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Republic of the Philippines

First Quarterly Examination

NAME: SCORE: ___________________

SCHOOL: TEACHER: _________________
_____ 6. A composer who is also known as
I. Music A. Direction: Choose only the letter Adam le Bossu. (Adam de Hunchback).
of the correct answer. A. Adam Smith B. Adam dela
_____ 1. This came from the word Halle C. Adam Son D. Adam
“renaitre” which means rebirth, revival and of Eve
A. Classical B. Roman C. _____ 7. Famous composer of
Rennigan D. Renaissance Renaissance period who is said to be the
Greatest Master of Roman Catholic Church.
_____ 2. The period that is also known as A. Adam dela Halle
the Middle Ages (Dark Ages) that started B. Thomas
with the fall of the Roman Empire. Morley
A. Renaissance Period B. C. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Medieval Period C. Classical D. Antonio Vivaldi
Period D. Gothic Period
_____ 8. A form of orchestral music that
_____ 3. A secular vocal polyphonic music employs a solo instrument accompanied by
composition which originated from Italy. an orchestra.
A. Mass B. Madrigal C. A. Oratorio B. Concerto
A Capella D. C. Chorale D.Fugues
_____ 9. Famous composer which works
_____ 4. A form of sacred musical include Concerto Grosso, Masses,
composition that sets text of the Eucharistic Cantatas, Fugues, Works for clavichord and
liturgy into music. harpsichord.
A. Mass B. Credo C. A. Adam dela Halle C.
Concerto Grosso D. Monophonic Antonio Vivaldi
B. George Friedrich Handel D.
_____ 5. Which of the following item is not Johann Sebastian Bach
a characteristic of Gregorian Chant?
A. polyphonic B. free meter C. _____ 10. Music that was specifically
modal D. usually based on written for use in religious services
latin liturgy A. secular music B. sacred
music C. monophony music
D. polyphony

B. Name the illustrated composer.

_____ 11.
A. Thomas Morley C. Antonio Vivaldi
B.Johann Sebastian Bach D. Adam dela Halle

_____ 12.
A. George Friedrich Handel C. Thomas Morley
B. Antonio Vivaldi D. Adam dela Halle
C. Classify the music under its historical period: A. Medieval period, B. Renaissance period
C. Baroque period
_____ 13. Troubadour music
_____ 14. Mass
_____ 15. Concerto Grosso

II. ARTS: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Direction: Choose only the letter of the correct answer.
1. Art is also known as the totality of human activities. The following are importance of art to
humans EXCEPT.
A. Express feelings of love.
B. Give satisfaction to talented people.
C. Develop character, proper attitudes and values.
D. Encourage budding sportsmen.

_____2. Cave paintings encompass any parietal art which involves the application of color
pigments on the walls. In what era when these types of arts dominated as the people’s means
of communication?
A. Ancient Egypt B. Classical Greek Era
B. C. Prehistoric Era D. Romanesque Era

_____3. Your group was tasked to do a mural painting in your school using the colors made
with grind powder pigments in pure water to make the painting become an integral part of the
wall. What technique of painting is ideal for mural painting using the above-mentioned
A. Fresco B. Encaustic C. Acrylic D. Chiaroscuro

_____4. You were asked by your art teacher to paint using melted beeswax and mineral
pigment to varnish your work of art. What medium of painting are you going to apply?
A. Fresco B. Encaustic C. Acrylic D. chiaroscuro

_____5. Kerch style is an attic red-figure pottery named after the Crimean city of Kerch. The
following were the most common shapes of this classical vase painting EXCEPT.
A. wine container B. bowl for water and wine
C. low bowl w/ two handles D. low handles and lid

_____6. A method of painting that denotes a picture painted in a panel, usually made of wood.
A. panel painting B. plein-air painting C. scroll painting D. miniature painting

_____7. The formal writing system of Egypt with the use of pictures.
A. hieroglyphics B. calligraphy C. photography D. logography

_____8. A typical art process in Romantic era where pieces of colored glass, stone, or other
materials were formed together to create an image.
A. stained glass B. photography C. printmaking D. mosaic

_____9. Which of the following BEST describe an Egyptian sculpture?

A. Significant in revealing the artistic progress of the culture or artist involved.
B. Symbolisms were heavily used to represent the Gods.
C. Living is presented larger than the dead.
D. Faithful and direct imitation of human anatomy.

