CES Scope of Work For Dallas Housing Policy Development Project HOPPE 5.12.22

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City of Dallas Project HOPPE

Scope of Work Outline

May 12, 2022

1. Planning, organizing, and conducting a two-day summit and a series of additional meetings to
bring key community stakeholders/interested parties together, brief them on the goals and
timeline for developing the new policy, facilitate discussions around specific policy elements
requiring community input, and obtain input to guide the creation of a mission statement, policy
objectives, and policy framework that addresses all of the policy requirements in David
Noguera’s Project HOPPE vision and outline document (as detailed below)

2. A draft CHP that:

• Incorporates the policy requirements in David Noguera’s Project HOPPE vision and
outline document
• Folds in the 11 recommendations from the Race Equity Assessment
• Incorporates the input, ideas, and suggestions from the community stakeholder two-day
summit and other planning meetings
• Establishes the CHP vision, goals, and objectives
• Outlines a process for developing the strategic road map

3. Regular presentations/briefings for the City Council that uses story maps and other tools to
show progress and set the foundation for Council approval of the revised CHP

May 2022 to January 2023

Community Equity Strategies’ scope of work in providing the City of Dallas with the deliverables
outlined above will be as follows:

Phase 1
1.1 Project planning and coordination
• Initial project planning with the City Housing Department staff to:
o Create project timeline
o Clarify all deliverables

o Determine local partners with which CES will subcontract
• Design community engagement process in collaboration with City staff
and local CES subcontractor, including:
o Identify local community stakeholders to participate in
community input events and assist in organizing others to attend
o Design structure and timeline for engaging community
stakeholders to:
▪ co-create a mission statement to be adopted by the City
▪ co-create measurable policy objectives to be adopted by
the City Council that build on the established mission
o Develop agendas for 2-day community input summit and other
community input meetings
o Develop a process for reporting back to community stakeholders
and receiving feedback as the mission statement and policy
objectives are drafted
• Create initial communication strategy in collaboration with City staff and
local CES subcontractor(s), including:
o Communication with community stakeholders around assessment
report, Council-adopted recommendations, and upcoming
opportunities for community input into new policy development
o Story map(s) and other presentation materials to ground the
community input events in the work completed to-date, including
the Council’s adoption of the consultant team’s eleven
recommendations for developing a new policy grounded in equity
o Briefings/updates for City Council members and the Housing and
Homeless Solutions Committee

1.2 Initial community engagement, including events to gather stakeholder input into
mission statement to be approved by City Council
• Organize and conduct community stakeholder input events culminating
in a mission statement for Housing and Homeless Solutions Committee
• Document input in a manner that facilitates the development of the
mission statement and allows for effective Council briefings and supports
Council adoption

1.3 Mission statement development
• Draft a mission statement that reflects community stakeholder input

1.4 Briefing for City Council Housing and Homeless Solutions Committee

1.5 Project management

• Creation and implementation of a comprehensive project management

plan and timeline that reflects the work outlined above and results in
providing the City with the deliverables by the dates agreed upon,
o Supervision of the work of local CES subcontractor(s)
o Close coordination with City of Dallas Housing Department staff

Phase 1 Cost:
• CES and local CES subcontractor planning and coordination, community
engagement, Council presentation, and project management work:

Phase 2
2.1 More in-depth community engagement, including events to gather stakeholder
input to inform policy development
• Organize and conduct a series of community stakeholder input events,
including a 2-day summit and a series of additional meetings
• Document input in a manner that facilitates the development of the new
policy and allows for effective Council briefings and supports Council

2.2 Policy development

• Draft policy objectives that reflect community stakeholder input and that
address each of the policy goals outlined in David Noguera’s Project
HOPPE vision statement and outline:
o Policy must empower community to be engaged in housing
o Policy must measure affordable housing needed in the city

o Policy must cultivate participation of third-party partners to run
housing programs and advocate for housing resources
o Policy must leverage faith-based community to support housing
o Policy must empower staff to adjust to market changes
o Policy must serve the masses of low-income homeowners in need
of home repair services
o Policy must embrace compliance framework for housing
investment decisions, operations and long-term planning activities
o Policy must establish dedicated funding streams for new and
existing programs, initiatives and council designated projects
o Policy must support the consolidation of performance
measurement requests to focus staffing resources on production
o Policy must balance capacity building efforts with production
performance goals
o Policy must balance demands of historic residents with needs of
incoming residents
o Policy must mitigate hazards and threats to new and existing
housing developments citywide
o Policy must establish leadership on fair housing practices
o Policy must establish design standards for housing construction
o Policy must establish connectivity standards for all communities
where housing investments take place
o Policy must mitigate housing developments located in food deserts
o Policy must establish professional development expectations for
all staff and volunteers who serve on boards, commissions,
taskforces, and neighborhood councils
• Create an outline for how the policy objectives will create the framework
for the City’s development of a strategic roadmap and funding strategy
that enables it to forge a sustainable path to achieving greater equity per
the recommendations that the Council adopted

2.3 Communication, including regular presentations to the City Council and community
• Work with city staff and local CES subcontractor(s) to produce and
distribute publicity materials to help maximize participation of critical
stakeholders in the community engagement process

• Work with local CES subcontractor(s) to produce and present
comprehensive communication materials, including story map(s), that
will guide the community stakeholder input process and inform the City
Council and other stakeholders around project progress, the community-
driven mission statement, and the community-driven policy objectives
• Provide briefings that include presentation materials to City Council
committees and the full Council per the plan determined with Housing
Department Director

2.4 Project management

• Creation and implementation of a comprehensive project management
plan and timeline that reflects the work outlined above and results in
providing the City with the deliverables by the dates agreed upon,
o Supervision of the work of local CES subcontractor(s)
o Close coordination with City of Dallas Housing Department staff

Phase 2 Cost:
• Community engagement, policy development, communications, project
management, and administrative work performed by Christine Campbell,
John Gilvar, and Michele Williams, including travel:
$ 167,904

• Work performed by local CES subcontractor(s), including:

o In-person representation at ad hoc local meetings
o Development of story map and other presentation materials as
o Presentation assistance
o Community organizing and event planning for community
engagement activities:
$ 111,300

• Food and supplies for community engagement events:

$ 27,500

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