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Chapter -1

Types of computer

A) Multiple choice questions.

1. ANURAG 4. Charles Babbage
2. Both b and c 5. Game Console
3. Mainframe

B) Fill in the blanks

1. Mainframe 4. Laptop
2. Super Computers 5. Tablet
3. Smart phone

C) True or False
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True

D) Match the following

1.Mainframe computers IBM 390 and Z900
2. Game Console Sony play station
3. Mini computers PDP -8 and VAX
4.Embedded Computers ATM and kindle
5. Super computers PARAM and ANURAG


E) Answer the following questions

1. Where are the mainframe computers used?

Ans: Mainframe computers are used in large organizations such as: -

▪ Insurance companies
▪ Banks
▪ Railway Stations
▪ Scientific Laboratories etc.

2. What is game console? Give examples.

Ans: The game console consists of a handheld wireless (or wired) remote control device
and a computer that runs the games software.

Example:- Microsoft Xbox, Sony Play station.

3.Write a short note on embedded computers.

Ans: An embedded system is an electronic system that has a software and is embedded in
computer hardware. It is the combination of computer software and hardware. They are
designed to perform a specific task.

Example: - Washing machine, Microwave ovens, Cameras

4. Write the difference between Super computers and Mini computers.

Super computers:-

• They have a very large storage capacity

• Their processing speed is very high
• They are very expensive
Mini computers:-

• A mini computer is a multi processing system, which can be handled by a large

number of people at the same time.
• They are smaller in size
• They are less expensive

5.What are handheld devices?

Ans: Hand held devices can be used in the hand and can be stored in the pocket.
Example:- Smart phone
Tablet computer

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