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Final Fox Waifu, Renny (Renamon Lemon X Male Reader)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Category: F/M, Multi
Fandom: Digimon - All Media Types
Relationship: Renamon/Reader
Character: Renamon (Tamers), Reader
Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, Digimon/Human Relationships
Stats: Published: 2019-11-23 Completed: 2022-02-03 Chapters: 16/16 Words:

Final Fox Waifu, Renny (Renamon Lemon X Male Reader)

by YuNarukamiStatus


For those that want Renamon, and want her to "open up" to you. (eue)
The Last Renamon

Hello readers, we got yet another new story I wanted to start for a bit. If I haven't said it in the
Lilac Fanfic, dont panic, the next chapter of the Tsuyu Fanfic will be coming out after this. I plan
to do two more chapters of it in fact now that I have more time, then do one more of the Rouge
fanfic, then finish the Tsuyu one from there, which im sure you all are curious to see how that
ends. Now for this one. I did feel more comfy with doing this one than the Lilac fanfic (if you all
cant tell from the length of this), but this one is more serious (expect towards the end), and just so
yall know, this isnt exactly the main antagonist, so something to think about there, which I'll talk a
bit more about at the end this time (to give you guys an incentive to read thru ^u-). The Digi-vice
works a bit differently this time, so keep that in mind too. Will it actually come up in the plot later?
Again, you'll have to see. Im a bit impressed with myself on the funny moments for a serious
character like her, so look forward to that towards the end too. [again. RE-UPLOADED. Some
bullshit happened on this site where this fanfic got suddenly deleted. Hope it doesnt happen again]

Now wash your face, get a towel, get your glasses, and be prepared to wash your face again, cuz
the lemon section is as steamy as ever.

Anyways enjoy eue

Chapter 1: The Last Renamon -

"Whatcha playing?" I asked my cousin, distracted from my homework, "A game called 'None of
your business' " Wes replied, keeping his device from me. He always spends so much time with it,
and never lets me use it. Whenever he's not on it, Imstarting to not see him at all. What's going on?
..I'll wait for him to get off of it this time. After finishing my homework, the night hit and he's still
on that thing..I then made it seem like I was studying. "Wes, food is ready! Get your younger
cousin!" his Mom ordered from the kitchen, "Alright mom. *looks at me* ...I'll get that plate for
you" Wes said before exiting the room. Now's my chance. I got out of my seat, and picked the
small device up. I fiddled with a few switches and streams of light enveloped my body, soon I find
myself going through a tunnel of light. Looking at everything closer, it's..Data. Tons of data.

A land of wilderness welcomed me as I fell on it, a few chunks of it missing. "Well look what we
have 'ere!" said an approaching Impmon, with a group of other Impmons dropping behind him.
"What do you guys say we teach this human a lesson?" the Impmon rhetorically asks his posse,
and they fling a bunch of fireballs at me from their fingers. I end up getting hit in the shoulder and
back by them while running away, then another fireball hits me in the leg. "OW! Hey, stop that!
*gets hit by another fireball on my side, falls to the ground, and the device flies out of my pocket*
Oh No! My cousin's!" I shouted, not able to get up. "That's your's, eh? Well not anymore soon!
*puts on an evil grin*" said the leading Impmon, getting his fireball ready, this time it engulfs his
hand. "Drrragggh...!" I growled, trying to get up but my bleeding leg made me lose strength fast
and one of the Impmon drops on me, sitting on my back. The rest of them laugh at my misfortune
as I hung my head down, and got teary-eyed. "(Im sorry, Wes..I shouldn't have used this
thing..Now it's gone!)" I thought to myself as despair encroached me. Before the Impmon chucked
the flame, the moment he cocked his arm, "Diamond Storm!" all of us heard, making the Impmon
bat his eye behind him before getting blown back by a barrage of light leaf shards, which cut him
all over his body. "Huh? Where'd that-" another Impmon was about to ask before getting spin
kicked off of me, while the assailant had an Impmon in her hand, holding him by his face. This
was the only moment I could keep up with. I looked up, and saw her. She had yellow fur, stood
tall, black nails, had a small purple scarf and purple sleeves of some sort. Her dark blue pupils
looked down on me from her black eyes, asking "Are you ok?". which I nodded a yes to, "Then
stay. I'll take care of them" she said before tossing the Impmon away, then made a cross-cut on his
face while he flew away. The last five were downed after having their faces cut in the same
manner. "T-take this!" an Impmon said while throwing a fireball at her. The female mon ran
forward on her toes straight to him, brushing the fireball away with a swipe of her paw, and chops
him across the face, then kicks him in the gut, planting him above her on her foot. I was speechless.
She took them out in seconds and I tried my best to run away like a baby..

".....What's your name?" I asked, "*tosses Impmon off of the foot* Call me Renamon" she
answered. Renamon walked up to my device that was on the ground, and picked it up, "This isn't
your's.." she says, skeptically looking at me. "It's..My cousin's" I inform, "Return and only come
back when you're older" Renamon advises, "Not now!..My leg..He can't know how hurt I got" I
lowly said, "*sees the bruises* Do you even know how to get back?" she asked, "..No" I answered,
making her sigh. "(These damn, feeble humans..) Seems as if I have to take you under my wing.
You are not part of the Digi world's natural order" Renamon said, "Natual..Order..? Digi world?" I
asked, "I don't want you to die out here. Especially with that Digi-vice. And yes, you are in the
Digital world" Renemon replied. Digital..? So.. "You got digitized into this world. I know due to
my previous tamer" Renamon further explained, "Tamer..?" I asked more puzzled than before,
"*sees a hoard of aggressive digimon approaching, led by a darker lookalike* Tch, no time to
explain now, child. We must flee" Renamon hurriedly said, putting the Digi-vice in her sleeve,
then picked me up and leaps away from the enemies quickly.

Renamon takes me deep into a forest, hopping from tree to tree, "I..I saw a movie where a guy
was..handling a lion..and they called him a tamer..Is being one like that?" I asked, "It is" she
answered, "Do you think..I can be your's? Minus the whip" I asked, "Charmed, but I don't accept
Tamers I have to always babysit" Renamon retorts. We dropped down in front of a hut, "Is there
someone in there, Renny?" I asked, "*looks down on me* Look, I do not ask for companionship
from you. An ally I found is in there, Palmon-X" Renamon replied, I then frowned when she turned
around. We went inside, "Renamon? Hey, where'd you get the human?" Palmon-X asked, "Never
mind that. Heal him. He said he needs to return unwounded" Renamon ordered, "Alright. Hold
still, little boy" Palmon-X complied then puts color-shifting herbs on my wounds, and they burn
my skin, makingme wince. "Again hold still, I need to touch you so they actually heal" Palmon-X
advises, holding my shoulder and back with her hands, "Renamon, how'd let this kid get hurt this
bad?" she asked Renamon, "I saved him from a gang of Impmon. I wanted to make sure he can
return" Renamon informed, resting her back on a wall, looking off at the hut's entrance. "Poor kid.
Well, you help too. *gives her a few herbs, but looked away* I know that what those humans did in
the past was awful, but remember the bigger threat here" Palmon-X convinces, ".....So be it"
Renamon said after hesitation, "What's the matter..Renny?" I asked, "*looks slightly angered* I
told you I don't seek companionship, so don't call me that..!" Renamon said with warning in her
words. "Sorry..*turns to Palmon-X* Can she heal too?" I asked, "She's one of the holy beast
digimon, but can only really heal with me here. I amp her healing touch" Palmon-X informed
before Renamon stepped up, and takes the herbs, placing her now glowing paw on my leg. My
body felt pretty warm and the pains were numbing, then my leg recovered in no time, "Hmm, that
healed as fast as my method" Palmon-X comments. "Thanks Renn- I mean..Renamon" I corrected,
Renamon then sees that all my wounds are no more. "*stands with no problem* Alright, Im all
better!" I said happily, "Good. Now leave" Renamon ordered, "You really want me to go,
huh....Ok.." I lowly comply, "You need to go. Your family will worry and it is dangerous in the
Digital world. You experienced that, first-hand" Renamon advises and reminds. She then shows
me the button to press to return to my place, and I press it. Before I could say my farewells, "*rips
through the back of the hut with claws* So you did have a human with you. A child at that.
*giggles maliciously* I thought I was seeing things. Enjoy your departure while it lasts, human"
said a dark Renamon, "*turns to the dark Renamon* Dammit. NaitoRenamon, you always seem to
catch up fast, huh?" comments Renamon with a serious stare, "H-huh? NaitoRenamon?" I said in
surprise as she grabbed my head, forcing me to look at her, "If you happen to return, I will be sure
to make you mine" NaitoRenamon said with dominating, yet alluring voice before I disappeared,
which implanted fear into me. "That was unnecessary, NaitoRenamon" Renamon said to her,
clearly displeased with what she saw, "You have no room to talk. I had my fun, now get to the part
where you two run from me" NaitoRenamon said with an evil smile, seeing Renamon leap away
with Palmon-X as she rips the hut to shreds with her many Diamond Storm shards while spinning.

My body digitizes through the realm of data, sending me back to my world. "Hey, I got your..."
Wes began but stopped, seeing me come out of the Digi-Vice. He dropped the plate, and ran to me,
grabbing my collar, "What were you thinking?! You weren't supposed to go there!" he yelled,
about to punch me, but my gaze was emotionless. "Wha....What's wrong..? Say something, Im
talking to you!" Wes ordered, and I looked away, ".....Dont..Worry" I said, very unsure about what
happened. "Are you two ok? Does he need anything?" Mom asked behind the door, "Uh no, mom.
He'll be fine" Wes replied, hearing her footsteps fade away. Wes then threw me to the bed, "You're
telling me what you saw in there..*clinches fists*" Or else..!" he ordered, but I just sat there..
".....Do..You know..Renamon?" I asked, "You mean NaitoRenamon? Yeah" Wes answered,
"No..Normal Renamon" I correct him, "Huh? I only have the Naito one. I don't know where a..Did
you talk to both?" he asked, "Yes..More so with the normal Renamon.." I answered, "What about
the Naito one?" he asked, "*looks at him* She..she said she wants me to be her's.." I reply, Wes'
heart sank. "(W-what's going on....? She never acts like that with me)" Wes thought to himself, "W-
we're..No..I gotta see what's going on by myself" he said, "I have to know..What happened? What's
wrong with Renamon?.....She seemed so mad at me.." I asked, concern written all over my face.
Wes took a deep breath.

"A while back..Renamon's whole clan got taken out by human players a while back, and..There
was only Renamon and NaitoRenamon, who've hated us ever since."

"You mean...The Tamers?"

"So she told you about that too?"

"Which are you a Tamer of?"

"NaitoRenamon's. Why you ask?"

"Don't you see that she's evil..?...All those things she's said to me.."

"Like what?..Besides that one thing.."

"Like...'Enjoy your departure while it lasts, human'...What else would that mean?"

"NaitoRenamon..I can't believe you..!"

"Where'd her?"

"She was being chased by several stronger Digimon when I first came to the Digital world. She
saw that my crest was one she needed to Digivolve into Yokomon, then me and her became
friends. I ended up hanging out with her. NaitoRenamon seemed to be alright..Yeah she liked
fighting other Digimon, but still. Then I hear about this.."

"Is that it..? Nothing else made you..wanna go around with her?"

"*blushes* Well..She told me the same thing as you, but I always turned down the offer..I was just
hesitant really, but now..I don't wanna talk to her again.."

"Before I left, she said something about Renamon running away from her.. From what I've seen,
Renamon was really strong. I don't see why she'd run."

"NaitoRenamon knows alot about the Digi-world. Maybe she is keeping secrets from
Renamon..Just what is she planning? She can't be just doing this to her for fun."

"When I....When..I got into the Digi-world, a bunch of Digimon tried to kill me, then Renamon
saved me. After that, even more Digimon came to where we were."

"!...Drrrgh! *grabs Digi-Vice, tries to turn it on, but it ceases to work* Cmon, cmon, work! I have
to know what's she's planning!"

"Are you sure you're pressing it right? *Touches it, sees the device powering on* Huh? *holds it,
sees a crest symbol on it*"

"....No..It's too soon! That Digi-Vice chose you?!"

"What if it did?"

"Then..You're NaitoRenamon's Tamer."

".....*throws it at the wall* NO! IM NOT OWNING HER! NOR WILL SHE BE MINE!" I yelled,
collapsing on the bed, holding my head, starting to cry. "I..I CANT RETURN LIKE THIS!
Renamon..She..She wasn't nice to me, but I know she can do much better than that evil Renamon!"
I protested and complained. "Im sorry, but..We'll have to wait it out.." Wes said heavy-heartedly,
gripping his pants. "*cries on the bed* Renamon..Renamon..*hic* Don't go!" I pled to myself,
"..Look, our parents shouldn't find out about this..Finish eating and I' in the dinning room.."
Wes said, leaving the room but steps on my food, "and..I'll remake your plate..ok?...Im really
sorry" Wes added before exiting. After eating a quiet meal, I went home. The night was long and
cold, the possibility of Renamon, the last of her kind, soaked in even deeper..Wes didn't seem that
he wanted me to go back into that world..For a while..And Renamon won't let me Tame her til I got
older.."*enters my room* Son..what's the matter? You've been sad and cried all night" Dad
worriedly asked, "I..I made a girlfriend today and..She told me she had to move.." Ilied, "Im sorry
to hear that..There's more fish in the sea yknow" Dad said, trying to cheer me up, "But I know she's
the only one for me.." I continued to lie, "Well..Maybe later in life you can meet up with her again"
Dad tries to further encourage me, "..Hopefully" I replied, "What's her name?" he asked,
"...r...renny.." I lowly answered. He wasn't sure about what else to say, he just closed the door on
me..Yknow how they say G'night before bed? Well, this was far from one of them.....

9 years later, I went through high school, and puberty hit me like a truck. When I felt lonely
enough at night, I always thought about Renamon and..Yall should know where that's going. The
moment I met her felt life-changing, I find myself replaying that moment in my head..The way she
attacked..The way she spoke..Her soothing, mature voice..I adored everything about her the more I
thought about her presence. It all made me also hope that she was alive that much more..I walked
home from my last day of school, then Camil came up to me after getting off the bus stop, "Hey,
my house is this way. I thought you said we were gonna hang out" she reminded, "*stopped for a
moment* I changed my mind" I lied, going back to the way home, then turned to Wes' house when
she wasn't looking. Though I became very distant to everyone else ever since, I made a friend that
found any possible way to cheer me up..Carmil wasn't romantically interested in me, and gave me
enough space when need-be. At any rate, I think Im more than ready to go back to the Digi-world.
Arriving at Wes' house, I rung the doorbell, and Wes opened the door, "It's my 20th b-day. Let me
use it" I said to him, "....*sighs, taking the Digi-Vice out of his pocket* Don't get yourself killed"
he said, handing me the Digi-Vice as it glows brighter in my palm. I activated it, and the bright
light threw me into the Digi-world.

Upon arrival, the world was...Darker.. More black versions of Digimon began to be more apparent
than normal ones. They didn't attack me unlike when I first arrived. Something told me that I
shouldn't ask them about Renamon, but I had no leads, so I had no choice.. I walked up to a Black
Petaldramon, ignoring the fear of how large it looked, "E-excuse me, but do you know where the
last Renamon is?" I asked him, "Oh you know her? We saw her high in the mountains. She took a
beating, so watch it if she gets aggressive" he warned, pointing up to the mountains behind me. I
began my venture to the mountains, walking across many Digimon, ones that soared like these
large red falcon-like Digimon (Garudamon), and others that walked the land like these wooden
Digimon (Woodmon). Hearing that Renamon is the aggressive one among them is incredibly
ironic. Several minutes up the mountain, I heard footsteps behind me, I turned, no one in sight.
What's going on here...? The instant I hit a long, rocky corridor with a strange set of stalagmites
you'd see in a cave, I heard leaping echo throughout the area. "If you're going to show up, do it
now" I bravely said, then I found myself pressed against the wall, a paw holding me in place. The
female Digimon rose her head, showing me an unsettling smile, "I was wondering when you'd
show up" she said, "NaitoRenamon..!" I said with a hint of anger, "Hehe glad you remembered.
You must've remembered what I said too, right?" NaitoRenamon said, but with a rather lusty voice.
"Im not having this. Let me go so I can see Renamon!" I tried to order, "Hmph. You have no idea
what your position is now. You're in my world now, and you are gonna like it" NaitoRenamon
said, grabbing my privates, making me jump and leaned forward on me, licking my face. I-is she
going to rape me? "I said you were gonna be mine when you come back. You can see her when Im
done with you, but she's powerless against me and she knows it" NaitoRenamon starts, pressing her
pussy against my upright cock, rubbing my face tenderly, "But for now, just enjoy what is going to
happen.. I know I am" she said before holding my face with her paw, and kissing my lips, making
me close my eyes..I..I don't want any of this..This is my first kiss too..Soiled by this..This..Fake.
My cock had a mind of it's own and got hard on her slim stomach, then she grabbed it, twirling the
tip around her pussy's entrance and anal entrance under her tail, she moans in my ears. I tried to
wiggle free from her grip, but she then holds my arms up against the wall, over my head, "Struggle
any more than that, and I'll kill you here. Now, let me have my way with you" NaitoRenamon said
before resuming her dominance over me. The dark Renamon aligned her vagina above my
hardening dick, some of the tip starts going into her "OOOH!" she breathfully gasped in pleasure,
making me close my eyes even tighter, not wanting to let out my own moan, "Come on now. I
want to hear the moan of someone getting satisfied too" she said dirtily. Suddenly a sharp leaf cuts
throughher face, NaitoRenamon hops away from me. Renamon drops in front of me, "*raises head
to NaitoRenamon* Stay away fromhim...!" Renamon demanded, viciously staring at her, "*wipes
the bloody cut with her finger* So you have gotten stronger..This could be fun..!*licks the blood*"
NaitoRenamon comments with an unhealthy smile, "I am not here to have fun..I came for him"
Renamon said while holding my hand, then sees that my penis is showing "*blushes* Dignify
yourself, human! We must leave" Renamon added before me and her rush out of the cave-like area.
"I love a good chase..!" NaitoRenamon said with excitement, launching many Diamond Storm
shards at Renamon, who saw them, and matched their speed, but decided to run up the mountain
with me in her arms. NaitoRenamon runs out of the area, looks skyward to see nothing, then looks
behind herself, seeing that me and Renamon were dropping together, into the forest below,
"*Looks down at Renamon angrily* You cannot escape me forever, Renamon. I will have that
boy..Or should I say man?" said the darker Renamon, sinisterly chuckling at her, which rung in
Renamon's ears as she dove downwards.

Renamon carried me while speeding across the plains, passing up any Digimon who were hostile
towards her. "Renamon, what's going on?" I asked her, "NaitoRenamon has gathered a legion of
dark Digimon, and growth rate of it has expanded to more than 80% of the Digi-world population. I
don't know how she does it, but her influence has become rather great, despite her passive efforts"
Renamon briefs. "What are we to do then?" I asked, "I am uncertain..Our only hope lies in Palmon-
X. I made sure she was hard to find" Renamon disclosed, "Where is she now?" I asked, "Wait until
we are somewhere private" she replied, "*sees Digi-Vice trying to rupture with light in my pocket*
I know you can feel it too..I guess this makes me your Tamer" I said, "...I suppose so" Renamon
said, accepting the truth. "(If I can get us to an untainted town, that'd be ideal..Hmm?!)" Renamon
thought to herself, jumping back from a drill attack from a dark-furred, wolf-like Digimon with a
drill-tail, "A dark Dorulumon?" she said to herself, finding it hard to get pass him as he tries to
swipe at her while firing his drill at her, "*Holds me with one hand and swings with the other*
Diamond Storm!" Renamon shouts, trying to defend us both, but the drill proved too great for her
attack. Unable to react fast enough, the drill ends up getting lodged into my shoulder,
"AAAAAGHHH!" I screamed, the drill making a bloody coil into my fibers as I try to take it out,
"R-renamon..! I can't get it out!" I said in urgency, "*looks to BlackDorulumon, who chuckled*
Damn you...! *grabs my shoulder, giving it a healing touch* (If I were to beat this one, I have to set
him down..) *Places me on the ground, on my side* Wait here" Renamon then ordered, stepping
towards theBlackDorulumon. "Oops, Im sorry there. Did I hurt that little partner of your's?"
BlackDorulumon taunts, giving us an unhealthy smile, "You made me look bad in from of him.
Now you have to pay" Renamon seriously said, dashing over to him, delivering a punch to his face.
Unfazed, BlackDorulumon swipes at Renamon, who was able to dodge backwards to, her patch of
fur barely grazed, then scurries under him to kick him several times into the air, and swipes down
at her with both claws, but ends up missing those swipes too. The momentum of the swing carried
him too far around, exposing his back to Renamon and begins to drop on her, with Renamon
preparing an unseeable wind-up. "(I have to protect him..and make up for his injury..!) Power
Paw!" Renamon shouts, thrusting her energy-imbued paw upwards into BlackDorulumon's back,
along with her claws as she turns her wrist, making her punishing blow rather fatal. Renamon sees
his tail grow another drill, making her quickly give him another Power Paw, flying him away in
front of her, the BlackDorulumon laying a meter away, defeated. "*takes a quick breath* Let's
continue. *walks over to me*" Renamon said, "*I look at the blackened Digimon and see him fire
yet another drill at her* Renamon, watch out!" I alert to her, "*not turning around, moves head to
the side, making the drill miss* Tch! *turns to him* you don't know when to- *surprised to see
another drill zip by, directly hitting the Digimon's head, deleting him* ..Human? *turns to me,
seeing a bloody, slightly torn right hand. Walks over to me, holds my hand, slowly healing it* That
was quite a throw" Renamon commented, feeling some sorrow for me. She kneels to me, and puts
my hand to her body, hoping that I'd heal faster this way.. I would feel some pleasure from this, but
I was still in significant pain. Yknow, bleeding out and shit. Renamon sees that my hand was
healing no differently. "..Im sorry..You were hurt so badly from some of my unwise decisions.."
Renamon lowly said, "No..It's ok, Renamon. Im still alive, right?" I said with a smirk, "*looks
away with a light blush* Y-yes. Youare still breathing. I suppose I did well to that extent. In turn,
you did your part to help" she comments, as we shared a gaze. Our eye-contact broke the moment
Renamon heard flapping, making her long yellow ears twitch, then look upwards to see a large,
black insectoid Digimon descending below us, "Now a dark Kabuterimon?" Renamon said with
some fear in her heart, which the thing swooped down, cuts her across her lower torso, blowing
both of us away. "AAAGH! *slides back, holding her stomach wound* (We have to exit from the
Digital world. I can't keep fighting like this!)" Renamon thought, frustrated about the situation.
Renamon ran to me, holds me in both of her arms while leaping forward, rolls across the ground to
avoid Black Kabuterimon's shock attack. "Quick, human! We need to go to your world!" Renamon
hurriedly ordered, "But Im not sure if it'll wor-" I tried to say, but Renamon interrupts, "Do it
now!" she urged, still in pain herself. I took a few seconds to decide, then I see the Kabuterimon
charge up with more electricity, ready to toss it at us, "Yeah no" I said quickly, pressing the button
to return me to Earth, lights ensnare me and Renamon from the Digi-Vice.

Once my sight comes back to me, I see that Im in my own room, and instead of seeing Renamon I
see a shelf with my desk."Renamon? Where are you?" I asked myself, looking around, "This way,
human" Renamon said, making me turn around to her."Phew..I was worried" I commented, "What
matters is that we're safe" Renamon replied, "That you're safe" I corrected, "Hmm? What do you
mean?" she asked, looking puzzled, "I..Dont like seeing you fight out there. I couldn't help but feel
worried for you..Ever since we first met, I didn't want to lose you.." I expressed, "*shyly scratches
head* Im..sorry to make you worry for me, but I had to fight so that I do my part for you..I feel as
if I failed you twice. If I can make it up to you in any way, I will do anything" Renamon said.
Hmm..There's this one thing.."I'll start by doing this" Renamon began, putting my hand to her soft
body, healing my hand some more, also making me blush "I was right then. I saw that you like it
the instant you touched my body.. Could you possibly have feelings for me?" she asked, "..W-well
feeling is a strong word for it, but sure.. I also like it when you talk" I said with a brighter blush,
"My voice..? ...Like this?" she asked, "..Deeper" I pled, "..Like this?" she said with a slightly
deeper tone, "Maybe put more breath behind it?" I hinted, "Like thiisss~?" she said more
attractively, "More like that but..let's see if this helps" I said while putting my hand down her
crotch, caressing her cunt with my fingers, "oh..Oh..So you..Mmmm..Do I sound better now,
human?" Renamon said more sensually, steadily breathing, her pants reaching my face, her mouth
open from moaning. Renamon then rubs her paw up my arm, seeing my shoulder heal, then wraps
her arms around my arm, then pulls me closer to her, with her chest now touching my shoulder,
recovering it still, and her face an inch away from mine, looking into my eyes "Do you like this as
well, human?" she suggestively asked, moaning in front of me.


"O-of..C-course" I answered, feeling hornier from her sexual presence, "Tell me, human. What is it
that you now desire?" Renamon asked in heat, "..To simply put it, You..Renny" I said almost as
sexually, making her jump back a bit, "I knew you were that same human I assisted once....You are
rather peculiar. Wanting a Digimon to provide you such pleasure..But if it is me you desire, and I
want to compensate..You put me in a tight spot. It seems I must give such please~" she said more
and more lustfully. Renamon leaned back on her knees, opened her crotch to expose her pussy to
me, and puts on hand to her head, "Im ready for you, human" Renamon softly said to me, getting
me even more "excited". I initially rubbed and then lickedRenamon's sexy thighs, then worked my
tongue up to her scar on her stomach, "You're..Licking my cut too..? I never thought a human
would have such infatuation for me.." Renamon comments, moaning, looking at me with eyes of
growing infatuation of her own as she pets my head. I then lift up her leg to put her on her side,
exposing more of her wet vagina to me, "You..wish to please me as well, human? You're so
forgiving.." Renamon comments as I drift my head down to her privates, which had a rather clean
yet pheromonal scent to it, inviting me to satisfy her growing lust for me, and so I started to swirl
every part of my tongue around her vaginal region, wanting more from her delectable tastes.
"Aaahhh...How gentle, human..We may not be so different after all.." Renamon says as she lets out
a series of moans, her yellow tail wagging slowly on the bed, "H-human..Does this mean you wish
to not seek another female of.. your kind?" she asked while moaning, "With someone as hot as
you..I wouldn't ever want to.." I replied as her leg goes over my good shoulder, "*rubs her long,
hind leg* I always dreamed of this moment..and now that we're here like this, I don't wanna stop" I
said suggestively, raises up and puts my hard dong to her pussy, "For shame, human..Deflowering a
Digimon like me. It's hard to believe that I saved you earlier" Renamon further comments, "If
you're trying to get me harder, it's working" I respond. Renamon then got her back, spreads her legs
and brightpink cunt to me, waiting for me to enter into her, then looks back up to me with a
pleading stare, "You should feel ashamed yourself. I get endangered once and you get like this. I
thought this was only a favor you owed me" I teased, "Maybe I wanted to be 'Tamed' like this in
actuality. Maybe lust overcame me from how well you've pleased me..Either way, I now want you
to..Penetrate me..Please human" Renamon teased back and begged, "I guess you can say you want
me to 'Drill' you" I unhealthily joked, "*rolls eyes* Very morbid, human. Now come on and fuck
me" Renamon said with a hint of impatience, "Not unless you beg~~" I teased some more,
"*heavily sighs, looks away* I really want your penis in my privates, human. I beg of you to please
this Digimon" she said plainly with more attitude, getting pouty, "I didn't think you had this side to
you. Mind making it more convincing?" I said, "(If this happens again, I'll make sure he doesn't
walk. Maybe he'll be the one that begs by then eVe) Come do the sex with me, human! I really love
your hard penis! Please me to our heart's content! I want to be tainted only by you!" Renamon pled
loudly with a lewd tone to her voice, "(.....Woah 0.0) Hmmmm, maybe your calm voice sounded
better.." I said with a smile, making her close her eyes in anger and annoyance, "(I never thought I
wanted to kill someone for not having intercourse with me)" Renamon wondered. "Alright, enough
fuckin' around" I said, "(Finally. e e) I advise you to notfun make of me like that again. *clears
throat* Im r-ready" Renamon said with her blush returning, I then plunge my flesh rod into her
very wet pussy, and she lets out a big moan as go deeper into her, her head flipping back from the
pleasure. I rubbed under her legs and ass when I hit her internal wall, increasing the size of my
cock,"I-it's..G-growing, h-human..p-please don't stop" Renamon urged while slobbering, and so I
continued to fuck her, each thrust made my pelvis hit her's, which she thoroughly enjoyed each of.
"Ahh! Ahh! Haah! Y-you're gaping my insides, h-human! Haaaaah!" Renamon moans, wincing
from the pounding and her vaginal walls being bumped around. I leaned my body closer to her's,
making us feel more intimate as my chest touched her patch of hair between her tits, and I looked
tenderly into her black eyes as we moaned together, whichshe looked away a few times. "You're s-
shy..How cute" I teased, "It's not that..Does it..Really not matter to you that Im a Digimon?" she
asked, then I gave her a kiss to her surprise, locking my cock deep into her sugary vaginal walls,
"Mmmmm! Mmm.. *feels the unlock of the kiss*..I suppose that' way to answer that"
Renamon said, a heavy blush takes her face.

I then turn her over, Renamon's ass is now exposed to me, which was fairy big and curvy, just as
the rest of her body, her tail wagging in my face, "Is there pleasure in this as well?" she asked,
"*puts her tail down to the side* Not as much as this angle" Ireplied, "We should do this more
often then. Something about this pose makes me feel.." Renamon started, "Sexy?" I followed,
"HmmHmm, perhaps" she replied with a smile, crossing her arms below her chin. I rubbed my cock
around her asscheeks, feeling every hair fiber my dick can surface, and my tip to her pink asshole,
"Humans enter there as well? You beings can be really indecent" she teased with a lewd smile,
"Speak for yourself" I reply, entering her ass with my swollen, pussy-drenched cock, making her
hold the bed tightly, but she maintained her lewd expression despite her first anal experience as
well. Renamon's eyebrows flick and curl upwards as my pelvis got closer to her asscheeks, with a
satisfying bump when the gap was closed as she looked back at me, "Aaaah..Take me, human" she
said lewdly, her body surges with flickers of orgasms traveling in her body, biting her lip, and I
start to pound and quake her ass with my cock, "You like it, Renny?" I asked, "Mmmhmm..Be sure
to keep it up now" she said, starting to moan breathily, and I go faster inside of her, closing my
climax rather quicker in this position. I start to drool on her ass from my tongue, making her
initially shocked at what her was feeling but didn't mind much since she feels the raw dogging
more than compensates for that, "Oooo Renny, you're such a indecent lil' mon, aren't you?" I
teased, "I hope you're fantasies arent where I say 'Yes I am, master' to that" Renamon said, "Don't
give me ideas now" I winked at her, making her roll her eyes, and spank her ass, another surprise to
her, which she grabs my shirt to slam me into her cheeks, surprising me back, "O-ok, I'll stop" I
said a bit innocently, "Just don't have all the fun now" Renamon said, trying to keep her skepticism
at a low for me. Several moments of constant anal pounding passes, Renamon got tired of standing
on her knees, so she splits her legs on the bed, her pussy now touching the bed, "(Damn, now she
looks hotter! OqO)" I thought to myself. She then feels my penis erupting, "A-are you about to
finish?" Renamon asked a bit shyly, "Y-yeah..Any..second..!" I replied, "Mmmmm Yesss..Ooooh
Human..Oooo Human" Renamon said sexually as her hole started leaking my white stuffing,
feeling my virginity slipping into her, "R-renny..Renamon, Im..Cumming..AAAUGH~!" I moaned
and exhaled, spewing my jizz inside of her rectum, covering her ass in white as I pumped her at
max thrusting speed, "MMMM, HUMAN~~~!" Renamon ecstatically moaned and orgasms with
me, our visions going blurry from an explosive, wonderful climax that got the bed stained in our
juices. In other words, we had really fuckin' good sex. I made many squishy sounds as I twirled my
somewhat hard cock inside of her asshole, "*bites lips* Mmmmm..That was..Impressive,
human..I've no idea intercoursing with a human could be so..Incredible. I felt every ounce of your
passion for me.." Renamon comments, "Same for you, Renny..You did better than you thought
too" I replied a bit lewdly but tiresomely, falling on my back in exhaustion, and Renamon rests
there as well. "*takes a deep breathe* So..What now?" she asked, "Uhhh *hears the door close
from downstairs* Q-quick lets run the bathroom together" I whispered, "Son, Im home" Dad said,
which like hell Im gonna reply to that now. I gestured Renamon to hush, then we sneaked into the
bathroom together, next to my room, which was of course easier for Renamon. I hear Dad put
down some groceries as we entered the restroom and I ran the water, "You want to bathe with me?"
Renamon asked while blushing, "For a bit, so let me undress" I whispered, taking my clothes off in
front of her. Renamon looked at me in disappointment, "Now's not the time to judge me! You may
have to leave in a few" I whispered to her, "Not about your body, but your..penis. It's small and
flaccid now" she comments, "*looks upwards in frustration* That's cuz you emptied me out! That's
what happens to it, ok!?" I explained to her, "Im not sure about doing it so often then. It's better
when it was larger" she comments lowly, "Look just get in the tub with me!" I whispered some
more, getting in the half-full tub, and she enters it with me. Renamon sits on my lap, and we had an
awkward moment of silence as Dad starts looking for me. "(Fuck!).....*looks to the window above
us* Yeah you'll have to leave through there" I said, pointing above us, "Im not going outside all wet
like this" she replied, "*sighs* Ok, let me dry you off. Get the towel" I ordered and she got off of
me. Renamon grabs the towel for us, and I stand on my knees as she gave me the towel, drying her
lower body. Once I got to drying her ass, she started shaking it for me a bit, "...Later, Renny" I said
plainly, then she swipes her tail in my face, "That's for making me your little actress earlier. Do I
look like a jester to you?" she rhetorically asked, "Ok ok Im sorry, I won't do that again" I said,
continuing to dry her back side off as she has her nose in the air. Not much longer, "*knocks on the
door* Son, can you hear me in there? I hear splashing" Dad asked, making both of our hairs stand
in surprise. Renamon looked at me and knew it was time to go. I opened the window for her and
silently leaped through it head-first. I hear the doorknob turning, and Dad opens the door just in
time for him not to see Renamon, "So you were here. You couldn't hear me come in?" Dad asked,
"No, the uhh..The water ran a bit too loudly to hear you" I said, "Hey what's with that wound on
your shoulder?" he asked, "(Oh shit! That's right!) *looks at it, seeing that it's closed but looks
more like a bad bruise* It's from uhh....uhh I hit the side of the door hard..Like really hard" I lied,
"*looks at me skeptically* If you say so, well be careful when..exiting next time" Dad said while
closing the door, making me sigh in relief. Hopefully Renamon returns in the morning or at a good
time. We got some business in the Digi-World. As I rested there in the tub, NaitoRenamon looms
over my window, plotting her next move. "I'll wait for the right time to strike, but causing
commotion here and there sounds fun. Hehe" said the dark Renamon, hopping up to my roof,
watching Renamon go off into the distance, hopping on buildings. "I really wanna see the look on
his face when he sees when he sees me, and when he figures out that he owns two of us"
NaitoRenamon said, her malicious laughter going unheard throughout the night.

So I wanted to name NaitoRenamon "BlackRenamon", but I have an idea for what I wanna do with
the name later in the story. Iimagine her to be seductive, if not, aggressive, instead of just being evil
and creepy (and hot). Also, as mentioned before, she isnt the final antagonist, and Im thinking
he/she'll be a larger threat, defiantly Mega/Ultimate leveled. NaitoRenny is more than likely gonna
obtain her own Mega form though, and will have a partner to help her Digivolve (for those of you
that are smart/can guess right, you know who it'd be). Hopefully now that you've seen how the
humor is built up, you should feel how the relationship is going be like (and hopefully you guys
like it). Anyways thanx for reading!
More sexual mishaps, adventures and more in chapter 2, so dont miss it!
Train Meee, Renny~~!
Chapter Summary


Hello there again my (hopefully) excited readers! I am back with one of the new fanfics im starting
and seems to be catching on in interest, since we're at 275 (on FanFiction. luv the votes here tho!)
views now. If i remember right, this has a better start than the Rouge fanfic so hopefully this gets
more interest as time goes on. I'll be upfront and say that this is my 2nd favorite fanfic i like writing
for as of now, despite doing a TON of research prior to this and i have more ahead of me as I get
through this with yall. Some sour notes starting off, but take this as something that builds on the
potential of the story while reading through it all. But I will let you all judge for yourselves.
Fortunately this was not as long as what I've recently been putting out. Anyways enough chit-chat.
Read my optic lifeforms, read!

And Enjoy eue

Chapter 2: Train Meee, Renny~~! -

Following the next morning, I see a bandage around my shoulder. Maybe Dad wrapped it around
me? Anyways, I need to know where I can find Renamon. I miss her already.. "*enters in my
room* So, how'd the trip go?" Wes asked, "It wasn't bad at first, but when NaitoRenamon came
into the picture, things went downhill fast..She kinda raped me.." I lowly answered, Wes is taken
aback. "S-she..She did what?!" he said in outrage, "I know..Luckily, Renamon saved me from her
in time. If she didn't, I would've gotten taken away by her..and..Yknow..'Became her's'." I said.
Wes couldn't believe how this all turned out, feeling used in a sense. "So..Why'd you come to my
house?" I asked, "Now's the best time if any...Here" he said, reaching in his pocket, giving me a set
of 20 cards. "The hell are these?" I asked, "Option cards. When me and NaitoRenamon were
exploring the Digi-world, we saw many cards starting to appear throughout all sorts of areas. These
will boost Renamon's capabilities and get her ahead if she needs the help" he explained, "You said
Option cards. Im guessing there are more types of cards out there?" I asked, "Yes, but I also saw
blue cards, which'll make a mon Digi-Volve. You'd want those" he replied, "Alright. I'll be sure to
tell Renny about all of this" I said, going out of the door. "Renny? Really?" Wes teased, "Shut up.
Im out" I said, walking out of the door, "And where would Renny be?" he asked, making me stop..
"Well...*Feels the Digivice ringing, showing me a faint signal* Actually.. I got a good idea" I
replied, continuing to walk out, "And are you..By any chance interested in
Renamon..Romantically?" he asked, then I shut the door on him. Im sorry but he bugged the hell
outta me there.

Exiting my house, my Digivice got a bit less faint as it's radar grew more and more visible as I went
into the city. Eventually, the pulses suddenly started to ring rapidly, and a graph appeared in front
of it with wild spikes in frequencies. Im guessing she's closer than I thought? I pass up one of the
last houses you'd cross before exiting from the neighborhood, then the built-in radar dies down.
What's this? I thought I was close..Then it suddenly jumps back up as I stood still. "Is this thing
busted or-" I was about to say to myself before getting snagged by something black, taken behind
the nearby house swiftly, her hand over my mouth. "*Is thrown across the ground after arriving in
the backyard* Gaahn! What the hell now?" I asked, trying to get up while shaking my head then
get tackled and pinned down by black paws. I then saw her evil face... "NaitoRenamon..? My
Digivice was sensing you?" I asked, trying to struggle out of her grip, "HmmHmmHmm, that's
right, human. Or should I say...Partner?" NaitoRenamon said ominously with glee and a hint of
excitement on her face, making my heart race in fear. "E-excuse me?" I asked, "You heard right,
human. You can't escape from your own Digimon Partner. You've always had me after all" she
said with a smile, rubbing her cheek against mine, making my heart race faster and starts sweating.
"*feels my slow-growing erection* Oh? You getting excited on me now? You really enjoy my
company deep down, huh?" NaitoRenamon playfully asked, grinding her womanhood on my
erection, "(If only my dick didn't have a mind of it's own..! I-I can't escape either) *hears a door
from behind us, sees Camil* CA-" I was about say but NaitoRenamon shuts my mouth with her
paw, "Uh uh uuuh, I can't have people see what Im gonna do to you here. Im a bit of a romantic
like that" she said playfully with a wink. Camil was about to go to the backyard, but I see her walk
back upstairs. DAMMIT! "Now then..Let's get back to our fun, you sexy beast. Give me that
delicious human cock" NaitoRenamon said lustfully, holding both of my arms together with one
paw, then stroking my member down her body with the other. I got to think of something..I really
don't want to tell Renamon that NaitoRenamon actually fucked me...Only one thing to do.."S-
stop..I-I'll give you something if you let me go" I said, "Oooo gifts for me? Oh you shouldn't have,
doll" she said, happily petting my head, "(Please work! -.o) I have..Support cards that'll give you a
boost..I give you half of 'em and you let me go..Deal?" I proposed, "Hmm, those are kind of rare to
come by nowadays..Fine then. Give them to me" she said, accepting the offer, raising up on her
knees. I give her 10 of the cards I had on me in my pocket, "*looks through them* Oooo these'll
come in handy. You gave the best I've seen by far and for that I'll let you slide" NaitoRenamon
said while putting them in her light-purple arm-sleeves, getting up and walking off for a moment.
She then turns around to pounce back on me, "W-what's the deal now?" I asked, "You should've
known that was a dumb deal. Has it not came to you that I have nowhere to go in this world?
Thanks for the cards though" she prefaced, making me indeed feel dumb. NaitoRenamon resumes
her raping, grinding on me some more to secure hardness, taking out my cock, then presses her
vaginal lips on my tip. "Ready to 'Tame' your original Partner, human?" she asked lustfully, which I
didn't reply to, but winced at her tightness and wetness, "I don't mind the silent type. Just enjoy the
ride, my precious" she said before slowly dropping her hips down to my pelvis, entering inside her
further and further. I wanted to try screaming for help again, then it hit me that maybe she'll moan
real loud, enough to get Camil's attention..Which means I'll have to let her fuck me..."*Pussy
touches my pelvis, and grinds ass up and down my balls* AAAAUUGH~~..This is the best,
human..I never want our genitals to detect.." she said sexually, starting to go and down me, making
my body contract after each ejaculation and each pound rustling the grass below us. "AH! AH!
AAAAH! YEEESS~~! FUCK ME, HUMAN, FUCK ME~~!" she moaned out loud, starting to go
faster as our bodies rose in heat, then we hear someone finally opening the door, "*GASP* G-get
away from him!" Camil said in fright, "Damn. Another human? There's too many of your kind it
seems. Tch" she said in frustration, leaping off of my cock into the air, making me grab my junk
from of the painful sudden pull-out. "W-w-who was that?! And..Were you having sex with her...?"
she asked with a worried look on her face, "Look, she was raping me just now..I don't wanna talk
about it..." I said lowly, catching my breath, and trying to zip myself up. Camil walks up to me,
putting her hand to my shoulder, "Im..sorry you had that happen to you..It must be hard for a
random girl to do that to you...Wait, it wasn't human, huh?" she asked, "(She thought it was human
at first, but I guess there's no way around this after seeing NaitoRenamon hop away like that..) It
was..A Digimon.." I unveil, "Digimon..? What's that?" she asked, "A...I guess creature but from
another world..The Digiworld. That specie was a Renamon, but not a regular one" I explained,
"But..Why would she be so attracted to you?" she asked some more, "*sighs*..I don't know..Maybe
she just has a thing for Tamers. *gets up* Now I have to look for Renamon. She came into our
world with me, as well as this NaitoRenamon you just saw" I said, walking out of the backyard.
Camil wanted to stop me to see if she can help, but hesitantly stands there. "Wes has been acting
weird too..Maybe I should see what he says" said Camil, going back inside her house, preparing to
head out.

Renamon skips and scales among the buildings of the city, finding a good place to hide with her
Tamer. "*sniffs* Something smells delicious..*looks down, seeing a crowd around a coffee place*"
There's an abundance of humans down there..Hmm...I might as well see what they have" Renamon
plots to herself. She lightly drops upon the establishment and enters. Upon entering, Renamon sees
an already-made cup of coffee, similar to the one she smelled earlier. "Alright, order for..*sees
Renamon take a sip of the cup* Huh?" said the employee, "How bitter..Humans have such odd
tastes" she said to herself, disgusted, as a few people gave her looks. "Excuse me, miss. That's for a
customer" said the employee, weirded out at Renamon's presence, "(Oh..So that's how it works
here? I thought it was something anyone could pick up and try..) Apologies. I will take my leave"
Renamon said then exits, feeling a bit embarrassed. Renamon picks up on another scent, this time
from a fast-food place, which she couldn't help but have her mouth water from. "Tch, later. I have
to finish searching first" Renamon said, refocusing and hops into the air, attaching to a building.
She then sees an abandoned house that is sealed off, with questionable spray paint written on it.
She had an ounce of doubt, for a second, and jumped down to it. Upon arrival, Renamon sees a
band of men in suits and tattoos come out from behind the place. "Look at what we got 'ere boys.
Some stern-lookin' cosplay gal comin' on our turf. We oughta show her da ropes, eh?" one member
says, staring her down aggressively. "I am here to use this place for the time being" Renamon said,
"...Pffffffft AHAHAHAHAHA! This girl's off her rocker! What the hell she think she this is? She
apparently don't know 'bout no Yakuza when she see 'em. I'll take care of 'er guys" said the same
member as he puts on brass knuckles, the rest of the gang watch with devious smiles. Renamon
looks at their unfriendly faces, "(Such spiteful bastards. Now I really will take this place as my
own. Besides I am getting impatient from hunger)" Renamon thought to herself, some anger
building in her. "Take this, bitch!" the member said, throwing a punch, which Renamon caught
with no problem, surprising him, then she pulls the fist in, and thrusts her other paw into his face,
knocking him out as he collapses. Another one of them runs at her, then she swipes him away
swiftly, knocking him hard to into the ground. A few more goons come at her with crow bars,
which she kicked away everyone faster than they could process and were flying away in no time.
One of them came in from behind her with a taser, which she heard the buzzing fast enough to
dodge it by stepping to the side quickly, grabs his striking arm, and punches three holes in him
with a fast jab of her claws from the other paw, making him fall to the ground while bleeding out.
The last of the goons next to the boss threw shurikens at her, which Renamon caught all of, then
threw back at him at a much higher speed, cutting him all over before falling on the ground. "*aims
gun at her* N-no one takes down my boys without paying for it!" the boss of the group yelled, "I
bested every human here. Can you not see that no trinket is enough for me?" she said, "S-shut up!"
he yelled, firing the gun once. Renamon dodges the shot by tilting her head before the gun fired,
then catches the next bullet with her claws, making him feel scared, hearing clicking from the gun,
"Shit! It locked up on me?! Gggggnnrrr!" he said in frustration, taking out his sword, making
Renamon shake her head. When he went in for a stab, Renamon dodges by zipping to the left, and
ducking under a swing, then follows by kicking him across the face, making him flip his body to
the left. "You lost. Leave" Renamon ordered. He searched in his suit, pulling out another gun,
"*rolls eyes* Diamond Storm" Renamon called, and with a swipe of the arm, she tears her light
leaves into the boss' hand and arm, making them look like they came out of a meat grinder,
"AAAAAUGGHH!" he cried, holding his mangled limb in agony. The boss looked at her in
intense hatred and left. "Better" Renamon comments, taking into the skies afterwards, looking for

I approach the city with my Digivice making a beeping sound this time. It seems as if it has two
types of indicators, depending on which of the Renamons are closer. The sound got louder in
varying frequencies, going up and down but the sounds were starting to jump more from each
other...Jump..up..down.."She must be on the buildings" I deduce to myself, looking upwards. I then
saw her briefly, and she saw me from a building's satellite, which I could tell she was surprised to
see me, then Renny leaped into the sky swiftly. I went closer to said building and she drops in front
of me, not looking that happy to see me. "Umm Hey Renny" I lowly greeted, "Hello human. Why
so down?" Renamon asked, "I...Rather talk about it in private" I reply as people around us gave us
looks, "Where do you have in mind?" she asked, "*looks at the coffee place near us* Let's talk
there" I suggest, "*sighs* I suppose" Renamon complied, "What's wrong Renny?" I asked,
"..Nothing. Let's go in" she replied. I hold Renamon's hand, which she looked puzzled about,
"What're you doing?" she asked, "Well..When two people are close, they tend to hold each other's
hand" I answered, "*looks away with a slight blush* Don't think we are that 'close' after
our..Intercourse" she said, "That's fine. I know it'll take some time for us" I reply, as she looked at
our locked hands, and looked more accepting as we walked inside the establishment. I ordered a
bottled coffee, along with a few gourmet donuts, and I gave him the money. Renamon gave me a
bewildered look when I turned and looked up to her (she is a few inches taller than me). "What's
the matter, Renny?" I asked, "So there's an exchange that occurs to get food and a drink? The
person was hospitable too" she asked, "Well yeah, that's..oh I guess Digimon don't buy things in
the Digital world, huh?" I realized, making her sigh. "*sees me get what I ordered in a bag,
smelling the goodies in it* If only they did this for me when I arrived" Renamon said with a hint of
jealousy in her voice, "Did you buy anything when you got here?" I asked half-jokingly, "It
another place...and no. They said the cup was for a customer" Renamon lowly admits, "*laughs*
Well of course that'd happen^^. It was the guy's drink. You can be real silly yknow" I said to her.
"Hey, that's a nice costume and all but put some clothes on! No one wants to see your privates out
like this" a random customer yelled at her, "Aww damn. We may need to get you some pants" I
said to her, "Humans really are some shameful creatures" she said with an annoyed expression on
her, "I guess you can say we're.. 'Private' beings" I joked, "*rolls eyes* Where to go now? We don't
seem welcomed here anymore" she asked, "Follow me" I said as we walked out the door. The two
of us pass through a small opened gate next to the shop, and took our seat under an umbrella with a
table, where I also sat the bag. "*looks at the roomy area* There's something nice about this area"
Renamon comments, "You're welcome" I said as I opened the bag and gave her one of the donuts.
"You are really trying to get me to warm up to you?" she asked, "And if I am?" I replied, "*eats the
donut, surprised at it's good tastes* Then keep it up" she said with a light smile.

"Are you familiar with the cards?"

"Cards you say?"

"*shows her the 10 cards I have* Cards like these."

"Oh them. But I didn't see you pick them up during our venture. *eats the rest of the donut, wags

"My cousin gave me his. What we'll do with 'em should be obvious."

"How helpful. Maybe you're more resourceful than I thought."

"I used to have 20, but..I came in contact with NaitoRenamon..In this world."

"?! But how..? She didn't travel with us when we escaped together.."

"Seems as though she simultaneously arrives with us.."

"...But..Are you saying she got the other cards off of you?"
"Yes..I encountered her before you..again..and tried to exchange half my cards so she could let me
go..It didn't go so well..."

"*brows twitch in anger* NaitoRenamon..!"

"My friend was able to save me..kinda..Anyways..she also prefaced that she has nowhere to go, so
who knows where she'd be in this world.."

"*looks off into the distance* I wonder how we can combat her.."

"My cousin, Wes..He said that there are blue cards out there in the Digi-World that you can use to

"...That is our best bet I suppose. *feels hand being touched* Hmm?"

"..We can do it Renny. If we doubt ourselves for a second we're screwed."

"I know but..*blushes* Why are you..touching my hand?"

"..You..Cuz I have feelings for you."

"How..Can a human fall for a Digimon?"

"Ever since we met when I was a kid..I always wanted to meet you again..and it evolved into more
than that from there."

"I-I see..So..*lips gets kissed* Uh. *enjoys the lip-locking for a moment and releases* ..that was
*clears throat, looks away* s-something."

"You're also really hot so..It's hard to help myself."

"*closes eyes, feels lips* Your..Genuineness is rather.. profound to me. *looks at me* A-at any
rate, we should head to this hideout I secured if we want to go to the Digital world."

"What do you mean..Secured?"

"A gang of feeble humans tried to attack me with various weapons. I disposed of them."

"(Poor guys. They didn't know Digimon are many times stronger than humans) Well if you picked
it, then lead the way."

"Right" Renamon said with a nod. I grabbed the bag and my drink before we walked away from
the place, I finish eating. "Now, be ready to hold on to me. The less public exposure for us, the
better" she said as we passed by the citizens, then I hand the last donut to her and people started to
look away from us. The closer we got to the abandoned one-story house, the less people were
around us, till the last two blocks had very few people. Then we hear of a number of engines
closing in on us, making me sweat a bit. "Are..Are those the guys who you disposed off?" I asked,
"Yes. This time they brought vehicles..and more friends. *flexes fingers, making them crack* This
will only take a second" Renamon said, "A second?! We'll see about that, fox-bitch! *lights up a
bottle with a towel in it* This is for the boss!" said the Yakuza member, throwing the bottle at her
while driving, making her a bit pissed. Renamon sped pass the bottle, and kicked the guy off of his
bike. "Power Paw" she said, digging her claws into the assailant's chest with purple embers on her
paw, almost killing him. The rest of the few members on wheels escape after seeing Renamon's
dangerous power. "*sees a vicious look in her eyes* Renamon!" I called, "*shakes head, takes
bloody claws out* Sorry about that. I need to not be so..instinctive" she said to herself, trying to
calm down, realizing her power even more. Could this be why she doesn't want to be too close me?
I mean..If I think about it, this would be the case for any couple. Not that we're a couple (yet), but
her feelings for me are there. "H-hey at least no one is here to be dragged into the Digital world
with us, right?" I said, trying to lighten the mood, "*looks back at me then enters inside* Only
NaitoRenamon" she reminds. I follow her. She turns to me, I finish my drink and activate the
Digivice, but this time when the light was shining, Renamon also touched the device.

We found ourselves in a whole new area, full of other Digimon and had metallic floors. "Wait
where the hell's this?" I asked, "This is the Tamer Union Base. I started to live here not long after I
encountered you" Renamon informs, "So you were given access to get here?..Wait you said Tamer
Union. Does that mean..?" I asked, hoping she'd follow, "They were all either killed by
NaitoRenamon, or her army. But unlike them, your Digivice seems to be able to make great use of
your cards" she informed some more, "Would that mean that...Me and my cousin are the last
Tamers? *sees her nod affirmatively* Damn..Wish I got into this much sooner" I said lowly.
Palmon-X comes up to us, "Hey there guys! Glad you two could make it" she said excitedly, "Oh,
so you had Palmon-X in here?" I asked, "NaitoRenamon may be able to transport to the Digital
World with us, but only Digimon like me and Palmon-X have access to here" Renamon informs
some more, giving me some hope. "So what's the plan now? Card hunting?" I asked, "No, training"
Renamon answered, "Who me?" I asked, "Yes, until your Legendary Spirit manifests" she
answered. I try to guess what it was in my head, but Renamon sighed, "It will allow us to better
Bio-merge, and we can fight as one. I know quite a few evolutions from my previous partner" she
explained, "Woah that's great!...Except the training part" I respond and she takes my hand, taking
us to a grassland farm with Palmon-X waving us a farewell. Renamon tosses me into the field and
we began our training session. "To see how weak you truly are.." she began, I got up and Renamon
gives me a flurry of quick attacks, ending it with kick to my stomach, my Digivice flying out of my
pocket from the impact, blowing me away into the water behind me, making a big splash. I raise
from the pond a moment later, looking up to Renamon, who looked down at me, disappointed.
"You'll have to train all day at this rate. *catches Digivice from the air, puts it in a sleeve* I'll hold
this til we're done" Renamon says to me, dragging me out of the pond. The field was also plentiful
with workout equipment. Maybe they got 'em from my world? Renamon watched atop a barn-like
house, seeing me work my ass off by lifting weights and running among the fields, drying my
clothes rather quickly. She then sees that I was getting very tired, "Keep going" Renamon ordered ,
"*pants from fatigue* I..Cant..go on.." I tiredly said, "*sees crest still looking inactive* Tch..Let us
meditate til your body is ready for more training" she suggests, jumping down next to me. Phew,
anything but this. "Actually...First. The cards. Can we test them?" Renny asked, "Oh yeah! Let's
see..*takes a few out of my pocket, drawing them off* Let's try...Huh, I only have two specific to
you Renamon. Ok..*slides one of them down the Digivice* Digi-modify! (This is called..) Speed
card! Activate!" I said, using one of the cards, Renamon feels way lighter, running to the left and
right ends of the field in seconds. This is probably..500ft in diameter? "*feels the effect wear off,
runs the rest of the way to me* Not bad. Next?" she asked, "Then there's..*slides card down the
Digivice's card reader slot* Digi-modify! Alias! Activate!" I said, and Renamon makes a clone of
herself, which lasted for 10 seconds. "That one was rather short. Anything else?" she asked,
"Uh..There's this. *puts the other two cards in my pocket, swipes the 2nd last card in my hand*
Digi-modify! (What the hell...?) Uh F-French Fried Potato! Activate" I said hesitantly, puzzling
Renamon, "What..?" she asked, "It says you're supposed to double in strength..*reads closer* Oh if
you're hungry" I correct, "-a-..Last one please" she commands. I put the weird card in my pocket, "
(This is some sort of equip?) Ok. *slides the card down the Digivice* Digi-modify! Trident Arm!
Activate!" I called out, and a platinum metallic arm with three big claws appear on Renamon's arm.
She gave a few quick swipes and it didn't disappear. I notice that my card was stuck in my Digivice
this time, I guide it all the way through, and only then did the arm go away. "I didn't feel that much
stronger, but better than nothing" Renamon comments. Not a bad start I suppose. Makes me
wonder what the rest do.
Renamon sits on her knees in front of me, closing her eyes. "On your knees too, human" Renamon
commands, holding out her paws. I hold her paws from underneath, "*blushes*...over" she said,
which I corrected myself, putting my palms on her rather big paws, my hands being about 1/3 of
their size. "So..What's the point of this meditation thing?" I asked, "To clear your mind. It helps
you get in tune with your body subconsciously" she briefs. I shut my eyes. As we meditated there,
she slowly started to heal from my wounds that she did to me and my workout fatigue
dissipates..The more I cleared my head, the lighter I felt. A glimmer of Renamon's body even
entered my head, but before I got..more of a...zzzzzz. "*snaps fingers* Dammit human! Wake up"
Renamon urged, "*jumps up* w-what what? I..oh sorry, I snoozed there" I said innocently, "Well
don't. You will lose progress if you sleep" she said with a disappointed look. I close my eyes with
her, and see a statue bust, but I couldn't recognize it. Maybe it'll become Renamon later? It
eventually flickered with green aura..I scoot closer to her, making our knees touch, then she lets
our hands fall on our knees and even Renny felt more relaxed.

