetal malformations, mul- 24 weeks' fined as tainty evidence
in early tiple pregnancies, the rate gestation still-
pregnan- of clinical interventions, and birth af-
cy (Whit- the incidence of adverse fe- ter tri-
worth tal outcome when compared al en-
2015) with the selective use of early try, or
pregnancy ultrasound death
of a
born in-
fant up
to 28 d
of age)
2. LBW
3. SGA
4. Admis-
sion to

Routine May 2015 13 studies To assess the effects on ob- RCTs, Qua- Women Routine ultrasound exam- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 8
ultra- stetric practice and pregnan- si-RCTs in late ination in late pregnan- birth
sound 34,980 cy outcome of routine late pregnan- cy (after 24 weeks' gesta- (no def- GRADE:
in late Women pregnancy ultrasound, de- cy (after tion) to assess one, some inition)

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

1. routine ultra-
pregnan- fined as > 24 weeks' gesta- 24 weeks’ or all of the following: fe- 2. Perina- sound: perinatal
cy (af- tion, in women with either un- gestation) tal size; amniotic fluid vol- tal mor- mortality, moder-
ter 24 selected or low-risk pregnan- in both un- ume; placental site; pla- tality ate-certainty evi-
weeks' cies selected cental grading; fetal struc- 3. LBW dence
gesta- popula- tural anatomy; fetal pre-
4. SGA
tion) tions and sentation
(Bricker designat- 5. Admis-
2015) ed low- sion to
risk popu- NICU

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 4.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being  (Continued)
Fetal May 2015 5 studies To compare the outcome of RCTs Pregnant 1. Routine fetal move- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 8
move- pregnancy when fetal move- women ment counting in all birth

ment 71,458 ment counting is done rou- Clus- who had women (no def- GRADE: not assessed
count- women tinely, selectively, or not at ter-RCTs reached 2. Selective fetal move- inition) for relevant out-
ing for all, and using various meth- the gesta- ment counting: fe- comes
assess- ods tional age tal movement counting
ment of fetal vi- done by women consid-
of fe- ability, as ered to be at high risk of
tal well- defined in

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
fetal compromise
being the trial 3. Different methods of fe-
(Mangesi setting tal movement count-
2015) ing: once a d or more
than once a d fetal
movement counting.

Fetal February 5 studies To assess the effects of rou- RCTs Pregnant Routine Doppler ultra- 1. Still- AMSTAR: 9
and um- 2015 tine fetal and umbilical women in sound of the fetal and um- birth
bilical 14,624 Doppler ultrasound, or a com- Quasi-RCTs both un- bilical artery circulation in (as de- GRADE:
Doppler women bination of uterine Doppler selected pregnancy in unselected fined by
1. All routine
ultra- ultrasound and umbilical and low- or low-risk populations trial-
Doppler ultra-
sound in Doppler ultrasound, in unse- risk popu- ists)
sound vs no
normal lected and low-risk pregnan- lations 2. Perina- Doppler ultra-
pregnan- cies on obstetric practice and tal mor- sound:
cy (Al- pregnancy tality a. stillbirth (fe-
firevic 3. Admis- tal/umbilical
2015) sion to vessels on-
NICU ly), moder-
b. stillbirth (fe-
vessels + uter-

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

ine artery),
c. neonatal ad-
mission to spe-
cial care ba-
by unit/NICU,
tainty evidence

Utero- June 2010 2 studies To assess whether the use of RCTs Pregnant Doppler ultrasound of the 1. Still- AMSTAR: 8
pla- utero-placental Doppler ultra- women, utero-placental circula- birth

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 4.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being  (Continued)
cental 4993 sound (uterine arteries and Quasi-RCTs consid- tion (uterine, arcuate, ra- (as de- GRADE: not assessed
Doppler women placental vessels) improves ered to be dial and spiral arteries) in fined by

ultra- the outcome of low- and high- either low pregnancies at high and trial au-
sound risk pregnancies or high low risk thors)
for im- risk, who 2. Perina-
proving had utero- tal mor-
pregnan- placental tality
cy out- Doppler 3. IUGR
come ultra-

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
4. Admis-
(Stam- sound per-
sion to
palija formed at
2010) 1st or 2nd
of preg-

Antena- June 2015 6 stud- To assess the effectiveness of RCTs, All preg- CTG performed in the an- 1. Perina- AMSTAR: 8
tal car- ies 2105 antenatal CTG in improving nant tenatal period to assess tal mor-
diotocog- women outcomes for babies and also Quasi-RCTs women fetal well-being tality GRADE:
raphy how effective computerised and their (no def-
1. Antenatal CTG record- 1. traditional CTG:
for fetal CTG might be babies. inition)
ed on paper (traditional a. perinatal mor-
assess- 2. Admis-
CTG) and interpreted by tality, low-cer-
ment sion to
a health professional tainty evidence
(Grivell NICU
2015) 2. Computerised antena- b. admission to
tal CTG NICU, low-cer-
3. Computerised CTG vs tainty evidence
traditional CTG 2. Computerised
a. perinatal mor-
tality, moder-

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Sym- July, 2015 1 study To compare SFH measure- RCTs Pregnant Tape measurement of SFH 1. Perina- AMSTAR: 7
physial ment with serial ultrasound women tal mor-
fundal 1639 measurement of fetal para- with sin- tality GRADE:
height women meters or clinical palpation to gleton fe- (vari-
1. perinatal mortal-
(SFH) detect abnormal fetal growth tuses who ously
ity, low-certainty
mea- (IUGR and large-for-gestation- are of ≥ defined
sure- al age), and improving perina- 20 weeks' by au-
ment tal outcome gestation thors) 2. neonatal detec-
in preg- tion of small-
2. Neona-
nancy for-dates, low-cer-
tal de-
for de- tainty evidence

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 4.   Characteristics of included Cochrane systematic reviews: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being  (Continued)
tecting of 3. admission to
abnor- small- NICU, low-certain-

mal fetal for- ty evidence
growth dates
(Robert 3. Admis-
Peter sion to
2015) NICU

AMSTAR: A Measurement Tool to Assess Reviews; CTG: cardiotocography; IUGR: interuterine growth restriction; LBW: low birthweight; NICU: neonatal intensive care

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
unit;RCT: randomised controlled trial; SFH: symphysial fundal height; SGA: small-for-gestational age

Table 5.   AMSTAR ratings for each Cochrane systematic review: nutritional intervention 
Review title 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10.* 11.* Total
(out of
a max-
of 11)

Effects and safety of periconceptional folate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA Yes 9
supplementation for preventing birth defects
(De-Regil 2015)

Vitamin A supplementation during pregnan- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 10
cy for maternal and newborn outcomes (Mc-
Cauley 2015)

Vitamin C supplementation in pregnancy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9
(Rumbold 2015a)

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Vitamin D supplementation for women during Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 10
pregnancy (Palacios 2019)

Vitamin E supplementation in pregnancy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9
(Rumbold 2015b)

Vitamin supplementation for preventing mis- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9
carriage (Balogun 2016)

Calcium supplementation commencing be- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA NA Yes 9
fore or early in pregnancy, for preventing hy-

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 5.   AMSTAR ratings for each Cochrane systematic review: nutritional intervention  (Continued)
pertensive disorders of pregnancy (Hofmeyr

Calcium supplementation during pregnancy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 10
for preventing hypertensive disorders and re-
lated problems (Hofmeyr 2018)

Calcium supplementation (other than for pre- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9
venting or treating hypertension ) for improv-

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
ing pregnancy and infant outcomes (Bup-
pasiri 2015)

Iodine supplementation for women during Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11
the preconception, pregnancy and postpar-
tum period (Harding 2017)

Magnesium supplementation in pregnancy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No 8
(Makrides 2014)

Zinc supplementation for improving pregnan- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9
cy and infant outcome (Ota 2015b)

