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A farm is define as an area of land or a place together with its buildings which has a primary
per pose of growing crops and raising animals for consumption of meat, milk, etc.
Mulungushi university farm which is part of the school of Agriculture and natural resources
is situated in kapiri mposhi Zambia. It has several enterprises which are: cattle production
poultry-laying, piggery production and horticulture crop such as cabbage. In addition
irrigated maize is grown on the farm. Furthermore, the farm contains a water reservoir and a
pump house which severs in the storage of water and irrigation is applied enough to use of




On Wednesday the 1st November 2021. The piggery section were visited and viewed. Foot
bath are put in place for biosecurity for pig farmers which is the measures or rules to prevent
the introduction of diseases on a farm and spread of diseases or pathogens within the farm.
Remember that infection will always come from other pigs, people, shoes, feed, and pest.
Pigs where put in different units for proper selection of breeding. Those that farrowed where
place in a unit that is separate from the rest of the pigs where they can raise their piglets. The
piggery unit was well ventilated and drought free. Boars where put in separate unit for those
intended for breeding. Young boars were also put in separate unit for proper growth. Water
is provided in troughs of different ages.

The topic for castration was discussed. Castration is the removal or inactivation of the
testicles of male animal. Castration is usually done in young piglets of first week. The main
purpose of castration in pigs is to prevent boar taint, which is present in the meat of some
entire males once they reach puberty. Castration improves meat quality i.e. no smelling of
meat, avoids inbreeding makes the animal docile and for easy handing.

Tail docking is a common industry practice in pork production to reduce tail biting in groups
of pigs. Tail docking avoid cannibalism. Teeth clipping the teeth of the young pig are clipped
as soon as possible after birth. If the teeth is not clipped the sows (month) udder may be

injured by the sucking piglets. Removal of the teeth also prevents the young pigs injuring
themselves while fighting or plying.

Mating system are the approach taken to pairing a boar and gilt or sow for mating in order
incorporate or maintain desired trait. Taking female to male 100 percent mating so that the
male mates, female will clamtise. Heat usually last 75hrs and hear returns after 21 days if
mating is not done. Vitamins and deworming were injected into muscle (inter muscular) 0.1-
1ml dosage. Following what the manufacture have been guided. Iron injection was practical
done successfully.


On Monday the 22nd of November, 2021. The cattle kraal and crush pen section were visited
and viewed. The crush is a strongly built stall or cage. The crush pen served the purposes of
restraining the cattle during pregnancy diagnosis. It also help in safety of the animal and the
animal husbandry i.e. veterinarians as they treat the animals. The overall purpose of the crush
pen was to hold cattle still in order for minimization of risk of injury to both the cattle and the
operator while work on the cattle. Operations like deworming, hand spraying of acaricides,
hand dressing (targeting of tick removal that did not successfully fall off during spraying) and
vaccinations are all practiced with the use of a crush pen. Clinical signs of heath cattle were
observed among the cattle during feed time. A cow with a good health has these
characteristics e.g. Fine coat, waging tail very alert, have a moist nose, bright eyes which are
not sunken, coordinated movement. In addition, at rest position the front legs are folded and
not stretched, chewing the cud when not eating they do not face the direction of the wind but
the opposite direction and rumbling of the abdomen. Dripping of cattle were one of the task
which were discussed. A dip tank is a constructed building with concrete and designed as a
narrow pathway which allow one animal to pass through at a time and leads to a plug filled
with which the animal swims through up till the other side. Would result in withdraw of milk-
down by the oxytocin hormone. The dip tank which have high initial investment cost but
when once established it is easy to maintain. In additional, it controls ticks effectively as
almost the whole body of an animal is submerged in the acaracides while the animal is
swimming through the deep tank.

Spray race is also important because you need to practice t spray all animals that are
susceptible to infection. These include cattle, pigs, sheep and goats. A spray race is confined
area which has a pipe system with many nozzles, which are fixed at certain positions and
particular angels. Animals get wetted as they pass through the length of the race with dip-
washed sprays coming through the nozzles. Important of spray race is that they do not cause
much sock to the animal when been sprayed unlike deep tank. They are not so much
expensive to set up. The disadvantages is that the nozzles have to be replaced frequently.


On the 10th of November, 2021. The layers section were visited. The layer stock which was
present was the Issa Brown layer. The layering section has been built in the North-South
direction. This prevents sunlight from entering the laying section and the layer were kept
under deep litter system. Foot bath are put in place for biosecurity for farmers, which is the
measures or rules to prevent the introduction of diseases on a farm and spread of diseases or
pathogens within the poultry house. However, before any vaccine is given, water is
withdrawn 2hrs. Gumboro and Newcastle vaccine administered to the old chicks. Gumboro
vaccine is given on day 12 or d14 and day 17 while Newcastle is given on day 14 and repeat
on day 21 or day 22. Stress pack is to the chicks to provide energy after vaccination.
Gumboro and Newcastle vaccine they all given as oral vaccines. No vaccination should be
given after day 22. When it comes to litter in layers can be charged when it gets wet or beings
caking, this can cause ammonia build up which to lead to respiratory problems and general
reduction in bird performance. 14 month of layering. Chicks from day 1 to 8 weeks are
known as brooders and are feed on chick’s mash which is high in proteins for the chicks to
have increase in growth. Lighting during this period is increased to 23hrs. At 8 weeks of age
the chicks grow to growers and the feed is gradually changed to grower mash. This is done
through the mixing of grower mash with chicks mash a week before entirely giving them
grower mash.


On 16th of November, 2021. The maize crop field were visited and weeding was done using hand
picking. Weeding is one of the most important practice in many crops. Weeding can be defined as the
removal of weeds (unwanted plants) from the field. Weeding is necessary because weeds compete
with main crop plant for the different factors such as water, sunlight, nutrients from the soil. Due to
unwanted plants, there is reduction in yield also. They reduce the value of produce or otherwise adds
the cost of cleaning. They damage the crop by affecting their growth. Weeds can harbor problem
insects and crop disease, making less effective tool for disease management. Weed control should
usually be done in an early crop stage, as this more practical. Weeding also helps to loosen the soil.
Water can infiltrate more rapidly and roots of the cultivation plants can develop in a better way. While
weeding control is important, keeping a few spots of weeds as a refuge will help to conserve the
ecosystem. Weed can be controlled mechanically or hand picking.


Farm practices were successfully carried out. The farm practices ensured a wider
understanding and application of the theoretical principles which were leant during the


The Mulungushi University farm experience was interesting. I would like to recommend the
mulungushi farm to renovate the crush pen by using metal or wooden barriers than using
barbed wire. I would also like to recommend to reconstruct the cattle kraal. The school farm
can incorporate student into the farm practices activities taking place at the farm by creating
schedule for 2sd , 3nd 4th years in order to again experience because agriculture is more about
practical not theoretical.


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