Cpi - Cardiopulm Clinical Rotation

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Student: Elizabeth Hoffman

Clinical Staff: Scott Humason
Site: Cincinnati VA Medical Center
Evaluation Name: 2023 PT 9002 Summer 2022

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1. Professional Practice – Safety

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason No concerns here, Liz understands how to address vital signs out of their normal ranges, how to adjust a patient's
exercise program, she adequately challenges patients when doing balance training but keeps the patient safe.
Knows when to bring something to my attention.

CI Final — Scott Humason In this setting, Liz practices at an entry level for safety. She has been consistently able to address safety concerns
with vital signs, balance/fall risk, etc. without my intervention. Should something go beyond her skills I am
confident she would know when to request assistance, that said it's been a few weeks since this need has arisen.
Good techniques for patient handling, has gotten more 'casual' about it in a good way i.e. guarding appropriately
but not overly close or with excess protective reactions.


Self +3
CI +4

2. Professional Practice – Professional Behavior

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Always on time, extremely dependable. Can be a challenging group setting with lots of personalities and priorities,
takes skill to navigate this well which Liz does expertly. Very open and receptive to feedback, implements it

CI Final — Scott Humason Liz practices at an entry level in this area - she shows initiative and compassion towards our patients. Consistently
on time, follows through on tasks/responsibilities. Acts on feedback, puts it into practice and keeps up with


Professional Self +4
Behavior CI +4

3. Professional Practice – Accountability

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Liz goes above and beyond with patient care, always willing to put patient needs ahead of everything else that can
so easily get in the way. Follows all clinic policies and procedures. Additionally takes responsibility for any
errors/issues, makes effort to resolve them as efficiently as possible.

CI Final — Scott Humason Continues to consistently go above and beyond. She is dependable, adheres to confidentiality, is aware of and
follows legal and ethical standards, maintains patient privacy, is generous with her time to patients.


Self +3
CI +6

4. Professional Practice – Communication

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Liz communicates effectively with patients, other students, and medical staff. She provides clear instruction, brings
humor into her her conversations with patients, and is very adaptable based on the
presentation/situation/individual in how she delivers information.

CI Final — Scott Humason Liz is an excellent communicator - she speaks with empathy to our patients, wins over our new patients to
committing to cardiopulm rehab. She is consistently professional, communicates effectively with humor and
adaptable based on patient presentation and needs. In speaking in a group education setting, Liz is confident and
effective, able to answer questions and address comments without breaking stride. Occasional assistance required
for navigating a particularly talkative patient.


Self +2
CI +6

5. Professional Practice – Cultural Competence

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason No concerns here, while veterans in some sense are largely homogenous (older male adults), the veteran culture is
one that is unique from the general population. Liz has done well with treating all veterans with non-judgmental
manner, with empathy and with respect.

CI Final — Scott Humason As above with communication - Liz adapts well to different patient characteristics, navigates strong opinions from
veterans well and redirects to cardiopulm/therapy. Provides care in non-judgmental manner to all our patients


Cultural Self +3
Competence CI +6

6. Professional Practice – Professional Development

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason She actively seeks feedback and guidance, implements this consistently. Is very good at self reflection, knows
when something might be able to be improved upon and can identify the right next step. Great sign of someone
that will continue to grow and develop their skills and be quite the skilled practitioner.

CI Final — Scott Humason Again, Liz is someone who is good at self-reflection, can identify her strengths and weaknesses. She acts on
feedback. Is also open to residency, taking her skills to the next level.


Professional Self +3
Development CI +4

7. Patient Management – Clinical Reasoning

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Liz makes appropriate clinical decisions with minimal cueing with moderate and high complexity patients. Is largely
independent with low complexity and most mod complexity patients. Does well with considering whole person
factors vs focusing too narrowly on a specific problem.

CI Final — Scott Humason A strength of Liz in this setting - her evaluations are consistently on point. She is able to identify the primary areas
to address for each veteran


Clinical Self +4
Reasoning CI +7

8. Patient Management – Screening

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Screening in our clinic often relates to a patient's initial check-in, screening them for HF/COPD exacerbation or vital
sign changes. Liz is largely independent with the patients seen recently. There are situations which we have really
not seen of late that I would expect her to come talk with me about but luckily have not had to address that recently
(e.g. dangerous arrhythmias, significant dizziness, chest pain, etc).

