Well Test Interpretation ENSPM 2a

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

3-5.2 Characteristic flow regimes

Vertical radial flow

Linear flow

Horizontal radial flow

Figure 3-20 Horizontal well flow regimes.

1. Wellbore storage.
2. Vertical radial flow : a first derivative plateau at 0.5(h 2 L ) k H kV . Results :
the permeability anisotropy kH/kV and the wellbore skin Sw (or the vertical
radial flow total skin STV of Equation 3-15).
3. Linear flow between the upper and lower boundaries : 1/2 slope derivative
straight line. Results : effective half-length L and well location zw of the
horizontal drain.
4. Radial flow over the entire reservoir thickness : second derivative stabilization
at 0.5. Results : reservoir permeability-thickness product kHh, and the total skin

3-5.3 Log-log analysis

Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D

1 0.5
First 1/2
Slo kH h
10-1 k H L2
C kV k H 2 L

10-2 10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-21 Response for a horizontal well with wellbore storage and skin in a
reservoir with sealing upper and lower boundaries. Log-log scale.

With long drain holes, the 1/2 derivative slope is moved to the right and the first
derivative stabilization is moved down. When the vertical permeability is
increased, the first derivative stabilization is also moved down.

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

Match results

The kHh product is estimated from the pressure match (Eq. 2-8). The effective
half-length L and well location zw are estimated from the intermediate time 1/2
slope match. The vertical radial flow total skin STV and the permeability anisotropy
kH/kV are estimated from the first radial flow in the vertical plane (permeability
thickness 2 kV k H L and derivative plateau at 0.25(h L) k H kV ).

Influence of L

The examples presented Figures 3-22 to 3-41 are generated with h = 100 ft and
rw = 0.25 ft.

Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D


1 5
L/h = 30
1 10 102 103 104 105 106
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-22 Influence of L on pressure and derivative log-log curves.
CD =1000, Sw =5, kV /kH =0.004, rw =0.25ft, zw /h =0.5, L =3000, 1500 and

When the effective well length is increased, the first derivative stabilization during
the vertical radial flow is lowered and the linear flow regime is delayed.

During the linear flow, the location of the half-unit slope straight line is a function
of L2.

Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D

L/h = 2.5, 5, 10

1 10 102 103 104 105 106
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-23 Influence of L on pressure and derivative log-log curves.
SQRT (kV kH)*L constant, (∆p1st stab)D= 0.223. CD =100, Sw =0, kV /kH =0.2,
L =250ft; kV /kH =0.05, L =500ft; kV /kH =0.0125, L =1000ft; h =100ft, rw
=0.25ft, zw /h =0.5.

- 59 -
Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

When the effective well length is short, the behavior becomes similar to that of a
well in partial penetration.

Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D


L/h = 2.5, 5, 10
1 10 102 103 104 105 106
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-24 Influence of L on pressure and derivative log-log curves.
SQRT (kV kH)*L constant, (∆p1st stab)D =1. CD =100, Sw =0, kV /kH =0.01,
L =250ft; kV /kH =0.0025, L =500ft; kV /kH =0.000625, L=1000ft; h =100ft,
rw =0.25ft, zw /h =0.5.

Influence of zw

Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D

zw/h = 0.125, 0.25, 0.5

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-25 Influence of zw on pressure and derivative log-log curves.
CD =1000, Sw =2, L =1500ft, kV /kH =0.02, h =100ft, rw =0.25ft, zw /h =0.5,
0.25, 0.125.

3-5.4 Dimensionless variables

In the derivation of the model, the lengths are transformed in order to introduce the
permeability anisotropy between vertical and horizontal directions. The apparent
open interval thickness ha, the position of the horizontal drain hole with respect to
the lower boundary of the zone zwa, and the apparent wellbore radius are defined

- 60 -
Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

ha = h (ft, m) ( 3-10)

z wa = z w (ft, m) ( 3-11)

rwa = rw 4 kV k H +4 k H kV
] (ft, m) ( 3-12)

Several authors use the ratio hD of the apparent thickness ha of Equation 3-10, by
the well half-length L, as a leading parameter of horizontal well behavior.

