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Consider yourself a health administrator during hard times of COVID-19 outbreak. At one
end, you are running short of doctors and paramedical staff and at second end; you want
them to work hard with full dedication in this hard time to stop the spread of corona virus.

Devise a motivation plan for the staff on the basis of motivational theories we have studied
in our subject

What corona virus actually is? According to recent studies it is the group of viruses that already
exists, from the past examples we quoted about SARS virus of china that appeared in 2003 it was
severe acute Respiratory syndrome , Similarly in Saudi Arabia similar virus named MERS
(Middle eastern Respiratory syndrome) appeared, these two were the types of corona virus the
reason behind this is that the structure of this virus is crown shaped and corona is the Latin word
for crown the recent corona outbreak is named as Novel Corona virus 19.

Recent study showed that about 140 million people are affected by this covid 19 outbreak, and
about 790 thousand people are affected by this deadly corona virus in Pakistan, Covid.19
originated from Wuhan China its first case was reported on 31, Dec2019. Early victims of covid
19 were having symptoms of Pneumonia and the doctors were unaware of the virus. As per
world health organization the symptoms of Covid -19 vary from person to person. In some
people its symptoms are mild that can be cured by proper care, but in some cases its symptoms
are so acute that it required serious medication and care by doctors and Paramedics. Corona virus
spread through the droplet transmission , i.e. , by coughing or sneezing so the doctors and
paramedics that attend Covid-19 Patient are at higher risk of being victim to this deadly
virus ,and it is the actual reason behind the shortage of medical staff,Being a health care
administration I have to keep an eye on the Mental and Physical health of my frontline worker
how I can allocate the resources in order to full fill our needs and how I can make a plan to deal
with severely unwell patient . Though Many of the philanthropist have appeared in this hard time
of corona. Many people thought to serve the humanity by taking part in different activities to
help stop the spread of corona, but Covid-19 is spreading like a fire in bushes , so the patient of
Covid-19 are increasing many of the medical center are facing a problem of shortage of doctors
and paramedical staff.

No doubt, to save a life from Covid-19, many other lives put into the risk and these lives are of
our doctors and other staff. Past traumatic disorder is the major effect on the frontline workers,
that is a main reason behind the shortage and demotivation of health workers.

As the covid outbreak is over whelming day-by-day, we are running short of protective
equipments, and keeping their families at the risk, frontline workers have to choose that they
want to save other people lives by keeping their own life into risk or by saving their own life and
neglecting thousands of lives laid on the vents.

In this deadly situation what we need to do is to appreciate our health workers and motivate
them, because they are the real heroes for the nation. Motivation of employees in any
organization is very important, as the motivation of the employees can lead to the better
performance, new convictions, more confidence and passion in this deadly outbreak.

Being an health worker administrator I have to desire to provide motivation to my employees to

keep the emotionally and psychologically strong, Covid-19 is a real trouble for the world today
as it has affected the resources and man power resource of its fast transfer. This has lead to the
shortage of resources, protective equipments of health worker, and over crowdness in medical
centers that has psychologically made impact on the mental health of frontline workers. The
shortage of frontline health worker is also raising in this covid crises. So, in this crisis all I have
to do being an administrator is to motivate and appreciate our doctor and paramedical staff. To
cope up this situation I can use different motivational theories to motivate our health workers.
The motivation can be intrinsic as well as extrinsic.
When we motivate our employees internally on the person is motivated by his interest or
satisfaction of doing work, it is called intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation can be by
giving rewards or any other external factor. I shall start to motivate my health workers with the
Maslow hierarchy of needs. First of all I have to full fill the basic physiological need of our
health workers by assuring them the providence of food and full fill their hunger by providing
them salaries the second need o Maslow hierarchy was safety need, I can provide job safety to
my health workers furthermore I can also provide insurance policy for the frontline workers so
they can feel safe and secure for their families future, we can also ensure their health safety by
providing kits and vaccination to health worker. Moving to the higher level needs, After the
fulfillment of two base needs, now our health worker will be motivate by the social need, Being
an administrator I have to full fill the social needs of doctors and health workers, for this we can
use electronic media and print media to appreciate them and show dedication and love for our
heroes. Now comes the self esteem needs. According to recent studies to full fill self esteem
needs of health worker we have to motivate them that they have the strength and ability to save
someone life and they are better individuals in knowledge and competency from others
individuals who reach the level of self actualization are high in motivation they have full fill all
of their needs and now their needs is to get the status or being self actualized. To motivate these
individuals I can support them and encourage them to give their full potential to deal with the
situation I shall also at state level try to award pride of performance to the one who have given
his best to cope up in these Covid crises. This will be a great motivation.

McGregor’s X and Y can also be used to motivate health workers during Covid-19 crises a the
nature of doing work is different for every individual .By using theory X we can control our
health worker by force or by imposing different jobs to them regularly taking cure of what they
have performed. On the other hand according to Y theory individuals will have to work
according to their jobs, they will self directed toward their job and can make good decisions
according to job defined.

These two theories i will use as health administrator to motivate my doctors and other
paramedics. This motivation will be the only method to cope up with the shortage of workforce
during this time of crisis.

Diversity is a double edge sword, used and abused. Discuss please.

Diversity is the term used within the organization this term describes that the individual within
the organization is different and unique from one another in terms of their age, race,
geographical area, gender etc.”Diversity is a two edged-sword used and abused.”

This statement actually defines Merits and De-merit of diversity, it can create lots of
opportunities and challenges for the organization.

Firstly defining the use of diversity is that, as individual are unique from one another so they can
solve many of the problems within the organization in a unique manner or can create
innovations, People are having different ideas background and knowledge so they can cope up
different situations with lots of knowledge and ideas that people with similar knowledge would
never can. Diversity helps in decision making that involves lots of information that can enhance
team performance. On the other hand, diversity creates lots of challenges as there are people with
different thoughts ages and knowledge so there might be a clash between them in some
organizational matter. For example individual can have issues in organization on the basis og age
,(old , young), race (white , black) or other factors like education or knowledge. Due to diversity,
individual loose trust that affect the team performance. Elaborating it, as old people in
organization don’t like to work under the young ones similarly, individuals having more
knowledge feels to be the boss that is a major thing that jeopardize the performance of

In this way this statement is correct, Diversity is a double edged sword it is used for many
opportunities and abused as many challenges.


Critically analyze Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Is it applied to all human beings or there
are few exceptions?
Maslow hierarchy of needs describe five level of human needs starting from the physiological
needs that are basic food , hunger and thirst, next level of needs are the safety needs, that are
shelter, job security etc, further moving the next level is the social needs in this level the
individual wants to be level or want belongingness to some extent.

Then comes the esteem need that is the need of an individual for status, self esteem etc.

The top level is of self-actualization an individual want to be on the top and self development is
his need.

Moving to the second part of the question Maslow hierarchy of need does not apply to all human
beings their some exceptions, these exceptions are that sometime love and belongingness is
secondary to the people they don’t have social needs and the self esteem is having more
importance and status or sell esteem is their need

The second exception is that for the people who are living their lives as hand to mouth the basic
Physiological needs are more essential for them they don’t focus on high level needs

The other exception is that there are some people with natural born talent and they want to reach
at the top from their childhood for these individuals the self actualization will be an utmost need
these individuals will not focus on the lower needs.

These are the few exceptions in Maslow hierarchy of need, Thus we can say that this theory
doesn’t apply to all human beings.

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