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Moksha-Next birth

Narada Purana says as under for last birth, next birth and moxa of Jivaatma

Last Birth
Sign Placement of strongest of Sun or Moon in D3 the position of last [previous] birth can be known
as per the lord of that sign. For example, in above D3 sign lord where sun or moon [whoever is
strong] posited is Jupiter then the native was in Deva Loka in his previous birth, if it is Venus or
Moon then the native was in Pitru Loka, if it is Sun or Mars is sing lord in D3 then the native was in
Mrityu Loka [tiryagloka-pasu loka] and if it is Saturn or Mercury then the native in previous year was
in Naraka Loka. According to the exaltation, maximum shadbal, in vaisesikama etc strong position
of this D3 lord the native was in his best Devaloka, if in average strong position his average
Devaloka and if strength less than the native will be in his mean-inferior postion. According to the
exaltation-debilitation position of the planet the position of previous birth in best etc condition in
Devaloka or Pitruloka or Narakaloka.

Next Birth.
D3 lord of sixth and eight bhava [or also its lord!?], whichever is strong [as per sadabala], as per its
strength, the native will go Devaloka etc in best average etc. condition as stated hereinabove.
Planet in 7H if strong [as per shadbala] will bring the native in his own loka [for us it is Mrityuloka
means manushya loka].

If Jupiter is in exaltation and posited in 6-1-4-8-7-10 or 12 House with benefice D9 sign and other
planets are nirbala then the native will take moxa. This yoga should be seen by both janma and
mrityu kala [chart].

Similar proposition is made in Brihat Jataka in Ch.-25 verse-14-15.

Also similar proposition is found in Jataka Parijata in Ch. 5-A, verse 14-15.

It is said that particularly in Kaliyuga the native has to complete sva karmafala in this birth only and
what he carries on in next life is his satkarma and sansargik karma. This is the reason why we see
more and more people suffering and why sages [real sages and not spammers-cheaters-deceivers]
also suffer most in kaliyuga.
kaliyuga. Death comes according to karmas
karmas and karmas are seen by planetary
positions at the time of birth.

Another view of Lama [tibetian] Jyotish:

Condition of next life are knowable by rotating the D-1 (radix) to see next-life Lagna
Use D1- Dhana
D1- Dhana a bhava and/or
bhava and/or 2nd-from-Moon as the next-life Lagna.
• Your next-life physical appearance
appearance and stigma if any, will be defined by your current-life
• your next-life children will start with current-life house-6
• your next-life father will
will be what is now house-10 etc.
• you can do the same
same rotation to the
the navamsha to see next-life
next-life Lagna a for the first spouse:
that is generally D-9's 2nd house
Now 5H is for last life and 12H is for next life and karakas are Jupiter for the last and Venus for the
next birth.
u may use D-12 for parents...
also there is a bit confusion as we take 5H for sanchit karma/birth and 12H for moxa or rebirth or
next birth we can test- predict but could not have eventual-substantial confirmation

Status of the last birth:

From {9H} 9HL last birth status may be known.

From this lord planet caste [jaati], country [desha], locality [sthana] and directions [disha] of last
birth can be analysed.

If the planet is exalted, the native comes from devaloka

If debilitated or in enemy sign, comes from foreign [pasu, pitru etc loka]

If own sign, friend’s sign or neutral sign, comes from India [Bharat Varsa] i.e. Manushya loka.

Locality as per house lord [9HL] of last birth

Jupiter = Aryavarta old undivided India

Venus-Moon = land near pious rivers

Mercury = holy and pure lands

Saturn = Blamey land which is under others domain or ruling like Muslims, Foreigners etc.

Sun = hilly and jungle land

Mars = Bihar land [geographical]

Position in last birth:

As said last birth details can be verified from 9HL [9H].

If 9HL is in immovable sign in D1 and D9 and it is also prusthodaya adhomukha rasi then last birth
was in lata-vruksha yoni.

If 9HL is in sirshodaya urdhwamukha rasi and is in moveable sign in D1 and D9 then last birth was
in pashu yoni.

If 9HL is in the exalted or own sign of ascendant lord [in D1 & D9] then the previous birth was in
manushya yoni; if it is neutral sign of 1HL then pasu yoni and if it is debilitated or inimical sign of
ascendant lord then paxi yoni

If 9HL and 1HL in [D1 & D9] is in same sign of then last birth was in the same yoni of manushya

If 9HL and 1HL are equal in strength then in own caste the last birth taken place.

According to the attributes of planets, the last birth attributes og native can be identified according
the aforesaid position of 9HL.

From D3 we can also identify the status of soul in last birth and for last birth we may take 9HL D3.
Sign Placement of strongest of Sun or Moon in D3 the position of last [previous] birth can be known
as per the lord of that sign. For example, in above D3 sign lord where sun or moon [whoever is
strong] posited is Jupiter then the native was in Deva Loka in his previous birth, if it is Venus or
Moon then the native was in Pitru Loka, if it is Sun or Mars is sing lord in D3 then the native was in
Mrityu Loka [tiryagloka-pasu loka] and if it is Saturn or Mercury then the native in previous year was
in Naraka Loka. According to the exaltation, maximum shadbal, in vaisesikama etc strong position
of this D3 lord the native was in his best Devaloka, if in average strong position his average
Devaloka and if strength less than the native will be in his mean-inferior postion. According to the
exaltation-debilitation position of the planet the position of previous birth in best etc condition in
Devaloka or Pitruloka or Narakaloka.