ha h kH
hD = = ( 3-13)
L L kV

3-5.5 Vertical radial flow semi-log analysis

162.6qBµ  kV k H ∆t
∆p = log − 3.23
2 kV k H L  φ µ ct rw2
(psi, field units)
1 k k 
+ 0.87 S w − 2 log  4 V + 4 H 
2  k H kV 

21.5qBµ  kV k H ∆t
∆p = log − 3.10
2 kV k H L  φ µ ct rw2
(Bars, metric units) ( 3-14)
1 k k 
+ 0.87 S w − 2 log  4 V + 4 H 
2  k H kV 

The skin STV measured during the vertical radial flow is expressed with the
wellbore skin Sw and the anisotropy skin Sani of Equation 3-34 :

4 kV k H + 4 k H kV
S TV = S w + S ani = S w − ln ( 3-15)

Sometimes, the vertical radial flow skin is expressed as S'TV, defined with
reference to the equivalent fully penetrating vertical well :

' h kH
STV = STV = 0.5 hD S TV ( 3-16)
2 L kV

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

3-5.6 Linear flow analysis

. qB µ ∆t
8128 . qBµ
1412 . qBµ
∆p = + Sw + S z (psi, field units)
2L h φ ct k H 2 kV k H L kH h
1.246 qB µ ∆t 18.66 qBµ 18.66 qBµ
∆p = + Sw + S z (Bars, metric units)( 3-17)
2Lh φ c t k H 2 kV k H L kH h

During the linear flow regime, the flow lines are distorted vertically before
reaching the horizontal well, producing a partial penetration skin Sz.

kH h π r  k   π z 
S z = −1151
. log  w  1 + V  sin w   ( 3-18)
kV L  h  k H   h  

3-5.7 Horizontal pseudo-radial flow semi-log analysis

qBµ  k H ∆t 
∆p = 162.6 log − 3.23 + 0.87 S TH  (psi, field units)
k H h  φ µ ct rw 2

qBµ  k H ∆t 
∆p = 21.5 log − 3.10 + 0.87 S TH  (Bars, metric units) ( 3-19)
k H h  φµ c t rw2

STH measured during the horizontal radial flow combines S'TV of Equation 3.16
and the geometrical skin SG of the horizontal well (function of the logarithm of
the well effective length and a partial penetration skin SzT , close to the linear flow
skin Sz of Equation 3.18) :

h kH
S TH = S w + SG ( 3-20)
2L kV

S G = 0.81 − ln + S zT ( 3-21)

k H h π rw 
1 +
kV   π z w 
 sin 
S zT = −1.151
  h 
log 
kV L  h 
 kH  
( 3-22)
kH h  1 z w z w2 
− 0.5 − +
kV L2  3 h h 2 

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

zw/h = 0 .125

Dimensionless Pressure, pD
3 0.5

2 HR
Slope m VR
F Sl

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-26 Semi-log plot of Figure 3-25.

kV/kH = 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001
Geometrical skin, SG


kV/kH = ∞
zw/h =0.5
zw/h =0.1
- 10
102 103 104 105
Dimensionless half length, L/rw
Figure 3-27 Semi-log plot of the geometrical skin SG versus L/rw.
Influence of kV/kH. h/rw =1000, zw/h=0.5, 0.1.

1000 2000 4000
Geometrical skin, SG

h/rw = 500

kV/kH = ∞
zw/h =0.5
-8 zw/h =0.1

- 10
102 103 104 105
Dimensionless half length, L/rw
Figure 3-28 Semi-log plot of the geometrical skin SG versus L/rw.
Influence of h/rw. kV/kH =0.1, zw/h=0.5, 0.1.

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

3-5.8 Discussion of the horizontal well model

Several well conditions can produce a pressure gradient in the reservoir, parallel to
the wellbore. The vertical radial flow regime is then distorted, and the derivative
response deviates from the usual stabilization at 0.25(h L) k H kV ). During
horizontal radial flow, the geometrical skin can be larger or smaller than SG of
Equation 3-21 and 3-22.

Non-uniform mechanical skin

Dimensionless Pressure , pD

Skin Swi
and Derivative p'D


1 10 102 103 104 105 106
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-29 Influence of non-uniform skin on pressure and derivative curves.
CD = 100, L =1000 ft, h =100 ft, rw =0.25 ft, zw/h =0.5, kV/kH=0.1. The well is
divided in 4 segments of 500 ft with skins of Swi=4, 4, 4, 4 (uniform damage),
Swi=8, 5.33, 2.66, 0 (skin decreasing along the well length), Swi=0, 8, 8, 0
(damage in the central section), Swi=8, 0, 0, 8 (damage at the two ends).

