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Student: Abbey E. Hammann

Clinical Staff: Adam Spaulding
Site: Carespring Healthcare Management - Coldspring Transitional Care Center
Evaluation Name: 2023 PT 9003 Fall 2022

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1. Professional Practice – Safety

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I am sure to maintain patient safety at all times. Each patient I work with I am sure to place a proper fitted gait belt
on them and ensure they have on proper footwear. Patient safety is something I will continue to work to improve
and pay attention to, especially as I begin to treat more complex patients with a greater risk for safety concerns.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I consistently use a gait belt with all patients and have been exposed more to higher level transfers. I sometimes
require assistance with planning higher level transfers to ensure patient safety, specifically when exposed to
new/unfamiliar diagnoses.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Initial edu on positioning for proper assist provided. Has had increased exposure to higher level assist transfers,
needs more hands on with high assist transfers. Consistently utilizes gait belt, interventions are safe and

CI Final — Adam Spaulding No issues with safety noted. Able to manage lines including O2 and foley. utilizes gait belt AAT's as appropriate.
Does not perform unsafe tasks.


Self +4
CI +5

2. Professional Practice – Professional Behavior

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I arrive early each day, wear the appropriate attire, and am respectful of staff, patients, and patients families. I
maintain patients modesty and privacy. I am able to accept feedback without defensiveness and manage the
feedback in a constructive way. I often seek feedback from my CI - if not daily, then weekly to ensure my progress
throughout this rotation.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I maintain the appropriate behavior in all interactions with patients, patient families, staff, and support staff. I
consistently seek feedback from my CI.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Maintains appropriate behavior with all interactions with staff and with pt's. Respects all pt's as Ind. Does not
demean or have inappropriate interactions with pt's.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Maintains positive mood with residents, maintains appropriate interaction with both staff and pts. maintains
appropriate professional demeanor during pt interactions. Arrives early and stays until needed to complete daily


Professional Self +6
Behavior CI +2

3. Professional Practice – Accountability

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I am ready at all times to accept responsibility for my actions and errors I may make in reports. I attempt to readily
fix any errors I may make in a timely manner. I am able to maintain patient confidentiality. I am often adjusting my
schedule I have planned to work to meet a patients needs for therapy. For the remainder of this rotation, I would
like to better understand the policies and procedures of my practice setting in addition to the legal practice

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to accept responsibility for my actions and own up to any errors I make in reports or interactions. I
attempt to remedy errors as quickly as possible.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Accepts accountability for actions, although no issues have arisen requiring Abbey to take responsibility for
actions. Maintains legal standards in regards to tx, billing, etc.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Accepts responsibility for errors in documentation as warranted. No issues with hands on care of pt's that resulted
in need for accepting accountability.


Self +5
CI +4

4. Professional Practice – Communication

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I think that my CI and I communicate very well - both daily and weekly. I have also began to have better
communication with other staff members including COTA's, OT's, SLP's, PA's, nursing staff, social services, and
rehabilitation aides. I plan to continue improving this line of communication over the next 4-5 weeks. Additionally, I
am doing well communicating with my patients and their families. Although I am doing well in this category, I
intend to continue improving in this category.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to communicate daily with my CI and other staff regarding treatment plans, scheduling, and feedback on
patient interactions. I am always readily available to seek feedback and constructive criticism. I believe that my CI
have good rapport and communication. When I am unsure of what to do, I am able to ask my CI or other staff for
assistance and ask questions regarding transfer techniques, intervention ideas, and a patient's diagnosis.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Able to convey instructions clearly and accurately to pt's. Verbally discusses cases with CI including tx plan, dx,
handling techniques. Asks questions appropriately to determine appropriate care for pt. Accepts and implements
feedback. Good communication skills with various team members for co-tx's, schedule plans, feedback on pt's, etc.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Demo's excellent communication with therapy aspect of IDT regarding POC and daily schedule. Good
communication with CI regarding plan for the day, rationale for POC, any concerns noted during tx with pt's. Written
communication/documentation remains a strong point. Able to attend CC with COTA member.


Self +4
CI +5

5. Professional Practice – Cultural Competence

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to effectively adapt PT intervention with considerations for patient differences, values, preferences, and
individual needs. I am able to communicate with patients and provide care in a nonjudgemental manner even if the
patient's beliefs and values conflict with my belief system. I am able to consider the patient's differences in race,
ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability and health status without it affecting my level of care even though some
may change how I provide their interventions. I am able to be respectful and effective with patients.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I respect all individuals as individuals regardless of their culture and display the appropriate behaviors in all

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding respects each person as an Ind. and maintains appropriate interactions with pt's.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding respects all individuals and treats every person with respect. No issues at all. Even with disgruntled non-compliant
pt's, abbey maintains appropriate demeanor.