CI Final — Scott Humason Screening in our clinic often relates to a patient's initial check-in, screening them for HF/COPD exacerbation or vital
sign changes, additionally while reviewing consults or completing evals there is often an additional referral that
might come out of an eval. Liz is consistently able to identify issues and as her knowledge of other services that we
can refer to has increased, she appropriately makes referrals for our new patients. E.g. not just enrolling a patient in
cardiac rehab, also referring them to nutrition for additional help.


Self +5
CI +3

9. Patient Management – Examination

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason When completing an eval for pulmonary or cardiac rehab, there is a great deal of information to cover. Liz can
skillfully navigate all this information. She is able to take the subjective data in a conversational manner, one that
demonstrates she has paid close attention to their medical chart and that she has been listening to the answers
the patients have provided. She has improved significantly in this and also her efficiency with moving through an
exam in a way that stays focused but doesn't feel rushed.

CI Final — Scott Humason When completing an eval for pulmonary or cardiac rehab, there is a great deal of information to cover, much of it
rote. That said Liz has been increasingly comfortable with diving deeper into areas that require more attention or
going off script when needed.


Self +4
CI +4

10. Patient Management – Evaluation

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Liz is able to effectively utilize the ICF model and take in the whole patient. She is able to identify the main areas of
concern and address primary risk management reduction areas for cardiac and pulmonary patients based on the
interpretation of all relevant information.

CI Final — Scott Humason As noted above, Liz is able to comfortably adapt her examination to the patient which leads to a more effective
evaluation. By taking into account the whole person, she is more able to make effective clinical decisions about the
best track for the patient (e.g. home based vs. onsite, what referrals to make, etc.).


Self +3
CI +6

11. Patient Management – Diagnosis and Prognosis

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason In our setting most patients come with a diagnosis already, e.g. for cardiac rehab a typical patient might be referred
after a pci or heart failure exacerbation. With this in mind we then take a broad view of the patient using the ICF
model. Liz is increasing her understanding of the different prognostic indicators and contributing factors primarily
affect the cardiopulm patients we see.

CI Final — Scott Humason As noted previously, most patients come with a diagnosis to CR or PR. I think Liz has gained a good deal of
understanding in how the different grades, test, etc. for the majority of the diagnoses we see end up translating to
the patient presentation and prognosis. Also of note Liz consistently identifies the factors (which fall under the ICF
model) which positively or negatively affect a patient's likelihood of being successful with our programs.


Diagnosis and Self +3

Prognosis CI +5

12. Patient Management – Plan of Care

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason The plan of care can be relatively rote in cardiac and pulmonary rehab e.g. coming to exercise 2-3x/wk for 24-36
visits or 12 weeks of 1x/wk for home based. Some of the main things to address in the plan is which program to
enroll them into, what would be best for the patient, what factors might restrict them from being able to do home
based. This seems to come pretty intuitively to Liz.

CI Final — Scott Humason Again, the plan of care in pretty standard. She has been more able to adjust based on the patient presentation - e.g.
a complex patient that might be a little unstable - she talks into joining onsite with direct ECG, blood glucose, etc.
monitoring before transitioning to home based programming.


Self +4
Plan of Care
CI +4

13. Patient Management – Procedural Interventions

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Liz performs procedural interventions consistently and effectively, she is able appropriately instruct new patients in
their therapeutic exercise program and help to advance programs for our regulars. She selects appropriate
exercises and is able to evaluate and adjust as needed.

CI Final — Scott Humason Continues to perform the procedural interventions effectively, selecting appropriate measures and instructing them
in a way that makes sense to the patient.


Procedural Self +5
Interventions CI +3

14. Patient Management – Educational Interventions

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Liz is very capable and effective in her delivery of individual education and continues to improve these skills as she
becomes more familiar with certain topics that we cover that she might be less familiar with. I additionally am
looking forward to her opportunity to present group education to our cardiopulm groups.

CI Final — Scott Humason Liz has demonstrated her skills in education both in individual and group patient settings. She is able to adjust
easily to different patients and different groups of patients to be effective. As her cardiopulm knowledge has
increased, she is increasingly effective at providing education on these topics!