The two ends of the well are more sensitive to skin damage (the total skin STH is
more negative on the curve Swi=0, 8, 8, 0).

Finite conductivity horizontal well

When the pressure gradients in the wellbore are comparable to pressure gradients
in the reservoir, the flow is three-dimensional (pseudo-spherical), and the
derivative is displaced upwards during the early time response. During horizontal
radial flow, the total skin STH is less negative.

Partially open horizontal well

When only some sections of the well are open to flow, the response first
corresponds to a horizontal well with the total length of the producing segments.
Later, each segment acts like a horizontal well, and several horizontal radial flow
regimes are established until interference effects between the producing sections
are felt. Then, the final horizontal radial flow regime is reached for the complete

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

drain hole. The more distributed the producing sections, the more negative the
total skin STH.

Dimensionless Pressure , pD 10
and Derivative p'D

1 0.5

10-1 0.125

1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107

Dimensionless time, tD/CD

Figure 3-30 Influence of number of open segments on pressure and
derivative log-log curves. Total half-length 2000 ft, effective half-length 500 ft.
CD =100, 1, 2, 4 segments with Swi =0, ΣLeff= L /4, L =2000ft, h =100ft,
rw =0.25ft, zw / h =0.5, kV/kH =0.1.

When the producing segments are uniformly distributed along the drain hole, the
total skin STH can be very negative even with a low penetration ratio. On the
examples Figure 3-31, with penetration ratios of 100, 50, 25 and 12.5%, STH is
respectively –7.9, -7.4, -6.6 and –5.1.

Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D

10-1 100%
1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107

Dimensionless time, tD/CD

Figure 3-31 Influence of the penetration ratio on pressure and derivative log-
log curves. Four segments equally spaced.
CD =100, 4 segments with Swi =0, ΣLeff= L /8, L /4, L /2 and L, L =2000ft,
h =100ft, rw =0.25ft, zw /h =0.5, kV /kH =0.1.

Non-rectilinear horizontal well

During the vertical radial flow, the upper and lower sealing boundaries can be
reached at different times when the well is not strictly horizontal. The transition
between vertical radial flow and linear flow is then distorted.

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions


Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D


10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-32 Non-rectilinear horizontal wells. Pressure and derivative curves.
CD =100, L =2000ft (500+1000+500), Swi =0, h =100ft, rw =0.25ft, kV / kH =0.1,
(zw / h)i=0.5 or 0.95 (average 0.725).

Anisotropic horizontal permeability

In anisotropic reservoirs, horizontal well responses are also sensitive to the well


kz ky 2L k y L2 kx k y h
Figure 3-33 Horizontal permeability anisotropy.
Effective permeability during the three characteristic flow regimes towards a
horizontal well.

The final horizontal radial flow regime defines the average horizontal permeability
k H = k x k y . During the linear flow regime, only the permeability ky normal the
well orientation is acting. At early time, the average permeability during the
vertical radial flow is k z k y .


pD & pD'

k y L2
1.0E-01 kxky h

kzk y 2L
1.0E-01 1.0E+00 1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05

Figure 3-34 Influence of the permeability anisotropy during the three
characteristic flow regimes.

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

When the isotropic horizontal permeability model is used for analysis, the apparent
effective half-length is :

La = 4 k y k x L (ft, m) ( 3-23)

(the vertical permeability kz is unchanged).



kx kx
Figure 3-35 Horizontal well normal to the maximum permeability direction :
apparent effective length increased.

kx kx
Figure 3-36 Horizontal well in the direction of maximum permeability :
apparent effective length decreased.

