Hostile - Alien Breeds (Oef) (2018)

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ALIEN B R E E D S/ S C I E N C E D I V I S I O N/Report 40/4113

A parasitic xenomorph … and a terrifying adventure

For Cepheus Engine and

ALIEN B R E E D S/ S C I E N C E D I V I S I O N/Report 40/4113

Alien Breeds is a gritty science-fiction roleplaying setting for the Cepheus

Engine – and for Zozer Games’ Hostile setting.

Paul Elliott

Colony Plans: Ian Stead

Publisher: Zozer Games

Copyright © 2018 Zozer Games
Zozer Games is a trademark of Paul Elliott
Visit Zozer Games at
Find me on Facebook as Zozer Games

Cepheus Engine and Samardan Press are trademarks of Jason “Flynn” Kemp

Designation of Open Game Content

The following sections of the text in this document are designated as Open Gaming
Content: alien rules and statistics.

Designation of Product Identity

Any title of a product published by Zozer Games, including name ‘HOSTILE’, as well
as the trademarks ‘Cepheus Engine’ and ‘Zozer Games’, are designated as Product
Identity. References to companies, setting history, planets and worlds constitute
Product Identity.

Please Note
This Product is derived from the Traveller System Reference Document and other
Open Gaming Content made available by the Open Gaming License, and does not
contain closed content from products published by either Mongoose Publishing or
Far Future Enterprises. This Product is not affiliated with either Mongoose Publishing
or Far Future Enterprises, and it makes no claim to or challenge to any trademarks
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convey the endorsement of this Product by either Mongoose Publishing or Far Future
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ALIEN B R E E D S/ S C I E N C E D I V I S I O N/Report 40/4113

Report 40/4113


LEAD SCIENTISTS: Dina Hopkins, Malcolm Kiel, Akira Minamoto

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Xenomorph (zɛnəˈmɔːf)

alien form

derived from the Greek words xeno (stranger, alien, foreigner) and
morphé (form, shape).






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What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark? It would

be like sleep without dreams.
Werner Herzog

ALIEN BREEDS is a roleplaying supplement for the Cepheus Engine and other
classic 2D6 SF roleplaying games. It details a new species of hostile alien predator
with both an unnerving and horrific lifecycle as well as an ability to mutate ad hoc to
suit its current environment. ALIEN BREEDS works well within Zozer Games’ own
SF setting called HOSTILE, but it can be used in any Cepheus Engine game – as
long as your players can handle this beast… and there is certainly no guarantee of

The xenomorph that is presented in this book is based, very loosely, on the grand-
daddy of all horrific aliens that hit the big screen in 1979. Unlike that movie series,
though, which continued to throw the same deadly alien against the same disparate
and ill-prepared bunch of characters, we have to box clever. If there are no surprises
and nothing new about these alien breeds, then no player is going to bat an eyelid.
There will be no shocks. No revelations. No surprises and no real drama.

And so these xenomorphs have a trick up their deoxyribonucleic sleeves. Their

mutation rate is far in excess of anything observed by humans thus far. Although the
eggs that spawn the xenomorphs initially have a standard, baseline DNA profile,
during the growth of the embryo within its host, the creature can undergo rapid
mutation, and xenomorphs born on different planets, in different atmospheres, to
different hosts and different levels of background radiation (amongst other things)
can develop entirely different characteristics. It is this that makes the xenomorph so
difficult to deal with. Each outbreak is different. Each breed or ‘phenotype’ provides
new and deadly challenges for the humans that come face to face with it.

Included with the book is a typical colony installation. It is a fairly small example, big
enough to hold may be 50 or 60 people, enough for an extended science survey, a
prospecting mission or the maintenance of some new equipment on planet –
perhaps a powerplant, refinery, test mine or atmosphere processor.

The colony layout is used in the included adventure – ‘Outbreak’.

Use it again in your own adventures, it is a well-used and ubiquitous design within
the HOSTILE universe.

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Each of the large interstellar conglomerates are made up of diverse subsidiaries and
partner companies, these subsidiaries typically engage in aerospace and electronics
production, power generation, banking and transport. Leyland Okuda, one of the
largest and most prosperous conglomerates runs a starline called Braniff Interstellar.
Like all of the major starlines, Braniff includes a science division.

The Science Division is a crucial adjunct to any interstellar cargo and passenger
carrier, because by their very nature, the starships of the line must navigate past
and encounter astronomical phenomena. Hyperspace is still a poorly understood
medium of travel and there are many anomalous occurrences experienced by crews
and ships out in the depths of space. The Science Division, much like the
meteorological department of an air force or commercial airport, provides valuable,
crucial and life-saving information for crews about stellar bodies, astronomical
phenomena, hyperspace fluctuations and about the environmental dangers to be
encountered on surveyed or colonized worlds.

Science Division also has a more hands-on relationship with starships and crews.
They will test new sensor equipment and navigation instruments, help the
Engineering Division to calibrate the hyperdrive and ensure that safety and
quarantine procedures are established and followed. Most of these quarantine and
safety protocols were laid down by the Interstellar Commerce Organization (ICO).

Leyland Okuda’s Science Division, like most other corporate science divisions, has
other agendas too, and these are never explained in the handbook or within the
company’s florid mission statement. Such secret goals will include:

 Discovering some way to advance hyperspace travel, or to make military use

from hyperspace phenomena.
 To analyze the effects of space travel on human crews and passengers, in
hyperspace, in cryogenic sleep and on known and colonized planets.
 Identifying and recovering substances, minerals or chemicals unknown to
modern science that may provide the conglomerate with an economic benefit.
 Identifying and recovering alien lifeforms unknown to modern science that
may provide the conglomerate with an economic benefit.

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Braniff’s Science Division has offices on all class A and B starports as well as every
Mining Regulatory Office Base (the MRA is an interstellar mining and exploration
regulation agency, handling claims, licenses and disputes). There are three official
research stations on Earth and within the Solar System, and another four
unregistered and covert research stations scattered across the Outer Rim.

The Science Division of Leyland Okuda currently runs a covert science project known
to only a few as Red Midas. This high level project is managed, day-to-day, by
Professor Dina Hopkins and its mission is to acquire and study hostile alien
organisms. Specimens and findings will be passed to Leyland Okuda’s main military
research subsidiary called Rockford Aerospace for weaponizing and field testing. The
alien breeds described in this book are perfect examples of the kinds of organisms
that Red Midas would love to capture.

Science Leader Dina Hopkins 473BF3 Age 46 7 terms

Computer 3, Leader 1, Investigate 3, Medical 3

Deputy Science Ldr. Malcolm Kiel 765AF9 Age 50 8 terms

Investigate 3, Computer 1, Medical 3, Survival 1, Ground Vehicle 1,
Vacc Suit 1

Senior Scientist Akira Minamoto 6889D7 Age 30 3 terms

Medical 2, Investigate 1, Electronics 1, Admin 1

Researcher Arno Vissig 887785 Age 34 4 terms

Investigate 1, Gun Cbt 1, Vacc Suit 2, Comms 1

Dina is an aggressive battle-axe with little sentiment or empathy. She is obsessed

with the discovery of the perfection of evolution, and although she does not care for
the Leyland Okuda military, they are funding much of the research. Her deputy,
Professor Kiel is an easy-going scientist, and believes the Red Midas line that they
are looking for radical medical cures by testing hostile organisms. He may begin to
baulk at watching aggressive alien predators chewing through human test subjects.
Minamoto is a ruthless and very innovative bio-scientist is full of cool, off-the-wall
ideas - he can think outside of the box. Arno Vissig is a researcher, and handles
various technical operations. He is well-built and without morals. Although Vissig has
science training, he is in fact a plant from the military division of Leyland Okuda
(Rockford Aerospace). There are other members of staff, other researchers and
scientists, but these four individuals are the most notable.

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Professor Hopkins, I don’t understand the relationship between egg and

the embryo implanted inside the host. What does the implanting … and
where does the egg come from?

Mmmm. There are too many unknowns. We need more samples …

samples that represent different aspects of the creature’s life-cycle. I’m
betting there is some intermediate stage that comes out of the egg, but
then lays the embryo inside the human host.

That’s impossible.

Is it, Malcolm?

Well, I mean, there’s no form of life on Earth that replicates that

process. Two distinct creatures that are part of the same life cycle.

Are you sure? There is that jellyfish, isn’t there … the, umm, the Aurelia
... its eggs grow into polyps anchored to rocks, with mouths and
tentacles … the polyps reproduce asexually by budding off little free-
swimming juveniles which go on to develop into mature jellyfish.