Cultural Self +5
Competence CI +1

6. Professional Practice – Professional Development

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to utilize feedback from others and make changes for future encounters and documentation. I accept
responsibility for my mistakes and make an effort to remedy them. My CI and I discuss weekly what I can do to
improve the following week to ensure growth and professional development.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I consistently ask questions to improve my thought process and depth of knowledge as a future clinician. I have
had the opportunity to participate in co-treats with multiple OT's and COTA's which has greatly improved my
understanding of the interdisciplinary approach. Overall, these experiences have greatly improved my professional

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Abbey asks appropriate questions to better her knowledge as a clinician. Able to participate in session with OT to
better understand interdisciplinary care approach. Will attend IDT meetings in near future as appropriate. Will
complete admin project at conclusion of clinical that will assist in bettering the facility overall.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Abbey completed facility project of measuring common distances ambulated in order to improve staff efficiency.
Abbey has displayed willingness to learn from various therapy department staff members in order to shape her
own standard of practice. Accepts and utilizes feed back appropriately from CI and other staff members. Displays
initiative to perform and participate in various tx approaches.


Professional Self +4
Development CI +5

7. Patient Management – Clinical Reasoning

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I feel that this category is the one I require the most improvement on. I am able to provide logical rationale for the
interventions I provide patients and recognize when certain interventions for a patients plan of care are ineffective
most of the time. Additionally, I am able to modify patients POC as necessary. I would like to improve these
behaviors with more complex patients such as coming up with new interventions I have not tried.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I have improved in this category since the midterm especially upon initial evaluations. I have had more experience
with patients that are not medically safe to ambulate with upon initial evaluation. Additionally, I am able to
determine appropriate interventions based on an individuals deficits noted in the evaluation and subsequent
interactions. I think that this category can still use some improvement.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding determines accurate intervention to address deficits found on eval. occasional cues provided to alter tx approach
pending pt presentation each day. Uses sound judgement when determining what activities are safe to perform on

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Demo's accurate reasoning for interventions and activities performed with pt's. POC developed Ind with appropriate
clinical reasoning based on what is seen during evaluation.


Clinical Self +4
Reasoning CI +5

8. Patient Management – Screening

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to efficiently review a patients medical history from medical records and other sources. I believe I select
appropriate screening tests and measurements. I'm able to appropriately interpret tests and measures. I would like
to become more efficient in chart reviewing prior to initial evaluations over the remaining half of this rotation.
Additionally, I have become more efficient with my screening with patients during the initial evaluation for a
physical examination.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I do not screen patients as a student in this setting but have has the opportunity to assist/observe other clinicians
perform screens since the midterm. I have been more proactive in obtaining patient vital signs as necessary since
the midterm as well. I sometimes still require cuing with obtaining vital signs.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Screens not necessarily performed in this setting by students. However, Abbey does screen her resident's for
changes in performance and presentation daily. Abbey cont. to require cues for obtaining VS if needed. Not many
instances of VS being required d/t change in presentation.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Screens not officially completed by students in this setting. Able to screen each pt on a daily basis for change in
condition and alerts CI or nsg to change in condition so appropriate steps can be taken to address change.


Self +4
CI +5

9. Patient Management – Examination

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to effectively assess a patients ROM, strength, sensation, cognition, integumentary, and obtain a history
from patients and other sources as a part of the examination. I am able to utilize information from history and other
data such as imaging, lab tests, and the patients medical record. I would like to become more efficient at analyzing
a patients gait pattern and deviations. Since my site does weekly progress notes as opposed to daily notes for
residents, I am continuously performing regular reexaminations of a patients status. I would like to improve my
examination skills of more complex patients at this time.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I think that I have improved in speed and efficiency with examinations since the midterm. I am able to obtain
objective information more quickly by running through my examination and documenting afterwards while the
patient is doing therapeutic exercise. I am able to collect accurate objective and subjective information from a
patient. Additionally, I have developed a better understanding of assistance levels for mobility and transfers.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Obtains accurate hx, subjective, PLOF with no cues from CI for evals. able to obtain objective info for simple cases
with no input from CI, min cues for complex cases. Will focus on improving speed of obtaining info in remainder of

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Performs Examinations Ind, no cueing from CI for exam. Performs T&M appropriately, including
MMT/ROM/functional transfers/etc. Adjusts T&M as needed.