Horizontal wells should be drilled preferably in the minimum permeability


Changes in vertical permeability

In a layered reservoir with crossflow, the horizontal radial flow regime gives the
average horizontal permeability :

n n
k H = ∑ k Hi hi ∑ hi (mD) ( 3-24)
1 1

During the vertical radial flow, the changes of permeability are acting in series.
When the contrast in vertical permeability is not too large, the resulting average
vertical permeability is defined (assuming the well is centered in layer j) :

 j −1 n

 ∑ hi + h j 2 ∑ hi + h j 2 
k V = 0.5  j −1 1 
j +1
+ n  (mD) ( 3-25)
 ∑ hi kVi + h j 2 kVj ∑ hi kVi + h j 2 kVj 
 1 j +1 

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

In the example Figure 3-37 with n=3 and j=2, the match with a homogeneous layer
. k H 2 and k V = 0.5 (0.082 + 0.028)k H 2 = 0.0514 k H .
is defined with k H = 107

Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D


One equivalent layer

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107

Dimensionless time, tD/CD

Figure 3-37 Horizontal well in a reservoir 3 layers with crossflow. Pressure
and derivative log-log curves.
CD =100, L =1000ft, Sw =0, h =100ft (30+30+40), rw =0.25ft, zw /h =0.55 (well
centered in h2), kH1/kH2=1.5, kH3/kH2=0.8, (kV /kH)1=0.08, (kV /kH)2=0.05, (kV /
kH)3=0.03. One layer: kH= (k1h1+ k2h2+ k3h3) / (h1+h2+h3), kV/kH=0.0514.

On Figure 3-38, a thin reduced permeability interval is introduced in the main

layer. When a homogeneous layer of total thickness is used for analysis, the
effective well length is too small and the vertical permeability over-estimated.
Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D

One layer =
10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-38 Horizontal well in a reservoir 3 layers with crossflow. Pressure
and derivative log-log curves.
CD = 100, L = 1000 ft, Sw=0, h =100 ft (h1=45ft, h2=5ft, h3=50ft), k1=k3=100k2,
rw =0.25 ft, (kV/kH)i=0.1, zw/h = 0.25 (well centered in h3).
• One layer (h1+h2+h3) : k= (k1h1+ k2h2+ k3h3) / (h1+h2+h3), L = 550 ft,
Sw=-0.2, kV/kH=0.4, zw/h = 0. 5 (well centered in h1+h2+h3).
• One layer (h3) : k= k3, L = 1000 ft, Sw=0, kV/kH=0.1, zw/h = 0. 5 (well
centered in h3).

Presence of a gas cap or bottom water drive

When the constant pressure boundary is reached at the end of the vertical radial
flow regime (or hemi radial in the examples Figure 3-39), the pressure stabilizes
and the derivative drops. It the thickness of the gas zone is not large enough, the
derivative stabilizes at late time to describe the total oil + gas mobility thickness.

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions


Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D No gas cap

hgas = 20 ft

hgas 100 ft
hoil 500 ft
10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106

Dimensionless time, tD/CD

Figure 3-39 Horizontal well in a reservoir with gas cap and sealing bottom
boundary. Pressure and derivative log-log curves.
CD = 100, L = 1000 ft, Sw=2, h =100 ft, rw =0.25 ft, (kV/kH)=0.1, zw/h = 0.2
(well close to the bottom boundary). Gas cap : hgas= 0.20, 1.0, 5.0 h,
µgas=0.01 µoil, ct gas=10 ct oil.

3-5.9 Other horizontal well models

Multilateral horizontal well

As for partially penetrating horizontal wells, the different branches of multilateral

wells start to produce independently until interference effects between the
branches distort the response. At later time, pseudo radial flow towards the
multilateral horizontal well develops.

In the case of intersecting multilateral horizontal wells in reservoir with isotropic

horizontal permeability, increasing the number of branches does not improve the
productivity. With the examples of Figure 3-40, the total skin STH of the horizontal
well is STH =-6.8 (one branch) and respectively –6.6 and –6.2 with two and four

Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D


10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-40 Multilateral horizontal wells. Pressure and derivative curves.
CD = 100, L = 1000 ft (500+500 or 250+250+250+250), Swi=0, h =100 ft,
rw=0.25 ft, kV/kH=0.1, zw/h = 0.5.

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

When the distance between the two producing segments is large enough, the
response becomes independent of the orientation of the branches. The responses
Figure 3-41 tend to be equivalent to the example with two segments of Figure 3-
30. The total skin STH is more negative when the distance between the branches is
increased. For the two multilateral horizontal wells of Figure 3-41, STH =-7.1 (and
STH =-6.8 with one branch).

Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D


10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-41 Multilateral horizontal wells. Pressure and derivative curves.
CD = 100, L = 1000 ft (500+500), Swi=0, h =100 ft, rw=0.25 ft, kV/kH=0.1, zw/h
= 0.5. The distance between the 2 parallel branches is 2000ft, on the second
example the intersection point is at 1000ft from the start of the 2 segments.

Fractured horizontal well

Two configurations are considered : longitudinal and transverse fractures. At early

time, the different fractures produce independently until interference effects are
felt. With longitudinal fractures, bi-linear and linear flow regimes can be observed,
possibly followed by horizontal radial flow around the different fractures. For a
single fracture of half-length xf, the slope mBLF and mLF are expressed :

m BLF = 44.11 (psi.hr-1/4, field units)
xf kf w4 φ µ ct k H
m BLF = 6.28 (Bars.hr-1/4, metric units) ( 3-26)
x f k f w f 4 φµ ct k H

qB µ
m LF = 4.06 (psi.hr-1/2, field units)
hx f k H φ ct
qB µ
m LF = 0.623 (Bars.hr-1/2, metric units) ( 3-27)
hx f φ ct k H

With transverse fractures, the flow is first linear in the formation and radial in the
fracture, it changes into linear flow, and later into the horizontal radial flow regime
around the fracture segments. The radial linear flow regime yields a semi-log
straight line whose slope is function of the fracture conductivity. For a single
transverse fracture of radius rf, the slope mRLF and mLF are:

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

m RLF = 81.3 (psi, field units)
kf w
m RLF = 10.75 (Bars, metric units) ( 3-28)
k f wf

qB µ
m LF = 5.17 (psi.hr-1/2, field units)
hr f φ ct k H
qB µ
m LF = 0.793 (Bars.hr-1/2, metric units) ( 3-29)
hr f φ ct k H

Once the interference effect between the different fractures is fully developed, the
final pseudo radial flow regime towards the fractured horizontal well establishes.
As for partially open horizontal wells, the time of start of the final regime is a
function of the distance between the outermost fractures.

3-6 Skin factors

3-6.1 Anisotropy pseudo-skin

An equivalent transformed isotropic reservoir model of average radial permeability

is used, by a transformation of variables in the two main directions of permeability
kmax and kmin. With

k = k max k min (mD) ( 3-30)

k k min
x' = x =x 4 (ft, m) ( 3-31)
k max k max

k k max
y' = y = y4 (ft, m) ( 3-32)
k min k min

The wellbore is changed into an ellipse whose area is the same as in the original
system, but the perimeter is increased. The elliptical well behaves like a cylindrical
hole whose apparent radius is the average of the major and minor axes, and
produces an apparent negative skin :

rwa =
rw [ 4 k min k max + 4 k max k min ] (ft, m) ( 3-33)

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Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

4 k min k max + 4 k max k min

Sani = − ln
( 3-34)
k min + k max
= − ln
2 k

Sani is in general low but, for horizontal wells, when kV/kH <<1, Sani =-1 may be

3-6.2 Geometrical skin


Figure 3-42 Configuration of wells A, B and C.

A = fully penetrating vertical well, B = well in partial penetration,
C = horizontal well.

Dimensionless Pressure , pD

and Derivative p'D



10-1 A : vertical well

B : partial penetration
C : horizontal well
10-2 10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-43 Pressure and derivative response of wells A, B and C. Log-log

- 72 -
Chapter 3 - Wellbore conditions

Dimensionless Pressure , pD A : vertical well
B : partial penetration
C : horizontal well SG>0



10-2 10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 3-44 Semi-log plot of Figure 3-43 examples.

3-6.3 The different skin factors

Name Description Type

Sw Infinitesimal skin at the wellbore. Positive or negative

SG Geometrical skin due to the streamline curvature Positive or negative

(fractured, partial penetration, slanted or horizontal
Sani Skin factor due to the anisotropy of the reservoir Negative
SRC Skin factor due to a change of reservoir mobility Positive or negative
near the wellbore (permeability or fluid property,
radial composite behavior).
Skin factor due to the fissures in a double porosity Negative
D.q Turbulent or inertial effects on gas wells. Positive

- 73 -
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4-1 Definitions

4-1.1 Permeability

The fluid flows to the well through the fissure system only and the radial
permeability of the matrix system does not contribute to the mobility (km = 0).