Time passed for a about two hours for both of us and it hit me.."Uh..Renny?" I asked, "Yes,
human?" she replied, "I..cant train for that long. My dad is gonna be worried about me not being
home" I informed, "...(Tch, how annoying) Do you want to stop our session here then?" she asked,
"Weeeelll..We're both alone now so I was hoping..yknow.." I led on, "*sighs* Fine, come here" she
said, giving me a kiss on the lips, making her give an intense blush afterwards..I expected one on
the cheek, but t-that's good too o o. I looked at her with surprise on my face, "W-what is with that
face?" she asked, "You're...starting to like me..?" I asked, "N-no!..That is..We usually exchange
affection orally so..I'd figure.." she tried to explain, acting a bit shyly, "If you didn't wanna show
that much affection..You could've kissed my cheek.." I informed, "*sighs* You humans and your
various customs.." Renamon lowly says. "Anyways..what I had in mind was more like..this" I said,
crawling over to her, making her blush some more as my hand cups her pussy, "*brows jump then
looks down* O-oh, you 'this' sort of affection, human? I-I suppose" she said shyly, her eyes
pointing elsewhere, "It's called 'intimacy'...and I'll show you what it's all about.." I said lustfully,
putting her on her back as I crawl some more to her. I then unzipped, and made my cock touch her
pussy, brushing the tip around the strands of her smooth, beautiful hairs. I then looked lovingly into
her pupils as I towered over her, "*looks away some more* D-dont look into me like that..It..It's
bad enough that I feel so vulnerable" she shyly said to me, "Well, you'll feel even more vulnerable
for me.." I said suggestively, dragging my cock around and over her sensitive cunt, she starts to
moan, putting her paws on my shoulders, spreading her hind legs further outwards. "*sees me lick
down the legs* Mmmmm..Fine, human..I suppose you can rut my insides if you desire.." she said
with a sexier voice, feeling her lust for me grow.

I then inserted my cock into her moistening pussy, "AAAAUGGHHH~~. Hu..Hu..Y-yes..I miss by you, human..K-keep going into me" Renamon said lustfully, her paws
rubbing down my back, pushing me deeper into her cunt, "H-HUUUAAAH~" she moaned some
more, getting into the genital action some more. Her tail jumped up and down with my hips as I
thrusted into her strong hips faster and faster, our moans shared for a moment then I locked lips
with her, including my tongue which she pleasantly played along with. "Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Do
you..Love getting pounded, Renny?" I asked while fucking her, "I..Ah! Aaah!" she began, more
focused on her pleasure, "U-uh huh?" I asked, teasingly stopped, "I..I do! K-keep fucking me,
human!" she said with a more desperate tone to her voice, urging me to continue, then I shoved my
cock balls-deep into her, making her ecstatically pull me in with her paws, with a loud splat sound
from deep inside her cunt, securing the genital locking. Renamon moved her hips a bit while
squeezing on my cock with her internal walls, "R-renny?" I asked, "Stuff me, human! I want it
inside me!" she ordered while wincing, and so I went faster into her, bouncing my hips up and
down on her while our privates were deeply locked. As she enjoyed the pounding, her climax
wildly gushing from her pussy, Renny's paws went behind my head, moaning into my mouth as we
made out some more, "Mmmmmm~~ *smacks my lips away from her with my lips* I-I-Im gonna
cum, Renny!" I warned, as she began moaning uncontrollably, and I go faster than before into her,
"*feels my cock oozing* YES! YES! YEEEES! H-H..HUMAN~~~! AHHHHHHH!" she moaned
loudly as I jizzed and pumped into her, our pelvises becoming webby from me overflowing my
cum into her tight tunnel. I pushed my hips into her's as I gave her the last drops of my cum, and
she licks my tongue, wanting more of the kissing, which we did as I finished filling her up. Renny's
paws caress my cheeks as her ears lowered, then enjoying our tongue action. A minute of making
out deeply pass us by, and she finally smacks her lips away, looking into my eyes with her black
and blue optics, drooling. "*catches breath* When we locked our mouths like that..You didn't do it
to me before.." Renamon said, trying to cool down, "*catches breath with her* That's..Called
'French Kissing'. You do that with someone you're deeply attracted to.." I informed, "*looks at me
more lovingly* I find it very passionate..It's starting to grow on me..You humans certainly know
how to put a woman in heat..I like that" she comments, lust still buried in her voice, "I don't know
about others but..Let's say I learned from some of the best..and from my fantasies of you.." I
replied, "HmmHmm. You are so peculiar, human" Renamon comments. I wanted to unplug our
fatigued genitals, but she locked me in some more, "Gnh! W-what is it?" I asked with a wince,
"Tell me a bit more about..More various ways you humans intercourse" Renamon asked, "Do you
mean..Positions?" I asked for clarity, "Positions? Like ours?" she asked, "Well..This is Missionary
Position. There's alot more out there. *I see that Renamon gives me a faint smile as her tail wags*
Well..Would you want to try..a Blowjob?" I answer then questioned back, "Hmm..Im intrigued.
Show me.." she said lewdly, loosening her cunt for me, letting me disconnect from her hole as we

I sat a bit more away from her with my legs spreading open, "Basically you suck on my boner this
time..With your mouth" I briefed, making her blush, "M-my mouth? *looks at me* So it isn't for
just the French kissing.." she said, getting closer to my pelvis. "*sniffs my pheromonal scent from
my pelvis* Your scent still..excites me.. I feel closer to you already" Renamon comments, "I don't
have much left in me, so just try it for now" I said to her, making her less hesitant, "F-fine, h-
human.." she said, grabbing my half-chubbed cock with two fingers, then lowers her head to my
dick, staring at it. "(This is..My first time looking at it, yet..M-my desire is surging)" Renamon
thinks to herself, putting the tip to her mouth, "Y-you can lick it too.." I inform her, and she licks
around the tip while looking down on it, then eventually sucks on the tip, "Mmm..Mmm..(This
is..incredibly sensual..)" Renamon thought to herself, an orgasm already swirling inside her.
Renamon's ears flop down again with her brows curling inwards as mouth expands, her mouth
engulfing half of my cock, then retracts it quickly, coughing. "Oww. *rubs sore shaft* You have to
open up wider to go all the way..I felt a bit of your fangs" I said, "Apologies, human..I suppose this
will take a bit of mastery. I want to attempt one more time" she said to me, making my dong re-
enter into her mouth, accepting how her mouth wasn't up to snuff, but found a comfortable rate to
suck me off. "Mmmm..Just like that..Renny" I said to her as our pleasures build, "Mmm..Mmm..
(I..never thought.. the Human penis would taste so good..)" Renamon moaned, putting one paw on
my pelvis, massaging me for comfort. Renamon then looked at me while sucking me off and I rub
her head, "You're really good, Renny" I let her know as she refocused her gaze to my cock. "*takes
it out* I want you to..release into my mouth now" Renny said, "Ok..but let's try it quickly, alright?
Anyone can show up after all" I affirmed, and she sucks me off faster than before, carefully
excluding her fangs. I leaned my head back from the pleasure she provided..For a first-timer, she
was really fuckin' good.."Hey guys, what're you two doing?" asked Palmon-X, uncertain about
what she was seeing, "o.o! *unlocks mouth from my cock, clears throat* We were..I was checking
on his wounds" Renamon lied, "A wound on his crotch?" Palmon-X asked, "She was uhh..Uhh s-
she kicked me really hard down there and... w-wanted to check on me down there!" I followed
hurriedly with my own lie, "Ok. Hmm? What's with Renamon's crotch area? It has all those white
spots" she points out, "(...DAMMIT! Uuuuuuuhhh. Cmon Think!) That's uhh..From the ice cream I
brought here. It was wrapped in a small bag and...(Im totally not going anywhere with this. e e) Ok
maybe we were getting a bit..Frisky" I unveiled, Palmon-X giving me a skeptical look, "It was
to..Get closer as partner and Tamer. Right? You saw the bust of the Legendary Spirit too?"
Renamon asked me, "(Could she've seen the same thing? Either way, great save Renny!) Uh y-
yeah! I couldn't make it out, but I was seeing it! Looked more like a Digimon though" I answer,
"Mine looked more like you" she replied, "S-see? It was working, eheheheh.. ^^;;;;" I said as
innocently as possible.

Palmon-X scratched her head to us, "I...guess...? How you two came up with that is beyond me.
Anyways, we found out that NaitoRenamon is back in the Digital world. Do y'all have any idea
about how she was able to do that?" she asked, "Oh yeah. It seems that she transfers to the Digi-
world and the real world with me" I answered, "Oh really? That's a bit scary. Well we're safe here,
but we can't be here for too long. She made a real big black Digimon. Who knows if it'll be used to
destroy your world or not! If you two can do something about it soon, I'd be super helpful"
Palmon-X informs; Me and Renamon look at each other in uncertainty, "I'll let you two decide on
that but in the meantime..You may need a bath, Renamon. You two got very close huh?" she asked
while giggling, making us both blush and she exits. "I hope she doesn't tell anyone.." I comment.
Renamon gets in the pond, throwing the Digivice at me, and I caught it. "We shouldn't have
intercourse for a while.." Renamon said, very embarrassed about what happened, "D-dont be like
that..At least she took it pretty well, right?" I tried to reason, then she gave me a spiteful look,
"*sighs* Is there a way I can compensate?..Maybe trying to Sprit Evolve?" I asked, "...*gets out of
the pond, shakes the water off* If this doesn't work, we're giving our intercourse a rest" she affirms
to the offer. Renamon steps closer to me, waiting for me to initiate the activation, closing her eyes.
I did the same, hoping something would happen...A few moments pass, then a stream of data does
surround us, but nothing else occurred after that. Renamon opened her eyes, looking at me angrily,
then snaps at me, "*grabs my collar* Dammit human! What the hell is with you being so
pathetic?!" she shouted, "H-hold on. Just give some time, ok? I don't think we're emotionally on the
same page now..Maybe that's screwing with our connection" I reason to her, and she lets me go.
"Tch..Until you fix our little problem, not only are we holding off on our..'fun', but we're also not
venturing the Digital world so we can discover those blue cards you talked about" Renamon
declares, "Wouldn't that mean we'll have to stay in Bio-merge for a while as we're out there? *sees
Renamon stay silent* Yeah..That'd also mean we'll have to understand each other alot deeper than
now, but.." I said lowly. "...Go home. Our session is through" Renamon ordered, returning to the
pond, disappointed. "..Hey I was wondering. Could you also an X form too?" I asked, which
Renamon didn't respond to, "*sighs* Fine..I'll go home now" I said, activating my Digivice,
returning me to the real world. "Hey guys! We saw just an Omnimon on the monitor! We..Hey,
where'd your boyfriend go?" Palmon-X questioned, "He returned..Did you dare assume we had
relations with each other?" Renamon responds, turning to her with an angry face, "N-no, it's
just...You two looked close and.." Palmon-X weakly began, "So you did assume..*turns away* It's
not like that..At least not yet. He still has a ways to go..Same for me" said Renamon, "Well I just
wanted to tell you. Omnimon looks really strong out there, but he seems like he looks like he wants
to be on his own. I'll uhh..I'll leave you to yourself as well, k?" Palmon-X said before departing.
Renamon stays relaxed in the pond, arms folded, frustration still lingering.

I find myself in the same abandoned house, soon hearing some engines circling around the house.
Dammit, those guys are relentless. Maybe I can stay low to get by? I hid my head below the
windows, waiting for them to pass through. "Let's head on to our ol' turf. 'sides, the place is closer
to some good food" a distant voice said, and I hear the suited cyclists' engines become inaudible.
Phew, dodged a bullet. I exited from the house a moment later, walking down the street to return
home. I thought back to what Renamon and me were talking about..I know it's going to take some
time but..Something tells me that we'll have to be in a real relationship together for Bio-merge to
work..Ever since this whole thing with me being by myself throughout the school years, I don't
think Im good with girls..Maybe Camila could give me pointers? I can't tell her about me and
Renamon though..I gave a long sigh. This really sucks for me..Yknow what..We're doing it. I got
the cards, so I'll make use of 'em. Starting tomorrow, we're exploring the Digi-world! Whether
Renamon likes it or not.

Look forward to Chapter 3!

The Battle in Dark Digiworld

Hello guys! We're back with a long-awaited chapter of my Renamon fanfic. As of now, it is at
1000 views, but 15 follows? Wow, people are really making sure not to miss out lol. I hope you
guys enjoy this one since it is longest chapter of the story thus far. Alot more tamer than the others
but it still has a good sex scene, which I hope to do more of next time. Anyways, I'll be short here,

Enjoy eue

Chapter 3: The Battle in Dark Digiworld

The walk back to my house became rather lonely, because I didnt have Renamon with me. Dunno
what Im gonna do about having her out again...If I bring her out now, not only is it possible that
she'll still be pissed at me, but I risk being raped again by NaitoRenamon..And...Maybe even being
manipulated by her. It looks like that's not outside of what she'd do to me. When I got home, I
notice my Dad's car in the drive way. I got to the door's window and saw a shimmering light...and a
chair? "Come in, son. The door's unlocked" he said from the other side of the door. I open the door,
seeing Dad sitting in his own chair, his glasses brightening up his side as the sun sets, and is a set
two meters away from the chair Im now in front of. "Sit" he simply said. Way to set the mood.
"What were you doing when you went out?" he asked. Dad never actually got this serious with me,
so it's very left-field...Did he find something?

"I was..out on a stroll" I lied, then taking a seat.

"Ok ok. Anything else happened? No getting lunch? No visit at a friend's?...No new girl you're
telling me about?" he asked, looking me in my pupils.

"Dad, what's this all ab-"

"Who's Renny?"

"?! Where..Where'd you hear that..!?"

"On the way home, your cousin went to your friend's house. He never does that."

"So you stalked them til you overheard something might be up?"

"I said 'Who's Renny?'. Sounds like an interesting character, and it sounded like your cousin knew
about quite a bit about her."

"*gets up and grabs the doorknob* Im not doing this with you, Im-"

"And go to your friend's house? Why didnt you do that earlier?"

"...tch. *turns around and sees a bag of yellow fur* Huh?!"

"Oh so you are familiar with this? Know what I'll ask now?"

"It's...It's from Renny."

"But Who's that exactly?"

"(walking around the question is doing me no good) *sighs* friend."

"Not a girlfriend?"

"She's my closest friend."

"Closer than Camil?"

"We weren't that close."

"So let's see...A striking presence, smart, has a big vocabulary...and has yellow fur? Do you see
how Im so curious?"

"I think anyone would."

"And what is this..'Digimon'?"

"(DAMMIT! How much did he hear?!) ...It's...Let's say she's...A fan of this show called 'Digi' and
wants to cosplay as her favorite character from the show. When you do that in real-life, it's called
being a Digimon."

"Alright then. Let me meet Renny tomorrow. Should be no problem since you two are close,

"Uhh well..(If I lie, and say she's busy, I cant keep that up forever..) She shouldn't be busy, so


"She's really attached to the cosplay, and always has it on, So..Hope she doesn't freak you out."

"So she has a...Animalistic costume?"


"...We'll see how it goes. That is all. Now eat before food gets cold. *gets up* One more
thing..You say closest friends, but why isnt it more than that? Getting off on the wrong foot?"

"Well..We are now.." I reply lowly, seeing him walking upstairs to his room. Phew. That was
close. Looks like he didnt have that much of the true story on him. If he heard about the rape or
about her strength, cant save the Digi-World or our world. I put my food on a plate and went up
stairs to my room. I ate while looking at the cards I still had...Spiked Club..Thor Hammer..King
Device..? (invalidates an option card? keeping that in mind)..Juga-maru. That sword looks huge! I
wonder if I can use them. They seem pretty heavy. I'll look at the rest later. If Im going to go back
into the Digi-World, I'll need more cards from Wes. I got into my pajamas. My eyes got heavy
rather quickly, then I fell asleep.

After waking up, I see Camil come through my door. "What the hell're you doing here?" I asked,
trying to wake up, "Well..I wanted to meet your friend that Wes told me about. I thought she'd be
here" she said, "Wes should've told you she didnt come with me. Or Dad even. He aint here?" I
asked her, "No..It's 1pm and he's usually out at work at this time" she replied, "...Then how'd you
get inside?" I asked some more, "Wes wanted me to give you the key. He's walking around for
some reason" she explained, giving me the key. Why would he be walking around? Sounds like he
didnt tell her much. "Call me when you two are available. I'd like to hang with her!" Camil said
cheerily before leaving. I have a feeling that won't be for a while. Great, now I need to look for
Wes. Took my pajamas off and dressed in casual wear, before I went outside. After a minute of
looking, Wes was down the block from me, he turns to me, walking up to me, and stops next to a
bush that was 1/3 of the way from me. I closed the distance, looked at the bush, and see..An option
card? "You see 'em now? Option cards are starting to leak into the real world" Wes prefaced, "So
you're looking for them for me? How nice" I asked, "Not exactly. Im keeping a lookout for where
ever NaitoRenamon may appear. I had to hide from her yesterday. She was close but then she
suddenly disappeared" he answers. That must've been right after Renamon gave them Yakuza guys
a beatdown. "*picks the card out of the bush* Did you find a few cards?" I asked, "*picks 8 cards
out of pocket, shows them to me* Boy did I" Wes said with a smirk, "*takes the cards* Thanks.
NaitoRenamon took 10 of them from me" I mention, "So she stole them?" he asked, "More like...It
was a bad deal..Where I get screwed over..Kinda literally in a way" I answer. He shook his head,
looking at the ground. "So it happened again..Im sorry, lil cous" Wes said lowly, "Dont blame
yourself if anything. At least you're helping out, and that's what I need" I reply, "Camil told me
what she saw..Then your Dad asked us several questions" he mentioned, "Feels like he's secretly
part of yknow...'The Force' " I reply, "Could be. So you going back to the Digi-World?" he asked,
"Yeah. Thing is, Digi-World went to hell, so I kinda have to, despite it feeling like I'm fighting an
uphill battle. I'll try to be back later on today. Also looks like NaitoWhoremon appears when
Renny comes into the real world" I reply, "Well damn. Best luck to ya. If you make it back, gimme
a call. I may find some cards with your name on 'em" he says, walking away from me.

My feet then carried me a short distance home, I pick my Digivice out of my pocket, activate it and
it warps me into the data realm, digitizing me. I did see a glimpse of Renamon going into the
forest, and is training. This time it looks like she's...Absorbing Digimon. Must be how she got this
strong. I land on a large tree, realizing the branch was not the best platform, I lower and hug the
branch, only to hang upside-down on it. "*Ear twitches, looks up* Oh it's you, human. Looking
rather foolish upon this encounter" Renamon said to me, "Mind getting me down, captain
obvious?" I reply, "Just hold still" she said, running up the tree. Her feet grace upon the branch, not
even making it shake, and takes a knee before grabbing me by the shirt, as if I were a helpless cat.
"I suppose you have news for me, Gatomon?" she asked, "Gatomon?" I asked back, "It's what'd
you consider as a feline" she replied, "Real funny. Anyways, Wes gave me a good number of cards
for us. Hope you found a few of your own" I said. She then puts me in her arms before hopping off
the branch. "Whoa HEY! At least warn me first!" I yelled in a panic, "You have a fear of heights?
With me carrying you? Some Tamer you are" she replied, trying to distract me from the 350ft drop
in actuality. The landing was also smooth, my weight seeming to be nothing to her. "*puts me
down, takes two cards out of sleeves* I wasnt searching for them on purpose, but here" said
Renamon, giving me the cards, "He gave me 8, while we found another pair, so it's as if I made a
fair trade after all. *looks at the cards* Hey looks like these are specifically for you, Renny" I said
in a more positive tone. "Did you return only to show off your newly-found trinkets?" Renamon
asked, "No. I came to you cuz we're heading out and we're searching for that blue card" I replied,
"Human, do you not realize your feeble disposition?" Renamon asked, "Im not letting you know.
Im telling you. As in, whether you like it or not" I told her, sounding more serious, "Hmm. These
Digimon won't absorb themselves, but I cant lose my one-way ticket to evolution and miss out on
the usage of the cards..I suppose my hands are indeed tied" she said, taking a thinking pose. "Let's
get a move on then" I declare, the two of us walking together, seeing horizon of the darkening
world now having big pieces of data missing, taking the depiction of white and purple spots. "Keep
an eye out for that big dark Digimon Palmon-X mentioned" I reminded, "And that damn
NaitoRenamon" she reminded, looking more serious.

I got on her back, and we started our search. A big dark-feathered bird Digimon flew above us,
with a ball encompassing his body, and flops down to us, "My Digivice says it's a
'DarkSinduramon'. Think we can fight it?" I asked her, "Best we don-" Renamon tried to reply, but
the mon got in front of us quickly, surprising us, making Renamon throw me away her. "Hurry up
and use those damn cards!" Renamon demanded urgently, "Positron Pulse!" said DarkSinduramon,
shocking thunder from his wings, which Renamon dodged the most of, only hitting her arm, "Tch!"
she grunts. "O-ok, uhh umm! *gets a card* (Just what I'd want!) Digi-modify! Armor! Activate!" I
shouted, sliding the card down the slot of the Digivice til I felt a hard stop. Unfortunately, the
equipment appeared on her damaged arm, turning out to be a machine with a big nail at the end,
"Renamon, jump up and crack the armor with that Pilebunker!" I commanded urgently, hearing
this, Renamon makes a desperate leap up to DarkSinduramon, "Oh no you dont! Positron Pulse!" it
shouted, sending another wave of lightning at Renamon, who was able to break through it by
shielding herself with the pilebunker, shocking him [No pun intended] and Renamon jabs the
pilebunker's nail into the round shielding of the bird mon, indeed cracking it. "G-get off me!" it
said, trying to shake her off by spinning, but she holds on to the opened shield with her claws, her
equipped arm dragging in the wind. "Stop..Resisting!" Renamon shouted, giving the large bird
mon another jab of the pilebunker, thrusting him backwards, making him stop while squawking in
pain. She takes the moment to run on top of him, charging her paw with fire embers, "Power Paw!"
she said, jabbing at his head, the force snaps his neck backwards, making her hunch over for a
moment. Renamon spins, throwing her equipped arm over her body and shoulder, "RAAAAAA!"
she shouted, thrusting the pilebunker down on the shield, and when the big nail end of the
equipment made contact, it had enough force to make both of them drop to the ground at break-
neck speeds. A big cloud of dirt spews up from them crashing straight down into the ground,
"*slides the card all the way and returns it to my pocket* Renny!" I said worrisomely, running to
her. I stop a moment before the mounds of dirt stop raining on the two mons, and I see only her on
her knees, absorbing the mon's data while glowing white, in the 10ft crater they made. "*coughs,
wipes off the dirt from arms* That was one helluva pilebunker. Good thing I made it last"
Renamon said, giving me a damaged smirk, walking out of the crater while holding her bloodied
arm like a champ. "R-renny..Will you be ok?" I asked sincerely, "Of course. I just..Cant use this
arm for bit" Renamon said somewhat reassuringly, "Be careful from here, please?" I asked while
hugging her, "*jumps slightly in surprise, blushing* S-sure but..We cant be sentimental now. *sees
several more dark Digimon ahead* There's still more out there" she replies, refocusing. Yeah, we
can fight those guys too, or..."Digi-modify! Speed! Activate! *slides the card down the Digivice's
slot*" I said, hopping on Renamon's back, "We should be able to zip pass these guys! Step on it!" I
commanded, "Right" she replied, dashing at great speed across the field, going through the crowd
of dark Digimon, most not able to react to her going through them. "It's working! Keep goin',
Renny!" I said with a triumphant fist, and we get to a ruined city area, where she slowed down and
had to take a stop. "*ears twitch and jump upwards* Hmm?! I think I sense something" Renamon
says as I hop off. My Digivice vibrates, I slide the card all the way threw, and it shows me a
reading, which was blue. "That must be the Digivolve card! It's in one of these buildings. *sees
that the buildings' data are rising into the pinkish skies* These seem to be falling apart. Let's look
throu-" I was about to say then a big, capped white cladded Digimon with gold and dark armored
arms busts through a nearby building, appearing in front of us from the left. What was also in front
of him was the blue Digivolve card, which he grabbed. "Is..Is this the Omnimon that Palmon-X
mentioned?" Renamon asked in shock, "*looks at Digivice* Y-yeah!" I replied. "I saw what you
can do, Renamon. It wasnt half bad" Omnimon said, surprising both of us, "You...You're
reasonable?" I asked in slight fear, "There is a difficult Digimon ahead of here. I am afraid I cannot
let you pass until you best me..*looks at me, tossing the card at me, which I caught* Give me your
best shot with this" he said. I look at the card hesitantly, "Human, dont just stand there. Do it"
ordered Renamon, making me tense up and I press on the card harder between my fingers,
"Human!" she shouted, "(...Let's at least try!) Renamon! Digivolve!" I said, sliding the blue card
down the Digivice. I did nothing but gaze as Renamon becoming wireframes, "Renamon digivole
to...!" I heard as she floats in the air for a moment, glows in a ball of light, becoming a moderately
big ninetailed fox, landing on the ground, staring up at Omnimon "Kyubimon" she said. Whoooa,
her feet and tails have blue flames too! "Get ready" Kyubimon said to me, snapping me out of my
amazement, "Y-yeah, but let's see what you can do first!" I replied as she nods, then Omnimon
busts out his sword from his golden arm, which looks like a head of a Digimon, and it all looked
cool as shit. "Dragon Wheel!" Kyubimon shouts, pressuring her head against Omnimon's blade,
engulfing herself in a ball of blue flames, uprising a big blue-flamed Dragon out of her, flying
around them into Omnimon's back. "*turns around, aiming with the dark blue arm* Supreme
Cannon" said Omnimon, shooting a powerful blast through Kyubimon's fiery attack, pushing her
off of him afterwards. "*lands on the side of a building, emitting fiery, ghostly heads from the tail*
Fox Tail Inferno!" Kyubimon called out, the heads then shoot towards Omnimon, which he tries to
fly away from but they trace him to his surprise. Upon contact, the fires imprison him in a cage of
blue flames, locking him in place while burning his armor and the other fireballs explode on him.
"Fox Attack" Kyubimon quickly said, speeding towards him, leaving behind a spark of fire,
seemingly appear above him, "Fox Electric Attack!" she shouts, electrocuting him with a headbutt
downward, shooting him to the ground, making a small crater upon impact. "Wow Ren- I mean
Kyubimon! You're doing great against him!" I cheered, "*floats above* Dont speak to soon"
replied Kyubimon, seeing Omnimon getting up. Shit! This guy really is tough as hell. "*seemingly
appears behind Kyubimon from between her tails* Transcendent Sword Slash" he said, dropping a
slash down Kyubimon, "Kyubimon! Watch it!" I shouted urgently, making her bat her head
backwards while dodging herself forward, trying to turn around quickly, only to be cut down her
ribs, "GYAAAAUUUGHHH!" she hollered in pain, a big line of blood coming from the cut,
"Kyubimooon!" I shouted worrisomely, watching her fall for a second, then tries to look for a card,
"Double Shot" I heard him say, making my head bat upwards, seeing him relentlessly fire a
powerful flame and ice shot at Kyubimon, both shots exploding on her, and she falls out of the
cloud of the explosion, reverting her back to her Renamon form. "(Dammit!)" I thought to myself
in anger, running to her as fast as I can while Omnimon watched, and catching her in my arms,
sliding on my back across the ground. "Renamon! Please say you have some fight left!" I shouted,
seeing her open her eyes, now in great pain, "Im...Afraid not..Human" she weakly replied, "*floats
down to the ground gracefully* I suppose that settles it" Omnimon said..."No! We have one more
attack in us!" I shouted, surprising both Renamon and Omnimon, "*sighs* I doubt it can make me
budge" he said reassuringly, "What are you..doing..h-human?" asked Renamon, and I made her get
on her feet. "(she should be hungry so..) Digi-modify! French-Fried Potato! Activate!" I called out,
swiping the card down the Digivice, "*flexes paws* I do feel..Stronger.." Renamon weakly
comments, standing on her own but hunched over, panting in pain, "Give it your best shot, Renny!"
I commanded. Renamon slowly walks forward, each step taking a second, as she balls up her paw
for a punch. "Give up" Omnimon urged, making Renamon shed a tear before connecting with her
punch, which had enough force to break two buildings that were behind him, as well as push
herself back, but he didnt move an inch, and she falls in front of him. "Renamon! No!" I said
urgently, running to her and picking her up in my arms. "I wasnt..Im..Im not strong..Im not
strong.." Renamon said to herself, starting to tear up, "Dont cry, Renny..You gave it your
damnedest" I reply, myself trying not to cry, "...*turns away* Find me when you're much stronger.
You have the Digivice, so return and rest for now" Omnimon says, looking back for a second,
surprised to see my face buried down in Renamon's chest, "(The human has an emotional
attachment to her..*looks forward* No time to waste)" Omnimon thought, flying away...I activate
my Digivice, taking us to the Tamer Union Base.

The surrounding Digimon couldn't help but watch me on my knees, embracing Renamon. "W-
we...We saw it on the monitor..Im sorry that happened, guys.." Palmon-X said lowly, I didnt
respond, "Here, l-let me heal her" she said, walking forward. When Palmon-X got close, I took a
moment to hold Renamon tight, then kissed her forehead, and let Palmon-X put her RGB herbs on
her, trying to heal her many wounds. "These were really bad. Another hit and she'd go into her
baby form..or even worse, be deleted" Palmon-X said. It took a few more minutes to wait for
Palmon-X to be done. "She's good for the most part. Take it easy in the grassy field for now"
Palmon-X suggests, "Before we do..I've been wondering how come you're not a normal Palmon" I
ask, "I..Im not that sure. I've been just stuck in this form for a while. I guess due to NaitoRenamon
affecting the Digiworld so much" she replied before me and Renamon walk into the grasslands
room. The two of us continued to the end of the waters, and we both watch the waterfall in front of
us. Renamon takes her arm off of me, looking away sadly.

"..What's wrong, Renny?"

"What the hell do you think is wrong?"


"You have no idea how humiliated I feel..After losing like that..Then you pushed me.."

"I mean, that's so I could...*sighs* Im sorry, Renny...I really am."

"Why didnt you help faster?"

"I-I..Just wasnt fast enough to do anything..I blame myself for most of this...You got really hurt
and..I dont know what I'd do if...yknow.."

"...Didnt you know that we were severely outmatched? *sits down, dipping feet in the water*"

"I did..but I fought with you anyway. *sits with her*"

"Why is that?"

"..It's..It's cuz I..Had faith in your strength. Even after you went back to this form."

"..Faith? But.."

"The moment I laid eyes on you, I always saw you as really strong and..After seeing you transform
like that, it was..yknow, hard for me to think you couldn't do anything."

"So..your faith in me was that deep-rooted?"

"Yeah..You always amazed me when you fought so..*feels her paws on my cheeks* Huh?
Renamo- *feels her lips locking with mine, then we made out for a moment* Mmm..*her lips lock
away from mine*"

"I really do appreciate that..Someone to say..They believe in me more than me, despite my
shortcomings..I..I always get so caught up in how others should see me.."

"It must be really hard and pressuring to always see yourself and have others see you as a very
strong Digimon. Must be a nightmare."

"...It is indeed."

"Look..I know you'll get much stronger than this. It'll just..Take some time."

"I want you to get strong with me, so you dont fall too far behind."

"That'll..Take more time, b-but still."

"*feels on lips*...*goes into the water* D-do you want to get in the water with me?"

"(Must be doing really good to her if she asked that eue) Sure. *starts taking off clothes*"

"*watches and blushes* (O-oh right, he needs to u-undress for that..)"

"*takes off underwear* Dont act so surprised, Virginmon. *gets in the water*"

"*giggles* Really clever. You cant even call me that anymore."

"You that unfamiliar to sarcasm? *leans my back next to her*"

"Oh Im familiar, my delectable human. *leans on me, rubs finger down my chest with a somewhat
lusty smirk*"

"*gives her the same smile* Now can you control yourself?"

"*puts hand underwater, feels on my growing dong* Seems as though you cant."

"It's hard not to, especially after hearin' this smokin' hot voice of your's."

"Speaking of hard, you are rock-solid down there now."

"*feels my dong getting jerked off* Well that's you know what you're doing to me down there..And
it feels really good.."

"Do you wanna feel even better?"

"Can you relieve me while you're at it?"

"I guarantee it. *lets go of my dick* Just hug me and I'll show you.."

"Alright, Babemon..*wraps arms around her while her back is against the wall*"

"...The mon jokes sting a bit, tone it down please."

"I will if you kiss me again."

"*kisses my lips tenderly* Not another mon joke out of you" Renamon said more attractively,
looking into my eyes as her lust for me grows. I align my cock to her pussy, then start inserting,
and Renamon holds me, pulling me close to her. "Aaaaaah yes..You always felt right..I can't
believe I've forgotten such a feeling" Renamon comments, starting to moan, and I give her a
sudden kiss on her small lips, "You're so amazing, Renny..I never want to let you lose again..I'll try
even harder next time...For us" I said to her, "For us..?" she asked, "I..Hate losing too...Especially
in front of someone I love.." I express, "H-human.." Renamon said in a surprised tone, blushing
more than ever, and her mouth quivering from what she heard. We stayed in that position for
several moments, my meat stick still jammed into her vaginal hole. Renamon then held me even
tighter, then I started fucking her slowly, "...Human..I love you" she whispered, "I love you
too..Renny" I whispered back, locking lips with her as our sensual intercourse made the waters
sway and quake. A light shot out of the Digivice from my pocket, making us look back, "That must
mean one thing. We can come together and Spirit Evolve" Renamon said as I slowed down to
listen, looking behind her, "Well for now..*grabs her chin, turns her head to me* I want us to come
together..Like this" I said, "Right..Satisfy me, Tamer" Renny replied, refocusing on taking my
genitals. She looked down, moaning while watching my strongly erected cock penetrate her pussy,
"M-make me cum, human" Renamon demanded, obviously getting hornier by the second, "Mmm!
Mmm! I-I can't stop, Renny! You feel too good!" I moaned, going faster in her, and she holds her
mouth open, closing her eyes, at a lose for words from how much pleasure she's experiencing,
tightening her insides. "D-damn, Renamon" I comment, sucking on her tits for a moment. A minute
of pussy-pounding later, my cum jets into her insides, "AAAAAAHH! YES! YEEESS! TAME
MEEEE!" Renamon loudly moaned as I released my cum into her, crushing my pelvis into her
strong vaginal hole, and her claws scratch at my back, trying to handle our great orgasmic climax.
We took some long breaths as we looked into each others eyes, her brows curled inward, then we
went in for a kiss, quickly turning into us making out. I then jerked my head back, a few seconds
into the makeout, "*takes a few breaths* What's..Wrong, human?" asked Renamon, "*cups my
mouth* My tongue got cut by one of your fangs" I muffled, "M-my apologies..I've been very
careful with how we exchange our French kisses, but..Im admittedly getting lightheaded" Renny
apologized, "Well, aside from that and my back getting some marks, the sex was very good, right?
eue" I said, "Heh, satisfying as always. Your performance was quite astonishing" Renamon
smirked back. I try to pull out, but found it hard to unplug myself from her, "What gives, Renny?" I
asked, "Im..Loosed. You can undo yourself from me" Renamon said, looking away, feeling a bit
embarrassed, "Hmm, that's weird. Guess we'll have to wait for a bit" I suggest. We waited for half a
minute, making our time together like this awkward, the two of us looking around. "...Sooo, the
Digiworld has toothbrushes, right?" I awkwardly asked, which Renamon responds by looking
away, and kicking me off of her, then gets out of the water, "...I was gonna try that" I said
pathetically. Renamon walks up to my Digivice, but not wanting to get it wet, she got hesitant,
frowning to herself. She looks back to me, sighs then uses my clothes to dry herself, "H-hey, dont
use my clothes to dry yourself!" I complained, "You have more at home. That's one thing I've
caught on to with you humans" she replied, "I-I..Yeah, but..Damn, I should bring a towel here" I
said, getting out of the pond, still naked. "*hears me come out of the water, looks at my red penis*
Hmm? What's wrong down there?" Renamon asked, "...My...My penis is just a bit sore is all" I
replied while blushing, "*giggles* Sorry that I was a bit much for it back there. I suppose that
confirms my strength" Renamon said with a small blush and a faint smile. "I wouldn't be laughing
for long. My dad interrogated me about you today...So I gave him some details.." I informed her,
"...How much?" she asked with a hint of skepticism, "He still doest know about the Digiworld,
only about the Digimon part" I answer, "Human..!" Renamon uproared, "B-but, I told him that your
costume is called being a Digimon, dont fret" I said in a slight panic. Renamon still gives me a sort
of irritated gaze, "Well, if this doesn't make it any worse, he wants to meet you tomorrow" I
informed, "How about this, if we can finally perform that Bio-Merge, I'll meet this father of your's"
Renamon proposed, "Alright then" I agreed, "But firstly, know that this risks an encounter with
NaitoRenamon, and secondly, you have to trai-" Renamon tries to remind but her stomach growls
pretty audibly, intercepting her train of thought. "Looks like we need to go out and get something
to eat. My friend, Camil could get us something to eat and give you some clothes since she works.
Said she wants to meet you anyway" I plotted to Renny, which she was uncertain about, "What?
Got cold feet with new people now? You didnt seem too nervous when we were in that crowd" I
then asked, "Tch. Let's just go out..I'm...Rather curious about wearing some clothes.." Renamon
complied. She held my hand, I get my damp clothes (now having strands of yellow fur e e), and
activate the Digivice to put us back into the real world after picking it up.

Coming from the usual realm of data, the two of us appear in my room. I look up to Renny, who
looked bewildered and was blushing heavily, "What's wrong, Renny?" I asked, then she turns me
around...And there was Camil. We all stayed still for a really odd moment, all of us blushing.
"*looks away, covering my privates* W-what the hell're you doing here?!" I asked in a panic,
"More importantly, why're you NAKED?!" she asked insistently, "W-well uhh..I...Renny- Rena-
I..Dammit" I shyly tried to say, "*holds my hand* Let's just say..We're together" Renamon
admittedly and lowly answered, and Camil's face was taken by astonishment, "N-no! We're uhh...F-
friends with benefits" I try to correct, and she feels faint, lowering to the floor. "I...Believe you
made it worse. What's that mean anyway?" Renamon asked, "Not now, we gotta- *sees that my
penis was out again for a second, puts hands over it again* J-just get me some clothes from the
drawer!" I ordered, pointing to the drawer, and she opens one of them. She presents me with some
briefs, "More than that!" I said, then she retrieves a pair of red shorts, "...Fine!" I said, taking the
shorts and undies. By the time Camil came to, I was fully clothed in some shorts and a shirt,
"*unblurs vision* ugh...wh..where was I..? Oh yeah, w-oh wait, you're clothed. *turns to
Renamon* Then why's she naked?" Camil asked, surprising Renny, "W-well..Uhh...We kinda need
you for that. She needs some fitting clothes and is getting hungry" I inform, "So you want me to
forget that you're with a...(what's it called? uuuh) Digimon?!" she asked, "Look, I know my dad
won't help on this, so please do me a solid? " I said pleadingly, putting both hands together,
"...*deeply sighs* Ok, just dont get me involved in any of this..I cant believe half of this, like..Is
this what you're into?" Camil then asked with a cringed face, "(I cant believe what's occurring
either..e e)" Renny thought to herself, "N-no...Not really..It's all about the figur- ANYWAYS, what
in the hell you doin' here?!" I asked once again, "Oh that. Me, Wes and your dad called you, and
you didnt pick up. We all couldn't find you, so we took turns with looking around the house, but
your dad had to go back to work" she explained. Hmm..Looks like I cant get a signal while in the
Digiworld. Should've figured. "Well let's go before dad comes back. If anyone asks, this is just my
closest friend that just so happens to like dressing up as a hot anthro" I plot to Camil, which she
hesitantly nods in agreement to. "...A bit of a dumb story, but...umm..At least I hope people dont
judge you much" she replied, starting to sweat nervously, "That is unless you can give her some of
your clothes and take us to a fast-food place" I said jokingly, "..(Oh man, what if she sheds in my
undies and..)...I'll buy her some clothes then; W-what're friends for, r-right?" Camil replied. The
three of us walk on outside, on the way to the mall with Camil leading us. Renamon shyly holds
my hand, making me feel a bit more secured but suddenly pulls me close to her, lowering her head,
"Are you and her 'Friends with benefits'?" Renny somewhat shyly asked in a whisper, "Nah. I've
always only thought of you. If me and her were to fuck as friends, that's what that term means" I
whisper back, "O-oh...Are you sure we're not that?" she asked, "Do you feel like we're in a
relationship?" I asked, "We...Did say we loved each other so we're practically lovers" she replied,
making her blush. The more Renny thought about our predicament, the weaker her knees got, then
I pat her ass to help keep her graceful walk, and she gives me an annoyed face.

We got to the nearest mall to us, which was a mile from the city on the route we took. Once we
entered, we tried our best to blend in with the crowd, only the really aware noticing, which were
few...At least initially. Renny smelled delicious food from a meter away, turning her head for a
second, seeing people in a line. Renamon was trying to keep calm to this point, but got nervous
when we got to the woman's clothing section, "L-let's make this quick" she said to the two of us.
Camil grabs a set of clothes, "(It's just like a girl, it's just like a girl)" she tries to repeat to herself in
her head. Renamon watched her pick out the clothes, then sees her trying to get a dress, "I r-rather
you didnt get that" said Renny, then Camil puts it back, and decides to pick out some panties. I
blushed red when she was about to pick a G-string, which thankfully she didnt..Though I'd like to
see my Renny in it -/-... "I saw a few bows, R-renny..Would you...?" I tried to ask, "Not now,
human" said Renamon. After Camil bought the four sets of girly clothes at the register, she brings
us to the dressing room that was behind the cashier. "Just try each out and see what fits best for
you" Camil said to Renamon, who now holds the clothes then enters the dressing room.
"EEEEEEK!" someone randomly screams from inside, "I am...I like dressing like this..If it isnt too
odd" she tries to explain, which calms down the initially scared adult due to Renny's smoothing
voice. The girl came out moments afterwards, looking calmed down herself. Didnt see that coming.
Renny soon showed us how she wore a sleeveless shirt with jeans, then an opened shirt with ripped
pants (showing the markings on her legs), a zigzag-patterned shirt with pants that were loose at the
bottom, and a black shirt with tight pants. Hmm.. "Black looks great on you, Renny" I compliment,
"I just wished this underwear wasnt so bunched into my..Privates" she said, tugging on a side of her
pants. Thankfully the pants were flexible for her. I put the rest of her clothes in the bag the cashier
gave us. "You'll get used to them. *hears her stomach growling* Oh right, you're hungry. Let's get
to this fast-food place we passed up" said Camil, which Renny anxiously nodded to. On our way
there, we took this other way back to towards the entrance with the fast-food place the mall had,
but a set of movies caught Renamon's attention, making her stop. "What are these?" she asked,
"*stops* Oh those are Kung-Fu flicks. Wanna see some together?" I then asked, "Kung-Fu?" she
asked some more, "It's a martial art. Yknow, some of the things that you do when you fight. I have
a DVD player, which lets us watch the action in it" I answer, "('Bushin Lee and Jet-chun: Way of
The Swift Hand'?) Hmm, you humans sure do make some interesting trinkets. Let's get it" said
Renamon, picking out the video case that she eyed out. We went up to the nearby cashier, "*takes
the case* Is this all for you?" asked the cashier, making Camil a bit internally mad, "
(They...Always ask that.._V_) Y-yes" she replied, then bought the movie for us, giving Renny a
less faint smile. The three of us went to the food place we are now close to, and shortly got in a line
of two people'. "*looks up* 'Food Court'? What's that about?" asked Renamon, "It's a bit clever. A
court is a place where things are decided and judged by the government reps and by the people.
The sign looks like one of those courts" I explain, "*sees that the area is plain looking* Wish the
place could take inspiration to that" she comments. Camil ordered for us, then we got to a table to
sit down at. I see that Renamon looked a bit lost, "We're just waiting for our food, Renny" I said to
her, "Wow, she really doesn't go out at all, huh?" said Camil. Two of Camil's friends come to
where we are, "Hey girlfriend! How're you and your man doing?" one of them jokingly and
cheerily said, "Oh Angie, Tiffy. Nice seein' y'all. He's right next to his girl here" Camil relied,
"*looks at Renamon* Uhh..You mean he's...?" asked the other friend, "Y-yes..Hello" Renny
answered while looking away, "Ooooo she sounds really nice. Where'd you even meet her?" Angie
asked, "(...Fuck, I didnt think this far) At uhh...At a con. The one from last week. We texted alot
and next thing, here we are" I lied, "Oh that geeky crap? Yall are made for each other then. But
wait, where's your fur suit?" asked Tiffy, "(Really?) Im not into doing fur suits. It just happens that
Renny does that sort of thing" I lied so more, "I'd run if you were to dress like me. He may try and
take interest in you like he did with me, then make you call him 'Tamer' or 'Master' " Renny joked
with a sly, blaming look. "R-renny" I said, "I-I dont think that's too bad" commented Angie with
shy yet lewd face, "Angie! *sighs* Well nice to see everyone get along. We just wanted to say hi is
all. Later Cammy" said Tiffy, walking away with Angie. "Okaaaay, that happened" said Camil,
"Tiffy, Angie..Cammy..How clever" Renny commented, looking at me in disappointment, and I
look away shyly. We then got our food, which were some burgers. "Is this i-" I was about to ask
then Camil puts her finger on my mouth, "I spent more money than I do on a weekend for myself,
so just be grateful Im paying for your broke ass. K? ouo;;;" said Camil with a disturbing smile,
Renamon eats her burgers in peace, pretending she didnt see anything. "*stops chewing* What is
this in the middle? It is marginally rich in taste" asked Renamon, "It's meat. Came from the flesh of
animals" I answer, "...Better them than me. Consuming other things isnt foreign to me. *keeps
eating*" she responds, making me and Cammy look away for a moment. After we had our good
meal, we were about the leave the scene then Renamon held my arm, "Do humans lack integrity
too?" asked Renamon, guilt-shaming me enough to make me throw away all of our trash.

The three of us walked back to my place, already going out of the exit with alot less people giving
us weird looks now. Camil looks at Renamon's rounded feet, "Oh man, we forgot to give you some
shoes or heels" Camil pointed out, "You saying you wanna spent more on Renny?" I asked with a
smirk, "...Never mind then" she replied, "Besides, when you are as strong of a being as me, you do
not need footwear" said Renamon. Our feet carry us the rest of the way to my house, "*gives me
the case for the movie* Your dad seems very suspicious when it comes to your girlfriend here, so
I'll keep the other clothes, k?" Camil says, "It'd be for the best. Well, thanx a ton for the help,
Cammy" I said, and she waves us a farewell. "*enters in the house with me* Let's watch a bit of
that movie and get to training" Renny suggests, "It's an hour and 50 minutes long. 20 should be
fine, right?" I reply, then put the disc in the DVD player. We sat on the couch together, watching
the flick on the TV, and just 5 minutes into it, I notice Renny mimicking a few moves. "Action's
good, huh?" I asked with a smirk, "*stops the hand movements* Hmm? I-I suppose" she replied
shyly, giggling to herself. The two of us watch it for 10 more minutes, getting into the dialogue,
Renamon's head now on my shoulder, "I like Jet a bit more than Lee. He rather beat someone into
submission, and that time he dodged that tank missile was awesome! Lee just flat-out kills his foes,
like damn. Should've figured from a demon" I comment, "Lee is quite the fighter. He intrigues me
with his ruthlessness" Renamon comments, "Like when he killed all 100 of those guys in that
building and allowed himself to get burned to fight Dao's bodyguards?" I asked, "That and more"
she replied, making me a bit scared. 15 more minutes pass then I look at the watch, "Well it's been
like 30 minutes. Let's head to the Digiworld" I remind her, "*sees me pause the movie, showing
Lee approaching a giant mech, about to fight it with bare-hands, then sighs* Fine, we can come
back to it.." replied Renamon with a hidden frown, following me upstairs. Before we go to my
room, I grab a towel from the bathroom. I hold her hand, pick up the Digivice then activate it, and
using it to transfer us to the Tamer Union Base. We then go to the usual grassy field to start
training. Renamon starts off by taking my shirt, and her clothes off, "It's just to help us move" she
said before I had time to blush. She then teaches and shows me some moves to do, wanting me to
mimic her as she did them. We did this for a good hour. "Get back into your stance. *sees me hold
one fist in front of the other* Hmm..How high can you kick? *sees me do a kick, going no higher
than my arms, then sighs* You humans have it too easy. Come here" ordered Renamon, and I did
as she said. She picks me up by the legs, hangs me upside-down and stretches me outward, trying
to get me to do a 90 degree split, "HEY! OOOOW! I cant stretch like that yet!" I shouted painfully,
"*eases up on the pulling, looking down disappointedly* Does that help?" she asked, "Gnnn! B-
barely!" I answered. The forceful stretching routine lasted for 20 more minutes, and by the time she
dropped me, I couldn't feel my legs and I was tearing up. "*shakes head left and right* Such an
untrained human. Your beloved Jet's kicks could touch the sky with ease, and look at you"
Renamon comments, "*holds my inner thighs* W-well I dont watch those type of movies and I
dont train at all like they do!" I replied, "Never too late to start. Now get up, or do you need my
touch?" she asked, and I get a bit hard from how she said it, "M-maybe..I think it's even bleeding
down there" I respond. Renny puts her hands on my crotch area, "As soon as you get healed, we're
trying that Bio-Merge" Renamon said, ignoring my half-chubbed penis. My inner thighs become
healed within three minutes, and we stand up together. We joined our hands together, closing our
eyes, light and data swirling around us.

We then found ourselves in an empty area, I see a statue in front of me, it looked like renamon but
whitened, with a long line of her other forms retaining the same color. Then another line of red-
colored Renamon with her other forms, there were three more statues around me but were just
rocky looking and five blackened statues behind me, with Renamon appearing in front of me soon
after this discovery. She puts out her hand, I float to her, she grabs me and holds me close to her,
then the void we were in is filled with light, as the whitened statue shoots up with a stream of data.
"Renamon Bio-Merge to...! ShiningRenamon" I heard echo, able to see what she now looks like.
She got taller, has retractable talons from the wrist, has tightly fitted shin-guards with black belts
wrapping around the shins, chest-armor, three rings on her tail, a long white ribbon around the
neck, has thin cloth coming from the shoulder-armor which wrapped around the arms with a few
belts, and an armor piece from between the eyes to the back of her head. The face looks more like a
female version of me, but prettier than I'd expect. "So wait...Am I a girl now?!" I asked from
within, "No, this is my body primary but it is now your's too" she answers, "Then would that
mean..." I began, trying to touch our pussy, then I suddenly felt a reversion, popping out of
Renamon's body. "Maybe I'd let you if we were to make great progression with our training. We
couldn't sustain the form for long anyway" Renamon said, "Does that go the same for our fun?" I
asked, "Yes" she quickly answered, making me sigh. "Let's try this. Fox Switch Deception" said
Renamon, clapping her hands, then a puff of smoke envelops her, and she copies my body's
appearance, "You should know where this is going" she said in my voice, and we started sparring.
We then trained for two more hours. During the last minutes, she constantly beat my ass with my
body she copied, which she had to go back into 24 times, healing me (somewhat) before
transforming. "*gives me a double-kick before landing, watches me fall returns to original form*
Your skills are just depressing. Go home" Renamon orders, walking to the nearby barn, leaning up
on it. She tossed the Digivice to me, which bounced off my head, "Oww! Alright fine!..I'll be back
soon. Just wait for me here" I said before using the Digivice to return home. By the time I got back
to the real world, it was night time. I feel tired as hell anyway, so I might as well sleep...With
Renamon. I got an idea eue. I checked to see if my dad was asleep, with he apparently was. Step 2:
Go back. Reactivating my Digivice, I go back to the grassy field that Renamon was resting at. I
appear in front of the barn, which I quickly spotted Renamon sleeping in front of while on some
hay. I discreetly lay down next to her, resting my hand on her chest. As I was a minute into my Zs,
I felt her arm bringing me closer to her chest, which of course, I welcomed. Then we slept together
for the first time right there.

Look forward to Chapter 4!

Powerful Damsel, Basty!

How're yall doing? Here's another anticipated chapter of my Renny Fanfic that has some really
dedicated fans for it. As far as views, they're basically neck-and-neck on both FanFiciton and
Wattpad with 2.4k to 2.5k views (just fyi to nerds like me who'd care). Im still living up here with
my roommate, but if it wasnt for the guy borrowing the computer, I'd have this out by last week, no
bullshit. Anyways, if yall read the title, we got a new party member! :D......Which is bittersweet
(more bitter to alot a majority of yall...unless they're that sick or just dont give a shit), especially
what i have planned for her later, but those that are super deep into Digimon research like me know
what Im talking about. And yes there's a sex (rape) scene with her and a certain main antagonist,
which again yes, she comes up in this. Anyways- wait, did I already say that? What ev, fuck it, im
trying awfully at making this short, but if you're seeing this another chapter of a fanfic came out
with this. At any rate

Enjoy eu-

Chapter 4: Powerful Damsel, Basty!

Waking up, I see Renamon's paw didnt move from my chest. I press our hips together, holding her
hip with one arm. Mmmm, feels so cozy.. "*opens eyes, sees me really close* W-what's the
meaning of this? I..Weren't you going to sleep in your world?" asked Renamon, blushing and
looking away shyly. Well I didnt think she'd get like this..Maybe I can take advantage? "*looks
down into her beautiful blue and black eyes* Dont worry, Renny. I know you feel much more
relaxed with me here" I tried to say a bit seductively, "I can feel your growth between my
legs..*sighs* If we were to have our 'fun' here, I want you to double your efforts today" she
proposed, and I excitedly nodded. Before I unzip, she caught my hand, "Dont you forget now. I'd
very much appreciate it. Dont think I will be this lenient again" Renamon informed, "A bit hard to
believe since, yknow...You didnt take off of me while we both slept together" I reply, "*sighs*
Shut up and fuck me" Renamon aggressively responds, pulling my dick into her pussy and spreads
her legs open after securing our genitals locking together. I go on top of her and grip both of her big
paws, making her blush, "...You humans..Really have rather..Comforting stimulations" Renamon
comments, "Then let me continue by 'stimulating' you..Renny" I said before kissing her welcoming
lips as her wetness drools all around my shaft that I exit her flooding love tunnel, and I plummet
back into her. Sex began for us and damn, her pussy never felt any better. "Ahhh~..Mmm..GH!
*feels dick pulsating and throbbing from inside, head rests backwards on the hay* Your Human
cock..Is so..Addicting" Renamon moaned out, "Yes..Keep talking Renny..I can never get enough of
your voice..Let alone your cunt" I moaned back, continuing my plowing, "...I also like...A fast
Tamer..Care to..Demonstrate?" Renny asked with small lusty smirk, "Thought you'd never ask" I
said excitedly, and my Digimon's mouth watered in excitement. I then thrash around my cock in
her insides as I slam my pelvis into her, so hard that her loose white fur around her entrance was
flying off, making her grab into my shirt and stick her tongue, "AH! AH! AHHH! AH! AH! HAH!
ecstatically moaned out loud, dealing with the very pleasurable "Taming" from my genitals as I
squint intensely, "MMMMM! You're so damn sexy, Renamon! I never wanna stop! *goes even
faster into her, pressing her deeper into the hay* Let me have your babies, Renny! I want your
babies! AAAH~" I moaned out loud, then she opened her eyes in shock, making me fly off of her
with a kick, feeling confused before the door opened from me flying through it, landing on my
head. Giving myself a moment to recover before sitting up, and I see an angered face on Renny. I
was a bit afraid to say anything, and rathered that I face the music as Renamon walked up to me,
"Now Human...Repeat what you said" she ordered. I looked away, hoping she'd forget what I said
or something, "ANSWER ME, HUMAN!" she roared, "I..said I wanted your babies" I answered
honestly, and she was taken aback..Yeah, I dont have a good feeling either. She then turned around,
"...You're tripling your efforts" Renamon coldly said, "W-why's that? The hell did I do?!" I asked,
"A Human and a Digimon should not be a relationship to begin with...Yet you want to have
offspring with me...?" Renamon replied, "I mean, I love you that much...But is it possible?" I
asked, "*bats back at me* You are tripling your training efforts! END OF DISCUSSION!
RETURN IMMEDIATELY!" Renamon fiercely ordered, striking enough fear in me that I activate
my Digivice, returning to my world without a second thought. Renamon then cringes to herself
while blushing.