Metagenesis … you’re talking about metagenesis aren’t you, professor?

We really need to find some more of these damn things!

Out there. In the dark reaches of space, on the most hostile and unforgiving of
worlds is a species of alien predator. This ‘xenomorph’ is ruthlessly efficient and
ancient, its multi-million year-long evolution has seen the creature perfect its survival
strategy, not simply to survive within a single ecosystem, or a single climate, or even
a single planet. It has strategies that enable it to tackle some of the most
treacherous and hostile planetary environments. It is the ultimate survivor – a
warrior of species – evolution’s gold medalist.

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For this particular species of exomorph, the term ‘xenomorph’ was coined, literally
meaning, ‘alien’ or ‘strange-form’. The xenomorph has become master of
evolutionary adaptation by virtue of the fact that it has travelled between stars.
Humans may come to this conclusion Exomorph
themselves, but the method of transport, The word exomorph first
whether space-dust, asteroids, rogue appeared in the mid-2130s, when
planetoids or perhaps even alien starships initial discoveries of alien
will elude science. However, the lifeforms were announced. It
panspermia theory is surely the only way to quickly became adopted as an
successfully explain the xenomorph’s abbreviation of the more formal
incredible adaptability, honed over many expression extrasolar lifeform
millions of years, over many star systems (exo = 'outside' or 'beyond',
morph = ‘shape’).
and many unforgiving environments.

A xenomorph egg hatches when a potential host strays into close proximity. From
the egg, a creature we shall call the impregnator springs out to wrap itself around
the host’s face, pushing an ovipositor down its throat and immobilizing the victim. An
embryo is laid inside the host’s body which will, later on, be big enough to burst out
of the host and devour it. This larva or serpens, with legs and teeth (and an
appetite) then begins to grow at a prodigious rate, hunting and feeding on whatever
it can, and regularly shedding its skin. The larva will eventually (within twelve hours)
grow into an eight-foot tall mature ‘dragon’. This lethal predator will protect any
other eggs, provide food for newborn larvae and will guard a queen if one exists. A
mature dragon, alone and away from any nest, will spontaneously create and lay an
egg, whose larvae will become a queen – and the center of a new xenomorph nest.
Queens are born as need arises, and not randomly. Queens lay more eggs and the
dragons they produce will forage for hosts and for fresh meat for the hungry new

The adaptability and rugged toughness of the xenomorph comes from its method of
fertilization. Unique to science, the xenomorph species does not carrying male and
female reproductive elements within the impregnator form, instead this aspect of the
creature implants a ‘blank-slate’ embryo into the host that needs additional DNA to
become fully fertilized. This explains the species adaptability and the great variation
in abilities and body form from one encounter to the next.

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THE DRAGON [ergate]

The dragon is an efficient predator and a biological killing machine. It can also,
much like the terrestrial spider, paralyze a victim and return it to the nest (if
present) for use as an egg-laying host. In appearance, the typical xenomorph is a
2.5 meter-tall biped, with a shining black and tan exoskeleton that has been
described as almost a parody of human bones and musculature. Long, lean arms
and legs end in glass-like claws, and from its back protrude several black dorsal
tubes used for sensing, or for balance. A long, skeletal-like tail, tipped with a sharp
spike is muscular and efficient. The most unnerving aspect of the dragon’s
appearance is its meter-long, slightly curved head, ending in a fearsome set of jaws.
The long, smooth head is eerily eyeless.

Within only a few hours of hatching from a host body, a xenomorph larva (or
serpens) develops into the drone or dragon, a powerful and incredibly fast-moving
predator. It can kill to eat, using its inner mouth-parts to punch into the head or
body of its victim, but will more often paralyze victims using a poisoned stinger at
the end of its tail. Victims are then cocooned in a secreted resin where they will soon
become hosts for more of the spider-like impregnators (see later). Dragons hunt
using sound and infra-red, and can move silently, climb any surface and hide easily
within only the slightest shadows. They are fluorine-based, with hydrofluoric acid for
blood. If there are no Queens, then environmentally-triggered chemical changes in
the creature’s stinger will mean that the first victim a dragon cocoons will actually
begin to transmorph over several hours into an egg.

Xenomorph Dragon
120 Kg Str 18 (+4) Dex 17(+3) End 9 (+1) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End roll to avoid
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

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The xenomorph lifecycle begins with
an egg (ovomorph), a large, leathery
sac standing upright on the floor and
bound there by the alien’s secreted
resin. The egg houses an impregnator
and can remain in hibernation for
decades – perhaps longer. Sensing life
within 20m, the egg can waken the
impregnator and either discharge the
creature or wait until the living host
approaches the egg, where-upon the
egg will open and the impregnator will
launch itself at the host’s face.

Each impregnator resembles a pale-

colored six-legged spider, 50cm across,
with a long, powerful and flexible tail.
It can run at human speed, jump,
climb and crawl until it reaches the
host’s face. At that moment it wraps its
legs around the head, coils its tail
around the neck and inserts an
ovipositor probe down the throat.
Released chemicals knock the host out,
and the impregnator breathes for it –
even synthesizing a comfortable air
supply if needed. An embryo is laid
within the host’s chest within minutes.
After 1-3 hours, it drops off and crawls
away to die. The larva within the host
is ready to emerge minutes or hours
later (2D6 x10 minutes).

Impregnators can only survive for

2D6x10 hours outside of the egg (and
without a host). They cannot return to
the egg, but will diligently hunt for a
host, leaping from cover and hiding
within shadows.

Xenomorph Impregnator
2 Kg Str 3 (-1) Dex 6 (0) End 4 (-1) Int 0 (-2) Inst 8 (0)
No. Appearing: 1 Speed: x1 (6m/rd) Armor: 4
Weapons: claw+2 (special: successful attack indicates the creature has
fastened onto host’s face and the host is knocked unconscious)
Attack: Automatic Flee: 4-

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The juvenile xenomorph is called a serpens and is around 40-50cm long, with two
arms, two legs and a short tail. It is pale brown or red in color and has a long, eye-
less head. For 10 minutes before it bursts out of the host’s body, the larva will feed
on fresh blood from the host’s aorta artery, a distinctly unpleasant experience for
the host who will feel awful chest pains, heart palpitations, tremors and sickness.
Typically the larva will burst its way violently through the host’s ribcage, but can also
burrow out of the back or even the abdomen. There is a lot of blood-letting involved
and the host invariably dies instantly.

Once in the wide-world, the larva will run for cover and immediately begin growing,
supplementing its first blood meal by scavenging food. The accelerated development
results in the creature shedding its sticky, mucus coated skin up to six times within
the space of 1D6+6 hours. After this time the larva has developed into a fully
mature xenomorph dragon and will begin actively hunting humans or other game for
food or as hosts for a nest. Hunting larvae (serperntis) is difficult, they can squeeze
into tiny spaces, air vents and equipment areas and are very stealthy. Although quite
timid, a larva can kill a human and will do so to defend itself.

Xenomorph Serpens
6 Kg Str 6 (0) Dex 11 (+1) End 6 (0) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: 1 Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 4
Weapons: teeth (2D6)
Attack: 9+ Flee: 10-


A xenomorph nest is focused around a single egg-laying queen. Similar to terrestrial
ant colonies, the xenomorph queen is of a larger size and different morphology
compared to the dragons. Generally similar in general appearance to the dragons,
the queen is much bigger, approximately 6-7m tall when standing erect and 15m
long, including its segmentated tail. Its body structure differs also, since a queen
possesses two pairs of arms, with the smaller secondary pair of limbs located on the
chest. The queen's head is much larger than those of a dragon and is protected by a
huge neck frill, similar to those seen on fossil triceratops skulls. Egg-laying queens
possess an immense egg sac which attaches to their lower torso. Queens are born
quite quickly once a viable source of hosts is found by a lone dragon. The queen is
able to lay hundreds of eggs, potentially giving birth to hundreds of dragons if
enough hosts are available. The queen is huge and powerful, but immobile at the
center of the nest, attached to a long, cylindrical egg-sac supported by secreted
resin tendrils. The queen can detach from this massive egg-sac in an emergency.
She has some mild telepathic communication with dragons within 30-100m of her.