Multiple-micronutrient supplementation for Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 10
women during pregnancy (Keats 2019)

Antenatal dietary education and supplemen- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 10
tation to increase energy and protein intake
(Ota 2015a)

Omega-3 fatty acid addition during pregnan- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 10
cy (Middleton 2018)

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Lipid-based nutrient supplements for ma- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11
ternal, birth, and infant developmental out-
comes (Das 2018)

AMSTAR: A Measurement Tool to Assess Reviews  

* criteria for AMSTAR:

1. A prior design
2. Duplicate selection and extraction
3. Comprehensive literature search
4. Searched for reports regardless of publication type or language

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
5. Excluded/included list provided
6. Characteristics of included studies provided
7. Quality assessment of included studies assessed and presented
8. Quality used appropriately in formulating conclusions

9. Methods used to combine studies appropriate
10. Publication bias assessed
11. Conflict of interests stated
NA = not applicable

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
Table 6.   AMSTAR ratings for each Cochrane systematic reviews: prevention and management of infection 
Review titles 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10.* 11.* To-




Insecticide-treated nets for preventing malaria Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes NA No 7

in pregnancy

(Gamble 2006)

Drugs for preventing malaria in pregnant women Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 9

in endemic areas:

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

any drug regimen versus placebo or no treatment

(Radeva-Petrova 2014)

AMSTAR: A Measurement Tool to Assess Reviews

* criteria for AMSTAR:

1. A prior design
2. Duplicate selection and extraction
3. Comprehensive literature search
4. Searched for reports regardless of publication type or language

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
5. Excluded/included list provided
6. Characteristics of included studies provided
7. Quality assessment of included studies assessed and presented
8. Quality used appropriately in formulating conclusions

9. Methods used to combine studies appropriate
10. Publication bias assessed
11. Conflict of interests stated
NA = not applicable

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
Table 7.   AMSTAR ratings for each Cochrane systematic review: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities 
Review titles 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10.* 11.* Total
(out of
a max-
of 11)

Psychosocial interventions for supporting Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9
women to stop smoking in pregnancy (Cham-
berlain 2017)

Pharmacological interventions for promoting Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA No 8
smoking cessation during pregnancy (Cole-
man 2015)

Giving women their own case notes to carry Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA No 8
during pregnancy (Brown 2015)

Midwife-led versus other models of care for Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9
childbearing women (Sandall 2016)

Traditional birth attendant training for im- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA Yes 9

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

proving health behaviours and pregnancy
outcomes (Sibley 2012)

Alternative versus standard packages of ante- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9
natal care for low-risk pregnancy (Dowswell

Group versus conventional antenatal care for Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 10
women (Catling 2015)

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 7.   AMSTAR ratings for each Cochrane systematic review: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
Diuretics for preventing pre-eclampsia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA No 8
(Churchill 2007)

Nitric oxide for preventing pre-eclampsia and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA No 8
its complications (Meher 2007)

Progesterone for preventing pre-eclampsia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA No 8
and its complications (Meher 2006)

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
Antioxidants for preventing pre-eclampsia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9
(Rumbold 2008)

Altered dietary salt for preventing pre- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes NA No 7
eclampsia, and its complications (Duley 2005)

Community-based intervention packages for Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9
reducing maternal and neonatal morbidity
and mortality and improving neonatal out-
comes (Lassi 2015)

Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Yes Yes 10
based on different risk profiles and settings
for improving maternal and infant health
(Tieu 2017)

Combined diet and exercise interventions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 10
for preventing gestational diabetes mellitus
(Shepherd 2017)

Screening and subsequent management for Yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 10
thyroid dysfunction pre-pregnancy and dur-
ing pregnancy for improving maternal and in-

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

fant health (Spencer 2015)

Treating periodontal disease for preventing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11
adverse birth outcomes in pregnant women
(Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017)

Use of biochemical tests of placental function Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 10
for improving pregnancy outcome (Heazell

AMSTAR: A Measurement Tool to Assess Reviews


Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
* criteria for AMSTAR:
1. A prior design
2. Duplicate selection and extraction
3. Comprehensive literature search

4. Searched for reports regardless of publication type or language
5. Excluded/included list provided
6. Characteristics of included studies provided
7. Quality assessment of included studies assessed and presented
8. Quality used appropriately in formulating conclusions
9. Methods used to combine studies appropriate

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
10. Publication bias assessed
11. Conflict of interests stated
NA = not applicable
Table 8.   AMSTAR ratings for each Cochrane systematic review: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being 
Review titles 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10.* 11.* Total
(out of
a max-
of 11)

Ultrasound for fetal assessment in early preg- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9
nancy (Whitworth 2015)

Routine ultrasound in late pregnancy (after Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No 8
24 weeks' gestation) (Bricker 2015)

Fetal movement counting for assessment of Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA No 8
fetal wellbeing (Mangesi 2015)

Fetal and umbilical Doppler ultrasound in Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 9

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

normal pregnancy (Alfirevic 2015)

Utero-placental Doppler ultrasound for im- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA No 8
proving pregnancy outcome (Stampalija

Antenatal cardiotocography for fetal assess- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes NA No 8
ment (Grivell 2015)

Symphysial fundal height (SFH) measure- Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Yes Yes No Yes NA No 7
ment in pregnancy for detecting abnormal fe-
tal growth (Robert Peter 2015)

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review)
Table 8.   AMSTAR ratings for each Cochrane systematic review: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being  (Continued)
AMSTAR: A Measurement Tool to Assess Reviews

* criteria for AMSTAR:
1. A prior design
2. Duplicate selection and extraction
3. Comprehensive literature search
4. Searched for reports regardless of publication type or language
5. Excluded/included list provided

Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
6. Characteristics of included studies provided
7. Quality assessment of included studies assessed and presented
8. Quality used appropriately in formulating conclusions
9. Methods used to combine studies appropriate
10. Publication bias assessed
11. Conflict of interests stated
NA = not applicable

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Table 9.   Results by individual review: nutritional interventions 
Folic acid supplementation ( De-Regil 2015 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. of women

Supplementation with any folate vs no in- Stillbirth 4 studies, 6597 RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.54 to 2.05, no evidence of a
tervention, placebo or other micronutrients women difference
without folate
GRADEa: very low

Supplementation with any folate vs no in- LBW 2 studies, 5048 RR 1.13, 95% CI 0.84 to 1.52, no evidence of a
tervention, placebo or other micronutrients women difference
without folate

Supplementation with any folate vs no in- SGA   Outcome not reported

tervention, placebo or other micronutrients
without folate

Supplementation with any folic acid vs no in- NICU admission   Outcome not reported
tervention, placebo or other micronutrients
without folate

Vitamin A supplementation ( McCauley 2015 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Vitamin A alone vs placebo or no treatment Stillbirth 2 studies, RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.98 to 1.10, evidence of no
122,850 women difference

GRADEa: moderate

Vitamin A alone vs placebo or no treatment Perinatal death 1 study, 76,176 RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.07, evidence of no
women difference

GRADEb: high

Vitamin A alone vs placebo or no treatment LBW 4 studies, RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.16, no evidence of a
14,599 women difference

Vitamin A alone vs placebo or no treatment SGA   Outcome not reported

Vitamin A alone vs placebo or no treatment NICU admission   Outcome not reported

Vitamin A with other micronutrients vs mi- Stillbirth 2 studies, 866 RR 1.41, 95% CI 0.57 to 3.47, no evidence of a
cronutrient supplements without vitamin A women difference

GRADEa: very low

Vitamin A with other micronutrients vs mi- Perinatal death 1 study, 179 RR 0.51, 95% CI 0.10 to 2.69, no evidence of a
cronutrient supplements without vitamin A women difference