I find myself falling on my bed, "You alright in there, son?" asked my dad from the other side of
the door, "Yeah, just..Tripped on my bed is all" I lied, "..Be careful next time. Wes is here" he
replied skeptically, and I await for Wes to come into my room. Hmm...I wonder what sort of
strategies he used to use for these cards. Bet he's a really adept card player, and he may know some
in-depth stuff with Bio-merging. After looking at my cards some more, he opens the door. "So, lost
track of any of the cards?" Wes asked, "Nah. They're all good" I answer, "That's a bit weird. When
I used them, I lose a card each time" he comments, "Anyways, if you found any more, help me
look through all these. Wish you did so beforehand. Fighting has been very difficult out there" I
said. Wes takes my cards out of my pocket and shuffles through them, while adding five more to
them. He should be really good at the child's card game side of this, right?

"Did you know you can use two at the same time?"

"Ok, anything else you forgot to tell me?"

"You can do that, but make sure one is in this hole below where you usually slide."

"Damn, if only I..."

"What's wrong? You didnt lose a battle, did you?"

"..I did. I was even able to digivolve her, but it still wasnt enough."

"Sounds like he was a tier above her. I wished you looked more carefully, cuz a few of these ignore
evolution requirements."

"Wait, they do?! That's great then."

"You still need a card that makes your Renamon digivolve, and while you equip that, you can
equip another card."

"I've gotten the hang of using my Digivice for all that."

"Ok. Now keep an eye out for these: White wings, Offense Plug-In N, Juga-maru, D3, Spiked club,

"Oh yeah, I saw Juga-maru, and I cant wait to use it."

"You'll have to digivolve Renamon to use it."

"Aww that sucks...Any of them that lets me just digivolve her?"

"D-ark does, but you only have one of those. You have two of some of these attack cards though."
"Huh...I'll remember that. Oh and I was able to Bio-merge with her."


"Thing is...When I was inside I saw a bunch of normal and dark stones. One of them I
could use to take form. What'd that mean?"

"Im..Not sure. Try have her absorb dark digimon."

"But...Wouldnt it hurt Renny?"

"Just my suggestion is all. Never know til you try."

"What about...NaitoRenamon?"

"If you wanna risk that, go ahead."

"...Did..NaitoRenamon ever tell you how she got that way?"

"Hmm..It was a while, but she mentioned something about a Lilithmon, and a Bastemon."

"And what're those two like?"

"Well, let's say Lilithmon's very dangerous, but Bastemon...I dunno. You'll have to find out."

"By Lilithmon being dangerous, you mean...? The source of our problem?"

"NaitoRenamon fought her once, and sounds like we're seeing the aftermath. If you can find
her...Ask her where she saw Lilithmon for me."

"*nods* Right. (If the situation's not too bad)"

"I heard what dad said about your 'girlfriend'. Good luck making it easy for me to take in.. Dont be
surprised if this is the last time I see you."

"H-huh? Dont say that! I-I'll...If things go really bad, there's still being at Camil's...Right?"

"...*turns away, exits* We'll see" replied Wes, making his way down the stairs...If there's no other
way of breaking it to him, and he figures it all out, so be it..Least I can do is prevent Digimon from
running around in our world...I then laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling..Wait! If Renny can
transform into me, she can transform and look like anything, right? I got a plan now! First, let me
return to Renamon and talk to her about my idea. Thus I activate my Digivice, and went back into
the Digital world. By the time I got back to the Tamer Union Base's farm-like area. I looked
around. "Renny! Renny! You there?" I hollered out, and no answer, aside from Palmon-X coming
to me. "If you're looking for Renamon, she's already out. Absorbing other digimon and all"
Palmon-X informed me, "Where is she exactly?" I asked, "Around that city area you two were at
before meeting Omnimon" she answered. She must be also trying to distract herself... "It's a bit too
dangerous for you to go to her now, so wait here" Palmon-X told me, "Fine...Omnimon mentioned
about a very strong Digimon up ahead of that area. Do you guys know what it is?" I asked, "Follow
me" she replied, running off to the operation room. "*pulls up the Digiworld monitor* It's
a...*gasps* C-cyberdramon?!" Palmon-X said, "How bad's that?" I asked, "Well it..It looks like it's
even stronger than Omnimon!" Palmon-X said, scared of the dark mon. I then see another mon in
it's grasp, who was female, and had long, bulky animalistic limbs with sharp, yet glamorous golden
claws. Is he taking her with him?...I have to save her. "*turns to me as I back away* H-hey, stop!
It's too-" protested Palmon-X, seeing me activate my Digivice as I warp down, making Palmon-X
frown and worry.

I appear before the Cyderdramon, in a somewhat fragmented desert area with large rubble around
me. Hoping my Digivice would pick up on Renamon, the wavelengths were very weak. Damn,
she's way further than I thought..."*sniffs the air* Hmm? *grins maliciously* (Lilithmon's plan is
working) *turns around to face me* What a rarity. A Human who's trying to save a Digimon?" said
the dwarfing Cyberdramon. "W-what're you doing with that Bastemon?" I asked, "So you know
about this mon? Well, it is my duty to give Digimon to Lilthmon. Now go away before I kill you"
Cyderdramon warns, "N-no! Im not going anywhere" I said to him, despite being fearful, "Then
die..Cyber Nail!" he said before he swipes his claw at me, sending a powerful shockwave that was
leveling the ground, and cuts up my arms while sending me flying backwards in the air,
"AAARAAAAUGH!" I hollered in agony and I hit the ground hard, holding my now bleeding
arms. "*hears the commotion, and bats eyes at me* H-human! Walk away while you can! He's
way too strong for you!" yelled the captive Bastemon, "Shut it! Morsels for Lilithmon dont talk!"
aggressively said the Cyberdramon, "If..I get killed by you...Can you let her go?" I asked, trying to
stand back up, "It wouldn't matter. There's plenty of Digimon to go around for Lilithmon"
Cyberdramon replied, "...I dont care..Just let her go" I said back, making Bastemon blush for me
with a touched, awe expression, "Hmph. *tosses Bastemon to the side* Let me have that Digivice
while Im at it. You're going to die anyway. *raises claw but stops*...(Change of plans? Hmm..Yes
Lilithmon) On second thought. *sees me look back up* My liege wants to take you in captivity as
well" he said, "And if I dont wanna?" I asked, "Too bad" he replied, knocking me out with a punch
to my face.

An hour or two later, a bunch of water splashes down on me, "*shakes my head and wipes my
face* Where...where am...? *sees Bastemon in a corner* Oh Bastemon! So you weren't consumed"
I said, catching her attention as she looked scared about this whole situation. "Looks like our
Human has woken up. Good~" said an ominous female voice echoing in the room, "W-who's t-t-
that?" Bastemon asked, "The one, the only. *hangs upside-down in front of my face* Lilithmon"
said Lilithmon, "*gasps and jumps back* S-so you're Lilithmon? Oh no...Im in big trouble now.." I
said, slowly lamenting to myself, "I heard a few things about you, Human. Most notably your
Digivice and how you stood up to my Cyberdramon. I couldn't help but be a bit impressed" she
said, giving me an uneasing smile. Lilithmon seemed human in appearance but had on all black,
like some goth chick, but then you realize the six wings on her back and two on her head..That
purple robe is unsettling too. "So what happened? Couldn't help yourself to kill me?" I asked, "Be
thankful I didnt. I had an idea just for you. I want that Digivice of your's since that NaitoRenamon
was able to use it, but...Your actions with your precious Renamon were..Intriguing to me. Seeing
your behavior, you have a bit of a kink for certain Digimon, like for instance, this Bastemon. You
couldn't help to see such a beautiful thing be in danger, could you?" Lilithmon said, making me
frown to the ground, "Your silence says Im on the money. Now then.. I want to see that session in
person. I want you to rape this Bastemon!" Lilithmon ordered, pointing to Bastemon, making both
of us jump back.

"Please! D-dont do what she says!" Pled the Bastemon, starting to cry, "...No" I protest, "Fine.
Spend the rest of your days in here with your new companion. Im sure your Renny wont like that"
said Lilithmon...If only I stayed on.. I mean I would bang her but... "Im..Im sorry, Renny.. I mean,
Bastemon..I have to" I replied, walking to Bastemon as she covers her eyes. My eyes drift to the
windows, seeing a shadowy figure looming to our location. "Hey...*sees me looking back*
Im..really sorry that you into this..I really am..." Bastemon apologized, "Well I already said
sorry first so..We should make this quick and- *sees Bastemon's legs get lifted up by ceiling chains
and floor chains come out to wrap around her arms, pulling her to the ground* B-bastemon! Are
you ok?" I sincerely react as she falls on her back, "*coughs* Y-yes..I..Huh?!" she also reacted,
noticing her lewd position, with her knees spread out, next to besides her chest, exposing her pussy
and anus to me, making us both intensely blush. "I-I cant..Not when Renamon..." I tried to say, "It's
either this or I'll have her dance you to sleep and she'll do naughty things to you. Hmmhmmhmmm,
now get on with it!" Lilithmon ordered, "N-no! I don't want to-" Bastemon tried to meekly protest,
"...No..I'll do it" I said, walking up to Bastemon, and we could feel each other's regrets the closer I
got. I took off my pants and undies, with Bastemon seeing my dong flop down, making her eyes
widen. My hands caress her tanned asscheeks to get erect, making Bastemon whimper, "There we
go..Now tease her privates with your's" Lilithmon ordered, sounding gradually pleased, so I rubbed
my hardening cock on her pussy and anus, and grind my shaft over those areas with my hips, which
Bastemon moans to. "Ooooo~ Hear Bastemon purring? You really are quite a talented
pleaser..Now I want you to stick it in" Lilithmon whispers in my ear, watching closely over my
shoulder, making me frightened and get harder. I poked Bastemon's pussy, making her gasp, "No
no. Not there, *taps Bastemon's small anal ring* There" Lilithmon ordered some more, going
ahead and grasping my cock, and pointing it to the poor mon's lower hole. I poked my cock an inch
into Bastemon, making her shut her eyes quickly from the pain..I became hesitant and didnt
move...Then I felt a crackling object spank my ass, "You're going to rape her here and now! Im
getting impatient!" ordered the dark mon, making me hold Bastemon's waist before inching my
way into her anally, with my cock growing even more in her, "Ahh...AAAAAAHH!" she hollered,
mostly in pain, starting to cry. Trying to ignore her tears, my body casts over Bastemon's as I start
fucking her ass, and we both try our best to hold in our moans. "Yes! There it is. Now give it all
you got to impregnate her" Lilithmon ordered, shocking both of us. Cmon you damn Digimon, you
have to do something about this!...Looks like I'll have to use that plan again. I moaned out loudly
and went as fast I could to plow desperately into Bastemon, even began to sweat alot, but to no
avail, aside from Lilithmon getting off to my little scene as she licked her lips. Before the villainous
mon was about to kick me down to lower even more on her, Bastemon surprisingly went for a kiss
on my lips, making everyone stop for a moment, "I...I dont know what... came over me...I.." she
lowly said, thankfully moments before I started to cum. Before the bossy mon could give out yet
another order, she finds herself shot against the wall with a myriad of bullets, making the room all
smokey, everyone unable to see. I hear the chains being broken by shots from two guns. "You two
are coming with me. Dont move" said a raspy, confident voice, and I feel myself dropping to the
ground for a moment then I took to the skies with my rescuer..Or should I say our rescuer, cuz he
also had Bastemon wrapped in his other arm, who she was surprised to see. "Wow, I cant believe
you saved our asses! But what Digimon are you?" I asked, "Beelzemon" he answered,
"Beelzemon...That's..pretty cool.." I lowly said, "Renamon said she was going to face me someday
if I help you and your friend out here. I aim to be the strongest Digimon there is too" he informed
me, making Bastemon exhale in relief, still saddened about what happened earlier, but at least
we're out of that situation..I know Renny must be really pissed at me..."And just where do you
think you're going?" said Lilithmon, tailing us from behind, surprising the three of us. Beelzemon
turns around, flying backwards, points his guns at her while holding onto us with his biceps,
"Double Impact!" Beelzemon said, firing several powerful shots at Lilithmon, which she swipes
away, though damaging her hand then accelerated. "Nazar Nail!" she sinisterly said, trying to touch
us with her hand, making Beelzemon widen his eyes, "Quick! Use the Digivice to escape!" he
ordered hurriedly, and I press the button to take us to the Tamer Union Base, then we warp away
before she got a foot close to us. She stops in midair, "...Hmph. No matter. Once that Digivice is
mine, I can truly make use of that Bastemon" Lilithmon said ominously to herself as the night fell.

As we reappeared in the usual farm-like area in the base, we see Renamon staring off into the
distance on the barn, resting her arms and over the antenna of it. I wanted to call out to Renamon,
but...I just didnt have it in me..Not after all that... "I brought back your boyfriend. Im sure he wants
to talk to you" Beelzemon said to her, urging her to come down, but she returned her gaze out to the
distance. "Looks like you'll have to wait on her. *turns away* Im in that line as well. Make sure
she remembers for me" said Beelzemon, exiting the area, to return to the main Digiworld. He had a
big X shape on his face...Seems familiar. Bastemon meekly holds my arms with her paws, waiting
for her to come down too, as I tries not to cry.. We then waited there as Bastemon buried her face
into my chest for comfort until we heard a sigh and Renamon lands in front of us.

"Im..I know you're really mad at me for not staying here, but.."

"I am setting my anger of that to the side for the moment. *looks at Bastemon, who scurries
behind me* What business do you have with this Digimon?"

"I..Felt like I needed to save her from this Cyberdramon.."

"Without my help? Just what the hell were you thinking, Human?"

"Y-you should know me by now, b-but look on the bright side, I now know the source of all these
dark Digimon."

"And that'd be?"


"Lilithmon...What a fitting name for a worthy Digimon for me to consume. What is she aiming

"My Digivice, for one...And she seems to be using other strong Digimon to basically feed her
many lesser Digimon, as if she were some damn Digi-Queen."

"...The Digiworld's never been so competitive."

"What happened to Omnimon? Wouldn't he be alot of help? And where'd you find that Beelzem-
*Renamon holds my mouth with her paw, eyes widen*"

"Hush. Im getting there, so just listen."

"*nods a yes* MmmMmm."

"*releases my mouth* Omnimon didnt want to help. He was only willing to wait for me so that Im
strong enough to fight him. As for that Beelzemon...He was the Impmon I've defeated back when
you and me first met."

"(Wait what?! No wonder I felt like I've seen him before!)"

"He wants to be the strongest like me. If it meant helping me out in the process, he said he was
willing to do so. This compromise was nothing to him."

"*sighs*...Im just glad I got to see you again..I dont know what I'd do without you."

"Now that Bastemon. She may seem weak, but her kind are far stronger than most perceive them.
That Cyberdramon must be overwhelming strong to capture her."

"Yeah...And Lilithmon said she used her to lure me out..Due to my "Behavior" with you.."

"So you spoke to her?"

"Not willingly..."

"You seem lower than usual."

"You do too.."

"I have been pondering what to do for your situation in your Human world."

"Well..I was hoping you could maybe appear as a Human for me when meeting my dad."

"Before I consider that...What occurred?"


"You were at the domain of Lilithmon, were you not? Cyberdramon was far away in the distance
with the both of you. Too far for me to catch up, so, as much as it ached me, I sought out for help."

"...I had to rape Bastemon.." I unveiled to Renamon, stunning her for a second and her rage built
quickly. "you did...WHAT?!" shouted Renamon, her eyes looking fiercely at me and lunged at me,
but Bastemon held her back by pushing her forward in front of me, "It's..It's not his fault!"
Bastemon tries to reason, "Get out of my way! That Human is MINE!" angrily shouted Renamon,
"It was Lilithmon who forced him on me like that! Listen! THERE WAS NOTHING HE COULD
DO!" Bastemon loudly reasoned, making Renamon resist less as she hung her head, pointed to the
ground. "...Im really sorry, but..If it weren't for Baelzemon, who knows how much longer I'd be in
there..She was abusing both of us..I really tried my best to...S-she even said she'd force Bastemon
on me! I really couldn't do anything there!" I said with a heavy heart, "THEN YOU SHOULD'VE
LISTENED!" she hollered, making me back up, with a few tears running down my face..
"...I..*sniffs* I pp-promise..I'll l-listen to you from now on..Im sorry, Renamon..." I said while
wiping my tears, "It's..It's ok, Hu-" Bastemon tried to say while looking away, "No..*sees her stare
back* I...I love Renamon, and I got myself in big trouble that put us all in a bad position..It's natural
for me to take responsibility for it all..." I said sincerely, "H-human.." said both Renny and
Bastemon, feeling touched by my words. "So...Does this mean Im training four times harder than
usual?" I asked, "No...Just double your efforts" she answered, bringing me a slight relief with a
light smile, "But you are starting with Bastemon" she then said, "Ok, let's- Wait huh? When you
say stronger than she seems, do you mean...?" I asked, "Yes, she's stronger than me by default.
Good luck" confirmed Renamon. I was shaking in my boots...Even if I didnt have boots (?). I
mean, I had a hard time keeping up with Renny, I can only imagine what it'd be like with
Bastemon. As soon as I get into a fighting position, Bastemon dashes in at an unseeable speed and
gives me multiple scratches on my face, "...YOUCH! WAIT WAIT WAIT! You're too damn fast!"
I urged to her as I covered my bleeding face while backing away, "S-sorry sorry! I-I'll...I'll let you
do me again if it makes you feel any better!" Bastemon apologized, with me and Renny being
taken aback by her offer, "T-that's fine, just.. *feels face dripping with blood marks* Fuck! I need
to dip my head in the water or something! Renny, heal me up!" I urged to Renamon which she
followed as said. After ducking my head into the water to wash out the blood, Renny places her
paws on my face to heal it, but took a few minutes to do so. "So what do you think? The plan I just
mentioned to you" I asked her, "...I'll make an attempt" she complied.

Ever had your limbs broken while training super fuckin' hard? No? Well it happened to me after
that moment. Yup...Really fun stuff.. Even Renamon's healing touch didnt heal my arms and legs
well enough after 20 minutes, so that really sucked. We took five more minutes to rest up before
entering the world of the living...yeah Human world. We took a quick scour throughout the house
and saw no one in it this time. "What do ya say we watched more of that movie?" I asked, "I need
to copy the appearance of an attractive Human" she replied, "Hmm..You could've done that with
Basty, buuuuut, yeah let's go with that" I reply back, "Basty...? You've grown fond of her already?"
Renny asked skeptically, "Not really. Joking around a little bit kinda distracts from the pain...Ok,
maybe I like her a bit, but that's it" I answer, as Renamon's watchfulness began to increase to level
5.. Did I really put that in? She thinks Im acting sus with Basty, ok? We agreed to basically walk
around and (As non-awkwardly as possible) look for really hot, convincing babes that have Renny's
curvy portions, if not a bit bigger in the Thicc department...Damn this feels like stalking. Anyways
we went towards the nearby park, where a good number of hotties are founded at. I went from
bench to bench while on my phone, as Renny (Again, as non-awkwardly as possible) awaited her
opportunity to copy an appearance o-Whoa-Whoa-WHOOOOA Look at the ass on That! A really
hot babe with an afro and a tight red dress walked past me and Renny..Did I mention that she had a
huge, wide ass? Them melons gotta be Fs, at least. "The hell're you doing?" Wes asked from
behind me, noticing me gawking at the busty piece of woman as Renny looked at me with a
disappointing gaze, hidden behind a tree, "I was uhh...Taking b-break? Y-yknow..gotta take time
off from the Digiworld at some point, right?" I tried answering nervously, "Well what ever you're
doing is creeping me out, ok? Im sure Renamon over here thinks the same" he said to me.. Ok,
maybe she wasnt THAT well-hidden. "Cut the shit, what're you really doing?" Wes asked,
"Well...Me and Renny are preparing to meet Dad, but.. I need a babe's form for her to take" I
answered him, "Hmm. I couldn't find any cards, so the least I can do is spot a good catch. *looks
behind* (She doesn't seem to be with anyone.) Hey you, mind coming over here?" Wes hollered at
a girl behind himself (she was a meter away), "W-wes! I found a young hottie!" I whispered to him,
"*points to the woman I mentioned* Look. *Shows me how the woman is getting hugged by her
man* No way she'd come over here when she's on a date" he briefed, "Since when'd you become a
player?" I asked him, "Tch. You would say that when the closest thing you had was Camil. I've
gone out with a girl or two before" he explained some more. One or two girls? He sounds too good
at this. The girl he hollered at was blonde, dressed moderately, had some good tatas (Renny's were
bigger) and came to us on her skateboard while popping gum.

"Do I know you two?"

"Nah. My friend here wanted to know some tricks you have."

"Hmm, is that right?"

"Uuuh y-yeah...(Dammit Wes! I dont know any skate moves!) I..I dunno any moves, but I wanna
get into it, y-yknow.."

"(How is it that he can talk to me just fine, yet Human interaction is at times difficult for him?)"

"Oh I gotcha. Check it. *hands in pocket, hops with the board and makes it flip with a light tap of
the toe, then lands on the black side of it* That's kickflip. Wanna try?"

"S-sure. It'd uhh...*leans to the side* Be odd if someone were to copy your looks while you're
teaching me, riiight?"

"(Oh! I'll copy her looks when the attentions on him.) *looks at me for a sec and nods*"

"...What now?"

"N-nothing, I was just blurting a bit. ^^;;;"

"Chill with the weird stuff, k dude? Now let me give you my pads."

"R-right. *sees Renny sneaking behind the hot board girl*"

"*unstraps the safety pads and helmet, unleashing long, curly blonde hair. Starts handing me the
gear* Careful now."

"*is right behind her, holds paws upwards* (Now! Fox Switch Dece-)"
"*turns around, sees Renamon*...UHHHHHH"

"That's.. That's my girlfriend..."

"O_O...Bye. *takes back gears and walks away with skateboard*"

"...Fox Switch Deception.." Renamon lowly said as she faced away and she copied her body's
appearance. Hey, we copied her looks and that's all that mattered. Wes turned away as well, with
his blue headband covering his eyes..I hope I dont have to do anything like that again too..
Anyways me and Renny strolled back home, but by the time we got to my place, my leg buckles
and I fall to the ground, but Renny catches with her hands. "Take it easy. You trained very hard
earlier" said Renny, "Yeah yeah. Hold me up" I replied, and she had my arm behind her neck.
Renny carried me to the couch, laying me on it, then puts in the movie we were watching. "*gets
the remote and fastfowards* I think we were aboooout here?" I said, "Oh, so we did not need to
watch it all from the start?" she asked, "Well yeah. Heh, silly mon. You thought we had to watch
from the beginning again? We're more advanced than that" I said to her, and she chuckles. Our eyes
were glued to the screen for ten more minutes, then we heard knocking, "Damn, and Dao just
transformed to a demon like Lee" I complained while pausing the movie, getting the door. When I
opened it, the person behind it was no other than my dad. Renamon sighs as she kept up her

"Oh this is your girlfriend?"

"Call me Renny. *shakes his hand*"

"Ah Renny, eh? Pleased to meet you. Didnt you say she had an animalistic costume?"

"Y-yeah..It...She didnt feel like wearing it today."

"And why does she wear it in the first place? She's very pretty without it."

"I..Just grew fond of the outfit is all."

"(Renny! Have a better answer than that!) C-cuz of your favorite show, right?"

"(Looks like I'll have to play along) Of course. I like being this specific character. She really
inspires me to be more ladylike, and confident."

"(Not the best answer there..)"

"(Seems fishy to me.) What is this character's name?"

"(Shit! Cmon Renamon! Dont mess this up!)"

"Her name was Kitsune."

"Kitsune huh? Hmm. Aren't those known to be tricky?"


"Now tell me, what was the premise of the show again?" asked my dad, making my mon look all
stressed and such. There's no way she'd know! My dad waited for a response as Renny looked
away, and suddenly she tackled him down, along with me. Wait what's going on? "GGGH!" my
dad grunts in agony, having his arm stabbed by some Diamond Storm shards, and some pinned in
his back as they stuck out of the ground. Was Renamon noticing we were being attacked? "Having
trouble here, Humans? *looks to Renamon* and Digimon?" NaitoRenamon asked playfully, "S-
son! What's going on here?!" dad asked in a panic, "Stay back, Human. This is my fight" ordered
Renamon, taking down the false appearance in a smoke cloud around her, shocking my Dad..I
should've saw this coming. Renamon and NaitoRenamon duke it out for a minute as I inch my way
to Dad, then I reach out my hand to him, but he swipes it away, "..Dont ever come back..." he
ordered me, stunning me. NaitoRenamon heard this, grabbing Renamon's wrist, making her kneel,
"Heard that? Your father disowned you. Now you will be that much more likely to belong to me.
Where else will you go, Human?" tauntingly asked NaitoRenamon, angering me and my dad..
"Human...I.." Renamon lowly said, "I knew I couldn't keep this up forever.. Renamon, we're going
back, but for now, get her away from here!" I ordered Renamon, making her stare down
NaitoRenamon. "Son..*looks at me* Dont come back until you've taken care of that...Thing" my
dad said to me, "I will, and more" I replied. Renamon charged up a Power Paw, then she jabs with
it but NaitoRenamon counters with her own, twirling around Renamon's and practically lands a
crushing blow to her rib, making her fall. "Renny, no!" I shout, "Now then, let's return to the
Digiworld together..*eyes widen in a crazy manner with a big smile* 'Partner'!" said
NaitoRenamon, pressing the button to return the three of us to the Digiworld, light engulfing and
blinding us.

Once we reappeared in the Tamer Union Base, NaitoRenamon has my defeated Renny in her
grasps as she's on her knees. I appear in front of them as we were in the grassy, farm-like field, with
an awe-struck Bastemon in the background. "*looks at Bastemon* Oh what's this? You got us a
new playmate? Oh you shouldn't have" said NaitoRenamon, looking too happy to see her, but that
smile became an alert stare when Bastemon swipes at the NotRenamon, who jumped back,
receiving three bloody cuts on her stomach. "That's right. Bastemon are normally strong Digimon.
Let me get rid of some excess weight" NaitoRenamon said while tossing Renny to the side, then
watched Basty as she did an alluring dance, making the opposition become lost in thought. What's
she doing? Thought they were fighting. "*Stops dancing, dashes forward* Mind Fogger!"
Bastemon shouts, cutting down NaitoRenamon's back to her surprise at Bastemon's speed, who
then dug her claws into the scratch she made, making the opposition feeling drained, "Wow
Bastemon! Where'd you get this speed from?!" I reacted. Not feeling too tired, NaitoRenamon
kicks off Bastemon, then dashes in, lunging a Power Paw at her, but Renamon tiredly intercepts
with her her own while on one knee, blowing both of them backwards, "*catches Renny* Whoa!
N-nice save" commented Bastemon. "Quick! Transport NaitoRenamon out of the Base!" Renamon
hurriedly ordered, "Got it!" I agreed, running forward at NaitoRenamon, "(I got something)
Digimodify! Spiked Club! Activate!" I called out, swiping the card through the Digivice, making
Renamon hold the Club in her hand, then I grab NaitoRenamon's tuft of fur, but she Power Paws
me in the stomach, making my back stretch outwards and I cough up alot of blood before I fell
forward, with her grinning down at me. The blow made the Digivice fly out of my hand, Renamon
caught it while throwing the club at NaitoRenamon's head, making her fall back when it hits her
cheek, then she pressed the Return button to send her out of the Base, but it oddly absorbed her into
it the device, to everyone's surprise...Huh? Renamon slid the card through the rest of the Digivice,
putting it in my pocket. "W-what happened, Renamon?" asked Bastemon, "I..I am uncertain..I
know I pressed the correct button to send her down to the Digiworld, but..This happened"
answered the perplexed Renamon. She looked through the Digivice, but saw nothing but
NaitoRenamon's icon on every screen. Fearful of confirming an action, Renamon puts the Digivice
into her sleeve then looks at me, seeing that I am unconscious, my face buried into the ground.
"*sighs* We have a great amount of training ahead of us...Especially you, Human..*closes eyes*
Come, Bastemon" said Renamon, as the two take their fighting stances.

This moment was the last day no Digimon incidents happened in the Human world. 2 Months
Later. As the anomaly we dubbed as the Digital Plague that kept eating away the Digiworld, more
and more Digimon kept stepping into the Human world. The number of Digi-cards grew fewer by
the day. Now, 96% of the Digiworld population has a sort of Dark infection to them.

I dropped down on a gang of no-gooders playing with a bunch of cards in an alley. "*pulls in one of
them* Give me all of your damn cards!" I ordered him, "H-here!" he complied, throwing them all
on the ground. My eyes gaze towards the others, who had several more in their opened jackets as
they tried backing away, "THAT FUCKING DOES IT!" I yelled, punching the piss out of the guy
in front of me, then gave everyone a beating of a lifetime, twisting their arms, kicking their faces
into the walls and even throwing a few into the wall. The last guy tries to run away, but I grab him
by his hood, "I-I dont have anymore!" he cried, "Too fuckin' bad!" I hollered before yanking him
in, "Waaaait!" he pled, "*throws a strong straight across his face* RHAAAAAAAAAAH!" I
shouted angrily, knocking him out. "*jumps down behind me* How was the collecting this time?"
Renamon asked, "Pretty damn good. They had a bunch on them. Digimodify! White Wings,
Activate!" I said, then ascend up into the skies with Renny, who now has light wings on her back.
"I gave you some time. Any ideas for the Digiworld trying to break apart?" asked Renamon, "First,
we find and kill that bitch Lilithmon. She's the cause of everything, after all" I answer, "And then?"
she asked some more, "After that..We're gonna conquer the Digiworld. Anyone who opposes will
have to answer to us! That'll make you the strongest for sure" I said with an evil smile, "Heh. Wait
until Bastemon hears about this. I like that idea" said Renamon, with a hint of excitement and a
slight grin as we searched more for Digi-cards.

Look forward to Chapter 5!

NaitoRenny Joins The Party?!

That's right everyone, we're back again with some more of this fanfic, with our favorite Digimon,
Renny! Despite sounding cheery, just know that towards the end isnt all that pleasant, so just a
head's up. But good news tho! I will be returning back to my place in two days, so I will be much
more likely to do more chapters regularly (hopefully quicker than bi-weekly). Now onto some
stats, which we have....Wow, 3.4k views for both Wattpad AND FanFiction?! (There's a bit more
on wattpad) I didnt see this coming at all, but i know people have been really wanting more of this
fic. Gonna try to keep it short here, but i hope yall like where this is all still going. I wont make this
a thing every chapter, but there's yet another mon that joins our lil' group (who'll, yes, be in fights
too). OH and i also saw that I have over 100 Followers on Wattpad (before deletion)! I check back
on it after almost finishing, and got over 100 in no time lol. Well with all that being said and done

Enjoy eue

Chapter 5: NaitoRenny Joins The Party?! -

The environment for the city shifts from a mix of dark reds with the azure. From atop a building,
my eyes gaze upon the city with Renamon, noticing concentrations of dark Digimon seemingly
spawning from the skies in various locations. "This is the first time where dark Digimon've been so
numerous" Renamon states, "Yeah, let's get rid of them.." I said, "I see five areas, but before I
consume them, do you remember our previous conversation?", she asked, "...I cant forget it" I
reply. What was this conversation, you ask? As one can guess, quite a bit occurred. Here's what
happened (a month ago):

"*Is tossed into a tree, holds my back that is now bleeding* R-renny...I-isnt this too harsh?"

"Life is harsh, Human. Do you want to be pent up in that castle again? Do you want me to be near-
death in the face of a strong Digimon again?"


"Human, you've had it easy throughout your life, act on instinct and you found it comfortable to

"What about.. When I tried saving Bastemon?"

"That choice was not thought out. Listen Human. I cannot have you be weak, thoughtless, and be
just flat-out foolish. Not anymore.."

"*Looks into Renamon's serious gaze, piercing my eyes* ...Im...Im sorry for how I've acted.."

"If I am to have you as my Tamer, you need to start exceeding my expectations, especially if we
are to be...Together."

"...(I really want to have Renny accept me as her boyfriend..) Renny...Ever since I was a kid..I
always wanted you..And I will do anything to have you for myself."

"What is the extent of your desire of me?"

"...I also want to fix the Digiworld.."

"How will you achieve both then? Surprise me."

"...We'll rule the Digiworld."

"*eyes widen* That's.. (This Human..If he is that willing then..) What gave you such a

"It seems to be taken over by NaitoRenamon..But Lilithmon is also a big factor in all this too. To
correct all the things they've done to the Digiworld, control needs to be set..And I will set it.. With
you, Renamon, we will set that control."

"...(It is heavy-handed, especially for everything that's happened..To both of us..) How profound,
Human. I am all for it, but are you certain you can rise to such challenges?"

"Look...Right now.. *starts crying* I cant fight, I cant defend you, I cant survive on my own, I cant
take abuse well at all...But what I can do, is say that I love you, Renny!"

"...*lightly smiles* (Why is it that..Im smiling? Are..His words starting to be so true to me...?) How
amusing..Well Human, give me some time with you, and I can change all that. An unfit ruler is a
weak one, right?"

"I...I dont know where to start.."

"Do you have anger?"


"Start embracing it. Dont be afraid of it. And use it. For us" Renamon encouraged. From there, we
spent many hours, days and nights to train, and meditate on what has been
discussed..Renamon...She is a person that has consumed, and...taken many lives of other
Digimon..It makes me worry for her...Now back to current events.

Renamon looms over the streets, now turned into a battlefield by the violent dark Digimon, with
the aid of the white wings I used on her and I was on her back. Before we descended, the military
already took action by sending the troops to fight them with their machine-guns, but could not
phase the hard shell of the large DarkFlymon, who were obliged to cut down the troops as blood
spilled on the pavements, many people running away from the brief mayhem. "First the Yakuza,
now the military forces...They all never learn. but it's up to us, right Renny?" I said, and Renamon
nods affirmatively then drops me down. A few bleeding soldiers point their gun to me..I've no
choice then. Acting fast, I ran across the ground in a lower stance and pounce on them, throwing
away their guns out of their hands and Renamon took down the rest of them in a few seconds. "
(That speed training seems to've been fruitful)" Renamon thought, now looking upwards to the
DarkFlymons. I drew the Juga-maru card. Cant use for Renamon, eh? "Digimodify! Juga-maru!
Activate!" I said, sliding the card down the Digivice as it gave an odd spark and a slight chuckle. I
ignore it for now as the blade spawns in Renamon's hands, but she drops it into the ground, "Leave
it there for now, Renny! *runs to the sword* Digimodify! Holy rod! Activate!" I said, making a
rod spawn into Renamon's hands, which she naturally spun, fast enough to make her ascend to the
DarkFlymons' height. "Deadly Sting!" one of the DarkFlymon shout, firing the poison needle out
of it's tail, but Renamon was able to deflect it with the rod, and ascend higher with it, now above
the Dark mon. "Diamond Storm!" shouted Renamon, raining down many shards on the Flymon's
wings, making it descend, "You pesky little..! I'll tear you apart!" angrily said the dark mon, going
in to ram Renamon along with the other DarkFlymons. "Digimodify! D3! Activate!" I shouted,
taking out the Holy Rod of the Digivice, making the D3 card take it's place, "Renamon, Digivolve
to...! *light engulfs body, grows nine tails* Kyubimon!" said Renny, who is now Kyubimon and
blocks all the DarkFlymon with her fire-tipped tails, surprising them and she proceeds to slamming
them down to the ground with a flick of her several tails at once. Kyubimon was descending down
to the ground gracefully, then suddenly found herself quickly reverting to her Renamon form.
"*tries to get up* How'd she..become...*sees Renamon reverting* Now's my chance! *scurries to
Renamon maliciously, but hears a tink sound, turns around* What the- " said the DarkFlymon,
who had it's mouth swung open by my swift strike of the Juga-maru blade that I ran into him with.
"RRAAAAAAUGGGH!" it screamed agonizingly, before I chopped down on it's neck with the
blade, slamming his head into the ground with his neck's blood gashing across the ground as it
screamed some more. The others try to attack, but I bat each of them away with my recently
achieved strength from training, leaving deep wounds on their shells as they are knocked back.
"*sees me panting* W-what type of strength does this Human have? Let's shoot him down with our
stingers!" one of the DarkFlymon said, looking back, surprised to see Renamon absorbing two of
the eight other DarkFlymon and she bats her eyes back at him, "Grrrgh! Deadly Sting!" it hollered,
firing many needles at Renamon, who outsped the shots with her fast running speed, and pouncing
down on the opposing DarkFlymon, her claws digging into it's shell. It looked up at Renamon,
who had a slight crazed smile on her face, "Get off me!" it said in fear, and Renamon cracked it's
head open with a Power Paw, her claws crushing a majority of the head with an eye flying out
before she consumed it into her body. "Finish them off, Renny. *draws another D3 card*
Digimodify! D3! Activate!" I said, equipping the card to the Digivice, Digivolving Renamon to
Kyubimon again, "Fox Tail Inferno!" she shouts, sending out small fire heads that encaged the
group of DarkFlymon, and starting crushing and burning through their exoskeletons. During their
screams of agony before dying, "*swiftly headbutts through them* Fox Electric Attack"
Kyubimmon said, making the bunched group burst in a surging ball of electricity before they fall to
the ground, defeated. "Good work, Renny" I said to Kyubimon, turning to her as she puts a paw on
the pile of dark mons, absorbing them into herself, "So wait, you can absorb dark Digimon without
catching something?" I asked, "*waits for the absorption to complete*...I usually feel tired after I
attempt to, but this time I feel a bit stronger" she answered, reverting afterwards. I look at the
Digivice, which had NaitoRenamon still engrained into it. "After we're done taking care of the rest,
we'll return to the base" I said, and she nods affirmatively.

The two of us went to the next area, which had several folks dying, ambulance vehicles exploding
near the area as they were being attacked by two black furred, small cat-like Digimon and a
slender, long-armed Digimon that looked like a red-eyed man with very tight clothes, "Damn..Two
DarkMeicoomon and a Devimon" Renamon said, with a more serious tone in her voice. "Will they
be harder?" I asked, "I have to Digivolve for this" she replied, "I have a good idea myself as well" I
said back, looking more serious with her. "I hear another Digimon..*looks back, seeing me and
Renamon* With a Human? I'll let you two handle this" said Devimon, "Right!" replied the two
DarkMeicoomon said, coming at us in unison. "(They're fast!) Digimodify! D3! Activate!" I said,
sliding down the card through the Digivice til it secured itself, Digivolving Renamon to Kyubimon
again, "X-Scratch!" the two DarkMeicoomon shout, making two X-shaped slash waves at
Kyubimon, "*tries to swipe the cuts away with tails, but takes the slashes on the side of body, two
bloody scars form* AAGGH!" Kyubimon screamed, "Renny! Attack them back!" I ordered
worrisomely. "*looks at me, then looks at the two cat-like mons* Fox Tail Inferno!" said
kyubimon, firing a dozen of fire whisp heads at the DarkMeicoomon duo who easily dodge the
attack, "You think that'll hit us? We're really fast yknow" a DarkMeicoomon said, "No, I didnt, but
I've hit the mark anyway" Kyubimon replied, to their surprise, and turned out to have encaged
Devimon in ensnaring fires, burning him as the blue embers constrict him. "Digimodify! Tridunt
Arm! Activate!" I shout, sliding and securing another card on the other side of the Digivice,
making a metal arm go on one of Renny's paws, "(I suppose he...I see!) *charges the metal arm
with eletricity and speeds down on one of the dark feline mons* Electric Fox Attack!" said
Kyubimon, stabbing down on the mon with the electrified equipment, tasering it while it bleeds out
and the other looked shocked to see this (pun somewhat intended). "*looks to her in anger as the
partner screams in agony* Why you..! X-Scra- *was about to scratch but she spins in place,
somewhat deflecting the scratch and fire starts surrounding her quickly* W-what's she doing?!" he
panicked, "Dragon Wheel! *Spins into him with a tackle after generating enough momentum, and
flies him into the skies with a fire-shaped dragon following and surrounding body* (Die!)" said
Kyubimon, making an explosion on him and stabbing him with the still-electrified metal on her
arm, absorbing and finishing him as his partner watched from the ground, defeated. "Dammit...!
Lilithmon warned me of-" Devimon said, then heard "Digimodify! Chainsaw! Activate!" and
found himself being ran through by the chainsaw from behind, looking back and saw that it was
me who wielded it, ignoring the flames that were burning me as well. "GYRRAAAH! DAMN...!
HUMAN!" cursed Devimon, "You better..Do something or you're dying here!" I said to him, "With
pleasure! Death Hand!" he then shouts, blasting the ground, specifically the area between us,
blowing us both away from each and the flames wear off shortly after. I stare him down, barely on
my feet, chainsaw still in hand but touching the ground. "A Human dares to attack a Digimon as
powerful as me? What a fool you are!" Devimon exclaimed, "I'd do the same against Lilithmon!
Im gonna make her pay!" I bark back, "Oh really?! *charges up wings* Just for your tenacity,
here's a reward! Laser Wing!" Devimon called out, shooting lasers out of it's wings at me, which I
try to guard with the chainsaw it explodes in my hand, blowing me backwards even further,
shoulder slamming into a building and the card drops to the ground. "RENNY! Help!" I shouted,
"*falls on a knee* (This filthy Human did a number on me..Now it'll return the favor by killing
him off!)" Devimon angrily thought, but was met with a fire-shaped dragon slamming down on his
back, critically damaging him before Renny heavily lands on him. "No one hurts my Tamer.
Nobody" angrily said Kyubimon, absorbing the Devimon into her body, "Did..Did you mean that,
Renny?" I asked, "*blushes and looks away*...Let's keep going" she replied, turning around and
feels me patting her butt to her surprise as she bats her eye at me, "You forgot one more" I remind
her, pointing to the suffering DarkMeicoomon, she looks away a bit in embarrassment before going
to it and reverts to previous form.

Renamon picks up it's seemingly lifeless body and absorbs the mon as well, then she takes me back
up to the building, seeing that there's no more commotion in the city and the skies normalize.
"What's happening? Weren't there a bunch of dark Digimon attack the city?" I asked, "If you
wanna know, I have a good idea" we heard suddenly. Looking around, Renny points to the
Digivice, "No..." I said with a weighted heart, "But yes! Congrats but Im your's for the taking"
NaitoRenamon said from the Digivice with a fake cheery tone, and me and Renny look at each
other hesitantly. "No matter what, we cannot trust her" Renamon told me, "...*lifts Digivice* What
the hell did you do?" I asked NotRenamon, "Me? Ha, how could I do something like this? All that's
going on is the barrier between the Human and Digiworld fluctuating in strength" she explains,
"But why?" I asked some more, "None of this happened til you two trapped me inside this
Digivice..Or should I say your precious Renamon?" answered NaitoRenamon in a taunting tone,
angering me. I hate how she's still trying to toy with us like this! All that time, this is the first time
we've heard from this fake, and she says this to us? "...We're returning" I insisted, "You sure you
wanna do that?" NaitoRenamon asked, "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask her, "Oh nothing.
Return at your own risk" she answered. It's never been really risky when I return to the Base, so
what's she talking about?...I know she's lying. If that's the case, we got discussion on our hands. I
press the button to return us to the Tamer Union Base.

While we digitize into the Base, "*chests suddenly flies with static sparks* GAAAAH!" Renamon
shirks, catching my attention and Bastemon's as well, who ran over to where she was.

"Renamon! What's wrong?!"

"*pants* I...Im uncertain.."

"Maybe she cant live without me? What do you three think?"
"*stares at NaitoRenamon* Wait, what the hell're you doing outside of the Digivice?!"

"NaitoRenamon..! You either start running or start dying, because of grow tired of seeing you!"

"I try to help and this is the thanks I get?"

"No one appreciates you trying to have your way with me! We dont trust you!"

"But listen. You need me. The both of you."

"What're you talking about now?"

"Remember when I said the barrier between the Human and Digiworld are fluctuating?"

"It's cuz of you, aint it?"

"Yes..And no."

"...Ok how?"

"I did cause it, but unintentionally. That Digivice there plays a big role in segmenting the two
worlds from each other, and for me to get control over myself to even speak, something had to
give, right?"

"It still sounds like your fault to me.."

"Who put me into the Digivice?"

"...*looks at Renamon*...Well what're you gonna do about this?"

"Things will be a bit more normal if I became part of 'Renny' over here. *gives a malicious smile*"

"*narrows eyes at her in anger* There's no way in hell that any part of you is merging into me..!"

"Ok then. Have the world keep being attack cuz of your stubbornness. I dont really care for it."

"How would we know if that'll work?"

"Only one way to find out, right? I think we should try. *looks at Renamon* Right, buddy!"

"Im much far from being your companion..eVe"

"(Hmm, talk about a tough cookie..) Can me and your boyfriend have our own chit-chat about


"How do we know you wont take over her body or something?"

"Pffft, silly Human. Possessions aren't a thing in the Digital World."

"...I still dont believe you."

"What if I showed you how corrupted she is?"

"W-wait, what?! Since when'd that even happen?"

"Im...Already corrupted?"

"Havent you noticed her act bit more instinctive and your Digivice becoming a bit glitchy after
using it?"

"I...There've been a few signs.."

"You did all that, didnt you? *gives her a skeptical look*"

"I couldn't control much while in that thing. I could only make you more angered/instinctive, that's


"What if I told you there's a way to have a baby mon with her?"

"*is shocked with Renamon*...Some other time.."

"A-are...You two really planning to have a baby togeth- *sees Renamon give an angered look* I-I
mean! D-do you know where Lilithmon is?"

"You seem to have been around plenty of the Digiworld this whole time."

"*giggles, smiles at us with squinty-eyed glee* Seems I cant lie here.. I only encountered her once,
but that was a while ago. Out of nowhere, even. Now homelike Omnimon and Beelzemon would
know where she's located at. In fact, all other Ultimate Level and above know where she'd be, but
ya see, they would've taken her out if she hadn't infected the Digiworld with her darkness."

"You mean if you haven't infected the Digiworld? I think only she'd think that far, but here you
are, singing like a bird for us."

"...I mean..You're mostly right."

"*sighs* What now?"

"I couldn't have infected all of the Digiworld on my own. You know how huge this crazy sci-fi-
based, monster-filled world is?"

"Dont tell me..."

"Not all, but by now a majority of the strongest Digimon have became Lilithmon's Dark minions."

"And you aren't?"

"Like, is this a Sting Operation to you?"

"AUGH! Listen! This is alot for you two to handle, or figure out. I can give you all a hit list and
give Renamon the power she needs to fight them."

"So you know where Omnimon is?"

"...*looks away worrisomely* (I was about to remind them that they've met him, but that'd give
away too much, soooo) T-that depends, when's the last time you've seen him?"

"That ruined city area before this desert area where I got kidnapped. Omnimon has the blue card to
Digivolve Renamon."
"But you see, you've been doing JUST her next evolution, right?"

"Yeah...What of it?"

"That card is a Metrix Digivolution card. They're rare to find, but it lets her go through the next
other evolution."

"So with it, she'll be a...?"

"Taomon. It's after the Kyubimon form."

"Looks like Omnimon's our next target."

"Dont you all want to relax? No need to rush. The Digiworld's basically got took over, so it cant
get any worse."

"...You gotta go."

"Ok.. Uh why?"

"You helped corrupt the Digiworld. You're gonna do the same for the Base!"

"I can actually control that, but hey, I have a score to settle with Lilithmon myself. She turned me
into this."

"How strong are you?"

"Hmm..I'd say I can beat Renny in her Taomon form."

"You're fine then. Get her out, Renny."

"We're through with-"

"Ok ok! I wont do anything evil here. *puts hand on heart* Promise! omo"


"Promise! OmO"

"...*sighs* If anything happens, Renny and Basty, you two know what to do."

"Right" said both of the hot mons. "Even after we beat Lilithmon...How'll we cure the Digiworld?"
Bastemon asked, "...I conquer it. All of it" I answered, "Huh? W-why do you have to? /o o\"
Bastemon asked concernedly, "It's the only way so that the Digiworld doesn't go out of control. In
order to prevent other Digimon like Lilithmon, and to ensure Renamon's on top. I have to do it" I
reply, and Bastemon looked lowly, "Basty...Im sorry..But it's gotta be this way" I try to reassure
her, petting her head. Before I pressed the button to return as my Digivice normalized, Renny
grabbed my hand. "Your palms..They're bleeding" Renamon pointed out, "Oh? Heh. Must've been
the adrenaline, and I didnt feel them bleeding. Guess that sword was really heavy, huh?" I said with
a warming smile, "Dont act so jeoparadously, even if we attack lower Digimon. I know you..Love
me and I told you to use that anger, but know moderation. *sees me look away, starts healing my
hands through touch* When you return, we will do staff training" Renamon told me, and I node
affirmatively. Renny gave a light giggle, "What?" I asked, "You're mannerisms become so peculiar,
Human. Careful now" she said before giving me a kiss on the cheek, and my heart flutters while
light engulfs me. Next thing I am in my bed.. Thinking about her soft, loving kiss brush my face,
and I held it while having a big dumb smile...Oh shit, that's right..This is my house. I opened my
window and jumped down on all fours, looking back at my house somberly.. Looks like the only
home I have is Camil.

On the way there, I checked my Digivice and saw no readings... "Renny? Can you hear me?" I
spoke into it like a phone, still nothing..Ok.. I trekked myself to Camil's place and started to see a
few bird-like Digimon with a hand band, a yellow scarf and purple leggings of some sort
(DarkPeckmon), who jumped across buildings. They weren't malicious at all. Almost like how it
was when I first returned to the Digiworld..."They're good, as long as you don't bother them" said a
voice, that sounded like a little boy's, then felt a tug on my leg and looked down. The Digimon
looked like a small, white puppy (plotmon). "Huh? What's a normal Digimon doing in the real
world?" I said bewilderingly, "I ran away from this group of meanies. As you can see, there's
mostly dark Digimon in this world, but some Humans have been using Digimon through these
cards for their own means" Plotmon explained, "And why's a Pupmon telling me this?" I asked,
"Well a girl wanted me to tell you that she was kidnapped by a bunch of guys on bikes" Plotmon
answers, "What the hell?! Show me where they're at!" I ordered and I followed him. Im gone for
not even an hour and some shit's already happened?! What's Camil gotten herself into? The place
was near the outskirts of the city. It took us 18 minutes to get there, and I started seeing more and
more bikers giving me looks. Next thing I knew I was in front of a windowless shack building,
guarded by a bunch of shady guys in suits, a few with swords. I remembered what Renamon said,
but that's for Digimon. I can definitely take on these guys, so they better not be doing some funny
shit. Plotmon looked up at me for a second, but my face was brave as I stepped forward and they
saw me coming. "Oh hey look there. That's the guy with that gadget" one of them said, and they all
put on an unsettling smile. "The hell're you guys smilin' about?" I asked, "Oh nuttin'. Just cmon in
and we'll make ya a deal" the other guard said, "I don't do deals. Do you guys have a girl named
Camil in there?" I asked them, putting on a skeptic face, "And if we do?" said the fifth guy, "Im
busting everyone's ass" I said, and their grins turned to a mean frown. Im just trying to check in on
friends, but if these guys are messing with them...Im making it known. "Ya think you can whoop
our asses, eh? Well we like to see ya try when I gun you down!" one of them said, pulling out his
pistol but I quickly duck, close the 20ft gap between us, wrap his firing arm around mine, put my
fingers together to make them look like three fingers (took a ton of practice), and put them on his
head, then started crushing his head's temples. "AAAAAAGHHH! STOOOOP!" he begged, but I
crush his head some more til his head bled as shadows were over my eyes and he loses grip of the
gun. Before it dropped on the ground, I grabbed it and fired the gun at all of their legs quickly.
They fell on the ground in no time as they hollered in agony, holding their bleeding legs as Plotmon
was astonished. "Alright alright, what the hell's going on out here?!" said the boss, who came out
with Camil as he had her by the arm, and I tried to shoot him too, but was out of ammo to my
surprise. "*gasps* Hey! About time you came to save me! I swear, Im staying at home for a week
after this" said Camil...Was that a complaint or a thanks? "Word on the streets is that you're able to
go to this Digital world of some sort, eh? Bet you can go back now if you wanted. *is looked at
seriously by me as I threw away the gun* If you give me that Digivice, I won't have ta bring out
my big boy" said mr. mob boss. I look at my signal on my Digivice, and see a small reading, but I
dont wanna reveal my hand just yet. "*looks at his wrapped hand* You're the same Yakuza that
picked a fight with my Renamon, right?" I asked, "And that damn bitch is gonna pay for what she
did to me!" he yelled, "I dont give a shit. Just let Camil go" I ordered, "Oh ho! Look at Digi-Boy
with the big balls. Well I aint lettin' go of nothin' til ya give that device to me! *sees me running
in* Not another step now" he ordered, snapping his fingers and two of his goons bring in a blue
skinned, lady-like Digimon that has a big aquatic antenna (Ranamon). I was taken by surprise. But
apparently he didnt stop there. "See this beauty here? She can be all your's with Cammy if you
hand over that device. Decline and I'll use this!" he said, showing me a Sethmon card in his hand.
If what Plotmon said was true, that means folks can use these Digimon cards..."Go fuck yourself" I
told him, "Then feast your eyes on Sethmon, Digi-Boy!" he shouts, putting the Digi-card in the air
and brings out the red and blue quadruped mon with a big shield and horns on it, which covered his
body like a shell or circular case. "Go and hold him down!" said the boss, and Sethmon did just
that, pounching on me, holding both my arms apart from each other as it growled at me. "Weren't
you supposed to save me?! Hey, let him go!" Camil tried to order, but Sethmon went ahead and bit
down on my arm, "AAAAAAAAAUUUUGHH!" I screamed in anguish as it was trying to chew
my arm off with the Digivice. "*turns to him* Y-you're a monster! He just wants his friend back!"
Ranamon shouts with a tear, "Im sorry lil' mermaid, but I get what I want" he replied heartlessly, "
(Drrrrghhh! That's it!) NaitoRenamon! Please help before they tear me apart! Im at this warehouse-
looking place! Out in the open!" I cried out loud, hoping she'd respond then we all heard a
discomforting giggle, making everyone stop. "...W-well I dont see no Digimons poppin' out of
there to save ya! Back ta work, Sethmon" he ordered but sees the mon flop over on his side, getting
absorbed by none other than the dark mon herself. "You were saying?" NaitoRenamon mockingly
said, "W-what the hell?! Where'd you come from?!" he asked in fear, "Just behind the building.
Awaiting my cue. If you dont wanna end up like your partner, you should leave" NaitoRenamon
suggests with a devilish smile and -boss ran away. "So you...Were spying on me the whole
time...?" I asked, "Pretty much. I hid my presence from your Digivice as usual. *sees Ranamon
cling to me* Oh, looks like you got another playmate" said NaitoRenamon, making a smile that
was too happy. "Aside from the kidnapping, how's everything else?" I asked, "Not that much has
changed but I've seen a few Digimon come to the neighborhood on the way to the store and.. One
guy tried to rob it, but a darker Digimon got rid of it..Im not sure about what's happening..." Camil
informed lowly. That is really strange. Maybe they're like that in the Digiworld too...If so, should I
really rule over the Digiworld? "Wes is ok too?" I asked, "Yeah. He even has several Digimon that
protect him" Camil answered, "Oh that's good. Just wished he could save you, but Pupmon found
me instead. Speaking of which, you can have him" I replied, "*hops into her arms* It's Plotmon!"
retorted the Plotmon, "*giggles* He's cute!" she comments. Now that things are good, me,
NaitoRenamon and Ranamon return to the Tamer Union Base as our bodies flared while digitizing.

We warp back to the Base, welcomed by Renamon and Basty. "A new friend?" Bastemon asked
excitedly, "Uh huh. Ranamon was being used by the Yakuza that Renny fought off" I inform, "And
she'll be a more fitting training partner" Renamon said, "Yup...Wait wha?" I react. And so I trained
with Ranamon for an hour before I went to Renny for another hour of staff training. I spun the staff
around and around then suddenly hit myself in the head, "Straighten your back" Renamon advised,
looking off into the distance while on top of the barn, and NaitoRenamon sat her back against it,
watching Ranamon and Basty do some sparring. After feeling like my hands were getting arthritis,
I stopped swinging the staff around and slid it's card all the way through the Digivice. "That will
do. Sleep there if you want" Renamon said, jumping down and entering the barn as I fell
backwards, sleeping there. NaitoRenmon puts on a predatory face, unbeknownst to anyone, who
slept in their own spots.

