Answer Key For 2013-2014 Systematic Anatomy Final Exam

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Reference key for 2013-2014 autumn systematic anatomy final examination

The first portion:specimen idendification

1. Left ventricle 12. Vertebral a. 23. Trigeminal nerve root
2. Right atrium 13. Nasolacriminal canal 24. Cerebellar tonsile
3. Left common carotid a. 14. Sup.abliquus. 25. Optic chiasma
4. Right coronary a. 15. Incus 26. Corpus collosun
5. Internal carotid a. 16. Ear drum 27. Central sulcus
6. Ulnar a. 17. Maxillary n. 28. Ant.cerebral a.
7. Sup.mesenteric a. 18. Sciatic n. 29. Cerebral falx
8. Sup.vena cava 19. Median n. 30. Post limb of internal
9. Portal v. 20. Infraorbital n. capsule
10. Lesser saphenous v. 21. Facial n.
11. Azygos v. 22. Caudate equine
The single choice question

1E 2D 3C 4B 5A 6A 7B 8C 9D 10E
11E 12D 13C 14B 15A 16A 17B 18C 19D 20E
21E 22D 23C 24B 25A 26A 27B 28C 29D 30E

The fill the blanks:

1. Right common carotid a.and right 12. Prevertebral ganglion
subclavian a. 13. Abducent n.facial n.and vastibulocochlear
2. Common hepatic a. n.
3. Vertebral a. 14. Costal arch midpoint
4. Common peroneal n.and tibial n. 15. Diencephalon
5. Left atrium 16. Ant.and lat.spinothalamus tract
6. Sup.vena cava.sup.mesenteric v.and 17. Ant.horn
splenic v. 18. Middle cerebral s.
7. Greater and lesser saphenous v. 19. Cerebral aqueduct
8. Left venous angle 20. Prejenction fiber
9. Left 21. Dendate nucleus
10. Iris 22. Telencephalon and diencephalon
11. Vertebral a.

The fill the blanks:

Explanation of the terms
Carotid sinus:3*1.3
Sympathetic trunk:2*2
The fill the blanks:
Fill the diagram:
1. Right auricle 9. Temporal lobe
2. Ascending aorta 10. Pyramid
3. Left subclavian a. 11. Cerebral longitudinal fissure
4. Left pulmonary a. 12. Olfactory trace
5. Pulmonary trunk 13. Optic n
6. Left ventricle 14. Basilar sulcus
7. Ant.interventricualr sulcus 15. Cerebellar tonsil
8. Apex 16. Cerebellum

Questions and answer:

(1) Illustrate the location, beginning and ending of abdominal aorta, name of three major
unpaired visceral branches and their major branches (Each branch at least answer three
branches) (mark.7,could be shown by drawing a picture).
Location: left to inferior vena cava;
Begin at diaphragm
End at the level of 4th lumbar vertebrae
unpaired visceral branches:
celiac trunk: left gastric a.;common hepatic a.;and splenic a.
superior mesenteric a.:ilieal a.jejunal a.right colic a.and iliocolic a.
inferior mesenteric a. left colic a.;sigmoid a.and sup.rectal a.
(2) Illustrate name and portions of the wall of eyeball, action and innervation of extraocular
muscles (mark.6, could be shown by drawing a picture).
Outer tunic: cornea and sclera
Middle tunic:iris,cillary body and vascular tunica
Inner tunic: retina
Innervation of extraocular muscles:
Oculomotor nerve: five muscle
Trochlear nerve: superior obliquus
Abducent nerve: lateral rectus
(3) Please describe the origin, route, main branches and distribution of sciatic nerve (mark 6,
could be shown by drawing a picture)
Inferior border of piriform muscle
Posterior to the thigh
Posterior to popliteal fossa
Posterior to the leg
Plantar of foot muscle of thigh
Post.groug muscle of leg
Plantar muscle of foot.

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