Self +4
CI +2

10. Patient Management – Evaluation

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I have been completing simple evaluations independently since week 1 and I think that I have improved in efficiency
and speed of documentation with evaluations. I would like to be more proficient with chart reviews in order to be
better and more quickly prepared to begin an evaluation of a new patient. I need some assistance for more
complex patients that require more assistance

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to effectively determine impairments from the evaluation and create goals for them. I am able to evaluate
simple cases independently but still require some assistance with complex cases. I think that I have improved in
speed and efficiency with evaluations since the midterm.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding able to identify impairments based on info from evaluation. with simple cases able to make clinical decisions
efficiently with minimal to no input from CI. Will progress to complex cases in remainder of clinical.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Takes examination data and evaluates appropriately. Makes clinical judgements based on available info to
formulate appropriate POC. Clinical decisions are sound with no input from CI. Performs all tasks Ind.


Self +3
CI +4

11. Patient Management – Diagnosis and Prognosis

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I have been able to establish diagnoses for physical therapy intervention based on how the patient presents upon
initial evaluation. I would like to improve on prognosis in an inpatient setting for the remainder of this clinical
rotation. Since I am in an inpatient rotation, I do not have direct access patients in which differential diagnosis is as
pertinent. I am able to estimate contributing factors to the patients condition and the effectiveness of the
interventions based on the contributing factors.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann The diagnoses are provided by hospital and in their referrals. I am able to determine appropriate PT diagnoses such
as generalized weakness and gait abnormalities. I have additionally improved in discharge recommendations. A
patient's LOS is determined by the insurance company so I am not determining LOS or discharge dates.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Dx is provided by hospital. Prognosis will consist of anticipated LOS. However, in per diem setting LOS is generally
determined by managed care company. Will hold further convo's btwn CI and Abbey regarding anticipated LOS and
potential assist needs/discharge recommendations.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Again, Dx is provided by hospital. Prognosis has been discussed more frequently with CI. prognosis of LOS is
generally determined by managed care ins with current caseload. Discussions pertain more to needs at home, D/c
location, SUP needs upon return home, potential to achieve PLOF.


Diagnosis and Self +4

Prognosis CI +4

12. Patient Management – Plan of Care

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to establish a POC consistent with the examination and evaluation fo a patient. I am able to progress and
modify plans of care. I would like to become more efficient at discharge planning. I have not had much practice
with discharge planning since most of my patients discharge due to a change in payor source, loss in insurance
coverage, or hospitalization.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to effectively construct goals relevant to the deficits found in a patients evaluation. I occasionally require
cuing for wording regarding goals but I feel as though they are generally appropriate. I have improved in
consistently including transfer goals and improvements to a patients functional outcome measure. I attend patient
care conferences and discuss components of the conference with my CI. I require some cuing with changing POC
based on pt presentation and/or lack of progress.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Establishes goals based on deficits found during eval. Goals are generally acceptable. Occasional cues to ensure
major deficits are covered (ie transfer goal). Collaboration with family is generally performed by CI at this time
however, CI and student discuss POC and discussions CI has with family. Modifies POC with cues from CI pending
pt's presentation or lack of progress in established POC.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Develops POC ind from CI input. Progresses activities as needed/appropriate. POC developed appropriate based
on pt deficits observed in examination.


Self +4
Plan of Care
CI +5

13. Patient Management – Procedural Interventions

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to assist patients with interventions safely and efficiently. I would like to be more effective at running
treatments through during groups with multiple residents. This is something that I have worked on improving over
the last few weeks and I plan on continuing to improve this skill. I am able to perform interventions within a
patients given POC. I would like to begin implementing new interventions with patients I have yet to try when
appropriate. This week I have begun to implement some new exercises with patients that are consistent with their

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I continue to assist patients with interventions safely and efficiently. I am able to perform interventions that are
appropriate for a patients identified deficits. I have expanded some with my interventions with patients but could
continue to improve in my intervention ideas. I have been better at staying out of a routine of exercises with each
patient and perform more individualized interventions that are more appropriate.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding provides safe environment for interventions. Interventions performed are generally appropriate for pt deficits,
however, CI would like repertoire of interventions to expand. Maintains safe handling during interventions. It is easy
to fall into a routine of interventions as many of our pt's require essentially the same type of interventions to
address common deficits. Make sure you do not fall into the routine and not address true deficits of pt's.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Interventions performed are appropriate based on deficits. Interventions appropriately vary btwn pt's in order to
make them individualized. performs Intervention in competent manner.