Educational Self +4
Interventions CI +8

15. Patient Management – Documentation

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Definitely a strength of Liz's. She is clear and concise with her documentation, accurate and efficient. Selects
appropriate billing codes and complete encounters accurately and consistently.

CI Final — Scott Humason Accurate, insightful, and efficient, what more is there to say? Occasionally I remove template extras to clean up a
note, that's a personal pet peeve, aside from that, at this point in her rotation I'm hardly touching her original


Self +3
CI +6

16. Patient Management – Outcomes Assessment

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Liz executes outcomes assessments well, interprets results and shares information with our patients. Requires
minimal cues for selecting the optimal assessments. Utilizes MCID and MCD in determining appropriate goal

CI Final — Scott Humason Liz executes outcomes assessments well, interprets results and shares information with our patients. Is
independent with selecting the optimal assessments for the vast majority of patients.


Outcomes Self +3
Assessment CI +2

17. Patient Management – Financial Resources

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Liz uses her time efficiently, completes documentation and the billing portion of it in a timely manner, consistently
finishing the encounters by the end of the day 100% of the time. She has gotten more familiar and thereby required
much less assistance/advice with scheduling and balancing follow up times

CI Final — Scott Humason Liz appropriately and ethically bills for her time. As an advanced practice PT in the VA system I have the ability to
issue a great deal of equipment, order imaging, consult other specialties, etc. and with this come the additional
impetus to ensure the appropriate utilization of these services. Liz responsibly suggests additional services,
equipment, etc. and is always able to support these suggestions.


Financial Self +3
Resources CI +3

18. Patient Management – Direction and Supervision of Personnel

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Primarily the students help direct the nurses and scheduling staff in our program. Liz has not had a ton of need for
this but as she increases the leading role in not only evaluating patients but discussing their care with the nurses
will have more to add to this at her final.

CI Final — Scott Humason Liz has built an excellent working relationship with our schedulers, additionally has provided some direction to our
nurses for new patients which she has completed their evaluation. She has successfully navigated a wide variety of
personalities in doing this.


Super vision of Self +3

Personnel CI +8

19. Summative Comments / Caseload / Days Absent

Areas of Strength

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Communication both to patients and staff, very professional, consistently well prepared (e.g. solid chart review,
asks questions about things she might not be familiar with prior to patient interaction) which elevates her delivery
of care

CI Final — Scott Humason Education and communication, demeanor with patient interactions, clinical reasoning

Areas for Further Development

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason continue to expand cardiac and pulm knowledge and pharm that goes along with it

CI Final — Scott Humason Managing the highly unfocused patient, does great with the low to moderate unfocused

Caseload/Other Comments
1) What is the full caseload at your clinical site for a new graduate?
2) Considering the rating anchors, what percent of a new graduate caseload is the student capable of
managing at this time?
CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason 1. 4 evals/wk with 9-12 f/u visits/day (3-4/class time) 2. 75%

CI Final — Scott Humason 4 evals/wk with 9-12 f/u visits/day. Liz is at 100% of this


CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason n/a

CI Final — Scott Humason see above

Mid-Term Days Absent CI: 1 days

Final Days Absent CI: 0 days

Reason for Absence

CI Mid-Term — Scott Humason Grandmother's funeral

CI Final — Scott Humason n/a

Evaluation Sign Off Dates/ Times

Self Mid-Term
[CI] Scott Humason - 06/10/22 01:39 PM
[Student] Elizabeth Hoffman - 06/10/22 01:38 PM

Self Final
[CI] Scott Humason - 07/07/22 01:11 PM
[Student] Elizabeth Hoffman - 07/07/22 01:11 PM

CI Mid-Term
[Student] Elizabeth Hoffman - 06/10/22 01:39 PM
[CI] Scott Humason - 06/10/22 01:39 PM
[CI] Scott Humason - 06/10/22 01:39 PM

CI Final
[Student] Elizabeth Hoffman - 07/07/22 01:11 PM
[CI] Scott Humason - 07/07/22 01:09 PM
[CI] Scott Humason - 07/07/22 01:09 PM

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