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International Information Technology University JSC

Faculty of Information Technology

Department of Information Technologies

Production practice
Practice Report

Prepared by: Omarkhan Magzhab


Almaty, 2022
I am Omarkhan Magzhan, a 2nd-year student at the International University of
Information Technologies, majoring in information technology’s. I spent my
summer internship in Almaty at the "TOO MAGNUM E-COMMERCE" company.
This is a subsidiary of Magnum, which is engaged in online order acceptance
and home delivery. Here I held the position of IT support.
The purpose of the internship is to consolidate the knowledge gained at the
university and during the passage of previous practices, to replenish them on
the basis of in-depth study and analysis of economic processes and
management processes, labor organization, safety, obtaining practical skills of
working in departments.

The implementation of the established goals is carried out by self-study of the

work of the enterprise and the fulfillment of the tasks provided for by the
program in the conditions of the enterprise, characteristic of future
professional and organizational management activities.

The main purpose of industrial practice is the practical consolidation of

theoretical knowledge gained during training.

1 Characteristics of the position held

During my internship, I was asked to follow the work on creating a website

from the conclusion of the terms of reference to SEO promotion. Basic skills in
web programming and SMM promotion were obtained.

The work of a web programmer is directly connected with the global Internet.
Such a specialist creates programs that can function within its limits. No
Internet project can start working without his participation. So, for example,
based on the wishes of the customer, the designer creates a graphic concept of
the future site, the task of the web programmer is to implement these ideas
technically, to make the site come to life. In other words, web programmers
create dynamic pages, write interfaces to databases, and draft technical
specifications for projects.

Among the advantages of the programmer 's profession are:

- demand in the labor market,

- creative work, since each task is unique, and for its solution

- can be combined with study,

- a diploma is not always required,

- the opportunity to become a specialist at a young age,

- freedom in decision-making (how to solve a particular task is solved by the

web programmer himself),

- the possibility of remote work.

The disadvantages are:

- in small projects, a web programmer combines the functions of several


- frequent switching from one task to another,

- sometimes tasks have to be solved not only on weekdays, but also on


- constant work at the computer affects your health, especially the eyes suffer

Perseverance is important for a web programmer, especially at the initial stages

of a career. The finished site constantly requires maintenance, updates and
changes. Creating a website is a process of work of several specialists.
Therefore, another good quality for a web programmer will be the ability to
work in a team.

A successful novice programmer can apply for positions in the future: head of a
group of programmers, project manager, IT director.

When applying for a job, web programmers rarely ask for a diploma. Basically,
the employer pays attention to work experience, in which projects the
applicant participated and what he knows how to do. However, higher
education will not be superfluous, for a web programmer it is enough to have
any technical. In addition, you need to know Internet-specific programming
languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Java, C++, know the
basic development environments and understand protocols.

2 Office software

The organization has the following software products:

Adobe Photoshop CC - the Adobe Photoshop family of products provides all the
tools necessary for processing digital images, creating expressive artistic images
and finding unusual ways to demonstrate finished works.

MicrosoftOffice is an office suite of

applications created by Microsoft Corporation for MicrosoftWindows and

AppleMac OS X operating systems. This package includes software for working
with various types of documents: texts, spreadsheets, databases, etc.

3. Description of the work done

During my internship, I got acquainted with the main stages of website


1. Defining the goals of the website and its positioning

At this stage, it is necessary to determine what the site is for, i.e. what tasks it
should solve: provide a general idea of the company or comprehensively
highlight any aspect of human activity, increase sales through traditional
channels or organize web commerce, conduct an advertising or marketing

The goals of the website, in most cases, should be set by the customer, and
then, together with the contractor, they are clarified and adjusted.

This is one of the most important stages not only of creating a website as such,
but also the most important stage of Internet marketing.

If the customer does not understand why he needs a website, he is 99% likely
to be dissatisfied with the work of the contractor and will consider that the
money spent on creating a website is simply lost. As a result, the company will
not use Internet marketing methods, which will negatively affect its
competitive position in the market.

2. Creation of a Technical Specification (TOR) for the development of a website.

In the TOR, it is necessary to describe in as much detail as possible:

- the goals of creating a website and its target audience;

- the structure of the website and the number of pages in each section;
- operation of dynamic modules;

- design suggestions (colors, use of corporate identity, graphic/text ratio, etc

.) - technologies used (HTML, PHP, etc.);

- the procedure for providing, processing or creating graphic and textual


- technical requirements for the site.

The TOR is the main document on the basis of which all subsequent stages of
website development are carried out.