GRADEa: moderate

Vitamin A with other micronutrients vs mi- LBW 1 study, 594 RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.47 to 0.96 (P = 0.03), reduc-
cronutrient supplements without vitamin A women tion in LBW for women receiving vitamin A
with other micronutrients

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 69
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Table 9.   Results by individual review: nutritional interventions  (Continued)

Vitamin A with other micronutrients vs mi- SGA   Outcome not reported
cronutrient supplements without vitamin A

Vitamin A with other micronutrients vs mi- NICU admission   Outcome not reported
cronutrient supplements without vitamin A

Vitamin C supplementation ( Rumbold 2015a )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Vitamin C supplementation alone or in com- Stillbirth 11 studies, RR 1.15, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.49, no evidence of a
bination with other supplements (all trials) 20,038 women difference

GRADEb: moderate

Vitamin C supplementation alone or in com- Perinatal death 7 studies, RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.77 to 1.49, no evidence of a
bination with other supplements (all trials) 17,271 women difference

GRADEa: very low

Vitamin C supplementation alone or in com- IUGR 12 studies, RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.91 to 1.06, evidence of no
bination with other supplements (all trials) 20,361 women difference

Vitamin C supplementation alone or in com- NICU admission 9 studies, RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.09, evidence of no
bination with other supplements (all trials) 18,371 women difference

Vitamin C supplementation alone or in com- LBW   Outcome not reported

bination with other supplements (all trials)

Vitamin C supplementation alone or in com- SGA   Outcome not reported

bination with other supplements (all trials)

Vitamin D supplementation (Palacios 2019)

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Vitamin D alone vs no treatment/placebo (no Stillbirth 3 studies, 584 RR 0.35, 95% CI 0.06 to 1.98, no evidence of a
vitamins or minerals) women difference

GRADEa: very low

Vitamin D alone vs no treatment/placebo (no LBW 5 studies, 697 RR 0.55, 95% CI 0.35 to 0.87 (P = 0.01), reduc-
vitamins or minerals) women tion in LBW for women receiving vitamin D

Vitamin D alone vs no treatment/placebo (no SGA   Outcome not reported

vitamins or minerals)

Vitamin D alone vs no treatment/placebo (no NICU admission   Outcome not reported

vitamins or minerals)

Vitamin E supplementation ( Rumbold 2015b)

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 70
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Table 9.   Results by individual review: nutritional interventions  (Continued)

Any vitamin E supplementation Stillbirth 9 studies, RR 1.17, 95% CI 0.88 to 1.56, no evidence of a
19,023 women difference

GRADEb: moderate

Any vitamin E supplementation Perinatal death 6 studies, RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.77 to 1.54, no evidence of a
16,923 women difference

GRADEa: very low

Any vitamin E supplementation IUGR 11 studies, RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.91 to 1.06, evidence of no
20,202 women difference

Any vitamin E supplementation NICU admission 8 studies, RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.08, evidence of no
17,594 women difference

Any vitamin E supplementation LBW   Outcome not reported

Any vitamin E supplementation SGA   Outcome not reported

Vitamin supplementation for preventing miscarriage (Balogun 2016)

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Multivitamin vs control Stillbirth 1 study, 5021 RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.17, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEa: low

Multivitamin vs control Total fetal loss 1 study, 5021 RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.17, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEa: low

Multivitamin plus vitamin E vs multivitamin Stillbirth 1 study, 823 RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.39 to 1.98, no evidence of a
without vitamin E or control women difference

GRADEa: low

Multivitamin plus vitamin E vs multivitamin Total fetal loss 1 study, 823 RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.46 to 1.83, no evidence of a
without vitamin E or control women difference

GRADEa: low

Folic acid plus iron vs iron Stillbirth 1 study, 75 RR 0.38, 95% CI 0.02 to 9.03, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEa: low

Folic acid plus iron vs iron Total fetal loss 1 study, 75 RR 0.23, 95% CI 0.01 to 4.59, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEa: low

Folic acid plus iron and antimalarials vs iron Total fetal loss 1 study, 160 RR 13.0, 95% CI 0.74 to 226.98, no evidence of
and antimalarials women a difference

GRADEa: low

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 71
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Table 9.   Results by individual review: nutritional interventions  (Continued)

Any comparison LBW   Outcome not reported

Any comparison SGA   Outcome not reported

Any comparison NICU admission   Outcome not reported

Calcium supplementation commencing before or early in pregnancy, for preventing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (
Hofmeyr 2019 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Calcium supplementation vs placebo (before Stillbirth 1 study, 579 RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.48 to 1.27, no evidence of a
and/or early pregnancy only) women difference

GRADEa: low

Calcium supplementation vs placebo (before Pregnancy 1 study, 632 RR 0.82, 95% CI 0.61 to 1.10, no evidence of a
and/or early pregnancy only) loss, stillbirth women difference
or neonatal
death before GRADEb: low

Calcium supplementation vs placebo (before Perinatal death 1 study, 508 RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.77 to 1.60, no evidence of a
and/or early pregnancy only) and/or NICU women difference
admission for >
24 h GRADEb: low

Calcium supplementation vs placebo (before LBW   Outcome not reported

and/or early pregnancy only)

Calcium supplementation vs placebo (before SGA   Outcome not reported

and/or early pregnancy only)

Calcium supplementation (preventing hypertensive disorders) ( Hofmeyr 2018 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Routine high-dose calcium supplementation Stillbirth or 11 studies, RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.09, no evidence of a
in pregnancy by baseline dietary calcium death before 15,665 women difference
discharge from
hospital GRADEa: very low

Routine high-dose calcium supplementation LBW 9 studies, RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.01 (P = 0.06), evi-
in pregnancy by baseline dietary calcium 14,883 women dence of no difference

Routine high-dose calcium supplementation SGA 4 studies, RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.86 to 1.29, no evidence of a
in pregnancy by baseline dietary calcium 13,615 women difference

Routine high-dose calcium supplementation NICU admission 4 studies, RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.18, no evidence of a
in pregnancy by baseline dietary calcium 13,406 women difference

Low-dose calcium supplementation (< 1 g/d) Stillbirth or 5 studies, 1025 RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.14 to 1.67, no evidence of a
with or without co-supplements vs placebo or death before women difference
no treatment discharge from
hospital GRADEa: very low

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 72
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Table 9.   Results by individual review: nutritional interventions  (Continued)

Low-dose calcium supplementation (< 1 g/d) LBW 2 studies, 134 RR 0.20, 95% CI 0.05 to 0.88 (P = 0.033), reduc-
with or without co-supplements vs placebo or women tion in LBW for women receiving low-dose
no treatment calcium supplementation during pregnancy

Low-dose calcium supplementation (< 1 g/d) SGA 4 studies, 854 RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.54 to 1.21, no evidence of a
with or without co-supplements vs placebo or women difference
no treatment

Low-dose calcium supplementation (< 1 g/d) NICU admission 1 study, 422 RR 0.44, 95% CI 0.20 to 0.99 (P = 0.047), reduc-
with or without co-supplements vs placebo or women tion in NICU admission for women receiving
no treatment low-dose calcium supplementation during

Calcium supplementation (other than for preventing or treating hypertension) ( Buppasiri 2015 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Calcium supplementation vs placebo or no Stillbirth or fe- 6 studies, RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.14, no evidence of a
treatment tal death 15,269 women difference

GRADEa: low

Calcium supplementation vs placebo or no LBW 6 studies, RR 0.93, 95% CI 0.81 to 1.07, evidence of no
treatment 14,162 women difference

Calcium supplementation vs placebo or no IUGR 6 studies, 1701 RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.61 to 1.13, no evidence of a
treatment women difference

Calcium supplementation vs placebo or no NICU admission 4 studies, RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.18, evidence of no
treatment 14,062 women difference

Iodine supplementation (Harding 2017)

