Retromolar Space

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Original Paper

Med Princ Pract 2016;25:169–175 Received: March 24, 2015

Accepted: November 12, 2015
DOI: 10.1159/000442416
Published online: November 13, 2015

Assessment of Third Molar Impaction Pattern

and Associated Clinical Symptoms in a Central
Anatolian Turkish Population
Selmi Yilmaz a Mehmet Zahit Adisen a Melda Misirlioglu a Serap Yorubulut b
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, and b Department of Statistics,
Faculty of Science and Letters, Kırıkkale University, Kırıkkale, Turkey

Key Words 705 patients (335 males, 370 females), pericoronitis was more
Third molar impaction · Winter’s classification · Pain · prevalent in males (101; 30%) and usually related to lower third
Pericoronitis · Turkish population molars (236; 22%). The retromolar space was significantly
smaller in females (p < 0.05). Moreover, there was a significant
difference in retromolar space for the area of jaw (maxillary:
Abstract 11.3 mm; mandibular: 14.2 mm) and impaction level (A: 14.7
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the pattern mm; B: 11.1 mm; C: 10.3 mm; p < 0.05). Conclusion: The pattern
of third molar impaction and associated symptoms in a Central of third molar impaction in a Central Anatolian Turkish popula-
Anatolian Turkish population. Material and Methods: A total tion was characterized by a high prevalence rate of level C im-
of 2,133 impacted third molar teeth of 705 panoramic radio- paction with vertical position. Pain and pericoronitis were the
graphs were reviewed. The positions of impacted third molar most common symptoms usually associated with level A im-
teeth on the panoramic radiographs were documented ac- paction and vertical position. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel
cording to the classifications of Pell and Gregory and of Winter.
The presence of related symptoms including pain, pericoroni-
tis, lymphadenopathy and trismus was noted for every pa-
tient. Distributions of obtained values were compared using Introduction
the Pearson χ2 test. Nonparametric values were analyzed us-
ing the Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Tooth impaction is a pathological situation in which a
The mean age of the subjects was 30.58 ± 11.98 years (range: tooth cannot or will not erupt into its normal functioning
19–73); in a review of the 2,133 impacted third molar teeth, the position [1]. In human dentition, the third molars have
most common angulation of impaction in both maxillaries the highest impaction rate of all teeth [1]. The major fac-
was vertical (1,177; 55%). Level B impaction was the most com- tors related to tooth impaction are lack of space, limited
mon in the maxilla (425/1,037; 39%), while level C impaction skeletal growth, increased crown size and late maturation
was the most common in the mandible (635/1,096; 61%). Pain of the third molars [2]. Although impacted third molars
(272/705; 39%) and pericoronitis (188/705; 27%) were found may remain symptom free indefinitely, they could give
to be the most common complications of impaction. Among cause for various symptoms and pathologies, such as

© 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel Dr. Mehmet Zahit Adısen

1011–7571/15/0252–0169$39.50/0 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Faculty of Dentistry, Kırıkkale University
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applicable to the online version of the article only. Distribu-
tion permitted for non-commercial purposes only.
Color version available online
Level A Level B Level C

Fig. 1. Pell and Gregory classification. Level A: the occlusal plane of margin of the second molar (the highest portion of the impacted
the impacted tooth is at the same level as the occlusal plane of the third molar is below the occlusal plane but above the cervical line of
second molar (the highest portion of the impacted third molar is on the second molar); level C: the impacted tooth is below the cervical
a level with or above the occlusal plane); level B: the occlusal plane margin of the second molar (the highest portion of the impacted
of the impacted tooth is between the occlusal plane and the cervical third molar is below the cervical line of the second molar).

Color version available online

10 Vertical –10

Mesioangular Distoangular



Fig. 2. Winter’s classification. Vertical im-

paction: the long axis of the third molar is
parallel to the long axis of the second molar 100
(from 10 to –10°); mesioangular impac-
tion: the impacted tooth is tilted toward the
second molar in a mesial direction (from
11 to 79°); horizontal impaction: the long
axis of the third molar is horizontal (from
80 to 100°); distoangular impaction: the
long axis of the third molar is angled dis- 180
tally/posteriorly away from the second mo-
lar (from –11 to –79°); others (from 101 to

pericoronitis, pain, swelling, distal caries, bone loss, root portant variations which anticipate difficulty of extrac-
resorption of adjacent teeth, odontogenic cysts and tu- tion. Several methods have been used to classify impac-
mors [3]. It is considered that the occurrence of pathol- tion [4]. This classification is based on many factors,
ogy resulting from impaction has a multifactorial origin which are the level of impaction, the angulation of the
[4]. Eruption status, position and angulation have an im- third molars and the relationship to the anterior border
pact on these symptoms [4]. The decision whether or not of the ramus. The depth or level of maxillary and man-
to remove a mandibular third molar is probably one of dibular third molars can be classified using the Pell and
the most frequent treatment decisions in the dental pro- Gregory classification system, where the impacted teeth
fession [3, 5, 6]. Hashemipour et al. [7] had noted that the are assessed according to their relationship to the occlusal
anatomical position of impacted third molars shows im- surface of the adjacent second molar [2].