Prenatal Adobe [Last birth]

BPHS by R Santhanam, Delhi Ediciton says in Ch. 44, Verse 41 & 42 as under.

[01] Luminaries occupies D3 of Jupiter denotes decent from the world of God

[02] if the said D3 be of Venus or the Moon the decent is from the world of Manes

[03] if be of Sun or Mars it is from the world of dead [yama]

[04] if be of Mercury or Saturn it is from hell.

Similar proposition is made in Brihat Jataka in Ch.-25 verse-14-15.

Also similar proposition is found in Jataka Parijata in Ch. 5-A, verse 14-15.

In addition, Verse 42-45 says further as under.

According to the following planets in the 12th, 7th , 6th or 8th the native will attain such world after
death; Jupiter heaven, Moon or Venus the world of manes, Mars-Sun earth [i.e. rebirth], Mercury-
Saturn hell. Should the said houses be not occupied the native will go to the world as indicated by
stronger of the lords related to the 6th and the 8th. The relative planet’s exaltation etc. will denote
the high, medium and low status the native will obtain in the said world.

Determination of paapa karma in last birth era:


BPHS Ch.28 verses 1 to 20

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pare janmani janma syād budhyā caivaihikam vadet | tadiśe svoccattām prāpte mṛite svarge gato
 bhavet ||1||....athavakye viśeṣeṇa pūrva pāpasya niṣcayam | navāmśānmeṣārabhya meṣadau hi
kramādvadet || 13||... sarvasya mānavasyāpi nakṣatratrayam ī ritam ritam | janma nakṣatramekam tu
dvitiyam manujanma ca| trijanma ca tṛt ī yam
yam syād bhrātuvyam munisattama || 19-20 ||
[aso see e!ce "ie named #o!a "or this $
Now, in special form, tells you how sins conducted in last birth era are determined. This is to be
deliberated as told previously from division nine, begins from Aries and counting onwards in
stipulated order. From ninth division [navamsa] of birth ascendant, Moon ascendant or from the
ninth division lord of Moon position sign in birth chart be considered in assessing the status of last
birth [D9 of ascendant], current birth [D9 of Moon] and next birth [D9 lord of Moon in birth
ascendant]. In Aries ascendant Aries navamsa the native had slaughtered goat-ram. In Taurus
navamsa [Aries ascendant] killed
killed ox-bull-buffalo-cow etc. [or such other
other animal as per the eco
geographical positions like nila cow, camel in desert etc.]. In Gemini navamsa is embryo slaying or
deliberate abortion [bhruna hatya], in Cancer navamsa snake-serpent killing, in Leo navamsa
slaughter of quadruplicates or killing it in fire to the jungle. In Virgo navamsa deserting a married
woman [ this is to be taken in broader sense and it includes husband or a responsible person
taking care of her in absence of her husband say father or in laws etc. but in modern age the
secene is changed and ladies are independent and may be construed accordingly]. In Libra
navamsa it is stealing wealth by cheating, in Scorpio destroyer of eggs of birds, in Sagittarius
navamsa offended friend, in Capricorn navamsa by theft plucking-cutting fruits and trees. In
Aquarius navamsa offending and rebelling others and in Pisces first half vipradhana chori means
taking away or cut off wealth and secred knowledge from Brahmin by force or cheat and in second
half by beating or killing him. [This is from Aries ascendat, the sage does not state what is about
other signs, and we have to conclude as per our prudent and intelligent and for example please
see excel file named ‘Moxa’]. In first navamsa the native incurred paapa karma in last birth only, in
second navamsa in two births and in third navamsa three previous birth and in fourth and onwards
navamsa the naitve incurred sins in four births; in this manner from navamsa sins done in previous
birth may be told. From Cancer sign etc be told varna [caste] of Brahmin
Brahmin etc. [4-8-12 Brahmin, 1-5-
9 Kshatriya, 2-6-10 Vaishya and 3-7-11 Shudra]. If Jupiter does not give aspect to Moon or Lagna
[may be also lagna lord or Moon lord] then told the child as jaraja [born to mistress]. In this custom
12*9 = 108 navamsa results are told. In navamsa if there is a kshatriya sign then tell in last birth the
native was born in kshatriya caste and if vaishya sign then Vaishya and if shudra sign then
In this manner with this astrological percept, according to the intelligent and prudence thought, the
results of previous, current and future birth foretold. If lord of that said navamasa signs is exalted
then comes at the death of last birth attained heaven [and is come to enjoy all heavenly happiness
in this birth]. If debilitated then came from hell, if neutral then from manes world and if friendly then
the soul is rest in pilgrimages and comes from there. And if navmasa lord is in watery sign then
departed soul was evil spirit and after consuming that came to this manes birth to pay sin [paapa]
and holy [punya] deeds. It is certain that if namsa lord is with malefic planet then in the last birth
had consumed tamasa yoni [pashu paxi yoni i.e. bird-quadruplicate decendant] and come to this
manes birth. If navamsa lord is with Mars and Ketu in neutral sign than in last birth was in equal
rajas [comfort] descendant to this manes birth. If in subha sign in exaltation then in satvik yoni and
in similar way foretold yoni as satvik, rajsik and tamsik yoni same type of papa like satvik, rajasik
and tamsik in current birth. In this style an intelligent should foretold from the ascendant navamsa
to decide the sativk, rajsik or tamsik deeds [of this birth as carried forward from the last birth].
Entire manes society is attributed to three nakstras first is despatched soul, second is present
 janma nakstra and third nakstra
nakstra is that of brothern -relatives.

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