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Any supplement containing iodine vs same Perinatal death 2 studies, 457 RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.42 to 1.03, no evidence of a
supplement without iodine or no interven- women difference
GRADEb: low

Any supplement containing iodine vs same LBW 2 studies, 377 RR 0.56, 95% CI 0.26 to 1.23, no evidence of a
supplement without iodine or no interven- women difference

Any supplement containing iodine vs same SGA 2 studies, 377 RR 1.26, 95% CI 0.77 to 2.05, no evidence of a
supplement without iodine or no interven- women difference

Any supplement containing iodine vs same Stillbirth   Outcome not reported

supplement without iodine or no interven-

Any supplement containing iodine vs same NICU admission   Outcome not reported
supplement without iodine or no interven-

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 73
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Table 9.   Results by individual review: nutritional interventions  (Continued)

Magnesium supplementation ( Makrides 2014 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Magnesium supplementation vs no magne- Stillbirth 4 studies, 5526 RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.43 to 1.25, no evidence of a
sium women difference

GRADEa: low

Magnesium supplementation vs no magne- LBW 5 studies, 5577 RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.09, evidence of no
sium women difference

Magnesium supplementation vs no magne- SGA 3 studies, 1291 RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.54 to 1.07, no evidence of a
sium women difference

Magnesium supplementation vs no magne- NICU admission 3 studies, 1435 RR 0.74, 95% CI 0.50 to 1.11, no evidence of a
sium women difference

Zinc supplementation ( Ota 2015b )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Zinc supplementation vs no zinc (with or Stillbirth or 8 studies, 5100 RR 1.12, 95% CI 0.86 to 1.46, no evidence of a
without placebo) neonatal death women difference

GRADEb: low

Zinc supplementation vs no zinc (with or LBW 14 studies, 5643 RR 0.93, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.12, evidence of no
without placebo) women difference

Zinc supplementation vs no zinc (with or SGA 8 studies, 4252 RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.11, evidence of no
without placebo) women difference

Zinc supplementation vs no zinc (with or NICU admission   Outcome not reported

without placebo)

Multiple micronutrient supplementation ( Keats 2019 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Multiple micronutrients with iron and folic Stillbirth 17 studies, RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.86 to 1.04, evidence of no
acid vs iron with or without folic acid 97,927 women difference

GRADEb: high

Multiple micronutrients with iron and folic Perinatal mor- 15 studies, RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.90 to 1.11, evidence of no
acid vs iron with or without folic acid tality 63,922 women difference

GRADEb: high

Multiple micronutrients with iron and folic LBW 18 studies, RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.85 to 0.91 (P < 0.00001), re-
acid vs iron with or without folic acid 68,801 women duction in LBW for women receiving multiple
micronutrient supplementation vs iron with
or without folic acid

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 74
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Table 9.   Results by individual review: nutritional interventions  (Continued)

Multiple micronutrients with iron and folic SGA 17 studies, RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.88 to 0.97 (P = 0), reduction
acid vs iron with or without folic acid 57,348 women in SGA for women receiving multiple micronu-
trient supplementation vs iron with or with-
out folic acid

Multiple micronutrients with iron and folic NICU admission   Outcome not reported
acid vs iron with or without folic acid

Energy and protein intake ( Ota 2015a )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Nutritional advice during pregnancy Stillbirth 1 study, 431 RR 0.37, 95% CI 0.07 to 1.90, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEb: low

Nutritional advice during pregnancy LBW 1 study, 300 RR 0.04, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.14 (P < 0.00001), re-
women duction in LBW for women receiving nutri-
tional advice during pregnancy

Nutritional advice during pregnancy SGA 1 study, 404 RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.45 to 2.11, no evidence of a
women difference

Nutritional advice during pregnancy NICU admission   Outcome not reported

Balanced protein/energy supplementation in Stillbirth 5 studies, 3408 RR 0.60, 95% CI 0.39 to 0.94 (P = 0.024), re-
pregnancy women duction in stillbirth for women receiving bal-
anced protein/energy supplementation in

GRADEb: moderate

Balanced protein/energy supplementation in SGA 7 studies, 4408 RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.69 to 0.90 (P = 0.0004), re-
pregnancy women duction in SGA for women receiving balanced
protein/energy supplementation in pregnan-

Balanced protein/energy supplementation in LBW   Outcome not reported


Balanced protein/energy supplementation in NICU admission   Outcome not reported


High protein supplementation in pregnancy Stillbirth 1 study, 529 RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.31 to 2.15, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEb: low

High protein supplementation in pregnancy SGA 1 study, 505 RR 1.58, 95% CI 1.03 to 2.41, (P = 0.04), in-
women crease in SGA for women receiving high pro-
tein supplementation during pregnancy

High protein supplementation in pregnancy LBW   Outcome not reported

High protein supplementation in pregnancy NICU admission   Outcome not reported

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 75
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Table 9.   Results by individual review: nutritional interventions  (Continued)

Isocaloric balanced protein supplementation Stillbirth   Outcome not reported
in pregnancy

Isocaloric balanced protein supplementation LBW   Outcome not reported

in pregnancy

Isocaloric balanced protein supplementation SGA   Outcome not reported

in pregnancy

Isocaloric balanced protein supplementation NICU admission   Outcome not reported

in pregnancy

Omega-3 fatty acid addition during pregnancy ( Middleton 2018 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Omega-3 vs no omega-3 Stillbirth 16 studies, 7880 RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.62 to 1.42, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEa: very low

Omega-3 vs no omega-3 Perinatal death 10 studies, 7416 RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.54 to 1.03, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEb: low

Omega-3 vs no omega-3 LBW 15 studies, 8449 RR 0.90, 95 % CI 0.82 to 0.99 (P = 0.034), de-
women crease in LBW for women receiving omega-3
fatty acids during pregnancy

Omega-3 vs no omega-3 SGA/IUGR 8 studies, 6907 RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.90 to 1.13, evidence of no
women difference

Omega-3 vs no omega-3 NICU admission 9 studies, 6920 RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.03, evidence of no
women difference

Lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS) ( Das 2018 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Lipid-based nutrient supplements vs iron folic Stillbirth 3 studies, 5575 RR 1.14, 95% CI 0.52 to 2.48, no evidence of a
acid women difference

GRADEa: low

Lipid-based nutrient supplements vs iron folic LBW 3 studies, 4826 RR 0.87, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.05, possible reduc-
acid women tion, but also slight increase

Lipid-based nutrient supplements vs iron folic SGA 3 studies, 4823 RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.89 to 0.99 (P = 0.015), de-
acid women crease in SGA for women receiving LNS during

Lipid-based nutrient supplements vs iron folic NICU admission   Outcome not reported

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 76
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Table 9.   Results by individual review: nutritional interventions  (Continued)

CI: confidence interval; CTG: cardiotocography; IUGR: interuterine growth restriction; LBW: low birthweight; LNS: lipid-based nutri-
ent supplements; NICU: neonatal intensive care unit; RR: risk ratio; SGA: small-for-gestational age

aGRADE assessed by review overview authors because it was not reported in the original review; bGRADE rating reported in the original
Table 10.   Results by individual review: prevention and management of infection 
Insecticide-treated nets for preventing malaria ( Gamble 2006 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Insecticide-treated nets vs no nets (all) Fetal loss 5 studies RR 0.68, 95% CI 0.48 to 0.98 (P = 0.04), reduc-
tion in fetal loss for women receiving inter-
vention of insecticide-treated nets

GRADEa: low

Insecticide-treated nets vs no nets (First or sec- Fetal loss 4 studies RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.47 to 0.97 (P = 0.03), reduc-
ond pregnancy) tion in fetal loss for first or second pregnan-
cy for women receiving intervention of in-
secticide-treated nets

GRADEa: low

Insecticide-treated nets vs no nets (Fifth or Fetal loss 1 study RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.17 to 6.23, no evidence of a
greater pregnancy) difference