My mind fell into a dark, void-like state as my body rests rests from weariness...I then moved my
arms and fell some wrapping on my arms. "Hmm? Who brought the covers?" I asked, "I did. Are
they cozy?" replied NaitoRenamon, "Yeah thanks...WAIT WHAT'RE YO-" I shout, but
NaitoRenamon covered my mouth then turned me over, "Dont want to wake everyone up, do we?
Heheheheee~" she said with a creepy giggle as she smirked. I...Am I gonna get raped again? "And
yes, you're mine tonight. Everyone's asleep, so there's nothing you can do, but be victim to my love
making" she said to me, using her toe to unzip, and sliding my undies down with the other foot.
Holding my arms together with her hand (as usual), NaitoRenamon puts my legs over her shoulder
as she held me in a position where Im standing uncomfortably on my neck as my legs are in the air,
and her legs are over me...Look, I know you're trying to rape me, but this is weird...Do you hate me
or what? "I want to see the look on your face as you impregnate me, Human" the mon said before
lifting her hips, inserted me into her hairy entrance, "MMM! Give me that cock, Human~"
NaitoRenamon moaned before continuing to make me jam into her wet vag, looking into my
pained eyes as she makes a pleased face. I was under way more pressure than all those other times
she raped me due to her overwhelming strength, so I really cant move in this position. Despite
being in the neck and back pains, my boner grew while inside her, "Ooooh yes, Human! All that
hard dick in my pussy! Gyooouu~" she moaned some more, towering over me as she arches her
back inward, "I..Have you all to myself, H-human..Let's see how many of your climaxes it takes to
impregnate me" she added..Im so sorry, Renny...I really cant...Do anything..My cock felt like it
was being assaulted by butter knives as I was about to already cum in her, "Mmm, I feel your
seedlings being anxious to pour into me.. *lowers ass on me, cock touches the rough womb*
Cmon in..*sees me wincing and shoots my sperm into the womb* Haaaaaahhh~! Keep cumming,
Human!" NaitoRenamon moaned out loud. After seeing me pant a few times, the mon's pussy
juices squirted on my face, "Lick it" she ordered...And I licked it off me, which left an apparent
bitter after-taste..she then went back to fucking me. Within an hour, I came inside her again...Then
another...Then again...And finally, "*feels me cumming* Aaaaaaahhh~! *pants for a moment,
letting me legs go* 5..." NaitoRenamon said tiresomely. She detached me from herself and my
lower body just flops to the ground, then she stretches her limbs. "Ahhh. That was some good sex,
wouldn't you say? *sees me not responding with a dead face* I'll give you some time, but we'll
know if that worked by tomorrow" NaitoRenamon said before scurrying away. 10 minutes later,
Renamon happened to check on me, then saw how I laid there, lifelessly..."*gasps* Human!"
Renny said with concern in her voice, rushing to me, and holding me in her arms with a frown.
"Human?...Human! Say something!" she demanded, but I look away with no response..Renamon
then shed a few tears..."Human...I cant be at your side forever...So.." Renamon said to me, before
heading off.. "...Just..pick me..up.." I weakly said, which Renamon heard, making her stop, and did
as I said, carrying me over her shoulder.

We entered the barn, then Renamon places me down on the ground in front of her bed of hay,
"...Did she...? *I nodded affirmatively* ...Wait in here" she said before exiting. I found myself
staring up at the ceiling, trying to forget what just happened.. I could be vengeful, but...It wont un-
rape me..."H-hey, what's wrong?" sincerely asked Bastemon, coming inside the resting area and
kneeled to me. "Bas..ty...?" I weakly said, "You're.. You look like you're in pain.. Do you...Need
me t-to..Tend to you?" she asked, "...You can..Try..." I lowly reply, and she looks away. Bastemon
climbs on me, with her big paws placed on my chest, we soon stare face to face, then she lowers
her head slowly as her tied hair falls next to my face, and tenderly kisses my lips, with a few moans
while her big tits squish against me. Basty's heart accelerates audibly as we then made out. My
heart soon fluttered but not nearly as quickly as Bastemon's, who's blush became redder and redder
as our bodies got very warm together. "*breaks the kiss slowly* I-I...Love..yooOOU!" Basty then
shirked as my boner poked her cunt, "Do you...W-want us to do it? Will it make you f-feel b-b-
better?" she asked with a shy squint, and I relocked our kiss to her surprise, then...Yeah we had sex
there. Her hips moved up and down on me slowly as my dick was stuck inside her slippery, sticky
pussy, "Aaaah..AAhhh...Aaaaah...A-aaaaah..Yeooow...You're so big, H-human...Dont let me go.."
Bastemon moaned out.

Renamon was outside the red shack, searching for NaitoRenamon. "Im right up here" she heard,
making her look backwards to atop the cross on the barn. They stared at each other, with one of
them looking angrily at the other (you guys know which one I mean). "Come. Down. Now"
Renamon commanded and she jumped down as expected.

"What did we say about you doing any funny business?"

"I get ya but- *feels stomach burst for a second* Oh they're already kicking a bit."


"*holds hand out, sees her stopping* Stop right there. I got a deal for you. Besides, you shouldn't
be so hurt by it, right? You two aren't really together anyway."
"...*sighs* What is it this time?"

"If I let you absorb me into your body, not only will you get way stronger, but there's a good
chance that you will have the babies that are inside me."

"*is shocked to hear* B-but...Is that..? I..."

"They'll be coming out of me by tomorrow, but there's also a chance that they wont be Dark Hybrid
Digimon if you decide now."

"Hybrid...(Is it really worth..Trying...?)"

"What'll it be?"


"Alrighty then. *walks away* Just let me know whe-"

"*lunges forward* Power Paw!"

"Hm?! *sees chest being bursted open violently by Renamon's energy engulfed paw, now covered
in dark blood* GUAH... *sees her take back her paw, kneels down, and turns to her; panting, blood
overflows from mouth* So you..Decided..Im..Right here..Cmon..*sees her not responding, puts on
a damaged smile* Ehehehehe, really funny, Renny. C-cmon, you decided to absorb me, right?
*Her face became very angry* ...No...No no no no NOOO! You cant just kill me! You'll miss out
on the power! These kids! His babies and-"

"To hell with your babies... *sees her face staring in awe* Diamond Storm. *waves one hand,
sending many sharp shards through NaitoRenamon's body*"

"AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH! *gets blown away, rolling backwards on the ground, stops

by bearing claws into the ground, pants heavily as blood rushes down forehead and everywhere
else* Damn..Damn...DAMMIT! (The Digivice! I gotta have it now!) *bats eyes to the barn*"

"Would you..Want to..Try and make babies with m- *hears a loud THUD, gasps while covering
body with clothes, sits up quickly in surprise and tail stands up* EEEEK! *looks back* N-
naitoRenamon?! *then sees Renamon afterward*"

"*eyes widen in surprise with NaitoRenamon* Human...? *sees NaitoRenamon trying to go for my
pants* No you don't! *grabs her wrist and digs claws into it, making blood squirt out of it*"


"R-renamon? What happened?" I asked, seeing things slow down. Renamon couldnt hold her grip
for long, and NaitoRenamon swiftly steals my pants and rips my undies in the process, "*presses
the escape button while the device was in the pants; Heals the gapping wound somewhat quickly*
Congrats, suckers. You made everything that much harder" said NaitoRenamon, escaping with a
big, relieved smile on her face as the Digivice falls out of the pants and makes her warp out of the
area. "*pants* Dammit!...I couldnt kill her quick enough.." Renamon laments, "Look on the bright
side...She'll be out of our hair..Renny...*sees her look away* what happened back there?" I asked
tiredly. After she explained what went down outside, I just wished that her plan worked out.
Looked like she was really close..We also now know that...I can possibly have kids with her..But
now's not the time for all that...If she was that close, then I know we can take her out next time.
"...Crying over spilled milk will not solve anything, Human. The night has fallen" Renamon said,
"So...Was it.. ok for me to be with Bastemon like that?" I asked her. Renamon gave me a short
glance before wiping the blood on the hay bed, "There are more pressing matters at hand, Human.
Rest" she told me before sleeping on her stomach. Her eyes looked relatively angry after she closed
her eyes. I took a deep breath and rested against the hay bed. Bastemon followed my lead and slept
up on me between my lap as she was on her knees, holding me...With her hand over my
privates...How am I gonna approach Camil like this? Well.. Nice to know that someone wants to
comfort me during this time. Ranamon took a peek at all of us in the shed. She was unaware of
what was happening, but the bleekish atmosphere rubbed off on her, and lowered her spirits too.
The aquatic mon returned to her pond to rest as well.

Deep in a forest, sinister laughs could be heard as NaitoRenamon birthed and held several eggs in
her hands. "She will regret her attempt at backstabbing me..Especially after seeing these wonderful
kids. They'll be so strong, just like their mother" the dark mon said in glee, continuing to laugh
menacingly through the night.

See Chapter 6 if you haven't!

Basty's Decisive Battle

Good marrow, folks! That's right, Im at it again with some good ol' Renny!...And made the chapter
long as fuck! :D So I'll be as brief as possible here; I remember this fic having a rough start at first,
but once I got this ball rolling for a few months, it evolved into a damn plane and is taking off, cuz
im seeing that it's getting people more compelled to hit favorite/follow on FanFiction (35 vs 19.
yikes) and gain up votes on Wattpad (50 vs 37...Before this fic got deleted) more than the Rouge
fanfic. Tho it is still behind in views, which we're looking at over 4600 now on FanFiction, and
5300 views on Wattpad (ikr, what a difference)! I cant tell yall how happy I am to see continued
interest in this stuff, but I'll go ahead and get to notes before ending this segment. Also the
Lopunny fic is doing great, which I'll talk about later, but it has a rough start on Wattpad, then
there's FanFiction...Again later.

It would've made more sense go to the cousin's house, but...That's not as fun as what I did here. I
wanted to make a scene where we get into Tao-Tao's cooch at the end, but damn did this chapter
get extensive. From here on, I'll put up our card total at the top and what's been shown so far, cuz
that shit got hard to keep track of. There's a hint at yet another mon who'll be with us towards the
end of this. Now dont worry, there's still some lewd action happening, so I got that covered here.
Oh as well as lots of fights too.

Chapter 6: Basty's Decisive Battle (And I get undies from my friend's house...) —

Digi-Card Total: 24

Digi-Cards used: 17

Not having a very comfortable rest, Renamon could not shake the feeling of something. She sees
everyone still sleeping, and gets up to go to the Main area of the Base. "*sees Renamon walking
in* Oh hi Renamon. Did the bed bugs bite?" asked Palmon-X, "That monitor. How much can it see
throughout the Digiworld?" Renamon asked back, "*looks the monitor, inputting navigations* Not
that much.. With the Digiworld becoming so consumed by darkness, I can't pick up much on my
side, but I see the Big Bads of each area. Tell him that, he can use his Digivice to go to them"
replied the Palmon. Renamon starts weighing her decisions some more after seeing seven different
locations, but decides to head back to the team for now. Fewer hours later, Bastemon wakes up,
seeing that Im still in her feline arms. She rubs her free wrist on my face, "*blinks, looks a bit
dreary, and looks at Bastemon* Oh Basty...Slept well?" I asked her, "I-Im better...You?" she asked
back. I wanted to say that I was alright, but not after what happened last night... "Im..Im sorry I
asked.." Bastemon lowly said as her eyes drift away, "...*looks down at my exposed crotch* I have
to return" I said, "...*softly kisses my lips*...*holds my head and deeply kisses me some more,
tongue sometimes slipping out my mouth* Even...Even if it's for a few minutes, I'll miss you.." she
says, "Everyone will.. You know I can't be without you guys. If anything happens, I can bring
everyone in no time" I told her and she nods. Overhearing us, Renamon towers over the both of us.
"W-what's..The matter, Renny?" I asked her, "I...I don't think I can come with you. I want..To think
things over for a bit. *sees me have a frown* So..I'd say Ranamon would be best for you to have
with you" Renamon suggests, then sees me ponder, "If she's going to be a part of this team, we
might as well get her accustomed to the Human world too. You'll get less suspicious people with
her around you. Still be cautious of skeptics" Renamon adds. She does look alot more Human than
the rest of the team, so.. I nod to comply about Renamon's idea, and head out of the barn.

The grass crackles as my feet draw to the pond that I am now near to.

"R-ranamon? Can you hear me?"

"*surfaces from underwater* Loud and clear! What's uuUUuuUuu- W-where're your undies?! oO"

"I..Gotta return to my world and get some undies from my friend's..Me and the others agreed
that..You should come with me."

"*giggles* I'll be honest, if anyone says anything about your small thing there, I'll laugh with 'em,

"(...Even so..Maybe it's best she didnt know about what happened..At least not now. I'll need
someone to lift my spirits.) *sighs, covers my flaccid penis with one hand* What ev, let's just go.._;

"I can give you my undies if ya want. They're kinda tight and small though. -w-"

"I-Im good.."

"That Palmon told me about some of your craaaazy fetishes last night. I'd figure you'd want to do
something like wear my panties ^O^. *giggles some more*"

"...No thanks."

"Ya sure? ( u )"

"...*grabs the tentacle on her head* Let's just freakin' go...e e" I said, now annoyed by her remarks
as I pressed the button on the Digivice to return, light swallows us and we fly through the realm of
data. "Where're we goin' in the Human world?" Ranamon asked, "To my friend's house. If we're
lucky, it can be my new home if I ask her" I answer, "Then land, sea or your friend's house, I
wouldn't mind if we do a bit of fucking. Sounds kinda fun anyway. (ᵔ̴̶̤᷄w ̴̶ᵔ̤᷅ ))" Ranamon said
with a curious face, making me giving her a low-browed look as she chuckled some more to herself
with her legs crossed.

We appear behind some trees on the side of a house and...A few people just happened to be
walking around...By few I mean like 20 of 'em.. "We'll be good as long as you act natural, k?"
Ranamon said, "While covering my junk?" I respond, "Yeah, I'll lead" she said...I think we'll get
attention anyway, cuz people will find a bottomless guy and fish girl pretty out-of-place...Before I
could think some more, Ranamon pulls me out from our area and to out in the open, where at that
point I didnt dare to open my mouth. Just what the hell's she thinking?! "Where's this friend's place
at anyway?" she suddenly asked me, "Just..four houses ahead of here. It's a two-story an- *is
yanked forward by her and I run with her* H-hey! The hell're you doing?!" I panicked, "Getting us
to her house, dummy. Now shut up before-" Ranamon replied, "IS HE NAKED?!" a neighbor
yelled in shock, shutting up Ranamon, "Im calling the cops!" another neighbor shouts, and we soon
heard sirens rather quickly. There were cops that close to here?! What the fuck?! "*parks in front of
us* FREEZE! You're under arrest!" a policewoman ordered. Ranamon actually froze there in place,
but started sweating after the policewoman brought out handcuffs, "Ranamon! Dont stand there! If
I get arrested by her, we cant make it!" I informed her, "Oh, why didnt you just say so? *sees the
policewoman run towards me* In that case, Draining Rain.( ╹3╹)" she says casually, quickly
making our surrounding area rain, and the officer falls over, exhausted. "*looks around for a
second, seeing several other people tired and writhing as they gasp* Uhh uh right, let's keep
moving" Ranamon refocuses, making us run past the cop car and I hastily knocked on Camil's
door. "*opens door* Oh hey. How's it hangin'?" Camil greets, "Pffft maybe you should ask his
little friend downstairs. ( U )" Ranamon alludes to, "Whaccha mea- *looks down and sees my
penis* EEEEKK!" Camil squealed but I shut her mouth as I push my way in the door with
Ranamon then shut the door. "*pushes hand away* PLAAAUGH! You got alot of explaining now!
What the hell're you doing at my house?! In only your fuckin' shirt?!" she loudly asked, as
Ranamon giggles to herself while turned around, "Ranamon! Stop laughing! *turns back to Camil*
B-before I explain, I just need some underwear and some jeans, ok?" I asked as controlled as
possible, "God! What the hell do you get yourself into?! UGH! Just come follow me!" Camil then
said, and we follow her upstairs to her room. Camil dug through her drawers and her messy closet
to find appropriate undies for me as me and the aqua mon stepped in the room. "Aw you dont have
to take your time searching so hard. Just give him any one of your panties^^" Ranamon said with a
chuckle, "Very funny e e. I have to do this quick! Mom and Dad will be home in a few minutes!"
Camil said, trying not to panic...Oh damn. "OPEN UP!" a separate policeman hollered from
downstairs, banging on the door, "*jumps* WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT'S WITH COPS AT MY
DOOR, HUH?!" Camil reacts, "Just shut up and hurry! Give some damn boxers and I'll be out
without them knowing, alright?" I reply, "Ugh, these guys are annoying. I'll take care of 'em again"
Ranamon said while walking out, "AGAIN?! YOU HAD HER ATTACK POLICEMEN
WITHOUT ME KNOWING?!" Camil shouted some more, "DONT FUCKIN' WORRY! Dammit!
You're such a shitty searcher, Im helping!" I responded, proceeding to do so. Ranamon steps
outside and gets shot at, but the bullet bounces off of her blue cuffs, then does Draining Rain again
on them. "WAS THAT A GUN?! DA FUCK'S GOING ON?!" Camil panics, "*pulls out some
pants out of a pile, making a boxer fly out of it and hastily puts them on* Digimon are way
stronger than normal people, so she's got it, ok?! If they try to bust in later, dont rat me out! Just
say...I dunno, that I got a hang-over on the way here!" I suggest while rushing down the steps. The
officers outside were knocked out and drenched, with a few cop cars parked outside...and another
car that wasnt there before...With their windows down, I could see an unconscious pair of parents
in it. "Oh you're done?" Ranamon asked, "...Just what the hell, Ranamon?" I said while hunched
over with a mopey face, then activated my Digivice for us to return.

Meanwhile, in NaitoRenamon's location, deep in a cave. "*pets Bearmon* How has my other
offspring been doing?" NaitoRenamon asked with a grin, "The one you want to be Lucemon? *sees
her nod her head* He's almost there..The others are still consuming alot of dark Digimon"
Bearmon answered. He saw her make a sudden scowl at him. "W-what is it, Mommy...?" Bearmon
asked, "...You're no son of mine. *sees him looked shocked* You weren't born a Dark Digimon
like all the others I birthed.. Begone!" NaitoRenamon then shouts, kicking him far out of the cave,
into a deteriorating wasteland area. Bearmon tries to get on, but sat there on all fours, crying.
"*walks up to Bearmon* Hey there...Brother! ouo" said DarkCupimon, giving him an evil, slightly
psychotic smile, "*looks up at DarkCupimon* W-what're you- *gets held up in the arm by him*
Aaack! I-I thought you were busy hunting normal and dark Digimon" Bearmon said while being
choked, "I was..Then a bunch of dark Digimon were in my way and I ran out of normal Digimon to
find. I grew to this point after liiiiike, five normal mons. 40 dark mons just weren't cutting it,
yknow..Then there's you O.O" DarkCupimon said, starting to drain Bearmon's data and he quickly
gets devolve into a Nyaromon, but he kicks him away before was completely erased then scurries
away. "*starts glowing* Hmm, you really absorbed a bunch of normal Digimon, huh? Im really
close...Can you see me now, mama?" said DarkCupimon, looking up with a sharp-toothed smile as
Nyaromon escapes by hopping away. He was soon grabbed from behind when hiding next to a
tree, "LEMME GO LEMME GO!" he cried, "Shhhh, I got you, just keep it down, k?" assured the
mon, and turning around, he sees Palmon-X.

When I returned to the Tamer Union Base, I see Renamon leaned against a cross statue atop the
barn, with her arms wrapped on it, staring off into the distance in deep thought. Her somber aura
even got to Ranamon.

"...Uhh Renny..We're back.."

"*pupils aim at me* Oh..You've returned, Human..."

"Is...Something the matter, Renny?"

"Dont call me that...Not right now.."

"What's been eating at you?"

"I..was just thinking of what life would be like..With...and without you.."

"What do you mean?"

"Humans do not live long, do they?"

"Not...Not that long."

"Unless we're absorbed or erased..Us Digimon can live for many years.."

"Where..Where're you getting at?"

"My feelings for you, Human..I cannot deny the growth of them, but...What good are they when
you one day die?"

"Renny...I..Dont have a good answer but.. Doesnt that make the now all the more important to us?
We still have alot to do, right?"

"Even so...I am still well-aware of what you and Bastemon did last night..*sees me look away* So
I've decided...If you were to have a time of weakness again, your training will be twice as difficult."

"You..mentioned about your feelings for me...Renny...Are we together?"

"*looks down with lower brows*...Together?"

"Yknow...Where we can say 'I love you' and mean it romantically?"

"...I dont know" Renamon answered, turning her face away from me, and I try not to
cry..."Hey..M..Maybe she still needs more time to think, yknow" Ranamon tries to comfort,
holding my arm to her body with a concerned look on her, "...Maybe...*looks back up at Renamon*
Renny..Just know that..You'll always be the best Digimon I've ever seen, and no one can ever take
that away from you. *sees that she's unmoved* One day, maybe you can say something like that to
me...and learn to accept my love" I said to her as I walk elsewhere with Ranamon, unknown to me
that Renny turned her head to me with a surprised look of awe, then looked lowly again..Bastemon
felt low as well as she leaned on the other side of the barn, looking as if she was gonna cry, but
couldn't help but to walk forward. She looked up at Renamon for a moment, "(Im...So sorry,
Renamon..)" thought Bastemon before she followed me and Ranamon. We all sat near the pond as
the two of them rubbed my back to comfort me. "Does he really like Renamon this much?"
Ranamon asked, "She said that he's been in love with her since he was kid, so.." Bastemon
answered, "Oh...Im real sorry to hear that..If it makes you feel any better, I...I can fill in for her"
Ranamon offered, " aren't Renny.." I lowly said, "T-then I will too" Bastemon also
offered, "Basty..." I said with a frown, "Isn't it better than moping all day? *sees me stare into the
water, pats my back* Besides, gimme a nickname too. Call me Ranny" she said to me. The two of
them still see me look depressed, then Ranamon takes Bastemon away from me, "I think we need
to do him" Ranamon suggests in a whisper, "He does usually come around afterwards..Ok..I have
an idea, and you go for his pants" Bastemon complied, and walks up to me. "*lays tits on my head*
Pheeeww, today's really hot, isn't it?" acted Bastemon who rubbed her head with her big paw,
"*tries to look up but one of her tits lays on my eye, blushes* H-hey, what're you doing, Basty?" I
asked while holding her big boobs in my hands, failing to take them off of me (I stopped trying
after a second), then suddenly Ranamon wraps her hands on my cock then stiffened instantly.
"Ranamon? *feels Basty rubbing my arms* A-are you two trying to tag-team me?" I asked with a
blush, "*opens pants* You know it, plus it sounds too much fun to miss out on ^wo" Ranamon
said, starting to put gulp down my dick, making it stretch out of her mouth. "*starts sucking with a
wince* Damn, rsh rinsg's biggar than I thouh" Ranamon tried to say with her mouth full of my
cock, making Bastemon start to get horny from watching and slobbers while blushing. "*sees
Bastemon shift herself beside me* B-basty? What're you-" I tried to ask but Bastemon hushes me
with a sudden kiss on my lips, initiating our make-out as I wince while Ranamon keeps sucking my
cock off, my pelvis and scrotum now soaked by the abundance of her drool.
"Mmm..Mmmm..Mmm! (I didnt think a Human dick could taste so good!)" said Ranamon, really
getting into blowing me, sucking my rod from different angles by tilting her head left and right,
making it flex and bend almost like slinky. Bastemon holds her paw to my cheek and deepens the
kiss to my surprise. "*unlocks our lips* B-basty...? Do you..Really like me?" I asked, "I-I..I love
you..Pleasing you is..T-the best thing that's happened to me" Bastemon confesses, pushing herself
on me and gets on top of me, relocking her lips with mine as she looks down on me more lustfully
than shyly. Ranamon feels the sudden weight change, then looks up, seeing Bastemon's ass in her
face, and her wetness soaking her panties. "*pants, catches breath, still pretty horny* Y-you have a
good ass, Basty.." Ranamon comments, making Bastemon look more shy, "D-do I?" she replied,
"Help me make him cum..I want it all over me now -/-" pled the amphibious mon. Bastemon
looked at her for a moment as she got back to licking, then turned around and joined Ranny,
"*pulls down Basty's panties* B-basty..I want your pussy..Bring it closer.." I pled, making her ease
her ass on my face as I held it. My face was consumed by her round, brown ass and I started wildly
licking her undercarriage, "Ggghhhaaa~..Ggggh, y-yes..Lick my pussy, Tamer!" Bastemon pled
with her moans, "oxo (Wow Basty...That's so hot...I really wanna finish him now -q-)" thought
Ranny, undoing her bra, and starts giving me a titjob with her somewhat big tits. My very tender
mon uses this opportunity to suck cock very sensually, not minding what Ranamon was doing, but
it did worry her for a moment. They started heavily breathing all over my dick while hearing my
moaning as background, and took turns so they didnt have to slow or bump into each other...Then
eventually shared a gaze for a moment, and licked all over my cock, making me greatly wince as I
getting very close to cumming. "H-human..I cant wait anymore..Please cum..For us" Ranamon
pled, then bit my hard dong's foreskin, and Basty did the same with her, rubbing down my legs
carefully as both of them lovingly played with my cock, then felt it twitching. "I-Im gonna cum,
you two /" I warned, and Bastemon grinds her cunt on my face, pressing it down on me for
maximum pleasure slowly, "C-cmon, Human...Tame y-your Digimon..Ranny and I are begging for
it.." breathily pled Bastemon, "Im..Cumming, Basty qo" I said, erupting my white load all over the
two of them as she opened her mouth, my goo spurting all over her hair, on one of her eyes and
some into her mouth as Ranamon had some squirt in the middle of her face. A few shots later,
Ranamon couldn't help but open her mouth while closing her eyes with Bastemon and swallow a
good amount. Bastemon swallowed my hot, musky, white goop down her throat, followed by
delighted sigh. "*gags, swishing the cum in mouth* so...goood..*swallows it* Mmmmmm..I want
some more..*sees Bastemon looked surprised at her* What? I cant help it if it was real fun. He
lasted a while there too" Ranamon comments, slightly coming off her sexual high, "You can thank
me for that.." said Renamon from behind me, turning everyone's head to her. Ranamon froze for a
moment. "You're...The one that's made him last so long?" asked Ranny, "In hopes to build his
tolerance for...This" said Renamon, "And for your own enjoyment, eh? We all know it feels very
good to do it eue" perversely said Ranamon, "At any rate...*sees that Im still erect* I can take it
from here" Renamon said, making Bastemon get off of me. "Ooooo, It's like Im gonna watch a pro
x)" commented Ranamon, which Renny ignores.

I saw Renamon's anxiety for my penis growing when she wagged her tail, and grasps my half-
flaccid dong with her hands. Liking where this is going, Bastemon spreads eagle and uses the
knuckle of her paw to play with her wet pussy, making sure her long claws dont cut her. "(W-wow,
s-so that's how she masturbates? /q/)" I thought, drooling over myself as Renny starts to slowly lick
my tip, making me hard rather quickly. Renamon stares back up to me, then climbs on me, and
rubs her cunt on my cock's shaft to make it even harder. "Oh Renny...You feel so
good..Ahh..*Looks at Ranamon for a second, seeing her flinch for sec* Huh, w-what's up?" I asked
her, then felt Renny stop as well. "*catches my attention after flick my head backwards* You got
quite an ensemble of action this time, huh?" said Palmon-X, "OxO;;; *Rolls away from Renamon
and rushes to put on my pants* W-when the hell'd you get here?!" I asked in shock, "*turns around
to see me, no longer covering eyes with tail* D-daddy...?" asked Nyaromon...I know this thing
didnt just call me that. How'd he get here too?!

"I saw install portals near places that the Digiworld rulers are at. I had to make sure I was hidden,
so you'll still be quite a ways from where those strong guys are. Also I...Was here for a minute.
You're just now turning around."

"Well next time, gimme a warning! Please! Weren't you guys- *turns to them and sees the three
already washing themselves in the pond* Drrrrg, I see how it is..eVe"

"A-anyways, kiddo here was getting attacked by his bro, and was Bearmon. Look at him now."

"I see..Must be really rough for my...Her sons.."

"Actually, he said he's the one that's left out for not being a Dark Digimon."

"That's weird then. NaitoRenamon is supposed to be one of the main dark mons too.."

"Might be due to having babies with you, or the fact that your her Tamer with that Digivice."

"Alot of just...Random things happen when it comes to that thing.."

"Kinda speaking of that...There were 8 of us that she had, but now there're just five of us.."

"Huh? It's barely been a day and already?"

"After she birthed the last two, they just...Disintegrated.."

"*looks puzzled* Whaaa? How's that even...*looks back at Renamon, and sees that her worried
look* Oh Renny..Dont take it like that.."


"(Renny...) Well..What of the others?"

"They are all trying to get stronger on their own, but the most dangerous one is now a
DarkCupimon, but Mom...She has alot of plans with him.."

"What...Sort of plans?"

"...She wants him to be..A Lucemon."

"*is shocked* Tamer, listen to me. We cant let that DarkCupimon become Lucemon! Forget the
Human world, the Digital World could be destroyed by his power at that point!"

"H-huh? Would he really be that strong?"

"Lucemon...I may've heard of that Digimon's power. He'd be able to go beyond capabilities of that
Cydramon and Bastemon..That truly is dangerous. eVe"

"(If Renny's saying that..We really do need a plan for this) We have ways to go before we can take
on the heads of the Dark Digiworld."

"Your suggestion?"

"Well he gets most of his growth from normal Digimon, so..."

"...We may have to get rid of the rest of those Digimon then."

"Human. *looks eyes with mine, grabbing my shoulder* Dont be foolish. Her sons are Dark
Digimon. We obviously have to kill them. I never gave a damn about them in the first place."

"*sees the anger in her eyes* That would be better...Do you know what the others are like...uhh..?"

"Nyaromon. Mom taught them to be underhanded and evil..When I saw awfully they treated other
Digimon..How my brother turned me to this...I didnt like any of 'em one bit..I wanna be better than
them, Daddy!"

"...(This is so weird..I dont..Feel like a Dad but...) It's best that you stay here. If everyone on your
mom's side is even trying to kill you, then we cant have you tag along."

"Im..*cries* Im s-sorry I was born..*hics*"

"...*starts petting him* You'll understand.. We're risking our lives for this stuff...*sees Nyaromon
look up at me with stern eyes*..If you really wanna help, you can train here in the meantime."

"*wipes tears with tail* O-o-ok Dad.. TT'TT" Nyaromon promised, trying to start feeling
determined on his own. That being said..Looks like we're on a hunt. A hunt of newborns. "*looks
at Palmon-X* I guess you know where the kids are" I said to her, "Yup...Well except for that
Cupimon he mentioned" replied Palmon-X, "*holds my hands* Do you..Really have to do this?"
Bastemon asked sincerely, "*slaps Bastemon head* We have to! You cant let Digimon like this
continue to plague the Digiworld! I could've got absorbed when surrounded by Dark Digimons, but
was instead got placed in a Digicard" Ranamon said, surprising everyone. "...You were absorbed in
a card?" I asked, "Yeah, it was weird. I came out of nowhere too..I remember that it was blank"
Ranny answered, thinking about how the anomaly played out. Hmm..I never seen any cards like
that, so this could be a recent anomaly among other ones. I dont even know where to start with the
many things that've happened. "PX, you said you placed those portal things near the rulers, right?
How many are we talkin'?" I asked her, "Well I had an easy time putting two down since they
weren't there, so I had to be really hidden for the rest of them. They have a big ol' crest,
symbolizing the section of the Digiworld that they control" explained Palmon-X, "And those
absent two being?" I asked, "Beelzemon and...Lucemon" she answered, surprising me...But..He's
not Lucemon yet. I guess it works like a replacement thing, since it sounds like Digimon can
eventually become the same form. I think? Im still not sure how it all really works. "Well...You
can fill us in on the rest later. Show us where those kids are on the monitor" I ordered,
"Uhhh..Thing is..I dunno which ones which with the monitor's help. There's so many Dark
Digimon out there" Palmon-X answered with a frown, "Hmm..We should try for a bit anyway. It'll
be some good training, right girls?" I said as I was going to press the button to make us go to the
lands of the Digiworld. "If we have any issues, we're retreating back up here. Got it?" said
Renamon, "Yeah yeah" I nonchalantly replied and she low-brows me before the four of us teleport
after light streams overtake us.

Our bodies soon reappear in the wasting, darkening environment that is now the current Digiworld.
"*sees a DarkAquilamon flying above, with a few DarkFiramon and a DarkLizamon roam about*
(These Digimon are getting stronger over time..I suppose they've been ridding the weaker
Digimon..) Human, I must Digivolve. Now" Renamon urges me, and I search through my cards,
having issues finding a D3. I then heard water rising from behind us, turned around a saw large,
dark-furred walrus-bear looking Digimon, who tries to bite Ranamon. "Ranamon! Behind you!" I
said urgently, and she turns around, then instinctively holds up his bottom and upper jaw with her
hands and feet, making them bleed and even impaled from his sharp teeth. Renamon dashes in the
gap that was made, "Diamond Storm!" she called out, and with a swing of the arm in a split-second,
Renamon filled the dark mon's mouth with many white shards, which were also forceful enough to
push him back. Ranamon lands on her back, "*sees the other dark mons turning their heads*
Human! If you cannot sort yourself out, we'll have to fall back!" Renamon shouts, admittedly
making me nervous. Trying to no longer look cowardly, Bastemon steps in front of the dark mons,
"D-dont worry, H-human. I can handle them" Bastemon said, somewhat bravely while opening her
long claws. When she quickly scratched the DarkLizamon, her paw got burned in black flames,
making her wince from the burning she took, but it still made the Digimon spurt some blood as she
backed away. Renamon makes a big jump and kicks the DarkAquilamon in it's neck, making it
suffer some pain but it was still able to shake her off. Renny lands on her feet and see the other
mon resurfacing from the waters with a bleeding mouth, "(Damn DarkIkkakumon)" she cursed in
her head. Then, a card got my attention, "Digimodify! Digimetal of Darkness! Activate!" I shout,
sliding said card through the Digivice, "(! This..Surge of power...Am I really..?) Renamon
Digivolve To...! *streams of data surround body, grows bigger claws, has a white and purple
onmyoji outfit and twirls around a big paint brush* Taomon!" said the now transformed Taomon,
startling the opposition. Woooah, I can actually make her into that with this card? Never thought
she'd look even more serious. "A Taomon?! How can- *becomes covered in red paper tags*
Hmm?!" said DarkAquilamon in surprise, "Thousand Spell" said Taomon, exploding the large bird
mon in a swirling explosion with everyone slowly realizing what happened, with the dark mons
becoming frightened at her speed. "*charges fire in front and shoots a fireball at Taomon* Fira
Bomb! *sees her step out of the way from it swiftly, while she wasnt looking* GRRRR! *charges
claws with fire, runs forward* Fira Claws!" shouts the DarkFiramon, trying to scratch down at
Taomon's back, but she seemingly warps above him and quickly drops down on his head with her
claws digging into his skull as blood splashes on her clothes. "Thousand Spell" she coldly said,
making his head explode continuously as paper tags flew out of her sleeve and kept detonation on
him. The explosion was big enough to engulf the two of them. When the smoke and fires were
clearing, Taomon leaped out of it, then went to DarkIkkakumon, tossing him into the air, quickly
wrote a symbol with her brush, "Bon. Hitsu. Sen" she chants, sending the now light-enchanted
symbol at the mon and he explodes in the air as well, but also seemed to have evaporated with the
flames. Before he was officially destroyed, Taomon saw his black horn rocketing to her, "Oum"
she chants, projecting a white and black shield in front of her, which made the horn detonate on
impact, though unsheathing the shield itself. "W-wow! Im barely keeping up and just look at her
go!" Bastemon comments, staring in awe, but unfortunately she was now reverting and descended
on the ground as the card got staticky. We all look at the remaining DarkLizamon, who charged
forward, "Renny! Give me a bit!" I ordered, "Diamon Storm" said Renamon, trying her white
shards on fire-consumed mon, which only pushed him back as his metal head wasnt even dented. "
(Dammit! I cannot safely attack him, going from Bastemon's attempt earlier)" Renamon thought,
"Dread Fire!" it said, shooting bullets of dark fire from it's mouth, blowing Renamon away as she
blocked them, getting bruises on her arms, and did the same to Bastemon, but she got out of the
way. Ranny thrusts herself to DarkLizamon, getting close to him, "Dark Vapor" she said, spreading
a green mist on him, making his metal head start to melt and soften. Perfect timing, cuz I got
myself a Juga-Maru and Positron Blaster..Which to use.. Renamon quickly drops in front of him,
he shoots his bullets at her but they miss as she ducks backwards, "*does a 180 spin and launches
self forward with a kick to the ground* Power Paw!" she said, hitting him in his chrome-dome with
her powered up paw, only resulting in him being pushed back. Her arm flops down, looking tired
while catching her breath. "Heh. You gave me a scare there. Now taste thi- *is shot down by blue
laser from the side* Huh?!" he reacts, and sees me holding the Positron Blaster as Renamon holds
me in her arms while dashing through mid-air before he fell, with an arm blown off. Renamon then
hunches over, panting and exhausted, before putting me on the ground. "*puts the blaster down* Is
everyone ok?" I asked the team, "*ends up falling on a shoulder-blade* Y-you should've warned
me! I was really close to that blast, yknow!" Ranamon complained. "*walks up to Bastemon,
seeing her paw starting to bleed from the attempt from eariler* What about you, Basty? Are yo-
*lightning strikes down on my back and on one shoulder* AAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHH!" I
shirked in pain with my a sudden burst of blood coming from my arm and shoulder, with everyone
staring in shock [Pun Unintended] and look over at the DarkLizamon's grimace smile. "*drops
down on him with an energy-infused paw* Power Paw!" Renamon shouts in anger, destroying his
head, then absorbs his data into her own in a stream of white particles.

As I tried to lift my body upwards, I started coughing out blood that painted the ground. "Human!"
worrisomely called Renny, who sped herself to me, touching my big wound areas. Her touch
initially stopped the bleeding for a while, and a few moments restored my muscle fibers. Renny
might possibly be getting better at this. "I-is..He gonna be alright?" asked Basty, "Of course. Now
let me get to your pa-" Renamon was about to finish but saw a group of dark-furred fox-like
Digimon with an eye on their tails approaching us, "(Four DarkReppamon? Must be a forest
nearby)" Renamon thought. I share her gaze. "Look. More regular Digimon" said one of the
DarkReppamon to another, "*sees them* I'd suggest that you walk away. My group's stronger and
we're evened up" I warned them, "As we see it, it's four Digimon against three. We're aware of
your tricks, Human. We don't underestimate" one of the DarkReppamon replied, taking a prepared
stance. Before I made a draw, I looked at the Digivice, seeing a separate signal north-
eastward..Past these guys. "Rolling Tackle" two of them said in unison, rolling forward on their
tails, slicing the ground as they closed in quickly. Renamon ran forward, then swiftly dodged to the
side at the last second, still getting a small cut, but was able to lunge her claw into the side of left
one, raising him into the air. Surprised at this, the other leaped into the air with it's tail acting like a
spring, "(She's so fast!) Razor Wind!" shouted the DarkReppamon, swinging his tail down, making
a slash wave that was aimed down at Renamon. She dodges it, "(Hmmm!) Razor W- *gets stabbed
suddenly through the ribs by Bastemon's long claws* GYAAAAAAH!" he screamed in anguish,
with some blood getting on Basty's clothes before she absorbed his data rather quickly. The first
DarkReppamon gets away from Renamon, though suffering from a deep wound to the side, "I gave
you a chance to run. Now prepare to Die" Renamon said seriously, "Razor Wind!" he called out,
whipping his tail several times quickly, making slash waves at her, which she hopped over, going
right above him, "Diamon Storm" she said, waving both arms and many glowing shards rain down
at the DarkReppamon, "AGGGGHH!" he hollered in pain, but tries to scurry out of the range of the
attack, his blood covering the grounds as he trailed blood. Weakly limping after a moment of
running, she grabs his head while holding him up, crushing her black claws into his head, "Lion
Claw!" said another one of the dark mons, cutting down Renamon's back, making a big line of
blood fly upwards from it. "Ghh! (There's still two others! I have to keep track them) *grabs his tail
before he could touch the ground* Damn pests. *kicks overhead, hitting another DarkReppamon's
right between the eyes, who tried using his Rolling Tackle in the air* Drrrrg!" Renamon grunts,
getting fed up with their quick tactics. As the kicked DarkReppamon flew backwards from
Renamon's kick, "Whipping Waves!" Ranamon shouts, grabbing the dark mon with water whips,
hanging him upside-down "Hold him right there..*runs in with the Juga-Maru sword, holding it
with one hand as it dragged on the ground* RHAAAAA!" I holler before swinging the big blade
down at the hung DarkReppamon, which he saw coming with widened eyes and dodges by
swinging his body, only to be nicked down his cheek. Ranamon was surprised by the strength I
had, yet scared about how I tried to kill the dark mon. "W-when'd you pull out that big thing?" she
asked, "Lion's Claw!" said the hung DarkReppamon, scratching down my left eye, "AAH!
Dammit! *holds my now bleeding face with the other hand* Ranamon, tighten your grip on him!
You gotta hold him still so I can finish him off!" I demanded, "(I..Didnt think he'd yell at me like
this) O-ok.." Ranamon complied, starting to strangle the dark mon's body as he screamed while
being constricted. I let my scar bleed down my face, "I dunno what they call you guys but..*puts
on a smirk while limbering my neck* Do me a favor and lemme skin you alive" I said, aaaaaaaand
"DIE!" I shouted and struck down the DarkReppamon's body, gushing a bunch of blood on my face
as the blade stomps the ground from the swing, terrifying Ranamon from witnessing something so
violent as her eyes widen. "*turns away, covering face* I can't look!" Ranamon reacts, putting
down her water whips and dropping the now dying DarkReppamon, who struggles to stand as his
cut spills blood on the ground. I got behind the mon, and cocked the blade behind me for one final
strike, then the blade on it's tail bats it's eye at me, suddenly lunging itself at me, making a quick X
slash on my chest, "!? GYYAAAAH! *is pushed back by the force of the cut, now holds my
chest's scar, pants* (The tail...Has a mind of it's own?) These..Bastards..." I said, planting the blade
into the ground as a support beam before taking a knee. After Renamon was done stomping out and
absorbing the mon she finished, she turned over to me, seeing how bloodied I was, then saw the
DarkReppamon that was still alive in front of me, "What the hell, Human?! Why haven't you killed
it yet?! *looks down at the graveling mon* Fine.." Renamon said before speeding pass him like
she was a supersonic ghost, making him fly in the air for a second, then the next second a big spurt
of blood gush from his body and face, killing him when he hit the ground, then she began
absorbing him. "If you are..Going to...That forest...Be...ware..of..The..Mam..Mame..." he tried to
finish but couldn't due to being absorbed completely by Renamon, which made her put on a
puzzled look. An air of uncertainty befell everyone, but it was broken by a surprise explosion that
occurred at the forest, with a few trees jumping from it, catching our attention. "Who
could've...Done that?" I asked as blood dripped to the floor from the X cut. "*hesitantly looks back
at us* Is...I-is it over?" Ranamon asked, "Why did you let him get hurt like this? I could've sworn
you'd take care of one of those with him..*Ranamon looks away, looking as if she is ready to cry*
Get a grip dammit. If he ends up dying because of you, I have to kill you as well" Renamon said
with a low-browed angered look on her face, "D-dont..Be like that, Renny..She'
a..Killer like you...She needs to..*coughs* Get used to this.." I said before sliding the card all the
way through, making it disappear. Bastemon looks lowly as Renamon walks to Ranamon. "If you
think find all this frightening, think of how much more frightening it'd be if you were in that
Reppamon's shoes. It's up to you to do all you can to prevent yourself from being a dead mon
walking" Renamon tries to encourage. "Look...I dont like doing this either, Ranny..But Renny's
taught me if I have to embrace my violent side when it's necessary..And to not be scared to do that.
If Im going to be ruler of this world, I have to be heavy-handed like this, but that's not a bad
thing..K?" I try to assure her, "...Ok but..I just wished there was a...Better way.." Ranamon replied
with a frown. She didnt act like this when I used that blaster earlier so..."I'll think about it. 'Sides,
that was a bit risky, so maybe I am to blame to do that" I said to her with a warming smile, which
eased her heart. "Are you insinuating that my method is perhaps barbaric?" Renamon asked while
picking me up over her shoulder, "Heh. Cmon Renny. Dont think Im writing you off. I know you're
trying your best to teach me what's best" I answered with a tired smile and she looks away with a
slight blush as we started our walk to the forest. Bastemon couldn't help but chuckle at her
expression and made Ranny a bit more compelled to follow us, despite the grim setting we're in.

I heard that gray mon say Mame...Mame, mame, mame...A Mamemon? I dont think we've faced
that yet. "Renny, the hell's a Mamemon?" I asked, "I am uncertain...Though I have heard that it is
quite strong. Just what is it doing in a forest?" she replied. Aint that great news. We soon sat foot
into the forest, which we saw more fire and more fire the more we got to the center of the woods.
We then see a pink-furred mon with big sickle arms (think praying mantis), long spiky dark blue
hair, and a gold bar in it's mouth, looking around. "Hmm? That's a Kyukimon. It's extremely
dangerous to fight. I can probably take him on in my Taomon form" Renamon whispers to us,
making me look through my cards to find the Digimental card, but instead found other cards.
"Hmm?! Who goes there? *looks behind, hearing Bastemon's rings chiming and sees her* You!
Come out and prepare to die!" yelled the Kyukimon, looking even more angered when he saw her,
"A Bastemon...Such a vile, detestable creature. You're the one that's spread all this darkness,
haven't you?!" he added, "N-no! I'd never want the Digiworld to become so dreadful!" Bastemon
tries to convince sincerely, "I dont believe that for a second! Maybe if I absorb you, I can start
tearing apart all the Dark Digimon in this world!" he replied angrily. He cant see the rest of us
so..Looks like I'll have to support from the side here with my draws. Renny looks ready to help too,
but she was hesitant due to knowing how strong Kyukimon is. "*puts a foot in front of the other,
slightly crouches with claws out. Focuses with sharpened eyes* (If he hits me with his scythe-arms
once..I could die here..Being the strongest in the group, I have to do this for them!)" Bastemon
thought to herself, looking determined. "Blade Twister!" Kyukimon shouts, spinning around
quickly while sending out cutting winds at Bastemon, but she outpaced them by running quicker
than we've all seen as she keeps an eye on him, and tries to charge in with a claw stab to his arm,
which he guards against with his blade in time. Kyukimon bats her away, making her slide
backwards and she uses a tree to stop her, then starts dancing by moving her hips. Recognizing
what she's trying to do instantly, Kyukimon cuts down at her, misses and gives him a sharp mule-
kick with her sharp feet, which he suffers a shallow wound from as he warps backwards at great
speed. "Tch. Just as I expect from a tricky witch like you. Then try this! Trinary Star!" Kyukimon
said, shooting a group of three stars at her from his mouth, she dodged by running to the side,
"You'll have to try harder than that!" Bastemon said, getting invested into the fight, making him
raise a brow and grew even more angered. "(He should be fighting more predictably from here.
Landing a stab should make it even easier on me to win)" Bastemon plotted to herself mentally.
Kyukimon seemingly appeared behind her, trying to give her a sharp bear-hug, which she ducked
under by falling on her knees, then spun while on her toes, and lunges her claws up into his chest,
digging into his body. "Mind Fogger!" Bastemon said, starting to drain his energy, "(Way to go,
Basty! Got a good hit!)" I thought to myself with a smile, "I dont think so!" he shouted, flapping
his sycthe-arms down, blowing her away from him, into a tree. "Ghhn! *trie to get up* (He can
make lots of wind with just a swing of his arms? Not good..)" Bastemon thought to herself, then
tries to dance again, making him phase out for a second, then snapped himself out of the hypnotic
dance, "Stop that! Rrrrrgh! That's it! *flaps arms again, making a gust of wind burst from below
him as he soars into the air* Blaaade Twister!" he shouts, spinning even faster than before, and
rained cyclones down on Bastemon, which she had to dodge by running through the forest and
hopped from tree to tree at great speeds. The moment she looked back up, she was a split-second
away from being cut by Kyukimon's blade as he wildly spun, making him miss and drop heavily
on the ground as she jumped back. "You cant dodge forever, fiend. You must be getting tir-"
Kyukimon started, "Vampire Jewel!" Bastemon called out, surprising him as she manifests an
invisible crystal, sapping away his energy into, and made him hunch over. "*hops on toes*
(Now!)" she thought to herself, dashing forward, striking him with all of her claws as she zipped
passed him, then she saw line of blood spurt in front of her in the next moment, surprising her and
saw that she was cut across the stomach. "*looks back at her with an devilish grin* You think I
cant take slash like that? You're going to lose at this rate" Kyukimon comments, seeing Bastemon
fall on her arm as he starts to tower over her, "oVo (I have to help!) *runs at Kyukimon, kicks him
in the cheek as he turned around* Fox Switch Deception!" Renamon said, making the two of them
switch places, "*realizes that feet are off the ground, and is in the air* W-what happened to me?!"
Kyukimon asked himself, "Digimodify! Excalibur! Activate!" I shout, making the card swipe
through the Digivice, making the purple sword appear in front of Renamon. Though no one cant
pick it up, it sapped a good amount of Kyukimon's strength, but Bastemon's as well as she kneeled
down. "Fox Switch Deception!" Renamon said again with her fingers pointed upward on her head,
then made two clones of herself. "Thanks for the save.. Renamon.." thanked Bastemon, "Never
mind that. Now then!" Renamon said, then quickly kicked up Kyukimon's face, then the clones
drop above him, "Power Paw!" the three Renamons said simultaneously, the main one striking a
powerful blow into his stomach, the other striking down on his head and the last striking her paw
into his back while dropping down as well. "GAAAAAGGH!" Kyukimon outcried, however
despite this attack, he was still able to swipe them all away with a gustful swing of his blade to the
ground, making the clones disappear and the others bang against tall trees. It still did some good
damage, cuz Kyukimon is now heavily breathing. "(I wasnt able to find the Digimental, but I got
something even better! A combo!) Digimodify! Flame Fragment! Activate!" I shout when I saw
the sword that was in the ground disappear into the air, I locked in the fire card into the right side
of the Digivice, making Bastemon not only regain her strength but have his a fiery aura as she
stood up, staring down Kyukimon. "Bastemon! Follow my lead! Diamond Storm!" Renamon said,
swinging her arm and launching her many shards at the mon, which he blocked with his scythe-
appendages, Bastemon followed up by doing a fire scratch down Kyukimon's limbs, opening him
up, "*runs to the right* Digimodify! Bapism of Flames! Activate!" I shouted, locking the card into
the other side of the Digivice, making Kyukimon surprised of what he heard as he bats his head at
me, "Say goodbye" Bastemon said seriously as she spreads her hand out in front of him, he realizes
that his ankles are held in place by water whips, and he's met with oblivion as
POOOUUUWWWWWWWWHHHH, a huge-ass fire wave engulfs him, as it came out of
Bastemon's hand and screams through the forest with the attack cutting a wide line through the
woods, blowing him several meters outside the forest. Renamon couldn't help but stare in awe as
her ears were blown back by the wave until the move was over, "...*smiles* Heh..Strongest in the
group for a reason, right?" Renamon reminds, "*slowly catches breathe* R-right.." Bastemon
replies, "*closes eyes* For now, that is" she corrects, "Hehe..Sure euo" Basty responds. Their lil'
moment was cut short when they saw Ranamon step forward, "Ranamon? What became of you?
*sees her whole right arm was burned* Oh..." Renamon reacts, "It's...Nothing...Just a small price to
pay to make sure he was in place, yknow" Ranamon replied, "*walks up to her* Well..Im sorry that
happened, Ranny..I wished I planned a bit better. *sees Kyukimon still a distance away on his
back, defeated* You should absorb him" I suggest, "No, Basty should. It was her fight there"
Ranamon insists, and with no objections, Bastemon went to the defeated, charred Kyukimon,
walking down the blasted and burned path that she made.

"*gets close to Kyukimon* So..Who were you looking for? *sees that he was unable to respond,
noticing how charred most of his body is*...For someone who fought out of anger..You were a
great opponent.." Basty lowly comments, then began to absorb his data, without him saying a
word. After the particles were done entering Bastemon's body and the Kyukimon was no more, she
lamented to herself, then felt her head being petted. "You did better than I thought, Basty. We
might've gotten slaughtered if it wasnt for you, or at least lost our lead on the Mamemon. Speaking
of it, let's check" I praised to Bastemon. She holds my hand on her head with both paws while
smiling as I attend to my Digivice. Hmm? It's saying it's where Renny and Ranny are at? I can see
them from here, but I aint seeing it...Then I looked above them, Seeing something small with a
huge wave of head surrounding it, "Oh shit!" I shouted, rushing towards the forest. "Buster Dive!"
Renamon heard, alerting her urgently to quickly grab Ranny and hop them out of the way as they
both heard something heavy dropping. "*looks back at the massive explosion that began
destroying the forest, slides backwards pass me with widening eyes* (That power...! Mamemon are
usually on the level of Bastemon but this..) Human! Digivolve me to Taomon! It is the only chance
we have against that thing!" Renamon shouts to me urgently. I search through my cards, "Buy us
time, Renny! The card's still deactivated!" I shouted back, seeing the DarkMamemon rushing
towards Bastemon, punching the ground between us and we both fly away into the air from each
other as I flip uncontrollably after coming out of the smoke, then Renamon catches me. "*sees
Bastemon race through the air from a distance* Can you still move, Human?" Renamon asked,
"Not too well..." I replied with a frustrated look, "If you cant move too well and that card isnt
working...Then dammit, we have to escape, Hu-" Renamon was going to finish, but sees a red fist
coming at her at great velocity from the side, and ducks it with a downward thrust of her head,
however the power of it made her lose grip of me. I fell towards the ground at over 200 feet in the
air, still looking through my cards and by the time I looked back up, Renamon holds the mon's fists
with her palms. Tons of wind was rushing through my face, so I couldn't see too well..Here!
"Digimodify! White Wings! Activate!" I shout, sliding the card through the Digivice while upside-
down, and the moment Renamon sprouted wings, the DarkMamemon lost his grip and fell like a
rock after having his hands detect from him. Renamon was able to come in and sweep me up in her
arms, then dove down to where Basty was and got her in no time too. Upon landing, "Smiley
Bomb" the pitch-black mon called out, making Renamon urgently dodge backwards from with her
wings, turning on a dime to fly to the forest to get Ranamon. "(I hate this persistent little trog!)
*sees Ranamon on the outskirts of the destroyed forest* Im coming in close. Human! Reach out
your hand!" Renamon ordered, "Lower!" I ordered Renamon, then tried to snag Ranamon's hand,
which I missed by an inch of her fingers, then Bastemon slips out of Renny's grip and has Ranny in
her arms. Renamon notices this, stops and grabs Basty by her long hair, "Ow Ow Ow! Dont tug so
hard ,o" she complained, then I press the button to have us all exit to the Base as light consumed us
and blinded DarkMamemon when he got close. A moment after the light dissipated, he saw no
trace of us. "aw MAN! *slams the ground with fist, making it explode and hate-filled eyes pierce
through the flames engulfing small round body* Imma get them soon, mama..And next time..I'll
take those goofs out, and return daddy to mommy, cuz I'll be way strownger!" DarkMamamon
exclaimed, very pissed about our team escaping. An armored, rabbit-like mon stumbles upon the
fires in front of the destroyed forest, "Oh no...My forest..My father...He must've caused this.." said
the Crescemon, hesitating to fight the dark mon, but decides to run away quietly as he laments.

