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Manila Hankuk Academy

Year 2018 First Semester


Subject Writing Unit (s) 4

Name : Adam Jordan D. Concepcion Level 3
Faculty Phone : 09176742532
Email :
Semester This course offers discussions of writing principles, word usage, sentence and paragraph structure, and punctuation that are age
Course and proficiency level appropriate. The students are introduced to different writing genres, from expositions, essays, letters, to
Description multimedia write-ups. The learners are aided to improve their penmanship as well.
Course Through the lessons, the students are expected to:
Objectives  develop their love for writing through constant practice and application of learning
 produce outputs that are coherent, sensible, and structured
 use personal experiences or make imagination work while constructing a writing output
 avoid lapses in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and structure
God blessed His children with different skills. These must be developed through constant use and practice. Writing skill is one of
the skills students need to hone in preparation for the great opportunities in their lives that God has already prepared.
World View
Course Month Week Topic(s) Page(s)
1 Opening Ceremony (2)
2 Using the Thesaurus pp.23-24
A Personal Narrative pp.25-28
3 Spiritual Retreat (12-13)
Personal Narrative: Drafting and Revising pp.29-34
4 Personal Narrative: Proofreading pp.29-34
Writing a Personal Narrative
5 Writing and Sharing Your Narrative / CHAPTER REVIEW pp.35-36
Open Class (22)
Holy Week
6 Parts of a Friendly Letter pp.63-64
Writing Instructions, Revising, Planning pp.65-67
Antipolo City Hood Day
7 Instructions in a Letter: Drafting and Revising pp.69-71
4 Day of Valor
8 Instructions in a Letter: Proofreading / CHAPTER REVIEW pp.73-74
Writing a Friendly Letter
Midterm Exam
10 Comparing and Contrasting pp.101-102
Labor Day
Family Week
11 Parts of a Compare-Contrast Essay pp.103-105
Revising and Proofreading Together, and Planning with a T-Chart and Venn Diagram pp.106-109
5 12 Compare-contrast Essay: Drafting, Revising, and Proofreading pp.110-114
Writing a Compare-Contrast Essay / CHAPTER REVIEW
13 Parts of a Book pp.119-120
The Dictionary pp.121-124
14 Periodicals and Encyclopedias pp.125-126
The Library and The Atlas pp.127-130
15 Subject and Object Pronouns pp.159-160
Writing with Pronouns pp.161-162
16 Independence, Eid’l Fitir
6 17 Persuading pp.141-142
A Book Review pp.143-145
18 Book Review: Planning with an Opinion Chart pp.145-147
Book Review: Drafting, Revising, and Proofreading pp.149-151
19 Writing a Book Review
Writing a Book Review / CHAPTER REVIEW
7 20 Final Exam
21 ACALITMUS, Awarding Ceremony
22 Closing
Grading Seatwork/ Quizzes Recitation/ Project Behavior Midterm Final Total
Procedure Homework Interaction
10 % 15% 10% 15% 10% 20% 20% 100%

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