The permeability thickness product kh estimated by the interpretation is used to

define an equivalent bulk permeability of the fissure network, over the complete
thickness h:

kh = k f h f (mD.ft, mD.m) ( 4-1)




Figure 4-1 Example of double porosity reservoir, fissured and multiple-layer


4-1.2 Porosity

φf and φm : ratio of pore volume in the fissures (or in the matrix), to the total
volume of the fissures (of the matrix).

Vf and Vm : ratio of the total volume of the fissures (or matrix) to the reservoir
volume (Vf + Vm = 1).

φ = φ f V f + φ mVm ( 4-2)

In practice, φf and Vm are close to 1. The average porosity of Equation 4.2 can be
simplified as :

φ = Vf + φm ( 4-3)

4-1.3 Storativity ratio ω

(φ Vct ) f (φ Vct ) f
ω= = ( 4-4)
(φ Vct ) f + (φ Vct )m (φ Vct ) f +m

- 75 -
Chapter 4 - Fissured reservoirs

4-1.4 Interporosity flow parameter λ

λ = α rw2 ( 4-5)

α is related to the geometry of the fissure network, defined with the number n of
families of fissure planes. For n = 3, the matrix blocks are cubes (or spheres) and,
for n = 1, they are slab.

n(n + 2) -2 -2
α= (ft , m ) ( 4-6)

rm is the characteristic size of the matrix blocks. It is defined as the ratio of the
volume V of the matrix blocks, to the surface area A of the blocks :

rm = nV A (ft, m) ( 4-7)

When a skin effect (Sm in dimensionless term) is present at the surface of the
matrix blocks, the matrix to fissure flow is called restricted interporosity flow.

k m hd
Sm = ( 4-8)
rm k d





n=3, cubes n=1, slabs

Figure 4-2 Matrix skin. Slab and sphere matrix blocks.

The analysis with the restricted interporosity flow model (pseudo-steady state
interporosity flow) provides the effective interporosity flow parameter λeff :

rw2 k d
λ eff =n ( 4-9)
rm hd k f

λeff is independent of the matrix block permeability km.

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Chapter 4 - Fissured reservoirs

4-1.5 Dimensionless variables

pD = ∆p (field units)
. qBµ
pD = ∆p (metric units) ( 4-10)

tD kh ∆t
= 0.000295 (field units)
CD µ C
tD kh ∆t
= 0.00223 (metric units) ( 4-11)
CD µ C

C Df = (field units)
(φ Vct ) f hrw2
C Df = (metric units) ( 4-12)
(φVct ) f hrw2

C Df + m = (field units)
(φ Vct ) f +m hrw2
C Df + m = (metric units) ( 4-13)
(φ Vct ) f + m hrw2

The storativity ratio ω correlates the two definitions of dimensionless wellbore

storage :

C Df + m = ω C Df ( 4-14)

4-2 Double porosity behavior, restricted interporosity flow

(pseudo-steady state interporosity flow)

4-2.1 Log-log analysis

Pressure type curves

Three component curves :

1. - (CDe2S)f at early time, during fissure flow.

2. - λeff e-2S during transition regime, between the two homogeneous behaviors.

3. - (CDe2S)f+m at late time, when total system behavior is reached.

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Chapter 4 - Fissured reservoirs

A double porosity response goes from a high value (CDe2S)f when the storativity
corresponds to fissures, to a lower value (CDe2S)f+m when total system is acting.

102 CDe2S =
Start of semi-log radial flow
Dimensionless Pressure, pD

λe-2S = 10-30
10 103
10-6 5
10-2 5x10-3

1 0.5

10-1 1 10 102 103 104
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-3 Pressure type-curve for a well with wellbore storage and skin in a
double porosity reservoir, pseudo steady state interporosity flow.

Typical responses

The limit "approximate start of the semi-log straight line" shows that the wellbore
storage stops during the fissure regime with example A. With example B, wellbore
storage lasts until the transition regime and, during the fissure regime, the fissure
(CDe2S)f curve does not reach the semi-log straight-line approximation.

