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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose Del Monte
City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

The Ups and Down of Sari-Sari Store

Owners in the midst of COVID-19

A Researcher Submitted to
the Faculty of Senior High School
Department of Graceville National High School

Submitted by:
Brillantes, Jonalyn M.
Buendia, Khaurine Rynoah G.
Dominguez, Marinella B.
Ramirez, Keyce T.
Tutana, Shane Camille M.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is highly contagious pathogenic viral infection initiated
from Wuhan seafood wholesale market of China on December 2019 and spread rapidly
around the whole world due to onward transmission i. It is making giant disturbance to
life and livelihoods as well as social and economic systems in the world. This virus has
triggered economic recession, closed many companies and caused rapid rises in
unemployment in many countries. The impact of Covid-19 on local and small
businesses around the world is likely to be severe. ii

Retail stores, generally known as “sari-sari” stores have succeeded in the Philippines.
These retail enterprises are typically small, home-based, and usually run by “Nanays” or
mothers who do not take part in the realities of the formal sector and are plainly doing
domestic responsibilities (Munoz, Raven, & Welsh 2005). “Sari-sari” stores offer cheap
prices, flexible credit terms, selling wide range of basic consumer goods and are
commonly located in the streets and even corners iii. 

Although the effects of COVID-19 on the economy showed up quickly in the stock
market, the effects on small business are not well known because of the lack of timely
business-level data released by the government. 

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to investigate the small business challenges during
the corona virus pandemic in the Philippines. In pursuance of this objective, the
following research questions were administered:
1. How did the pandemic affect their store?
2. What were the things they did to continue their Sari-Sari store despite the
3. Did their sari-sari store grow more or did their income weaken?

Literature Review
These are the answer that the researcher’s gather form different store owner’s here in
our community.
1st Participant
 Loss in sales
 We still continue to operate despite of the hardship we encounter during the
 We almost declare bankruptcy since people is forbidden to go outside.

2nd Participant
 Our sales went down spiral, no customer’s means no income.
 Patience in the midst of the pandemic.
 We went bankrupt

3rd Participant
 We lost our capital.
 We stop operation.
 We need to stop our operation and decide to close the store.

4th Participant
 No one is buying anymore.
 We waited for the financial aid coming from the government.
 We went to bankruptcy at first but were able to redeem after the quarantine.

Theoretical Framework

This study is viewed in the perspective of the Resource-BasedView (RBV)theory by
Werner felt (1984). The theory asserts that tangible and intangible resources are the
key for the excellent performance of the enterprise. This theory further suggests that it is
more practical to utilize internal opportunities rather than acquiring
new skillsfrom outside opportunities.  Applying RBV theory in the micro-enterprise conte
xt, itstresses that long-term survival and existence is basically dependent on the
business’s unique product offerings. Sufficient time is necessary to develop this
uniqueness through nurturing the core competency of the firm. Too often, it has been
widely accepted that micro businesses are repeatedly faced with inadequate resources
and this compels them to continue doing business under financial and capability
constrains. In addition, the issue on insufficient resources can force the enterprise to
concentrate on short-term instead on long-term objectives, and prevent them to explore
the lucrative opportunities in their economic environment.

The covid- 19 pandemic period brought complications on the sari-sari store

homeowner in their business throughout 2021. One of the primary reasons during thepa
ndemic period is the inventory, income and capital in operating business that cause
Conceptual Framework

Complications brought by COVID-19 Pandemic to Sari-Sari Stores in Graceville in terms

of income, inventory, capital and operation. The possible marketing plan to be proposed
by the sari-sari store owner. On the other hand, the process includes the distribution of
survey questionnaire; then the data will analyze and interpret. The output will
be proposed a marketing plan that will help the sari-sari store owner to operate their
The researchers want to find out the complications brought by COVID-19 Pandemic to
Sari-Sari Stores in Graceville.

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