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Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 ED3

Name: Shiela Marbie B. Bassig

Course and Year: BEED 1B
Date: April 22, 2022

Of all the theories, principles, and or framework that was presented this week, choose
one that you will use in your teaching and discuss briefly and substantially, why, and
give examples to it. 
What topic/subject matter, will you use (principles and theories) based on the
specialization you are pursuing.

The theory, principle, and or framework that I choose is Bloom’s Taxonomy

because it is our responsibility as teachers to assist our dear students in developing their
higher-order cognitive capacities and critical thinking skills. Bloom’s taxonomy help to
encourage and teach the learners to make their own decisions just in a classroom setting
but also helps promote a life skill. As a teacher, I can apply bloom’s taxonomy by asking
questions and offering assignments that correlate with specific learning objectives at each
stage of a process, making objectives evident to the learners. Multiple choice questions,
for example, can be used to assess a student’s basic grasp and memory of a subject, but
asking a student to come up with a comparison or analogy indicates that the student is
ready to move on to the application or analytical stage. Bloom’s taxonomy is divided into
six (6) levels; remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.
The first level is remembering is based on previous lectures or lessons. This level aids in
the development of a strong foundation and serves as a stepping stone to more advanced
study. And the learners should be required to memorize or recall their knowledge at this
level. For example, your previous lesson is about the layers of the earth and the teacher
asks the learners what the layers of the earth are? So when the learners answer the
teacher's question, it means they remember what is their lesson in their last meeting. The
second level is understanding when the teachers ask learners and they explain course
concepts in their own words it means they understand their lesson. The third level is
applying this pushes the learners to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom for
example the teacher teaches the learners values and they can apply them in their daily
lives. The fourth level is analyzing a learner can demonstrate that they have a thorough
understanding of the content as a whole, as well as its constituent elements. For example,
they could be able to draw diagrams or deconstruct thought processes. The fifth level is
evaluating the learners are asked to make value judgments about what they’ve learned.
And the last level is creating the learners to demonstrate their knowledge by building
something tangible or conceptual. For example, is creating an essay related to their
previous discussion. Bloom’s Taxonomy can benefit both educators and learners and also
the learners should master first the lower levels before mastering the higher levels of
bloom’s taxonomy.

The topic/ subject matter that I will use in the theory of bloom’s taxonomy is the
subject is a science of layers of the earth, the learners will apply the 6 levels of bloom’s
taxonomy. They will do an experiment also and they will do their own model of the earth
from the Styrofoam balls. This is to push the learners to apply Bloom’s Taxonomy to the 6
levels and see if the teacher can help them build their critical thinking and higher-order
cognitive capacities or skills.

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