Start of semi-log radial flow CDe2S =
Dimensionless Pressure, pD

λe-2S = 10-30
10 B 104
10-7 1
3x10-4 5x10-3

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-4 Pressure examples for a well with wellbore storage and skin in a
double porosity reservoir, pseudo steady state interporosity flow.
o = A : (CDe )f = 1, (CDe )f+m = 0.1, ω = 0.1, λeffe = 3.10-4.
2S 2S -2S

■ = B : (CDe )f = 105, (CDe )f+m = 104, ω = 0.1, λeffe = 10-7.

2S 2S -2S

On semi-log scale, two parallel straight lines are present with example A. With
example B, only the total system straight line is seen.

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Chapter 4 - Fissured reservoirs


Dimensionless Pressure, pD
8 B

sl o p
2 slop

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-5 Semi-log plot of Figure 4-4 examples.

CDe2S =
Dimensionless Pressure , pD

λe-2S = 10-30
and Derivative p'D

B 1054
10 1030 10
10-7 1
1010 A 0.1
3x10-4 5x10-3
1 B

0.1 10-3 3x10-5 λCD/(1-ω)

10-1 λCD/ω(1-ω) = 10-2 3x10-4

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105

Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-6 Pressure and derivative examples of Figure 4-4 for a well with
wellbore storage and skin in a double porosity reservoir, pseudo steady state
interporosity flow.
λeffCDf+m/ω(1-ω) =10-2, 3x10-4. λeffCDf+m/(1-ω) = 10-3, 3x10-5.

With the derivative, example A shows two stabilizations on 0.5. The derivative of
example B stabilizes on 0.5 only during the total system homogeneous regime.

On the derivative type-curve, the transition is described with two curves, labeled
(λ eff CD f +m ) [ω (1 − ω )] (decreasing derivative) and (λ eff CD f +m ) (1 − ω ) .
Match results

kh = 141.2qBµ (PM ) (mD.ft, field units)

kh = 18.66qBµ (PM ) (mD.m, metric units) ( 2-8)

kh  1 
C = 0.000295   (Bbl/psi, field units)
µ  TM 

- 79 -
Chapter 4 - Fissured reservoirs

kh  1  3
C = 0.00223   (m /Bars, metric units) ( 2-9)
µ  TM 

(C De
) f +m
S = 0.5 ln ( 4-15)
C Df + m

(C e ) D
f +m
(C e )
( 4-16)

λ eff = λ eff e −2 S e 2 S ) ( 4-17)

Pressure and derivative response

When the three characteristic regimes of the restricted interporosity flow model
are developed, the derivative exhibits a valley shaped transition between the two
stabilizations on 0.5.

Dimensionless Pressure , pD
and Derivative p'D


1 0.5 line

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-7 Pressure and derivative response for a well with wellbore storage
in double porosity reservoir, pseudo-steady state interporosity flow.
CDf+m = 103, S = 0, ω = 0.1, λeff= 6.10-8
(CDe2Sf =104, λeffe-2S= 6.10-8 and CDe2Sf+m = 103)

4-2.2 Influence of the heterogeneous parameters ω and λeff

Influence of ω

With small ω values, the transition regime from CDe2Sf to CDe2Sf+m is long. On
the derivative responses, the transition valley drops when ω is reduced. On semi-
log scale, the first straight line is displaced upwards and the horizontal transition
between the two parallel lines is longer.

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Chapter 4 - Fissured reservoirs


Dimensionless Pressure , pD
10 ω = 10-3

and Derivative p'D 10-1


ω = 10-3

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-8 Double porosity reservoir, pseudo-steady state interporosity flow.
Influence of ω. Log-log scale.
CDf+m =1, S =0, λeff=10-7 and ω =10-1, 10-2 and 10-3
Dimensionless Pressure , pD

8 ω = 10-3 m
10-2 pe
10-1 slo
4 slo

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-9 Semi-log plot of Figure 4-8.

Influence of λeff

The interporosity flow parameter defines the time of end of the transition regime.
The smaller is λeff, the later the start of total system flow. On the pressure curves,
the transition regime occurs at a higher amplitude and, on the derivative responses,
the transition valley is displaced towards late times.

