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The Bowman Young LNP is the youth wing of the Queensland Liberal National Party. We exist to provide a voice to those young people who wish to play an active role in the centre-right of politics in Queensland, and Australia. We hold regular meetings to discuss and debate policy, that can then be taken to the monthly State Council of the YLNP. The meetings are a fantastic way to network and meet like-minded young people in Queensland. The Bowman YLNP is a very friendly, and proactive YLNP branch, we regularly hold social functions, dinners with MPs, and local campaigning. Our membership is central to the Bowman YLNP thats why we focus our efforts on assisting fellow members, holding social events, and fun political campaigning.
Andrew Laming MP - Federal MP for Bowman
Andrew is the Member for Bowman, elected in 2004 his electorate covers the entire Redlands. Hes a tireless local champion and especially champions issues effecting young people in Bowman. Hes an active player in the Bowman YLNP and is always on hand to enthusiastically support all young people in the Redlands

Dr. Mark Robinson MP - Member for Cleveland

Mark represents Ormiston, Birkdale, Wellington Pt, Cleveland, and North Stradbroke Island in the Queensland Parliament. Mark is currently Shadow Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries, and Marine Infrastructure, and is a proactive player in the Bowman YLNP and always strongly supports young people in his electorate any way he can.

Peter Dowling MP - Member for Redlands

Peters electorate covers the Bay Islands, Victoria Point, Mt Cotton, and Redland Bay. Peter is active supporter of the Bowman YLNP and regularly attends events to lend a hand, and an ear. Hes a long-term player in local politics and a hard working advocate for young people in the Redlands. Peter will always assist the Bowman YLNP however he can.


By joining the YLNP you are entitled to the following: 1. Automatically become a member not only of your local YLNP branch, but your local Senior Party branch as well. 2. Have the right to vote on motions and vote in elections for the executive positions of your local branches. 3. Can sit on Policy Standing Committtees. 4. Can attend Annual Conventions. 5. Can run for executive positions for your branches (YLNP and Senior Party), local SEC, local FDC and Region. 6. Can vote in local candidate pre-selections. 7. Can stand for preselection to run as a Candidate in local, state, and federal elections. 8. Can have your voice heard by contributing to shaping this party and its policies and therefore the governance of Australia There are many reasons people join the Liberal National Party. For some, it provides an exciting forum to discuss ideas and contribute to political debate about the issues that affect our lives. For others, its a great way to meet new people, network and score invites to social events. Whatever the reason, the Young LNP gives members the opportunity to get involved and have fun!

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