GRADEa: very low

Insecticide-treated nets vs no nets (all) LBW 4 studies RR 0.80, 95% CI 0.64 to 1.00 (P = 0.05), a pos-
sible reduction

Insecticide-treated nets vs no nets (First or sec- LBW 3 studies RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.61 to 0.98 (P = 0.03), re-
ond pregnancy) duction in LBW for first or second pregnancy
for women receiving intervention of insecti-
cide-treated nets

Insecticide-treated nets vs no nets (Fifth or LBW 1 study RR 1.12, 95% CI 0.56 to 2.24, no evidence of a
greater pregnancy) difference

Insecticide-treated nets vs no nets SGA   Outcome not reported

Insecticide-treated nets vs no nets NICU admission   Outcome not reported

Drugs for preventing malaria ( Radeva-Petrova 2014 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Preventive antimalarials vs placebo/no inter- Stillbirth 5 studies, 7130 RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.36, evidence of no
vention (women of all parity groups) women difference

GRADEb: moderate

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 77
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Table 10.   Results by individual review: prevention and management of infection  (Continued)

Preventive antimalarials vs placebo/no inter- Stillbirth 4 studies, 2703 RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.63 to 1.49, no evidence of a
vention (women in first or second pregnancy) women difference

GRADEb: low

Preventive antimalarials vs placebo/no inter- Perinatal death 4 studies, 5216 RR 1.24, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.63, evidence of no
vention (women of all parity groups) women difference

GRADEb: moderate

Preventive antimalarials vs placebo/no inter- Perinatal death 2 studies, 1620 RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.54 to 1.00 (P = 0.05), no ev-
vention (women in first or second pregnancy) women idence of a difference

GRADEb: low

Preventive antimalarials vs placebo/no inter- LBW 4 studies, 3644 RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.27, no evidence of a
vention (women of all parity groups) women difference

Preventive antimalarials vs placebo/no inter- LBW 10 studies, 3619 RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.61 to 0.87 (P = 0.00065), re-
vention (women in first or second pregnancy) women duction in LBW for women receiving preven-
tive antimalarials

Preventive antimalarials vs placebo/no inter- SGA   Outcome not reported


Preventive antimalarials vs placebo/no inter- NICU admission   Outcome not reported


CI: confidence interval; IUGR: interuterine growth restriction; LBW: low birthweight; NICU: neonatal intensive care unit; RR: risk ra-
tio; SGA: small-for-gestational age

aGRADE assessed by review overview authors because it was not reported in the original review; bGRADE rating reported in the original
Table 11.   Results by individual review: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities 
Smoking cessation ( Chamberlain 2017; Coleman 2015)

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Interventions for smoking cessation in preg- Stillbirth 8 studies, 6170 RR 1.20, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.90, evidence of no dif-
nancy vs control women ference

GRADEa: high

Interventions for smoking cessation in preg- Perinatal death 4 studies, 4465 RR 1.13, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.77, evidence of no dif-
nancy vs control women ference

GRADEa: moderate

Interventions for smoking cessation in preg- LBW 18 studies, 9402 RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.72 to 0.94 (P = 0.0037), reduc-
nancy vs control women tion in LBW for women receiving interventions
for smoking cessation

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 78
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Table 11.   Results by individual review: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
Interventions for smoking cessation in preg- NICU admission 8 studies, 2100 RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.61 to 0.98 (P = 0.035), reduc-
nancy vs control women tion in NICU admission for women receiving in-
terventions for smoking cessation

Interventions for smoking cessation in preg- SGA   Outcome not reported

nancy vs control

Nicotine replacement therapy vs control Stillbirth 4 studies, 1777 RR 1.24, 95% CI 0.54 to 2.84, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEa: low

Nicotine replacement therapy vs control LBW 6 studies, 2037 RR 0.74, 95% CI 0.41 to 1.34, no evidence of a
women difference

Nicotine replacement therapy vs control NICU admission 4 studies, 1756 RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.64 to 1.27, no evidence of a
women difference

Nicotine replacement therapy vs control SGA   Outcome not reported

Women carrying their own case notes ( Brown 2015 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies Results

(no. women)

Case notes vs control Stillbirth or 2 studies, 713 RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.99 to 1.01, evidence of no dif-
neonatal death women ference

GRADEb: moderate

Case notes vs control NICU admission 1 study, 501 RR 1.18, 95% CI 0.36 to 3.83, no evidence of a
women difference

Case notes vs control LBW   Outcome not reported

Case notes vs control SGA   Outcome not reported

Midwife-led care ( Sandall 2016 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Midwife-led vs other models of care for Fetal loss/ 11 studies, RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.98 (P = 0.03), reduc-
childbearing women and their infants neonatal death 15,645 women tion in fetal loss/neonatal death before 24
before 24 weeks for women receiving midwife-led care
GRADEa: high

Midwife-led vs other models of care for Fetal loss/ 12 studies, RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.49, no evidence of a
childbearing women and their infants neonatal death 17,359 women difference
equal to/after
24 weeks GRADEa: moderate

Midwife-led vs other models of care for Overall fetal 13 studies, RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.71 to 0.99 (P = 0.04), reduc-
childbearing women and their infants loss and neona- 17,561 women tion in overall fetal loss/neonatal death for
tal death women receiving midwife-led care

GRADEb: high

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Table 11.   Results by individual review: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
Midwife-led vs other models of care for LBW 7 studies, RR 0.96, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.13, evidence of no dif-
childbearing women and their infants 11,458 women ference

Midwife-led vs other models of care for NICU admission 13 studies, RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.04, evidence of no dif-
childbearing women and their infants 17,561 women ference

Midwife-led vs other models of care for SGA   Outcome not reported

childbearing women and their infants

Traditional birth attendant training ( Sibley 2012 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Trained vs untrained traditional birth atten- Stillbirth 1 study, 18,699 OR 0.69, 95% CI 0.57 to 0.83 (P = 0.00011), re-
dants women duction in stillbirth for women receiving care
from trained traditional birth attendants

GRADEa: moderate

Trained vs untrained traditional birth atten- Perinatal death 1 study, 18,699 OR 0.70, 95% CI 0.59 to 0.83 (P < 0.0001), reduc-
dants women tion in perinatal death for women receiving
care from trained traditional birth attendants

GRADEa: moderate

Trained vs untrained traditional birth atten- LBW   Outcome not reported


Trained vs untrained traditional birth atten- SGA   Outcome not reported


Trained vs untrained traditional birth atten- NICU admission   Outcome not reported

Additionally trained vs trained traditional Stillbirth 2 studies, RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.28, evidence of no dif-
birth attendants 27,594 women ference

GRADEa: moderate

Additionally trained vs trained traditional Perinatal death 1 study, 24,007 OR 0.79, 95% CI 0.61 to 1.02, evidence of no dif-
birth attendants women ference

GRADEa: moderate

Additionally trained vs trained traditional LBW   Outcome not reported

birth attendants

Additionally trained vs trained traditional SGA   Outcome not reported

birth attendants

Additionally trained vs trained traditional NICU admission   Outcome not reported

birth attendants

Alternative vs standard packages of antenatal care ( Dowswell 2015 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

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Table 11.   Results by individual review: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
Reduced number of antenatal care vis- Perinatal death 5 studies, 56431 RR 1.14, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.31 (P = 0.05), increase
its/goal-oriented vs standard antenatal care women in perinatal death for women with reduced
visits number of antenatal care visits

GRADEb: moderate

Reduced number of antenatal care vis- LBW 6 studies RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.11, evidence of no dif-
its/goal-oriented vs standard antenatal care ference

Reduced number of antenatal care vis- SGA 4 studies, RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.91 to 1.09, evidence of no dif-
its/goal-oriented vs standard antenatal care 43,045 ference

