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We are old friends and have not seen each other for a long time

Nhi: Hiiii! Long time no see

Chi: Hello, I'm glad we got the chance to meet like this

Q.anh: yes, it's been 4 months since we took the college entrance exam
Hà: I think back to when studying for the university entrance exam was a really stressful time
Nhi:As a student, I felt stressed almost every day. Currently, I was in 12th grade. Having to
cram for everything at the same time and get good grades is really stressful for me.
Chi: sounds like a lot of pressure, how did you get over it?
Nhi: Luckily, I have a few close friends who stick with me no matter what. When I’m worried, I
always go to my friends to talk and they help me by reassuring me. On weekends or after
school, I spend my free time watching movies, going out to relax. Over time, I have learned to
deal with stress better. I understand that stress is inevitable and there will always be better days
ahead. You can talk to someone you trust like a friend, teacher or family member. And how
about you, Quynh Anh?

Q.anh: During the time I prepared for the graduation test, I burned the midnight oil all the
nights and kept on studying hard all days at school. I even don't have time for
entertainment, especially in the last 3 months before the test. It's such tough time and
maybe I will never forget it

Hà: What about learning in class?

Q.anh: I always felt like I hadn't studied hard enough. When I went to school, although I had
pulled an all nighter the last night, I still got cold feet everytime my teacher asked me any
questions about the lessons. So how is everyone's university studies?
Chi: My college life is so stressful too. The first is pressure from family, I have to manage my own
finances, from eating to cleaning to everything, I have to do it myself. I missed the time when I was still
at home with my parents, they took care of me a lot and I just had to study to go to university .

Nhi: Is there any other pressure?

Chi: The next pressure is about friends in college, everyone is really talented. They are
extremely creative and dynamic, every time people express themselves makes me always
wonder if I have wasted my time to practice more cause I go back and forth between relaxing
and studying. So I think from now I should hit the books to improve all of my skills especially
English, so I can become better. And how about you, Ngọc Hà?
Hà: Oh, I'm in exactly the same boat as you. College is much more tough than I thought. I often
used to pull an all-nighters only to study English. However, my English is not much improved.
I'm dying to raise my hand to speak and express my opinion, but I am extremely shy with
Q.anh: i get what you mean because i went through the same thing in college

Hà: My peers are also very talented. I'm concerned I won't be able to keep up with them.
Furthermore, my job is short term projects. Therefore, I'm always looking for new projects to
work on. Financial issues are also a huge concern for me. I hope everything goes well

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