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Supply chain management:

1. I learn conceptual knowledge of the supply chain concept and major managerial issues

2. Apply the quantitative skills and models to manage and improve supply chain performance

3. Analyse specific operational management issues such as supply chain network design, supply

chain coordination, inventory management, transportation, outsourcing and procurement, supply

chain profits, and develop supply chain management strategies.

Financial Markets and Institutions:

Through studying the whole course, I became familiar with the structure, operations, and

dynamics of financial systems and institutions. What’s the difference between the stock market

and bond market, and the money market? I have watched a real old paper bond from American

Express. And understands the general functions and structure of the main financial institutions,

markets, and instruments. also learn the basic risk management of financial institutions.

principle of management:

Know the management functions, including planning, organizing, leading, staffing,

communicating, coordinating, and controlling issues.

Also, learn the theories of management, organizational theory, and the practice of management in

contemporary organizations from a conceptual, analytical, and pragmatic perspective. Learning to

analyze the Business environment and globalization and corporate social responsibility and

business ethics.

integrated marketing communication:

I learned about an institute’s communications with its target market and integrating advertising

efforts with various promotional tools, and gaining updated information on the dynamic world of

communication. Moreover, through this course, I am familiar with both the concepts and practice

in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a marketing communication campaign. Also,

know different types of advertising and methods of analyzing marketing case.

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