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Summative test in DISASTER

Course Outline & Quality Assured Handouts paired

with MELC- Based Learning Worksheet READINESS AND RISK REDUCTION

Name: _________________________________ Grade & Section: _________________________

Teacher: _______________________________ Date Submitted: __________________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each statement carefully and choose the correct answer by
writing the letter of your choice.

____4. What is the science of the

beautiful and its various
A. Aesthetics C. Ethics
B. Epistemology D. Logic
____4. What is the science of the
beautiful and its various
A. Aesthetics C. Ethics
B. Epistemology D. Logic
1. Based on the lesson, stress affects us in several ways, both _______ and ___________
A. physically and biologically C. physically and holistically
B. physically and emotionally D. physically and spiritually
2. Which of the following refers to the feeling of being under abnormal pressure?
A. Anxiety B. Nervousness C. Problem D. Stress
3. It is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy
A. Aerobics activity C. Physical activity
B. Dance Lesson D. None of the above
4. Knowing how to manage time properly and identifying the priorities associated with
proper __________ is considered one of the best remedy to fight and reduce stress.
A. Analysis C. Performance
B. Composition D. Physical activities
5. Which of the following is NOT stressful aspect of life?
A. an argument with your family
B. engaging in physical activities
C. existing financial worries.
D. increased workload
6. Which of the following help reduce stress?
A. Participating in physical activities
B. Managing an event
C. Solving a personal problem
D. None of the above
7. Which of the following is promoted by engaging in an active physical activity?
A. Active life style C. Socialization
B. Good health D. All of the above
8. Research has shown that stress can sometimes be positive. It can make you more alert and
help you perform better in certain situations. Which best describes the statement?
A. False C. No connection
B. True D. Partly Yes
9. The harmful physical consequence of stress.
A. distress C. Mistress
B. Eustress D. All of the above
10. The enhancing influence on our productivity and satisfaction.
A. distress C. Mistress
B. Eustress D. All of the above
11. Which of the following health-related components of fitness has to do with your heart, lungs,
and blood vessels?
A. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance C. Muscular Endurance
B. Muscular Strength D. Flexibility
12. Yoga helps improve which component of fitness the most...
A. flexibility B. Speed C. Muscle Strength D. Agility

13. What health-related fitness component should you focus on if you are trying to improve
A. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance C. Muscular Endurance
B. Muscular Strength D. Flexibility
14. Health related fitness measures a person's ability to perform physical activities that require
which of the following?
A. Endurance, body composition, and heart rate
B. Strength, body composition, and resistance
C. Endurance, strength, and flexibility
D. Fat, muscle, and bone
15. The ability to do 20 squats with no weight is an example of:
A. Muscular Endurance C. Muscular strength
B. Flexibility D. Aerobic Fitness
16. The ability to ride a bike for a long time is:
A. Muscular Endurance C. Muscular strength
B. Flexibility D. Aerobic Fitness
17. The ability to bench press 6 times at a high weight is an example of:
A. Muscular Endurance C. Muscular strength
B. Flexibility D. Aerobic Fitness
18. The ability to touch your toes is an example of:
A. Muscular Endurance C. Muscular strength
B. Flexibility2 D. Aerobic Fitness
19. The percentage of body weight that is made up of fat when compared to your other tissues,
such has bones and muscles.
A. Body Composition C. Power
B. Muscular strength D. Agility
20. It is measurement of weight against height
A. Body mass index C. weight scale
B. Health related fitness D. height chart
21. Help Jerico in computing his BMI he is 38 y/o man weighing 68kg and has a height of 1.65?
what is his BMI?
A. 29.92 B. 30.10 C. 23.44 D. 24.98
22. It is the ratio of the circumference of the waist to that of the hips
A. Torso ratio B. Bust C. Waist to waist D. Waist-to- Hip ratio
23. Cedric wants to assess her lower back and hamstring. What will Cedric use?
A. zipper test C. Basic Prank
B. Push up D. Modified sit and reach
24. _________________assess the upper body/arm strength and endurance.
A. Hexagon Test B. Zipper test C. 1 mile run D. 1 min Push up Test
25. Which of the following is Muscular Strength and Endurance Fitness activity?
A. walking B. jogging C. Plank D. triceps stretch
26. What is the formula used to calculate the BMI?
A. BMI = Height x weight
B. BMI = weight / height
C. BMI = weight + height
D. BMI+ height – weight
27. To calculate BMI, you will need to know the person’s:
A. weight & height
B. temperature & age
C. skin color
D. gender

28. What is the value for underweight?

A. Less than 18.5 C. 25-29.9
B. above 30 D. None of the above
29. Ali's BMI is 30+, what is the correct BMI classification?
A. Normal C. obese
B. underweight D. overweight
30. Terry’s weight is 79.6kg and his height is 1.72m. Calculate Terry’s BMI.
A. BMI = 54.9 B. BMI = 26.90 C. BMI= 80 D. BMI= 25.87
31. Why do individuals become physical active?
A. To improve both physical and mental health
B. Social reasons
C. To manage weight
D. All of the above
32. How could you overcome the barrier of not having access to facilities within your area?
A. Attend Park runs C. Use youtube fitness videos
B. Use the couch to 5K app D. All of the above
33. What are the 2 biggest barriers that an individual may face?
A. Time & Money C. Family & Time
B. Time & Motivation D. Family & Motivation
34. What are the barriers to participation in physical activity?
A. Lack of time C. Family caregiving obligations
B. Lack of motivation D. All of the above
35. People have excellent aerobic fitness when they can engage in physical activity for a long
time because of their:
A. dedication, motivation, and endurance
B. strength, strong bones, and strong muscles
C. proportions of fat, muscle, and bone
D. strong heart, lungs, and clear blood
36. The ability to bench press 6 times at a high weight is an example of:
A. Muscular Endurance C. Aerobics Fitness
B. muscular strength D. flexibility
37. Which of the following improves cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increases self-
esteem, and helps control weight?
A. Aerobics Fitness C. flexibilty
B. Muscular strength and endurance D. none of the above
38. Which of the following improves posture, decreases tension, and improves coordination?
A. Aerobics Fitness C. Flexibilty
B. Muscular strength and endurance D. None of the above
39. Which option best describes "flexibility?"
A. the percentage of body weight that is fat compared to other body tissue, such as bone
and muscle
B. the ability to use the muscles, which are attached to the bones, many times without
getting tired
C. the ability to use your joints fully
D. the amount of force you can put forth with your muscles
40. Complete the text with the missing word: When someone begins exercising heart rate will
A. regress C. increase
B. maintain D. decrease


“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you
do, and he will direct your path”-Proverbs 3:5-6

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