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AP STATISTICS - SEMESTER 1 FINAL EXAM INFORMATION Tue Bxaw Your AP Statistics Final willbe 2 hours length ei consis of 30 Multple-Choice questions and Free sponse Questions. Allquesions retaken rom previous yeas’ actual AP Stalstis exams ‘Tae Srupy GuIDE ‘The sudy guide vil be du the day ofthe exam. You mus grade your study gue inadiferent color to receive fl edt ‘There. keno hme before the exam for questions! Make sure youare asking questionsas you work ‘through the study guide ‘Tue Stupy PLAN 1. Try todo. few pages each dy. 2. Usethe rubrics to rae and sore your answers forthe ree response questions. You can iad these onthe College Boars AP Stasis website. 3, Use the Big des" boues tw help you study. These are the concepts, interpretations and processes you nee tohavemenoried, 4 Ifyou wait uni theast day to complete the study guide and/or study, promise you that you will be led with rage, despair, nausea, delirium, and regret (in that order). Please please, please ~|ust do alislbiteach dy, or set tide single day for nching bu studying ‘Tae Content cuaeren 1 Hen eens and variables ina dataset 2, Canafyrarsbierarcteorclorqsntatve 43 Make and interpret ar raphstorexeprel ata “& deotiy what makes some graphs of eatgoris data miseang 5 Gaelate marin sn jolt retire quencies ro oy tbe 5 Usebar graphs to compare dsusbuons of catgoricl data ® esrb he ata of the aselaton between tage variables ‘ate an inerpret depots, serps and istgrams of quntive dita enuf testape ot sribuos rom agra 9. Desie the averal pte shape, eter vars) of drbuton and identi ny major departures om, ‘ho pater outers) +1. Gampare distribution of quanti data using dtp, temas and bison 42 Galle nares of eter (mean, median for dtbuton of quate da 18, Gaelatweanditrpret measures variably (range standard devatin,1QR) fora debt ofquantative ta 14, plan bow ontarandshewnes ast mesares fone ad varity 15. Me and ierpretbonpo of quantasive ta, 16, enti outiersusngthe Lx 1QRrule 17. Usebotplots and numeri sunmare to compare dso af quate data aren 2 - — ‘and nares percent ofan val value nario ft, ‘lima percents snd indivi! values sng x oumaltve ete equeny graph "and interpre the tndarted sore (e-em avulsion of dt, Describe te ele ofadang subtracting malepvingby. or dng by aostanton the shape, center, and varsbiy ofa dition of ‘eea deny carve to model debuts of quanta dt, lent the relate laeaons a he mean and meen of dsributn roma dst curve (se the 5695987 rato ertinate te proprton ovals in sepeaied interval oI) te ae thst corresponds ave percent ina Noval disrbton. {8 Finke proportion of aes ina specie interval in 2 Normal esributon sng Tale oreo. ‘9 Pndthe ale that corresponds to=gver percentile ns Norma dstibtion win Table Artec” 10, Detarie whetheradsthuton of dn sappy Normal rm graphical nancial evidence Cuarren 3 _ 1+ Diogu etn explanatory and reapunse vrais quntave dats 2 Make stern date reatonshptsen to anaes 41 Desabe the recon fom andstength fa reatonshp splayed ina seterplot and ey ental features 4 Interpret te comeation 5. Understand taste proper of creation ncading how the sorrel infeed hy tere {6 isungushcoelason om easton ale precios using regression nes expingin mind he dangers ofextrapoluson (seuss and interprets resid 9. Interpret hope and y intercept oa epresion ine 10, Determine the equation of east squares regression ne wing technology or computer utp 1, Gansretand interpre esl plots tases whether epesion models appropeas 1. Interpret the standard dean the resis and required ap ase thee alsa ses howl ales squires reson ine models the elation between two vrales 12, esrb how the leas squares regression ng, andar deviation of he esas aa -sqared aretsenced ase 14, Find the ope andy ntacaptof the least squares regression ine om the means and standard deviations fx andy and theircoreaon Pres 1. ently he poplton nd sample na tata sy 2s vlutary response sampingand onvenene sampllng nex ow thes sampng ods cn lardto bias Desert howto selects stple random sample with ecnaogy ora tale of random gts {tert wince camp cng random mpi sneer sing igh trae ‘andam sampling rm caster sampling and ie an aang of ach ato 5 Desenibe how seecta snp using user sampling anda mpeg, stings trated randoms sampling from cluster sampling and ve an advange ofeach method 6 Biplin baw underoverag notrespenequeton wording and eter apes of sample survey can ea to ae "oplan the concept of confand and how ts th aby to ak exnso anc consons 1 Dimingush between an osoratona sty and an experimen ety he xpastory and response ‘variables in each peasy 9. dentty he experimental uns and westments nan experiment 10. Deseribe te paso elec and the purpase of bling nan experiment 11 Desert hows randomly sige treatments an experimen ap random ts f apr ecology, o 21a of 12 Explain the prpose of omparson,random asigement cot and elton nan experiment 1. Dereibes completely randomized devign eran experiment 1, Deere arandomized block design ans matched pr design fran experiment and expo the purpose of blocking nan expertent 15, apn the concept of sampling varity when makingan rnc about population and bow sample sre fects sampling varity 16, Eas the meaning of tatty sigue the context fan exprinent and seston to determine ‘resus ofan experiment ae satay gfe 17, Hen when tis appropriate o make an erence shout: paultion nd when iti appropri to maka Inference abowtsue and etic 18, Braud fa statis stay has bon card out ina ets] manor 5 1, Interpret probability as alngram eve quem, Use sinsston to model cane behavior ‘tvea probaly