Assignment Tittlemodule 5

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F-16-2, Alam Avenue 2, Jalan Serai Wangi N16/N,
Seksyen 16, 40000 Shah Alam.
Assignment Tittle:

OSHMS and ERP(Emergency Response plan) in

Redwood Furniture Sdn. Bhd.

1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................3

1.1 Benefits of OSHMS............................................................................................4

1.2 Requirement of OSHMS....................................................................................4

2.0 Discuss the principles of an effective OSH Management System..................5

3.0 Explain the need for emergency planning, its benefits and regulatory

3.1 Emergency Response Plan (ERP)...................................................................6

3.2 Scope..................................................................................................................6

3.3 Emergency Response Team (ERT).................................................................7

3.4 Roles & Responsibilities of ERT Members.....................................................8

3.5 Emergency Response Procedures................................................................10

3.6 Emergency Preparedness Trainings and Drills...........................................11

1.0 Introduction

Occupational safety and health (OSH) are a discipline dealing with the prevention of
work‐related injuries and diseases as well as the protection and promotion of the
health of workers. The aim of occupational health and safety programs is to foster a
safe work environment. As a secondary effect, it also ensures the safety, health and
welfare of the employees and any person at workplaces. This may involve
interactions among many subject areas, including occupational medicine,
occupational (or industrial) hygiene, public health, safety engineering, chemistry,
health physics. Since 1950, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the
World Health Organization (WHO) have shared a common definition of occupational
health. The definition reads: "Occupational health should aim at: the promotion and
maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well‐being of
workers in all occupations; the prevention amongst workers of departures from
health caused by their working conditions; the protection of workers in their
employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health; the placing and
maintenance of the worker in an occupational environment adapted to his
physiological and psychological capabilities; and, to summarize, the adaptation of
work to man and of each man to his job".   In this context, the anticipation,
recognition, evaluation and control of hazards arising in or from the workplace that
could impair the safety and health of workers are the fundamental principles of the
process governing occupational risk assessment and management. 
1.1 Benefits of OSHMS

Eliminate or minimize risks to employees

• Show evidence of systematic arrangements are in place to carry out the OSH
policy and Objective
• Improve conformance with legal requirements
• Improve employees’ attitude towards health and safety
• Continually improve OSH performance

1.2 Requirement of OSHMS

Any employer of any of the industries listed in the First Schedule shall establish,
implement and maintain an OSH–MS.

1.2.1 First schedule

1. Any building operation or works of engineering construction in which –
a)The project cost is more than 10 million ringgit and the sites are located –
i) in the city centre; or
ii) in a congested or high-density residential areas; or
iii) in an area where the safety of the public including pedestrian and vehicular
traffic, are at risk posed by activities of work at the construction sites.

b) The project cost is more than 20 million ringgit

2.0 Discuss the principles of an effective OSH Management System.


Management needs to have a system where it can monitor performance and where it can integrate
many and changing requirements into its daily management. A system is useful when there are
many activities, complex and changing information that needs to be managed together and taken
into account at all times.   The root of OSHMS is about the management of occupational risks. In
OSHMS, the principle of the “Plan‐Do‐Check‐Act“ (PDCA) cycle is applied (Refer figure 1). 

“Plan” involves the establishment of    an OSH policy, the organization of the system, hazard
identification and risk assessment, the allocation of resources and provision of skills. The “Do “step is
referring to the actual implementation and operation of the OSH programme. Meanwhile,
measuring both the active and reactive performance is required in the “Check “step. Finally, the
“Act” step closes the cycle with a review of the system in the context of    continual improvement
and the priming of the system for the next cycle. However, the need to master a galloping
industrialization and its demand for energy sources such as nuclear energy has led to the
development of much more sophisticated risk assessment and management methods. The balance
between benefits and cost of risk taking is influenced by many factors such as    rapid scientific and
technological progress, a diverse and continuously changing world of work, and economics. 
3.0 Explain the need for emergency planning, its benefits and
regulatory requirements.

3.1 Emergency Response Plan (ERP)

The Emergency Response Plan specifies the general responsibilities and duties of
the personnel of workplace during Emergency and potential Emergency. The
purpose of the plan is to ensure that a system is available to summon, and direct
emergency services and personnel in order to minimize the risks to people on site,
the local community, the environment and assets in the event of an emergency, and
to ensure that sufficient resources are maintained in a state of readiness to give
adequate response for the control of emergency situations.