170 Med Princ Pract 2016;25:169–175 Yilmaz/Adisen/Misirlioglu/Yorubulut

DOI: 10.1159/000442416
Color version available online
proved by the administration of the Faculty of Dentistry. Exclusion
criteria were records of patients aged <19 years with any patho-
logical dentoalveolar condition, any craniofacial anomaly or syn-
drome such as Down syndrome, cleidocranial dysostosis or the
presence of incomplete records or poor-quality orthopantomo-
grams, incomplete root formation of third molars or absence of
adjacent second molars, a history of any dental extraction or orth-
odontic treatment. When reviewing panoramic radiographs, clin-
ical records of patients were also examined, and related symptoms
including pain, pericoronitis, lymphadenopathy (LAP) and tris-
mus were noted for every patient. All impacted third molar teeth
on panoramic radiographs were reviewed by a single examiner
(S.Y.) using a Cliniview 10.0.2 (Instrumentarium, Tuusula, Fin-
land) X-ray viewer to determine the levels of eruption and angula-
tions. In order to minimize the risk of false assessments caused by
fatigue, no more than 50 radiographs were evaluated at a time. The
depth of impacted lower third molars in relation to the occlusal
plane was recorded according to the classification of Pell and Greg-
ory (fig. 1). The angulation of an impacted third molar was docu-
mented based on Winter’s classification with reference to the angle
formed between the intersected longitudinal axes of the second
and third molars (fig. 2). The distance from the ramus to the distal
surface of the second molar (retromolar space) was also measured
(fig. 3).
Distributions of obtained values were compared using a Pear-
son χ2 test, using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 22
software. Distribution of retromolar space was tested for normal-
ity using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests. When the
retromolar space was not found to be normally distributed (p <
0.05), the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare 2-group
variables. The Kruskal-Wallis test and pairwise comparisons were
used to compare 3-group variables. One hundred panoramic ra-
Fig. 3. Retromolar space measurements on panoramic radiogra- diographs were re-evaluated after an interval of 1 week to measure
phy (red double-headed arrows; colors in the online version only): intraexaminer error. The Cohen kappa coefficient was found to be
a = line from the anterior limit of the mandibular ramus; b = line 91%.
from the posterior limit of the maxillary second molar; c = line
from the posterior limit of the mandibular second molar.

In previous studies on the Turkish population, the im-
pacted molars were examined retrospectively using only Of the 705 patients (mean age: 30.58 ± 11.98 years,
radiological findings that included caries, bone loss and range: 19–73) with at least 1 impacted third molar tooth,
periodontal damage [3], or the clinical symptoms were 335 (47.5%) were males and 370 (52.5%) were females;
evaluated only by comparing the status of eruption [8]. the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.187).
Hence, the aim of this study was to assess the third molar From the 705 patients, a total of 2,133 impacted third
impaction pattern comprehensively by examining the molar teeth was examined – maxilla: 1,037 (49%) and
status of eruption and angulation on panoramic radio- mandible: 1,096 (51%) –, and the difference was not sta-
graphs and relating them to the associated clinical symp- tistically significant either (p = 0.201). The distribution
toms in a Central Anatolian Turkish population. of third molars by level of impaction and angulation is
shown in table 1. The most common angulation of im-
paction in both maxillae and mandibulae was vertical.
Material and Methods Level B impaction was the most common in the maxilla
(425; 39%), while level C impaction was the most com-
A retrospective study was made of 705 patients (335 males and
370 females) with at least 1 impacted third molar detected on pan- mon in the mandible (635; 61%). The distribution of
oramic radiography at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial symptoms by gender and area of jaw is shown in table 2.
Radiology from February to August 2014. The study plan was ap- Pain (272; 39%) and pericoronitis (188; 27%) were the

Third Molar Impaction Pattern and Med Princ Pract 2016;25:169–175 171
Associated Symptoms DOI: 10.1159/000442416
Table 1. Distribution (numbers, percentages in parentheses) of third molar impaction by level of impaction and angulation

Level of impaction Angulation

A B C p value M D V H O p value

Maxillary impacts 272 (25) 425 (39) 399 (36) <0.01* 96 (9) 343 (33) 592 (57) 5 (0.5) 1 (0.1) <0.01*
Mandibular impacts 210 (20) 192 (19) 635 (61) 313 (29) 144 (13) 585 (53) 53 (5) 1 (0.1)
Total 482 (23) 617 (29) 1,034 (48) 409 (19) 487 (23) 1,177 (55) 58 (3) 2 (0.1)

* p < 0.05: statistically significantly different. M = Mesioangular; D = distoangular; V = vertical; H = horizontal; O = other.

