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Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked, leadership

is defined by results not attributes.

Teachers, staffs and my dear fellow students, a pleasant morning to all of you.
I am Kyle Vincent R. Noche from Grade 11 - GMAW, your newly elected SSG

Becoming an SSG President of this Academic Year 2020-2021 is a great

honor, privilege, experience, and of course an opportunity to lead the
Supreme Student Government which is the highest student organization
established to all colleges and universities in the Philippines.

I always asked myself do I deserve to be an SSG President? Can I handle

things properly most especially the hard things to do?  Can I certainly do my
duties and responsibilities as President in SSG? These are the questions in
my mind that challenge me most. Honestly, in the very beginning, I never
expected in my life to run as SSG President because I’m just an ordinary
student and not that smart as the previous ones. Thus, election had come,
affirmatively, I won as SSG President and I accept it with full spirit of
willingness in my heart and my mind. I am honoured by the trust which you
have nevertheless seen fit to place in me today. I will do everything I can not
to betray that trust and to give my fellow student a powerful voice. I am not
expecting about the benefits and fame from it but leadership and service to
give and lead the studentry. And for those who believes in me in my
leadership and capacity, I also extended and expressed my heartfelt thanks to

I especially want to thank my friends and classmates who supported me and

believing in me since day 1. To my parents, thank you for showing your 100%
support in everything I do, for lifting me up every time I fall and cheering me
up by saying I can do it and I got your back always every time I doubt myself.
To all the teachers who molded me into who I am today, thank you for all the
knowledge and lessons I’ve learned. I will never forget it. And to Almighty
God, for giving me the courage and strength to do everything I thought I can’t.

I also would like to speak to you about how I will help this school and all of
you as a Supreme Student Government President. I will make sure that all of
us will do fun activities together to make our school great.

As the SSG president, I will lead our school in a fun and united way. I will get
us all working together and helping each other in both studies and other great
things throughout the school year.

I will also work on improving our school spirit. During the year as the SSG
President, I will focus on my campaign priorities and move our school closer
to exemplary status.

Some things I will improve and develop as the SSG President are:
First, healthier lunches - making our lunches healthier so that we stay fit by
taking out our snack machines and putting in nutritious snack machines.
Second, fashion and style - having a few fashion or ‘free’ days where students
can leave their uniforms at home and wear whatever they want as long as it is
proper and descent.

Third, getting more time for other activities such as gym and talent.

Fourth, go on more trips - go to other places through virtual trip like museums,
field days in city parks, and much more! With that, we can still have an
enjoyable and memorable experience despite the pandemic.

Fifth, a class blog for all our school work that we as a class can design and
share with other classes, our friends and our families.

These are only some of the great things we can do as one. I am sure that
everyone has great ideas and thoughts. As the Supreme Student Government
President, I will make sure all of your great thoughts and ideas are

I will be the SSG president who will be full of energy and spirit, working
together with students and guided by our teachers. Together, we can make
one of the best and fun school around.

We all know that great power comes with great responsibility, and with your
vote, you have placed me in a position of power that I respect. I will assume
all of my responsibilities to the greatest of my abilities, and I hope that you all
will help me along the way.

Thank you once again for having faith in me and choosing me as the SSG
President for the Academic Year 2020-2021. Again, I am Kyle Vincent R.
Noche from Grade 11-GMAW, signing in as your SSG President.

To God be the glory!

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