Reduced number of antenatal care vis- NICU admission 5 studies, 43048 RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.79 to 1.02, evidence of no dif-
its/goal-oriented vs standard antenatal care women ference

Group vs conventional antenatal care (Catling 2015)

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Group antenatal care vs individual antenatal Perinatal death 3 studies, 1943 RR 0.63, 95% CI 0.32 to 1.25, no evidence of a
care women difference

GRADEb: low

Group antenatal care vs individual antenatal LBW 3 studies, 1935 RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.23, no evidence of a
care women difference

Group antenatal care vs individual antenatal SGA 2 studies, 1473 RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.24, no evidence of a
care women difference

Group antenatal care vs individual antenatal NICU admission 2 studies, 1315 RR 1.48, 95% CI 0.63 to 3.45, no evidence of a
care women difference

Diuretics for preventing pre-eclampsia ( Churchill 2007 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Diuretic vs placebo or no treatment Stillbirth 5 studies, 1836 RR 0.60, 95% CI 0.27 to 1.34, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEa: low

Diuretic vs placebo or no treatment Perinatal death 5 studies, 1836 RR 0.72, 95% CI 0.40 to 1.27, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEa: low

Diuretic vs placebo or no treatment SGA 1 study, 20 Not estimable


Diuretic vs placebo or no treatment LBW   Outcome not reported

Diuretic vs placebo or no treatment NICU admission   Outcome not reported

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Table 11.   Results by individual review: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
Nitric oxide for preventing pre-eclampsia and its complications ( Meher 2007 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Nitric oxide vs placebo/no intervention Perinatal or 2 studies, 114 RR 0.25, 95% CI 0.03 to 2.34, no evidence of a
neonatal death women difference

GRADEa: low

Nitric oxide vs placebo/no intervention SGA 2 studies, 108 RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.36 to 1.70, no evidence of a
women difference

Nitric oxide vs placebo/no intervention NICU admission 1 study, 68 RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.25 to 4.35, no evidence of a
women difference

Nitric oxide vs placebo/no intervention LBW   Outcome not reported

Progesterone for preventing pre-eclampsia and its complications ( Meher 2006 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Progesterone vs placebo/no treatment Fetal or neona- 4 studies RR 1.34, 95% CI 0.78 to 2.31, no evidence of a
tal death difference

GRADEa: very low

Progesterone vs placebo/no treatment SGA 1 study, 168 RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.19 to 3.57, no evidence of a
women difference

Progesterone vs placebo/no treatment NICU admission 1 study RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.35, no evidence of a

Progesterone vs placebo/no treatment LBW   Outcome not reported

Antioxidants for preventing pre-eclampsia ( Rumbold 2008 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Any antioxidants vs control or placebo Miscarriage or 4 studies, 5144 RR 1.32, 95% CI 0.92 to 1.90, no evidence of a
stillbirth women difference

GRADEa: low

Any antioxidants vs control or placebo SGA 5 studies, 5271 RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.62 to 1.11, no evidence of a
women difference

Any antioxidants vs control or placebo NICU admission 1 study, 2714 RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.29, no evidence of a
women difference

Any antioxidants vs control or placebo LBW   Outcome not reported

Altered dietary salt ( Duley 2005 )

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Table 11.   Results by individual review: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results
no. women

Low vs normal salt intake in pregnancy Perinatal death 2 studies, 409 RR 1.92, 95% CI 0.18 to 21.03, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEa: moderate

Low vs normal salt intake in pregnancy SGA 1 study, 242 RR 1.50, 95% CI 0.73 to 3.07, no evidence of a
women difference

Low vs normal salt intake in pregnancy NICU admission 1 study, 361 RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.40, no evidence of a
women difference

Low vs normal salt intake in pregnancy LBW   Outcome not reported

Community-based intervention packages ( Lassi 2015 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Community-based intervention vs control Stillbirth 15 studies, RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.73 to 0.91 (P = 0.00021), re-
201,181 women duction in stillbirth for women receiving com-
munity-based intervention

GRADEa: low

Community-based intervention vs control Perinatal mor- 17 studies, RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.70 to 0.86 (P < 0.00001), re-
tality 282,327 women duction in perinatal mortality for women re-
ceiving community-based intervention

GRADEa: low

Community-based intervention vs control LBW   Outcome not reported

Community-based intervention vs control SGA   Outcome not reported

Community-based intervention vs control NICU admission   Outcome not reported

Screening for gestational diabetes (Tieu 2017)

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Primary care screening vs secondary care Stillbirth 1 study, 690 RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.10 to 12.12, no evidence of a
screening women difference

GRADEa: low

Primary care screening vs secondary care Perinatal death 1 study, 690 RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.10 to 12.12, no evidence of a
screening women difference

GRADEb: very low

Primary care screening vs secondary care NICU admission 1 study, 690 RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.69, no evidence of a
screening women difference

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 83
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Table 11.   Results by individual review: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
Primary care screening vs secondary care LBW   Outcome not reported

Primary care screening vs secondary care SGA   Outcome not reported


Diet and exercise for preventing gestational diabetes (Shepherd 2017)

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Combined diet and exercise interventions vs Stillbirth 5 studies, 4783 RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.35 to 1.36, no evidence of a
standard care women difference

GRADEa: very low

Combined diet and exercise interventions vs Perinatal death 2 studies, 3757 RR 0.82, 95% CI 0.42 to 1.63, no evidence of a
standard care women difference

GRADEb: low

Combined diet and exercise interventions vs SGA 6 studies, 2434 RR 1.20, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.52, no evidence of a
standard care women difference

Combined diet and exercise interventions vs NICU admission 4 studies, 4549 RR 1.03, 95% CI 0.93 to 1.14, evidence of no dif-
standard care women ference

Combined diet and exercise interventions vs LBW   Outcome not reported

standard care

Screening and management for thyroid dysfunction (Spencer 2015)

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Universal screening vs case finding in preg- Fetal and 1 study, 4516 RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.42 to 2.02, no evidence of a
nancy for any thyroid dysfunction neonatal death women difference

GRADEb: moderate

Universal screening vs case finding in preg- LBW 1 study, 4516 RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.27, no evidence of a
nancy for any thyroid dysfunction women difference

Universal screening vs case finding in preg- NICU admission 1 study, 4516 RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.81 to 1.34, no evidence of a
nancy for any thyroid dysfunction women difference

Universal screening vs case finding in preg- SGA   Outcome not reported

nancy for any thyroid dysfunction

Periodontal treatment (Iheozor-Ejiofor 2017)

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Periodontal treatment vs no treatment Perinatal death 7 studies, 5320 RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.51 to 1.43, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEb: very low

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Table 11.   Results by individual review: prevention, detection, and management of other morbidities  (Continued)
Periodontal treatment vs no treatment LBW 7 studies, 3470 RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.48 to 0.95 (P = 0.024), reduc-
women tion in LBW for women receiving periodontal

Periodontal treatment vs no treatment SGA 3 studies, 3610 RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.81 to 1.16, evidence of no dif-
women ference

Periodontal treatment vs no treatment NICU admission   Outcome not reported

Periodontal treatment vs alternative peri- Perinatal death 2 studies, 855 RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.60 to 1.85, no evidence of a
odontal treatment women difference

GRADEb: low

Periodontal treatment vs alternative peri- LBW 1 study, 756 RR 1.39, 95% CI 0.92 to 2.09, no evidence of a
odontal treatment women difference

Periodontal treatment vs alternative peri- SGA   Outcome not reported

odontal treatment

Periodontal treatment vs alternative peri- NICU admission   Outcome not reported

odontal treatment

Biochemical tests of placental function (Heazell 2015)

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Test of placental function vs standard care Miscarriage or 2 studies, 740 RR 0.56, 95% CI 0.16 to 1.88, no evidence of a
stillbirth women difference