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Xenomorph Queen
800 Kg Str 22(+5) Dex 17(+3) End 22(+5) Int 3 (-1) Inst 12 (+2)
Number Appearing: 1 Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (4D6+1); Stinger+1 (3D6)
Attack: If nest under threat Flee: No

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Unusually, the xenomorph is not carbon-based, but is based instead around

fluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons. It is able to digest foods (typically the flesh
of its prey) and absorb carbon compounds to manufacture fluorocarbons and
chlorofluorocarbons. It expels the oxygen as a waste product. They are hardy
creatures, able to survive extremes of heat and cold as well as the rigors of vacuum
– at least for a short time.
Armor: The tough exoskeleton of the xenomorph is composed of a
tetragonal crystal lattice of magnesium fluoride, a tough, semi-transparent
compound unknown in terrestrial lifeforms. This outer casing serves the same
purpose as the polysaccharide chitin does in Earth-bound insects. Both the long
claws of the xenomorph as well as the extending glass-like teeth are composed of
magnesium fluoride, giving them a great resilience as well as an eerie transparent
Blood: The blood, or what passes for
Acid Damage
blood, of all the xenomorph stages, is a All stages have acid as blood,
yellow, pus-like fluid that is a form of a splash or spurt of this will
hydrofluoric acid, a nasty substance capable cause 1D6 damage per round
of dissolving through metal, glass and any for up to 3 rounds, depending
type of plastic. Teflon-coated surfaces may on the size of the splash.
well resist the xenomorph acid however, since
Teflon is actually polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and is itself a synthetic
fluoropolymer. Unlike the other life stages of the xenomorph, the embryo implanted
by the impregnator actually has cells coated with PTFE (a ‘Teflon cell-wall’) so as to
ensure that its hostile fluorocarbon chemistry does not kill the host immediately.
Interestingly, the xenomorph does not have stomach acid, but instead uses its own
blood to digest the food/meat that it has consumed. Impregnators are able to
regurgitate a small amount of acid to melt through physical obstructions between
them and a potential host, such as the faceplate of a helmet.
Diet: Xenomorphs are carnivores that have great discipline. Whereas a single
dragon may hunt and feed on humans or other prey, those that are part of a hive
will paralyze and kidnap hosts without eating them. It is only after the larva have
burst from the body of a host that the xenomorphs will feed on the remains.
Reproduction: The life-cycle of the xenomorph is described in detail within
the various descriptions of the biological stages in this chapter. However, it is
prudent to note here that the creature is a hermaphrodite and is neither male nor
female. This book, like some of Leyland Okuda’s own speculative reports does refer
to the sole egg-laying overseer of the hive as a ‘queen’ although this is purely a
human-centric label, based on the creature’s similarity to terrestrial insects.
Sensing: The long, eye-less head of the xenomorph hints at the creature’s
sensing abilities. It is able to absorb and amplify high-frequency sounds through
delicate sensing organs ranged along the length of the head. In addition behind the
front wall of the head (the eyeless ‘face’) sit three heat-sensitive organs, allowing
the xenomorph to ‘see’ radiant heat at wavelengths between 5 and 30 μm. The
xenomorphs themselves do not seem to radiate heat and do not show up on infra-

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red sensing devices, their body heat matches the ambient temperature of the
environment in which they are found.
Venom: The dragon and queen stages of the xenomorph carry a paralyzing
toxin within their tails with which they are able to immobilize prey. The substance
dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) actively penetrates layers of skin and tissue, carrying
with it the neurotoxin decarbamoylsaxitoxin, abbreviated by scientists as dcSTX.
When struck by the tail of a dragon that wishes to paralyze, the player-character
must successfully make a V/Difficult (-4) Endurance roll to avoid paralysis lasting 1-3
hours. Success results in partial paralysis, with the player character suffering a -2 on
all physical actions for one hour.

Xenomorphs live to breed. The goal of the species is to create a nest where a queen
can lay eggs that are then placed by dragons in front of trapped host bodies – hosts
that have themselves been captured by the dragons. These eggs hatch to produce
impregnators that smother their hosts and lay a serpens embryo within. When the
serpens larvae burst from the hosts’ chests, they quickly mature to become dragons
– loyal warrior-drones serving the queen and the nest. And so the cycle begins, until
the supply of hosts dries up. What happens when this occurs? Without a viable food
source the nest shuts down and enters hibernation, a hibernation that might last for
years, decades, centuries – perhaps even millenia.

Dragons can produce a thick, strong resin by vomiting it up, this resin is used to coat
the walls of the nest chamber and to create a webwork of fastenings at the hatchery
where hosts can be cocooned ready for implantation. The resin is white and shiny
and primarily consists of proteins that possess large quantities of nonpolar and
hydrophobic amino acids like glycine or alanine. It is an outstanding fibrous
biomaterial with high tensile strengths, and the resin is nearly as elastic as rubber
on a weight to weight basis. In combining these two properties, xenomorph resin
has a toughness that is two to three times that of synthetic fibers like Salar or
Kevlar. The resin-coated nest walls provide hiding places for the dragons at rest,
and, like a spider’s web anyone entering the nest will broadcast their movements to
the queen through the body of the resin.

The xenomorphs are eusocial creatures and where a queen exists, those
xenomorphs born to her are linked through a system of limited telepathy. She can
command her dragons to carry out set attacks or to move to defensive positions as
she wishes. In turn these dragons are able to send back to the queen valuable
information about intruders, events or changing situations that she should be aware
of. In larger infestations of xenomorphs, smaller ‘satellite’ nests can often be
created, and these contain just a few xenomorphs, allowing victims to be cocooned
and impregnated even far away from the queen herself. At some point, one of these
satellite nests produces a queen who will lead her dragon warriors out to find a new
independent nest site. Or she may turn against the original queen and force her out
with any loyal dragons willing to follow her.

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The adaptive qualities of the creature’s biology mean that the mature xenomorph
just described is typical, but not universal. Other breeds, or phenotypes, have been
noted, each a variation on the proto-typical xenomorph, each a biological adaptation
based on environment, the nature of the host organism or some other unknown
factor. This propensity for the xenomorph species to produce such wildly divergent
breeds will make their study, capture or elimination a very difficult task. Of course
for referees, the use of these variant xenomorphs allows each encounter to be
unpredictable, surprising and challenging.

The Basilisk
Appearing to be a standard xenomorph type, the basilisk is able to utilize its
fluorocarbon chemistry to produce a highly flammable fluorine gas. This it can
‘breathe’ out of its mouth to spray a target with fire as a defense for the nest (only
once per ten minutes). A victim struck by the flame takes 2D6 damage immediately.
In each subsequent round, the burning character must make another Difficult (-2)
Dexterity check. Failure means he takes another 2D6 damage that round. Success
means the fire has gone out. The character on fire may automatically extinguish the
flames by jumping into enough water to douse himself, spraying himself down with
a fire extinguisher, vent all atmosphere or otherwise smother the flames. If the
character has no such means, rolling on the ground or smothering the fire with
cloaks or the like permits the character a DM+2 on his next Dexterity check.

Xenomorph Dragon
120 Kg Str 18 (+4) Dex 17(+3) End 9 (+1) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End roll to avoid
Paralysis); flamebreathing/as Pistol (2D6)
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

The Chameleon
This breed has a unique ability to alter the surface of its exoskeletal surface to
match its surroundings, effectively making the chameleon invisible when motionless
or moving slowly.

Xenomorph Dragon
120 Kg Str 18 (+4) Dex 17(+3) End 9 (+1) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End roll to avoid
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

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The Cobra
With a totally different morphology, the cobra xenomorph breed is snakelike, with a
long segmented body and the typically long, curved xenomorph head. It has no
arms or legs. The cobra may represent the complete adult stage, although it cannot
carry hosts back to the nest, but is best used as an additional stage in the
xenomorph lifecycle. These snakelike hosts could serve as admirable nest guardians .

Xenomorph Dragon
120 Kg Str 16 (+3) Dex 14(+2) End 9 (+1) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End roll to avoid
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

The General
The general may appear in a large nest, where the queen cannot effectively
organize reproduction as well as the defense of the unhatched eggs, and the hunt
for fresh hosts. The general appears to be a larger and more formidable version of
the dragon, with a queen-like neck frill. They may stand up to 3 meters in height.
With its higher than average intelligence, the general organizes and leads the
collection of hosts and carries out pre-emptive attacks on any threat outside of the

Xenomorph Dragon
400 Kg Str 20 (+4) Dex 17(+3) End 14 (+2) Int 2 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: 1 Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (3D6+1); Stinger+1 (3D6 or V/Difficult End roll to avoid
Attack: 4+ Flee: No

The Hatchling
The larvae (serpentis) of this alien breed are foul, disgusting creatures physically
resembling the standard serpens, but with a poisonous (but invisible) slime trail. The
trail of xenomorph pheromones is designed to allow dragons from the nest to find
and protect newborn larvae from any natural predators. The breed may have
evolved on a world where larvae were vulnerable to some powerful nest-invading
predator. Unfortunately, this pheromone trail is harmful to human beings. A
character coming into contact with the trail (passing by or touching it counts) must
make a Routine (+2) Endurance roll or suffer from hallucinations, wasting disease,
insanity and/or sympathy for the alien cause or paralysis as the referee decides. A
cruel referee may even decide to use all of these nasty side-effects! Exposure to the
trail must be checked daily, but no more frequently than that. A scientific analysis
may reveal the presence of the trail, which may lead the player characters to the
serpens if they are hunting it.

