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ON 26TH NOVEMBER,2021. The planting Breeding class with their lecturer Mr BheBhe
went for a field trip to two places the Zambia Agriculture Research institute (ZAR) in
Chilanga and Organic farm 7 with an aim to learn on how to conserve maximum genetic
variability of the indigenous locally adapted in a gene banks and learn clean agriculture
practices through organic farming respectively. we arrived at Zambia Agriculture Research
Institute (ZAR) at 10hrs.They trip to ZAR was planned when the class was lectured on how
selection and crossing is done in plant breeding.
Trip Objective.
The objective of the trip was to get to know how Seeds of different varieties are conserved in
gene banks, improvement in particular thereby contributing to the ultimate purpose of
improving quality and purpose through conserving maximum genetic variability of the
indigenous variety, the indigenous variety is conserved in order to come up with an improved
variety and to avoid the indigenous variety from completely being destroyed by pests.The
collection of seeds at the Zambia Agriculture Research Institute started in 1979.

Field Observation.
We were guided by a team of 3 specialists explained in details about the process of
conserving a seed in a gene bank. Gene banks and seed banks can be set up at a local level, or
they can be set up on a national or even international level. The National Institute of
Germplasm (At Mount Makuru Agricultural Research Station) is one of the places where
seeds of different germplasm are stored. The seeds are stored in cold freezes at -20 degrees of
temperature. Before the seeds are stored they undergo the same process.

At the gene banks the first begin by collecting of the seeds from farmers’ fields, wild habitats
or markets, particularly in known centres of diversity, then securing materials of interest
through correspondence and exchange with other plant-introduction centres, gene banks,
individual scientists, private growers, seed companies or other germplasm suppliers. Manual
methods for cleaning seeds are used to wash the seeds then afters dried in the drier the
moisture content should be 4 – 7%, higher moisture makes the seeds not to be stored longer
in the fridge and seed extraction are used in order to maintain viability. Seeds from dry
dehiscent fruits (such as okra, rapeseed and sesame) can be extracted by spreading the fruits
on a tarpaulin under shade. The pulpy fruits (such as tomato and cucumber), have their seeds
carefully extracted by hand, then they are washed under running water to remove pulp and
mucilage, then they are spread on a thin layer to maximize aeration and allow them to dry in
the shade

Before packaging is done Germination test is carried out to ensure seed s viable, germination
test should be above 85%. The seeds are packed in Aluminium foil side-gusseted stand-up
pouches (one or two pouches) they are filled with the dried seed samples and sealed by a
pressured sealer with heat each package is given an identity number. Packages are re-sealable
and impermeable to air and moisture with the aid of the PI Impulse heat sealer. The seeds are
put in a row, column, level and box (sample within the box) which are identified by two–digit
numbers. Containers or glass jars are stored in an orderly fashion. Then finally they are stored
in cold freezes at -20 Celsius degrees. Seeds can be kept for 100 years for as long the
conditions are well applied.

After living the gene bank we took a walk outside in the field to see the different varieties of
sweet potatoes grown in the field, there about 200 varieties grown in the field. They Sorghum
field was also visited which was under an experiment of which the male part of the plant was
eliminated and the female part was to avoid self-pollination among the same variety of


The process of how seeds are kept and maintained in the genebank and the equipment were
Organic Farm 7

At organic farm 7 it was observed and seen that different herbs and plants are grown with
different cultivation methods. like intercropping, mulching and planting of cover crops. Herbs
which are a widely distributed and widespread plant were also seen. Herbs have a variety of
uses including culinary, medicinal, and in some cases, spiritual. Apart from herbs other plants
were also seen like strawberry, grapes and bananas to mention a few. The overall purpose of
organic farms 7 The main purpose of organic farms is to produce fruits that are free of
chemicals and synthetic fertilizers. We aim to produce nutritious and delicious fruits at an
affordable price, and to use crops that benefit each other.

Then fertilizer giving crops and plants were also seen .The farm uses Manure tea which is the

product of the manure of livestock being steeped in a bag submerged in water. This tea is

used for the fertilization of crops.

The process of making manure tea begins with the collection of manure. Manure of all

different types of livestock is used. The next step in the production of manure tea involves

fermenting and curing the manure that has been collected. The process involves storing the

manure in a location that is free from any type of run-offs, and it should lie below direct

sunlight. Once stored, this manure must be checked on and stirred up on a regular basis to

allow the even curing of the material. Once this manure is cured properly, destroying any

potentially harmful pathogens, it is then transferred into a steeping mechanism of choice. For

example, placing the manure in gunny sacks, then completely submerging these bags into a

bucket of water. Mulching is widely used to prevent loss of nutrients and moisture due to

evaporation. Planted plants contain repellent herbs that help reduce weeds, pests and diseases.

The section of Seedling Breeding and planted seeds are processed here until ready for

transport to the main field The farm also propagates plants like grapes through cuttings. It

also has a variety of plant seeds that are grown in a greenhouse.

Therefore, the ways and methods that are used in organic farming were seen and observed by

and the AGC 311 class.

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