Very often a situation is created in which the customer is waiting for the TOR
from the contractor, and the contractor from the customer. I would like to
repeat once again that the creation of a website is a collaboration. Alone,
neither the customer nor the contractor can make up the TOR. As a rule, the
customer must clearly describe the goals of the website, its target audience
and functional requirements. Next, the performer takes over, who describes in
technical language how the future site will work.

3. Creating a website design layout.

At this stage, the designer uses a special graphic program to create the design
of the pages of the future website with the drawing of all graphic (banners,
buttons, photos) and text elements. The designer creates the design of web
pages taking into account the wishes of the customer and the task prescribed
in the TOR.

Speaking about the visual representation of a website, it is impossible not to

dwell on such a moment as the differences between fixed and rubber sites.

Modern monitors have different resolutions. When talking about websites, we

are particularly interested in width. The monitor's width in pixels can be 800,
1024, 1280.1600 and even more. Moreover, the user can view the site in a
semi-scrolled window.

Fixed site design assumes one single site width for all screen resolutions and
for all window widths, i.e. if the site width is 1000 pixels, then horizontal
scrolling will appear on the screen of 800 pixels, and on the screen of 1280
pixels – empty fields on the left and right (or only on one side)
Such a site construction allows you to clearly control the composition of the
site and definitely know where each navigation element will be on each screen.
This type of site allows you to use more saturated graphic elements.

The rubber design, unlike the fixed one, "adjusts" to the width of the screen.

This leads to the fact that the site without horizontal scrolling will be seen by
most users, but on different screens the composition of the site will be
unpredictable, which is very much not to the liking of designers.

Why know these differences? Then, in order to choose the right approach to
the graphical representation of the site for the CA, and the designer, before
starting work, must know exactly what the site will be: fixed or rubber.

4. Site layout.
After the Customer has approved the design layout (in writing or by e-mail), a
layout designer is taken to work – this is the person who translates the design
layout into a language understandable to a computer using HTML.
5. Website programming.
Very often, the programming and layout stages are combined into one. On
small and medium-sized projects, both actions can be performed by one
person. On large projects, due to the specifics of the work, these stages are
At the programming stage (usually using DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, PHP,
and databases), all pages of the site are created, the order of the menu is
determined, hyperlinks are placed, dynamics on the site is created,
components such as a guestbook, forum, news feed, etc. are programmed.
If the site should have an administrative interface, then it is created at the
programming stage.
It is very important at the programming stage to determine on which
administration system (Content Management Site) your site will work.
As a result of the work of the layout designer and programmer, the so-called
"fish" of the site is obtained, i.e. a site without information content. Physically,
the site in this form is a set of files.
The timing of the layout and programming work depends on the complexity of
the project and can range from a week to 2 months.
6. Filling the site with information.
At this stage, the information provided by the Customer is placed on the site,
i.e. by translating into a special format, text and graphics are placed on the site
on certain pages, and this information becomes available for viewing.
The deadline again depends on the complexity of the project, the amount of
information that needs to be placed on the site, and the type in which the
Customer presented it. If the information is presented in electronic form, and
the graphics do not require additional processing (for example, resizing, adding
additional elements, etc.), then the filling of the site occurs quickly enough. If
additional work is needed, such as searching or typing, scanning photos or
creating drawings, then the stage of filling the site can become one of the
7. The location of the site on the Internet.
This stage is not necessarily performed after all of the above works. It can be
carried out in parallel with any of the stages. It consists in the fact that the site
files are located on the hosting.
8. Site testing.
This stage can be carried out both before and after the site is placed at its
"native" address. At this stage, all errors and shortcomings in programming
and writing texts are identified. The testing period depends on the complexity
of the project, but, as a rule, does not exceed 1 month
9.SEO and SMM optimization.
At this stage, a number of actions are performed that are aimed at improving
the indexing of the site and its visibility in search engines, namely: code
optimization, working with tags, usability, content optimization, link building.
As well as the promotion of the site in social services by publishing fresh
interesting materials in communities, forums, social networks. networks. It
consists in constant communication with users, hidden advertising of your
products and services. It is possible to use audio and video materials.

During the internship, he reinforced the theoretical skills acquired during his
studies with practical ones. I got acquainted with the organization, structure
and principles of operation of the enterprise. Developed communication skills.
Got experience working in a team.
During my internship, I managed to consolidate and concretize the results of
theoretical training, acquire skills and practical work skills in my chosen
During the internship, he showed himself as a capable and responsible
employee. Coped with the tasks on time. The individual task received at the
enterprise was completed in full and on time.
During the production practice, all the theoretical training skills acquired were
fixed in real production. This report provides a software package that will be
developed for diploma design in the future.
Practice in this organization allowed to develop skills in the computer field, and
also gave fundamental knowledge in this field.

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