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ROLL NO: 17800921011



B2B (business-to-business) marketing refers to any marketing strategy or content that is

geared towards a business or organization. Companies that sell products or services to
other businesses or organizations (vs. consumers) typically use B2B marketing strategies.
The purpose of B2B marketing is to make other businesses familiar with your brand name,
the value of your product or service, and convert them into customers.
HubSpot is an example of a company that engages in B2B marketing. HubSpot’s
customers are other businesses, not individual consumers. Therefore, all of our marketing
efforts can be classified as B2B.
B2B Marketing Strategies

As I said above, marketing depends on its audience. While B2B and B2C marketing vary, not every piece
of B2B marketing material is alike, either.
In this section, we’ll talk about various B2B marketing strategies you can implement to reach
your specific business audience. Before we dive in, though, make sure you understand the B2B buyer’s
journey. Take note of how each of these stages may affect your marketing strategies and how you
implement them.
1. Determine your brand positioning.
To create an effective strategy, you have to fully understand your brand positioning. This statement is the who,
when, why and how of your brand identity — or the way your brand is perceived through the eyes of the customer.
Devise a brand positioning statement that your team and prospective customers can believe in, and you’ll be
ready for the next step.

2. Identify your target audience.

Find your target audience — or who’s really looking for your brand’s products or services. That information will
help you create buyer personas and understand how they make purchase decisions, a tool that’s extremely useful
for any type of marketing.

3. Run a competitive analysis.

Scope out the market and see what other businesses are marketing to your target audience with a competitive
analysis. Things to be on the lookout for when inspecting competitors are:
 Competitor product offerings
 Competitor sales tactics and results
 Competitor marketing content and social media presence
 Getting a general overview of these items can help you recognize your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats — otherwise known as SWOT analysis.
4. Explore marketing channels to use.

In your competitive analysis, you’ll see the different types of marketing channels your
competitors use successfully, and the channels they haven’t taken advantage of.
With the previous steps completed to begin building your B2B marketing strategy, this is where
you’ll be able to diversify your own B2B marketing portfolio and reach the businesses you
need to. Depending on your customer segments and competitor analysis, explore channels,
strategies, and tools to optimize your leads and customer funnel. The following categories are
B2B marketing channels bound to connect you to your target audience.
Consumer issues initially sparked a large body of academic research as well as the resulting
managerial applications and
consultancy around the topic of branding, but this volume demonstrates
the benefits of brand management for B2B marketers. While aspects of
consumer branding do naturally apply to B2B branding, this volume
highlights some important differences between these two marketing
A powerful observation is that consumer branding theory does not totally
address the B2B context. Therefore, the papers in this volume show that
alternative theoretical perspectives are necessary for further knowledge
development in B2B brand management research. A common misconception is that the literature on B2B
branding research is scarce. However,
a glance through the reference lists in each of the papers in this volume
indicates a much larger body of literature on the topic of B2B brand
management exists which is growing all the time. This volume also
demonstrates the insights that accrue from utilizing a diverse number of
research methodologies. These insights enrich our understanding of this
important topic area in branding.

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