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a)Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense:

1- He ……………………………..(wear) sunglasses when I ……………….(meet)

2- What ……………you………(listen to) Nothing, I…………………………(rest)

3- This time next week we……………..(ski) in the French Alps.

4- Greg is taking a year off to travel. By the end of next year he ………………..

(visit) seven countries.

5- How long………………………….he…………(play) that computer game? Since ten o´clock

this morning!

6-John Galiano……………………(design) clothes for a long time. He ……………………………

(design) two new collections since last summner.

7-Why are you wearing a tracksuit? I………………………………..(play) tennis in the park

with David.

8- It´s very cold in here. Yes, you´re right. I……………………..(close) the window.

9- Steven Spielberg ………………………(direct) over twenty films since 1980.

10- The pop star ……………………..(sing) when the lights ……………………………(go out)

11- Don´t come round at six o´clock. I still ……………………………… homework. If you
want to come round at seven, you can. I ……………….(finish) it by then.

12- Frankk has got a black eye. ……………………………he……………(fight)again?

13-The teacher ………………………….(allow) the student to go home after she

……………………………….(hear)his explanation.

14-We ………………………………….(not want) to do our homework so we chatted instead.

15- I………………………………(pass) my dirving test by the time I´m 20.

16- This time next week I…………………………………………( lie) on the beach with qn ice
cream in my hand!

17-Phil ……………………………..(not come) round last night because he

………………………………….(already, see) the film.

18- Anna………………………………….(apply) for several jobs recently.

19- David , what………………..(you, do) on the PC at this time of night, tomorrow?

20- They can´t come out tonight. They …………………….(revise) for the exams.

B)Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

My friend Sam ………………….(be) a student, but at the moment he

…………………………………………..(work) in a clothes shop. Last summer he
…………………………..(go) to Italy. One day, while he ……………………………(walk) along the
beach, he …………………………………..(find) a watch. He …………..(be)an honest person, so
he ……………………………………(take) the watch to the police station and……………………
(leave) h is phone number. The owner of the watch, Angela, …………………………………
(call) him the following day to thank him, and she ……………………………….(invite) him for
a coffee. Since then, they ………………………………………(become) great friends, they
…………………………………………..(write) to each other many times.

Recently, Sam ……………………………………(work) extra hours at the clothes shop so that he

can visit Angela again. I think it must be love.

C)Write the appropriate verbs tenses

I……………………..(read) a brilliant book at the moment. It´s a biography of

Davi Beckham. I …………………(borrow) it from my friend, Rani,

yesterday.She…………………………….(read) the book when I …………………………(call) at her
house last week.She said her brother……………………..(give) it to her for her birthday and
she……………………………(enjoy) it. I…………………………………(love) football, so I
…………………………………(ask) Rani if I could borrow the book when she………………(finish)
it, I……………………………………(only, read), 100 pages so far, but I´d really recommend it.

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