3.2 Scope

Scope of ERP for the Proposed Project The emergency procedures to be developed
for the proposed Phase 3 development should cover emergency in relation to all kind
of EHS (Environment, Health and Safety) related emergency preparedness and
response plan.
The ERP should be developed based on the requirements or general intent of all
relevant legal requirements which amongst others include:
 Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) (OSHA)
 Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Revised 1974) (FMA)
 Fire Service Act 1988 (Act 341)
 Road Transport Act 1987
 MS 761: 1982, Code of Practice for Storage and Handling of Flammable;
Combustible Liquids (UDA 620.263 – SIRIM 402/2/8)
 ISO 14004: 1996 Clauses – Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
3.3 Emergency Response Team (ERT)

An Emergency Response Team (ERT) should be established. ERT is the internal

team to be at fore front handling the emergency situation and they should be trained
in fire-fighting, first aid and other related aspects to make sure they are well
equipped to execute the ERP procedures in the event of emergencies.
The proposed ERT is conceptually presented in Figure 2. The roles of the ERT
To control or limit any effect that an emergency or potential emergency may have
onsite or on neighbouring areas;
 To facilitate emergency response and to provide such assistance on the site as is
appropriate to the occasion;
 To provide a communication channel with local, regional and federal emergency
response networks;
 To ensure timely communication of all vital information;
 To facilitate the reorganization and reconstruction activities so that normal
operations can be resumed;
 To provide training so that a high level of emergency preparedness can be
continuously maintained; and
 To provide a basis for updating and reviewing emergency procedures.

Figure 2:
3.4 Roles & Responsibilities of ERT Members

Incident Manager (Facility Manager)

 Assumes overall control of emergency;
 Ensures safety of personnel and sets plan for damage control;
 Ensures that the appropriate personnel are notified of emergency;
 Ensures adequate resources are available to control emergency;
 Communicates with Incident Coordinator to control emergency;
 Seeks emergency funds and call-out for mutual aid and other outside help; and
 Directs evacuation/stop site activities if required.
Incident Coordinator (Operation Supervisor)
 Confirms Emergency Control Implementation Plan with Incident Manager;
 Coordinates emergency situation, evacuation/stop site activities if required;
 Assembles ERT Members;
 Stops activities relating to emergency situation;
 Advises on emergency control techniques;
 Liaises with Resources Coordinator on resource requirement;
 Coordinates mutual aid program, assistance from BOMBA, Police, doctors and
other authorities;
 Advises Incident Manager on regulatory requirements;
 Channels queries by the Authorities to the right personnel; and
 Ensure that incident press releases, if any are made only upon approval by the
Incident Manager.
Resources / Medical Coordinator (Safety & Health Officer – SHO)
 Calls out first-aider, clinics, hospitals or ambulance services as needed;
 Ensures any injured person is attended to immediately;
 Ensures first aid equipment (e.g.: first aid kit, stretcher, blanket, etc.) are available
and can be brought to site immediately;
 Liaises with Incident Coordinator on resources requirement;
 Secures equipment and materials required for damage control;
 Keeps Incident Coordinator informed of deliveries/arrival of resources;
 Ensures that resources required are sent/transported to site immediately;
 Updates ERP documentation records; and
 Conducts regular checks on emergency response equipment and facilities and
keeping record of each check.
Security Coordinator (Security Officer)
 Reports to Guard House;
 Consolidates Head Count to confirm all personnel are accounted for;
 Maintains total site security and stop non-essential person from entering site;
 Coordinates search and rescue for missing personnel;
 Ensures safety of personnel within the facility;
 Ensures main access is clear for emergency use only;
 Inform and directs BOMBA to site; and
 Directs any arriving support group or authorities to the Incident Coordinator.
ERT Members
 Perform front-line Damage Control actions as directed by the Incident Coordinator;
 Work as a team to ensure safety of colleagues. Administer first aid when required;
 Maintain communications with Incident Coordinator.
3.5 Emergency Response Procedures

The procedures for emergency response for the identified incidents are presented as
clear written steps to be followed and practiced by emergency response personnel in
the pursuant text. Personnel Emergency Instructions for each level of organization,
ranging from the Incident Manager (Facility Manager) to the incident observer will be
described. A typical emergency flowchart is given in Figure 3

Figure 3: Emergency Flowchart

3.6 Emergency Preparedness Trainings and Drills

Emergency training should be provided to all workers working within the site. For the
ERT team, the training shall include fire control, the use of fire extinguisher, spill kit,
first aid, etc. While for the general workers, awareness training should be provided
on how to response to the emergency including general procedure when sighting of
emergency, introduction of ERT team member, assembly area, awareness on alarm
activation, etc. Training should be conducted periodically and refresher should be
given to ERT member whenever necessary. Periodical mock drill should be
conducted to provide practical training to staff in dealing with emergency situation
besides evaluating the effectiveness of emergency preparedness. Apart from training
and drills, all emergency response equipment including fire-fighting equipment, spill
kit and first aids should be inspected periodically. First aid boxes will be located at
strategic places and well stocked with items as prescribed in the FMA and shall be
replenished when exhausted.

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