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The Mothers
These dark blue dragons carry a hatched impregnator on their chest. These spider-
like impregnators may drop off before, during or after a fight in order to try and
smother and then impregnate a host. Even if the mother is killed, the impregnator
may still cause chaos and terror. ‘Mother’ is a human-centric term, since, like other
alien breeds, this phenotype is hermaphroditic.

Xenomorph Dragon
120 Kg Str 18 (+4) Dex 17(+3) End 9 (+1) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End roll to avoid
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

The Polyps
Replacing the ovomorph egg and the impregnator stage of reproduction completely,
the swarmer breed originates from a brown spore pod (polyp) standing only two or
three centimeters in height. Inside each polyp head are dozens of microscopic,
insect-like spores that are dispersed via ballochory (ballistic or explosive dehiscence).
In this way they resemble the terrestrial puffball, lycoperdon pyriforme. The
dispersal may occur when the polyp is touched or disturbed, or perhaps when an
animal moves within the polyp’s proximity. The spores group together and can
instinctively invade a host's body through any orifice, tapping into the bloodstream
and then coagulating to create a parasitic embryo. The serpens that results is not
restricted to bursting out of the chest, since the clot formed by the spore-colony
may have been formed anywhere within the host’s body.

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The Puppeteer
Perhaps the most horrific of the alien breeds, the puppeteer impregnator plans to
keep the host alive, but as a slave to the xenomorph cause! This is not far fetched,
the glyptapanteles wasp lays eggs inside a caterpillar, the larvae eat their way out,
but two or three stay behind and excrete enzymes that control the mind of the
surviving host caterpillar. It stays alive to protect the little larvae from any predators.
The puppeteer does the same. The impregnated embryo develops in the stomach
and emerges in a violent vomiting attack; a second undeveloped embryo remains
behind and affects the host’s mind through soporific enzymes. Cleaned up and back
on his feet, the host then does all he can to protect the larva, lying, cheating,
sabotaging – even killing to protect the creature as it grows.

The Razor
The razor xenomorph breed differs only from the standard breed in the long, curved
razor-like claws. These do much more damage in hand-to-hand combat and are
capable of slicing through thin metal sheet such as doors or interior walls.

Xenomorph Razor
120 Kg Str 18 (+4) Dex 17(+3) End 9 (+1) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: claws (3D6); teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End roll
to avoid Paralysis)
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

The Reds
These xenomorphs have blood-red exoskeletons. The Reds are able to secrete large
amounts of resin, this enables them to construct elaborately constructed nests. The
adults of this breed can spit resin out to 5m, sticking victims to walls or to floors,
immobilizing them if they fail a Routine (+2) Strength roll. Other uses for this resin
can also be found, they can seal up corridors, jam doors and create sticky resin
traps, much like terrestrial spider webs.

Xenomorph Red
120 Kg Str 18 (+4) Dex 17(+3) End 9 (+1) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End roll to avoid
Paralysis); Shoot Resin (no damage; hit as Pistol)
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

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The Runner
Runners are four-legged xenomorphs, with digitigrade limbs (they walk on extended
toes). They may be the product of an embryo developing within a four-legged host
(such as a dog or a cow) or the referee may decide that the form is not derived from
the host and that these runners are a breed that can develop within a bipedal host.
Runners are fast and agile, capable of running on walls or ceilings with equal speed.
They are able to run long distances across rough terrain without tiring.

Xenomorph Runner
100 Kg Str 18 (+4) Dex 17(+3) End 12 (+2) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x3 (18m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End roll to avoid
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

The Skin-Changer
This breed of xenomorph changes the normal lifecycle. The embryo implanted within
the host does not develop into a serpens (a larva). Instead, the embryo actually
infects and transforms the host into a dragon. This happens slowly, after he or she
has awoken, turning into a dragon 1-6 hours later. The actual transformation is
terrifying, the skin of the host sloughing off, eyeballs melting down the face and
long limbs cracking open the human host’s body. Is the new dragon an alien
creature? Or, like a werewolf, is it actually the original victim, but infected and
mutated? These are questions for his comrades to try and answer.

The Sophont
This breed of xenomorph has a frightening level of intelligence that puts it well
above that of animal instinct. Although not comparable to human intelligence, the
sophont xenomorphs are able to plan, predict, think, deduce and remember… Unlike
typical xenomorphs, the sophonts should be able to open doors, select machinery to
sabotage, plan ambushes, even use simple human tools. They cannot communicate
with humans … as far as we know …

Xenomorph Sophont
120 Kg Str 18 (+4) Dex 17(+3) End 9 (+1) Int 3 (-1) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End roll to avoid
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

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The Spider
This breed looks radically different, the spider is not bipedal, but has six radially
symmetrical legs, joined at a central core with a typical xenomorph head. The spider
is an incredible climber and can leap further than the standard breed. In size the
spider is smaller and can tackle tight tunnels, crawlways and access vents. Spiders
may sometimes appear as an extra stage in the lifecycle, a type of drone that
constructs, maintains and guards the nest whilst dragons leave the nest to forage for
food and fresh hosts.

Xenomorph Spider
80 Kg Str 11 (+1) Dex 18(+4) End 9 (+1) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 7
Weapons: teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End roll to avoid
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

The Spitter
This breed is able to spit blood out of skin sacs within its own mouth. A terrestrial
example of this is the horned lizard (phrynosoma) which can shoot blood from its
flooded sinuses and out its eye sockets in order to terrify attacking predators. Of
course the blood of the xenomorph is a hydrofluoric acid and the spray of acid can
kill or maim the spitter’s victim. The spit attack is similar to a Pistol attack, doing
1D6+1 damage initially. A splash or spurt of this will cause 1D6 damage per round
for the next two rounds.

Xenomorph Spitter
120 Kg Str 18 (+4) Dex 17(+3) End 9 (+1) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: acid spit (1D6+1); teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End
roll to avoid Paralysis)
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

The Squid
This xenomorph breed is radically different from the norm, the dragon stage has two
legs but no tail or arms. Instead the squid has six 2m long tentacles growing from its
shoulders with which it can grasp prey, hang from the ceiling, entangle foes, and so
on. The use of these tentacles often allows the xenomorph to immobilize a victim
before it is killed, or to carry out multiple crushing attacks. Once caught, tentacles
do 1D6+1 damage each round (+1 for every additional tentacle being used).

Xenomorph Squid
120 Kg Str 18 (+4) Dex 17(+3) End 9 (0) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (2D6+2); tentacle grab (Average [0] Strength roll to avoid
being caught, -1 for every additional tentacle being used)
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

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The White-Body
White-body xenomorphs are pale and ghostly in appearance with rounded, shorter
heads. They have incredibly flexible bodies that can be squeezed almost flat, and
joints that are able to bend and twist. White bodies can squeeze down pipes and
even through gaps under doors (not pressure doors, obviously).

Xenomorph White-Body
100 Kg Str 16 (+3) Dex 17(+3) End 9 (+1) Int 1 (-2) Inst 12 (+2)
No. Appearing: varies Speed: x2 (12m/rd) Armor: 9
Weapons: teeth (2D6+2); Stinger+1 (2D6 or V/Difficult End roll to avoid
Attack: 6+ Flee: 3-

The Xeno-Zombies
Within the nest of this particular alien breed, the human hosts are not entirely
dispensed with to become meat for the dragons. In a similar vein to the puppeteers,
the impregnators implant into the host a stunted embryo alongside the active
serpens embryo. Once the serpens bursts from the host’s chest, killing him or her,
the second dormant embryo springs to life, and by releasing powerful and
(ultimately destructive) alien enzymes is able to animate the body of the host. This
breed may have evolved on a world where native predators invaded the nest and
posed a threat to xenomorph eggs. Any human rescue party entering a nest like this
may have to contend with fighting off the zombified bodies of their missing
comrades. Such a situation may present great psychological as well as physical
challenges. To kill a zombie, all of its original physical characteristic values must be
reduced to zero – and even then a canny referee may want that controlling embryo
to erupt out as a mini-serpens and either continue the attack, or flee in order to
grow into a dragon. Such is the ferocity of a zombie’s self-sacrificing attack that it
inflicts 1D6+3 points of damage when it hits.

