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Downloaded from on 201'-03-07T20:3406, FM 1-506, air pressure entering the compressor. EPR then indi cat th ra of se press Eng stud for EPR havea fixed exhaust nozzle area, Some military afterburnng engines have two fixed areas. One is used for nonafterburning operation, A variable nozzle area is used for some aterburming engines, but it varies only while in afterburning. On both aterburning and non- afterburning engines, BPM and EGT may vary when the aircraft throtle is adjusted to obtain desired engine thrust Some military afteburning models have exhaust nozzles which are scheduled to vary the exhaust area en the eng sunning. Cnsequey ese enges cannot be operated to EPR settings, They must be controlled by throttle positon with various engine parameters checked to assure correct thrust output Forengines with a fixed nozzle area, actual exhaust gis mers ied curing operon azul oy presents spss ran ene 0 operate atthe temperature limit for any given thrust rating However, an engine that does may havea problem which causes it to run abnormally hot. With the excepson noted inthe use ofthe tachometer, engine RPM is considered a very inadequate parameter for seg and checking ene tht on Single and dual axial-ow compressor turbojet and tur ofan engines having fixed exhaust nozzle areas, When RPM is used asthe controling variable on such engines, complications aise. The most important are ~ + RPM does not provide an accurate means of determining if the complete engine is function ing properly. High- pressure RPM on dual axial-low compressor engines and the RPM of the whole compressor on single aial-ow com pressor engines i governed By fuel contol, For example, RPM alone will not enable an engine operator to detect a damaged or dirty compres- sor. RPM carefully used in conjunction with other engine variables such as fuel flow, exhaust s temperature, and engine pressure ratio allow for detection, + RPM for any given thrust condition will vary slightly among individual engines, depending upon the engine trim speed. Engines are trimmed by a fuel control adjustment to produce ful rated thrust ata fixed-rate pos tion on a standard day, The RPM variation rust be taken ino acount when RPM is used to measure trust being developed by the en gine. This causes a complication which cannot 9-10 be tolerated when precise thrust settings are necessary during light. + On dual axal-ow compressor engines, RPM variation of one percent causes approximately four percent variation in thrust at the higher thrust settings for the low-pressure compressor rotor (Ni) and five percent variation for the high pressure compressor rotor (N2), One per ceft Variation in turbine discharge pressure or engine pressure ratio result in only one and one hal percent variation in thrust. The five peoent variation in thrust for one percent vai tion in RPM aso hold iru for single xiallow compressor engines + RPM does not vary in direct proportion to thrust produced by the engine over the ete thrust ange For these reasons, either turbine discharge pressure ot ee pest i mus be wed th ene variable to indicat thrust on axial low compressor en- ne with fxed area exhaust nozls. The use of ether 1S simpler undermost conditions and is more accurate. MEASURING POWER AND THRUST FOR TURBOPROPS For engines other than thse wih fully variable ex- aust nozzles, turbine discharge pressure, engine pres sue or engine prestrain can be use wih pod resto indicate o set engine thrust, They vary propor tionally tothe thrust the engine is developing. Most turbojet and turbofan aircraft today are instrumented for engine pressure ratio, This isthe parameter generally used to set ormeesure engine thrust daring tekeof cli, and cruise, For very accurate thrust measurement, such as during ground irimming ofan engine, turbine dis charg pressure is often use to measur trust. In such cases, itis common practice to temporarily connect a turbine discharge pressure indicator tothe engine. ENGINE PRESSURE RATIO INDICATING SYSTEM Inatypical engine pressure ratio indicating system, the indicator isa dua-synchro instrument, The sytem shows a constant reading of engine performance. Ths is done by computing the ratio between the gas generator aisha pres and the inl pres the ng These ratios are then transmitted to an indicator (both indicators if a two-engine airraf) Sample pressure are taken from engine gas producer or gas generator poss and fom the plot pressure system. The System includes a transducer. The transducer includes @ mounting Downloaded from http:www on 2011-03-07720:34:06, bracket and a transmitter unit, The transmitter unit contains @ multicell, diaphram actuated computer, gear ‘train two-phase motor; and carnitine mehros. The indicators are graduated from 1.0 to 25 EPR units with (11 BPR markings and a vernier dial graduated in 01 EPR markings. An adjustable pointer onthe face of the indicator is set to the maximum EPR for the ambient temperature to indicate possible engine overspeed. The maximum EPR for given temperatures is listed on the insrument panel. The AC Power system suples elect cal power through the EPR circuit breaker. TURBINE DISCHARGE PRESSURE INDICATOR ‘This instrument indicates the internal engine pres- sure upstream of the et nozzle, immediatly aft ofthe lst stage of the turbine (Pts to Pr). It indicates pressure available across the nozzle to generate thrust. Turbine discharge pressure must be used in conjunction with iz and Pra, ENGINE PRESSURE RATIO INDICATOR This instrument (Figure $16) indicates the engine pes ia mes otis epee engine, This is the ratio ofthe turbine discharge total pressure to the equivalent of the compressor inet total pressure (Ps/Préor Pr/Pa). Values for Pe must be corrected for inlet duct los on the engine pressure ratio FM 1-506 curves or charts by the ateraft manufacturer, Therefore, both fr static akeo) and fight use, the actual value for Pail vay among diferent aircraft types and models because of installation effets. However, the relation of Puat the engine face to Pn plus ris equivalent to total ressure at Or near the compressor inlet when airborne. It is not advisable to instrument the compressor inlet when aitbome.Itis not advisable to instrument the compressor inlet directly for Pe. The Pe sensor forthe ressure ratio indicator may be placed at some other location on the aircraft, preferably as near the engine at iets posible er propecia mate to the in-fight charts in the fight of operation manual any tated thrust or percent of ried thrust may beset with the aircraft throtle (sa function ofthe TAT or Ta) Pressure ratio between the pressure atthe engine ar inlet and the dischange pressure atthe jt nozzle indicates thrust developed by the engine, Turbine discharge pres- sure alone isnot an accurate indication of engine output Compressor inlet pressure (Pa) must be taken into ac count on curves ot charts when only turbine discharge pressure is instrumented For static engine operation, this is usually ac- complished by showing barometric pressure (corrected for inlet duct fss) rather than P-values on the curves or charts, In light, curves or tables usually show airspeed and altitude. This eliminates the need for actually Figure 9-15. Engine Thrust Indicator 91 Downloaded trom hp www. on 2011-03-07720:3406, FM 1.506 delineating Pa values in he operating data. Engine pressure rato indicators have the Pevalue introduced into the system, This factor is automatically taken into account on the observed instrument reading Except for 912 an indicator to measure engine thrust, the above repre sens the minimum adequate instrumentation for control ofthe engine. Some installations may have additional intruments

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