"*sees us appearing in front of the pond* Oh hey, yall're back! How was that goose chase?"
Palmon-X asked, then we simultaneously sighed. "That bad, eh?" she said with a frown, "We
fought two groups of Dark mons. Then we were able to beat a Kyukimon, which was as hard as
you'd figure. Then this one stupid-ass card that made Renny into Taomon earlier stopped working,
and.. I'll speak for everyone and say we're kinda tired from all that fighting.." I said, "I'll say. Your
clothes are all torn up. I was able to see some of the action, but the world's so dark now" Palmon-X
replied, "We discovered one of the runts, ironically ending up having us all together to escape to
here. It seems like it is the fastest growing, cuz by the time we got to him, he was at Bastemon's
level" added Renamon, "(So he was as strong as Bastemon? Golly, things dont stop escalating,
huh?)...Oh! Right when you all left that area, I saw another strong Digimon. She seems like she's as
strong as Basty here, and is pretty to boot" Palmon-X informs, trying to lighten our moods.
Hmm...If that's the case, we'll have to have her join as well before the dark mons absorb her, or
worse she becomes a dark one herself... "Renamon has been gaining quite a number of absorbs,
right? Can she Digivolve on her own yet?" asked Palmon-X, "(On her own?)...Wanna try, Renny?"
I asked her, "I suppose it wouldn't hurt.." she responds. Renny closed her eyes, swirled an aura of
particles around her, seeing the statues in her mind, with her Kyubimon statue being several steps
away, and walks towards it. Renamon's body floats for a moment, sprouts nine tails, then lands
back on the ground as Kyubimon. "Nice!...Kyubimon, right? I wouldn't think you could turn into it
now" I comment, "Hmph. I was so focused on your training that my own progress was a mere
afterthought to me" Kyubimon comments, "But..You look a bit different" I point out, and
Kyubimon checks herself out, seeing that she is standing more like her Renamon self, "Oh?
Perhaps I've progressed more than I thought" she realizes, looking at her enlarged black claws then
I hugged her. "Im so proud of you, Renny. Basty may've helped out alot, but you always held us
together when you have to" I said with a smile, burring my face in her stomach, "*looks away,
blushes while putting a paw to my head* R-right..You play a big role yourself, Human" she said to
me, but suddenly reverts to her previous form. Hmm? She changed back so soon? Guess she still
has a ways to go. Nyaromon couldn't help but smile at us before he went back to hitting a wrapped,
tall stump that was planted. "Well you guys are up to speed, so catch you guys later" Palmon-X
said before exiting. Everyone but Ranamon goes to barn to rest. "We should see about taking on
Basty tomorrow, Renny. I wont use any cards, but we should also see how that Bio-merge is
coming along that way too" I suggested to her, "Hmm...That is a thought. Bastemon was quite
pushed in that fight, and even I was impressed with her prowess and tenacity. I'd be lying if I said
I've never been anxious to see how I'd fair against her" Renamon said with a cool smile, "Just dont
cry when if we lose to her. Not that I dont have faith in you, but I'd be expected" I said, "Very
convincing.._V_;" replied Renny. Despite that type of reaction, she insistently slept next to me
with her back pressed into my chested as we rested on the hay together, and Basty rested below us,
curled up like a cat. I thought back to the things that Renny said before he headed out...Still not
sure, eh?...Im sure she'll make it official between us eventually.. I checked back on the Mental card
in my pocket, and it looked perfectly fine...I thought about doing Taomon at that moment but I was
too tired (and and this chapter's getting kinda long as is), so there's always next time. After giving
my Renny a peck behind her head, I was rested my heavy eyes, and my mind became one with the

Look forward to Chapter 7!

Where There's Dusk, There is Moonlight

Hello readers, we meet again! With yet another chapter that's the longest chapter thus far! Yaaaay!
So yeah, gonna try to keep it short, but wow, 99 upvotes? (....yall know the deal by now, but yeah,
pre-deletion) Really loving how invested everyone seems to be in this fanfic, thanks guys! And Im
pretty sure this chapter wont disappoint either. Being a bit of a tease with another potential ally,
some fun with Tao, and an "Interesting" section with a curious friend at the end. I wanted to cut it
after the Taomon part, but I wasnt sure how I could've cut it there, cuz that'd mean I'd have to tease
the part after it and...I didnt wanna do yall like that, so I jammed it into here. Besides, used up my
only break day (aside from weekends) from my job to finish this, and yeah, just had to put all this
out. With how the story's set up now, I feel like this'll easily be longer than the Tsu fanfic lol, but
Im sure everyone is ready for that ride. Anyways, dedicated readers, pervs, and weirdos of all ages,
enough of me

Enjoy eue (after this first paragraph)

Chapter 7: Where There's Dusk, There is Moonlight —

Digi-Card Total: 31

Digi-Cards Used: 18

As my eyes were behind the folds of darkness that were my eyelids...Something didnt feel
right..Something festered..Though small, it grew..Roamed in my mind, and manifests in
many...Unspeakable..Gruesome ways..."THIS RENNY..SUCH A MAGNIFICENT
BODY! ABANDON! ABANDON! FORSAKE IT-". "Human? Human!" said a familiar voice,
waking me up from my cold sweat and a frightened look was shared between me and Renny..
"What..What became of you, Human? You seem as if your soul was going to be torn from your
body" she asked in deep concern for me..."*pants, holds my head* I..I had a nightmare like never
before...Thanks for waking me" I replied. It was faint, but I did feel a sinking sensation
from Renamon. Her brows quivering with the weight of her expression. "...Im..Sorry for that
occurrence, Human.. How painful that must've been is giving me some sorrow as well..*holds my
hand* Does that ambition and promise still lie?" Renamon asked. That moment.. What's happening
to me...? I'd never have a dream like that...Maybe it's.. "Of course, Renny! I love you too much to
have that stop me! *sees her give me a smirk* It could've been a sort of 'seed' implanted in me by
NaitoRenamon" I answered, "That may very well be the case" Renamon concurred, "Human...I
suppose my love for you has become better defined..Going through all these trials for me is
something I cannot deny" she adds, giving me a meaningful kiss to my lips..I cherished every
second of this..It was truly a mark of our progression.

"Am I interrupting you love birds?"

"*unlocks my kiss on Renny's lips* No, Basty. Come in."

"Oh good. *steps inside* Pally is getting close to pinpointing the next offspring and the one we
have overworked himself, so he's resting."

"He'll still be a ways off before he can freely Digivolve."

"Me and Ranny were kinda..Wondering if you guys got any plans."

"*looks at me with a smile then looks at Basty with a serious smile* Indeed we do. I wish to spar
with you, but make it worth my while."

"S-spar with me? O-ok, Renamon."

"*whispers to Renny* Could we go back to my world afterwards?"

"*whispers back* Tell you what..We'll have our 'fun' after this and travel to your place after we rid
of the runt. Besides, who knows what trouble lurks about there."

"*whispers* And can we get that movie while we're at it?"

"...Hmm. I've forgotten. o,o"

"So are we going to...Do that spar?"

"O-oh, but of course. W-we just...Just wait outside, and I'll accompany you."

"O..K, then" Basty nervously replied, trying to muster up some confidence to put up a good fight.
"Would it be wrong if...I said Im looking forward to this fight?" I asked, "Not at all, Human. If you
were to embrace that side of you, I may finally find some amusement in you" Renny said with a
cool smile before stepping out, leaving me with a low-browed expression. Heh, what a masterpiece
she is. She stopped when she was outside, and turned to me, prepping a question. "Mind if I have a
warm up prior to the spar?" Renny asked, "Uuh..Sure, you go right ahead" I reply, "I meant with
you" she corrects, "S-sure. Are we gonna do some stretches, weights or-" I said, "*sighs* Im
talking about fighting you, Human. *sees my eyes pop* It may help get your mind off things. It'll
be a way to see how well you've progressed after our rigorous training" she further corrects.
Hmm...I sense she's a bit eager about me using the cards on her. Even if it's virtually "a spar before
a spar".. "Alright Renny. I'll try my best. *sees Bastemon come back to us* We're going to do a
'Warm Up', Basty. You're welcomed to watch if you wanna" I then said to Basty, "Well then. I
guess I can wait a minute..(Im..not exactly ready to fight her right now..So maybe watching will
get me more in the mood)" Bastemon complied, stepping outside with us.

Surfacing, Ranamon sticks her head out of the nearby pond, happy to see us, "Heya guys! ^o^" she
shouts while waving at us, then stares bewilderingly as me and Renny square up in front of each
other in the middle of the field. Bastemon sits on her knees, and feels a somewhat tense air between
the two of us. "*gets into a fighting stance* (I just hope he knows Im not one to hold back. I will
try my best, Human, but I cannot make any promises)" Renny thought, "*reaches back pocket,
already searching for a card* (I have to slow her down so we can fight on par..I cant find it in
myself to hurt her with my fists or a sword..So I'll have to use a-)" I thought, "Your move, Human.
Choose wisely" she informed me, giving me the first turn. "(In that case..!) Digimodify! Holy Rod!
Activate!" I shout, locking the card into the Digivice, "(I see!)" Renamon said, darting to me, and
jabs at me, but I block her claw strike with the rod, surprising Ranamon and Basty. She then gave
me a spin kick to the chest, pushing me back, and rushes at me some more. I ran to her as well with
the pole held out horizontally low so it can hit her knees, but she backflips over me and kicks down
on my head. I plant the rod in the ground as support in a split second, but only so I can stay on one
knee. I needed another card...So I rolled back, and kicked the rod at Renny as it was planted, who
caught it with ease. Though a bit disadvantageous, I put myself in a "High risk, High reward
situation" in an attempt to buy me time...And looks like it'll pay off with this! "(You're mine,
Human!)" Renamon thought, with her rapid footsteps getting closer and closer to me as she twirled
the tip of the rod at me for a straight lunge move with it, which right when she did so.. She fell for
my lil' scheme :). I slide the rod card all the way through, making her extend the rod at me, but it
disappeared in her hands, putting her off balance from over-extension, surprising her. "Digimodify!
Tactical Retreat! Activate!" I said, making the Digivice shine brightly, and Renamon falls on her
knees, making it hard for her to get up. "Whatever Digimon I target with this gets alot of energy
sapped out of them and their strength drastically reduced if at a certain level..Which unfortunately
for you, Renny. You're at that level" I explained, putting everyone in awe...Until Renamon
suddenly kneed me in the nuts, making me fall over. "If you have enough time to boast or
elaborate..You have time to continue the fight. Im still way too strong for you..Human" Renamon
said, a bit exhausted, then she proceeds to give me a upward kick to my gut, making me stagger
backwards to one knee. Renny ran forward at a much slower pace, winding up for a punch, but I
summed up enough strength to rotate my body, and give her a palm thrust to her body, stopping her
assault...I looked up at her and she gave me a tough smile..That really didnt work, huh? I backed up
and we exchanged a leg-kick, shin to shin, with enough force to push us both back on all fours in
the same fashion..."*flips over to my side and holds shin in agony* OW OW OOOW! FUCK,
DOES THAT SHIT HURT!" I hollered in pain, making Basty gasp with her paw over her mouth,
and Ranny laughed her ass off while splashing her arms everywhere. My card popped out of the
socket of the Digivice, and Renny looked at me with a low brow. "...You..At least lasted a few
more attacks than I expected.._ _|||" she said, then looked at Bastemon for a moment before she
realized she was up next, and went back to me. "(That confrontation was indeed interesting..)
Human. I actually want you to attempt that again. Next time, in my Kyubimon form and beyond"
Renny told me, "I'll...See" I gruntly replied, still downed.

As I slowly crawled away from Basty and Renny taking center stage, we all felt it...The real spar
was gonna begin. Their fighting stances were similar, with Basty's long claws pointing downwards
instead of outwards like Renny's, however the footing was the same; With one foot in front of the
other. Despite the silliness that happened there, Basty still looked unready to fight, rather she
looked sincere about what she wants to say.

"What bothers you, Bastemon?"

"...You..You are aware of how..he's been being with me the most, right?"

"What of it?"

"I...I actually told him..*looks her in her eyes* That I love him."

"...Is that what concerns you? This conflict?"

"Renamon, look at him! He's willing to do anything for you! The least you can do is open up to
him more. I cant be the one to fill in for you! It.. It breaks my heart! *tries not to cry*"

"*looks at me*...Human..Why is it that you do not wish to harm me with your fist?"

"Because, Renamon! He loves you that much!"

"Not only that, Basty...Us male Humans..Were brought up to never hit women..My dad hammered
that into me all the time."

"(So that's why..He chose to fight in a less barbaric way than usual..Because of me being female..)"

"Renamon..Please give him the love he deserves...I..*looks at her more seriously* I love him in the
sense that..I cant stand to see him look so desperate..Desperate for your love."

"*shuts eyes* Human...Im sorry for my lack of appreciation towards you...Really I am..So much
has happened and it is easy to lose track of...'Us'. *looks back at me with calmer eyes* I too detest
seeing you in the midst of your sorrow. Even if you still have a ways to go..I couldn't have had a
better Tamer I hold under my care and tutelage."

"...That means the world to me, Renny..Thank you.."

"Renamon...*wipes tears* Im..Im sorry I-"

"No need to apologize..Though I say all this..I do believe I need more time to ponder..Ponder on
what love truly means to me."


"No, Basty..*shuts eyes* I understand, Renny..I do believe that is an important step.."

"*exhales* Ok then..*musters some courage and looks at Renamon with slightly determined
expression* I guess..W-we're gonna put on a good show for him, huh?"

"That is, if his eyes can keep up" Renamon somewhat said jokingly, re-focusing simultaneously
with her, both putting up a similar competitive smile. Heh, why's this the most serious spar ever?
What a silly pair these two. "(I dont know how, but I will have to match her speed, and be very
alarmed of those sharp claws of her's)" Renamon thinks to herself, though a bit hesitant on taking
the first step. Finding herself to be stressed at the moment, Renamon swayed her hands in a
graceful and circular motion, stabilizing her breathing too. This mystifies not only me, but
Bastemon as well for moment, though later reminded of one of her own moves. "(Could she...Be
imitating the set up for my Mind Fogger..? Two can play that game!) I see how it is" Basty said,
dancing with her hips moving side to side and stepping around in one spot. "(Now!) *backflips into
the air* Fox Switch Deception!" Renamon called out, surprising Bastemon as the two switched
places in a quick poof of smoke surrounding them, with Bastemon now in the air. "(Bastemon
should be at her worst while in mid-air) Diamond Storm!" Renamon shouts, swaying her arm at
Bastemon, sending light-coated needle-like shards at her, having no offensive option against the
attack, Bastemon moves her body to right and guards against the move with her long claws, sparks
that flew blinding her a bit. "Fox Switch Deception!" Renamon repeated, "(Is she going to bring out
clones of herself? Just like the Kyukimon fight?)" Basty thought then saw four Renny clones flying
at her, but just when she was mentally ready for them, they transformed into her appearance,
preparing to strike her with their long claws. "(She can do that?!)" Basty thought, matching the
speed their claw swiping, with several scratches appearing on the real Bastemon in the clash. The
last clone gets her claws caught by real Basty's claws, who maneuvered her way under the clone
and kicked off of it's body, shooting down to the ground, then lunges at Renamon upon touching
the ground. "(Wooow! Look at Basty go! Even if she was put in a tight spot, she's still really
trying)" I thought to myself, enjoying the spectacle as Basty does a double claw swing at Renny,
who counters by ducking under it, side kicks her stomach, making Basty grunt. Renny uses the Fox
Switch Deception move to switch places to land close kicks and backfists, but Basty blocks all of
them, getting used to the move. The two look as if they were doing a duet by spinning, one after
the other, trying to land a scratch of from the claws on their hands or feet, most of the time ending
them in spark-filled clashes. Fed up, Bastemon suddenly sped to the right of Renny, who was too
slow to turn to her, "Vampire Jewel!" said Basty, making jewel appear in front of Renamon,
sucking her energy as she fell to her knees, then Basty appeared behind her with her back turned
and her claws raised. "There!" Bastemon said, turning around with her claw striking down on
Renamon, making everyone gasp, but Renamon was caged into the ground by them instead of
being stabbed, shocking her. As Basty was catching her breath, "Power Paw" said Renamon,
raising her paw that was coated in purple energies into Basty's paw, pushing her backwards and
when Renamon was about to land a spin-kick, Basty catches it with her claws, stomping Renny's
into the ground and digging her feet's sharper claws into Renamon's pawed feet. "Hey guys! Stop
what you're doing! I found one!" Palmon-X said, interrupting the "sparring". "You found one of
NaitoRenamon's kids? What timing. These two were gonna tear each other part" I said. The small
green mon looked hesitant for a moment.

"What's the matter, PX?"

"I found one of them but...It grew very quickly too..Into a DarkMatadormon."

"Is that so? *pants* He's up there at Bastemon's level.."

"A Matadormon is pretty strong, and with it being a dark mon...I can only imagine.."

"Is that what's got you shook, PX?"

"Well..He's in the area where 'Dead Data' lie..And not only is it a pitch-black place, but it's
inhabited by Plutomon."

"How strong's that?"

"Plutomon...Far too strong for us, but he's known to be preoccupied with Jupitermon."

"What do you suggest then?"

"If you all can get rid of the ruler there, Barbamon, the darkness may be lifted or at least lessened
for the Digiworld but...I really dont think we're ready for that."


"We need a Digimon to emit light naturally for the team. That Matadormon has X-antibodies in
him, so if one of you absorb him, you'll be able to get an X form."

"Hmm...Is there a Digimon you know of that can emit such light, Palmon-X?"

"I dont think so.. You'll have to find one in the Digiworld."


"Though recently, I've been able to keep track with you guys with no problem. So go around for a
while and I can pick up a Digimon that is fit for us."

"Do you think we should try to find that Mamemon, Renny?"

"..I suppose it is better than aimless trekking."

"Ranny? Would you be up for it?"

"I'll try my best!"

"Renny..We were gonna have some time together, right? Are we sticking to it?"

"*closes eyes for a moment, then re-opens them* Let us head out. To the Digiworld."

"Didnt get your fill for battle?"

"I am not a thrill-seeker, but I do feel like I need to keep up a sort of momentum."

"If you say so."

"By the way, Human. Your Digivice can teleport to the Rulers' locations."

"(So after we find a new mon to join us...) I wont forget" I replied before I press the button,
initiating the light to envelope the three of us, and beam us down to the Dark Digiworld.
Nyaromon awakens right when me and the group, only catching glimpse of three spheres of light.
"*sees the lights dissipate for moment, then frantically bounces forward* D-dad! Dont leave me
here! Wait! *sees the light completely disappear* But...I got stronger..I wanted you to see.." he
laments, "Dont worry lil' buddy. They'll be back for a bit, with a new friend even. Now wait here
so I can bring some food to ya" assured Palmon-X, on her way out the door. Nyaromon buries his
head into the grass, frustrated about his slow progression. "...Was I..really supposed to be a Dark
Digimon?...Is it even alright if Im normal?" he wonders.

The four of us appear onto the lands of the DarkDigiworld, now being swept by winds of darkness.
Everyone tread carefully as we constantly looked to our sides. As we got closer to that destroyed
forest area, I looked through my cards in my pocket in the meantime, occasionally looking around.
"Do you think you'll get far with that advanced Kyubimon form?" I asked Renny, "We'll have to
see. If I have to go into Taomon, be rea-" replied Renamon, "Moon Shooter!" we all heard, making
everyone jump away from each other as we saw spikes coming down from above. "Holy Rod!
Activate!" I shout, sliding the card through the Digivice, making it appear in Renamon's grasp as
she instinctively spin it as more spikes were coming to her but she deflects them with the rod.
"White Wings! Activate!" I also shouted, making them appear on Bastemon, and she takes flight,
quickly clashing claws with a DarkStingmon. "(This should be the most optimal way to do this.
Since I can only use two cards at a time, giving benefits to two out of the three mons separately
should keep anyone on their toes..) Basty! Find everyone that's trying to fight us and take care of
'em if you can! Renny! Do whatever you have to!" I ordered, running to Ranamon, "Ranamon, just
keep 'em off me as I search out my cards" I then ordered her, putting our backs on one another as
she nods and casts her hands out. Suddenly a DarkDevidramon strikes down Renamon, forcing her
backwards as tons of dirt kicks up while she holds his striking claw with her Rod, then she sees
another one is following behind the one she's busy with, making her eyes widen in surprise. "*Bats
head to Renamon* Renny!" I worrisomely yelled, "*sees the other DarkDevidramon flying up,
then diving down to where the first DarkDevidramon is. Holds him up with a foot on his head*
Fox Switch Deception!" hastily shouted Renamon, switching the above DarkDevidragmon with her
previous position on the ground, throwing off both of them as she stands above the grounded one,
then jumps backwards into the ground while sliding on it. "Diamond Storm!" said Renamon,
putting the rod in one hand, and swiping with the other arm, making the shards of light fly at the
two dark mons, who took the full brunt of the move. "*is under heavy fire from the move while
blocking and an arm flies off* AGGGGGHHH! Damn Renamon!" heavily grunted one of the
DarkDevidramon, his leathery skin now tattered and bloodied. "*steps in front of the other
DarkDevidramon* (Red Eye!)" said the 2nd DarkDevidramon in his head, giving a shining red
glare at Renamon, making her shudder to her knees. "(M-my body..Cant move...!)" Renamon
grunts in her head, "Hehehe..! *evily smiles* This one's mine now! Demonic Gale!" said the
damaged DarkDevimon, blasting at Renamon with an electric wave from his mouth. Ranamon saw
this happening, and used a water whip to swing Renamon from the attack, but was getting one of
her arms cut up by it, making Renny grunt loudly. "*turns to Ranamon* I'll have to take care of
you too, eh?.. In that cas-" the damaged DarkDevidramon was saying, but gets stabbed through the
head and body by Bastemon from above as the rod spins in the air. "*sees the DarkDevidramon die
and flop to the ground* DRRRRHHHGGG! Why you...!" uproared DarDevidragmon, preparing a
Crimson Nail attack, "Fox Switch Deception!" said Renamon, getting his attention as he gets
surprised at seeing another Bastemon zip behind him, then gets pinned to the ground by it's long
claws shooting through the dark mon's body. It grunted and panted heavily as it struggled to look
up at Bastemon with Red Eye, stunning her too, but then saw that the rod disappeared in the air,
distracting him. "RAAAAUGH!" it heard me holler, then found itself having it's head cut with a
thunderous slam of my Juga-maru, right at the neck, with enough force to push Bastemon
backwards. "*waves away the smoke of dirt, seeing me panting as the edge of the big sword had
blood on it* W-whoa..T-thanks for saving me.." she thanked, "Dont be so quick to thank me.
There's still those flying mons up there" I replied, looking up at them, "Right, the DarkStingmons"
she said, going back into the air as I slid the Juga-maru card all the way through. "(These Digimon
seem very strong..We will have to pin them down and finish them off) *looks at the other
DarkStingmon and nods with him* *aims arms at me* Spiking Finish!" shouted the
DarkStingmon, launching needle-like iron beams from the spikes on the arms and they shoot
towards me. Renamon, shocked to see this, comes to my aid with a leap, breaking most of them
with her claws and deflecting them, however at the expense of having several pierce her arms.
"Renny! *dodges the remaining few skewers by jumping back, then gets the D-Ark card*
Digimodif- *gets arm pierced by a skewer from behind, blood flying out of it* GYUUUGH..!
SHit! *looks back, seeing the other DarkStingmon* You...Bastard! Dont make me kill you
myself!" I shouted at him, "Human! *gets my attention, picking the skewers out of arms* If you let
that anger take control, we're going to lose this battle. You cant let that happen!" Renamon yells at
me, and I try to simmer down as I took a knee. Bastemon tries her best to scratch at the
DarkStingmons while flying, "(She isn't an adapt flyer like us..I think we can do something about
her!) Multi-Moon Shooter!" DarkStingmon said, and in unison, the other DarkStringmons buzz
around her shoot her with many huge needles from their arms at Bastemon. "(Dammit! Even
they've caught on to how she isn't good in the air!) Ranamon! Quick!" I commanded to Ranamon,
and as she was getting her water whip to Bastemon, Basty was getting overwhelmed by the shot
spikes, trying to deflect them with her claws and feet at great speeds, but saw that there still more
spikes, so she dove down. We couldn't see Basty in the many spikes she was overtaken by but as
figured, alot of blood was coming out of her as she dove downwards, "(Hmm, she isn't as bad as we
thoug- *sees her make a sharp flight left and aim upwards with a claw out* Hmm?! What is she
doing?)" thought the DarkStingmon, "*manifests a jewel in the air in the middle of the
DarkStingmons* Vampire Jewel!" said Bastemon, making the jewel absorb the dark mons'
energies, making them descend from slow fatigue. "Two can play at that game! *zips to her,
antennae start feeling on her body* Hell Squeeze!" said the DarkStingmon, stealing her energy
himself, making her start to fall unconscious. Seeing this, I slid the wing card all the way through,
making her drop like a rock and escaping the situation, though it made me drop the Digivice due to
a very sharp pain felt my arm, and Ranny's water whip flicks Basty towards her location. "(These
crafty Stingmons.. I'll need to Digivolve to rid of them)" said Renny, starting to Digivolve on her
own. "*aims at me yet again* Moon Shoote-" said one of the three DarkStingmon, but he gets his
chest bursted open from behind with many green guts flying out, seeing three large claws in front
of his face. "*turns to the now dying DarkStingmon* W-what was- *is suddenly face-to-face with
Kyubimon, who gives an angry scowl and an inch away from face* A K-kyubimon?! When did-
*stomach gets suddenly blown out by very fast jab of her claws, who still kept eye contact*
UGH...gaaaah" said the other DarkStingmon, dying and falling from the air as his data was quickly
getting drained by Kyubimon. The last DarkStingmon is surprised to see this and tries to fly away
in a panic, but when he turns around, Kyubimon was a feet behind him, with her body engulfed in
blue flames. Seeing this coming, he ascends upwards sharply, dodging the move, and in the
moment of his relief, I stab down through his right chest from above with mostly one hand.
"GUUUAUAAAGH! (BUT...But How?!)" thought the DarkStingmon, seeing a water whip zipping
by him in the next moment, then quickly flings me off of him with a tilt of his body and struggles
to stay in the air. When he was panting as his green blood was spilling out, he suddenly finds
himself being drove down violently by Kyubimon with her blue flames still on her body, and they
both explode on the ground, with her making a crater. Once the smoke cleared and the blinding
light of it died out, I was already in Renny's care, being held up barely with my knee to the ground.

Renny started reverting to her Renamon form, and everyone else was coming together towards her
as we were all catching our breaths. "*sees Renamon's healing touch closing off my wounds
slowly* That..was..Getting pretty tough..It's like they had most of our advantages..=oe" Bastemon
comments, "Fortunately, me and Ranamon held things together. The Human couldn't even really
use his Digivice after getting pierced..Im sorry. They were catching on too quickly and were agile
pests" Renamon said, "Enjoyed my so-called 'pests' then?" said another mon, surprising everyone
and looking up, it was another dark Digimon with long arms and golden claws, black leather pants
with gold ornaments on them, shoes with two upward big spikes, darker-gray skin in contrast to his
white spiky hair, golden mask and big dark red wings. "(Not a damn DarkNeo Devimon..He's
around Bastemon's level...I have to be Taomon for this) Human!" urgently shouted Renamon, "Stun
Claw!" said DarkNeo Devimon, stabbing Renamon suddenly in the arm with a claw, "*eyes widen,
raises the other claw but gets tons of electricity generated throughout body*
GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" screamed Ranamon as her pupils go white as her body bursts
with thunder-like electricity, zapping everyone else away from her and we slid our backs on the
ground. "(DAMMIT!) *looks at the Digivice and it goes wild and the interface becomes glitchy*
(Renny's getting her ass fried and I can't really do shit!) Girls, we gotta save Renny!" I almost
frantically commanded them. Ranamon's water whip wraps around the tall dark mon's neck as
Bastemon scratches down his body quickly, but only sparks flew as one of her razor claws snaps,
shocking her then gets kicked away by him with a spike through the stomach. "BASTY!" I cried
out, rushing to get that Digimetal card, but it slips out of my hand. Hearing the card fall to the
ground, the dark mon scratches down my leg, making sure I couldn't get up as blood flew up in
front of me, "AAUUUUUUGGH!" I hollered in pain. "Heheheh, looks like you and your gang's
small escapade is ending here. I don't know how a Human has survived a second in this world, but
I'll gladly take care of-" said the DarkNeo Devimon, "Fox...Switch..Deception!" desperately said
Renamon, making five clones of herself, "Diamond Storm!" said the other Renamons in unison,
firing many light shards at the tall mon, making him take the sudden ambush of the move.
However, most of the shards fell out of his body quickly, only leaving a few bleeds, "Power Paws!"
desperately said Renamon, giving him a double-fisted Power Paw to the gut, pushing him back
with a big imprint on his stomach. "*pants a bit, coughs blood* Why...DONT YOU STAY
DOWN?! You lot just don't know when you're about to die!" hollered the DarkNeo Devimon,
rushing down Renamon and the others in a blinding speed, and just when he was about to stomp on
me, he suddenly stops. Then all I heard were a multitude of slashes behind him, and saw a violent
piercing of an axe-spear coming out of his chest, his blood showering my body, before he fell to
the ground next to me, with him laying next to me...Who the hell would be this strong...? Then I
saw her. "*rubs head* H-human..? Did he..? Wait...*sees the Digimon who saved me, who had
armors and weapons on her, and looked like a rabbit* A..A Crescemon..?" said Renamon in awe.

Crescemon...? If...If she's strong enough to take out that guy who...Honestly would've killed us..I
guess that puts her above him and Basty. And...She's glowing...This is just who we need to go with
us! "Hey-" I said, "No" said the Crescemon, "Huh?" I asked, "I may owe you for avenging my
father..And our forest..But I do not see myself fit for you all to travel with. I'll be too much of a
liability" said Crescemon, "B-but that's not a bad thing, is it? I mean..It'd be really helpful, wouldn't
it?" I argued, "If I somehow was unable to fight for everyone, everything would fall apart. There
are many stronger dark Digimon out there and..I care about everyone here enough to not let you
die to them" she retorts, making me feel down, "Do not come back to the Dark Digiworld. Ever"
she harshly added before turning around. "Wait. *she turns to me as I picked up my Digimetal
card* Wait for us..Cuz if me and Renny can beat you, you'll join us by then?" I asked, "It has to be
that way" Crescemon affirms, worrying Bastemon. I take a look at my team, who collected many
bruises just from facing DarkNeo Devimon..."Your team..They're really hurt. So come back and I
will be ready right here, with a Digimon that can face me" said the Crescemon, "Fine..We'll be
back. Let's leave for now, girls" I said, beaming us back up to the Base with my Digivice.

...I couldn't believe that we were still unprepared to keep up.. What if we happened to fight dozen
after dozen of Dark Digimon? I crumpled to my knees, my fingers pressed into my head.
"*looks at me* Human? Why so down?"

"Renny...What the hell happened back there...!"

"That Neo Devimon.. He was quite formidable, and-"

"*punches the ground* AFTER ALL THAT DAMN TRAINING!"

"Hey...Dont let it get to you.."

"Bastemon's right. Get a hold of yourself, Human. I warned you about losing it."

"...Do you..Think we could've beaten him on our own?"

"..Only..Only if I were to go into Taomon form. What happened?"

"I...dropped it."

"Tsk tsk, Human. Of all times. Next time, we will not be so lucky."

"...Im to mostly blame..*leans over, tries not to cry* Im so sorry, guys.._V_"

"What is important is we'll fight another day. We cant rely on my Taomon form; I shouldn't have to
tell you that. *sees that Im still down*...('Renamon..Please give him the love he deserves!')*walks
up to me, extends a paw* Take my hand."

"H-huh? Renny...?" I said before I grab her hand, she pulls me up and she takes me to the shed as I
limped with my bloody leg. Nyaromon was trying to follow us, but we stopped by Bastemon, "I
think they need time to theirselves" she said, "But...Everyone just came back.." he said with a
frown, "You can talk with us in the meantime" Ranamon said, and he complies. Nyaromon still
looked very saddened, but tries to keep it in. When me and her entered, she sat me against a wall,
putting a paw on the wounded leg, healing it. "Im sure everyone else is hurt, but...I should start
prioritizing you more" Renamon said, "Thanks..Sorry you're seeing me like this.." I apologize,
"Think nothing of it. Look at it from a brighter perspective. She had us save the card needed for
my Taomon form, and if we are to...'Play our cards right', she can join us" somewhat joked
Renamon with a blush and squinted eyes, "Heheh..Wouldnt think you'd ever do that" I respond
with a light smile, "It was..For you" she told me, making my heart flutter for a moment. "...So..That
Taomon form...Can I bask- See it? ./." I tried to correct, "(This Human...- -) Sure. You can 'Bask' in
it" she complied as she removed her paws off my now fully healed legs, then I hurriedly looked
through my cards. I take off my shirt and wipe myself of all the blood with it. "Digimodify.
Digimetal of Darkness! Activate!" I said, sliding the card through the Digivice, making the whole
interior shine brilliantly, and in no time, Taomon stood there in front of me. My eyes looked up,
widened, at Taomon's wonderful outfit and taller stature (grew by a few inches). "You..Still have
hands, right? *sees her nod affirmatively* Can I..feel them? *she gives me a paw, which is now
bigger* J-jeez does it feel rough. I dunno about you giving me a handy with these..*sees a lowbrow
express on her face* I-I mean.." I try to correct, "*sighs and rolls eyes* We can try, Human. With
your hardness, it shouldn't be too bad, right? (Knowing him, he wouldn't mind)" she replied, "Y-
yeah..Go ahead.." I softly spoke with brighter blush, "(I knew it..)" she then thought. Taomon then
reached down nervously as I got more and more excited, the stress of the situation making my
boner stick out, then she gave me a strong grip, "*jumps up a bit* R-Renny, not so hard /o" I said,
"Hmph. You have been rather shied away from me when it comes to sexual things. When was the
last time you were eager to be intimate with me?" she asked, "...You kept track?" I asked back,
"Not the point, Human _ _* " she said assertively, squeezing my dong, "*shoulders jump, holds her
wrist* Ok ok sorry I asked! M-maybe I lost track of things like that! *feels her easing up on my
penis*...So..Can you start?" I asked. Looking away, Taomon opened up my pants, making dick flop
on out, making her blush a bit. She caught it as it steadily grew and she sat on her knees, then
jerked it up and down slowly, with a slight orgasmic sensation swirling in my body as I moaned. I
threw my Digivice behind the nearby hay, and relaxed as she continued to jerk me off. Taomon
stared down at it with a slightly opened mouth, "Y-you..Can lick it..I know you want to.." I said to
her, "Y-yes.." she lowly complies, inching her face close to it, and rubbing her face on it, before
finally giving it a lick from her lengthened tongue, which was pretty rough as well, making me
wince. She gave me a few more licks, "(Is he...?) Is that discomfort, Human? Or are you ready to
cum?" she asked, going back to giving me a handjob, "Either way, I dont mind..Just..Well try
sucking. Y-your mouth's bigger" I suggest. Looking at the ground with hesitation, she opened her
mouth, swirling her tongue on my tip before gulping down my hard cock, with an "Mmmmmm.."
vibrating through my dick, making me wince and slightly shiver, with my mouth watering for
more. I felt her hands messaging my thighs as she sucks me off some more, "That's...So good,
Renny..I love it..Y-your mouth's bigger and perfectly fits me now..Haaaah~.." I moaned, her lips
getting more involved and her warm slobber trickles down my scrotum. I felt my cock's tip going
down her throat, getting stuck for a moment, making her gag and make the whole thing fling out as
she pants, then is surprised at how drenched it was in slobber. "*pants* W-well...You seem to start
deepthroating me..For once.." I said, "I-I see.." she comments, "*looks at her body*
me a show? *she looks at me with a confused face* Yknow...Taking your clothes off..In front of
me..But be sexy about it" I suggest. Renny's eyes widen in surprise, a bit unsure of how to go about
it, "Like...Stand a bit from me, and..Tease me while doing taking it off" I told her. Looking away,
she backs from me, then lowers her purple pants slowly, allowing me to see her black panties,
"Now turn around.." I ordered, and she did as told, "..Now sway your hips from side to side" I then
added, making her slowly shake her hips while lowering her pants...which as one can imagine,
turned out to be pretty hot. I was mesmerized by the smooth motions of her tail and ass, which both
were bigger in this form. "( so embarrassing..He never wanted me to do this for him..What
else am I to do?)" Renny pondered, subconsciously moving her hips in an interesting motion,
"o/o...K-keep..going with that. *sees her doing said motion for me* Yknow..It'd help if you felt
sexy about it too. Have some fun" I told her, "(Have some fun you say...?)" she thought to herself.
My Taomon then felt herself with her hands for stimuli, feeling her thighs then legs as she bent
over for me, making my boner ever so harder. Before i knew it, her pants her off, her panties
staring back at me. "...Take those off too" I ordered, then she slipped them off slowly while
looking at me, "..And throw them on me" I suddenly ordered her. "(H-he...Wants me to what?
Umm...If he wishes..)" she thought, tosses them at me with her foot, and they land on my head,
sliding down my face, giving me a slight orgasmic thrill felt inside me..I wanted her to do it again,
but I rather proceed..To the sex part.

Taomon was about to raise the upper part of her outfit over herself, but I stopped her by ordering
"Wait..Keep that on..and take me", surprising her a bit more as I opened my arms to her with a
devilish smile, the panties now resting on my stomach. She acted hesitantly but saw my cock and
her lust got the best of her, making her step close to me. Her arms plant above me, then she
lowered her pussy on my tip (which yes, also got bigger), and her holds her paws on my chest
before inching my dick into her. "Ooooh Tao..Y-you're...Much more..roomy..and moist" I moaned,
"And you..Feel as good as ever..Human.." sexually said Renny, looking at me more lovingly with
each passing moment. She kept inching my tip in and out of her pussy, with her tongue slightly out.
Renny looked back at me and shared a gaze, then a moment later, she leans in for a kiss, which I
very much welcomed and our lips closed in for a passionate smooch. Her hips moved around as I
entered more and more, then we looked into each other's eyes while making out, moaning into each
other's mouths. Her paws massage my pex, then an urge hit her, and she slowly claws down my
shirt, opening it up, exposing my chest in seconds. "*feels on my chest, unlocks the kiss* Your
chest..I sometimes forget..Just how great you feel to the touch, Human" she said to me, now with a
breathier voice, "and I dont ever wanna let this moment go, Renny..Your presence and how you
feel is to die for.." I tenderly said to her, "(Is it now...?) Human..If you were to let loose on me..I'd
really want that.." she replied, "I'll let you go first..Renny" I respond, "Be prepared then, Human..I
could be too much in this form" she warned. Once she said this, she raised her hips, and slammed
herself down, making me enter balls-deep into her, with a loud watery sound that can be heard
outside. "GHHH!...Haaahahaah~" she moaned with an initial wince, proceeding to fuck me as I sat
there, holding the wall behind me, making my eyes roll back in pleasure. I dont know what it was
but..When Im inside her now, I feel even fresher than when we do it in her Renamon form..
"Go..As long as you can, Renny..I dont want you to stop..Ever" I said while moaning, "N-nor do I,
Human...Oh Human! Ah!" she moaned to me, accelerating her ejaculation on me, really wanting
me to cum inside her. She soon plants her paws on the ground, leaning on me as her big tits pressed
on my chest, and continued to fuck me some more. Her rather wild banging even knocked off her
hat and our noses touch as we then looked closely into each other's eyes, and Tao's hips made
bigger humping motions, telling me that she wants me to cum at any second. I then suddenly had
my head engulfed by her upper-wear, with my face caught in between her big breasts, which I
eagerly sucked on blissfully, "Mmmmm..Yes, Human..Tend to me too" she gently said while
petting me, still hungering for my sperm. I then rubbed her big ass as she was slamming it on me,
and I was getting ready to blow inside her. "*feels my cock pulsing* Mmph! H-human? I-is that
your cum? If so, dont hold back" she urged me, then I come out of her upper-wears and locked eyes
with her, then she made our noses touch again as we gave each other a sexual expression. We
kissed one last time, then she leaned her head on my chest with her hands constricted her vaginal
sugar walls on me, and I started oozing my warm stickiness into her, making her eyes roll back
with a tear dropping, "! Yes, Human! Yeeesss~" she ecstatically moaned with
her nose in the air and a tongue hanging out, loving each shot of my sperm was loading into her.
After we shared a long moan, our bodies relaxed and we breathed on each other while catching our
breaths, sweat and all.

Everything faded to white for..Let's say for a while, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Renamon
retracting her head from mine. I felt my lips for sec..Did she...Kiss me? "Have you woken,
Human?" Renny asked with a hint of sensualness in her tone and desiring smile, "Yeah..Im good
now..But damn did you take over, Renny" I replied, "At any rate, we had our fun here, Human. We
can return to your Human world" she said. Oh yeah..I did kinda promise that we were gonna get
that movie. I gave Renny a nod and we stepped out to check on the others for a bit. Upon stepping
out, Nyanromon tackled me in the gut, knocking the wind out of me. "*coughs* What's your
problem?!" I asked, "Daddy! You never spend time with me! I cant stay here, train at any waking
moment and you only come back for not long at all! You're always so busy! TTOTT" he loudly
complained. Initially appalled by the little mon's response, Renamon stepped forward. "Human.
Perhaps we should take him with us for a change" Renamon suggests. Hmm...Hard to argue against
that. "(Dad...He'll most likely have a problem with me coming back..) We'll have to go to Camil's,
Renny" I told her, "But the movie-" she said in concern, "You'll see why. Cmon" I interrupt, "
(Alright..I'll trust your judgement, Human)" she thought while picking up Nyanromon. "Seeya,
PervyRuler!" farewelled Ranamon while waving, "L-let us know if any Digimon or anyone attack
you. Just be - *sees us disappearing in a ball of light* ...Safe" lowly said Bastemon.

We quickly get put into the streets of my neighborhood, with Camil's house being a few houses
away. Renamon cautiously looks around as we neared my friend's doorstep. I knocked on the door,
we waited for a moment...No answer? She's not home? It's sunny out here too. "She's not home"
said a familiar voice, making me turn around quickly, seeing that it's Wes. "Cous...? H-how'd you
know?" I asked, "Me and her talk pretty often nowadays, with you being gone and busy with
whatever happens in the Digiworld" he answered, "Well where is she?" I asked, "Her parents made
her visit her grandparent's place. She wont be back for a while" he informs. Dammit! Do I have to
stay at his place? "You're timing couldn't be any worse. I gotta go with my parents at the mall real
soon. Im taking the time to search for these cards" he further informs, "(Shit! Am I going back to
the base already?)" I thought then he hands me a piece of paper, "In case stuff like this would
happen, I was able to meet up with Angie got her number. *gives me a handful of cards* I found
seven so far" he said, "Heh. Im sure, Wes. You can be a miracle worker" I said, "*feels phone
ringing* (Damn..) I gotta head home now. Catch ya later..Oh and my digimon have grown pretty
strong. We've been taking care of most Dark Digimon threats while you were gone. If you run into
any, you know who to call" he lastly said to me before walking off. "Dad, who was that guy?"
asked Nyanromon, "That's my cousin, Wes. He's always looked out for me while growing up" I
answer, "Are all cousins like that?" he asked, "Well..Cousins usually aren't put in a situation where
they have to do this. Guess you can say Im a bit lucky" I answered, "They're...Distant to say the
least" Renamon adds, making Nyanromon think to himself. I put in Angie's number, and within
seconds, she puts up.

"H-hey! Camil's friend, right? owo"

"(She's...R-real eager to talk, huh?) Yeah, it's..Me, Angie."

"How's it goin'? ^u^"

"Goin' good. Sooo, Camil and Wes are pretty busy right now. I need a place to stay, so if it's not a

"Sure thing! They didnt tell you I live on my own?"

"(o.O..) N-no...They..Didnt."

"I do this one online thing and I get enough money from it to pay for living expenses and all. Im
still saving up for a car, so you'll just have to walk here."

"How far?"

"Hmm...Where're ya now?"

"Right at Camil's."

"Oh! Well I actually live on the other side of the block, so take this big curve to the left and my
place is just at the very end!"

"(This girl sounds..Overly excited to speak.)"


"If you need any help, just call back, kay? ouo"

"O- *hears her hang up* (The hell? But I..I couldn't even finish)...Kay" I tried to finish, with a bit
of an unsettled feeling swollen into me. "Is...This a first visit of your's?" Renny questioned, with a
low-brow face on her, "Yeah...Out of our circle, we know the least about Angie, so.. I just hope
things dont get too weird with her" I responded. Even with the awkward moment that I was put
through, I couldn't help but smile with the positivity she had the whole time...Until I realized that
Im going to Angie's for the first time. Renny looked like she was going to ask me something with
an obvious concerned, low-browed look on her face then looked away. "Is this Angie person your
friend?" asked Nyanromon, "...Sure" I answered, ignoring how confused he looked. "(*turns the
corner, passes up a few houses, sees Angie's house at the end of the block* Oh god..Like...Like
what if she...She wants to do me? Is that why she was excited to call me? And Why does it feel like
Im gonna virtually cheat on Renny?) *looks down at my crotch, sees a boner rising, pockets my
hands to help hide it* (Dammit! What's with my dick right now?! I never saw Angie as hot or
anything. She's like a C!...Ok, she may have some ass, but still!)" I thought to myself, "(*sees
Nyanromon laugh at my awkward expression* Tsk Human. If only you realize how nervous you
look now)" Renamon thought. A moment before we got to Angie's house, our small mon fell asleep
in Renamon's arms. Well at least I'll know what to do if things go south. Aaaaaaand just when
we're a few steps from her house, there she is, sticking her head out the door with a big ol' smile,
greeting with a "HEY THEREEE! ^O^". "(You really couldn't wait, huh?)" me and Renny
simultaneously thought. "*sees Nyaromon in Renny's arms* Awwww, What's this lil' guy's name?
He's so Cute!" she happily asked, "N-nyaromon. He's..He's kinda my son" I answered, "Oh wow
really? I got the perfect place for him!" she hastily replied, swiping him out of Renny's grasp and
swiftly takes him inside...I..Dont think she caught that last part. Me and Renny come into her
house, seeing Nyaromon sleeping on the couch...Huh? Where'd Angie go...And why am I getting
jerked off..? "Wow, look at how hard you are. Too excited to see me?" said Angie, suddenly
tugging on my boner from the left, "A-angie?! W-what hell're you-" I asked, "Shhhh. Dont wake
him up, so let's take this upstairs" she said, walking ahead while tugging my penis as Renamon
followed, unsure about what to do. We get dragged into her room, and she quickly locks the door.

"(Well..This totally doesn't seem planned) Uhhh, so mind helping us for a bit?...And you can let go

"*lets go of my penis* Oh sorry, tehe. What is it? ^ ^ "

"Thanks for letting us hang for one, but mind getting this movie for us? It's at my house."

"Hmmm? Cant get it yourself?"

"I would but...After Dad found out about Renny..Let's say he wont let me come back for a while."

"Hmm. Oh, I keep forgetting to greet you. Nice to see you again, Renny! ^ ^ *shakes her paw*
Ooooo, whatever this suit's made of, it feels like the real thing."

"*looks into Renny's eyes* That's...That's cuz they are.."

"Wait wha? Soooo she's like an animal?"

"Not..Not exactly. She has a shape of a Human and talks smarter than most folks I know. *sees her
blush a bit with her ears flop down*"

"Yeah, and looks hotter than most girls I know too."

"*jerks back for a bit, ears flaring up* E-Excuse me? O.O"

"...Ang..Are you..?"

"Bi, yeah. They never told you?"

"N-now I know.."

"Man, we really dont hang out much, huh? But if she's not really an animal, then what'd you call
her? Half-fox, Half-man?"

"She's...A Digimon."

"A what?"

"When I think about it, wouldn't that be short for Digital Monsters?"

"So she's technically a monster?"

"Y-yeah..Pretty much."


"N-nice? What do you...?"

"I have a bunch of monster porn, so Im pretty comfy being around her. ouo"

"(...Not..Exactly how that should work..)"

"*Feels on her tits* Woah, these feel much softer than I'd figure. OqO"

"*holds her wrists* Ever heard of asking?"

"Well are you two together?"


"Then this should be ok, right?"

"*takes her hands off of breasts* Im not..Fond of this. e_e"

"Hmmmm..*looks me* What if I watch you two do it? I'll go after you two are done."

"(...I guess..Better than what I thought was gonna happen) But...Me and Renny already did it

"Oh? How was it? o/o"

" usual."

"As usual? How many times did you two have sex? OuO"

"(Drrrg, Dammit Human! eVe)"

"Umm..Pretty often..? At least a dozen times..Did you keep-"

"*looks the other way* I have no part in this. _\ /_"

"Well you're about to. Unless you dont want me to do that favor? ^uo"

"(Im sure, now she's just taking advantage of us..)"

"*gives a long sigh* I guess we have to do as we're told, Human."

"Dont worry, we're gonna have alot of fun. Together!"


"*pulls up a chair and spreads her legs, already playing with clit* Anytime you're ready. ^/^"

"*whispers* Renny..Let's get on Angie's good side. This'll be a reliable place to stay...At least we'll
do what we do best, right?"
"Human...Please dont speak" replied Renny with a frustrated face, and I laid there on Angie's bed..
"(I still cant believe she gets off to this shit. Am I in a porno now?)" I thought, then my precious
mon climbed on top of me. Before I could take out my dick out of my pants, I heard buzzing..No
way. I looked past Renamon's big ass and see that..Angie is playing with herself..With a vibrator.
What kind of tomfoolery did I get myself in?...OK! Cmon man, you got this! You fucked Renamon
before...Alot!...But this time pretend a weird-ass friend is there watching you. "You're trying to
give yourself a pep talk, are you? Your face keeps making odd expressions. - -" Renny points out
while on top of me, making me shift my eyes elsewhere, while Angie over there has the vibrator to
her pussy and biting her lips in anticipation. Again, pretend she's not there. My dick stiffens as I let
Renny jerk me and kiss me to help my horn. A few moments in, we hear that her vibrator stopped
buzzing. Uhh, what the hell?...Is she done? Before I could check, Angie was already next to
me...While bottomless. "I thought you were gonna be a bit more thrilled than this, Renny. You're
having Zero fun over here, how do you think it makes me feel?" Angie complains, "I...Am I now?
Well this..Always satisfied him, so.." Renny lowly said, looking more bashful by the second, "I
know I should've stopped you before you got on top. Let's both get him nice and hard" she then
said, "W-we?" Renny questioned in surprise...Where the hell's this going? Angie whispers in
Renny's ears for a moment then gets behind her, squeezing her big boobs and massages
them...Which of course was getting me up down south. After seeing how it was working, Angie
made Renamon put her paws behind her head, so that she looks more lewdly posed. Renny soon
closed her eyes, thinking "(There's...Indeed some stimulation in thi- *GASPS* W-what was that?
O/O)", looking down, seeing that Angie was digging into Renny's pussy, making the foxy mon
moan in seconds. "There we go, Renny. You sound so cute when you're getting pleased 3"
commented Angie, biting her lips a bit more as her fingers went faster. W-whoa Angie, I cant
exactly keep up myself...Oh shit, I was already jerking it? Ang then turned Renny and herself
around, showing some double fingering action when she fingered herself too. "Aaaah!
AAghAaaaaah~! S-so fast, s-slow down.." Renny moaned and begged, "(Heheeeh, I got her
begging like a good pup eue) *Bends Renamon over* Now spread 'em -w-" she ordered, making
Renny almost shamelessly spread her big ass to me, which she got some pleasure from doing. She
then made Renny move her hips up and down, and was even slapping her ass in front of me, which
spiked her shoulders up initially...Like damn, and I thought I was the only perv here. Ang is trying
all the works herself. I watched as Renny rubbed her thighs together, securing tension on Angie's
fingers, who was licking Renny's neck and shoulders sensually. "...M-mind if I get a turn?" I asked,
and Angie thought for a moment. "Hmm..Oh, Wait there ouo" she said, grabbing Renny's hand as
she walks with her to me...Oh no, I dont like where this is heading..

Renamon layers herself on top of me, with Ang laying herself above my mon, and I felt some
adjusting going on while...I..I was feeling both of their privates o.o...Both of their pussies were
drooling down my cock with their wetness. "Follow my lead, Ren-ren" she whispered to Renny,
and then, they proceed to stroke up and down cock with their hips. My dick squeezed between their
cheeks, giving me a rather great feel of mainly their assholes, making both of them bite their lips in
pleasure. "Mmmmm..! Does it feel good~, Ren-ren? -/-" Angie asked, "I'd..Never
imagine..Mmmm..AaaAaah~" moaned Renny, starting to feel incredibly horny of us being a step
away from bi-sex. Angie's ass rocks from side to side, along with Renny's, with her tail resting on
to the side of my leg.. At this point...I was honestly eager to screw either one of them. "You can
pick me if you want. There's always your Renny though" Angie urges..Of course, I was gonna
choose Renny, but this is my first time feeling a girl's soft, furless skin like this...I'd still prefer how
Renny feels. I then stuck my dick in Renny's ass, "Hugh!..Ah...Aaaaaah~" Renny moaned out
some more, now having her eyes rolling backwards, with my tip rubbing all over her anal walls as I
was near climax..My cock could only take so much stimulation..And looking at the clock..An hour
of this passed. She then wrapped her arms around my head and started going faster on me,
"Cum..Cum for me, Human! Cum for me! Ahhh! Aaaaugh! Auuuugh!" Renny moaned and
begged, her voice filling the rooms louder than all the squishy noises, "Hehe, you sound so hot
with a dick up your ass, Renny. Where do you want him to cum?" Angie teasingly asked while
playing with Renny's pussy for more, "In..In my ass! Cum Deep In My Ass, Human!
UGHHHAAAUGh~" she moaned even more, with all of Angie's fingers being drenched in
Renamon's genital liquids. "(Just..Holy shit, Angie..Renny's just lost it) *tip throbs and quakes*
I..R-renny, I cant take-!" I tried to warn, but my cock's sperm loads and bursts out of Renny's ass,
"H-HUMAAAAAAN~~" she somewhat satisfyingly and quite audibly moans out, which was
music to Angie's ears, cuz she was cumming as well with a tight wince on her face and her pussy
twitching quickly with more of her juices leaking. The moment lasted a while before the two just
collapsed on me and things faded to white...Waking up this time, Renny was licking the rest of my
cum off my shaft as Angie had a mouthful of my testies... I let them do this for a few minutes, then
Angie unlocks her mouth from..That part of my privates, wiping her mouth clean. "*back is on the
wall with a satisfied smile* Phew..You two were great. Imma..Do that favor for you in a sec. Just
give me a few to myself downstairs, k? -w-;;;" she said, and stepped out the door..Renny's eyes
looked back at me and puts both of her hands in front of her face. "*pets her head* I...Cant believe
what happened here either, Renny..We have to keep this between you and me" I told her with a
similar regretting face on me too. I pat her head.

"That wasnt too bad...was it?"

"Human..I dont know what came over me..I was overcome with stimuli and...I let so much

"Do you...Now have a better preference of us only doing each other? Alone?"

"Dont have me go through that again..."

"Wouldnt it be a rather wild thing to do? I thought you wanted me to be more like that."

"Watch your tongue, Human. I found this act detesting and distasteful.._V_;;"

"She sorta had a point though. You dont seem to have that much of your own fun when
we...Become intimate."

"Maybe if you became ruler, I may be more susceptible to you."

"So...You only value my status?"

"...I am certain, Human. You say very foolish things."

"What do you mean?"

"I did say 'May' after all. This goal you have in mind is a good start, but I want you to surprise me


"For instance, I am aware of the traumas you experienced yourself, but you have to find the resolve
in you to progress. I dont want a cookie-cutter of a ruler."


"Yes, it will not be an over-night thing one can just discover."

"Yes, Human?"

"You can...Call me that when we're having sex, but...Could you call me something else during
other times?"

"Oh? (Let's see...) I certainly cannot call you Master. You are adept, not hesitant to cleave many

"No luck then?"

"...Hmph. I still wish for you be more like Bushin Lee. I can see him being a great, amusing ruler."

"Hard for me to call myself Jet..Sooo..Jet Black?"

"Perhaps NaitoJet?"

"...No comment..I can settle for JB."

"JB..I suppose it's a work-in-progress."

"And when I become ruler, could I be called 'Ruler Black'?"

" 'Ruler Void' would paint a better picture, I'd say...Hold on, all this is just semantics..eVe"

"You seemed interested in the topic though. Anyways we should tell her about that favor" I
reminded, and we headed downstairs. We then saw that Nyanromon was still asleep and Ang was
putting her shoes on. "So that favor..Dad has this Kung-Fu flick me and Renny were
watching..Mind fetching it for us?" I informed her, "You got it!" Angie happily replied, going out
of the door. Me and Renny then sat next to him together, rather shyly while waiting. When the two
of us briefly looked at him, we took a glance at each other and blushed with her ears flopping
down. "I..Guess we can..Count this as practice if you and I..Yknow, have a kid too" I comment,
holding one of her large hands, "Im...Im still a bit uncertain..J.." she said lowly with her tongue
seemingly stuck, "J...Say, that's a good nickname for me. We'll go with that between you and I,
Renny" I said sincerely and she couldn't help but give me a slight, shy smile. I sensed that a desire
to have child together was there, but she just didnt have it in her to say it honestly..That's ok..Im a
bit unsure too. Im not even sure if it's just something I can do with NaitoRenamon, or with Renny
as well, or with any other female Digimon. She'd...Tell me if she was pregnant, right?..
"Renny...*catches her eye* I know you're comfortable when you have your guard up all the time,
but..Even if I managed to take control of the DigiWorld, it's very important that you learn to be
vulnerable for me" I told her, "Vulnerable..." she repeats, "I know it's there, Renny..If we are to feel
any closer, you have to do that for me..*sees her being at a loss for words, looking down* Can you
look into yourself to do that for me?" I asked, "...J..I dont know how to go about that..But I am
willing to look within myself" she replied, "You can start by being like me..Be honest with me and
yourself..At that point it should come naturally" I told her. Renamon took a deep breath,
"Tch...How much meditation did you do for that?" she joked, "A few seconds" I joked back,
making her slightly chuckle. Our time was then cut short with a knock on the door. I opened, and it
was Angie, who our movie in her hand.