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The perfect organism - its structural perfection is matched only by its

hostility. It is a survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse or
delusions of morality.
How do the player characters kill the xenomorphs? And how does the referee use
the xenomorph to kill the player characters?

Humans Versus Aliens: The dragon is not invincible. A 4D6 shotgun blast does an
average of 14 points of damage, if that hits a dragon you can subtract 9 points of
armor which leaves 5 points to hit the beast, lowering its End to only 4. Another shot
will reduce it to zero. It can be hurt!

 Reducing End to zero = no visible effect

 Reducing End and a second value to zero = retreat*
 All three values at zero = dead

*An alien cannot be knocked unconscious, but will instead retreat at top speed to
find shelter and recover its health (at 1 point per 10 minutes)

Remember that acid splashes will occur - especially dangerous to the shooter if
engaging at Close (<3m range). In addition, dragons move swiftly, and gunmen
shooting at a moving xenomorph suffer a DM of -2.

Aliens Versus Humans: Xenomorphs are ambush predators and can easily hide in
shadowy areas (such as the colony complex). They are almost never surprised,
giving them an initial Initiative of 12 + 4 = 14. The referee may allow a character’s
Tactics or Recon skill to lower a xenomorph’s initial (ambush) Initiative – simulating
the training of someone wary of walking into an ambush. With that first round of
surprise the dragon can:

 Attack with claw or teeth +4 to hit, 2D6+2 damage

 Attack with stinger +4 to hit, special damage
 Grab (dragon and victim both make Natural Weapons roll; dragon is 2D6+4;
success means the victim is grabbed by the dragon’s claws and carried up
and away, while being stung)
 Disarm (dragon and victim both make Natural Weapons roll; dragon is
2D6+4; success means the victim’s weapon is knocked out of the hand by the

Dragons do not like to stand and fight to the death, unless defending a nest. A
simple snatch and grab is all they want to do, or attack a solitary victim they can
devour or take at their leisure. Typically there will be a sudden ambush attack,
followed in the next round by a sudden and very fast retreat (12m/combat round).

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I have seen the dark universe yawning

Where the black planets roll without aim,
Where they roll in their horror unheeded,
Without knowledge, or lustre, or name.
H.P. Lovecraft, Nemesis

This scenario involves the attack of three xenomorphs on a small mining colony of
around 40 people. The player characters are a visiting space crew who have arrived
at the spaceport to deliver supplies on their way back to Earth. Out of fuel, their
flight plan counted on them refuelling here on Paradise, a known source of unrefined
fuel (i.e. water). Unfortunately, the alien attack has already begun, the ice mining
halted and their chances of refuelling and getting off-planet are cut short. They need
to help the colonists survive the attack – the civilian miners and their families will
make repeated entreaties to the player characters to help them, lead them, organize
them – they are officers, after all!

The player characters are the crew of the USCSS Grendel, a 15,000-ton Hercules
class towing vessel. For a list of pre-generated Player Characters, see the crew of
the Hercules on pg. 301 of HOSTILE.

The alien breed involved is a puppeteer (see pg.20), and one of the ice mining staff
(who discovered 3 eggs in the ice) has an undeveloped, stunted embryo within her,
and she will hopefully be rescued by the player characters, going on to cover for the
xenomorphs, helping them kill more and more of the colonists. There is no plan to
build a nest – this is a foe that is purely motivated by a killing and eating frenzy. But
the xenomorphs are somehow aware that there are more eggs to be found in the ice
and are cocooning some of the colonists up as a source of food for the serpentis that
will hopefully emerge from those (as yet undiscovered) eggs.

The aim of the player characters is to either defeat the three xenomorphs with
shotguns or improvised weaponry, save as many colonists as possible and also get
the ice mining equipment working with the colonists’ help so that they can refuel the
Grendel and get out of there!

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The mining colony on Paradise is called Cody and sits on the twilight terminator
between the Bright and Dark Face. Here temperatures are bearable and the colony
has access to water-ice in the nearby craters. There are three parts to Cody: the
Colony Building (and an abandoned and gutted fusion reactor), the Escarpment
Mines and the Ice Mine. All require tractors (wheeled rovers) to move from one to
the other. Yesterday one of the ice miners, Jocelyn Burroughs, dug up three
xenomorph eggs in the ice crater and was impregnated by a ‘puppeteer’ embryo.
After it emerged she went on to infect her two fellow miners with the other eggs.
She then burned down the store building containing the egg cases and bodies of her
comrades to cover her tracks.

The three serpentis larvae moved across the landscape to the colony building in
order to feed. It is Sandstorm season and movement outside is difficult and
hazardous, their arrival will be unnoticed. Meanwhile, Burroughs prepares to leave,
but then notices the colony’s Cargo tractor pulling up outside. Committed to
concealing the existence of the xenomorphs for now, she concocts a story explaining
how her comrades had some mysterious illness that drove them crazy, their eyes
were bloodshot and they tried to kill her with their bare hands. She shot them both
with an industrial mining laser and ran out of the store shack, setting it on fire when
she saw them both rising up (as if from the dead). This story should hopefully put
the PCs on entirely the wrong track! This will make the appearance of xenomorphs,
later, that much more surprising.

“What’s the story, computer?”

The USCS Grendel TWV-116298 is a commercial towing vehicle

owned and operated by Braniff, one of the Leyland-Okuda family
of corporations. It has just dropped out of hyperspace in the
Gliese 250 system and is about to make a landing on the only
inhabited planet in the system, Paradise. Grendel has just
towed a 100,000-ton mining platform out to Alpha Pictoris on
the Frontier, and is now returning to Earth. It has supplies
for the 40-or so miners and their families on Paradise, and it
also needs to refuel from the ice mining station that the
colonists operate near to the colony complex.

 Haul the platform ECS Thule to Alpha Pictoris system √
 Assist in Thule’s landing and preparation √
 Flight to Gliese 250 system en route to Earth √
 Deliver 10 tons of vital supplies to colony on Paradise
 Refuel at Paradise, and return to Earth orbit

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[Morgan-Keenan Classification : K3V]

The primary star is a main sequence orange

dwarf star, while the smaller binary companion is
a red dwarf. The two stars are separated visually
by 58 arcseconds, which, at that distance
distance, is equivalent to about 500 AUs. Gliese
250 is the orange dwarf that is also known as HD
50281 or BD-05 1844 A. It is a main sequence,
orange-red dwarf (K3 V) that has 80 percent of
the Sun's mass, and roughly 78 percent of its


Celestial Body Distance Type UWP
from Star
Gliese 250 A - K3V Orange Star -
Paradise 50 Mkm Rocky Planet C150123-C
Vertigo 110 Mkm Icy Planet X601000-0
Talos 321 Mkm Icy Planet X3A3000-0
Cueball 464 Mkm Icy Planet X210000-0
Gliese 250 B 50,000 Mkm M3V Red Dwarf Star -

LOCATION: 9 parsecs out from Earth, in the Capella Extraction Zone (the Outer Rim)



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Paradise is a small, rocky planet that is tidally

locked toward Gliese 250. The world is dense
and its crust is composed of many carbonate
minerals, such as olivine, siderite and iron
carbonate. Although it is dry and barren,
Paradise supports a thin, breathable
atmosphere. Intense Vacuum Ultra-Violet (VUV)
radiation has disassociated oxygen from the
planet’s original carbon dioxide atmosphere.

The Bright Face is a hot desert with long

mountain chains (muros), isolated peaks
(torres) and dry stream beds (arroyos). The
Dark Face is an icy, frozen wilderness (the
UWP: C150123-C
The human colony is located on the terminator, Diameter: 2,000km
with Gliese 250 appearing on the horizon. Mass: 0.008 Earth masses
There are three seasons - each one month (32 Distance from Gliese 250 A: 50
days] long: Clear, Sandstorms and Dark (when million km
libration ‘wobble’ sees the sun drop below the Orbital period: 96.2 days
horizon). The colony is situated close to valuable Eccentricity: 0.014
water-ice reserves. Surface Gravity: 0.20G

Looking sunward from the colony on Paradise

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The Grendel enters the thin atmosphere of Paradise and touches down at the C-class
starport. A sandstorm is raging. The port looks abandoned, but well maintained.
Hangers are locked, lights in the terminal are off, the only parts that seem to be in
use are the two landing pads and their beacons, the adjacent warehouse and a
service building. There is a fuel pumping station there too, but the gauges show that
the tanks are low and need refilling. Signage at the port indicates that it once
belonged to, and was operated by, Tharsis Mining. Those days must be long gone
now, though, with only a small corner of the modern port still in operation.

