Direct Question Pros and Cons

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(18/02/2016) New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

It is true that many children now spend much of their spare time playing with the latest
technological devices. Despite some obvious disadvantages of this trend, I believe that these are
outweighed by the advantages.

On the one hand, there are two major drawbacks when children devote much of their free time to
playing electronic games or using the Internet. Firstly, exercise is necessary for the physical
development of children, so playing games in the street or in the park with their friends is an
integral part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Secondly, spending too much time on their
computers or mobile phones may lead to health problems for some youngsters. If they keep their
eyes glued to screens for hours on end, they may suffer from eye-strain. Waves from hi- fi devices
also tend to cause headaches if used for too long.

On the other hand, I believe that the benefits are more significant than such disadvantages. One
reason for this view is that new technologies encourage children to use their free time to broaden
their knowledge, which is possible in fun ways through interactive software. My young nephew, for
example, spends hours on the Internet learning about dinosaurs. Another reason is that the Internet
gives youngsters countless opportunities to discover friends with the same interests in any part of
the world, using chat rooms and social networks such as Facebook. Consequently, new
technologies both promote the habit of self-study and encourage young people to develop a wide
circle of virtual friends.

In conclusion, I would argue that the advantages of this modern trend are more significant than the

(270 words)


Exercise 1: Make the outline for the above essay
Essay type: Direct question essay


Body 1: drawbacks Body 2: advantages

Firstly, exercise is necessary for the physical
Idea 1: Idea 1: new technologies encourage children to use
development of children their free time to broaden their knowledge, which
Support: Support:
-> So? playing games in the street or in the park is possible in fun ways through interactive software
Example: My young nephew spends hours on
with their friends is an integral part of maintaining the Internet learning about dinosaurs.

a healthy lifestyle.

Idea 2 Secondly, spending too much time on their Idea 2 the Internet gives youngsters countless
computers or mobile phones may lead to health
problems for some youngsters. opportunities to discover friends with the same
Support: Support:
-> If they keep their eyes glued to screens for interests in any part of the world, using chat
hours on end, they may suffer from eye-strain.
Waves from hi- fi devices also tend to cause rooms and social networks such as Facebook.
headaches if used for too long.
> So? new technologies both promote the habit
of self-study and encourage young people to
develop a wide circle of virtual friends.

Exercise 2: Find the words in the sample essay that means the following

1. Công nghệ: technology

2. thời gian rảnh rỗi: free time

3. trẻ em: children

4. dành thời gian làm gì: spend time doing st

5. integral part
một phần không thể thiếu: ……………………………………

keep eyes glued to screens

6. nhìn màn hình liên tục: ……………………………………
hi-fi devices
7. thiết bị âm thanh: ……………………………………

8. interactive
Tương tác lẫn nhau: ……………………………………
9. vô số: ……………………………………

10. Mạng lưới bạn ảo:……………………………………

circle of virtual friends


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