"Oh thanks, Ang. Would you wanna watch it with us?" I asked, "I gotta shower. That was way too
much fun for me to keep this sexual aroma on ;)" she replied, "...Dad said something about it, huh?
_ _" I guessed, "He also said he hopes you're staying on your current path. Whatever that means,
right? Well Im off, you two enjoy ^^" Angie says, going upstairs. I get the TV set up for us to
continue watching from where we left off. "Hmph, you really know what you're doing here. Wish
you were this handy on the battlefield" Renny half-joked, "You know Im useful out there. Just..Not
as strong as you guys is all. Not that it's an excuse..I remember you told me about that" I
responded, putting the movie in, "Good boy" she responds, patting my head. We came back to our
favorite flick, taken in by the gruesome, brutal violence that it provided for our entertainment. "Ah
what a point to pick things up, seems Jet has to kill someone so that his foe doesn't detonate a
bomb. He's crawling away. This is getting thrilling. Lee is even watching. *watches Jet stomps on
his opponent's neck, then turn his heel several times and he sheds a tear* Heh, feel bad for that
guy. I like how Lee is smiling at this. *turns to me* and you too" Renny comments,
"Heheheeeh..H-huh? No I wasnt. I was just...remembering a joke.." I tried to lie, "What were you
saying to me earlier? Be honest with to me and yourself? *sees me look away* It's still important
for you to embrace your darker traits" she reminds, and I nodded as if she were the Tamer. A dozen
minutes pass, and Lee finds himself in fight with an assassin, who simply wielded a dagger and
they were fighting in a deep dark cave. The movie shows us that he has his eyes closed. The
assassin seemed to have an innate sense of where Lee was, despite the darkness. "Hmmm,
interesting. Lee seems collected, even in the dark. Confident, even. *sees Lee stomp the ground,
putting the foe off of his balance, making him step more loudly. With more steps being now heard,
Lee quickly punches through not only his sword when he was about to swing, but his fist drove
through the man's chest as well. Claps* Astounding. Lee is even a skilled fighter in the dark.
*looks at me* That gives me a few ideas for your training" Renny said with smirk, and I pause the
movie. She looks at me bewilderingly, "Before I forget..We can have a bit more fun together.
We're gonna see what Wes and his Digimon's got as a team" I declare, "If memory serves, he's able
to take down the present Dark Digimon that've appeared here. In fact, I haven't seen any around
upon our arrival" Renamon prefaced, "That also means his team's not only formidable, but it is safe
to assume he has at least a few Digi-Cards on him to aid the team in battle. He's a better card user
than me as well.." I also prefaced, "Hmm..Maybe doing battle with his team will spark my intrigue
after all" Renamon said with a cool smile. Yeah..Only time will tell, Renny. If just you and me can
beat his team or not.

Aaaaand Cut! More in the next chapter, thanx for being patient with me on this and reading this all
the way! Laters!
Adept Tamer Vs Great Tamer; Ordeal of The Moonlit Battle

Hello once again, Readers! We're back with another chapter of our favorite Digimon! I know, it's
been awhile aaaaand this got super long lol. Also yay for breaking 20k views on Wattpad, while
those on FanFiction are sucking! Like yeah, the first chapter on Wattpad alone is killing the total
on FanFiction (9.6k vs 9k, just damn). Never thought it'd get like that, and in case I haven't said it
b4, nor did I think this would get off the ground, and it's doing wonderfully! Now...Thing is that for
those on FanFiction, got some bad news. Staff got in my ass recently about my content (and is just
retarded tbh), so in case my account gets snuffed out or they take away my chapters, message me
and I'll link you to my Wattpad to keep up with my fics. It's not letting me link it here. [what you
just read, RE-UPLOADED]

Hope yall do cuz we're getting to some really gud shit in this one. Give it two chapters and we'll get
to some Mega-leveled mons, and the team just tears their ass...Maybe. We'll see. I'll try my best to
finish three chapters for the rest of this year too lol. Now then, fellow dedicated readers, pervs, and
weirdos of all ages, enough of me

Enjoy eue

Chapter 8: Adept Tamer Vs Great Tamer; Ordeal of The Moonlit Battle

Digi-Card Total: 40

Digi-Cards Used: 19

"What's the matter, Renny?" I asked, "I..These jeans are quite tight on me. Could we get some
wider ones for me? /o x o\" she asked back, "Heheh, you do have some very wide hips and alotta
junk back there, so we'll see next time" I somewhat joked, "You damn Humans and these
customs..The only good thing in all this is the food" she comments, "Be glad there's a very nice
breeze. *wraps arms around her waist, pulling her in* I wouldnt have this any other way.." I said, "
(Human, don't have me heat up now e e)" she thinks. Us three were going down to the mall that
Wes was heading. He really seemed to've done a very good job at keeping the city clean of Dark
Digimons, cuz me nor Renny could see any of 'em. We saw people using the Digi-Cards for their
personal reasons, but even that activity died down. "Me and Wes used to go to this mall all the
time..That is until he suddenly got the Digivice" I told her, "*wakes up, yawns* nhhhgn, what'd I
miss?" Nyanromon asked, "Nothing really. Just Renny's small weight problem. *sees her glaring at
me* Ahem, a-anyways, we're going to find Wes. We dont have any money, so we're gonna see
about fighting his team" I respond, "Daddy! I wanna be in the fight too! ToT" he whined, "(Tch,
kids these days..e e. Well Im not sure about using him. If I have a card for a low-level mon like
him, I'll consider it) *sees his parent's car (say it's a Suburu) and the mall being only across the
street* Should we review the cards we have, Renny? He did give us some new ones" I asked her,
"It'd be wise. Let us...Hmm..*sees a set of benches at the entrance, points to one* Let's seat there"
she suggests and I affirmably nod.

We crossed the street, the parking lot and then sat on the benches with Nyanromon in my lap as I
took out all 31 Digi-Cards...Feeling like a bit of married couple..Her scowl on me, the kid hopping
in my lap and I try my best to not look nervous..Y-yup, good times..So let's see..Alias..Flame
Fragment...Frozen Wind? Crystal Fire?...That Was a Good Time? The hell are these card names?
"Is that a...Sakuyamon?" Renny asked, "You know her?" I asked back, "I can be her. That is my
ultimate form" she answered, making me give a big gasp, "OoO...What if I can use it now?" I also
asked, "It has a rather bothersome requirement. See up there? I need to be in Taomon form and you
need that 60% card" Renny points out, "We need to get it asap! I'd love to see you at your best!" I
excitedly said, "Shh, quiet down. Other Humans are walking about" she hushes me. As for these
other cards, I dont think I can use them with Nyanromon..A few I cant use unless Renny's in
Taomon form, which is kinda shitty. She was only able to become that...Maybe once or twice?
"Well, we know what sort of cards we're dealing with. Let us seek out your relative" said Renamon,
standing up with us. I text Wes that we were coming into the mall to find him before we headed
inside. Many looked at us with a slight cringe but we minded our business like them. My phone
rings. He texts back saying he's on the second floor, so me and Renny took an escalator to see him.
Getting halfway up, I can see him approaching us, then went to the other side of the escalator to
wait. "*goes up the steps faster, with Renamon following* Your parents dont know you snuck from
them?" I questioned, "They know. They're gonna sight-see for a bit before wrapping up their
shopping" Wes answers, "Where're your Digimon? Could've been sure Camil told me you had
some Digimon to take care of the Dark Digimon threat" I brought up, "Did you see my Missimon
out there? *sees that Im surprised* I made him extremely fast and as my errand boy to gather info
around town. He should be right outside somewhere in case someone like you came over" he
replied, "Huh..And the rest of your Digimon?" I asked some more, "What of 'em?" he asked back,
"I want Renny to fight them. To see how strong they are" I reply. The four of us were about to exit,
and I saw a bee-like figure zip by the door. "(What the...? What was that?)" I thought, "(Tch.
FanBeemon, get a grip) Everyone else is spread around the city to take care of threats everywhere
with their on partner. If one of them are in trouble, Missimon will call out for help and back-up will
be there" he told me, "Ah...Then...How many do you have?" I asked, "...Seven. Let's go to this
riverbank I know" he answered and suggests, while I am still surprised at what I heard as Renamon
is doing an unseen smile.

With a snap of his finger right before we stepped outside, his Missimon came down. "Hey boss!
Whacha need?" asked the Missimon, "Let Swanmon Shadramon know that we're going to riverbed
close to that bridge. Cousin wants a fight with everyone" Wes ordered, "W-with everyone?! I mean,
I saw that no one's busy with fights but..*looks at Renny and Nyanromon* H-he only has- *turns
back to Wes, who gives a unsettling, demanding glare* Gh! Y-yes sir, boss sir!" Missimon said in a
panic before darting off, "FanBeemon. *sees FanBeemon come from above, from behind the mall's
sign* Team A's getting informed. Let Team B know I sent you. Ya heard what I told Missimon?"
Wes asked of it, "Y-yes! I'm on it!" FanBeemon complied, zipping away as well. "(Wow...Wes
became so organized...While I dont split everyone like that..Wouldn't my team be that much
weaker if apart at all?)" I pondered in awe, "If you're done looking stupid, we can head there now"
Wes said to me, walking ahead, as I didnt notice him being ahead by a few steps. "Hu..J, get a hold
of yourself. You need all the focus you can muster for me to be a step ahead. I do not make me
compensate" Renamon stresses to me, making me get my head in the game. A few minutes of
walking, Wes gives Nyanromon a couple of glares, both of which make the little mon shudder and

"That baby mon. Who's it belong to?"

"...To..To NaitoRenamon.."

"! What?! Then..."

"And...Im...Im his father..She raped me again and...W-was able to..Have kids with me..."

"K...*looks down lostfully* Kids...? But...But there's no way...Digimon and people cant have

"*sees Renny have saddened face, pets her* I know..Ever since I've gotten the Digivice. Things
that shouldn't happen just..Happen."

"So...It's creating anomalies?"

"Not...Necessarily. The primary suspect is how the Digiworld is being overtaken by a sort of 'Dark
Virus'. It is very possible that the Digivice has been perverted as well."

"...(Him..Being a father with my past Digimon..What kind of fate is this for me? But still...He was
forced into it...Still..Why do I feel so...Torn about it?) So..Is he fighting with your Renamon?"

"Nyanromon..You stay off the field. This is Renny's fight."

"Daddyyyy! I trained and everything, but I still cant fight? Why not, why not?! TT0TT"

"You...You need to digivolve so I can start using you for battle. You'll just get in the way here."

"Ghhsmnmnmh" Nyanromon groaned. Then we saw the riverbed with a bridge further up on it,
with no people in sight. The first Digimon we see is Duskmon awaiting next to the river, looking
up at me, as well as a moderately big bunny mon with pink armor and a red and yellow, mothman-
like, armored mon with a mask and black horns flopped down on his feet. Then a swanmon flops
down in the same spot as the others with a Demiveemon on her back. The Missimon and that bee
mon came to the scene in no time too. "As you can see, I summed up a bit of a big team. These
guys have really helped out to take care of the city" said Wes. And we're gonna have to fight 'em..
"J, I know seeing them against just me is quite overwhelming, but trust in my strength" Renny
assures, stepping in front of me, "(I would try to go easy on her, but he's had her survive this long
so...) Go for it, Duskmon" he ordered, "Ghost Move" he called, vanishing before our eyes,
surprising Renamon. Damn, looks like she never fought a Duskmon, but Im definitely keeping an
eye on this bastard. However when he reappeared behind her, he tries to swing down on her with
his red arm-blade, which she dodges by shifting to the side while spinning and gives him a fast
Power Paw, blowing him back. Before I could look happy about this, "Gear Sting!" FanBeemon
shouts, firing pinpointed stingers from behind and on the side of his thorax, which Renny dodged
without looking, "D-Ark, activate!" Wes shouts, "(Wait huh?!)" I react, "FanBeemon Digivolve
tooooo...! Waspmon!" he said while becoming Waspmon, now bigger with a more spiked, metallic
thorax...well his whole body just looked more metallic in general. "Hop Attack!" DemiVeemon
said out loud, darting to Renamon, "Twin Swords Gradalpha, active!" Wes shouted almost in
unison, making DemiVeemon have two curved swords in his armpits, which he held while
charging. Quite surprised at this, Renamon was still able to duck under this, then leaps into the air
and stomp down on his head, digging his face into the dirt. "(It seems he's trying to dog-pile on
Renny! I can't just sit here!) *looks through my cards* Digi-modify! Alias! Activate!" I shouted,
sliding the card through the Digivice, making Renamon have a clone, making her look shifty with
an after-image, "(Smart. He wants me to attack with my other Digimon or with another move to see
what everyone can do..) Shadramon, Bitmon! Now!" Wes commands, and the two nod. "Flare
Buster!" Shadramon shouts, shooting a flame wave at Renamon, "(As figured. It can spew fire
from it's hand-cannons)" Renamon thought, running about the field as the opposition traces
accordingly with his flames still being fired (no pun intended) out, "*sees the fire come close to
me* Hey! Dont have him burn me too!" I yelled, getting ready to flee, "(Ah! This crafty bastard)
*turns around quickly* Diamond Storm!" she shouts, shooting him with a row of many shiny
glass-like shards she casts from her arms, forcing Shadramon to guard and cancel his attack. "(I
was hoping he'd do that)" Wes thought, looking right above her, with Bitmon ready to spring her
ears. "Ear Lancer!" Bitmon shouts, having her ears jab down at Renamon, who shifts her body to
have her side face Bitmon, in between the ears that shot into the ground, "*looks at the ears
shimmer* (They've sharpened! So I cannot simply grab them)" Renamon thought, quickly turning
her head up to Bitmon, then flings her away with a rising wrist strike. Once Bitmon was done
sliding on the ground, she is quickly met with a foot to the face by Renny, "Fox Switch
Deception!" she shouts, switching sides with her, with her poofing in front of me with her back
turned. "*sees Wes draw another card, but is slightly hesitant to call it out, looking at Nyanromon
next to me* (This is my chance! If I can hit the Bitmon, it may distract Wes and his other
Digimon. She has her back turned too)" I thought, getting a kick ready and right when my foot was
an inch away from her, she curls up into a pink ball, and I send her flying for about four meters,
over everyone's heads. "*sees Wes bat his head at the curled Bitmon* (It..It kinda worked
but...SHIT! That felt like I kicked a damn tortoise!)" I thought, sucking in my lips from the pain,
"Heh. I should've known you'd be that low, cous. In that case, I'll up the ante for you..!" he said,
putting up two D-Ark cards in his hand, surprising me and Renamon, "DemiVeemon digivolve
tooooo..! *starts floating up, his head out of the dirt* XV-Mon!" he said, turning into a big blue
dino with white wings and a large blade-like horn on his nose. Dammit, he has four higher-tiered
Digimon than Renny! Should I...? "Do your best to hold out, Renny! Digimodify! Holy Rod!
Activate!" I shouted, making a rod appear in her hand after injecting the appropriate card into the
Digivice. XV-Mon jumps up and tries to strike down on Renamon, who jumps back, "X-Laser!" he
shouted, shooting an X-shaped beam from his chest at her, making her slam the rod on the ground
to make her ascend above the shot fast enough, though at the cost of the rod now being half-gone
due to the strong beam, "*raises up with her while aiming stinger* Turbo Stinger!" quickly said the
Waspmon, who followed Renny skyward, firing a laser at her from it's thorax. She throws the now
sharp-end of the rod at his head, making his firing off from the mark, but the shot chips Renamon's
shoulder, making a small explosions happen around the wound. "RENNY! (That does it!)
Digimodfy! D-3! *takes out the rod card* Activate!" I called out, making Renamon transform into
Kyubimon. Everyone was standoff-ish. Everyone was hesitant to attack her at this point, afraid of
how much stronger she just gotten. "(Huh, he used D3 in case he needs to use D-Ark...I have to
think..I only have one last D-Ark card left..) Behemoth! Black Wing! Activate!" Wes called out,
giving Duskmon a neat black motorcycle and Bitmon some black wings, "Fox Tail Inferno!"
Kyubimon called out, sending out a dozen blue flame heads at all the oppositions, making Bitmon
flying away as two heads pursued her, XV-Mon took a blocking stance, Waspmon shoots through
the ones chasing him, Duskmon drove away from us while a few chased him and Shadramon took
to the skies with Bitmon. "*sees two fire heads coming* Down Tornado!" she called out, making a
strong flap from her wings and the gusts with them, she crafts a tornado, blowing the chasing wisps
away as they dissipate. "(Dammit. Most have skills to combat that move, but I at least disorganized
them) *sees Missimon in the air* (Just in case) *jumps up, tries to strike down on him with the
multiple tails, but he zips to the left fast enough to miss him. catches him with a quick bite* Fox
Electric Attack" she said, buzzing tons of electricity into Missimon as he hollered in pain, then she
spits him out, letting him drop to the ground. "(Good! It looks like she was scattering everyone to
single out and focus on one of them! That's my Renny!)" I thought with a smile, "I see. *gets my
attention* You're Digivice cant have no more than two card effects active at a time" Wes says out
loud, "This is the same Digivice you had, right? It didnt work like that?" I asked, "It only let me
use one at a time..However with you...Nega Cave! Ryugonken! Activate" Wes called upon, raising
the two cards in the air as they shined, giving XV-Mon a sword and he used it to swing through the
fire cage he was locked down by. "(Shit, and that's probably her best move too. This is still not
looking good, especially when he can just use multiple cards like that..but wait..He hasn't used any
of them twice unless he has multiples..So unlike me, he can only use them once! Dunno what that
Nega card did for him, but I'll have to make him use everything he's got before using Taomon)
Digi-modify! Flame Fragment! Activate!" I called out, equipping the card to the Digivice, making
Kyubimon have a fiery aura. The only two still being chased by the wisps are Duskmon and
Bitmon, cutting it down to four-on-one. XV-Mon tries to strike down on Kyubimon from behind,
which gives her a slight cut on her back as she attempted to dodge to the side, "Tch! Dragon
Wheel!" she called out, vertically spinning her body while slightly curled, with fire engulfing her
body and she jets to the left of XV-Mon, then upwards, heading for Swanmon, "(Oh dear!) White
Marie!" she calls out, quickly flapping her wings at Kyubimon, shrinking the flames around her
body with the blasts of wind from her wings, but was still hit pretty hard by it, with a few feathers
burned. "(Dammit! I tried to make that move stronger in case she used it!) Renny! Face towards
her! *sees her facing a staggered Swanmon* Digi-modify! *slides the flame card all the way
through* Frozen Wind! Activate!" I shouted, Kyubimon cast a sudden very chilling wave at
Swanmon, freezing her in no time and made her drop. By the time she slammed into the ground,
she struggled to get up. "(Wow, that one was pretty good! And it's staying in!) Go for it, Renny!
You can do it!" I encouraged her, "Mondrake! Activate!" Wes called out, making a green fruit
appear in front of Waspmon, who ate it and looked a bit more fierce. The big bee stood there,
charging his beam at the tip of his stinger, distracted by the charging sound from him, I see XV-
Mon and Duskmon come from behind her, winding up their slash from their weapons, "(Renny, no!
Turn your ass around! That wind move wont do much to these two) Digi-modify! Juga-Maru!
Activate! Behind you, Renny!" I shouted out loud, replacing the wind card with the Juga-Maru
card, making the sword appear in her hand, then she turns around with a wide swing, batting both
XV-Mon and Duskmon away after colliding with their swords. "Death Gaze!" Duskmon shouts,
shooting 7 beams at her from the eyes on his body, which she tries to block with the heavy blade,
but a few shots hit her, and cut into her arms, making her grunt in pain as the pierced spots shot
blood out of them. "Renny, you ok?!" I yelled in worry, "Human! *backs away, swinging the Juga-
Maru blade back and forth to bat away the two mon's sword strikes* Quickly! Use it! Let's end this
now!" she urged, "(But..He has many cards like me and...Fine! Screw it!) *sees her being
pressured after guarding against Duskmon's jump over XV-Mon, delivering a heavy double slash
from both of his arm-blades* Digi-modify! Digimetal of Darkness! Activate!" I shouted, replacing
the sword card with the Digimetal card, making Kyubimon shine greatly, blinding her opposition.
"*covers eyes* So bright! Wha-" XV-Mon comments before getting pinned down by a wave of
many tags, "*appears above him, puts the inside of sleeve on his face* Die" Taomon said, making
him explode many times in a matter of seconds, surprising Wes and Duskmon, who backed up
before being caught up in the growing explosions. Taomon appears behind him, and chops down
on his head, quickly collapsing him to his knees. She then sees a carrot-like rocket coming at her
from above, and kicks it away. "That didnt work?! *sees her give a death glare* ! Eeeck!" Bitmon
reacted in fear, getting slammed into the ground by her big brush in a flash and she rained hundreds
of exploding tags down on Bitmon, defeating her in seconds. "(What is this speed?! This Taomon
is so strong too!) D-Ark! Activate!" Wes shouts, transforming Duskmon, "Duskmon digivolve
toooo..! *grows a big black shield and spear* Lowemon!" he said, becoming Lowemon, being
slightly bigger. "Just a Lowemon? You should've digivolved when you had the chance!" Taomon
said, giving him a claw strike that he guards with his shield, which pushed him back. "Shadow
Meteor!" he shouts, sending a gold energy wave from his chest at Taomon, which she holds her
hand out to it, catching it in her grip, and when she closes her hand, the energy wave bursts,
cancelling it. "Shadow Lance!" he called out, blasting Taomon with a wave from his spear. Instead
of doing the same thing, she jumps in the air, "Gear Buster!" said Waspmon, but before he could
shoot out the laser, Taomon was already in front of him, making him miss, thinking she was still on
the ground, then violently crushes his head in with a claw strike down on him after then appearing
above, making him fall to the ground. "B-black Gear! Plasma Double Tomahaw-" Wes tried to say,
but stops when she sees Taomon quickly grab Lowemon's face, strong enough to knock him off of
his feet, "Thousand Spells" she said, overwhelming him with floods of a large multitude of paper
tags, making an extending chain of explosions, reverting him to his Duskmon form, on his back,
heavily bruised and defeated. "*sees him explode one final time* And then there was one" Taomon
said. "Psychic W-wave!" Shadramon called, sending mental waves to Taomon, locking her down,
"Flare Buster!" he yells from above, shooting a flame wave at her, "(Useless) *draws several kanji
letters and flings them at him with the brush* Talisman Star" Taomon says, the letters circling over
each other as they flew upwards, appearing in front of Shadramon from within the wave of his fire,
"H-huh?!" he reacts before being rapidly having his chest sliced up by the letters and he drops to
the ground, devolving to a Wormon when he hit the ground.
"WOOOOW! She's amazing as a Taomon! You get 'em, RenRen! ^O^" Nyanromon said while
excitedly jumping up and down, "*sees team defeated, smiles a bit* Well. Looks like you beat us"
Wes comments, slowly looking less happy. "Phew man. Your team really puts up quite a fight too.
It'd get dicey if I only used up to Kyubimon. I can tell these guys were trained pretty well. If they
were normal ones, all I'd need is good ol' Renny" I replied, taking the cards out of the Digivice. I
looked at his team of Digimon, some struggling to get up from the ground and slid the Digimetal
card all the way through.

"*reverts to Renamon form* I tried my best not to outright kill them."

"It's nothing. They should still be able to at least hide. *sees Renamon putting her hands on
Wormon* Huh?"

"Renny has a healing touch. *she then looked bewilderingly, seeing no changes*...Well, in the
Digiworld apparently."

"Sounds real handy..[no pun intended] If only NaitoRenamon had that.."

"...I saw you hesitate..What was that about?"

"...*closes eyes, stressing both eyebrows, balls up fist* I..I dont know what it is but...I...Hate seeing
that Nyanromon..."

"...It's because..You rather it be, huh? *gets his attention* Even after knowing how evil she is..You
wished things were different..And that you had something like what me and Renny have."

"*looks away from Wes* I feel your pain..Though I careless about her offspring, the fact we
cannot change her still stands."

"*sees everyone look saddened*...Daddy..Would it make you feel any better if..If I stayed with
Wesy for a bit?"

"Hmm..Would that be something you wouldn't mind, Wes?"

"...Tomorrow. I need a bit to think about things.."

"Fine.. *sees the dim cards sticking out of his pocket* So your cards..Let me see one. *is handed a
D-Ark card* If I...*puts it into the Digivice, it gets staticky, but the image on the front lightens up*
I get it now..My Digivice brings the cards back so that they can used again..So.."

"*sighs* I should've saw this coming..I have about 24 Digi-Cards on me..You can have the ones I

"*gives me seven cards, but holds them tightly* Huh?"

"Do you have a dragon or plant Digimon in your team?"

"Well..I have this plant one..but i dont use her for battles."

"...So..What's been the plan with you guys in the Digiworld?"

"*turns to Renamon, who nodded* If it doesn't make you too angry..We've been making it a goal to
kill off all of NaitoRenamon's kids. *looks at Nyanromon* He's the only one that didnt turn out to
be a Dark Digimon...They were trying to kill him too."

"...(I missed so much then..) *looks Nyranromon too* C'mon buddy. You'll get strong in no time
when we're going around, protecting the city."

"*looks back at me, then at Wes* Ok! I'll- I'll be the best Nyanromon you ever had! TT^TT"

"G-glad to hear..(These guys..They cant have a newborn like this when things are this tense in the

"..Dad was right. He's really lucky to have a cousin like you! TTuTT"

"Heh. He said that? *gives a slight smile* I guess he can say that. Gotta watch out for how reckless
he is."

"(Boy could I concur.._ _*)"

"Well me and Renny are gonna be out a bit longer, but before we go, lemme see what cards you
had left. *walks to Wes, he shows me* Obelisk..Licht Schwert..Wool Ball Blaster? Huh, looks like
you couldnt really use some of these...Wait, X-anitbody protoform AND X-Evolution?! You gotta
let me have that!"

"I was hesitant to use it cuz I didnt wanna sacrifice three cards to use it. You'd also need a 'Winning
Percentage:40%' card, but if you insist. *gives me the card*"

"*pockets it* Good! *looks back at his set of cards* Shishioumaru? I have a card like that one too.
It's weird but I've been able to get around it's requirement by being able to use it myself."

"A buster sword like this? Wielded by you? *looks at my body* Well you have made some good
gains since last time I saw you. Hmm, I haven't had any real uses for it so here. *gives the
Shishoumaru card*"

"*pockets it too* Renny made sure I was physically and mentally prepared for alot of battles in the
Digiworld and when we come back our world."

"I dont think you told me about your team. I cant be just you and your Renamon."

"Let's see..I have a Bastemon and..A Ranamon."

"That's it?"

"Im gonna get this Crescemon, but she wants us to prove to her that we can hold our own, even
without her help."

"That is still half the size of my team, but I guess quality over quantity."

"If you're done chit-chatting, we have time to venture to one last location."

"Alright Wes, cya around. You too, Nyanromon" I said to them, waving them farewell. When we
walked from Wes' team, they were starting to get up, but were still battered. The team splits off
into their separate ways slowly, but surely, with Nyanromon accompanying Swanmon. "So what
area do you have in mind for us?" Renamon asked, "Hmm..We dont have money, so let's go to
Camil's" I decided, "What came about that recent visit at her place?" Renny asked, "L-let's say...It
could've went better. *sees people up ahead, walking along the sidewalk of a separate bridge* (We
still need to avoid suspicion..) Think you can take to the roofs again?" I then asked her, "No
problem, even for your size" she replied, grabs tightly around my waists and soars into the air. I
then hung tights with my arms wrapped around her hips, the buildings quickly passing below us.
"Renny...I remember you told me not to use the digivolve cards unless it's a last resort..but in that
fight.." I brought up, "I know what I said, Human. Think nothing of it and stick to our plan. We
can't start relying on just my Taomon form, powerful though it may be" she replied, "...What about
against that Crescemon?" I asked her, and she stayed silent...Best not to push an answer out of her
when she's like this. "Human...*sees me looking up* I partake in the blame on this..We've yet to
preface Bio-merging. *sees my eyes widen* That battle would be the best time to put it's worth to
the test" she then said to me. That's right! I'll make sure to remember that, especially when my
deck doesn't seem very applicable to every sort of Digimon. Renamon sticks to the wall of a
building, catching the scent of the coffee shop we once went to, "(This way)" she thought, turning
her head to the left and hops towards the neighborhood. It was faint but..I've been feeling another
presence..Other than Renny's but it's similar.."Renny..This is weird.." I preface, "Hmm? What
could you mean?" she asked, "NaitoRenamon...I feel her presence somewhere..but she..seems to be
staying still..*feels a pulse shooting in my brain, grabs forehead* GHH!" I then grunted, then
Renny hops down on someone's roof. "*turns back to me* Human, what's the matter with you?"
she asked, "It's..It's like..Ever since she..Took advantage of me..My head gets...There's been some
sort of damage to me and it...It gives me disturbing messages" I told her, "(I could be that he starts
losing it when she's close or on his mind..Human..) Let's.. I'll hold you in my arms to help you
sleep tonight. Hopefully my touch will mend your mind" she promises, "Even without your healing
touch, it'd be a wonderful, Renny..Like a dream.." I told her, making her slightly blush.

We shortly stepped up to Camil's door. I knocked and she saw me through the peephole. Once the
door opened, her hand reached out, holding my neck and giving me an angry look. "*tries to loosen
her grip* W-what's wrong?!" I react, "I had to lie and explain to the my parents..and my
other friends..about last time you came over...ALL CUZ YOU BROUGHT OVER YOUR DIGI-
FRIENDS! oVo" she shouts, trying to shake and strangle me some more but I broke away. "*rubs
throat, coughs* Look Im sorry, ok?! We need your help again. pleeeeaase " I pled as Renamon
stood there, sighing with folded arms. "...If one more thing happens and I get in trouble cuz of
you..I wont hesitate with a restraining order!" she threats, "G-got it _ _;" I replied somewhat
humbly. "*takes a deep breath* What you do want this time?" she asked, "If you dont mind, we
wanna go out somewhere for a bit. Like the mall. Maybe grab a bite" I answer, "...With my money?
- -...*sees me stray my eyes away* Ugh fine, just remember what I said, k?" she complied,
stepping out of the house. Renamon grabs my shoulder, "Is this mall the only place of
entertainment? We've already ventured there earlier" she brought up, "*turns back to Camil* Oh
cammy, hold up. Before we get goin', care to get Renny some clothes you got for her? After that,
we'll order something, and we should head to that one big park instead" I told her. After rolling her
eyes, she turned around to inside and headed back in. "What is this park you speak of?" asked
Renny, "You'll see. It's actually a bit close to here" I reply, and Renny also walks inside to get

The sun was shinnier and hotter than usual, so best we get something big and cold to cool us off.
It'd also cool down my adrenaline from earlier. If that battle dragged on a bit longer, my inner
demon would start rearing it's head. Renny soon came out with jeans and a black shirt, putting on a
face of discomfort. "All that too tight?" I asked, "I..Much prefer not having so much clothing..This
heat's getting to be more than ever now" she replies, "Remember what this is for, k? Dont want
folks to..*sees her pulling behind her ass, making the pants fit better* Be suspicious" I told
her. Camil couldnt help but to chuckle to herself, making Renny feel some embarrassment. We
started walking down the sidewalk to the other way me and Renny usually take, leading to the park
I mentioned. Soon us three saw a big ol' sign, showing it's attractions of a few rids and smoothies.
"Whoa, looks like this place got a big update" I comment, "Things change after a month or two.
Even for Obiwa Park" Camil said, leading us to a food truck in front. Upon a closer look, the menu
on the side had a dozen items. We got ourselves each a kebab of a few meats and seafoods, and a
couple of smoothies. "*walks around with us, eating, looking a bit confused* Um..Human, we only
have two drinks. Where is mine?" Renny asked, "You and me are gonna share one" I answer,
"*blinks* Oh..I suppose another custom for Humans?" she asks, "...For couples" I said to her,
making her a bit more confused, yet couldnt help but to slightly blush. We sat at a bench and
enjoyed our food together, watching kids have their own fun, enjoying 15ft rollercoasters, swings,
seesaws and a lengthy jungle gym. "Which would you wanna get on, Renny?" I asked, "*looks
around, sipping, then turns to me, seeing my face is closer, noses touch, backs away quickly* A-
ahem. Just that..Elevating ride and..*looks up a big tree* Climbing up there with you is fine -x-;"
she replied, "Aww I knew you had a romantic bone in you. We'll get on those in a bit" I replied
with a smile, and Renny quivers her lips while blushing, making Camil giggle. "*sits on a nearby
bench* You two go ahead. I'll stay here for a bit. *watches the two of us getting on the ride and the
kids stare at Renamon. Sees us getting in the cat-shaped seats. Then when we sat down in the ride,
watches me snuggling up on her as she looks away with a blush, then puts one paw on my head*
(It..Still weirds me out, but they do look pretty nice together)" Cammy then though to herself,
enjoying a relaxing time. I did check the Digivice a few times, but the signal for NaitoRenamon
remained stagnant and very distant...Well whatev, for once I can enjoy my time with Renny, for a
good while ^^. "Human...*gets my attention* Im..Sorry...For being rather bothersome or
rather...Ignorant when it comes to the entire..Relationship subject. I know you're still suffering
from my lack of attendance to you" Renamon tells me, "*lays on her some more* You dont have to
be, Renny..I know it's still new to you and you're trying to understand.." I respond, "('Trying to
understand'...Bastemon..She seems to be very knowledgeable about this. I must speak with her
upon our return. *looks down at me* It may even make our Bio-Merge become more efficient than
current)" Renamon thought, putting both arms around me.

Once me and her had our fun with going on the soothing ride, kids twirl around Renamon by
running around her and taking her hand. "Heh. Looks like kids gravitate to you, Renny" I comment
with a smile and Camil smiled as well. The kids get called back by their parents and Renny looked
puzzled. "Check to see how stable that tree is, Imma talk with Cammy for a bit" I said to Renamon,
"O-ok.." she replied before I sat next to Camil.

"*watches Renamon scale the tree* So...How do you feel about her?"

"I love everything about her...Everything."

"What about how she feels about you?"

"...It's..We're trying.."

"It's...It's been a while since you've been back this long, so...What happened in the Digiworld?"

"...Many things."

"Ok start somewhere."

"Well...You saw what happened with that dark Renamon.."

"So did she really...?"

"...It happened again..But even worse.."

"*GASPS, covers mouth* She...she raped you again?"

"And...she made me have kids with her..Wes took one of 'em under his wing. I was with that one
for a good minute.."

"What..What about the others?"

"...We're gonna kill 'em.."


"Her kids...They're all bad..and powerful...Except the only good one I was taking care of.."

"So...Does..But that should be impossible!"

"I dont know how, but that Renamon causes alot of anomalies to happen..Her kids are trying to be
even more powerful and one specifically is trying to get to where he can endanger both our world
and the Digiworld.."

"Damn...I missed so much.."

"That Renamon..She's not the source of all this...Instead, it'd be Lilithmon..Who made me rape a

"WHAT THE- *shuts mouth, keeping screams down, heart races and coughs* B-but why?!"

"It...was something she had me do when her goon captured me...It was my fault for acting on my
own, but...She at least became part of the team.."

"S-she...She did...?"

"*looks up at Renamon, who's in deep thought* She's very passionate...sweet...kind..and the

strongest on the team..I think she's been making Renny think more about us too.."

"...Ever...Thought of being with her instead?"

"...She has said she loves me..Though, I feel like she wouldn't do that to me."

"But...would you?"

"...If I need time from Renny..Probably.."

"There's a...T-time for everything..Right? ^^;" Camil said with a fake chuckle. Her uneasiness was
starting to rub off on me. Keeping focused was hard at that moment, making me feel a sort of
sorrow..I felt an apology trying to escape from her mouth, but she couldnt muster the courage to
say it. "*walks up to the tree, looking up* Renny. *gets her attention* We're going. *turns back to
Camil* We cant stay here much longer since I took out some soldiers in the past Dark Digimon
attacks. Got business with a pretty stubborn new potential teammate anyway. *Renny gives me a
narrow-eyed stare* That..Wants to make sure we're up to snuff for her" I explain, trying to part
ways. "*giggles* Looks like you found yourself another hard-catch /-u-\...Look..If..Next time you
come back, let me meet Bastemon, ok? Just..yknow make sure Angie doesn't know" she requests,
"..I'll see" I replied, walking into the nearby woods with Renny, sorta puzzling her. "('I'll see' he
says. You really are peculiar, Human)" she thought before we warp back to the Base.

Me and Renny appear in front of Basty and Ranny. "*sees me, gasps and runs to me, rubs cheek on
mine while holding me* It's you! Oh I've been missing you for so long! Ever since you left!^o^"
Basty said happily as Ranamon chose to swim around in the pond to relax. Renamon sees this,
feeling a sort of sorrow and a sinking feeling in her gut. "So what were you guys up to?" I asked, "A
bit of training but got distracted from missing you so much..*looks into my eyes for a moment and
kisses my lips* U-um Im sorry!" Basty said in a slight panic, "Bastemon. *sees her turn her head
this way* Before we depart, you and me must speak" Renny brought up, "*exchanges a gaze with
me and looks back at her* O-ok.." Basty replied somewhat meekly, releasing her grip from me and
follows Renamon. The two went to a workout station where they can sit down as I sat and laid
down, gazing at the artificially made blue, sky-like ceiling.

"*Leans over the bench-press bar* So..This 'Love' thing. How would you define it when comes to
a relationship?"

"It's the greatest feeling! Do you really not know what it is?! /o o\"

"It's just that..Im afraid nothing comes to me.."

"Are..Are you saying you never loved him?"

"I certainly cannot say that.."

"Then what is it?"

"He...It's just very odd for me..Human and Digimon are never supposed to-"

"Dont say that!"

"So you oppose this saying?"

"Dont think whether you should or shouldn't, that gets you nowhere!"


"You should boil it down to the things you like in him. Me and the others have heard many things
he's said about you..Why cant you do the same for him?"

"...And you can?"

"Of course! I love him too! I can go all day with the things I like about him!"

"He...He's just not what Im looking for. If I were to search for a lover, that is."

"Do you know what sort of guy you like?"

"Someone that..He has to be able to dominate anything and Digimon in his way."

"What about things like how he acts?"

"If he's very dignified, then that'd be another quality I seek."

"Well he's willing to rule the Digiworld and he tries his best to straiten himself out. Isn't that good

"*looks down* He still has a ways to go.."

"*grabs her head and makes eye contact* Look at me! You're making it too hard for him! How
many times has he been almost killed cuz of us? We owe him more than we think!"

"*eyes widen then looks down again*...Why is it that..When I try to form a kinship with
him..There's a hollowing in my stomach?"

"Renamon, you have to make the best of your situation. You've been training with him for a while
so stop holding yourself back! Cant you see? /o o\"
"*pulls her paws from cheeks* Change is never immediate. Even I know this."

"Well...No one believes in something if they cant see a benefit. I cant tell you how to exactly love
him. You have to answer it yourself. *steps away* As long as you're willing, you'll find a
way...Dont be afraid to open up to him. He doesn't need that" Bastemon enlightens, making
something click in Renamon. "('Dont be afraid of it'...I've given along the line of those words to the
Human...It's still unclear, but..On the inside..I do realize how cold and hollow I've been..Im
starting to hate this feeling...)" Renamon thought in her head, forming a resolve. She then carried
her feet to the group, who had trivial murmurings until they saw Renamon approaching them,
feeling a brooding presence, yet felt a different air to her. "We're going, J..Now" Renamon declared
and I nodded. I then beamed us all down to the Crescemon's location.

"*Felt their presence with a twitch of the ear* You guys took way less time than expected. *turns
head to them* Are you sure you all can fight against me?" asked the cautious Crescemon, "We can
ask the same thing. We'll surely win this battle" Renamon responded seriously, "(I feel that this
Bastemon's still stronger but that Renamon..Did he get a new one? Im especially keeping my eyes
peeled on her..) Then here goes" Crescemon said, taking out two axe-edged spears. "(Hmm, how
to tackle this..I rather not risk everyone getting simultaneously hurt if I had everyone pile onto her,
so one at a time then I'll have Renny surprise her..)" I plotted in my head, showing a slightly
devious grin which I took back for a split-second, "Basty! You go first! Everyone else, fall back!" I
commanded, with Bastemon diving down at Cresemon. Bastemon ends up stabbing the ground,
which suddenly had water right where Cresemon stood and she turned her head upwards, seeing
Cresemon aim her formed bow down at her, "Ice Archery" she said, firing ice arrows down at her
back, some piercing Basty and freezing the water below her, "(She's so fast! And I- Ghh, my arm's
stuck? But how- *sees arm starting to freeze from the frozen ground, ice crawling up the arm and
claw* HUH?!)" Bastemon reacted. "(Since when was she able to outspend her for a second AND
get a bow?! Like- *looks closely at her bow* So wait, she can turn that weapon into a bow and fire
arrows like that?) Ranamon! Quick!" I urged Ranamon, "Draining Rain!" Ranamon calls out with
casted hands, having rain poured on Crescemon, but she was slashing at the rain drops, freezing
them before she landed next to Basty and dashes backwards. "(Even if she has this much speed,
Renny could catch her, but I need Bastemon for a bit longer) Basty! Get a hold of her!" I ordered,
then Bastemon scratches a deep cut in the ground, making her able to escape but staggered a bit
after shortly dashing back to Crescemon. Bastemon delivers a claw-kick with her sharp feet to
offset Crescemon, who dodges to the side, "(Right where I want her!)" Bastemon thought, lunging
her long claws from one hand at Cresemon's leg while upside-down in mid-air, making it stab
through her thigh as she tried to draw her foot back, sounding off a loud grunt from her. "Vampire
Jewel!" said Bastemon, casting a jewel in the air with her other hand, draining Crescemon's energy.
Ignoring the pain for a moment, Crescemon takes archer's stand, pulling back her arrow that now
has black energies on it, surprising Bastemon and she drops to her shoulder. "Digi-modify! Speed!
Activate! *slips the card into the Digivice* Ranamon, go for it!" I ordered Ranamon, surprising
Crescemon as she lately notices Ranamon sliding next to her, already having her hands casted out.
"Dark Vapor!" Ranamon calls out, spewing purple clouds at Crescemon, which was starting to melt
her armor, "(Nice thinking, Ranny! That can weaken her armor and TEAR THROUGH HER
FLESH! YES! DO I- Gh! My mind's acting up at a time like now? *vision blurs, holds hand over
my eyes* Dammit! *snaps out of madness and vision returns*) Gyauh, cmon man! *hears
snapping, looks up and eyes widen as two of Bastemon's claws fly past my face* Huh...? *looks
back at them, seeing Crescemon slashing upwards on Ranamon's body, making her fly into the air
with her blood flying even higher than her, gasps* RANAMON, NO!" I react, "*grabs my
shoulder* Concentrate, Human! Now tell me what to do now or else Im acting without you!"
Renamon urges, making me feel incredibly tense. "Dark Archery!" said Crescemon, firing dark
arrows into Bastemon, who took five shots from the bow, pinning her on the ground as she grunts
while bleeding out. Mercilessly, Crescemon cuts across Bastemon's stomach as blood spirts on
both of their faces while Bastemon screams in agony, "Hmph. How wea- *sees a cut appearing
across the stomach as well, backs away, holding the wound* Gyhh! I shouldn't have took your
speed lightly, even if you're downed" Cresemon said, starting to pant, seeing Ranamon passed out
on the ground. "(Just one more to go..That Bastemon wont be getting up..And that Human should
be no proble-)" she thought, but saw a light shining behind her, and after turning around, she sees
that it's from Renamon, who was afloat, having her body glowing in all white.

It was very warm..Warmer than usual..I was in a very spacey place, seeing that I was naked and
floating..Then I felt a tender embrace from Renny's arms, she brings me into her patch of fur, our
bodies touching very closely, with her looking down on me with a soft expression. It was like a
moment I could only dream of. "Human..I've thought long and hard about you and I. Though I may
need a bit more time, the boundary that I've put between us doesn't feel nearly as apparent as
before..My willingness to learn what love is has never been so great" she softly says to me with a
vague smile, "*closes eyes* Renny, I...Im so glad you're getting there..Let's continue down this
road..Together" I reply, "*holds me in tighter* I can see the end of that road..And that end..Is
something of paradise" she says to me, "And I promise, Renny..I'll take you there" I assured, with
the light of our bodies filling the space. Trying to interrupt the transformation, Crescemon tries to
shoot at Renny, but a big claw catches the arrow, crushing it in two. The light dims into a blacker
shade and stepping out of it is Taomon, who Crescemon couldnt help but stare in shock at seeing.
"A Human turning a Digimon into a high-ranked Digimon like that? Unheard of" Crescemon
comments, "Well this Bio-Merge is a very strong one. As you see, Im reaping the benefits of it"
Taomon says, making her opposition feel doubts about winning the battle. Shaking her head out of
fear, Crescemon bears her two axe-edged spears and throws one Taomon, while dashing to the side
of her, which Taomon easily keeps up with just her eyes. "(She can trace me so casually eh...Then
how about this!)" Crescemon thought to herself, and Taomon catches the spear without looking at
it, the armored rabbit mon slams her hand on the ground, raising a water wall that looked like a
tsunami which rushed forward over Taomon, who looked unphased by it. Looking above it,
Taomon saw a rain of dark arrows. "Let's see her deal with tha-" Crescemon tried to say, but had
her head grabbed and encased by Taomon's large hand, and with a light squeeze, her helmet cracks
and breaks, making Crescemon dash backwards, "(I-I didnt even see her!)" thought Crescemon
with a scared face, getting ready to fire her arrows while dashing, "Tactical retreat, activate"
Taomon said, casting the Digivice out with the card already attached to it, shocking Crescemon,
and she finds herself kneeling, dropping her bow. "(YKNOW. I CAN GIVE YOU POWER. TO
STRENGTH?)" the other voice offered, "(No..I cant let you!)" I mentally relied, "(THAT
asked as I felt it's cold smile but I willingly ignored it. Continuing, Taomon crushes her large paw
into Crescemon's back, with her giving a big cough, and when she retracts her hand, she grabs
Crescemon by the neck, holding her up and ready to send out her tags from her sleeve. A few land
on her, she reached behind her, and Crescemon was able to escape from Taomon's grasp by
striking down the tall mon's body, right down the middle with her halberd, with some blood
popping out of the wound, making Taomon back away. "(*holds the bleeding wound with one
hand* A cut this deep? Was the activation not so effective?) *looks at the tired Crescemon* No
matter..Let me finish this" Taomon said, dashing forward at great speed, with a few afterimages
appearing. "*swipes arm, a large wave of water forms in front, making Taomon jump over it*
There! Ice Archer- *gets grabbed by water tentacles from the casted wave* Huh?! *looks to the
side, seeing Ranamon have her hands casted* (She can even control water?) Dammit!" Crescemon
cursed, taking out another halberd, starting exchange clashes with Taomon's big brush. Even with
her undergoing some of the effect, she was still a match against Taomon's strength, then Taomon
slams the brush on the ground, breaking them from each other and they slide backwards, then she
dashes back in with a claw. Crescemon does a spinning attack with her axe-edged spear to cut
Taomon down, but she ducks under it, and with the right timing, Taomon dug and drove her claw
up into Crescemon's abdomen as she held her body above. Taomon's paw emitted a darkness and
was leaving scars on Crescemon's body then Taomon threw her behind her into the ground as dust
kicked up before her. "This fight is over. You cant beat me, it's pointless to continue" said
Taomon, who slid to the side to dodge an arrow before turning around, "*pants, trying to aim with
one knee while blood drips from the mouth* I..Have...To.." she said in pain, "Did I beat you down
so bad that your brain ceased to work?" said Taomon, "...(I...I cant land anything..) I wont
join...Unless you take one arrow from me!" she proposes. "Human, you can exit from the Bio-
Merge. If you get hit, you'll feel the pain as well. It'll do little damage to me in Taomon form"
Renny warns me, "I can take it" I replied, "...Very well.." Renny said, "Fire it" Taomon ordered,
then the opposing mon shot the arrow and it breaks upon contact, but makes her slide backwards
by a meter and I come out of her body, making her revert to Renamon form as Crescemon laid
there, unconscious. I was out cold as well, and Renny looked down on me with puzzled look on her

When I woke up, I see Crescemon up close to my face, looking down with a somewhat saddened
expression taking her face.

"C-Crescemon?...What's the matter?"

"*closes eyes* So much has just..Happened.."

"There's...Us confronting your dad..Your home being destroyed..and how the Digiworld is
now..Did I miss anything?"

"There's also...My defeat...I promised father that I'd be the strongest Crescemon he ever saw..And
that I could protect the forest for him.."

"...I just wished we didnt have to take him out like we did."

"...The air..This virus made him go mad..It had to be done.."

"You said you promised to protect the forest and be the strongest Crescemon. Why put so much
pressure on yourself?"

"Our lives just..Were very simple. I'd never think of it like that."

"Well I can tell that you're definitely stronger than a normal one. If it were any other Taomon, fight
would've been way shorter."

"*blushes and looks away* (H-he's being too nice for someone that defeated me) W-where are

"The Union Base. It had Tamers in here, but stuff hit the fan one day and Im the last one."

"It's too late..The Digiworld is taken over. Even with your team.."

"Dont worry. It's all on me so relax. I'll fix it all for Renny.."

"...*curls up, feels tears* I cant believe I lost.."

"You want power..You're goal sounds alot like Renny's."

"Does it now?"
"*looks into her eyes* Y-you're..Very beautiful."

"O-oh? I..*lips get kissed* ...H-huh? But Im.."

"It doesn't matter to me..I want to..Spend some quality time with you..You're beauty is..I mean you
look just wonderful."

"*covers breasts* You sound like you're very close to that Renamon.."

"She'll let me be this close with any Digimon on the team. You remind me of her so this makes
getting close like this easier..*touches her thigh* Can..Can I call you Crescy?"

"*closes crotch* D-dont touch me there!"

"You looked uptight. It was hard to keep myself from helping.."


"Shh..*lands my lips on her's* I'll take good care of you.. I need you."

"*blushes even more* I..No one's ever said..That..*goes back in and kisses some more, putting a
hand on his shoulder*"

"*continues kissing her, holding her hind leg and meaty thigh on my hip* Your thighs..*caresses a
hand on them* And I thought Renny's were big..and bulky.."

"T-they're not that muscular..Just very toned for their size..-/-"

"Riiight.. *puts a hand behind her big ass*"

"H-hey, what're you- *is brought closer, crotch is now being up against mine* H-huh, w-why're
you so hard down there?"

"Why're you so wet down there? We're both really liking how this feels..Or rather it's arousal."

"*feels my hardening dick grind on pussy* Aaaghh..T-that does feel good..Y-you seem to know
alot about this.. Have yo- *feels my cock trying to be shoved in, but stops it with a hand* W-wait!"


"I-I..Dont think Im ready for that yet.."

"(Well then. Seems she's not as easy as the others..) How about this? *puts my cock upright on her
pelvis and stomach*"

"What now? *crotch starts being dry-humped* Ghhk! Ghh! H-haaah! (W-why does this feel really
good? -/o)"

"I like how ruffled you're getting..(she seems to like it but..This brestplate armor is sorta in the
way) *stops humping* Here. Lemme take this off. *unbuckles and loosens the back belts with both
hands, making the breastplate separate in half, exposing her big boobs*"

"W-what's going on?! Dont look! x *covers tits*"

"I..Guess Digimon dont enjoy breasts like some of us Humans do."

"You...Humans like these..?...Are they..big? *starts opening arms*"

"Not as much as Renny's but still..*sees her big nipplesk and round boovs* Wow, these look
delectable..*puts them together, both hands holding from under them, and jiggles them*"

"Dont d-do that! /"

"Ok then...*starts dragging my tongue on the big nipples and aeriolas*"

"T-that too! / Aaaaah!"

"They taste great, Cresy.."

"('sounds alot like Renny's', 'I thought Renny's were big', 'Not as much as Renny's'...oVo)
Wait...*sees me stopping* Have...Have you had sex with that Renamon?"

"...Maybe- *gets chopped on the head by her hand, slightly bouncing on the bed and holds my head
in agony* Ow! What gives? Tn"

"*backs away and holds knees against chest while leaning on a corner, holds against knees* I-Im
not gonna let a Digi-molester get in bed with me!"

"But Cresy-"

"Dont call me that!"

"Listen, Renny agreed to do it with me alot of times. Same with everyone else."

"S-so your team..? O O"

"Yeah..They all did it with me at least once.."

"What's wrong with you?! That's just gross!"

"Weren't we gonna do it too?"

"...M-maybe, but you're into Digimon like they're some sexual playthings?"

"It's not even like that! I just...If me and a female Digi are close enough..And she's really attractive
looking, we start having those feelings for each other and do it..I look pass the fact that they're
Digimon at that point."

"W-well I dont know where you've been, so...At least bathe before we do it!"

"I dont smell bad, do I? My friend should have a spray for that..( ¬ ¬)"

"That's not the point!"

"*comes in the tent* Are you guys re- *sees that Crescemon is on the other side of the bed from
me* Recovered..? It looks like you two are starting off well..._ _;"

"*sighs* It's not as bad as it seems, Renny."

"He was trying to do dirty things with me.."

"Tell me about it. He acts as if he cant keeps his hands off of new teammates. Let alone me e e"
"D-dont be like that, Renny. Im not a bad guy like that. _"

"L-look, just..dont touch me for a while."

"If...If you say so.."

"So..You healed everyone when we came here?"

"I have a sort of healing touch. You two were out for two hours. It was more than enough time to
fully alleviate both of you of your wounds...*looks at me* Though I didnt need to."

"I wanted to make it seem like an oath thing..But it played out better in my head.. -_-"

"So..You felt the pain of that shot too?"


"...You must've really wanted me to join then..Well..I had nowhere else to go anyway" Crescemon
said to me, putting her breastplate back on. Cresy exits and I follow but Renamon pulls me in,
throwing me onto the bed. "What the hell was that?" she asked, "W-what was what?" I asked back,
"Dont play dumb. You believe you're the only one that heard that voice?" she replied...Like oh, she
heard that too. Well..I guess I should've saw this one comin'. "It's...I dunno what it is..Ever since I
was..yknow...I've been hearing this voice..Remember when it looked like I saw a ghost when I
woke up? I heard it there too.." I answer, "..It said we'll have to use it's strength when fighting
NaitoRenamon.. Now..It's one of the things I've been thinking about. For now, let's call it your
Madness" she recalls and says...Dammit! I cant go insane if Im doing this for my precious Renny!
"Human. I can already see that your face is of despair and grief. This isn't something you can get
rid of. Treat it similarly as your anger. You remember what I said about it, right?" she advised, "
('Dont be afraid of it. Use it'..) Like I've said before..I cant forget" I said, "It'd be best for you not to
lose control, because if you do, *shows claw* I will not hesitate to tear you apart...!" she warns,
"Y-yes ma'am...o o;;;" I complied.

I come out of the tent, that I guess Palmon and Renny placed in here, and Basty gives me a wide
smile. "So.. What's the situation?" Crescemon asked, "There've been a multitude of phenomenons
occurring in the real world and the Digiworld. A large one being that the Digiworld has been taken
by a viral darkness. We're going to the darkest part of it next, to take on the ruler of that area. That
is where you come in. You, me, and Bastemon will have to try our best to take him out, as well as a
Matadormon and take his X-antibody. Our theory is that it'll bring some light to Digiworld"
Renamon explains, "Do you...Really think we can...(No..I have to do this for Father!)..I'll do it..If
you think we can, I believe so too" Crescemon replied, "That's the spirit. (IF YOU BIO-MERGE
ON THAT RULER'S ORGANS IN NO TIME) (No..Im not letting the Madness take over!) (STOP
RESISTING!) Ghh!" I grunted, feeling a strong ache in my head, closing my eyes and clinching my
fist. Everyone sees this. "(Oh no, the Madness must be getting to him again) I know he had his rest
earlier, but he needs some real downtime. Let's head out tomorrow" Renamon suggests, "Y-yeah..
(good call...)" I agreed. Basty, Renny, and me headed inside the tent, while Crescemon rested in
the shed and Ranamon stayed in her pond. Renamon rested on me, and Bastemon was sleeping on
the other side of me, looking at me for a few minutes, stroking my cheek with a firm paw.
"Please...Be alright for tomorrow..We really need you...I need you.." Basty whispered in concern
before falling asleep herself.

At the cave where NaitoRenamon stayed resided in, DarkCupimon drops down in front of it,
making a crater. "Ah, my DarkCupimon's back. What's the little devil up to now?" she asked in
glee, "Im really close, mother! Killed and absorbed tons of Darkies. I lost track after 40! ouo" he
said with a twisted smile, "*giggles* You said that two hours ago" she replied, "Im not getting
anywhere with these weak Darkies. Maybe I got rid of all the strong ones. I mean, besides you, of
course..Say, that's a good idea. OuO" he said, "(Shit..I should've saw this coming.) Go to the Dead
Data zone. Jupitermon should be who you need to Digivolve. Check on DarkMatadormon for
mommy while you're at it -u-" she requested, "Ooooo he sounds really strong. Can do! *starts
exiting the cave* (I can see it in you..You've weakened, mother. Absorbing my older brother,
DarkMatadormon should be more than enough. Even if I dont Digivolve, you're afraid, mother.
You're afraid of my power and I love it! @u0)" he plots in his head, excitedly going to the Dead
Data zone.

