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Diana Deskinner Vo MAT 267 ONLINE B Fall 2022

Assignment Section 12.1 due 11/15/2022 at 11:59pm MST

Problem 1. (1 point) Problem 5. (1 point)

Z π/6 Z 3
Consider the solid that lies above the square (in the xy-plane)
Evaluate the integral (y cos x + 3) dydx.
R = [0, 2] × [0, 2], 0 0
and below the elliptic paraboloid z = 100 − x2 − 2y2 .
Answer(s) submitted:
(A) Estimate the volume by dividing R into 4 equal squares and 6.9624

choosing the sample points to lie in the lower left hand corners.
394 (incorrect)
Problem 6. (1 point)
Z 9Z 6
(B) Estimate the volume by dividing R into 4 equal squares and Find xyex+y dydx
choosing the sample points to lie in the upper right hand corners. 5 0
Answer(s) submitted:
(C) What is the average of the two answers from (A) and (B)? •
382 (incorrect)
Problem 7. (1 point)
Answer(s) submitted: Z 7Z 8
• Find (x + ln y) dydx
• 3 2
• 156.9969519
(incorrect) Answer(s) submitted:

Problem 2. (1 point) (incorrect)
Problem 8. (1 point)
Using geometry, calculate the volume of the solid under z = RR
49 − x2 − y2 and over the circular disk x2 + y2 ≤ 49. Calculate the double integral R x cos(2x + y) dA where R is the
region: 0 ≤ x ≤ 16 π, 0 ≤ y ≤ 12 π
Answer(s) submitted:
• Answer(s) submitted:

Problem 9. (1 point)
Problem 3. (1 point)
Consider the solid that lies above the square (in the xy-plane)
Evaluate the iterated integral 03 04 3x2 y3 dxdy
R = [0, 2] × [0, 2],
1296 and below the elliptic paraboloid z = 81 − x2 − 2y2 .
Answer(s) submitted: Using iterated integrals, compute the exact value of the volume.

(incorrect) Answer(s) submitted: 308

Problem 4. (1 point) (incorrect)
Z 2Z 4 Problem 10. (1 point)
Evaluate the iterated integral (4x + y)−2 dydx √
1 3 Find the average value of f (x, y) = 4ey x + ey over the rectangle
R = [0, 2] × [0, 3].
Answer(s) submitted:
0.01163 Average value = 83.4955
• Answer(s) submitted:
(incorrect) •
Problem 11. (1 point) Problem 12. (1 point)
The table below gives values of f (x, y), the number of milligrams
of mosquito larvae per square meter in a swamp. Calculate a Riemann sum S3,3 on the square R = [0, 3] × [0, 3] for
the function g(x, y) = f (x, y) − 5.
x=0 x=6 x = 12 The contour plot of f (x, y) is shown in Figure 4.
y=0 1 2 3 Choose sample points and use the plot to find the values of f (x, y)
y=4 2 4 6 at these points.
y=8 5 8 11 Use the values of f (x, y) to evaluate g(x, y) accordingly.

are in meters and R is the rectangle 0 ≤ x ≤ 12, 0 ≤ y ≤ 8,

If x and yRR
estimate R f (x, y)dA.

R f (x, y)dA ≈
(Include units in your answer.)
Hint: Evaluate the Riemann sums using the lower left corners and
upper right corners. Then take the average of the two Riemann
Answer(s) submitted:


S3,3 = -1
Answer(s) submitted:


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