Family Environment Scale (FES)

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FAMILY — I ENV ORNMENIT iia, ONES > plata Cake a ee Family Enviornmental Seale ¢ fES) _ © Pose oe To_undexstand _ Sociol and enviarn - ment harracterist of familian. @ — |! Totro duction oe “i Family is the mast important — Oldest . Inst tubione thot mare hee oe regulate and intergrate his J _O.$ he sherives +o satisfy is Needs . The cote od oe Which Parents and children = ve Los ia from ne far im TT I Neus | Othe x Judges . only Admin | manual Page No] ate] his family enwidaomental scale — based am the Family enviornmenta Scale by moos Ciga4) . This Scale consist — bree dimensians subscales of each ____ Vimensiog have beep operationally —__— Wit rtain _madificanons of __ riginal definitions. Three of tne Origin Subscales have been d d nd one a Yale. C cub) Inas bee. addeo by —___ the author . The dimensions @long toltbh Aneinr OperaHonal detiniton s and content tere 9iven +6 eight judges . After malting the Suggested changes and modificaHlons. they have lbeen again 31 and cantext Atleast 4-511. —>_ Enstruckion > Su eck esas Statements and | Stotements vohi family. > There. Ors ne WRONG OA right | QNswers tO_any stotemen+ ithiS was | made clean + the Subject ——_ — eFinitians of tHe family Cin axfard Lior E bc of persons who live in one e C Under one, head, including tS childyen | Servants etc und _cosisting of parents and _ dren, whether livia 3 4096 trex, 2} A peyson's children rese. Ne ctivel _des conded or Claiming descent — O Commanp ing Para iy The Family influence al bu og | tne fami »mnaort! | husband and wi }-2™ ploy ment and fH wreltgiotic | ea s__of family enviornmentsal scale'- The family — enviarment Scales a torn eas family _enviorn ment scale. by a ile. Although +he concept of MeNSLOL wis taken Lom moos scale ine bscales in each dimensions aHonally defined with certain on of Original definitions the original subscales were and one new Sdbscale us AS follows _ these are, p__nimensions ohension = Degree of commitmen and support fami \y pes 4071 One. ONothey 7 Veness - exten ree ane _enco' and @xpress +heix Fe Hy, aggression and | membernns. j 8) personal Growth pimens'ians- ! 1) Indepencance u exrent +0 Which family [members are assertive and independently make thelr own decisions Toy ackve - BecreaHional _orientaHon + ___ € Extent of Partcloatian in sacial_ and creaHonal activities. noe vlad Stem Mmaitenance Dimension. yanizabian ! “Degree of im powbance oe organisation _structuds yYactividies and 9e. pon. ieee sal tral = Degree af tee SeHic - cr —a_ family, — llopliahli ee ois Ao Eg |4or the present {+he oresent : haifes . the S@@ tivere aAleo 36 Ga] Both Face and contents valiclity uo be 1 by giving she Scale +o expects +o €Valuate Ane +est tems Only +nhose [hems tsith AS 4 eement amang the Judges were retained 2x_content validity, tne dimensi milly _enwornment Were ect my defined Tar the puro: Ng__the Specific aspects o mentk, |cancwision = is »— In the fami)u i measure the ++ its units Oh + MY _ subject He Scale in each deme lin Organvation -

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