Problem-Cause-Solution Outline

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Attention-getter: Have you ever been in a situation where you put your life in danger?
Credibility Statement: When I was at school, I related to many girls older than me, especially 'with
one who somehow or another got pregnant and for many reasons her decision was to have an abortion,
but she had to do it hidden since it is not legal in the DR.
Reasons to listen: One of the reasons is that women are doing things without consulting or asking a
doctor or person who can help us.
Thesis Statement: I seek to ensure that women are more listened to and helped with this issue
Preview of the main points: 1: Consequences of the non-legalization of abortion.
2: reason for the non-legalization of abortion.
3: solution about the topic.

I. First, let’s address the problem/need.

A. Today in the Dominican Republic there is a mishandling of the issue of abortion since
it is an issue that everyone is afraid of or ignores and that is why today there are many
losses and decisions that affect the life of the fetus and of the mother.
1. In the Dominican Republic, abortion is illegal even when the pregnancy is life-
threatening, unviable, or the result of rape or incest. Congress is considering a
proposal that would decriminalize abortion in these cases. Casas, X. (2021, April 22)

C. Describe the effects of the problem(s)/need(s).

1. the number of women who die from a bad practice.

(Transition: Now that we know the problem, let’s look at its causes.)
II. Causes of the problem
A. violations:
1.PTSD or adjustment disorder, depression or anxiety are some of the consequences
of rape, but decisions about the pregnancy process must be based on her autonomy,
and the psychological consequences of her history of abuse make her a prohibited
subject and ineffective.

B. many girls are underage.

2. Mostly in DR there is no record of a good sexual education and therefore the girls
get pregnant at an early age and then they don't know what to do with the child.
There are many taboos with the same parents of sexuality, and they shut themselves
up to talk about it.

C. in the country it is illegal.

3. In the Dominican Republic, abortion is illegal in all circumstances, including
when the pregnancy is life-threatening, unviable, or the result of rape. Women and
girls with unwanted pregnancies are subject to illegal abortions, often putting their
health and lives at serious risk. Many people face health complications and some
even die from unsafe abortions. and these unsafe abortions are clandestine abortions
done at home since they are not legal.

(Transition: Now that we know the causes of this problem, let’s look towards a solution.)

III. Describe your solution(s).

A. Describe how your solution solves the problem.
The one solution to this problem is that the DR legalize abortion in justified cases and with the
authorization that there will be no risk of death for the patient after several demanding analyzes that
indicate that everything can be done without problems. have rules that only in justified cases can be
aborted and under a series of authorization from both the patient and the doctor.

B. presenting proposals, signatures and causes to the legislative power so that they can see
the damage that they do in one way or another.

1. an example is that Faride Raful took a letter to the national congress where he
explained that to monitor and investigate public contracts made by the administrative
ministry of the presidency and the communication directorate during the period 2012-
2016 with companies linked to JOAO.

C. Explain why your solution will work.

solution is going to work because in the union there is strength if all of us, whether people with power
or without power, express our concern we can make the legislatures join us in the same way and
educate ourselves better about this problem and fight so that all together we arrive to the best solution


Summary of the main points:

In conclusion, in the Dominican Republic we should be more aware of legalizing abortion since we can
highlight the problem that still affects us today and will continue to affect us if we do not stop it,
considering all the causes of where this comes from and ignoring the solution that we basically have in
our hands.

Restate the Thesis: I seek to ensure that women are more listened to and helped with this issue
Call-to-action: finally, to all those people we must take into account how many lives are in danger at
this time for some just cause and we can change it or help improve it.

. Dominican Republic: End total abortion ban. Human Rights Watch.

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