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Readings in Philippine History

PROF. Gravo, Rachel Ann

Answer: I Choose Reaction Paper
After learning the topics in module 03 and some activities I have focused on a specific topic in
the module. The "Cavite Mutiny" specially the execution of the 3-founding father
(GOMBURZA). I registered how exceedingly inhuman the Spanish colonists are for their
treatment towards Filipinos. The story of Gomburza was one of the many incidents which had
inspired Rizal to stand up for our country. In which without whom we may not have achieved
liberty thus acknowledge the video. The GOMBURZA are a trio of priest known as Mariano Gomez, Jacinto
Zamora and Jose Burgos who were considered now as martyrs to the cause of Philippine independence. These
priests were executed on 17thof February 1872 at Bagumbayan, the same place where Rizal got
executed years after. The reason for GOMBURZA's execution was tied to the Mutiny in Cavite
where Filipino workers rebelled and fought for equality. The Spanish regime implicated the three
intellectual priests in connection to the Mutiny without sufficient evidence which only showed
how unjust the situation was and led to their barbaric execution. The execution only showcased
the Spaniards cruelty to Filipinos during that period and how disheartening the situation it is to
hear, particularly for the Filipinos that time that had to experience such acts, though it is only a
portion of the history from that period, it will suffice to be regarded as beyond misery.

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