GRADEb: very low

Test of placental function vs standard care SGA 1 study, 118 RR 0.44, 95% CI 0.16 to 1.19, no evidence of a
women difference

Test of placental function vs standard care NICU admission 1 study, 118 RR 0.32, 95% CI 0.03 to 3.01, no evidence of a
women difference

Test of placental function vs standard care LBW   Outcome not reported

CI: confidence interval; IUGR: interuterine growth restriction; LBW: low birthweight; NICU: neonatal intensive care unit; OR: odds ra-
tio; RR: risk ratio; SGA: small-for-gestational age

aGRADE assessed by review overview authors because it was not reported in the original review; bGRADE rating reported in the original
Table 12.   Results by individual review: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being 
Ultrasound for fetal assessment in early pregnancy ( Whitworth 2015 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Routine/revealed vs selective/concealed ultra- Perinatal death 10 studies, RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.12, no evidence of a
sound in early pregnancy (all babies) 35,735 women difference

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Table 12.   Results by individual review: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being  (Continued)
GRADEb: low

Routine/revealed vs selective/concealed ultra- LBW 8 study, 19,337 RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.33, no evidence of a
sound in early pregnancy women difference

Routine/revealed vs selective/concealed ultra- SGA 3 studies, RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.81 to 1.35, no evidence of a
sound in early pregnancy 17,105 women difference

Routine/revealed vs selective/concealed ultra- NICU admission 8 studies, RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.88 to 1.02, evidence of no
sound in early pregnancy 19,088 women difference

Routine ultrasound in late pregnancy ( Bricker 2015 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Routine ultrasound > 24 weeks vs no/con- Stillbirth 6 studies, RR 1.18, 95% CI 0.51 to 2.70, no evidence of a
cealed/selective ultrasound > 24 weeks 28,107 women difference

GRADEa: very low

Routine ultrasound > 24 weeks vs no/con- Perinatal mor- 8 studies, RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.54, no evidence of a
cealed/selective ultrasound > 24 weeks tality 30,675 women difference

GRADEb: moderate

Routine ultrasound > 24 weeks vs no/con- LBW 3 studies, 4510 RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.71 to 1.18, no evidence of a
cealed/selective ultrasound > 24 weeks women difference

Routine ultrasound > 24 weeks vs no/con- SGA 4 studies, RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.28, no evidence of a
cealed/selective ultrasound > 24 weeks 20,293 women difference

Routine ultrasound > 24 weeks vs no/con- NICU admission 5 studies, RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.91 to 1.14, evidence of no
cealed/selective ultrasound > 24 weeks 12,915 women difference

Serial ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound vs Stillbirth 1 study, 2834 RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.36 to 1.93, no evidence of a
selective ultrasound women difference

GRADEa: low

Serial ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound vs Perinatal mor- 1 study, 2834 RR 0.59, 95% CI 0.30 to 1.17, no evidence of a
selective ultrasound tality women difference.

GRADEa: low

Serial ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound vs LBW 1 study, 2834 RR 1.14, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.52, no evidence of a
selective ultrasound women difference

Serial ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound vs SGA 1 study, 2834 RR 1.36, 95% CI 1.10 to 1.68 (P = 0.0046), in-
selective ultrasound women crease in SGA for women receiving serial ul-
trasound and Doppler ultrasound

Serial ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound vs NICU admission 1 study, 2834 RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.30, no evidence of a
selective ultrasound women difference

Fetal movement counting ( Mangesi 2015 )

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Table 12.   Results by individual review: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being  (Continued)
Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results
no. women

Fetal movement counting vs hormonal analysis Stillbirth 1 study, 1191 RR 3.19, 95% CI 0.13 to 78.20, no evidence of
women a difference

GRADEa: very low

Fetal movement counting vs hormonal analysis LBW   Outcome not reported

Fetal movement counting vs hormonal analysis SGA   Outcome not reported

Fetal movement counting vs hormonal analysis NICU admission   Outcome not reported

Fetal and umbilical Doppler ultrasound ( Alfirevic 2015 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

All routine Doppler ultrasound vs no Doppler Stillbirth 2 studies, 6877 RR 0.34, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.95 (P = 0.04), reduc-
ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels only) women tion in stillbirth for women who received fe-
tal/umbilical vessels Doppler ultrasound

GRADEb: moderate

All routine Doppler ultrasound vs no Doppler Stillbirth 2 studies, 5276 RR 1.41, 95% CI 0.44 to 4.46, no evidence of a
ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels+uterine women difference
GRADEb: low

All routine Doppler ultrasound vs no Doppler Perinatal mor- 2 studies, 5907 RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.21 to 1.07 (P = 0.074), evi-
ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels only) tality women dence of no difference

GRADEa: moderate

All routine Doppler ultrasound vs no Doppler Perinatal mor- 2 studies, 5276 RR 1.16, 95% CI 0.29 to 4.56, no evidence of a
ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels+uterine tality women difference
GRADEa: very low

All routine doppler ultrasound vs no Doppler NICU admission 2 studies, 5002 RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.18, no evidence of a
ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels only) women difference

All routine doppler ultrasound vs no Doppler NICU admission 1 study, 2475 RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.53, no evidence of a
ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels+uterine women difference

Single Doppler ultrasound assessment vs no Stillbirth 1 study, 3891 RR 0.40, 95% CI 0.08 to 2.06, no evidence of a
Doppler ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels on- women difference
GRADEa: low

Single Doppler ultrasound assessment vs no Perinatal mor- 1 study, 3891 RR 0.36, 95% CI 0.13 to 0.99 (P = 0.047), re-
Doppler ultrasound (fetal/umbilical vessels on- tality women duction in perinatal mortality for women re-
ly) ceiving single Doppler ultrasound

GRADEa: low

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Table 12.   Results by individual review: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being  (Continued)
Multiple Doppler ultrasound assessments vs Stillbirth 2 studies, 5276 RR 1.41, 95% CI 0.44 to 4.46, no evidence of a
no Doppler ultrasound (Fetal/umbilical ves- women difference
sels+uterine artery)
GRADEa: low

Multiple Doppler ultrasound assessments vs Perinatal mor- 1 study, 2016 RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.21 to 2.93, no evidence of a
no Doppler ultrasound (Fetal/umbilical vessels tality women difference
GRADEa: low

Multiple Doppler ultrasound assessments vs Perinatal mor- 2 studies, 5276 RR 1.16, 95% CI 0.29 to 4.56, no evidence of a
no Doppler ultrasound (Fetal/umbilical ves- tality women difference
sels+uterine artery)
GRADEa: low

Multiple Doppler ultrasound assessments vs NICU admission 1 study, 2016 RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.56 to 1.52, no evidence of a
no Doppler ultrasound (Fetal/umbilical vessels women difference

Multiple Doppler ultrasound assessments vs NICU admission 1 study, 2475 RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.53, no evidence of a
no Doppler ultrasound (Fetal/umbilical ves- women difference
sels+uterine artery)

Any Doppler ultrasound vs no Doppler ultra- LBW   Outcome not reported


Any Doppler ultrasound vs no Doppler ultra- SGA   Outcome not reported


Utero-placental Doppler ultrasound ( Stampalija 2010 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Uterine artery Doppler ultrasound vs no Stillbirth 2 studies, 5003 RR 1.44, 95% CI 0.38 to 5.49, no evidence of a
Doppler ultrasound, 2nd trimester women difference

GRADEa: low

Uterine artery Doppler ultrasound vs no Perinatal mor- 2 studies, 5009 RR 1.61, 95% CI 0.48 to 5.39, no evidence of a
Doppler ultrasound, 2nd trimester tality women difference