Procedural Self +4
Interventions CI +5

14. Patient Management – Educational Interventions

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to educate patients and their families on patient condition and progress in therapy. A goal of mine for the
remaining 4 weeks of clinical is to attend more care conferences to learn about education and interactions of
health care providers and patient/patient families. I would like to be more proactive with patient education on a
weekly basis. This is something that I have been improving this week.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I have improved in educational interventions and am able to educate patients on the purpose of exercises in their
POT. I have improved in cuing patients both verbal and tactile. I also have had the opportunity to interact more with
patient families and caregivers since the midterm.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding able to educate pt's to purpose and technique for interventions. Gives proper level of cues for directions (adequate
understanding of multiple directions vs single step vs no directions aside from stating task requested).

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Able to accurately and efficiently educate pt's to tasks requested and interventions to be performed. Educates to
proper AD management and transfer techniques. Understands when to break down directions as needed but
generally uses the less is more approach, which in this setting is more appropriate (typically)


Educational Self +4
Interventions CI +4

15. Patient Management – Documentation

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I think that this category is one of my stronger attributes. I am able to document progress notes, initial evaluations,
and discharge notes with few changes. Although I feel strong in this category, it is something I would like to
continue improving in. I have made my documentation more of a priority over the last week or two.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I think that my documentation has improved since the midterm due to requiring less cuing for including transfer
goals, vaccination status, and precautions. I have improved in appropriately utilizing build boxes less since the
midterm but have had some instances where the build boxes do not convey the appropriate information and I have
used them in a note.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Documentation is a strong point of Abbey's. Demo's good understanding of what info goes where in evals and PR's.
Documentation is clear and concise. Will work to ensure appropriate vaccine status and precautions are included
consistently in eval. Will also work to ensure goals are adequate and cover all deficits.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Documentation remains a strong point. Not much to say aside from documentation is excellent.


Self +3
CI +8

16. Patient Management – Outcomes Assessment

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to instruct a patient on how to complete an outcome assessment in addition to demonstrate it. I am able
to interpret the results of assessments throughout a patient's plan of care. I am able to select valid and reliable
outcome measures for each patient population. I am able to evaluate whether functional goals from a patient's plan
of care have been met or not - I can upgrade goals as seen fit.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to appropriately update progress notes and discharges with outcome assessments. I have utilized
functional outcome measures with new evaluations to establish a baseline including the 30 Second Chair Rise

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Collects appropriate needed info for progress and D/C notes to determine outcomes of interventions each period.
able to determine with minimal cues outcome of overall therapy course with DC's. Has performed standardized
tests including 30 sec chair rise primarily.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Able to accurately determine D/C status for functional mobility tasks. Performs outcome assessment for
standardized tests (generally 30 second chair rise test). Able to determined based on D/C functional status what
f/u recommendations should be given for when pt D/C's.


Outcomes Self +4
Assessment CI +4

17. Patient Management – Financial Resources

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I would like to improve in assessing when to bill concurrently and when to bill co-treating minutes. My CI's caseload
that I carry is a per diem caseload, so I am able to group patients and bill without making it concurrent or co-
treatment. I think that my tracking of minutes for each category (ie. there act, ther ex) has improved. I am able to
bill independently with minimal corrections. I am sure to only bill for the minutes I have treated. If a patient does
not complete the scheduled time set on the schedule, I am sure to only bill for minutes we were utilizing
interventions or education.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I am able to accurately bill for co-treats, concurrent treatments, and standard individual treatments.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Bills correctly for the most part aside from 1-2 instances of reminding to bill for visits. Bills accurately to the time
spent with pt. Educated to various insurance billing practices.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Developed greater understanding of insurance coverages, how to bill various insurances, how we can treat various
insurances. Educated to MDS and how it impacts reimbursement in facility. Did not have opportunity to attend IDT
MC meeting.


Financial Self +3
Resources CI +5

18. Patient Management – Direction and Supervision of Personnel

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I have improved a lot over the last 4-5 weeks of this rotation. I am becoming more confident asking aides for
assistance, asking nursing questions as needed, and working as a team with OT's and COTA's. Over the next 4-5
weeks, I plan to continue developing in this category.