Within ten minutes a six-wheeled tractor arrives pulling two cargo trailers. Two
colony workers, Leeman and Ferris, introduce themselves. The 10 tons of cargo from
the Grendel needs to be loaded on to the trailers using the port’s workloader and
forklift. Leeman explains that they have no fuel at the moment, it will take a couple
of days to process enough for the Grendel’s return trip. They ask the PCs to
accompany them to Cody (the colony complex) where they will be treated as guests,
and on the way they will stop at the Ice Mine where the PCs can give the three ice
miners the details of how much fuel they need. They cannot radio the mine because
of the electrical interference from the sandstorm, and the hardwired phone line to
the ice mine has broken (yet again!).

If the PCs do not want to go to the colony, be frank. There is no adventure on the
ship – but plenty of exciting stuff going on Paradise. And if they all stay on the ship,
the colonists are apt to forget about them and their fuel needs. The PCs may have
to stick around to make sure that ice gets mined quickly in order to get them off the
planet. Don’t let the party split up either. Everyone must leave the Grendel (at least
for now), don’t be rude to the colonists!

East of Cody sits millions of tons of water ice filling a crater with walls high enough
to shelter it from the cool rays of Gliese 250. An Ice Mine has been established here
in order to supply liquid hydrogen fuel and drinking water for the colony. Three
colonists man the station, and operate a small bucket wheel excavator, a processor-
melting station and integral pumping unit. The water is pumped along a pipeline to
Cody, the hydrogen is stored and the tank used as a fuelling station for visiting
tractors, excess is pumped out to the starport. There are three main buildings here:
the crew house/processor station, a store building and the fuel tank. A spare tractor
is parked here also.

As the PCs arrive through the sandstorm in the colony tractor, they see through the
dust clouds that one of the buildings (the store building) is on fire and black smoke
is billowing out from the flames.

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Supply House

Fuel Tank




Crew House – The crew house is the processing plant for the mine. An office and
bunk room (for four people) lead off from a central lounge/operations room. Access
down a corridor leads to the machinery hall where ice is melted and then purified for
the pipeline, or processed as liquid hydrogen for the fuel tank. The machinery is
noisy and fills the dark hall. The machinery is operating. Anyone investigating the
hall will see something moving in the shadows (Jocelyn), something that flits out of
sight. The PCs may have to search for her and forcibly hold her down to catch her,
she may even try to attack them with an industrial wrench out of ‘fear’.

Excavator – A huge bucket wheel excavator that can move independently (and
slowly) on tracks. It digs up ice with a rotating bucket wheel and transfers it via
conveyor pipe to the crew house. A monstrous machine, with a closed and heated
one-man operator’s cab.

Fuel Tank – A 1000-ton supply dump for liquid hydrogen that is manufactured by
the processor in the crew house. It is not pumped out of the crater, but stays here.
Tractors must drive down into the crater to refuel, or to transport tanks of fuel back
to the colony. There is fuel in it (150 tons), but not enough for the Grendel. Grendel
needs topping up with 2000 tons in order to have enough fuel for the trip back to
Earth. Fuel can be pumped via the fuel pipeline all the way to the C-type starport, 10
km away.

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Supply House – Currently on fire. If the fire can be brought under control, or the
PCs wait for a few hours, they will see charred bodies inside as well as burnt
machinery, spare parts, lockers and cabinets.

Water Pipeline – A lifeline for the colony, the Ice Mine’s purpose is to create fresh
water for the colony at Cody. It is pumped up out of the crater. A number of pumps
along the pipeline (powered by wind turbines) keep it flowing the 12 km to Cody.

Ice Miner Jocelyn Burroughs 778555 Age 30 3 terms

Ground Vehicle 1, Mechanical 1, Brawling 1 Wrench (as club, 2D6)

Jocelyn is distraught, flecked with blood and dirt. She looks exhausted. She says she
just wants to rest. Leeman and Ferris are very agitated, nothing like this has ever
happened before on Paradise, except when one of the miners took amphetamines
on his shift and went crazy, killing himself with a laser cutting tool. But that was a
couple of years ago … The two colonists want to get back to Cody immediately, and
get Burroughs checked out by the doctor; its only a 15 minute drive through the
sandstorm. If the PCs insist on having their fuel situation dealt with, then the
colonists will state bluntly that without a crew to run the machinery, there will be no
fuel. A new crew will have to be assigned once the colony has dealt with this

Cody is a fairly self-contained modular colony complex that has been constructed on
the site of an old Tharsis Mining facility. Tharsis initially established a prospecting
and surveying site, complete with fusion reactor, here in 2202. After only 8 years
and despite the presence of lithium-rich spodumene as well as zabuyelite (a rare
form of lithium carbonate), it decided that the profits to be gained were not worth
further investment; Tharsis abandoned the colony facility and gutted the fusion plant
of machinery.

Cody was established within the buildings left by Tharsis. Water is pumped into
storage tanks from an Ice Mine facility 12km distant whilst power is provided by a
series of wind turbines on the ridge overlooking the facility. Back-up fuel cells are
also installed, and these require topping up with liquid hydrogen fuel that can be
transported overland from the Ice Mine. Most food is shipped in three times each
year, but the colony does have two large greenhouses 100 meters from the colony
complex. Each is made of an inflatable transparent polymer and includes a spacious
airlock to maintain a high internal temperature and to prevent dust and sand from
contaminating the soil. Fruits and vegetables are grown in these greenhouses by two
part-time gardeners from the Food & Leisure group (see overleaf). Miners leave
Cody each morning in four tractors to work in the old Tharsis mines on the
Escarpment, 9 km away. They return at 5:00 pm.

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The colony at Cody was not sponsored by a corporation or government, the license
was purchased by a co-operative of experienced miners and their families who
wanted to try their luck with a freelance endeavour. Yuri Ridell, a veteran miner who
bequeathed his multi-million dollar fortune to the enterprise gave his name to the
venture. The Ridell Co-operative is an equal share operation involving 12 couples
and 9 individuals. Each adult is an experienced miner or mining support worker, no-
one here is time-wasting or ‘just along for the ride’. The Co-operative has bargained
a contract with Braniff Starline to haul out their ore every two months and resupply
the colony three times each year.

As a co-operative, Cody does not follow the organizational table given on page 120
of HOSTILE. Instead the colonists all have an equal say in monthly meetings, all
vote on issues and form committees or working groups to try and solve certain
problems or tackle long-term projects. Each year an executive is voted in, this
comprises a Chief, a Deputy and an Assistant Deputy. This community leaders make
decisions on their own, check on tasks and projects and essentially act as conduits
for complaints, problems, snags or news. Often they will put important decisions to
the vote. None of the offices can be held by the same individuals in the following

Personnel at Cody are divided roughly into four main working groups: Mine
Operations (18 people), Engineering (power, heating, fuel, water, recycling – 5
people), Technical Support (tractor maintenance, computers and radios – 4 people)
and finally Food & Leisure (food supply and prep, education, entertainment – 4
people). A full-time doctor and nurse form a 2-man Medical group. The total
population of Cody is 33 adults and 21 children.