Table 2. Distribution (numbers, percentages in parentheses) of symptoms by gender and area of jaw

Gender Area of jaw

male female total p value maxillary mandibular total p value
(n = 335) (n = 370) (n = 705) impacts impacts (n = 2,133)
(n = 1,037) (n = 1,096)

Pain 131 (39) 141 (38) 272 (39) 0.786 404 (39) 447 (41) 851 (40) 0.389
Pericoronitis 101 (30) 87 (24) 188 (27) 0.027* 16 (2) 236 (22) 252 (12) <0.001*
LAP 47 (14) 41 (11) 88 (12) 0.237 132 (13) 159 (15) 291 (14) 0.232
Trismus 36 (11) 35 (9) 71 (10) 0.571 103 (10) 125 (11) 228 (11) 0.271

* p < 0.05: statistically significantly different.

Table 3. Distribution (numbers, percentages in parentheses) of symptoms by level of impaction and angulation

Level of impaction Angulation

A B C p value M D V H p value

Pain 318 (37) 280 (33) 253 (30) <0.01* 173 (20) 240 (28) 408 (48) 30 (4) <0.01*
Pericoronitis 112 (44) 107 (42) 33 (14) <0.01* 75 (30) 64 (25) 101 (40) 12 (5) <0.01*
LAP 112 (38) 88 (30) 91 (32) <0.01* 61 (21) 75 (26) 148 (51) 7 (2) <0.01*
Trismus 87 (38) 84 (37) 57 (25) <0.01* 42 (18) 71 (31) 107(47) 8 (4) <0.01*

* p < 0.05: statistically significantly different. M = Mesioangular; D = distoangular; V = vertical; H = horizontal.

most common complications of impaction, followed by noted that most of the symptoms of pain (408; 48%),
LAP (88; 12%) and trismus (70; 10%). There was no sig- pericoronitis (101; 40%), LAP (148; 51%) and trismus
nificant difference in frequency of pain, LAP and trismus (107; 47%) were associated with vertically angulated
between genders and areas of jaw. Pericoronitis was third molars. The retromolar space was significantly
more prevalent in males (101; 30%) than females and was smaller in females (13.8 mm) than males (11.9 mm; p <
usually related to lower third molars (236; 22%). The dis- 0.05). Moreover there was a significant difference in ret-
tribution of symptoms showed significant differences by romolar space for the area of jaw (maxillary: 11.3 mm;
level of impaction and angulation (p < 0.01), as presented mandibular: 14.2 mm) and impaction level (A: 14.7 mm;
in table  3. The occurrence rate of symptoms showed B: 11.1 mm; C: 10.3 mm; p < 0.01; table 4). Pairwise com-
higher percentages for pain (318; 37%), pericoronitis parisons indicated that the retromolar space showed dif-
(112; 44%), LAP (112; 38%) and trismus (87; 38%) at lev- ferent results for impaction levels (table 5).
el A impaction than other impaction levels. Also it was