_____10. What are the dominant themes of Byzantine sculptures?

A. human form, everyday life, still life
B. religious, everyday life, nature
C. human nature, symbols, war
D. heroes, humor, landscape

_____11. In Greek architecture, temples were designed either of the three architectural styles
or orders. Which among the following is NOT a Greek Classical style?
A. Tonic B. Corinthian C. Doric D. Ionic

_____12. A style of architecture characterized by pointed arches.

A. Gothic B. Byzantine C. Romanesque D.Roman
_____13. Ancient Egypt is known for a massive monument having rectangular base and four
triangular faces culminating in a singular apex, built over or around a crypt or tomb.
A. tomb B. vault C. pyramid D. terracotta

_____14. An architectural style characterized by rounded arches and masonry walls and
A. Roman B. Romanesque C. Greek D. Byzantine

_____15. Parthenon is considered as the greatest Greek classical temple and was dedicated
to the city’s patron deity, Athena. The said temple is renowned with what architectural style?
A. Doric B. Ionic C. Corinthian D.Tonic

III. P.E MULTIPLE CHOICE: Direction: Choose only the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is an immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly
taken ill.
A. First Aid B. Therapy C. Admit to Hospital D. Rehabilitation

2. It is a stretch or tear of a ligament, the band of connective tissues the joins the end of one
bone with another.
A. Strain B. Cramps C. Fracture D. Sprain

3. It is a twist tear or pull of a muscle or tendon a cord of tissue connecting muscle to bone.
A. strain B. cramps C. fracture D. sprain

4. It is a break in the bone that can occur from either a quick or one-time-injury to the bone.
A. sprain B. dislocation C. strain D. fracture

5. What part of the body is the most commonly injured joint?

A. elbow B. Knee C. Ankle D. Neck

6. It is a response to heat characterized by fatigue, weakness and collapse due to inadequate

intake of water.
A. fractures B. heat exhaustions C. knee injuries D. strains
(7. – 10.) Arrange the following first aid or immediate cure if injury encountered by officiating
officials and athletes using letters A, B, C, D.
7. Elevate the affected joint

8. The victim’s physician may recommend an over the counter anti – inflammatory medication
appropriate for the victims general health

9. Remove any clothing or jewelry around the joint

10. Apply cold compress

11. It refer to the physical attributes of an officiating official.

A. physical qualities B. physical fitness C. emotional qualities D. mental qualities

12. The capacity of an individual to perform his or her daily tasks without undue fatigue and still
has extra energy for recreation and emergencies.
A. physical qualities B. physical fitness C. emotional qualities D. mental qualities

13. Refer to the ability to deal with others at any given situation.
A. mental qualities B. social qualities C. emotional qualities D. physical qualities

14. It is the term used to refer to all of the qualities pertaining to one’s mental preparation in
officiating a game.
A. mental qualities B. social qualities C. emotional qualities D. physical qualities

15. Officiating has a high physical demand, especially in sports like basketball, soccer and
combative sports. What should the referee do PRIOR to doing his/her officiating task?
A. Warm up C. Static stretching
B. Dynamic Stretching D. instantly proceed to officiating
Direction: Match the given statements from Column A to the answers written in Column B.
Write only the letter of the correct answer on the line provided before the number.


_____1. It refers to leftover vegetables A. Garbage

animal and other food materials
from the kitchen.
_____2. Defined as the art and science B. Health
of maintaining, protecting and improving
The health of all the members of the
Community through organized community
_____3. A state of complete physical, mental C. Community Health
And social well- being and not just the absence
Of disease.
_____4. Are waste materials such as bottles, D. Waste disposal
broken glass, tin cans, waste papers and other
wrapping materials.
_____5. The proper disposal of discarded E. Rubbish
Materials in accordance with local guidelines.
_____6. The composer of the song entitled F. Smokey Mountain
Anak Ng Pasig.
_____ 7. A group of singers perform G. Ryan Cayabyab
Anak Ng Pasig
_____8. Define as the extraction of the H. Pollution
valuable minerals from the earth.
_____9. Aimed to help the domestic mining I. Coral reef degradation
Industry regain its competitiveness.
_____10. A significant problem throughout J. Mining act of 1995
The world.
_____11. Alteration of the physical, chemical K. Geneva Cruz
And biological properties of water, air or land.
_____12. Codifies, updates and raises forestry L. P.D 389
laws in the country. M. P.D P.D 1219
_____13. Providing for the protection of coral N. P.D 704
_____14. One of the agencies working O. Community Health
Together for community health about
management of finances. P. Illegal Mining
_____15. It is the foundation for achieving;
all other goals and is essential for a productive Q. DBM
society. R. DPWH



1. D 1. D 1. A 1. A
2. B 2. C 2. D 2. C
3. B 3. A 3. A 3. B
4. A 4. B 4. D 4. E
5. A 5. A 5. B 5. D
6. B 6. A 6. B 6. G
7. C 7. A 7. C 7. F
8. B 8. D 8. D 8. P
9. D 9. B 9. A 9. J
10.B 10.B 10.B 10.I
11.C 11.A 11.A 11.H
12.A 12.C 12.B 12.L
13.A 13.C 13.B 13.M
14.B 14.B 14.A 14.Q
15.C 15.A 15.A 15.O

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