Who knows what the PCs will be looking for as a tool or weapon when they decide
to intervene? The colony has the following items (amongst many more mundane
objects) at its disposal:

 4 tractors used by the miners to reach the Escarpment

 1 cargo tractor with two flatbed trailers
 1 tractor fitted with hydrogen transport tank, used by the ice miners
 1 tractor runabout at the colony
 1 tractor currently unserviceable
 No armor
 Two stunguns, 2 ballistic vests (AV 5), no firearms
 Zenith Uplink Transmitter to the Hyperwave Relay Satellite in Orbit
 Model/2 IBN Professional Computer Workstation
 Lots of survival equipment (see page 161 of HOSTILE)
 Lots of tools (see page 164 of HOSTILE)
 Autodoc in sickbay

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The Seonwu Firefox Tractor is used as a multi-purpose all-terrain vehicle in the Off-
World Colonies. It can carry a team of up to eight workers (including two
driver/operators) into harsh environments and within a deadly atmosphere. Each is
fully enclosed and capable of sustaining eight people for one week in a vacuum,
high or low temperature environment or in unbreathable atmospheres. It provides
some protection from radiation, but cannot survive the crushing pressures and
metal-melting temperatures of a corrosive or insidious atmosphere (types B and C).
A compact kitchen is built-in, along with a chemical toilet, air and water recycling
system. It has a 2,000 kg cargo area, and at the rear, power couplings to accept
any of the following tools: digging tools ($25,000), cutting tools ($10,000), geology
bore drills and samplers ($100,000), spring stampers ($50,000), welders ($10,000),
dozer blade ($20,000), heavy telescopic crane ($100,000) or manipulator arms
($50,000). Each of these is interchangeable, requiring around 2 hours work, a winch
and some technical knowledge. The tractor is powered by a 1000 kW fuel cell.
Maximum speed is 135 kph and range around 1200 km.

Vehicle Brand Leader dTon Agi Spd C/P Armr Hull/ Wpns Cost ($)
(kph) Struc
Colonial Seonwu 8 +2 135 2/6 6 1/2 None 60,000
Tractor Firefox Tractor

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For up to four hours, the PCs will find Cody a pleasant place. Yes, the interior is
quite stark and industrial, but the people are nice and friendly and there are kids
around who all seem polite and well-mannered. Cody is a well-run, well-organized
place where everyone knows what they are doing and why. A couple of people offer
to bunk up with friends to give the PCs a couple of rooms to spend the night in, and
they are all given a quick tour by the current Chief, Mirriam Chekovnik. Everyone
says ‘hi’ and opens doors for them - these colonists certainly seem to respect Off-
World space crews! They’re very different from the miners and their families that the
PCs are used to meeting… Chekovnik wants to go and meet her Deputy Carl
Shepard, and plans to hold an emergency co-operative meeting tonight at 6:00 pm
(when most of the miners are back from their shift at the Escarpment) – of course
the PCs are welcome to attend.

What the PCs do next is up to them. The colonists (and the chief) seem to defer to
their new visitors, and they have a free run of the place. Burroughs is in sickbay
being tended by Doctor Marian Lazarus, a grouchy little woman in her 50’s. Her
analysis, aided by the autodoc, is that Burroughs is in shock, but that she is well and
uninfected by any malign disease. If the PCs ask about anything ‘inside’ Burroughs,
Lazarus will sarcastically retort that she checked that with the autodoc – it cost
enough money, why wouldn’t she use it?? There doesn’t seem to be any foreign
body inside the woman. If the PCs managed to recover part of one of her attackers,
Lazarus can state that there were no drugs or virus remaining within their system –
that she could detect. And she’s good, you know? What else is there to do?

 Send a message to Earth – it will take 9 days to reach Earth

 Eat – at 1pm the chimes are sounded for the First Dinner Sitting (there are
two sittings each mealtime)
 Research – their temporary room has a terminal. What do you want to know?
Anyone looking into Tharsis records with Computer 1 or greater will find that
there were three mysterious deaths at the Tharsis complex just prior to the
enterprise being shut down in 2210. If the player makes an Average (0)
Computer roll, he or she will discover that the victims were working in the ice
crater, mining fresh water at the time. Nothing else is available on this
 Talk to People – Talk away. The colonists are helpful and chatty, but very
busy! Perhaps the PCs ask about the suicide two years ago. Unfortunate, that.
A younger miner, aged 26 had amphetamines smuggled in and secretly took
them, even while on the job. Two others were found to be taking them, but
all that was stopped by the chief at the time. The youth, Arel Dickinson, is
buried in the cemetery nearby (alongside 9 other graves of accident victims
and patients with untreatable illnesses).

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After four hours at the colony complex, the attacks of the three xenomorphs are
noticed and chaos is imminent. The following events occur - what the PCs do,
where they go and what effect they may have on some of these events is all up to
the referee …

4:00 hours A PC talking to an NPC hears a com call “Do you know where the
Chief is? I can’t get hold of her. She’s not answering the comm.”
4:10 hours Two colonists drag the Deputy Carl Shepard to the medbay, he’s been
attacked by an animal and is bleeding profusely. No-one saw it. It
must be native to Paradise. He is delirious. The Chief’s security badge
was on the floor next to him, but she is missing.
4:15 hours Craig McGruder, the Assistant Deputy finds the PCs. An airlock is open
and the sandstorm is blowing in. He thinks an animal from the surface
got in to the colony complex and attacked the Deputy. The Chief is
missing, has she wandered outside? Is she injured? McGruder is not
sure what to do and defers to the PCs. “What about you? You’re an
officer. How about showing us a little leadership?”
4:30 hours Radio call from the garage. Garbled. Frightened. Anyone getting to
the garage finds two colonists half eaten. Blood smeared across the
floor and on the side of the out-of-action tractor.
4:40 hours Busy with the Deputy, Doctor Lazarus does not notice Burroughs
slipping out of the medbay (if possible) to help the xenomorph attack.
4:50 hours Fire alarm goes off for the kitchen. One man is dead, half eaten, the
other is being eaten alive by a fully-grown xenomorph. If disturbed, it
jumps on to a counter than up into the air vent. The fire catches hold
of propane cylinders and explodes doing 2D6 to anyone in the kitchen
unless an Average Dexterity roll can be made to get out quickly. The
Hab block is on fire.
5:00 hours The PCs are now probably aware of what they are dealing with. Panic
should set in.

What follows should be panic amongst the colonists. They are being attacked
piecemeal, killed and half-eaten by a xenomorph before it flees down a corridor or
into an overhead air vent. Some colonists evacuate to the dining hall for safety. The
comms channel is filled with terrified civilians asking for help… people are asking if
anyone has seen X or Y. Not everyone can be accounted for, some people are
missing (they have been taken under the fusion reactor and into the tunnels to the
mines where they are being cocooned). One xenomorph is at the mine already,
killing the miners in short order. Another is ferrying bodies to the mine from the
colony complex. The third is hunting colonists at Cody, killing some, snatching others
and handing them to xenomorph number two for transport to the mine.

The PCs will probably assume that there is a single xenomorph on the loose (at least
at first).

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By 5:30 hours, most non-mining colonists and their children, amounting to 10 adults
and 15 children (5 adults and 6 children are currently missing) are camped out in the
dining hall together, frightened and desperate.


What do the PCs plan to do?

 They have shotguns at the Grendel (or did they bring the shotguns with them
to Cody?) and they could certainly be used to try to shoot the xenomorph.
But first you need to hunt it and kill it before it kills you. A tough proposition.
 They will probably assume there is just one.
 They do not know that Burroughs is there to help the xenomorph and is
immune to any attack from the creature. If they found out, the fact might
help them get close to the alien creature without being harmed.

Burroughs may just ‘show up’ unexpectedly and state that she was chased by
‘something’ but eventually made it back. Once with the PCs she can sow
disinformation and maybe even sabotage their plans (and those shotguns!). If
discovered, she will fall over and go into fit, the ‘stunted’ larva being vomited up
from her throat within a few seconds. It will flee into a vent or corridor, or if
cornered, it will attack. Burroughs will be completely normal after the embryo has
left her and will even be able to give them additional information (such as the fact
that there are three xenomorphs on the loose, and that they are cocooning some
colonists in the mines for food later).

The referee will have to react to the plans of the PCs, dropping the xenomorph on
them only when it is least expected. Attack with surprise for a free attack. Attack
PCs who are on their own. Remember the paralysis attack of the xenomorph, knock
out a PC and cocoon him or her, forcing the other PCs to mount a rescue operation
to the mines.

Improvise. Keep the PCs nervous and uptight. Force them to expect an attack at any
minute. If they do kill the xenomorph, have a second xenomorph attack immediately
after when their defences are down! Advice on running a horror scenario can be
found on pages 204-208 of HOSTILE, if you have that book.

Be relentless, but bide your time and choose your moment. And don’t forget to use
the colonists to best effect. The brave hero who goes out to search for his missing
child, the child who disappears - intent on locating the family dog, and the mother
who wants that child back! So many people to look after … people who need to be
protected from themselves …

Doctor Lazarus may prove to be made of sterner stuff, and a useful ally:

Doctor Marian Lazarus 355BB9 Age 50 8 terms

Medical 3, Investigate 2, Admin 1 , Computer 1

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At some point a PC or child or colonist will be snatched and vanish, paralyzed, into
the air-ducts or down a corridor. Will the PCs try and get them back? No-one wants
to go outside into the sandstorm; visibility is reduced to 3 meters or less, making
everyone vulnerable to a xenomorph attack without warning.

