Lead-In Unit 2

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What makes a holiday different from any other day of the year?

The difference between the holiday and other days of the year is that people are in a high mood
on that day. And during the holiday they give gifts to each other and make them happy. On
other days, this situation does not happen often. A holiday is a day for a certain joy.

What is your favorite holiday?

My favorite holiday is New Year, because it is a family holiday which is celebrated at night. The
atmosphere in my hometown in New Year is magical. The streets are decorated with different
lights and posters, and every one has a good mood. People of my hometown usually celebrate
the New Year in their families. Sometimes they go outside and make beautiful fireworks. I love
It very much.

How do you usually celebrate holiday?

I usually celebrate holidays with my family and friends. On any holiday, we give gifts to each
other as a family. And we play the game “Secret Santa” with my friends. We make holiday
parties and spend our days fun. I really like to celebrate holidays with my family, and i feel
happy in that moment.

What holidays do people in Kazakhstan celebrate?

Nauryz is a very important holiday for Kazakhs, which marks the beginning of a new year. It is
celebrated several days starting from 21st of March, the day of the spring equinox. Nauryz
means ‘new day’, it is celebrated in the Great Steppes From ancient times. Nauryz is a holiday
celebrating spring, the epitome of the renewal of nature and human relations, the beginning of
a new year. It gives hope for a bright future, brings prosperity and peace. The celebrations
usually last several days and include fairs, traditional sports, horse racing, dancing and singing.
Usually young people gather around Altybakan, which is a large hanging swing, with colourful
decorations, where songs are sung, and traditional games are played. During Nauryz holiday,
many famous stars give concerts in cities and the holiday is completed by fireworks. A delicious
“наурыз көже” is prepared on this holiday. It is made of seven different flavors. This is why the
number seven is considered sacred in Kazakhs.
January 1-2 New Year
March 8 International Women’s Day
March 21-23 Nauryz
May 1 Holiday os Unity of The People Kazakhstan
May 9 Victory Day
August 30 Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
December 1 Day of the First President of the Republic Kazakhstan
December 15-16 Independence Day of Kazakhstan

Which of them do you like most? Why?

I like the Nauryz holiday most of all. Because during Nauryz, nature blossoms and life
reawakens. The whole country is preparing for Nauryz holiday. Nauryz is the Kazakh New Year.
A special celebration of the day and night equinox. Delicious food is prepared and various
traditional games are played.

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