Aaaaand that's a wrap! More in the next chapter, thanx for the wait and reading this all the way!
Into the Danger Zone. A Bleak Encounter!

happened to me since the previous chapter to this. Wattpad fucks over this story by deleting
everything, acting like Thanos or some shit. My left thumb getting fucked up during work from
two weeks ago, and I dont know when it'll heal. I talked more about it in a post on my
Conversations section (The thing no one goes to. Like it's the About page of someone's YouTube
channel). Anyway, this chapter should be a good read as usual. Things may start really picking up
by next chapter, which Im sure yall can imagine, I'll have alot (too many) ideas for. May be
making this chapter sound skippable, but believe me, you'll still wanna read this. It's not an
absolute build-up chapter with the fights (and sex) and talks happening in here. You know your
job, reader, get to readin'!

Enjoy @u@

Chapter 9: Into the Danger Zone. A Bleak Encounter!


Digi-Card Total: 40

Digi-Cards Used: 21

The air was still. To where it dulled the senses. This may be hard to imagine, but I barely even feel
Renny lying on top of me. There was something very blissful about this resting...However when I
finally awoke, "..Ngh..huh..? *opens eyes slowly* Why..Do I feel wet? *lifts Renny's arm from my
shoulder, seeing a damp spot* o.o..Renny? I..Think we got a small problem.." I preface,
"H..*opens eyes, looking down on me* What happened?" she asks softly,
"Well..You..You're making me sweat alot when you sleep on me.." I told her, "M-my apologies
then" she responds, stretching her foot outwards off the bed, and stands herself on the floor. Once
she does, I then see the wetness my clothes have succumbed to, making me remove all of them til
im in my undies. "*feels the bed rumble from me undressing* Hmm...? *turns to me* You..Why're
you naked?" Bastemon asks, "Im not naked, just almost...Let's just say I have to start sleeping in
only my briefs.." I answer. We have to get going to that Dead Data place right about now, so
getting better clothes will wait. May have to have Basty sleep on me instead.. "Cmon girls, let's get
everyone else" I command, having my damp clothes on my shoulder, getting a giggle from Basty
which I try my best to ignore. Leading the two I had, I opened the shed and we see Crescemon
sleeping with her back against a pile of hay, holding one spear close. "Cresy?" I asked, and she
freaked out, fumbling with her spear in her hands then dropped it. Embarrassed that we saw her
like that, she closed her eyes and picked her weapon back up. "...Cresy...You aren't a klutz..Are
you?" I asked, "J-just..Maybe outside of combat I can..Drop a thing of two.._ _" she replied,
"*giggles* Dont be shy about that. Be comfortable with yourself, Cresy ^^" Bastemon told her,
"Comfortable..Right.." said Crescemon responded, "A-anyways, follow me...As for my clothes,
dont ask" I ordered, and she complied by tailing me.

We then went to the usual pond and kneel at edge of it. "Ranamon, you down there?" I asked and
she didnt come up, "Should I fish for her?" Renamon joked, "*taps on the water* Heeey, Ranny.
Cmon up" I said a bit louder and Ranamon's head lifts up my hand with her...Well, head. "Uh
hi..You ready to go?" I asked, "Yup, about time I could come on out! It should be fun, right? ouo"
she then asks, "Uhh did you forget? (Come to think of it, we didnt really talk about it much with
Ranny) Well we're going to this Dead Data place. Gonna take on the ruler and this Matadormon
that Palmon told us about" I remind her, "....ouo..So it's not so fun o_o *looks at Crescemon* Well
I just know Cres will really have our backs. Her and Basty will do wonders ^^" Ranamon
comments, "*looks to Renny* Try not to fall behind, Renny" I tease with a smirk, "Tch. As to you,
Human" she replied with cool smile, "Alright girls. Gang's all here. Palmon-X should coordinate
us" I said to them, and they follow me to out of the field and into the central room. She clearly
heard our various footsteps and turned to us. "Looks like the gang's all here. Everyone is ready,
right?" Palmon-X asked, "Yeah. Point me to the direction and we'll be there" I answer, "Good. Be
very careful, ok?" she says and we nod. She takes the Digivice, pressing on a few buttons and gives
it back, "All set" she assures. I then press the travel button and all five of us are beamed to our

Then...As expected, nothing but pitch-black. The air felt very heavy and smelled very fowl, really
uncomforting me. "*sees me panting* Human, you have to hang in there. We have a few things to
do" Renamon reminds, "Yeah..(If Im having a hard time breathing, I dont think I can move too
much) I know, Renny.. Crescy..Can you give us some vision?" I asked of her, "Yes...Hmm!" she
slightly huffed out, expanding her radial glow, encompassing all of us, but we still couldn't see 40ft
ahead of ourselves. How're we supposed to fight like this? "Metal Slash!" we all suddenly heard,
then heard a loud metallic thud, "*turns to Renamon, seeing her hold up a giant metal claw with
both hands from above, behind her* Renny! *coughs* Girls, help her out!" I ordered. Bastemon
jumps and tries to strike where the head would be located but her claws bounced off of it, "H-
huh?!" she reacted. Crescemon tries to follow up with her arrow shot on the opposing mon's chest,
but it only dents into something metallic, which everyone audibly heard, surprising her. "(Dammit,
their attacks aren't hitting the right spots) Attack all the limbs, quick!" I ordered. Hearing me, the
large mon swings his tail at me, "*feels his press from above lifting upwards, sees me about to be
hit by it* Fox Switch Deception!" Renamon called out, switching spots me, taking the large tail's
swipe, hitting her side rather hard, but grabs his tail with arm and gives him big slash from her
claw, making him howl in pain. "*pokes head into the sphere of light* You damn flies!" he says
angrily, "*turns to him* A DarkMetalGreymon? We'll have to hit his soft spots with alot of force"
Renamon tells everyone, and they scatter some more to the different limbs. Ranamon was behind
the left leg, and despite being in the only area that was in darkness, she casted the Draining Rain
which all over in a 10 yard radius, "Attack from a distance, guys!" Ranamon shouts. Bastemon
came from above anyway and struck down on the arm with her claws, alot of blood spurting in her
face then quickly jumped back. "Gyrrrrr...! Why you! Giga Blaster!!" said the big dark mon, firing
many missiles from his back to attack everyone, but simultaneously, "Diamond Storm!" Renamon
calls out, surprising him as she launched a barrage of shards at his fleshy leg from his upper metal
thigh, causing him to grunt and take a knee. Crescemon stayed stationary and was shooting down
the missiles with her arrows, "Good thinking, everyone! Especially you, Cres- *sees three missiles
coming at me* Shit, really?! *runs from them on all fours, but one blows up in front of me,
blowing me into DarkMetalGreymon, then another blows up behind me, flying me forward*
Whooooa!! *looks behind, seeing the last one come for me* Cresy! Quick! There's a missile
coming my way!" I shouted, "Dark Archery" she says, aiming a faster arrow with dark aura around
it and hitting the missile before it hits me, exploding it, "Good!" I cheer to myself, landing on my
back. "(This thing leaves me no choice but to go for the neck!) *lands behind it's neck, imbues
both paws with a fiery aura* Power Paw! *strikes down from behind the neck, making him lean
downwards, coughing blood* Power Paw! *strikes again, forcing his head to dig into the ground*
POWER PAW! *strikes down once again with with two paws, breaking his large neck, a huge
crack could be heard by everyone, pants, pulls claws out of his neck as they drip with blood, his
head now burrowed in the ground* Now finish him, everyone!" Renamon commands, "Giga
Crimson Dive!" everyone heard as a big orange twirls down on Crescemon's back, tearing through
that part of her armor and blowing her away from he lands. "Gaaaaaiiiuh..!!! *rolls away from
everyone, light from body shrinks, back bleeding on the ground, lands on breastplate* Who even
was that?! *looks back, and sees a muscular tiger Digimon with black armor, drill brasses, red
claws, black pants and long orange hair* A...DarkStefilmon?" she reacts. "Trident Arm!" said the
stuck DarkMetalGreymon, launching his arm at where I'd be, but Renamon got in the way, holding
the arm in place with a tight ground, with Bastemon snapping the wire with swift slash. "(Damn
these pesky Digimon and their teamwork!)" the large mon angrily thought. DarkStefilmon forced a
clash with Bastemon, their claws interlacing with each other, "(Yeeeah, that's it!) Vermillion
Vortex!" he shouts, gripping Bastemon's claws even more as he launched many drills out of his
body, attacking everyone around him. Renamon and Crescemon were able to dodge them, "(He
was setting up a way attack everyone while holding me? He's smart for holding down the quickest
on the team) *looks back at him and is punched in the gut with his spiked knuckles* Keeehh..!"
Bastemon coughed in great pain, holding her bleeding stomach, making sure no guts come out,
"*sees her then drilled in the back, by four drills from above* Bastemon! *looks at the
DarkStefilmon's smile as he watches her grunt in pain as the drills coil into her back*
You..Bastard! (Im going to end this quick!) Fox Switch Deception!" Renamon shouts, running at
him and he tries to punch her, but ducks and is kicked away by two kicks from separate Renamons
that were behind the original. She follows with a Power Paw in the mons's stomach, another
Renamon stomps down on his head, "Power Paw" simultaneously said two other Renamons,
digging their imbued claws into the DarkStefilmon's sides, "GAAAAAAHH!" he howled in a
painful shock as he was falling from the strong attacks, "(Die) Power Paw" said the original
Renamon, striking her claw through his mouth while it was opened, blood gushing from behind his
head and she quickly absorbed him. "*raises head out of the ground* Dammit...! I'll kill everyone
he-" shouted the giant mon, but Bastemon dug both claws into his big throat with a quick leap,
making him collapse on the ground like a falling plank of wood, covering almost all of her body in
blood. "*coughs, seeing Renamon absorb DarkMetalGreymon* Good..Looks like everyone does
well without me" Crescemon comments, "(Strange..He hasn't used a card throughout this whole
skirmish) But where's...? *sees Ranamon holding her stomach from drill piercing it* Oh.."
Renamon lowly said, "N-never mind me..Where's your Tamer?" asked the injured Ranamon, "Oh!
He- *looks around, seeing me nowhere* Dammit!" Renny cursed.

"*pants heavily, eyes become bloodshot* (YES! YEEEESS! LET ME TAKE OVER! WE WILL
HAVE FUN TORTURING THEM ALL AS- (No! I cant! There's no way Im doing any of that!)
HERE I AM! @ @) (I said No, now shut up!) SSSSH, STOP RESISTING ALREADY! IT'LL BE
light* (THE LIGHT! NOOOO!)" the Madness howled from within, "*slaps me to consciousness*
Human! Human!" Renamon shouts into my face, "*shakes head, looking at Renamon* What the..?
*holds head, trying to relieve a headache* I..I dont know what came over me.." I said, "It must be
due to the Madness greatly strengthening from being in the darkness..You were in it the whole time
and couldnt help at all in that battle" Renamon tells me, "Fuck..Just from being in darkness?
*stands*...Then team, do whatever it takes to make sure I dont get thrown out of Crescemon's
moonlight" I told everyone and they nodded. We continued on as Bastemon and Ranamon
painfully picked out the drills from their bodies and Renamon had her hands on them. I...Cant
recall if they were loud, but they more than likely were, so Im surprised neither Jupitermon or
Plutomon approached us. We walked for five more minutes in a straight line, no other Digimon
anywhere. "Damn, isn't this place barren or what? Felt forever ago since we fought those other
mons. Could the offspring be killed by now?" I asked, "I dunno. Maybe you'd know if you turn
around ou@" we all heard and shiver shook our spines. Once we turned around...There he was.
DarkCupimon. "You..You couldnt be.." I react with widened eyes and a racing heart, "Your son?
Well of course I am. Hey Daddy! Mommy's really been missing you ^o^! Oooo, you got yourself a
good bunch of Digis. Maybe they'll be enough for me to finally Digivolve OuO" he said, making
everyone sweat from hearing him, "(This boy...What a twisted monster that she made..!) Human,
we have to kill him! Who knows how powerful he-" Renamon was urging but quickly gets her foot
stomped, making her skip backwards and crumble to her back, "(He's this fast?!) Renny!" I react.
"Draining Rain!" casted Ranamon, which the drops did land on the crazed Cupimon, but he
quickly downed her as well with a swift yet strong drop-kick, "Vampire Jewel!" casted Bastemon,
making a translucent, levitating jewel appear in front of the DarkCupimon but he persists to go
ahead and give a powerful headbutt into Crescemon's breastplate, almost breaking it and knocking
her down as well. With his back turned, Bastemon hastily went at the small mon and cuts down his
back, "...Heheh..Eheheheheh! Yes! *turns to Bastemon* Scratch me! Scratch me some more! *gets
scratched down the face, starts bleeding from the three marks it leaves* YES! MORE!
MORE!!Ou@" he shouts, "(What..Just what the hell is with this kid? If he's trying to disturb us, it's
definitely working) *looks at Bastemon, seeing her start to shiver and hold her claws together* (Oh
no, Bastemon! She hasnt really had trouble killing off any Digimon but this is really putting her
off! If this thing is really strong, then I got no choice..!) *draws a card from pocket* Digi-modify!
(If this gets their attention, that'll break up our battle and that's fine by me!) D-3! Activate!" I called
out, sliding the card into place in the Digivice, "Renamon Digivolve to...! *grows nine flaming
tails, an ornament and is taller* Kyubimon" said the now transformed Kyubimon. She quickly
collides with the powerful Dark offspring, resulting in the two bumping off one another, "Fox Tail
Inferno!" Kyubimon hurriedly said, sending out a dozen fire wisp heads, caging him down on the
ground, "Digimodify! Winning Percentage:40%! Digimetal of Darkness! *sees him smiling crazily
as he looks back* Activate!" I called out, quickly doing as needed to further the evolution, and just
like that, she transformed into Taomon. "Oooo, Taomon eh? Let's get rid of all this trash then!"
DarkCupimon says, and despite him being binded down by the ghostly flames, he makes a dark
power ring above him and fires it at Ranamon, "Taomon! Go!" I urged her, and Taomon warps in
front of Ranamon, swinging the attack skyward with her brush. "*slides to the side* Draining
Rain! >o<" Ranamon says, raining down on DarkCupimon with her casted hands, which made the
fire die out, allowing him to break out of it. "*darts to Ranamon, zipping pass Taomon* (All
mine...!) *throws a fist, but hits Bastemon, sending her flying away, right over Ranamon, who
ducked* Drrrrg! Some other digi got in the wa- *a wide cut appears on chest, splashing a bunch of
blood all over face, jolts away, back facing everyone, blood drips to the
ground*.....Heheh..Hehehehhehhh..*looks at everyone, licking blood from face* This is getting
Fun Ou@" he creepily told us, "(I...I can't believe he's this fucked up. Not fearing Taomon, or how
much blood he's losing, or anything! Even worse, I cant do anything with the two slots used..!) (DO
IT! UNLEASH ME!!!) (Quit it! She has to win!)" I thought to myself. Crescemon fired dark and
ice arrows at the child, but he breaks each of them, making her grunt. Ranny rolls in behind him,
"Dark Vapor!" she says, expelling dark gases out of her hand, "*starts coughing and skin slowly
burns* Heh, I'll teach you! *headbutts her stomach, zipping away into a rock mound, which
cracked most of her helmet upon impact, holds Taomon's brush from above with arms, looks
behind* Too fast for you, slowpoke?" he taunts, "Hmm...! (This truly became a very dangerous
encounter, even after all of our best efforts)" she then pondered. "*sees me running behind a rocky
mound, looking further to Crescemon* Yknow..Wonder what'd get those huge mon's attention?
*sees Taomon's eyes widen* Angel Ring!" he said, making a dark energy ring on his head, and
with a tilt, he fires it at Crescemon. "*sees her jump above it* (Got him ewe)" he internally gleed
as the ring destroys the rock and chips most of my shoulder,
shouted in pain, coiling on the ground, holding my opened flesh as it bleed all over my hands, and
DarkCupimon maniacally smiled. "Human! No! Keep it- *hears loud stompings* (This goddamn
kid! He knew if he made him scream like this, it'd really get Plutomon's attention)" Taomon thinks
to herself, going to me and using the healing touch. Seeing how useless it'd be to fire, Crescemon
attended to me as well, "(Heheheheee!) *hears an even louder stomp, sees Plutomon towering
above with his large red cape waving* (Just as planned. Finally, a real challenge ouo)"
DarkCupimon excitedly thought, leaping up at him, exchanging many blows with him. Blinded by
the furious exchanges, with a final strike causing us to be blown on our backs. By the time we all
got up, "*sees the six black wings as he glides down* No...He..He already absorbed him..and
became...DarkLucemon?" Taomon said, awe-struck at how powerful he is now. "...What..What're
we going to do now?" Crescemon lowly asked, "*grits sharp teeth* Keep him close. Is that clear?"
Taomon ordered her before flying to DarkLucemon, "Don't fight him! He's way too strong for us!"
Crescemon yelled, "*catches her brush, cracking it in one hand and punches her down, across the
face* Cant you see? You heard her, right? Im far too strong for this team" DarkLucemon says to
her, but Taomon gets back up and scratches down on his exposed, human-looking body with her
large claw, only to get a small bruise and some sparks to fly. "*gives an evil, slant-eyed grin* I
guess you really wanna die then" he says to her, casting his hands outward, forming spheres, "(Not
that move! That'll destroy everything here! Cmon Crescemon! Think!)" Crescemoon urged herself,
"Grand Cro-" he almost said but got swept away by a large tidal wave, reaching everyone else as
well, as she caught the stray members in her arms, "(Aaah I see. How lucky of him)" thought
DarkLucemon with a smile. The area was now enveloped in 50ft of flood, as DarkLucemon was
keeping eye everyone, waiting for the next move. "*looks around* (Where? Where did Father and
that lesser Renamon go? Trying to attack me is futile. If they're so dogged, then I will make them
see) *feels a light shinning from above, turns to it* (Hmm? What the...?)" thought DarkLucemon,

"*the white glowing escapes from my vision, sees the surrounding circuits and data streams flow*
Did..Did it work?"

"*grabs my cheeks* Yes, Human..Our closeness..Your resistance towards the

Madness..This..*kisses my lips* It all contributes to now..My final digivolution."

"*feels lips, enjoys sensation it gave me, refocuses* W-wait, you're going to into your final form
now? OoO"

"Dont be too excited..There's still a ways to go..But I've made a big step for myself.."

"What do you.."

"Human, I..Im starting to see you more as a lover. Human..Digimon..Some other specimen..These
things matter not to me, in context of you."

"Renny..*smirks at her, tears up a bit* You have no idea how happy that makes me. ^^"

"I have been rather foolish..And for that Im sorry."

"Renny, dont sweat it. What matters is that you came around to me."

"Now Hu...Lover-boy, do not give in to your Madness. It will corrupt and complicate all we've
built here."

"*pets her head, sees her cutely blush* If that's all you're asking, way ahead of ya."

"...As long as you stay true to that word.." Renamon eludes, completing the bio-merge.

The light stops shinning, and the DarkLucemon felt relieved...At first. "Good. Now I can put them
all to res- *sees the large body of water gapped in the center, forcing a giant empty space upon a
sort of powerful impact* ?! Who..There's no way they could've...!" he reacts, "What? Afraid of
something? *appears behind him, seeing him flinch* Something like...A Sakuyamon?" she teases,
holding his shoulder as she towers over him. The rest of the group raise their heads, looking at the
yellow-armored figure in the distance, starring in awe, "Is that..Sakuyamon...?" said Crescemon.
DarkLucemon dashes away in the air, "Im wiping out everything with this..*makes several spheres
in both hands, making them look like planets* Grand Cross!" he said, sending them to Sakuyamon,
"*smiles* For me? You're flattering no one here. *makes a huge, golden ring-looking barrier with
sprung many Sakura petals upon appearing* Diamond Realm Mandala" she says, nullifying the
powerful spheres upon impact with the impressive shield, "M-my...! My attack was snuffed like
that?!" he complained, "My turn. *snaps fingers, creating four spirits in the form of foxes* Spirit
Strike. Go" she ordered, and the spirits threw themselves at the mighty dark mon. "How's this?
*makes a big, dark sword of darkness in one hand* Divine Feat..! *slashes through three of the
spirits with a spin and swing, but blocks the last one with both arms as it explodes on contact*
Tch...Is that all you..Huh? *smoke clears and doesn't see her* Where'd she-" he said, but before he
knew it, "Sliding Flash Attack" said Sakuyamon, turning to him with a smirk, "What'd you- *body
gets throttled all over in the air with many attacks landed* AAAAAAAGHHH!! (So...Fast..!)" he
yells in pain, "Bewitching Moon Kick. *a moon briefly appears behind, and does an axe-kick on
him, shooting him deep into the ground below as the impact makes a crater* Wonder if he lived
from that" she says, floating downwards, "Wow..Sakuyamon is so much stronger than him.. Dont
give him an inch, Sakuyamon!" Ranamon cheered, "(Not only stronger than him..but than all of
us..)" Crescemon thinks, lamenting. "Now then.. *forms a circle from staff, charging it with volts
of static, and races downward* Lightning Bolt!" Sakuyamon shouts, firing streams of lightning
down on DarkLucemon, everyone hearing his loud grunts as he endures an intense shock treatment
the rose the ground around him in a blinding light of the crater. Ever confident, Sakuyamon was
getting ready to land an ignited stomp on him as she was next to the lightning, "Flaming...!! (Digi-
modify! Juga-maru! Sesshomaru! Activate!)" I said from within her, using the Digivice as usual,
"Geez! How many times are we gonna be blinded in one battle? Im missing the good parts! 0o<"
complained Ranamon, with the bystanders only seeing Sakuyamon go into the lit up crater. They
then waited. Hearing a light thud from the distance with a pile of dirt shooting from the hole.
Getting very eager, they went to see what the outcome was. The team gasped as they saw a bunch
of dirt and rocks on my back as DarkLucemon was holding me up, his bleeding hands grabbing
onto both of the large swords I held as I gave a very vicious, teeth-gritting stare at him, "
(He's...He's still alive after all that?! The rest of couldn't really handle his Cupimon self..What're
we gonna do now?! @ @)" thought Ranamon. "Well look at you. Thinking that you could make
such a grand finish to kill your own son. That was your first time being like that, right?" tauntingly
asked DarkLucemon, "Shut up and fucking die!! (Dammit all! I was close! What was it this time?!
When I used the Digivice there?! Did we run out of time?!) *looks to right, seeing that Renamon's
unconscious* I swear..! Im killing you here and now! Before I do, tell me where that Naito...Thing
is! Tell me, cuz she's next, dammit!!" I loudly ordered, "Like father like son, huh?" he replied, "!
*eases up the pressure* W-what...?" I asked, "She used to be way stronger than me, but I really
have a leg up on her now. *sees me go silent* This mean you'll let me go?" he asked, "TELL ME!
WHERE?!" I ordered some more, "Sorry..But Im stealing the fun from here" he answered, "That
does it!" I angrily reply, pressing down on him harder than before, my hands bleeding in no time.
"*hears my bones cracking in my wrists and arms, gasps* (He's hurting himself!) Ranamon,
quick!" Bastemon ordered, "R-right! Whipping Waves!" Ranamon says, using her water whips to
yank me and Renamon from DarkLucemon, who hops out of the hole immediately.

"*sighs in relief* Good..*drops on both knees* We at least survived.."

"*slams ground with both fists* I had him! Gh! *lowers head in pain*...I was about to kill him!"

"" Renamon weakly said.

"*bats eyes to Renamon* R-renny! *rushes to her* Are you ok? You were just out cold, right?"

"What did I..T-tell you..About..Your foolish..antics?"

"...I know..I just.."

"We all..Hate them..Yes...But..Dont lose sight of..self.."

"Will you be alright?"

"I..Need rest..Lover.."

"Here..*sits, lays her body across in my lap* Crescemon, stay close. We can't do much without
Renny..I didn't know she'd get this worn out.."

"Y-yes..*gets close to me and Renamon, expands light radius and takes a knee* (Did she
say...lover? With a Human? Whatever happened with them, I don't care..Only strength and
usefulness matters..At least I have that much back)" Crescemon gave thought to.

"Hey, umm..*taps my shoulder, is looked at by me* If she's tired like this..Shouldnt we go to the

"(Tch..If we struggled against DarkLucemon's smaller self, and Renny cant hold the Sakuyamon
for that long with me...) We can't take on Barbamon now..But after Renny heals everyone, w-"

"You cant rush us!"


"This is the first time Renamon's been this frail after a battle, and we need her to heal us. Maybe
that DarkMatadormon isn't that tough but...It'd be better if we rested at the base than here, ok?"

"(She..She almost never gets mad me for a decision. I guess she's learned from Renny than anyone
on the team..) Crescy, does having that up take some energy?"

"I took some heavy damage so..Yeah, it's getting harder to keep up."

"...Let's head back" I comply, teleporting everyone to our Base.

All four of us appeared in the usual grassy plain, with Palmon-X running to us. "H-hey, hey! You
guys came back too soon! I was halfway finished making a good meal with Tukaimon! What
happened?!" she asked, "We...Were close to killing DarkLucemon, but.." I started,
".....DarkLucemon..? What'd I tell you about letting him into that form, and you let him get away?!
@o@" Palmon-X asked frantically, "Don't worry too much..If we were close, we'll finish him next
time" I said to her, "You're on thin ice anyway! He's-" she was gonna go on some more, "He's
going after his mother now. It's NaitoRenamon, right? At least one of them will be gone, with or
without us" Crescemon interrupts, facing away from the others, "(Who stepped in her cereal? She
looks more peeved than before) Well look, we cant have him absorb NaitoRenamon either"
Palmon-X brought up, "..Im lying down" Crescemon decides and walks away, going into the center
room, "C-crescemon, wait! Your tent is..*sees her close the door on us*..Not that way.." Bastemon
lowly says, "She may need some time to herself but...Basty, I healed enough after feeling her, look
after Renny" I ordered her. Though hesitant, Bastemon took Renamon into her lap as I stepped out.
PX ran pass me as I entered in the Central room, and went back finishing this big meal with a few
other Digimon. I could ask her about the handful of Digimon that aren't in my team, and about that
odd story about the Tamers that ravaged Renny's family, but I didn't wanna make Cresy wait (she
isn't waiting, but roll with it). My hands played with the control panel for a bit, and the screened
pulled up a map. There's another farm place that's like the one my team stays? Looks alot more
empty, but she's by herself there. Huh, look at that dark and watery one. I'll..Try that Aqua farm
after dealing with Crescemon. "Hey! Whacca lookin' at?" asked Ranamon, "Just looking at- W-well
I'll tell everyone later. Im getting to business with Cresy" I answer, "What kinda business? (
u )" she asked, "N- It's not what you think..Just gonna comfort her and see about solving her lil
issue" I told her, "Riiiiight. Well PX told me that her kind get really into it if we're talking about
sex. Sooooooo if you two get to that point, just warnin' ya~"....She warns, and walks off. Unsure if
I should try my best to calm her, or to leave her be, but I chose to go with it anyway.

Once I went down the path to her room, I saw two Digis playing, a mon with long red claws
(Prairiemon) and a pink ball-looking mon (Tokomon). Before I could open the door, the smaller
mon opened it's large, monstrous mouth, scaring away the red-claw mon when he played too
rough. I would check on them, but my foot was already in the room. It was then that I felt a strong,
cold stare, which froze me for a moment, then I turned to the room. Initially seeing no one, my
gaze turned upwards and I saw Crescemon on an elevated land, with a sizable pond separating me
from her.

"Go away."

"But we need to talk."

"I came here to be left alone.."

"Cuz there's something wrong."

"(There is but..)..."

"You've acted a bit distant since you joined, but something's eating at you. I can feel it."

"You...Feel it..? From here?"

"Ever since Renny, it's something I've gotten good at."

"(Among..Other things. I still remember when were in the tent.._~_)"

"Crescy. Whatever troubles you have, Im all ears."

"...Even..Even after we talked putting down my Father..But..I can't help but hate you guys."

"Im sorry but...We had to do what we had to, but look. Sulking over him won't bring him back.
You're with us."

"Yeah but..."

"C'mere, *extends out a hand* let's talk up close."

"...*sits away from me, body faces to the right* If you said you're good at sensing what Im feeling,
maybe I'll come down when you guess what exactly has been troubling me."

"(Tch, and I thought Renny was difficult. Though..) You cant fool me. It's all about when you saw

"! (He..)"

"It's not like me and her could finish the job anyway. We screwed up somewhere. You're still
valuable to the team. Basty and Ranamon couldn't do something submerging an area. If anything,
they should feel hurt, but they aren't!"

"...That's not exactly it either.."

"That's barely half of it.."

"(Half? What could I be miss..Missing...Missing..) So your dad..You haven't felt ok with being
around Basty, so...I see.."

"...I still hate her."

"We talked about that and you seemed to've understood it had to happen."


"I..Dont really like myself either."

"*looks back at me* W-what do you mean?"

".....I also killed one or two Digimon before meeting you."

"*eyes widen, heart slightly sinks* Y-you..? A Tamer killing Digimon?"

"There's alot I'd do for my team. They gave me no choice at the time."

"So...Why didnt you kill me?"

"I didnt want to."


"Not only did we need you, but I had a feeling I could help you."

"But you're team...Your Bastemon-"

"Sulking over him wont bring him back. It's not like me or Basty wanted to kill him."

"Still...This feeling.."

"That's where I come in. Let me help you. Maybe you can help me back..Yknow, in the long run.
*holds hand out again* So cmon down. *sees her look down on me hesitantly, then leaps to me*
(Looks like I got through to her -u-) *sees her diving in, head-first, her armor coming off* (Uhhh
What's she doing? o_o)"

"*crashes and tumbles with me, ending up laying wide ass on my pelvis, looking down on me
while armor slides off* Don't act surprised. Isn't this what you wanted at the tent?"

"..I..Could ask the same of yo- piece of armor falls on forehead* OUCH! >o'<"

"0+0..S-sorry, I didnt think it'd- *falls over, covering my face full of big tits, quickly sits back up*
Sorry about that too! I-I- @+@"

"Nah..Do it again.."

"A-again? Well..You still have that dent in your head so lemme just..*kisses my forehead*"

"Mmmmm..You're a good kisser.."

"*lifts head up, flops ears on the sides of my head* Am I now?"

"Let's..Have me get another look of your goodies..*looks at her big tits*"

"*sees my face turn red* O-ok...*lowers tits on my face* hhhaaah.."

"*feels them spreading across my face, smiles* (Mmmmm, they're so big, Cresy...) *sucks on a
nipple, already getting a mouthful*

"Ghhn! (H-he's sucking them?! It! It..Why's it feel so stimulating?) K...Keep going..*takes plated
gloves off and ears twitch while hearing my mouth make squishy noises upon sucking* Aauuggh,
you..You must really like them..*feels my tongue rubbing the nipple* Ek! >//<"

"*smacks lips away* What do you think? *sees her moaning and breathe slowly with a pleasing
face* Want your turn?"

"Haaauh..U-uh huh.."

"Give me a kiss..on my lips.."

"B-but..You and Renamon.."

"I've been with the other girls..Renny doesn't mind."

"Alright..*holds an ear back with one hand, grabs my cheek with the other and lowers head to
mine, locking lips* mmn..(His lips..They're so warm and soft..I'd never thought kissing a Humam
would be so..Arousing..It's making me real we-) MMMGHF! *feels my tongue entering,
aggressively it swirled around, then slowed down. licks and rubs tongue against it* (This

"*feels a rapid pressing* (W-where's that coming from?) *returns tongue* Hold it, Cres."

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"*lifts her leg with an arm* Look, you stained my pants kinda badly. Like you peed or something."

"Im..Sure that I didn't.."

"You got very wet, huh? (Geez, Ranny was right. Cres really does get into it when it comes to sex)
Might as well take 'em off for me..I know you're eager to get to it."


"Yeah, my dick. We're gonna fuck."

"F-fuck?! B-but wait! >/////<"

"You already humped me super fast so might as well. Now look, just start by kissing it. Don't

"Yeah.." she complies, crawling her way to my pants, lowering them and sees my cock pulsating in
my undies, drooling all over it. Crescemon stares at it, doing nothing as her heart races, then stands
up. "C-crescy? What is it? *sees her turn around, showing me her wide ass* o o...Never mind" I
complied, "I..*spreads ass cheeks, lowers hole on my tip, releases, clamping cheeks together on it,
making me excitedly wince and jump a bit; regains balance* H-hey! I..I really just wanna do it
now" she declares, "*squirms my tip in her asshole* (Mmmmmmm, she feels so good to be inside
of..Im game for anything she has in mind) G-go to town on me, Crescy. You're the boss" I told her,
"Ok...*gets on knees, and once the tip sunk in a bit more, rapidly bounces ass up and down*
Ggggghhhn!!" she squeals, "*eyes roll back, barely handling her poundings* (HOLY SHIT
THAT'S FAST, WHOA WHOA!) C-CRESY, WAIT! WAAAIT! >i<;;; *feels her stop on a dime
and she looks back, catches breath* Hah..Hah..T-too fast...A-almost came in seconds..Mind slowin'
it down?" I asked of her, already in slight exhaustion, "(Humans dont last long, huh?) I didnt
know..Ok.." she replied, going much slower on me, and we share our moans.
"Aaaah..Aaaaugh..You're so good, Cresy..Dont stop..(That's much better...I can watch her just do
me all day...Huh?) *sees her thighs' markings glow and pulsate a yellow coloring, warming me
more and more* (I..cant believe how good she feels when she shines like this..) Almost there,
Cres.." I said a bit lewdly, "Please...A little longer.." she pled, sliding her big ass on my body up
and down vertically. That white rabbit-like ass looking bigger by the minute, she lowers her back,
and touches her head on the ground in great pleasure, moaning more frequently. I then grabbed her
ass, stood up and started pounding her from the back, giving her a pleasant surprise as she gripped
the ground. "H-harder, Human! H-harderrr! >///<" Crescemon pled some more, as I went faster on
her, quaking that nice, wide ass of her's, as she closed her meaty thighs. Ready to burst, we felt our
insides tremble and shake tightly, "Im ready to cum, Cresy! I can't hold it..!" I warned while
tensing up, "C-cum now, Human! *wildly and rapidly slams ass into me, drastically increasing the
ejaculation speed, looking back at me* Cum! Cum! *Sperm flies out all over my body and ass until
I press myself all the way in, spewing a ton of white liquids all over vaginal walls and out the ass*
CUUUUM!!" Crescemon loudly ordered as I was climaxing a ton while deep in her ass, soon
getting jizz all over it too. I made the stickiest disconnection ever when I pulled my penis out,
which was completely whited out by coats of cum, and she lays there on the ground, completely
satisfied with her tongue out. I soon lay on top of her with my whiny in her butt. "That was..The
best, Cresy..I never came this much..." I tell her, "*catches breath* You..Were great too...For a
Human" she somewhat teased, "Tch..Whatever, Crassy" I teased back as we both giggle and made

The two of us enjoy each other's company as she shakes her coated ass, with me still on top of her,
my dong in tangled in several hairs of her hole and cheeks. I glide and rub my hands on her big
thighs. We also shared a nice gaze into each other's eyes.

"*exhales in relief* This makes me regret being so difficult to you."

"You're welcome. -u-"

"Hey, you dont feel nuts or anything?"

"Unless you mean for your body, then..Not at all, actually."

"Hmm. Could be the air in the DarkDigiworld. Almost like with father."

"Think the sex helps?"

"....(I see how Renamon can get fed up with him. -+ -) P-probably.."

"Well..I thought it'd be cuz a natural thing, like killing and skinning a few Digimon in the past."

"(........I keep forgetting he did all that, but skinning?! 0+0;;;)"

"Seems it's a combo of all that though. You girls really help me out, at least."

"They..Wait, before he digivolved, that DarkCupimon said knew what you all were talking about
when mentioning offspring..What was...?"

"Oh, we didnt exactly explain to you buuuut...NaitoRenamon had my babies...after..doing

"...Oh..T-then...*looks at creamed ass* A-am I..? O+O;;"

"We're not sure how it works with me, but NaitoWhoremon caused it to happen as a phenomenon.
We have to kill her and the kids. All but one are evil."

"But one?"

"Wes is training him, but he almost got absorbed by the one we fought."

"Wanna check?"

"Hmm..Only been a day or two since I dropped him off. Man, feels more like a week."

"What's he like?"

"I know he's nice but he can be a brat at times..I've never been a dad, so I really dont know what to
do with him...Hoped it'd first be Renny's.."

"(Jeez, what's with him and that Renamon? e e) Well my dad expected more outta me after I
digivolved into this, so you can start there."

"Yeah..Especially when me and Renny have one."

"Ok, what's with you and 'Renny'? You really think about her alot."

"Sorry if that weirds you out a bit, but she did make more into the man I am today. She trained and
taught me so much too."

"Well I cant say I've seen a Human run on all fours before, so that explains that. How'd you two

"I accidentally came to the Digiworld as a kid, ya see. Then she saved me after being attacked by a
bunch of mons. I've always thought of her ever since."

"Hmm..Of all things to happen, and you're an adult now."

"It took forever for her to get into me, but now she's really coming around ^^."

"(Even after all that, he loves her so much..Now same for her..) So..Wanna check on the kid for a

"Yknow, PX may have a way, let's ch- *tries to push up from her but her ass sticks to my pelvis,
flops back down on her as her booty jiggles*...Um..Any ideas? _ _|||"

"e e Hold on. *summons a tidal wave behind us*"

"*looks back* W-wait! Dont you that's kinda- *big splashes of cold water land on my ass and
balls* GeGEGEGEGEHHH! Cold! Cold! ⚆ ⚆"

"D-dont worry..I have pretty good aim for this one. e﹏e"

"Huuuuaah...*flips off of her to the side* Well at least I'm off..*sees my wet clothes wash up next

"You should bring spares or something. ⁽ ˙̄˟˙̄⁾"

"Dammit, I cant check on him like this! What am I gonna do now? T﹏T"

"*walks in* Hey hey hey! I could hear you complaining from out there! Hmm? After doing your
thing with her? Something must really be up."

"Pal-X, please tell me you got some clothes in storage!"


"Uh huh? OnO"


"SHIT! I mean, c-couldnt you put in a function to have someone else go instead of-"

"You know I cant do that. >.>"

"So what am I gonna-"

"Just wear Renamon's pants. Or even Bastemon's."

"(=.=....Basty's are just out of the question.) *sighs* bring Renny in" I lowly order. Renamon
coming in with initially a puzzled look, quickly turning to a "-.-" look as I explain the situation. She
gives me her pants that..I then wore. Thankfully no shed, just several rips from all that fighting.
"Alright R-renny..Let's go check on Wes' l-lil trainee -﹏-;" I lowly said as she shock her head, me
and her opting into real world in seconds with my Digivice.

Once me and Renamon warp into Wes' place, he already threw a shirt at me, but his face was tense
as all hell. "W-wes? The hell's up?" I asked, "*stares out the window* He got away" he answered,
"Huh? *puts on the shirt* Who?" I asked some more, "That kid of your's. I saw him jump out a few
minutes ago. I had my Missimon search all over. Nothin'.." he informs. A worry sunk into the
hearts of Renny and I. "*grabs my shirt* Human, you what happens if he just so happens to kill
someone. You know I see these pests as no more than an utter nuisance. Need I say more? =x="
Renamon tells me, "I-I know, Renny..(Dammit kid! Just what the hell's gotten into him? If he
suddenly turned bad on us..I cant stop Renny after that)" I then thought, "...He's now a Strabimon.
My FanBeemon told me" Wes suddenly said, "(But...He's supposed to be a Bearmon..) Human,
we're searching" Renamon orders, taking me on her back and we leaped out the window. Renny
seemed a bit surprised at him telling us what he is now. That cant be good. "*leaps from building
to building with me clinging on* He's not supposed to be that..Being a Bearmon should've been his
next form" Renny tells me. If..He's not supposed to be this..Then is this..Yet another Anomaly?
Damn offsprings..Even he can trigger one..A minute into thinking about the situation, we see a
sizable splat of blood on a building, making Renamon's blood slightly boil, her patch of fur sticking
up. "Human..! You wanted us to trust this boy, now look" Renamon growls, "Before you pass your
Judgement upon him, let's see what he says first" I told her, making Renny hide her wrath within
herself. Renamon raced to atop the building, and in no time, there he was. My son. Strabimon.
Looming over the populace with a long stare. "*gets off of Renny* S-strabi..What's wrong? *walks
towards him* We just wanna know what's going on, k?" I asked, "I hate her..*hears me stop*
Mom..I just want her to die! She shouldn't have made me! Now I feel like a monster!" Strabimon
complained, "(Well...Digimon are monsters but still) Son..It..It doesn't matter who you are. It's
what you do that counts. Now..You didnt kill anyone...Did you?" I asked and he went silent. He
held his arms, and shivered a bit. "I..Almost did..*looks back at me* but someone shot me, then I
ran away. Dad..Im sorry...I was about to..I..*looks at Renamon, who had a very angered face*
Ghn!" he reacts, jolting back, "Human..Give me a good reason why I shouldn't bury my claws into
him" Renamon tells me. I know this doesn't look good but..It cant be all his fault. "('Like father like
son, huh?')..Renny..He's a bit like me..*sees her look at me* At times, I just feel like killing
something..But it can still depend on what makes me feel that way...Strabi..What did Wes tell
you?" I asked him, "Those times...When she had her way with you..That really set me off.." he tells
us, "I get it then..Now go to Wes an-" I reply, "No. *sees me look puzzled* Lemme stay here...Just
a little longer" he lowly says, "...If you say so" I comply, getting on Renny's back as she slides
down the building with claws. Renamon's eye also catches Wes' Missimon, who quickly zips away.
"I'll talk to Wes for a bit longer, and leave you guys to train. *notices the sun starting to set* We'll
return to that Dead Data zone at midnight" I plot to her, "Very well. Glad you see how consistent
we have to be" she replies, jumping off the building, landing on a roof, "...And thanks for listening,
and not trying to kill him" I add, "(...I care not of he's starting to grow fatherly tendencies. All I
want from him today is his focus on the task at hand) Before we go to your Cousin's.." she eludes,
making us take a detour elsewhere.

Meanwhile in the foreboding cave, that the wounded DarkLucemon steps into. "Oooooh
Moootheeeer~" he calls out, only to hear an echo. This confounds him. "(Huh? There's no way
mother could be out and about. Then-) *sees a note on the ground, takes it outside* What could she
be up to?" DarkLucemon questions himself. It reads "Dear Darkspawn, I knew that you'd become
something that is truly powerful. Knowing this, it is too dangerous for me to stay in one spot, so I
decided to leave this place, not only to protect myself from the curious. Including you. Well mostly
you. Anyways, Im off to settle things with Lilithmon. The fun way. Toddlers, you little bastard
^V^". Upon reading it, he crushes the paper. "She's seeking power by taking out Lilithmon, eh?
Her place is hours away from here. I hope you're ready to die...*flaps wings once and swoops into
the air* Mother!!" he says loudly, flying at high speeds to Lilithmon's location. Unbeknownst to
him, there was an extra note on the back. "P.S. I've already transformed, soooo don't you dare fight
me. I've never been beaten in it (Ф∀Ф)"

Aaaaand CUT! More messed up shit in the next chapter!...Maybe, maybe not, you'll have to see!
Thanx for reading this all the way! Dont miss out!
Pally's Sacrifice. The Nightmare Perpetuates!
Chapter Summary

A decision is made by returning to the son for a battle, and upon returning to the Base,
an even bigger decision is made by Palmon-X. This is in order to help shutdown
NaitoRenamon for good who is busy with a vengeful offspring of her's.

Heeeeello and welcome again, folks! Back with a long-awaited chapter and continuation for our
good ol', favorite Digi-waifu! That's right, we're getting back into this rotation we've made for
ourselves after doing those stories! Sure some went better than others, with the Miu one just
dominating in all stats, so the rest will be trying their best to stand the test of time. Now then, this
time around the chapter will be a very serious one, a bit more than usual even. I do have big plans
for the next chapter too, and if i put in a sex scene or that stuff i have planned, the chapter may
come out to be too long. While this time is very serious, i find that it's pretty balanced. Lots of
fighting, banter, even more setup and good progression overall, but i'll let yall judge for yall's
selves. We're over 7k views on Wattpad and 16k strong on FanFiction, so i know everyone cant
wait to get into this one.

Now then..You know your job, reader, get to readin'!

Enjoy u

Chapter 10: Pally's Sacrifice. The Nightmare Perpetuates!

By the graces of her feet, Renamon cuts through the air, carrying her Tamer to the destination
seemlessly. It didn't even feel like she was landing on buildings anymore. My trust in her deepened
even more from this. With one last leap, we land behind a certain building. She then puts me
down, speeds and comes back in three seconds. The hell is she...What the- "D-did you just steal
these?" I asked, pointing to the exotic claws, "If we are to rule the Digiworld together, getting what
we desire should come with such a goal" she told me..Maybe...I just didnt think we'd resort to this.
"*takes me up to the roof of a nearby building* Try 'em on. It's so you can practice with that Iron
Claw equip. They're Siberian" she says. I've never seen these before. Well, that kinda figures if
they're from Siberia. They were held together by some strange netting and the tips of them were
claw tips. Putting them on took a minute, and I fitted them, it got me thinking..."Renamon..Take
me back to Strabimon" I ordered, "What for?" she asked, "To fight him" I answer, "Huh? I may be
too strong for-" she said, "No, for me to fight him. If he can beat me, I'll let him come with us" I
interrupt and correct, "OxO! (Oh. Uh I-I suppose..) Human. This is rather unexpected of you" she
comments to me, "And whatever happens, Don't help. This is a step for me, as a future ruler" I told
her, giving her surprise. The moment she took to the skies with me again, she was blushing,
unbeknownst to me, with a slight quiver of the lips.

In no time, as if she took a shortcut, Renamon and me landed atop the building that we left
Strabimon on. "*turns to us* You're back? I wanted to be left alone.." he said, "Look here, kid. If
you want to be alone so badly, it won't be as easy as you think. Now you have to earn that
privilege" I prefaced, "*eyes widen* (Father, why's he doing this to me?...I have to earn it, eh?..)
*stands up, turns around, sees the claws I had on* Alright dad. *looks at Renamon* She isnt
helping? *sees me nod a 'no'* If I win?" he then asks, "That doesn't matter now. Just show me how
strong you got" I told him, our claws opened at one another. "(He should be able to fight against a
Rookie level Digimon. Whether he can beat him or not, minimizing any damage is key)" Renamon
thought, stepping backwards.

Strabimon runs in at me, winding up for a claw strike as I close my eyes, surprising him. I then got
on all fours, and jumped 10 feet into the air right before he commits to slash, then struck a claw
down into his back, bits of blood spurt on my face and neck. Shaking off the pain and my
instinctive prowess, he swings his body around, swiping his claw at me, making me block with my
arms as I lean backwards and even the attack from him pushes me back. I land on my feet, and see
that blood runs down my arms from the scar he gives. "*pants* (Father..He's been through many
fights and had a lot of training, way more than me) *sees my eyes become pretty alert, flinches*
(H-hope he's not trying to kill me, or anything o_o)" Strabimon thinks. He hears the clings and
chinks across the ground as I run in at him on all fours, as if he was hearing a real Digimon, and he
somewhat puts a claw out before slashing, which he does in time for three to scratch along my face
before I spun my body around. Then for a split-second, he sees my big crazed smile appear on me,
showing my teeth mashing together, putting him off fast enough for me to spin the other way, and
kick his ribs in with my shin, flying and rolling him 24 feet away from me as my leg swinging
around as if I punted a soccer ball. "(! How surprising. His instincts must've flared up for a kick
like that. The boy may be in trouble at this rate)" Renamon thinks. Strabimon's claw scratch across
the ground as he stops himself from sliding, "(He really wants to go at it..Let's make things
even...!)" thought the offspring, jumping into the air, and spinning downwards at me as I watch
him. "Light Nail. *makes both claws shine while diving in, and lands with a claw strike at where I
am, but finds that the scratch only made a big claw mark into the ground. Bats head behind, seeing
me* There! *gets a hard kick from me again, a big rupture roars through body, hunches over* ...Oh
yeah?" he says, landing a quick cut down my chest, "*sees some blood rain on my head, smiles*
That's more like it! *grabs his arm and stabs all five fingers into his body as if it were an uppercut,
making him drop to his knees* Cmon now, that can't be all you got" I said to him. Strabimon looks
over to Renamon, who just watches with her arms crossed. "*starts clawing down into at his back
with rapid strikes* Get up already! *more and more blood starts to spray into my face* Do
something for me! Get angry! Get Wild! Dont you dare give up on me now!" I told him with a big
grin, "Stop...Stop...I said..*raises head, spin kicks me away* STOOOP!" he yells, surprising
everyone, even himself for a moment. "*backflips, lands and sees that one of my arms is as limp as
a noodle*...Hehehehe! There's what I was looking for! *clinches my only working fist* Now come
at me like you mean it, boy!" I shouted, "*crouches, legs shine* Light Leg" Strabimon says,
seemingly disappearing, leaving a kicked spot of dust where he stood, surprising me. Of course,
Renamon could keep up with how fast he was going, unlike me. Next thing I knew, I received a big
impact, knocking to the left and a large scratch carves itself on my back from the right. "AGHN!
(So he got faster, huh? Finally, he's steppin' up)" I then thought, still smiling despite some blood
dripping from my head and mouth, "Human! Are you certain I shouldn't interfere?" Renamon
asked, "Stay there! I know what Im doing" I ordered, taking several blows that pushed me around
in seconds, with a final impact that slammed down behind my neck, weighing on me heavily.
Looking up, that was his foot he dropped on me, and some of his claws dug into me. Before he
could dig them in even further, I grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground, following with
downward lunge of my arched claws. "*dug claws into his chest* Heheeheheh, and that was
fucking me up pretty good too, got tired on me TuT" I said with a sly smile, "(H-he
knew?!) *grabs my arm, quickly cycling legs* Then have this!" he shouts, pushing himself off the
ground, into the air with me as he was landing many upward kicks on my body that was I was
trying my best to block with my arms, but ended up taking alot of sharp kicks to the stomach. "(Not
bad at all, kid..However..) Thanks kid...*regains feeling in my other arm, breaks through his
barrage of kicks with a strong hook to his face with that arm* For bringing back my right arm!" I
shouted in slight excitement, making us fall to the ground and I land on my feet, while he falls on
his back (it was a 25ft drop). Upon landing though, my legs gave out and I fall on my shoulder.

Renamon rushes over to me, and puts her hands on me, slowly healing the wounds. I look over to
Strabimon, who was very much winded from all his attempts of beating me and taking my abuse,
"*stands up, a hand still on me* If you didnt get tired so often, maybe you would've beaten me.
Thanks Renamon, do the same for him too. I would have fun beating you some more, but we gotta
return" I said to him, with her going to him. After a moment of healing him, we decided to leave
him there, and returned to the Base, PX came running to me, which made me rather worrisome
from seeing her distressed expression. "What is it now, PX?" I asked of her, "The
DarkMatadormon...Im sorry, but he got absorbed!" she informed me, "! (And we were really
planning on getting his X-antibodies!) Do you know who did it?!" I then asked, "That's not even
the worst part, but take a wil' guess. *brings me over to the monitor screen, points to a sizable unit
going to an even bigger one* That's definitely NaitoRenamon, and he's heading for her" she unveils
to me, seeing me shake my fists, "*slams a fist at the keyboard* DAMMIT! We leave for one
second and this happens already!" I shouted, "*puts over the other* W-what're we gonna do now?"
asked an also worried Bastemon, "...We do Plan B" said Palmon-X, "*turns to PX* W-what do you
mean...?" I ask, "...Listen..I cant separate it from my body so...I'll give myself to Renamon..And
give her my X-antibodies" she suggests. This widens most of everyone's eyes.. I...I never thought
I'd have to use PX, of all people, like this..We have other Digimon here at the Base too, but still...It
just isnt the same.. "Human, you and me know that I need all the strength I can muster for any
battle. A ruler must also know when to crack a few eggs. *looks at everyone else* Same goes for
the lot of you. Count your blessings" Renamon told me and everyone as they lament at the fact,
"...*walks over to Palmon-X, putting a hand on her rainbow-petaled head* PX..Since you're the one
that stepped up..Go ahead. Everyone's gonna miss you though.." I lowly said, "Well...*turns to
Renamon* You heard the man, Renny. Time's up for me..*raises arms and has her paw on one of
the petals* Go on now. *sees her brows and mouth quiver for a moment, then sees me try not to
cry* Hey you two, dont be sad. I was ready when I suggested. On the bright side, maybe Renny
here will actually lighten up and crack a few jokes with me within her ^^" Palmon-X lastly says,
fading, and light particles envelope Renamon, making her float for moment. Realizing PX's
sacrifice felt like a distant memory after seeing Renamon absorb an apparent abundance of data,
which was beautiful and mystifying to watch. It's almost as if she was being reincarnated. Once the
absorption was done, Renamon gains red markings on her body, another tail, two red earrings,
bigger claws, extended fur-wings, and a yin-yang circle on her forehead while blue-purple aura
emanates from her (similar to Palmon-X's petal colors). Bastemon's crying was shorten after seeing
Renamon's new X form, which she powers down from. "*takes a deep breath* Human, we're going
that DarkLucemon" Renamon declares with a serious look.

NaitoKyubimon sees Lilithmon's stronghold in her sights, but stops for a moment. "*tilts head left,
letting a black energy spear pass by. it nicks a cheek, touches it and licks blood off of fingers. turns
around with a grimace look* Look who's come crawling back to mama. That warning didnt scare
you one bit? 0ue" she asked of him, "Why would I be scared of something I know that's beneath
me?" he told her, "Tsk tsk, that's no way to talk to mommy. LOOKS LIKE YOU NEED TO BE
TAUGHT A LESSON U " she says with an even more creepy smile and a deeper, menacing
echoed voice. She receives a kick to her head, but neck barely budges, then she quickly grabs his
leg and throws him to the ground. "Divine Feat" he shouts and she dodges it with ease, still smiling
in excitement, "I wouldnt be happy if I were you, mother. I have X-antibodies" he tells her, "Do it.
*runs nail down his body* (reeeeal soft) Show me that X form, sweetie OuO" she pled, "You
asked for it...!" he said, transforming into DarkLucemon-X, having a darker themed outfit and 12
more black wings. He easily flies out of her grip, and has several spheres of darkness already out,
"Die, mother! Grand Cross!" he shouts with a wide-eyed look, shooting the blackened spheres
down at her, and they make massive explosions at where she is, with the total destruction of the
area being as far as the eye can see. "*waits a moment* (Did that kill her?) *dives into the
explosions and looks for her as the aftermath turns into mostly kicked up dirt, then feels a claw
being ran through chest* Hmm?!" he reacts in surprise, "YOU DIDNT THINK THAT'D KILL
ME? DID YOU? U " she said in the disturbing voice, "Divine Feat" he said to her surprise and
stabs the spear to hit himself in the shoulder, making her explode off of him. "Fox Tail Inferno"
she calls out, caging him into a series of blazing bars, which he breaks free out of. "You're starting
to show quite of bit of resistance...I dont like that n " he heard began, staring up with her flying
from above, "Let's see you take me on in this..I use a Naitomea form...!" she said, reverting to her
NaitoRenamon form, then a huge sphere of darkness surrounds her and alot of dirt from the ground
swirls into said sphere. "What is this...? A new form or- *sees an arm is missing* ! (BUT
HOW?!)" he questioned himself in his head, then feels a big burst of power blast him into the air,
and upon reflex he punches down, and felt something shoot into the ground, creating a crater
below. Immediately a myriad of black shards shoot from the crater, sticking to all over his body in
a matter of seconds, punching a few holes into him, then catches a claw strike and he feels a great
pull down, and he's face-to-face with his mother, who puts on a terrifying look with a huge smile
and a shadowed face.

Feeling him jump back from his reaction, he's quickly shot down into the ground, deepening the
crater, "Power Paw Ф∀Ф" she said, shooting a big, black energy strike at her mon, making an
earth-shattering crater that made several dozens of huge rocks scatter about from it's impact. A
moment later he crawls out of the hole, exhausted and heavily bruised with his face practically
covered in blood. He looks back at the crater and sees more and more blood plastering the curved
walls of it, his blood. What frightened him even more was when he looked back up at
NaitomeaRenamon's purple and black eyes as her blackened energies were swirling, darkening the
skies above her. "There there, lil boy..YOU'RE JUST GOING DIE IS ALL ^w^ *looks to the side
and sees me and the team running into the scene* AND WE HAVE MORE VICTIMS, I SEE W "
she says in that haunting voice of her's. Just seeing her, everyone had their hearts sink upon laying
eyes on her and the environment she was affecting.