172 Med Princ Pract 2016;25:169–175 Yilmaz/Adisen/Misirlioglu/Yorubulut

DOI: 10.1159/000442416
Table 4. Means and SD of retromolar space (mm) by gender, area al. [4] from Spain reported level B as the most common
of jaw and level of impaction position of mandibular third molars. These differences in
angulation and level of impaction could be due to the dif-
Mean SD p value
ference in race, patient selection criteria and study popu-
Gender <0.01* lation. Hereof Richardson [16] and Ventä et al. [17] sug-
Male 13.8 5.63 gested that it would be inaccurate to predict the eruption
Female 11.9 2.85 or impaction of third molars before the age of 20 years
Area of jaw <0.01* because of continuous positional changes during further
Maxillary 11.3 4.41
Mandibular 14.2 2.65
Level of impaction <0.01* Pericoronitis is a soft tissue infection located around
A 14.7 2.12 the crown of a partially impacted tooth, whose appearance
B 11.1 3.14 implies the accumulation of microorganisms and food re-
C 10.3 1.86 mains [4]. The impact of gender on the development and
Gender and area of jaw assessed by the Mann-Whitney U test,
frequency of pericoronitis has been reported in the litera-
level of impaction by the Kruskal-Wallis test. * p < 0.05: statisti- ture. In the present study, we found a slight tendency in
cally significantly different. male patients for pericoronitis, but other symptoms
showed no gender predominance. In contrast, Bataineh et
al. [9] reported that pericoronitis cases were much more
frequently seen in female patients than male patients.
Likewise Yamalık and Bozkaya [18] found a predomi-
Table 5. Pairwise comparisons of impaction levels for the retromo-
lar space
nance of females for pericoronitis. However, Almendros-
Marqués et al. [4] and Akarslan and Kocabay [2] found no
Comparison Test Standard Standard p value Adjusted gender predominance for all complaints and pathologies.
groups statistics error test p value The finding of a higher prevalence rate of pericoronitis
for impacted third molars in this study confirmed the
C-B 564.601 31.245 18.070 <0.001* <0.001* previous studies of Jamileh and Pedlar [19] and Khawaja
C-A 1,021.125 34.374 29.706 <0.001* <0.001* [20] that pericoronitis was the most common indication
B-A 456.524 38.165 11.962 <0.001* <0.001* for removal of impacted mandibular third molars. A
probable explanation could be that pericoronitis is a com-
* p < 0.05: statistically significantly different. mon pathological condition of the mandibular impacted
In the present study, the observation that angulation
had a statistically significant impact on the development
Discussion of pericoronitis and other clinical symptoms confirmed
that vertical angulation was an important factor for the
This study showed a high prevalence rate of third mo- development of clinical symptoms. As previously sug-
lar impaction in the vertical position. This finding con- gested, Leone et al. [21] had reported that the third molars
firmed the previous studies of Almendros-Marqués et al. which were most likely to cause pericoronitis were verti-
[4], Bataineh et al. [9] and Hugoson and Kugelberg [10], cal and slightly distoangular teeth. On the other hand, in
who had reported that the most common angulation was the studies of Güngörmüs [22] and Kay [23] the majority
vertical. However, other studies had shown that the most of pericoronitis cases were reported to be involved with
common type was mesioangular impaction [11, 12]. The mesioangular impactions. Eventually, Polat et al. [3] sug-
level of impaction assessed based on the Pell and Gregory gested that most molars with pathoses were either in a
classification showed that level B impaction was the most vertical or in a mesioangular position, but this is because
common in the maxilla, similar to the study of Hassan [1], such positions have a higher frequency. In this regard,
while that of level C was the most common in the man- Murad et al. [24] suggested that these differences may be
dible. These findings conflict with most of the previous due to geographical variation related to diet.
studies that identified the most common position as level The eruption level of third molars has also an impact
A [7, 13, 14]. Further results also conflict with Blondeau on the development of clinical symptoms. In our study we
and Nach [15] from Canada, and Almendros-Marqués et observed that most of the impacted molars with pericoro-

Third Molar Impaction Pattern and Med Princ Pract 2016;25:169–175 173
Associated Symptoms DOI: 10.1159/000442416
nitis had erupted to the same level as the adjacent second increased. In accordance with our finding, Björk et al.
molar occlusal plane. Similar to our results, Halverson [29] reported that the space behind the second molar was
and Anderson [25] reported an association of pericoroni- reduced in 90% of cases with mandibular third molar im-
tis with the third molar tooth at or below the height of the paction. Ganss et al. [30] reported that when the retromo-
occlusal plane of the arch. Leone et al. [21] suggested a lar space is 13.9 mm in women and 14.3 mm in men, the
similar association with the third molar tooth at or above probability of eruption is 70%. Later on, Ventä et al. [17]
the occlusal plane. Ali et al. [26] suggested that these stated that if the retromolar space is at least 16.5 mm, the
depths are generally associated more frequently with soft probability of eruption is 100%. With reference to these
tissue impaction, forming a cuff over partially erupted studies and our results, we can suggest that third molar
teeth and starting pericoronitis. teeth may be impacted if the retromolar space is lower
Third molars are the teeth that most commonly follow than 13.8 mm for males and 11.9 mm for females in the
an abortive eruption path and become impacted. Lack of Turkish population.
space seems to be the major cause of abortive eruption.
However, eruption cannot be guaranteed despite ade-
quate space available in the jaw [27]. The development of Conclusion
space for the third molar is governed by many factors,
including resorption of bone from the anterior border of The pattern of third molar impaction in a Central Ana-
the ramus, backward slope of the anterior border of the tolian Turkish population was characterized by a high
ramus in relation to the alveolar border, forward move- prevalence rate of level C impaction with vertical posi-
ment of the dentition, growth in length of the mandible tion. Pain and pericoronitis were the most common
and sagittal direction of mandibular growth [28]. In the symptoms usually associated with level A impaction and
present study, we found a significant difference in retro- vertical position. Male patients with an impacted lower
molar space for levels of impaction. Also the retromolar third molar had a tendency to develop pericoronitis. The
space seemed to decrease while the impaction level was retromolar space influenced the impaction level.

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