model ors chance pres with equal key atcames and ust find the probably fan 4 Uretasieprotaity rales nad the complemant rule andthe adtion rule formu excuse events 5. Uses twowsy table or Yeon gram to models cance eos and eat rabbit ving fo events & Aoply easel non rue act probabities Calero and interpret condtiona probabiies Determine two crete ar nspondent Usothe general mulpiaon reo eae probablties 10, Uses toe dgra o modes cance ross vag Sequence of outcome ando cleat pobabiies MuttipLe Cnorce Questions 4 For which ofthe following woul tbe inappropriate o display the data with single ple chat? ‘The dlstrtbution of car colors for vehicles purchased inthe last month ‘The distribution of unemployment percentages foreach af the 50 states ‘The dstrbution of favorite sport fo sample of 30 middle schoo students 4 The distribution ofshoe ype worn by shoppersata local mall, fe Thedlarfbution of presidential candidate preference for voters na stats 2. Thefollowing bar graph shows the distribution of favorite subject or sample of 1000 students, ‘What he mos serious problem with thegraph? E j wate et 4. The subjects arent listed nthe correct order. 1 Thidistebution shouldbe displayed witha pe chart The vertical as should show the percent of students, ‘The vertical ais should start at O rather than 100. The orelgn language ba should be broken up by language ‘3. TheDallas Mavericks won the NBA champronship in the 010-2011 season. The two-way table ‘splays the relationship between she otzame of cach game nthe regular season and whether the Mavericks scored at east 100 points Pointsscored 100ormore | Fewer than 100 | Total Outcomectsame Win | 43 14 st ox | FT 35 Total a7 35 2 ‘Which of thefllowingsthe best evidence that theres an association between the outcome ofa {same and whether or no the Mavericks cored a east 100 points? ‘a TheMavericks won 57 ames and lostonly 25 games. 'b. The Mavericks scored at least 100 points n 47 gates and fewer than 100 points in only 35 ames, ce TheMavericks won 42 games when scoring at east 100 plats and only 14 games when scorn eer tn 00 po (© nein propane in ints poi (8/17) when they cored fewer tan 100 point (24/35). {@ Thecombinaton of serng 100 or more pots and winning the game occurred more often (43 umes) than any other combination of outcomes. 44. Thofelowing partially completed two-way table shows the marginal distributions of gender and handedness fora sample of 100 high sehool students. ender wale | female | tout Ria ¥ 0 Dominant Ler 10 Mand Tort 7 @ 700 theres no association between gender and handednes forthe members ofthe sample, which of the fllowingisthe corretvalue of? a 20 Qh of Ho =zBlo a0 36 4s © Impossible to determine without more information 5. Here are theamountsof money (ents) in coin aie by 10 students na statisti cass: 50, 35,0, 46,86, 0,5, 47,23, 65.To make stemplot ofthese data, you woulduse stems 0.2.3,4,6,8 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.8 © 035.67 00, 10,20,30, 40,50, 60,70, 80, 90, ‘8 None ofthese {6 Thehistogram show the heights of 200 randomly selected hgh choo students, Which the folowing sth best description ofthe shape ofthe distribution ofhlghts? * OQ) sme sig posed ‘© Roughly symmetric and mult-peaked 4. Seewedothelet 1 Skevedtotheright 7. Youtookatreal estate ads for houses in Naples, Florida, Thre are many houses ranging rom $200,000 to $500,000 in price. Te ew houses on the water, Nowever, ae priced up $15 milion ‘The dstbution of house pices wll be ‘a Skewedtothelet Roughly symmetric Skawed tothe right Single poaked fe. Tookigh 8. Thohistogram shows the distribution ofthe percents of women aged 15 and ove who have never ‘marted in each of the 50 states ad the District of Columbia, Which of he following statements about the histograms correct? Naber ste {Thecentor (mean) af the dstebution s about 36%, bh. There are more states with prcentags above 32 than there aestates with percentages less an24, would be better ifthe values om 34to 50 were deleted onthe horizontal ais so there woulda be a large b ‘There was one state with value of exactly 32%. sbout half ofthe tates had percentages between 24% and 28% ee ee er eres meee pe 20. Which ofthe followings the best reason for choosing astemplot rather than histogram to display the distribution of quantitative variable? ‘2, Stemplote allow yom to pit stent hitagrae dant 'templot allow you to see the values of individual observations. ‘Stemplots are better for displaying very large sts of ata 4 Stemplots never requlre rounding of values Seemplot make easier to determine the shape ofa disutburton. Problems 11-12 refer tothe following sting: A the Census Bureau website, you ca view detaled data ‘collected bythe American Community Survey. The following table indus data fr 10 people chosen at random from the more than 1 millon people in housobolds contacted by the survey. "Schoo" gives the highest level of education completed. “Weight Age awetowonk Tact gear oun) scooter "yet ish 66 ss Wighactod 20 bad me 10 Aasoedepree 211,900 moar 10 Semacolege 230000 1s Higachaol_ 2 wal moe 1s Mrs 225000 ‘ge mw © Hignecaol 1 30 = mow 2 Nighaot 42800 won na Pitagade 3 11, The individ fn his dataset are Households cope, ‘Adit & 120varables © Colum. 12, This dataset contains ‘a Tvslables,2of which are categorical 1a, 7valables 1 of which is eategoia G6 variables, 2 of which ar eatagoria G6 variables, 1 of eich is cateporicl None ofthese 12. a distributions skewed tothe right with no outers, which expression is correct? ‘3 Mean-

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