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(The Ugly Face of Beauty: Is child labour foundation for your

Name: -Ayushi Joshya

Submitted to: Mrs Rashmi Mehta Name: Ayushi Joshya
Class/sec: XII ‘G’

Teacher’s Signature:
Board roll no.:

I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt

gratitude to my English teacher Mrs.
Payaswini ma’am as well as our principal Br.
Sudhakar who has helped me in this
endeavour, the project couldn’t have been
what it evolved to be.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to my faculty for
their guidance and constant supervision, as
well as, for providing me the necessary
information regarding the project.
I am also thankful to my parents for their
cooperation and encouragement.
At last, but not least, gratitude to all my
friends who helped me time to time in making
this project within a limited time frame.

A documentary film or documentary is a non-
fictional motion-picture intended to
"document reality, primarily for the purposes
of instruction, education, or maintaining a
historical record". Bill Nichols has
characterised the documentary in terms of "a
filmmaking practice, a cinematic tradition, and
mode of audience reception that remains a
practice without clear boundaries". In this very
documentary, RT Doc travels to Jharkhand to
discover the unsightly side of mica’s glitter.

So basically, this documentary film comes
under the genre of educational documentaries.
It is a non-fictional motion-picture intended to
"document reality, primarily for the purpose of
education. These kinds of documentaries are
very informative and are often used within
schools, as a resource to teach various
principles. Genre is a category of artistic,
musical, or literary composition characterized
by a particular style, form, or content.
The purpose of this documentary film, “The Ugly
Face of Beauty: Is child labour foundation for your
makeup?” is well described in the following lines.
In this documentary film, directed by the RT docs,
they have provided us an in-depth view of the
mica mining industries in Bihar and Jharkhand and
what goes on behind it such as the child labour,
exploitation and many other negative aspects of
mica mining. Viewers would be hard-pressed to
find a brand of cosmetics that doesn’t use it today.
However, its procurement is often illegal, involves
child labour and is associated with health and
safety risks.

Mica is a naturally occurring mineral that is widely
used in makeup for its shimmery quality. This is
the situation in India, where 60% of the world’s
mica is produced. The impoverished population of
Jharkhand State mine for mica despite it being
banned. This is destroying the state’s nature
reserve, but the world’s growing interest in mica-
based cosmetics means production continues.
For many locals it’s their only source of income.
Even though there are serious occupational health
hazards linked to mica production, whole families
work in the industry, including very young
children. Not a month goes by without somebody
dying in the mines.
Mica mines are dangerous. Raw mica fragments
tend to be razor sharp which possess great harm to
the miners. The miners only earn a mere amount of
3$ per day. They are always covered in scars and
are always at the risk of being caved in and
trapped inside the mica mines. Inhaling mica dust
can cause lung cancer. They only earn about 5$
per kilogram of mica. Child slave labour is
shockingly common here. Forced to work and
deprived of education, these kids are left with only
one option – to remain stuck forever in this
dangerous and underpaid job.
This documentary tends to provide us the actual
scenario of today’s mica mining industries. The
amount of hard work done by the labourers and the
underage exploitation of the kids of the local
villages. While many big cosmetic companies
refuse to buy mica directly from illegal mines,
they don’t question where the processing plants
they shop at get their supplies from. Meanwhile,
the vast majority of the mines in Jharkhand are

Similarity with text: The Lost Spring

There are numerous similarities to be seen while
comparing this documentary film to the text: “The
Lost Spring” extracted from our textbook
‘Flamingo’. Such as:
The people of village ‘Seemapuri’ are
dependent on rag picking and people of
village ‘Firozabad’ are dependent on bangle
making in the text whereas in the
documentary the people of village ‘Faguni’
are dependent on mica mining.
People are stuck in a vicious cycle of
poverty and hardly choose any different
occupation than their parents.
There is no school in the neighbourhood so
the children can go and study instead of
illegal child labor to help their families.
Working in glass-bowling industry an in
mica mines lead to various health issues
such as loss of vision due to the nature of
resources used.

1.The government should initiate programmes
for the village people.
2.They should properly enforce laws regarding
mica mining in those areas.
3.The labourers should be provided with proper
tools and safety gears for mining purposes to
avoid any kind of accidents.
4.There should be proper laws against the
exploitation of weaker sections and underage
5.The government should focus on opening
schools in the rural areas for the betterment of
the children who are forced to work.

Mica extraction often takes place at informal or
illegal mining sites in developing nations where
infrastructure and regulation is limited. This is a
labour-intensive process where miners are poor
and vulnerable, often conducting their work by
hand in poorly maintained shafts. This is
dangerous work with little health and safety or
protective equipment. It still is carried out in
villages like ‘Faguni’ because it is the basis of
their earning.
Mica linked to child labour is littered throughout
the cosmetics industry — taking up residency in
everything from high-end eyeshadows palettes to
drugstore lipsticks. Listed as ‘mica,’



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