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sensory satiation

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Alita: Battle Angel
Relationship: Alita/Hugo
Character: Alita | 99, Hugo (Alita: Battle Angel)
Additional Tags: Touching, Sensory Porn, Sort Of, POV Second Person, Cyborg/Human
Couple Deserves Happiness, Experimental Style
Series: Part 15 of the hubs’ collection
Stats: Published: 2019-02-15 Words: 553

sensory satiation
by girlsarewolves


the first thing you know you want when you realize just how intensely, accurately, you can
feel everything now is run and find him. take his hands in yours and then put them on you,
put them everywhere on you, so you know what his touch feels like on every sensor, every
wired nerve.


Saw Alita: Battle Angel and got a lot more feels out of it than expected, so wanted to write
a little something while riding the feelings train, lol, and my husband desperately wanted
something for these two so why not give him a little V Day present in the form of fic?
Haha. I fell back on my old friend of second person pov because it's strangely soothing to
write a lot of the time, and I thought it worked for this. Feedback is appreciated!

the first thing you know you want when you realize just how intensely, accurately, you can feel
everything now is run and find him. take his hands in yours and then put them on you, put them
everywhere on you, so you know what his touch feels like on every sensor, every wired nerve.

part of you is afraid. there was always this fear, this doubt in the back of your too human mind that
you are a novelty, and that novelty will soon wear off. that you are too much a toy, a weapon, a
thing, to keep his affection for long. you can't fight off the worry that with this new body, every
inch of it something other, something alien, he will finally realize they're wrong for each other.


but you love with your entire heart, and your entire heart could power cities, so you dive into the
crowd to go and find him, show him you're alive, you're fine, you're whole and who you're meant
to be. you do not feel like a machine when you find him, you feel like a teenage girl with butterflies
in your stomach - how can cyborgs have butterflies in their stomachs? - and all you know is love
and hope and self-doubt and nerves and then he's touching you and you feel it.

he tells you to close your eyes, and even without seeing you know where he is, know where his
hands are touching. you feel every tiny caress, every little stoke, the softness of his hands gliding
over the new and improved you, and you are just a teenage girl in that moment, wanting the things
that teenage girls want - love and acceptance and touch and more, so much more, and you aren't
sure how it works between human and cyborg, but you know you want to find out, want him to
want it too.

'touch me,' you're breathing against his mouth. your hands are on his face now, fingertips feeling
over the smoothness of his cheeks, sensors picking up on the tiny, fuzzy pinpricks of stubble that
hasn't even grown yet. you feel the echoing rhythm of his breathing, his pulse, his steady racing in
his chest, and you realize you are doing this to him.

you are making him this excited.

it's a heady thrill, one you want to experience over and over and over. you think - wish - you could
get lost in this. in him. you feel his hands on your neck, his lips on your jaw, and your eyes look up,
unfocused, at the underbelly of Zalem - it almost drags you out of the sensations, that looming
reminder of all that is wrong and all that is happening. but he's kissing your ear, whispering your
name, telling you that this is amazing - you are amazing - and you sink back down.

you just want a little bit for yourself. just a little moment to explore, to experience, to enjoy.

i love you, lingers on your tongue - but he kisses you and takes the words from you before they can
form, and you let him because part of you is still scared, and this moment, these feelings, are
yours. you aren't ready to take any risks and loose them yet. so you close your eyes and kiss back -
and feel.
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