Dimensionless Pressure , pD

λ = 10-8
and Derivative p'D



λ = 10-6 , 10-7 , 10-8

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-10 Double porosity reservoir, pseudo-steady state interporosity flow.
Influence of λeff. Log-log scale.
CDf+m =100, S =0, ω =0.02 and λeff=10-6, 10-7 and 10-8

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Chapter 4 - Fissured reservoirs


Dimensionless Pressure , pD
λ = 10-8
slop em

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-11 Semi-log plot of Figure 4-10.

4-2.3 Analysis of the semi-log straight lines

Dimensionless Pressure, pD

Double porosity

em Homogeneous
2 slop

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-12 Semi-log plot of homogeneous and double porosity responses.
CD = CDf+m = 100, S = 0, ω = 0.01 and λeff= 10-6

During fissure flow, when the first semi-log line is present,

 kqBµ 
∆p = 162.6 log ∆t + log − 3 . 23 + 0 . 87 S  (psi, field units)
 (φVct ) f µ rw2
kh 

qBµ  k 
∆p = 21.5 log ∆t + log − 3 . 10 + 0 . 87 S  (Bars, metric units)(4-18)
kh 
 (φ V c t ) f µ rw

The second line, for the total system regime is :

qBµ  k 
∆p = 162.6 log ∆t + log − 3 . 23 + 0 . 87 S  (psi, field units)
kh 
 (φ Vc )
t f +m µ rw

- 82 -
Chapter 4 - Fissured reservoirs

qBµ  k 
∆p = 21.5 log ∆t + log − 3 . 10 + 0 . 87 S  (Bars, metric units)( 4-19)
kh 
 (φV c )
t f +m µ rw

The vertical distance δp between the two lines gives ω :

ω = 10 −δp m ( 4-20)

When only the first semi-log straight line for fissure regime is present, if the total
storativity is used instead of that of the fissure system, the calculation of the skin
gives an over estimated value Sf :

S f = S + 0.5 ln ( 4-21)

4-2.4 Build-up analysis

Log-log pressure build-up analysis

When the production time tp is small, the three characteristic regimes of a double
porosity response are not always fully developed on build-up pressure curves.
Whatever long are the three build-up examples of Figure 4-13, only example A3
exhibits a clear double porosity response. The build-up curve A1 does not show a
double porosity behavior, but only the build-up response of the fissures. For
example A2, the build-up curve flattens at the same ∆p level as the λeffe-2S
transition, there is no evidence of total system flow regime.
Homogeneous behaviour,
( fissures CDe2Sf= 1 and total system CDe2Sf+m= 0.1)
Double porosity,
( drawdown and build-up)
Dimensionless Pressure, pD


tp1 = 102 tp2 = 9x103 tp3 = 3x105

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-13 Drawdown and build-up pressure responses for a well with
wellbore storage and skin in double porosity reservoir, pseudo-steady state
interporosity flow. Log-log scale.
CDf+m = 0.1, S = 0, ω = 0.1, λeff= 3.10-4 (CDe2Sf =1, λeffe-2S= 3.10-4 and
CDe2Sf+m = 0.1). tpD/CD = 100 (A1), 9.103 (A2), 3.105 (A3).

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Chapter 4 - Fissured reservoirs

drawdown tp3 = 3x105

Dimensionless Pressure, pD
build-up pe
6 slo
tp2 = 9x103 A3

4 tp1 = 102 A2

m A1
2 pe

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-14 Semi-log plot of drawdown and build-up pressure responses of
Figure 4-13.

Horner & superposition analysis

In example A3, the initial pressure pi is obtained by extrapolation of the second

straight line, the first one extrapolates to pi + m ln (1/ω). If the drawdown stops
during the transition (example A2), only the first semi-log straight is seen and its
extrapolated pressure p* is between pi and pi + m ln (1/ω), depending upon tp.

Dimensionless Pressure
Difference, (p - pi)D

A1 p* > pi
p* = pi
-6 A3
1 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6

Horner time, (tpD+ tD)/ tD

Figure 4-15 Horner plot of the three Build-ups of Figure 4-13.
A1 (tpD/CD = 100), A2 (tpD/CD = 9.103) and A3 (tpD/CD = 3.105).

Derivative build-up analysis

Dimensionless Pressure

Derivative p'D

A2 A1

10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106
Dimensionless time, tD/CD
Figure 4-16 Drawdown and build-up derivative responses of Figure 4-13.

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