GRADEa: low

Uterine artery Doppler ultrasound vs no IUGR 2 studies, 5006 RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.64 to 1.50, no evidence of a
Doppler ultrasound, 2nd trimester women difference

Uterine artery Doppler ultrasound vs no NICU admission 2 studies, 5001 RR 1.12, 95% CI 0.92 to 1.37, no evidence of a
Doppler ultrasound, 2nd trimester women difference

Uterine artery Doppler ultrasound vs no LBW   Outcome not reported

Doppler ultrasound, 2nd trimester

Antenatal cardiotocography for fetal assessment ( Grivell 2015 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

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Table 12.   Results by individual review: screening and management of fetal growth and well-being  (Continued)
Traditional antenatal CTG vs no antenatal CTG Perinatal mor- 4 studies, 1627 RR 2.05, 95% CI 0.95 to 4.42, no evidence of a
tality women difference

GRADEb: low

Traditional antenatal CTG vs no antenatal CTG NICU admission 2 studies, 883 RR 1.08, 95% CI 0.84 to 1.39, no evidence of a
women difference

Computerised antenatal CTG vs traditional an- Perinatal mor- 2 studies, 469 RR 0.20, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.88 (P = 0.034), re-
tenatal CTG tality women duction in perinatal mortality for women re-
ceiving computerised antenatal CTG

GRADEb: moderate

Traditional antenatal CTG vs no antenatal CTG LBW   Outcome not reported

or computerised antenatal CTG

Traditional antenatal CTG vs no antenatal CTG SGA   Outcome not reported

or computerised antenatal CTG

Symphysial fundal height measurement (SFH) in pregnancy ( Robert Peter 2015 )

Comparison Outcome No. of studies, Results

no. women

Tape measurement vs clinical palpation Perinatal death 1 study, 1639 RR 1.25, 95% CI 0.38 to 4.07, no evidence of a
women difference

GRADEb: low

Tape measurement vs clinical palpation Neonatal de- 1 study, 1639 RR 1.32, 95% CI 0.92 to 1.90, no evidence of a
tection of women difference

Tape measurement vs clinical palpation NICU admission 1 study, 1639 RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.61, no evidence of a
women difference

Tape measurement vs clinical palpation LBW   Outcome not reported

CI: confidence interval; CTG: cardiotocography; IUGR: interuterine growth restriction; LBW: low birthweight; NICU: neonatal inten-
sive care unit; RR: risk ratio; SGA: small-for-gestational age

aGRADE assessed by review overview authors because it was not reported in the original review; bGRADE rating reported in the original
Table 13.   Reason for excluded study 
Name of review Reason for exclusion

Alexander 2010 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Balogun 2016 Intervention is after birth, no outcome for stillbirth

Bergel 2002  No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Crowther 2010 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

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Table 13.   Reason for excluded study  (Continued)

Demicheli 2015 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

East 2019 High-risk population

Gagnon 2007 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Jahanfar 2015 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Kramer 2006 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Lagarde 2009 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

McBain 2015 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Meher 2006a No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Muktabhant 2015 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Nabhan 2008 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Nabhan 2015 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Pattinson 2005 Not related to antenatal intervention, and no relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Peña-Rosas 2015a No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Peña-Rosas 2015b No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Salam 2015 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Sangkomkamhang 2015 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Stade 2009 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Van Lonkhuijzen 2012 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth

Walker 2001 No relevant outcomes for stillbirth


Appendix 1. Search strategy

#1 MeSH descriptor: [Stillbirth] explode all trees
#2 MeSH descriptor: [Perinatal Mortality] explode all trees
#3 MeSH descriptor: [Fetal Death] explode all trees
#4 (stillbirth):ti,ab,kw
#5 ("perinatal mortality"):ti,ab,kw
#6 (fetal loss):ti,ab,kw
#7 (fetal death):ti,ab,kw
#8 "stillbirth"
#9 "perinatal mortality"
#10 "fetal death"
#11 fetal loss
#12 (pregnan*):ti,ab,kw
#13 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #
Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 90
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#14 #13 AND #12

Date Event Description

18 December 2020 Amended Edited to resolve a format error in Figure 2.

Protocol first published: Issue 1, 2012
Review first published: Issue 12, 2020

Erika Ota (EO) and Rintaro Mori (RM) participated in the study design. EO, Md. Obaidur Rahman and Katharina da Silva Lopes drafted the
review. Windy Wariki, Ruoyan Tobe-Gai, RM, Philippa Middleton and Vicki Flenady provided critical comments and valuable suggestions.

Erika Ota: author of 'Vitamin supplementation for preventing miscarriage', 'Antenatal dietary education and supplementation to increase
energy and protein intake', 'Zinc supplementation for improving pregnancy and infant outcome', 'Vitamin E supplementation in pregnancy',
'Vitamin C supplementation in pregnancy', and 'Iodine supplementation for women during the preconception pregnancy and postpartum

Katharina da Silva Lopes: author of 'Vitamin supplementation for preventing miscarriage'.

Md. Obaidur Rahman: none known.

Philippa Middleton: author of 'Omega-3 fatty acid addition during pregnancy' and 'Zinc supplementation for improving pregnancy and
infant outcome'.

Vicki Flenady: I have a Career Development Fellowship grant for my salary from the National Health and Medical Research Council Australia.

Windy MV Wariki: none known.

Ruoyan Tobe-Gai: author of 'Antenatal dietary education and supplementation to increase energy and protein intake', and 'Zinc
supplementation for improving pregnancy and infant outcome'.

Rintaro Mori: author of 'Giving women their own case notes to carry during pregnancy.', 'Vitamin supplementation for preventing
miscarriage', 'Antenatal dietary education and supplementation to increase energy and protein intake', and 'Zinc supplementation for
improving pregnancy and infant outcome'


Internal sources
• Department of Reproductive Health and Research and Department of Technical Cooperation among Countries, World Health
Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
• The Grant of National Center for Child Health and Development 27B-10, Japan
• JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)Grant Number JP17H04452, Japan

External sources
• Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange (SAME) program of Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia.
2018, Indonesia

Three additional review authors have joined the review team: Windy MV Wariki, Katharina da Silva Lopes and Md. Obaidur Rahman.

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 91
Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cochrane Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

We planned to add to the relevant Cochrane Reviews the recent primary clinical trials, which had not yet been included in the reviews and
which included our primary and secondary outcomes. However, since the majority of the reviews were recently updated, we included only
published data included in the reviews.

We added a framework to the methods for data synthesis for summarising the evidence from the systematic reviews. This framework
assigns graphic icons to communicate the direction of review effect estimates and our confidence in the available data. This is the
framework adopted by Medley and colleagues in their overview on 'Interventions during pregnancy to prevent preterm birth: an overview
of Cochrane systematic reviews' (Medley 2018), and was based on graphics produced by the World Health Organization to describe different
types of workers and their roles in maternal and newborn care (optimizemnh.org/optimizing-health-worker-roles-maternal-newborn-
health). We adapted this framework slightly, but still used graphic icons to indicate mutually exclusive assessment categories (Figure 1).

• Clear evidence of benefit (moderate- or high-certainty evidence with CIs not crossing line of no effect)
• Clear evidence of harm (moderate- or high-certainty evidence with CIs not crossing line of no effect)
• Clear evidence of no effect or equivalence (moderate- or high-certainty evidence with narrow CIs crossing the line of no effect)
• Possible benefit (low-certainty evidence with clear benefit, or moderate- or high-certainty evidence with wide CIs not crossing the line
of no effect)
• Possible harm (low-certainty evidence with clear harm, or moderate- or high-certainty evidence with wide CIs not crossing the line of
no effect)
• Unknown benefit or harm or no effect or equivalence (low, moderate or high-certainty evidence with wide CIs crossing the line of no
effect, or low-certainty evidence with no effect or equivalence, or very low-certainty evidence)

Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (Review) 92
Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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