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12- 26, 2022

Name: Wilma C. Wagas BSEd-Science 2B Date Performed: 9/24/22

Activity # 1
Inventory of Traits
Table 1
1. Tongue rolling Can curl up the sides of their Tongue Non tongue
tongue to form a tube shape. roller roller

2. Handedness   Right Left handed

The tendency to use either the handed
right or left hand more
naturally than the others.

3. Earlobe The soft, fleshy lower part of Attached Free

attachment the external ear. earlobes earlobes
4.Dimple A small depression in the With Without
flesh, either one that exist dimple dimple
permanently or one that forms
in the cheeks when one
5.Hand clasping Without thinking about it, fold Top right Top left
your hands together by thumb thumb
interlocking your fingers.
Which thumb is on top—your
left or your right?

6.hitch hiker’s can bend thumb backward, Hitchhiker’s Non hitch

thumb flexible hiker’s


1. Share your observations with your classmates.

2. Record the number of having or not having the trait in the whole class.
3. Evaluate the different traits with your classmates to come up the number of
cases. Record the data in a table.
4. Using the collected data, determine the percentage of each trait in the whole
1. Tongue Tongue Roller 21 53.85%
rolling Non-tongue Roller 18 46.15%
2. Right Handed 35 89.74%
Handedness Left Handed 4 10.26%
3. Earlobe Attached Earlobes 10 25.64%
attachment Free Earlobes 29 74.36%
With Dimple 14 35.90%
Without Dimple 25 64.10%
5.Hand Top Right Thumb 25 64.10%
clasping Top Left Thumb 14 35.90%
6.hitch hiker’s Hitch Hiker’s 8 20.51%
thumb Non-Hitch Hiker’s 31 79.49%


1. Which of contrasting characteristics has a greater percentage in each trait?

Answer: 53.85% of our class are tongue roller, 89.74% are right handed, 74.36% does
have a free earlobe, 64.10% don’t have dimples, 64.10% are top right hand clasper, and
79.49% are non-hitch hikers.

2. What is your implication of the result in the activity, the trait with higher percentage
and lower percentage?
Answer: The trait with higher percentage are the usual traits we can easily see or it is
the majority of the people have while the trait with lower percentage are not so usually
traits that people have. It is still normal though, only few have those kind of traits. I can
say that every person does really have their own traits that is different from the others.

3. Describe some recognizable characteristics in your family and siblings.

Answer: In our family, some recognizable traits we have is that we all have dimples,
the out of nowhere long single strand of hair in different places of our body and also my
siblings and I are nearsighted and do have migraines.

4. Who among the siblings more likely similar to your father or your mother?
Answer: The first born son/ older brother.
5. Why do you think similarities and differences exist in your family?
Answer: Because we have different set of genes that happen when my mother and
father shared half of their genes to create ours.

6. Explain why you and your siblings not exactly the same of your mother nor your
Answer: It is because our parent actually has two different sets of genes. Each one of
them passes only half of their genes to us and that will end up having a different and
unique genes. It was discussed by our high school teachers about chromosomes.

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