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NO. MATRIKULASI : 870104295587001

NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 870104295587
NO. TELEFON : 0129456518







1.0 Introduction

First of all, I would like to thank OUM for allowing me to implement a reflection
report for this special OUMH2203 when the country was hit by covid-19. Through this
course, I learned the way to communicate and the ethics when attending meetings with
superiors. In this assignment, I have also made a presentation video about the team
building program that I have completed in the first assignment. There were many
challenges in completing the video especially during the filming process.

2.0 Challenges

I faced five challenges while completing assignment 1 such as time, audio,

language, assignment materials, and even in the process of filming.

2.1 Time

While I was assignment completing 1, I have not much time since I am working
full and have family to attend to. I had made a schedule for me to manage my time
between work, home and completing assignment 1.

2.1.1 Time At Work

Usually, I will look for the assignment 1 materials by taking an afternoon

break throughout the assignment's preparation. In two weeks, I managed to gather
all the information to make a draft video of my presentation on the team building
program. I had managed to obtain all the information through the instructions and
methods pointed out by the tutor during the online class. I gained a lot of
knowledge I gained while attending classes online. During the discussion session
with the tutor, I also learned how to make a presentation video using the draft I

have prepared. The tutor was helpful in guiding me to complete assignment 1, and
I also asked for the tutor's opinion during the online class session.

2.1.2 Family Time

Family time was so limited since I was only able to take care of the
children needs after coming home from work. Once my domestic responsibilities
were done, I started writing the draft I was working at during work breaks. I
started drafting as early as 10.00 pm after children went to bed. It took me 3 hours
every night for one week to complete the draft. During that one week, I will
benefit so that the first task goes smoothly for me to complete my presentation
video for my superiors.

2.2 Audio

While making the presentation video in assignment 1, I had problem with the
voice's audio which was not clear. That was really a challenge that I had to go through. To
make a quality presentation video, I had purchased speakers online so that my recorded
voice can be heard in the recording. Using the newly bought speakers, I found that the
audio quality of the voice in the video I recorded was very clear, and my pronunciation
for the words that I uttered was very clear and understandable. By making a video
recording, I found that a less clear voice could result in a lack of marks and the
examiner's misunderstanding of what I was trying to convey. By using the new acquired
speakers, the challenge for me to make a video in assignment 1 was finally overcome.
The audio of the recording was surprisingly amazing. As we watch the drama on
television, we find the voice that comes out of the actor's mouth we can hear very clearly,
and this will not be a misunderstanding for us to watch the broadcast. While recording the
video in assignment 1, I made sure my voice is clear and easy to understand.

2.3 Language Problems

The third challenge is the use of English language. For assignment 1, I was
required to use English as to deliver my presentation. I admit that my English proficiency
is not good enough, but I took it as a challenge for me to complete assignment 1. My
shortcomings in the use of English can be overcome by using the notebooks provided by
OUM. In the notebook, there are various example sentences used during formal meetings.
I refer to all the usage of the sentences in the notebook. Therefore, the challenge for me to
use English can be overcome. I managed to use English while completing my first
assignment. I found out that my English language is far from perfect. Consequently, I
tried to get some help from tutors while attending the classes online. The tutor had shown
some methods to make a presentation during the presentation on assignment 1. Besides
that, I also asked my friends who took this course about my English language when I
presented in my video. Friends who took the same course as me showed me many great
tips in making a video presentation.

2.4 Assignment Materials

The fourth challenge was to find the resources and facilities to complete my
presentation for the first assignment. The resources and facilities that I needed were the
meeting room a high-quality camera and speakers. To make a presentation in assignment
1, I was required to make a video as if I was attending a meeting with my superiors to
explain my success after the teambuilding course was successfully implemented. I
decided to ask the company where I work for permission to make a video of my
presentation. After obtaining permission from my company, I used a high-quality camera
that I borrowed from my friend. To ensure that the filming situation went smoothly as if I
were attending the meeting, I had purchased a loudspeaker so that my presentation could

be heard and understood clearly. Everything went smoothly. I took three days to make a
presentation in the first assignment. Once everything is was ready, I asked my
coursemates to comment on the video of my presentation. By taking their comments into
consideration, some weaknesses were found. My speech was not fluent and smooth, and
the slide show that I showed was quite inaccurate. I eventually fixed all the weaknesses in
the video so that all the comments were rectified.

2.5 Video Capture

The fifth challenge was when I was filming for the first time. There were
challenges when making a film, especially when giving a speech in which I must use
English. To make a good presentation, my English must be smooth. However, during the
first act, I found some weaknesses as I stiffened while making my video presentation.
While filming, I seeked the help of my colleague to record the filming using a camera.
The filming had to take three days because, during the performance, I borrowed a
meeting room from the company where I work. Shooting time is only carried out during
the lunch break. I had to wait to use the meeting room. To ensure that my filming looked
as if I were attending the meeting, I used all the equipment available in the meeting room.
After doing a few filming, I managed to produce a high-quality video using a
sophisticated camera and clear and understandable speech. The shooting was successful
on the third day of filming.

3.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, I managed to overcome all the challenges in completing task 1,

according to the given period. I was able to overcome all those challenges with the help
of the tutors and my coursemates. Everything was according to the schedule as I planned.
Although our country was fighting covid-19, it did not bother me at all to complete all

tasks in the allotted time. I would also like to thank the tutor for giving me all the
guidance in the classroom daily. I also thank OUM for providing a helpful tutor in
completing all the assignments given according to the set schedule. Once again, I thank
you. Thank you.

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