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Chapter 4.

Problem Solving
Chapter 4. Problem Solving
4.1 Polya’s four-step approach
4.2 Heuristic strategies in solving Math Problems
Key Concepts
Problem solving
Problem solving is the process of working through details of a problem
to reach a solution. Problem solving may include mathematical or
systematic operations and can be a gauge of an individual's critical
thinking skills (
The word heuristic originates from the Latin word heuristicus, which is
equivalent to Greek heur (ískein) + Latin –isticus –istic and means to
find out or to discover. To put it simply, heuristics are a set of rules or
strategies that help us discover the best and most practical ways to
solve problems.
George Pólya (December 13, 1887 – September 7, 1985), a Hungarian
mathematician (the father of modern problem solving) describing four-
step approach in solving a mathematical problem.

Polya’s four-step approach

1. Understand the problem
2. Devise or Make a Plan
3. Carry out the plan
4. Look back
Mathematics is more than the study of number and patterns. The learning
outcome is to develop one’s logical thinking and ability to solve complex
problems. As such, heuristics play a very important role in mathematical
problem solving, which is fundamental to mathematics learning.

There are a number of heuristic strategies that can be used to solve math
problems, as follows:
1. Look for a pattern
2. Use equation/formula
3. Guess-check and revise
4. Draw a diagram / model
5. Make a systematic list
6. Act Out
7. Work backwards
8. Elimination and Logical Thinking
1. Find the number of match sticks needed to form a square, 2 adjacent squares, 3
adjacent squares, 4 adjacent squares, 8 adjacent squares and 𝑛 adjacent squares.
2. What is the unit digit in the expansion of 31989 ?
3. A rectangular classroom has length that is 1 meter more than 2 times the width.
Find the dimensions if the perimeter is 32 meters.
4. Mr. De la Cruz has 20 ducks and goats on his backyard. The animals have 64 legs
altogether, how many ducks and goats are there?
5. A snail is at the bottom of an 8 feet wall. Each hour he crawls 2 feet and loses his
grip and slides back down a foot. If he continues this maneuver, in how many
hours will he reached the top end of the wall?
6. The houses on Narra Street are numbered consecutively from 1 to 60. How many
house numbers contain at least one digit 5?
7. Annie has 3 skirts, color brown (BS), white (WS), and red (RS). She has 4 blouses,
color blue (BB), yellow (YB), white (WB), and checkered blouse (CB), How many
different ways can she match her outfits?
1. On the first day of school, Ann, a transferee in her school is excited to meet new
friends. When she gets inside the room there are 3 classmates (Berna, Claire,
Doll), so they each shakes hand with every other once and only once. What is
the total number of handshakes?
2. Lenny has some kisses chocolates. She gave 3 of the chocolates and 3 more to
her brother Jim. She then gave of the remaining chocolates and 4 more to her
younger sister Amy. In the end, she has 16 chocolates left. How many chocolates
did Lenny has at the beginning?
3. Kathy walked from ISAT U to St. Clements church. It took her 19 minutes to walk
from ISAT U to corner Hechanova-Magdalo Street and rest for 15 minutes to buy
a bottled water in a nearby store and walk another 12 min until St. Clements
church. She reached St. Clements church at 5:24 p.m., at what time did she left
4. David, Mike, and Sam could be a dancer, a mechanic, or a singer. None has a job
that starts with the same letter as his name. David recently had his car repaired
by the mechanic. Who has which job?

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