If a PC asks about the old colony or about how the alien/s are taking victims to the
Escarpment mines, then someone might pipe up with the answer: “Oh, it might be
using the old Tharsis tunnel…” - “What?!”

“The fusion reactor was abandoned and gutted, it is a huge shell today, you can
walk around inside of it. It is only 50 meters from Cody’s main lock. But to power the
mining equipment at the Escarpment in all weathers, Tharsis dug a tunnel from the
reactor the whole way, 9 km, to the Escarpment mines. The tunnel is still there, but
sealed off with a concrete plug on the floor of the reactor.”


A PC may want to investigate this tunnel. If they brave the sandstorm and the
chance of a xenomorph attack in the gutted shell of the huge reactor plant, they find
the tunnel entrance alright, dug open recently, very recently, by human hands … a
portable laser mining drill and a pair of work gloves has been left abandoned next to
the meter-wide hole cut into the concrete floor. (Obviously, this was Jocelyn
Burroughs’ first job after she slipped out of the medbay – that is, if she managed to
get away from under the gaze of Dr. Lazarus and the PCs). If she didn’t then the
hole was dug by claws…

The tunnel is rock cut, it is

illuminated by a string of
stuttering neon strip lights doing
their best to stay on throughout
the length of the tunnel.
Sometimes they will go off for
1D6 minutes. At other times they
will stay on. PCs may encounter a
child’s shoe, an adult’s wristwatch
or a baseball cap sporting the
Ridell Co-Op logo; maybe they
find a sticky patch of alien slime
… they are definitely on the right
track here … a xenomorph attack
during one of those blackouts
might be possible, although the Skin shed by a growing xenomorph
alien will have no quick method of
escape. The walk through the
tunnel will take TWO hours.

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Tailings dumped outside of the Escarpment Mine

The 9 km tunnel ends at a long, wide underground gallery, some 300m long and
20m wide. A ramp leads up on the right hand side to an upper gallery, with
entrances into seven distinct horizontal tunnels that have been drilled into the
Escarpment by Tharsis. Each has industrial signage, marking them as Sites 1 though
7. There is equipment scattered about, fusion generators, reels of cable, laser drills,
tool kits, electric buggies, gloves, helmets … bodies… yes, there are bodies here, of
miners, partially eaten, perhaps seven or eight, dismembered and disembowelled – a
What Are They Mining? horrendous sight for any living
Zabuyelite is the natural mineral form of colonist that has accompanied the
lithium carbonate. It forms colorless vitreous PCs this far. Signage at the far end
monoclinic crystals. Spodumene, meanwhile, of the gallery marks the ramp out
is a pyroxene mineral consisting of lithium of the mine to the surface, where,
aluminium inosilicate, LiAl(SiO3)2 – it is a
source of lithium.
presumably the miners’ four
tractors are still parked.

The xenomorphs are cocooning the colonists within the tunnel of Site 6, around
100m further in. The entire 100 meters of the tunnel is covered with secreted resin,
and the temperature here is much warmer than it should be, soon enough the PCs
will find unconscious colonists, cocooned and paralyzed. Unbeknownst to the player
characters, none of these colonists have been impregnated with eggs, in fact there
are no eggs to be seen and no spider-like impregnators, either. These colonists will
be cocooned so well that they will essentially be mummified, waiting patiently for the
rest of the xenomorph eggs from the Ice Mine to be discovered and brought to this
location. How long will that be? Hours or days, if Jocelyn Burroughs remains
undetected, but if the colony is abandoned, then maybe years, decades or even
centuries …

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For a start, there are NO WEAPONS at Cody. There are, however, two pump
action shotguns on the Grendel. They certainly aren’t modern-style automatic
shotguns, but still, they pack a punch. In addition there are assorted tools scattered
around the facility, including two laser drills which may have some use against the
xenomorphs. The referee might even want to try to take these shotguns away from
the characters. Use Jocelyn Burroughs!

Shotguns: A shotgun does 4D6 damage to any target within short range (12m),
but if firing at a target or group of targets at Medium (50m) or Long range (250m),
the shot has its damage reduced to 2D6. Beyond Close range (3m), though it is
difficult to hit a target. especially one as fast moving as the xenomorph. The shotgun
has 5 shots.

Laser Drill: This heavy and unwieldy tool is not designed for combat, and only a
character with Strength of 8+ can use it as a weapon. No character (not even a
player character!) will have any skill in combat with this item, resulting in an
automatic -3 to attack with the laser drill.

Weapon Cost Wgt RoF Range Dmg Type Rds

Laser Drill $2000 8 kg 1 See below 4D6 E 5
Shotgun $780 3kg 1 See below 4D6 P 5

Weapon Personal Close/3m Short/12m Medium/50m Long/250m

Laser Drill Difficult -2 Average 0 Average 0 Difficult -2 Very Difficult -4
4D6 dmg 4D6 dmg 4D6 dmg 4D6 dmg 4D6 dmg

Shotgun Difficult -2 Average 0 Difficult -2 Difficult -2 Very Difficult -4

4D6 dmg 4D6 dmg 4D6 dmg 2D6 2D6

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The colony complex of Cody, on the planet Paradise, was initially constructed for
Tharsis Mining by Tharsis Heavy Industries (Off-World Division). It was constructed
with accommodation for around 100 miners with some families living on station
(typically those of management, security and supervisors). The colony complex is a
perfect example of Tharsis’ J-Series Modular Colonies. Shipped across interstellar
space in pieces, the colony is assembled quickly and to a set build-plan that
minimizes time, waste and energy. The J-Series is found throughout the American
Sector, with additional Hab blocks, Power blocks and so on, being shipped out and
attached as the colony grows. Upper limit of this kind of modular facility is around
500 personnel.

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A Zenith Uplink transmitter dish is sited here, and allows contact with the hyperwave
relay satellite in orbit. This allows the colony to contact Earth (although a one-way
transmission will take 9 days). There are other antennas with receiving and
transmitting equipment here too, used when sandstorms abate. Landline phones
are used to keep in touch with the mines.


This usually serves as an entrance and reception area from the colony’s landing pad,
with warehouse, office, check-in station and shuttle ready-room. On Cody the
starport is distant, and so this area is instead used purely as a storage and
warehouse facility – the corridor leading instead to the big fusion plant nearby (now
shut-off and deactivated).

There are three Hab blocks at Cody, but only the blocks either side of the Comms
Block are in use. Hab 3, sitting between Power and Technical, is currently shut down
and mothballed – the Ridell Co-operative don’t have the numbers of people requiring
the use of a third hab. It is shut off to preserve electricity and cooling requirements,
although the corridor running through it is still used daily as a cut-through between
Power and Technical. Each Hab block is a little community of around 20 people,
living in single- or family- rooms clustered around the dining hall and associated
kitchen. A lounge behind the kitchen serves as a common room where families and
miners can mix. The dining hall serves meals three times a day, with snacks and
drinks available at all times.

The central headquarters for the colony; here is the control room, offices for the
management, admin staff and key services, such as the med-bay, life support
machinery, Model/2 IBN computer and central supply store. A small security section
is included, complete with a prison cell and armoury (holding two stun guns, two flak
vests and nightsticks and plenty of torches and handcuffs). The Operations block
includes an airlock and large equipment and prep area for trips to the surface.

Crucial to every colony is the Power block, where electrical energy is generated in
order to keep the colony alive. Here, also, are chemical stores, climate control,
sewage and recycling plants and of course oxygen production and recycling. On
some colony worlds, including Paradise, the oxygen plant is not required to be
operational. An operations center used to monitor all of the colony’s power and life
support systems sits at the center of the block.

The Technical block houses workshops, garages for rovers and ATVs and all
maintenance and repair facilities. It includes an airlock for trips out on to the
surface of Paradise. A school room is included in this block, and this typically serves
as a meeting place, or conference room when not being used to educate the
colony’s children.

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High Guard System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.
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Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch
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Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

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16. The xenomorph rules and statistics in Alien Breeds are all Open Game Content. Names,
companies, the Tractor and the details of planets that are all part of the Hostile setting are NOT OGC.
Hostile is copyright Zozer Games © 2018 Zozer Games; Author Paul Elliott.

NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-Caltech

By Kalyanvarma - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum), CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

By Rooster [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons (Ithaca Shotgun)


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