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann I do not directly interact or direct rehab aides but have utilized them more since the midterm with the assistance of
CI and COTA. I have gained more confidence working as a team with COTA and leading schedules more since the

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Utilizes CI as aide as needed. CI does not have students direct rehab aides. Will work on Abbey taking more lead
(while still working in coordination with) COTA during co-tx/per diem tx's.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Utilizes CI for support needs as needed. Requests COTA to contact RA for which pt's are needed at what times
throughout day. Works well with other therapists during co-tx's and overall planning day.


Super vision of Self +3

Personnel CI +5

19. Summative Comments / Caseload / Days Absent

Areas of Strength

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann - communication - professional behavior - documentation - improving in initial evaluations

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann - communication - professional behavior - documentation - evaluations (improved in efficiency, timeliness, and

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding documentation quality, communication, completing documentation with minimal cues from CI, willingness to
attempt tasks.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding documenation, pt rapport, communication, time management. overall demeanor and ability to talk to pt's like they
are "normal" people and not a case study.

Areas for Further Development

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann - critical thinking - prognosis - knowledge of insurances

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann - managing higher level assistance transfers for more complex patients - developing new interventions (has
improved since midterm but need to continue) - critical thinking

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding time management with multiple pt's, variation of interventions, handling of higher level assist pt's.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding exposure to further financial aspects of rehab settings, verbal communication with IDT.

Caseload/Other Comments
1) What is the full caseload at your clinical site for a new graduate?
2) Considering the rating anchors, what percent of a new graduate caseload is the student capable of
managing at this time?
Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann 1) 7h15 treatment time per day, 0h45 for documentation 2) defer to CI CPI evaluation

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann 1) 7h15 treatment time per day, 0h45 for documentation 2) defer to CI CPI evaluation

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding 7.25 hrs tx time (non per diem caseload). Abbey tx's more time than this d/t being on per diem caseload. But is able
to overlap pt's. 10 hrs or 13-15 pt's is a new grad expectation that is able to functionally tx per diems. Abbey tx's
approx. 8-9 hrs in per diem gym.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Abbey is able to handle full caseload of >8 hrs of tx in per diem gym. Abbey excelled beyond expectations of
traditional caseload of 8 hrs of scheduled tx with concurrent scheduled.


Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann I have not progressed in a case load this quickly for my previous 2 clinical rotations. It has been helpful for me to be
challenged with increasing responsibility more rapidly, even though this is my first clinical rotation in an inpatient
setting. Only recommendation is it would have been nice to have an orientation day as a tour to become oriented
more quickly and run over some things that are different in an inpatient setting opposed to outpatient (ie. O2 tanks
management, how to find drinks for residents, and how to navigate PCC/do a productive chart review).

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann None. Good first experience in an inpatient setting.

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding Cont. to be open to trialing new interventions, ensure you save documentation time for documentation and tx time
for tx. Some pt's may get aggravated if the perceive they are not getting enough attention when we document
during their rest periods.

CI Final — Adam Spaulding Cont. to be willing to learn new techniques, cont. to show initiative, take the idea of learning by doing with you in
your remaining clinicals as well as your future job setting. You did great in this setting. If you are interested in PRN
position once you are licensed, give me a call.

Mid-Term Days Absent Student: 0 days

CI: 0 days

Final Days Absent Student: 0 days

CI: 0 days

Reason for Absence

Self Mid-Term — Abbey E. Hammann N/A due to no days absent

Self Final — Abbey E. Hammann N/A due to no days absent

CI Mid-Term — Adam Spaulding N/

CI Final — Adam Spaulding N/A

Evaluation Sign Off Dates/ Times

Self Mid-Term
[CI] Adam Spaulding - 09/23/22 04:37 PM
[Student] Abbey E. Hammann - 09/23/22 04:36 PM

Self Final
[CI] Adam Spaulding - 10/21/22 02:11 PM
[Student] Abbey E. Hammann - 10/20/22 08:16 PM

CI Mid-Term
[Student] Abbey E. Hammann - 09/23/22 05:11 PM
[CI] Adam Spaulding - 09/23/22 04:34 PM
[CI] Adam Spaulding - 09/23/22 11:06 AM

CI Final
[Student] Abbey E. Hammann - 10/21/22 02:18 PM
[CI] Adam Spaulding - 10/21/22 02:10 PM
[CI] Adam Spaulding - 10/21/22 02:10 PM

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