Gordon's Functional Health Patterns

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Navigation Section C: Comprehensive patient assessment >

Assessment requirements overview
Marjorie Gordon's 11 functional he
 Student clinical guidelines
 Section A: Core competencies Marjorie Gordon proposed functional health patterns as a guid
pertinent client assessment information (Jones, 2013). These
 Section B: Learning objectives
approach to data collection, and enable the nurse to determin
 Section C: Comprehensive patient order to plan required nursing care for their clients.
o Marjorie Gordon's 11 functional health Consider the questions that you will need to ask your client to
11 functional health patterns. Once you have the information,
type it into a separate document and up-load that to this page
o Head-to-toe physical assessment
o Safe handling - LITE assessment Health perception and health management: Data collectio
o Mini mental state examination (MMSE) well-being, and on practices for maintaining health. Habits tha
 Section D: Medical diagnosis
including smoking and alcohol or drug use. Actual or potential
be identified as well as needs for modifications in the home or
 Section E: Prescribed medications
 Section F: Nursing care plan Nutrition and metabolism: Assessment is focused on the pa
 Section G: Vital signs need. The adequacy of local nutrient supplies is evaluated. Ac
 Section H: Reflective journal integrity, and host defences may be identified as well as probl
o What is reflection and how do I reflect?
Elimination: Data collection is focused on excretory patterns
 Completion incontinence, constipation, diarrhoea, and urinary retention m

Activity and exercise: Assessment is focused on the activitie

self-care activities, exercise, and leisure activities. The status
is evaluated, including the respiratory, cardiovascular, and mu

Cognition and Perception: Assessment is focused on the ab

sensory functions. Data pertaining to neurological functions ar
as pain and altered sensory input may be identified and furthe

Sleep and rest: Assessment is focused on the person's sleep

patterns, fatigue, and responses to sleep deprivation may be i

Self-perception and self-concept: Assessment is focused o

body image, and sense of self-worth. The person's level of sel
may be identified.
Roles and relationships: Assessment is focused on the pers
Satisfaction with roles, role strain, or dysfunctional relationshi

Sexuality and reproduction: Assessment is focused on the

patterns and reproductive functions. Concerns with sexuality m

Coping and stress tolerance: Assessment is focused on the

strategies Support systems are evaluated, and symptoms of s
strategies in terms of stress tolerance may be further evaluate

Values and belief: Assessment is focused on the person's va

that guide his or her choices or decisions.


Jones, B. (2013). Nursing assessment and diagnosis. In, J. Crisp, C.

fundamentals of nursing (4th ed., pp. 85-99). Chatswood, Australia:


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