"(Look like we have to give all we got if we're gonna stop her here and now, and prevent her from
possibly absorbing DarkLucemon, or even Lilithmon, or either way around.)"

"*powers down for a moment, flies down closer to us* I hope you know that since you two are in
front of me like this, that it means you're ready to throw your lives away."

"*seriously looks at her* We're well-aware of that..Im more than ready to kill you here and now,
and same goes for everyone else here."

"I love you too, cutie-pie. I knew you'd come crawling back to me. Even better that you tried to
find me. And you brought friends for our honeymoon? Ooooo so romantic of you. ^w^"

"You trying to joke with me is really pissing me OFF...! And after all that shit you did to me!"

"*giggles* You're so adorable when you're throwing a tantrum ^uo..Before I end you and your
team here...Did you really think any amount of that training came from just you? u "

"...W-what do you mean?"

"Same for even your lil Renny's power?"

"H-human..Dont listen to her."

"You need power, right? Just lemme take over, cuz all that power was from me in the first place.
Do you know what redundant means, silly? ^u^"
"The hell're you...On about?"

"I take out Lilithmon and boom, I'll make you ruler as easy as that! ^o^"

"*heart sinks* (Will...Will it really be as easy as that? )"

"And besides...*stands there with a cute pose, holds hands together behind and wags tail* Aren't I
just like Renny over there? We have the same measurements too ^W^"


"Y-you really shouldn't listen to her! You were with Renamon longer and-"

"Quiet, you disgrace. This is between me and my property n "

"shut up..."

"What's that sweetie? ^W^"



"A...A mutt...? _ "

"Filthy mutt...*holds up Digivice* One that I gotta put down, AND SKIN ALIVE."

"You...Ungrateful..Mindless..HUMAN! I gave you kids and offered you great power, AND YOU
REPAY ME LIKE THIS! I'LL-...I'LL SHOW YOU...! * *" NaitomeaRenamon howls in anger,
shooting into the sky, emitting another black sphere, but only this time, it cracked open with black
light and crumbled like an egg's shell. "*sees a blast of power come forward, powers into X form*
Rotation!" Renamon X calls out, waving a hand, swatting NaitomeaKyubimon away with a strong
rotating force, "! (How did...?!) *sees no one else around but me and Renamon X* (They went into
her body..Clever)" she realizes, scratching the ground while being blown backwards. "(Good!)
Renamon, digivolve! *see her digivolve into Kyubimon* Digimodify! Winning Percentage:40%!
Digimetal of Darkness! Activate!" I quickly said, making the two cards go into the Digivice, and
Kyubimon goes into Taomon form, already rushing to me. "(I dont know what they're doing, but I
dont like it!)" NaitomeaKyubimon thinks, rushing to stop me and her, then is tackled down by
DarkLucemon X, who held her head close to his chest while rolling around with her. "Human, get
ready to Bio-Merge!" Taomon shouts, "Right!" I comply, jumping to her and I meld into her body
seamlessly. "Get..The...Hell...OFF ME! m " exclaimed NaitomeaKyubimon, "I came here to kill
you, mother..If that takes dear ol' dad to do so, then so be it!" he replied before receiving dozens of
explosions from her body and was finally blown off. By the time this happened, she saw a great
light illuminating the area, catching even the eyes of Lilithmon and she gleefully watches the fight
from afar.

The light dampens and reveals the great and beautiful Sakuyamon. "DO YOU REALLY THINK
THAT'LL SAVE ME FROM KILLING YOU?! o " she yells, charging at Sakuyamon with a
massive red and black sphere of flames around her body, "(Here she comes, Renny. Keep calm)" I
advise her, "(I know, Human)" Renny said from inside, "*makes a huge, golden round barrier with
Sakura petals upon appearing* Diamond Realm Mandala" Sakuyamon calls out, shielding herself
from her formidable opposition's powerful attack, only to have the barrier being cracked to her
surprise. "*looks to the side of the shield, seeing her shake off the headache* Care to keep up?
*sees her move forward* Sliding Flash Attack" she says, exchanging many blows with her all over
the battlefield, matching very frequently before kicking the Kyubimon away. "I wont let you even
us out. Tactical Retreat!" she says, sliding down the card down the Digivice for a split second, "!
(They can still use a card? Ggggghhgyuuaaghh..) Heheh..You now have less time to try and kill
me" she said, "Good enough, because there's this too. Fox Card!" she also calls out, tagging her
with a yellow-blue card, "(M-my strength! I dont feel too well...!)" she thought, "It lessens your
power so now I can finish you with this! Amethyst Wind!" she then shouts out, casting a hand out,
blasting the dark mon with huge swirling storms of wind and pink petals, causing significant
damage. Once the attack was done, Sakuyamon appears in front of her, putting the golden rod in
front of her casted hand, "Purifying Fox Drive!" she shouts, shooting tons of strong, blue flame
waves at NaitomeaKyubi, engulfing her body, "AAAAUUUGGGGGHHHHH!" she howls in
agony, also exploding in the process. Once the attack was finished, Sakuyamon gets punched away
and shot down to the ground with another move, hitting the ground like a rock. She looks up and
sees a now evolved Kyubimon with many tatters and charred flesh on most of her body. "(That was
alot of energy I put into that attack too..) *sees her thunderously land in front in a split second*
(We'll have to fight physically now)" she mentally prepped herself, exchanging fists and elbows
with her at sonic speeds until the Kyubimon grabs and slams her into the ground, then pounces into
her stomach, digging her claws through the armor. Sakuyamon gives a flame kick in her stomach,
launching her into the sky, then makes her legs generate lightning and goes for a downward kick,
though her opponent catches the kick with her claw, she countered with a fast jab into her chest,
which punches a bloody hole through her and her armor. "Thunder Kiiick!" Sakuyamon calls out
anyway, shooting her back to ground and jets downward with a hand out, "Amethyst Wind!" she
shouts, blasting at her again with tornado-like gusts of winds that were roaring down, "Fox Tail
Inferno!" the dark Kyubimon yells, shooting the many embers upwards, powerfully colliding with
the attack above as Sakuyamon was closing in, ending up in a big explosion between the two,
blowing away DarkLucemon X.

The dust settles and the rocks fall above the two. Sakuyamon stabbing down at where
NaitomeaKyubimon's arm was with Juga-Maru...One-handed, that is, since she too lost an arm in
the exchange. The moment was very still, and they were both very exhausted. "Hehehehehe. You
used two cards already? In that form? *sees her try to go into X form* You're really pushing it
now.. If you play with fire too much, you'll get burned yknow ewo" she said, "(Hate to admit it, but
she has a point..*sees Bastemon and the others float around dormently* Everyone's spent, Renny...I
dont know how we're gonna finish her..She has enough energy to joke around even now..)" I told
her, "(She's only trying to save face..She knows she's running on fumes herself. DarkLucemon was
also blown out of his X form, so he cant help either..)" Renny lowly says to me, "(We're going to
revert and separate at any second...I only have one last idea. If this doesnt work, we're dying here,
Renamon)" I seriously told to her. The dark Kyubimon laughed and chuckled, excited yet patient
for us to lose our form so she can finish us. "*sees Sakuyamon fall over and the Juga-Maru
disappears* (Yesss, fall over and submit. You've lost this little scuffle of our's u )" thought the
Naito mon, seeing the group shoot out of Sakuyamon's body and scatter across the huge crater,
with me laying to where Bastemon is and Renny is now in her Renamon form. Before she could
even celebrate, "Fox Switch Deception!" Renamon says, "*sees puffs of smoke appear and five
other NaitomeaKyubimon are standing above* Uh oh oxo" she reacts, the five clones rapidly thrust
down at her with their claws and blood was really fast to fly everywhere. However though, before
she inches away from being cut into ribbons, she grabs two separate clones' arms, then kicks both
of them in their faces, making them fly out of the crater. Suffering several slashes from the three
remaining clones, the original bites one of their shoulders and slams her down, getting rid of that
one. Before another could strike her, she grabs the first clone and she was going for the original's
head but instead thrusts with her claw through that one, though it also shoots through the original to
her surprise, then she quickly gives the last clone a roundhouse kick, getting rid of her too, but she
ends up falling over afterwards. As she was trying to catch her breath, I drop down and knee on her
back, as well as dig my claws into her too, making both of our body parts crack at the same time
(since her body is still that hard for me). The Naito mon scratches her claw up, giving me a nasty
wound on my rib as her retaliation, "GGYYYYUUGGHHRRR!" I loudly grunt from the injury,
tightly gripping my bleeding side. Renamon herself can be seen laid behind Ranamon.

Great...That last plan didnt exactly work either...Now I really dont know what to do..Everyone here
is now completely spent. We threw everything at her and she's only without one arm.. "*walks over
and stands above me, struggling to lift a paw as it shakes, heavily panting*
Heh..Heh..Heh..You...You tried all you can..Human shit..Im gonna..K-kill you...And everyone
here..And Im g-gonna..Enjoy all of it" she said tiresomely, "(What happened a second ago though?)
W-what was that..? You..Controlled one of them for a second?" I asked, "Just a small perk for this
form..Now then" she confirmed, stepping closer, I...I dont think so! *hold ups Digivice, but it does
nothing* H-huh" I reacted "S-stop dicking around..Playtime's over...EAT SHIT! " she hollers, and
thrusts her claw through my chest, making blood spew from there and my mouth. I helplessly still
had the Digivice up, shaking in my hand as she lowers my hand with her paw. Unbeknownst to me
consciously, NaitomeaKyubimon was finding herself fading, "*sees hands shimming* ! But-but
how!? How could I- *sees the Digivice starting to absorb essence from body* No...No you dont!
*swipes at the device then at my arm, both phasing through, looks at limbs and body fading away
more and more* ! No, nonononoo! Die dammit, die! Die! Die! Stop it! *desperately swiped away
but kept losing more of existence, falling down, beating on my chest but fists still phase through
me* Dammit, dammit dammit! I was so fuckin' close! I cant go like this! Please let me kill you all,
PLEASE! 0 *sees most of body being gone from the chest down*...If I cant do it this way...There's
always Plan B. Yeeeah, I like that to- w " she tried to finish but was completely gone. As everyone
was out cold, DarkLucemon looked over the exhausted party...Well he was tired and banged up
himself, so he ran away as far as he could. "(it was barely..But...Im glad it worked out.../u\)"
Bastemon thought after witnessing the dark mon getting absorbed completely and rests her eyes
and head.

My mind was overtaken by darkness, for what it feels like forever. Forever lost in an abysmal
vacuum of it's own vast space. "What's wrong, Human?" I heard from a familiar voice, initially
happy to hear it, I turned and it was a giant head of NaitoRenamon staring at me in deceitful glee.
Looking down she was standing cutely in actuality. "Now cmere and gimme a kiss pleeeease ^∀^"
she was saying to me, seeing me stand in obvious fear of her as she closed her puckered lips in and
suddenly gapped her mouth wide open, showing her many sharped teeth. "Ghhnnggghhhh..!" I
started grunting, "*retracts mouth* Huh?" she reacts, "What's..Happening to me? *a big black X
appears on body* GYAAAA!" I yell, letting the mark shine and grow, "Wha-what the hell is that?
oO" she reacts and I awaken soon after this occurrence.

"[Renamon] *sees me open my eyes and I have blood-shot irises* H-hey there, my love..We were
waiting for a while in here. A few aggressive dark Digimon stumbled upon our lil camp we made
but we took care of 'em."

"Im..Im fine..Just...Had a bit of a fever dream, and the bitchmon was in it..I'll be fine."

"[Bastemon] You woke up and seem to be fine. That's all that matters, right? ^^"

"[Renamon] Exactly, Basty ^^. We should return to the Base about now."

"R-renny..? Did you just call her Basty? I thought that was me and Ranny's thing."

"[Renamon] Oh that? Hmm, I guess I did kinda make a bit of a change, eh? You managed to
absorb her into the Digivice."

"I kinda miss how you played hard-to-get.."

"[Renamon] Yknow, we can always role-play that next time we have our alone time? ewe"
"-/- I-I didnt think you'd be open to that..W-we'll see.."

"[Crescemon] I feel like Im missing something here too, Human. We may need to rest a bit and
think this situation over."

"[Renamon] *puts a finger to lip* Hmm I guess it could be a bit detrimental if something suddenly
happened in the next fight. exe"

"[Ranamon] *giggles* I like this new Renny. She's all cute and expressive now x3"

"That's pretty concerning. Enough for us to need to return now. Maybe Palmon-X will...Let's go.." I
said, raising my hand up with the Digivice, beaming us up to the Base. The group went off in their
own places, resting after such a gruesome battle...And the loss of a very close friend..Of course,
Renamon was following me around, looking a bit more confused than usual. "*tilts head to the
side* What's wrong, sourpuss?" she asked me, "...Can you leave me alone for a bit?" I told her,
"Why? Im your's for the taking. Isnt that what you want?" she asked some more, "*hangs my
head* You sound just like her..I miss the old Renamon..Too much changed after I absorbed
her..*grabs the Digivice for a second, feels a pinch* Ow! *drops it, sees it have four more slots,
which had sharpened extensions* Hmm? *carefully picks it up with two hands* It...It actually
changed. Now I can use six cards at once!" I said in surprise, "See? It really was a good thing you
absorbed NaitoRenamon! ^^" commented Renamon, "...Not everything is good..You take some
time for yourself too.." I said to her, with her hanging her head and going to Basty who was sitting
next to Crescy. They sat there for a moment with me, patting my back for a minute.

"(Wow...He's really down about this change..)"

"...It feels like I lost another teammate.."

"H-hey, you dont need to say it like it."

"*covers face* I miss my Renny..I was doing really good with her.."

"Well you were doing the best you could, so.."

"I hate it...This new Renny..That's not the Renny I fell in love with!...I..I dont know if I can go on
like this.."

"D-dont say that! C-crescemon, can you help? /o o\"

"The only one that help him is himself."

"There has to be something we can do, like umm..umm..How about we talk to the other Digimon
that're here at the Base? Would that help?"

"I...I don't think I want that.."

"You need to another Palmon-X, right? Weren't you down about that earlier?"


"You're the leader of our group. We're not gonna do everything for you, yknow, and sulking here
all day isnt gonna get anything done..*looks at Bastemon with slight anger* I had to learn that the
hard way."

"*looks at both of them*...You're right..Maybe I do need to do that next.."

"And m-maybe it'll help take your mind off things. /.u.\"

"...I guess.." I complied, getting up with them and Renamon sees us off with a frown.
"Hey..Where..Where're you guys going? *runs over to me, and I had a hand out* What're you...?
*sees me take a few steps back, closes the distance and holds my hands* What're you avoid me
for? Im your Renny, remember? /o o\" she said in confusion, "...(Dont cry...Dont cry.._\/_)
Just..Think things over..Im gonna talk with the other mons in the meantime.." I told her then
walked away with her hands still loosely up, not believing what she heard. "Am I...Really that
different now?" she asks herself, holding her hands to her chest, feeling nerved and retreats into the

We went around and I was seeing mons that I never talked to. Notably, Argomon (rookie vers),
Armadillomon, Calumon, Gaomon, Chapmon Coronamon, etc. Seeing about over a various dozen
of 'em was improving my mood. When I told them about Palmon-X willingly getting absorbed,
they were eager not only cause they wanna see all the activity that happens in the Digiworld but
due to them sincerely wanting to fill in for her, since she was real friendly to everyone. At the same
time they did feel like it was some pretty big shoes to fill. So we were sifting through who was
pretty smart and friendly, and were boiling it down to Cutemon, Calumon and Gatomon.

"Hmm...What iiiiiis 4x20?"

"[Cutemon, Calumon, Gatomon] 80!"


"[Cutemon, Calumon, Gatomon] 80!"


"[Cutemon, Calumon, Gatomon] 8- WHY'RE YOU MAKING THE ANSWERS 80?! 0o0"

"(Dammit, these guys're too smart! _)"

"[Gatomon] Cmooon, I hate doing all this math! Give us something else!"

"[Bastemon] C-can I suggest something?"

"Like what?"

"[Bastemon] How about just letting them take daily turns?"

"[Calumon] Hey that's good thinkin', Bastemon! ^^"

"[Cutemon] Yeah these math tests were going nowhere. =="

"Ugh fine. We'll see how each of you do..(Ooo I know) As far as who goes first though, best of
three from Janken."

"[Gatomon] I'll take you on, Cutemon!"

"[Cutemon] ! Alright then!"

"[Cutemon, Gatomon] *winds up* Jaaaaan..! *throws out a hand sign* Ken!"

"*sees Gatomon's rock, and Cutemon's paper* 1-0 against Gatomon."

"[Cutemon] What's wrong, Gato? Scared to lose? -uo"

"[Gatomon] This isnt over yet!"

"[Cutemon, Gatomon] *throws out another hand sign* Ken!"

"*sees them throw out the same hand*...2-0 against Gatomon.."

"[Cutemon] Well lookie there, over already. ^w^"

"[Gatomon] O-one more time!"

"[Cutemon] Uh uh uuuh, he said best of three, and you cant comeback if you already lost twice. So
there, loser! ФVФ"

"Alright alright, Cutemon. No need to rub it in her face. You're up next, Calumon. You play nice
against her too, Cutemon."

"[Calumon] Her? But im a guy."

"...(I cant tell with some of these mons) R-right, sorry. Go on now."

"[Calumon, Cutemon] *throws out a hand sign* Ken."

"*sees their hands, Cutemon using Paper again, and Calumon holding out Rock* 1-0 against

"[Cutemon] Feeling behind, Caly? -uo"

"[Calumon] Nah, I was just using a random hand there. I'll read your hand this time."

"[Cutemon] o.o...(H-he's joking, yeah, it's totally a bluff ﹏ )"

"[Calumon, Cutemon] *throws out a hand sign again* Ken."

"*looks at both of their hands, seeing her have out Paper again, and Calumon using Scissor this
time* It's 1 to 1 now."

"[Cutemon] H-huh? What on earth happened there?"

"[Calumon] *tilts head* Im as confused as you are. (What is she actually doing?)"

"[Cutemon] W-whatever! Go again!"

"[Calumon, Cutemon] *throws out a hand sign yet again* Ken!"

"*looks at their hands, and they have the same hands*...Calumon wins."

"[Cutemon] ...No no no! Do-over! Do-over! ヾ(*д*)ノ"

"[Calumon] Well why'd you do Paper all the time?"

"[Cutemon] o o!...R-reverse physiology ,"

"[Calumon] Hey I did too! But you fell for my bluff about reading your hand. Did you maybe
second guess yourself?"
"[Gatomon] What's wrong, Cutie? Did he really trip you up that bad? ewe"

"[Cutemon] S-shut up, loser!"

"[Gatomon] Well guess what, we're in the same boat lil girl ^w^"

"[Cutemon] *stomps the ground* Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

"What's your take, Basty?"

"[Bastemon] *giggles* I think we should keep 'em as the trio navis. They's real cute together ^^. If
only Cutemon wasnt a sore loser."

"[Crescemon] And a sore winner. e e"

"[Bastemon] Yeah, so she's the least friendly out of the three."

"My thoughts exactly, so we'll make her the last one to check the monitor."

"[Cutemon] Hey but I won against Gato!"

"It's only fair, Cutemon. Besides, PX wouldnt like your attitude. You didnt win in that department
here. *sees her float away, pouting* Well congrats, Caly. You're the first to stare at a monitor all

"[Calumon] Eh that's fine, most I do is sleep all day so I dont do much anyway."

"...Gatomon, make sure he doesnt fall asleep."

"[Gatomon] I remember PX cooked too, so I'll do that too. owo" Gatomon said, scurrying off as
Calumon does his duty. The funny mishap that was deciding who was gonna be the next navi went
better than expected (even though just slightly), and was really nice to see. I think I can face Renny
again and talk with the others about our next course of action. Once we go to the field room, we
went to the barn to find Renamon, and to our surprise, she was sitting on some hay, meditating.
"Renn-" I try to say, "Shhh. I will attack you, Human. Later" she warned, "Alright then.." I lowly
comply, stepping out of the barn. I guess she's trying to figure herself out or something. Nothing
wrong with that though.

"*shuts door* Ok girls. Feel like we gotta straighten anything out?"

"[Ranamon] *hops out of the water* Anything that I missed?"

"[Bastemon] Well we just split the navi job between three Digimon."

"[Crescemon] Now we're trying to think things over for a bit. We still have those hostile

"[Bastemon] Oh right, and one of them escaped..Our...Nyanromon is in the Human world, right?"

"Yeah, but he's a Strabimon and trying to get his bearings. So there's the two he said that
disintegrated, and there's 8 in total."

"[Bastemon] And we met the Mamemon one, then there's the DarkLucemon that got away.."

"So there's still 3 out there that we haven't seen/met. Dammit, and there's still the rulers and
"[Crescemon] We able to barely take down NaitoRenamon, who had transformations making her
on par with them, so we may need more training."

"I guess...It'd be so much easier if we could just have that 60% card to keep the Sakuyamon form."

"[Crescemon] If we cant train in time, then we need another method."

"If we can take out the Offsprings, that should be a good time to try one of the rulers..I just we
weren't so behind on our goal..."

"[Bastemon] No need to worry too much, we'll get there. It'll just take time is all, k? ^^"

"...We could make you two stronger, Basty. Crescy."

"[Crescemon] *looks at Ranamon* I know where to start eVe"

"[Ranamon] ! H-huh?!"

"Crescy! Not after we lost Pally today!"

"[Crescemon] ...I..Keep forgetting.."

"[Bastemon] I know...It's still hard for me to realize too.."

"[Crescemon] Anyway I know that, Dark Digimon too, but those kids especially have very fast
growth-spurts. So we need to kill them off asap."

"Alot happened today so...Tomorrow?"

"[Bastemon, Crescemon] Tomorrow."

"It's a plan. I'll meet up with Wes before we head back out" I declared, and they agreed, then we
went our separate ways, with me going inside the barn, seeing Renamon still meditating. I was
being as silent as possible before I rested on the hay-infested floor. Then I rested right there, with
Renamon sitting above on her ferny stack. "Human.." I heard, "! *looks up at her* Renny?" I reply,
"Would it...Be appropriate if we were to try sex again, but in your world?" she asked, "S-sure
thing...Night, Renny" I said a bit tiresomely and returned to unconsciousness. Unknown to me,
Renamon was sweating quite heavily. "(HEEEEEY BUBBY? ENJOYING MY STAY IN YOUR
BRAIN? u )" NaitoRenamon said in her head, "(I care not how much will is required..I will
suppress you)" she ensured to her, "(SUPPRESS WHAT? WHO YOU REALLY ARE? DONT
(Even so...I will master you)" she also ensured to her, "(...MASTER? PFFFFT HAHAHAHAHA!
THAT'S A JOKE!)" NaitoRenamon says to her, "(Laugh it up while you can..But has this ever
came across to you?..If you really were to take me over..Wouldnt it happen by now? That means
Im still winning, but here's the thing..It's not just due to my own will..Now I now..-u-)" she hinted,
"(WELL..WELL!...JUST YOU WAIT! x ;;;)" she last said, "(*hears her say nothing*...Ahhh
silence, music to my ears)" Renamon replied before finally going into a comfortable slumber, her
aura blackens and a creepy wide smile appears on her.

Aaaaand that's a wrap! Thanx for reading this all the way! More in the next chapter! Dont miss
Chapter 11: Resolve and Massacre At Catacomb Colosseum
Chapter Summary

After waking up, the real world was calling and a visit to the cousin's house was in
order. However, most of his team suddenly gets wiped out? Later, yet another set of
dangerous activities occur, and if unattended, it will result in the destruction of the
Digiworld as we know it.

Hey guys! Finally wrapped this chapter as best i could at the moment, and goodness does alot still
happen here (as usual tbh). Really cant wait for yall to see how crazy it gets! Now sorry if things
have been seeming a bit deader than what we're used to. I've been still on emotional rollercosters
and been needing more time to play my favorite games, which can be apparent that i came across
alot of lol. To try to brighten things up a bit on my page, i've decided in order to push one or two of
the one-shot stories forward, i'd just go by whichever has the most views. Soooooooo what that
turned into was "...Holy hell the Miu fic is beating everything", and i've thought about going by
adding up all the favorites and follows to decide on Wattpad AND FanFiction, but the views
corresponded so damn well that the results were literally the same shit, so i might as well go by
views there too XD. Interestingly, the Etna and Cerebella fanfics have been breaking into the 400s
and 500s, while the Miu one's is already at 600, marginally being neck-and-neck with Etna, but on
FanFiction, it's over 1300 views now lol. So the order of fics're gonna look like this: Miu > Etna >
Extra Chapter > Loppuny > Rouge. Some might be like "Wait dafuq, extra chapter?" and yes, for
one of the finished stories, which yeah it's a flip of a coin but....fuck it, i'll let a penny decide on
that one.

Now lemme make a deal EVEN SWEETER here! If one the five fics can reach 1000 views on
here, i'll add another one-shot to the five from My Hero, which omfg do i have alot of crushes from
it, so i'll see how i decide on that one. That'll more than likely be the Miu fic's job. Alright, enough
rambling about bullshit from me, let's all perv out.

Enjoy eue

Chapter 11: Resolve and Massacre At Catacomb Colosseum. (And i fuck at Camil's house towards
the end)


Digi-Card Total: 60

Digi-Cards Used: 27

The next day was approaching. My slumber only broken when I feel a not-so-familiar pressing on
my head. "Care to wake up, sleepy-head? ^w^" I heard. It wasn't this new Renamon's voice,
admittedly sounding very close to another mon I know... "ghhhn..Im..waking up.. *looks up and
sees Bastemon smiling down on me while crouched* Oh Basty. *gets up and hugs her* Im always
glad to see you...*turns to Renny, still meditating*...Too" I finished, "*giggles* Ranamon and I
were talking.. She reminded me how free we're becoming, and that this is the best time to boost
each other's confidence than anything. Taking out NaitoRenamon is such a relief, yknow..UuU"
she told me, "...I dont know about gone.. Renny hasn't been herself...and I had a nightmare of her,
so while she's gone physically, she hasn't left me and Renny mentally.." I replied. Feeling my grief,
she holds me close to her for a moment Bastemon puts her paws on my cheek, with one also
holding her veil. "huh? what're you- *she kisses my lips* mm....(Basty..) *kisses her some more,
rubbing our lips on each other's to shortly make-out*...Thanks.." I said, "Since she's busy, I'll try
not to hold my feelings back for you" she told me, "Well try to anyway..I dont wanna feel too
attached to you. *sees her look down slightly* I know you're trying to help, so just remember that,
ok? *sees her nod* Now then, Im gonna go to Wes' place, see if he has any Digi-cards for me, and
hopefully nothing bad goes down" I let her know, "Let's not jinx it. Our luck isnt in good shape.
*jumps down* Go ahead and send us to your world, Human" Renamon said, surprising me and
Basty. A-alright, if you insist. As recommended, I sent me and Renamon to my realm with my

Now, by the time we got back, while standing on a 40ft building, we see that the area we were in
was quite different. Things looked more industrial and looking further on up, the rest of the city
looked the same. "Renamon, you thinkin' what Im thinkin'? eVe" I asked with a serious tone,
"Something..Or rather someone occupied this part of the city. This can only be of ill-will from said
individual" Renamon answered, surmising with accuracy, "*sees several Digimon flying around us
ominously* Other words, let's get to Wes, so we can make like a tree and get the hell outta here" I
said in slight urgency, and Renamon snatches me up in no time...And yeah, getting the hell out of
that spot before a fight happened. She soared high in the sky with me, getting to the neighborhood
in no time. However, something crossed her mind. "Umm Human...I believe you never mentioned
to me the whereabouts of your cousin oxo" Renamon prefaced, "Huh. I guess we've never really
been there. Go toooo *points down and ahead at a set of three two-story houses* There" I told her,
and she gently lands up in the middle of the homes. Rushing, I knocked on the door of the house on
the left.

"*opens the door* (Dammit and he brought her) *turns away* I'll be back in! *comes outside with

"Wes, just what the hell happened out here? I thought you were gonna take care of whatever
happened in our world!"

"Sorry, lil cous'...This one guy's been throwing things outta whack.."

"What do you mean? He cant be that powerful."

"Apparently, he is now. It seems like he's been gathering most of the cards with his set of Digimon.
Even worse..He's been killing people with them."

"Wait what?!"

"Yeah...Duskmon...Shadramon...I lost both of them due to him.."

"! (My...!) Strabimon, where's he?!"

"If it weren't for my Swanmon...He would've gotten annihilated with 'em.."

"But! H-how'd it get so bad?!"

"Saizo. All of a sudden, he was just going around, taking down any person and Digimon that came
his way. Then he founded this place he seems to call 'The Catacomb'."

"This sounds like a Human I have to sink my claws into. eVe"

"I may have to cut him down myself. No one takes out that many Digimon and my own blood but
me! That explains that factory-looking area I was in."

"You were already there? Well, I might as well give you this. *takes something out of pocket*

"*he tosses it, and I caught a pack of cards from him* Damn, how many this time?"

"20. You're gonna need 'em."

"Good finds as always, Wes. *pockets them* Where's that brat now?"

"He's...With my Swanmon..It's been an hour since he left. I'll have Missimon get him soon."

"Heh, sounds like he wants to give her his 'Thanks'."

"He hasn't made any advances on my team. I feel he's deciding on where he lies on the spectrum."

"It should be rather obvious where he lies. *looks at me* We already have someone who's
spectrum needs some adjusting. -x-"

"W-well whatever his case is, he still needs some training, so let's head back to that area,

"(Renamon now?) *sees her slightly blush* (Looks like he's growing past the whole 'Renny' thing.)
*sees him hop away on Renamon's back* (City's depending on you now, cous'. Dont choke out
there)" Wes thinks, instilling his faith in me, though in a way, finding it redundant. Renamon made
the trip as smooth as ever, to where I can go through all the cards I had, new and old. Unfortunately
not having a good of a combo as I did against that Kyukimon, these smaller combos are opening
my eyes nonetheless. In fact, I should be MORE than enough prepared to beat him, to where
making short work of him is very likely. "(YOU'RE WELCOME. YOU LIKE WHAT YOU
SEE~? OUO)" NaitoRenamon said to me in my head, "(I dont need your fuckin' help. I could take
him on even without you. You're just supplementary)" I mentally replied, "(Oookaaay~, we'll see
about that, lil man. Dont be surprised if Renners here goes buck-wild and tries having fun more
than usual ^x- )" NotRenamon said in a cuter manner, but still gave me chills. Like what the hell
is she talking about? That distraction aside, we descend upon this "Catacomb" building's area,
which by the way, had a rather large landscape it's owning. Seemingly dozens of acres, and it's
looking like 40% of the city was under control. "*sees a few large, Champion level Digimon
already drop in front of us* (Seeing how there's no police or military means they already fought
'em all off and they're regrouping..) *sees an approaching chopper, the Ginkakumon in front of us
shoots down with a fireball from his mouth, blowing it up* (My guess proven. Military are still
made of people, who'd never come close to bigger Digimons)" I then thought, "Just a Human and a
Renamon? Pheh! Go back home, kid" Aquilamon said, trying to tower over me, "*looks up at him
with only my eyes* I dont have a home. Not in this world. *sees him try to laugh* But after me and
Renamon here kill the lot of you, maybe this place can be mine for the taking" I told him with a
smirk, "! What's this Human think he is? You aren't some head honcho of the Digiworld!" said an
angered Deltamon, "I aim to be. *sees his eyes snap and he winds up his skull-fist, opening it's big
sharp mouth* Make sure he doesnt live, Renamon" I said to her, "*drops in front of me, holds up
the huge skull-fist's big jaws with both hands, despite feet breaking into the concrete upon impact*
Naturally" Renamon simply replies, slamming Deltamon's gigantic body against the wall of the
Catacomb's territory, breaking it down to his allies surprise. "(I hope you're all prepared to die!)
Digimodify! Speed! Juga-Maru! Armor! Activate!" I said out loud, using 3 cards at the same time,
"He has that many cards?! How's he- *gets slammed on top of by Deltamon* DYURRGGH- What
the hell?! How's a Renamon this strong?! *looks back at my location* (where'd he go?! He used
four abilities and-)" Woodmon thought, but could no longer think due to a huge hole being
punched into his whole face, his big pieces of wood flying through the back of him as he lays
there, dead. "!!! Woodmon! What the hell happened?! *looks behind him and sees me finishing my
big thrusting attack with a pile bunker in on hand, and the sword in the other* (H-h-h-h-HE USED
ALL OF IT ON HIMSELF?!) *aims all three mouths at me* Triplex Force!!" Deltamon said out
loud, charging a light beam at me. Before it could fire, I use the pile bunker to spring myself into
the air resulting in him only blowing up the ground, "(How strong is this Human too?! He's able to
take that thing's recoil with ease!) *tries to re-aim upwards, but sees arm flying in front, with a
huge scratch mark appearing on the wall in front* (Is that...My Arm...?!!!)" he reacts in shock, then
Renamon lands with me, does a quick run, throws me into him and I stuck my pile bunker out, nail
first, into his cheek right when he turned away, then pushed the big nail press into him, with an
impact great enough to make his whole head explode with blood. "(That'll teach him. Heh too late
now that he's dead.) *sees his blood coming at me, gets in my eyes while flying back* Shit!
Dauugggh! *wipes the blood out of my eye, sees that he's still alive, but barely able to move his
eyes. lands* Blow him apart, Renamon" I commanded, and she gives many unseen slashes, coming
out of the attack behind him with a spin on her toes, akin to a ice skater's, his body popping from
the inside out as the ground became pooled with blood. "u.u...o.o (I did all that?) *sees a Tankmon
coming from behind* Look who's late" she comments, "Im shut downing everyone here! Die
maggots! *brings out a missile from head* Hyper Cannon!! *fires the missile at Renamon, who
quickly jumps away and then goes for me* (Heheh, this Human's gonna get fried!) *sees me make
a big leap forward, and slice through the missile from under it before it could explode, sliding
forward on the ground with the pile bunker and sword dragging behind* (WITH ONE ARM!!!? H-
he's way stronger than just some Human! I-Is he a Digimon too?!) *sees Renamon jumping in
front* M-metal Shot!" he shouts, shooting the metal ball out of his gun-arm's barrel, then sees the
ball being shot high into the air from Renamon's kick after a aerial spin, "HMM?!!!! *sees me
swing my body and the Juga-Maru blade is flung forward, which is caught by Renamon who
wildly spins from it* (W-wha! What's-)" he reacts before Renny lands on Tankmon's body, still
spinning, and gives a huge swipe of the claw horizontally, makes his upper body spin and slices
down on him with the blade with one arm, making him explode a series of times. "Invisible Shot!"
I heard, "Huh? *looks up for a split second and shoulder dislocates, spewing a burst of blood from
it due to a damaging blast hitting it* AGGGGHHHHHH!!!" I shouted in pain, taking a knee
afterwards, "Human? *looks up, seeing a frightened Aquilamon, trying to fly away after being
spotted* (You're dead...!)" she then thought, soaring high into the sky as if she were shot up there,
digging her claws into the bird mon's back in no time. "(He's...Gonna pay for that..)
Flame...Fragment @ @" I said to myself, sliding that card into the Digivice's 5th slot, "!
(What's..On fi-) *sees Renamon's hands engulfed in flame, and is stared down by her as she burns
from the lower back and up* N-n-n-NOOO! PLEASE I'LL LEAVE!!" it said in fear, "Die...Avian
Vermin..! o o" she says, and he tries to breathe in a ton of air, but Renamon drilled through not only
the flame that was built in front of her, but through his throat as well as she then fell to the ground.

Upon landing and wiping her cheeks of blood, we heard clapping behind us. "Nice lil' show there,
you two. *sees both of us turn around* I suppose you've come for the tournament" asked this guy
that looks like he could be my age, "(Those dark circles..I dont think they're from just bad nights.)
You listen, Saizo, there is no tournament. If you have many Digimons lined up, bring 'em here and
I'll pick apart each one with my Renamon here" I told him, "*grins* Well who said it'll stop there?"
Saizo replied, "If you dont stop, then I'll just have to kill you myself! *sees him start to chuckle*
(H-huh...?)" I reacted, "AAAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!! He said he's gonna kill me! That oughta be a
show!!" he said with a chilling fond tone to him, confusing me, "*hears rushes of steam come from
above* Ahhh the Catacomb Colosseum calls. If you're so anxious to take on the rest of my
Digimon, then you're more than welcomed" Saizo says before walking off, "(Catacomb
Colosseum...? Kind of whack job name is that?) Stop there! *sees him stop* Just what's the big
idea of all this?! The only person who should have many Digimon under his thumb is me!" I yelled
at him, "Then I suppose our goals are the same. The worlds aren't big enough for two of us. Sad
because..*shows Digivice to me* I know alot about you oue" he told me before continuing back
inside, as me and Renamon looked puzzled. The two of us seeing him ascending backwards on a
shielded, escalator shaft suspended over a deep pit. Renny and I were distracted by the walls that
were collected in moving capsules, seemingly allocating to where Saizo was going. "*sees several
winged Digimon come out of the pit* Thinking what Im thinking?" I said to her, "Destroying this
place was my plan from the start. I was just getting uncertain if you had the means to aid"
Renamon replies, "Oh you'll see. I'll make him regret he faced us" I assured her before she hopped
up to the flying mons, while I was smiling and replacing the current cards.

At the center of the arena, Saizo stood atop a Megadragamon, surrounded by other large mons.
"I've yet to see them. It seems my collection was proved overwhelming. *hears a ton of wrecking
sounds from the walls* Oooh? Then I've spoken too soon. *sees me and Kyubimon, wielding
Shishiomaru, busting through a wall with a bunch of other Digimons' bodies flopping on the
ground* Good~~" said Saizo, putting on a crazed smile that me and him shared for a moment. My
blood was boiling in excitement as I reset my cards and my molars in my teeth sharpen to my
lengthening smile. "! *reverts to Renamon form* Human! What're you- *holds up
MegaDragamon's giant arm* Ghn!! Human, this no time to act foolish!" Renamon urged me, "I beg
to differ...! *sees a Seadramon slither out of a wall, along with Golemon, Monochromon and a
dozen other mons start to surface* This is the perfect time to WIPE EVERYTHING OUT!! *starts
entering cards* Digi-modify! Berenjena! Dark Torrent! Digital Hazard! Activate!" I called out,
making Renamon's body swirl with dark, digitized energies, "Berenjena? Where's tha- *gets shot in
the leg* GYAAAH! *falls over and is caught in MegaDragamon's hand, looks at me, seeing a
smoking gun in my hand* You..Bastard! You can use Digimon weapons?!" Saizo said in surprise,
"Yeah, and you better run while you can. I could accidentally aim for your head" I said to him.
Several other large Digimon come out to play, filling the battlefield in seconds. "(Drrggh!! Just
how many did he get rid of before coming out like that? This isnt even 1/10th of my forces and this
is it?)" Saizo thought, "I grow tired of seeing such a swarm. Allow me to tidy up, Human"
Renamon said me, who is rushed down by both Mammothmon and Monochromon as she hold both
of them back with all of her strength from me. I shot both of their eyes and they were letting up
enough for Renamon to momentarily lift them up and slam them to the ground. "*jumps into the
air, sways an arm* Diamond Storm!!" she shouted, giving them severe scars from her many shots
of crystal-like needle that were also blowing up the ground below her, the ground already being
stained in alot blood. "Volcanic Strike!" said the downed Monochromon, able to get a good shoot
on Renamon with his fireball, but she kicks it into the crowd of the other mons, "(There's no way a
Renamon can be this strong! That does it!!) *a bullet flies past hair, hides behind Megadramon's
head* I might be able to only use one card, but it's all I need for you...! *pulls it out and few others*
Hyper Evolution! Activate!!" Saizo shouts, inserting said card into his digivice, evolving his
Megadramon, "Megadramon digivolve tooooo!!" it was saying, growing even bigger than
previously, "(I see how Wes was beaten. Dont know how he got it but it seems his can let him re-
use cards like mine...But still.) *puts the guns in my pocket* Evolution Limiter! Activate!" I call
out, inserting the card into my digivice, "Limiter?! *bats head at Megadramon and he reverts more
into his current form* ! It- Where'd you get that one?!" he asked in shock, "Renamon, digivolve.
*sees her digivolve into Kyubimon* Now for High Evolutor! Activate! *inserts it into the 5th slot,
making Kyubimon evolve into Taomon* Kill 'em all, Taomon" I told her with a serious look.
Seadramon sees already loses track of her upon transforming, "! Where'd she-" he said before
getting sliced in half, along with Monochromon, and Golemon was about to meet the same fate,
only losing an arm with the help of Mammothmon and Megadramon holding her back by blocking
her with their shoulders, which were bleeding in seconds. "*feels her dig her large claws into
shoulder* GHNNN!!! *bats head at her, opening mouth* Freezing Breath!" Mammothmon shouts,
blowing a big wave of icy wind out of his mouth, "! *spins paint brush with both arms, sees it
freezing quickly* Tch, even it's freezing. *tosses it away, hears a blast and dodges, letting it hit and
severely scar Mammothmon's body. Looks behind, seeing it come from me* Is that a new toy of
your's too?" Taomon asked, "Oh it's nothin'. Just something called the Sniper Phantom" I reply,
ready to shoot the large, blue cannon again. Angered, Mammothmon charges at me, but gets
planted into the ground by a rain of exploding tags from above, making his back bleed out and she
drops heavily on his back, breaking it as he falls over. "This damn Human!! *flies up and thrusts
huge metal claws at me* Die!!!" shouted Megadramon. I shoot the ground, making me thrust
backwards, and after he dug his claws into the ground upon missing, he goes for a big bite of his
metal jaws, which also miss and Saizo gets flung into the air from it.

"*backflips, lands, and sliding backwards. Looks up, sees Megadramon land several missiles and
claw cuts on Taomon, but gets up getting cut down to pieces by her at
highspeed*...Drrrrrgghhhh!!!!" loudly grunted Saizo, "*looks back at him* M-master Saizo! I can
still fight and- *gets surrounded by a black ball of void* No please! Master Saizoooo!!!" pled
Golemon, sucked into the void space, "! (What the hell did he do?!)" I reacted, "My ace in the
hole..Hell Ticket..Activate!" Saizo calls out, "! (I've never heard of that one!) GyaaaaAAH!!
*yields and is on knees, feeling very weak* My strength..I do not feel well..! eV<" Taomon said,
having issues holding up her Taomon form, "(She..she's stopped..) *sees Mammothmon be able to
send me flying into the air with his long nose from behind me* He..He's flying..He's flying!! *sees
me fall to the ground with a few cards falling out my digivice* He's losing cards as he's dropping!
He looks so helpless! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Saizo laughed loudly, "You aren't help..him..Are you?" Taomon asked, reverting all the way back to Renamon form, "Why
would I? This is what I live for! Look how desperate he's flailing up there! And he thought he
could beat me! HAHAHAHA!" he continued laughing manically, "Please! You have to help! He'll
die!" she shouted, "WAAAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! GOOD! Him dying will just seal your fates!
*sees me crash into the ground, most of my joints spurting blood upon impact, and the front of my
body oozing blood, points at me* HAHAHAAHAHAHA DEAD! *lowers to Renamon with a
tilted head, smiling widely* What a way to go, right?! @u@" Saizo shouted, "Heheheh, you tell
me" I said, "! *jolts head up, and gets shot in the arm* GAAAAH! *sees me walk forward with
both guns out with my own smile as my head bleeds all over my face* But that's impossible!
You're supposed to die from that fall!!" he said out loud, "Guess you never knew..The training I
went through..It's got me accustomed to this kind of pain..ENOUGH TO ENJOY IT!" I told him
while continuing to shoot up his body, "AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! *the shower of bullets tears
shirt and pants all over, falls on both knees, covering bullet wounds, heavily breathing, tons of
blood pouring from mouth to the ground* Stop...Please..S...Stop..No more...P-pain.." he then
pleads, "*appears behind him, with Iron Claw equipped* Dont worry.. U *sees him turn
around, thrusts both claws down into him, bunch of blood pops into my face* It's all over now ((⓪
⓪)))" I said in a creepy tone. His arms and hands were flopped onto the ground as did his body,
face first, which had six huge, vertical scars. "*gets up* Well...He seems to be dead" said
Renamon, "...Heeeeeeeh~~~ He does, doesnt he? ⓪u⓪" I replied back at her, "(Someone's
enjoying himself too much..His hair's flaring up and everything..) It's..Rather a shame we couldnt
get any information out of him about the digivice" she points out, "Hmph, I dont think it matters. If
anyone else can do that, they'll die all the same. *sees all the dead digimon in the arena* We're
letting the Humans clean up this mess. Last time I checked, I dont take out trash. Now cmon, we're
informing Wes before leaving" I told her, "*sees me take out the cards* (He..called them
Humans..) Do you..see everyone as just Human?" she asked, ".....*looks at her* Only those I dont
deem worth being called other than that" I answer. Not saying another word, Renamon picks me up
and hops us back to Wes' house.

A minute into our short venture, we see choppers making their way back to that place that Saizo
built. These Humans would do that after no longer seeing those larger mons poke their big heads
out of the walls. I admit, Im curious on how he could quickly build such an area on his own.
Chances are he had those Digis he collected to build all that for him, and that he built such a
limited digivice, but who cares? He's dead, I won and that's all that matters. By the time we got to
Wes' place, most of my scars and injuries were healed from constant contact on Renny's body. I
took a deep breath, knocking on his door and he opens the door, relieved to see me in one piece.

"I see you're alive. That mean you took him out?"


"For good."

"o o! *sees my shirt and pants have reddening stains* You...You ki- *looks behind, comes outside,
closes the door* You killed him?"

"I've slain a few while in the Digiworld. This felt alot smaller of a scale."

"We shouldn't be killing people off like it's nothing, yknow! I know it was brutal back in the
Digiworld, but still, we could've put him in jail!"

"He was trying to kill me first. Isnt it just fair this way? You wouldnt do the same in my shoes?"

".....Cous'..I thought we were better than this.."

"Well sorry, I know I sure as hell aint."

"*looks at Renamon* Did you teach him this?"

"Perhaps. Influence seems to work in such a way with you Humans. I too seem to've been unable to
rid myself of life-or-death circumstances."

"But still...It's so wrong..."

"Blah blah, him and me are in the wrong. All that matters is that you get to see me again. *sees
Wes hang his head. sighs* Look, I wish things were different too. I was caught on a bad day, ok?
*sees his brows twitching while closing his eyes* Well we just stopped by to tell you that the
deed's done, so let's go Ren-"

"Just to make sure..*caught my attention* What was his hair color? Was it blonde?"

"! Uhhhhhh- Renny, what was it? I kinda killed him too fast."

"oxo! I recall his hair being brown."

"B-BROWN?! Is she sure?!"

"Yes.....So we've somehow took someone else's life.. -x-"

"(That crafty bastard then! Got me killing off some big-headed lacky!) That'd explain that one-
slotted digivice and that facility coming outta nowhere like this...Of all times, looks like I may
have ta pick him off too."

"! You shouldn't resort to that so fast!"

"If you ask me, anyone that wants me dead is preventing me from my Renamon. They dont deserve
to live at that point."

".....*sighs* If anything happens out here, I'll be the first to let you know. Your phone cant get any
texts in the Digiworld?"

"Yeah, no fix for that yet."

"Check back here often then."

"(Tch. It's one thing after another in Human world.) Im kinda gonna have to with the kid still trying
to get stronger for dear ol' dad."

"Yeah, Im still making some progress...But please...Just dont be too far gone..K?"

".....Dont worry. This is just me acting when shit hits the fan. Oh yeah and we finally took care of
that fake Renamon. Im way more happy about that. Let's go, Renny. *walks away with Renamon*"

"*waves goodbye* (Guess it's better than a no..Getting rid of her though..Even if that's a good

"Dad changes alot...Doesnt he?"

"Yeah...*turns to the side, seeing him leaning on the edge of the house* Who knows how he'll be
next time he comes back."

"He..Even thinks about me..Doesnt he?"

"Heh. Yeah. If it's not his gf, it's you, I guess. U_U"


"Girlfriend, kid. Speaking of which, how'd it go with Swanmon?"

"She...She called me weak..alot.."

"Heheh. Guess that gap is still big. UuU"

"Y-yeah...Kinda makes me scared.."

"He also asked if you two were getting close."

"I..I dont know..Her calling me her pet...I dont know..I dont know what to feel.."

"*turns head to him. Looks into the sky* You'll figure it out. It's ok if you're lost now..(I've
decided. Me and you are gonna investigate, kid.)"

"Umm...He...He said he killed a guy, right?...What's being dead like?"

".....For now, let's just say you dont wanna end up like that. Not anytime soon" Wes told him
before stepping inside his house. Strabimon's mind was quite riddled. Though he had a decent
sense of what he meant, he still wondered. Hoping to talk about it some more soon with Wes later.

The way me and Renamon were going was only familiar to me. All the houses we passed up were
blinding together in her mind. "So this place...Which companion's door are we knocking on this
time?" she asked, "It's been a while, but now we need some new clothes. *gets on phone, texting
someone back* I dont wanna take my chances with Angie so we're going to Camil's" I inform her,
"I suppose it's of your...Better choices. Would be having the time and space needed for us is the
question" Renamon prefaced, "*reads a text* We're in luck. She says she'll be downstairs and her
parents are away. Music to the ears, right?" I reply, "Indeed..There were a few instances where my
head wasnt in check, so a more private talk is in order" she tells me, and I nod. We then found
ourselves in front of Camil's doorstep, "*hears knocking, opens door* Oh you're here I- *sees me
and renamon have blood stains in several spots* No wonder. Were you guys killing people or
something?" Camil asked, "Me with most of the Digimon groups, him with the Human behind it"
Renamon informed her, "o____o;;; (Great, now Im letting in a potential murderer..TT TT I-I dont
wanna give him any ideas so) Y-you two seem to have went through alot today, eh? C-cmon in
ouo;;;" she invites in and we did as such, stepping inside. "(Dont worry, Cammy. I'd be scared in
your shoes too.) We'll be upstairs in one of the rooms. All we need is a few cloths...Eh maybe a
few hours too" I told her, "Oh no problem, m-man! ^u^;;;" she assured us, seeing us off, hears the
door shut and flops on the couch she was next to. I close the door behind us. Looking around, I
kinda wished I picked a better room. Seeing how girly her stuff may give my dong some issues.

"*sits on the bed, looking away*...So..Ahem..She..Seems rather frightened of us."

"Given what we did, anyone would. That's just how Humans work."

"R-right, Human.."

"So....Have you been seeing her too?"

"....Un..Unfortunately so.."

"It's strange..You'd figure she'd have control over me, not just you by now. Dunno about you, but
it's easier for me to control my Madness than before she was a part of my mind."

"Perhaps it could be the X antibodies. You possibly have some in your body too."

"Is that how it can work?"

"Not..Particularly. At least, it's not supposed to. It more than likely due to yet another anomaly."

"Ugh, these just love to happen when it comes to her, huh?"

"Alot of that is, however, sketchy."

"...Speaking of it though...Do you think..Now that we both have her...Yknow.."

"Hmmm....*sighs* I'd hate to say it, but now it sounds more possible than before."

"Only one way to find out."

"....Can you allow me a bit more time before our....Attempt?"

"Alright...*sits next to her. inches my hand next to her's*...So..*feels her nail inch in closer to my
hand* You..Dont think you'll go too wild on me..Do you?"

"*holds my hand*...No promises on that.."

"Hmm..I guess that's my challenge to you. *looks at her* Keep her in as much as possible while I
ravage you."

"(oxo! R-ravage now?)"

"Will the great Renamon back down from a measly lil' offer like that?"
"*rolls eyes* Perhaps seeing it as a challenge is more befitting of me. It is, though, rather unneeded
to attempt to get a rise out of me, Human."

"You're right. *pecks her small lips* That's your role. eue"

"Oh...F-fair point >x>"

"Now c'mere sweetie, kiss me back~."

"T-that's..*feels a breast getting groped* Ghng! >x< A-alright. *kisses my lips back*"

"R-renny I..*kisses some more*"

"(That name again?) Y-yes Human?"

"Alot's been going on, so...I wanna start slow..And extensive."

"Would...*looks at my pants' growing bulge* Would taking care of..Your cock help?"

"...Are you anxious to use your mouth?"

"Well..*lowers to my crotch* Maybe a little..>x> *opens pants, my warm, long cock flings and
rests on cheek* oxo! T-this..H-human I..*starts jerking at it with both hands* I really want it OxO"
she said with ever-growing eagerness, already opening that gapping mouth of her's while jerking it
back and forth as it's inches away from my tip. What was getting me more ready for her was how
lewd she looked while staring down at it while blushing, and having her tongue out, drooling. It all
looked great with those sizable molars of her teeth, waiting to test the medal of my dong. Renny
was closing the gap between my dick and her mouth, as I was jerked on. Warmth was overtaking
all over my erection the moment she gulped it in, making her eyes roll back slightly, making
gagging sounds as I was feeling the canines of her teeth from both sides and my tip was rubbing
down her esophagus for one second then the roof of her mouth the next. Renny's brows bend
inward as she involved her lips more, her claws slowly scratching down my back, with one hand
being higher than the other, all while moaning. "(I want to...Make this last too, Human..I miss your
cock so much..)" I heard echo in my head, "! (R-renny? I can hear some of her now? Is it her
thoughts?)" I said in my mind, "(I sure can! And gooooolly is she having a field day with you!
ouo)" NaitoRenamon said to me, "(Oh no..I dont want any of you right now)" I reply, "(Well dont
kick me out so soon, hear me first! You can now just communicate with me and her like this if
you're feeling close enough..Some touching needed, of course ewe)" she repiled, "Yeah, what she
said" other NaitoRenamon said, "(Ghn! That's it!) *taps her head* R-renny, slow down o.<" I told
her, "Hm! *takes cock out of mouth, pushing away a bit* W-what's wrong, Human? Was I quick?"
she asked, "N-no, you were great..I heard you in my mind..and her as well" I let her know, "You
hear me...And her as well? How peculiar...Should we stop? oxo" she asked, "Just..Let me have my
turn" I said and she nods.

We switch spots, with my lovely, still-eager Renamon spreading her back on the bed, and I climb
on her, getting to those large tiddies of her's. I was giving some intial groping to them, which
Renny loved every second of as she often tilted her head from side to side, looking elsewhere with
squinted eyes. They were closing when my cock was rubbing all over her female genitals, which
were twitchy on it, really anxious to get pounded out by my BBC (just roll with it). "Oooooh
Human..Make love to my mammaries..*rubs hind legs on my leg, holds the back of my head while
my face gets buried into one plushy, breast* H-hhauuuugh~ H-human..Y-you're so f-fulfilling uqu"
Renamon said a bit lewdly to me, her insides fluttering butterflies as she squirms her legs on me as
my pelvis dry humps her exposed, drooling pussy. "*stops hips, keeps it raised in the air. kisses and
smacks lips all over her yellow tits for a moment, then stops* Jerk it, Renny...Jerk it in" I told her,
"With great pleasure, Human -u-" she then said to me. "Jeez. Dont tell me they're.. *sees me
holding her head into my chest as she jerks my big boner with her big hand into her pussy, easing it
in inch by inch. Pulls head to the side quickly, looking flustered, back to the wall* (Th-they're
trying to fuck in my house! >﹏<....) *looks back at us through the door creek, sees me resetting a
few times to get the angle right to penetrate down into her as she flips her head back, panting out
loud* (I..> O..I didnt know his dick was that big..and that her pussy was so swolen....Or that her
ass was so big..) *hand reaches down, getting under skirt, makes middle finger press on clit, stops,
scoots away from door quickly* (NO NO NO! Camil, control yourself!) *hears the bed rocking
hard as I rapidly pound myself down into Renamon while moaning out her name, and she keeps
moaning out 'Human!! Oooh~'* (>﹏o.....Im..W-wow look at him g- NO! I SHOULDNT BE
WATCHING! 。・゚(゚⊃o ⊂゚)゚・。)" Camil said to herself, seconds away from pleasuring herself
near the door, running down the stairs. Half an hour passes and she still hears us going at it all the
way from downstairs, "(He's still going?! Damn are these two horn-dogs!) *sees hand slip into
panties under skirt* (つ﹏﹏O! No no! Hand, s-stop it! つ////<・。・。)" she thought to herself. Camil
then thought about going out the door, but still had issues taking her hand out of her undies and
didnt wanna go out like that. Struggling to think any further for 10 more minutes, slowly getting
herself off, she rushed back upstairs, "(T-that's it! Im telling them to stop this! @///@)" Camil
shouts within. Her hand grabs the handle, to hear a "Haaaaaah~~~" from the two of us. Curious,
she peeped through the door.

"*sees Renamon's pussy oozing with my jizz as I snuggle my head between her plump tits* (T-
they're done already?!) *sees me make out with her the next moment, puts back against the wall*
(W-what do I do now? I cant tell them to scram when they finished like this. Oh no, what if he has
another baby but with her?! Then I cant believe I! I was about to-)"

"Cammy? What're you doing near the door?"

"O O! U-umm, I was just c-checking on...Uhh- > >"

"You didnt hear too much up here, did you?"

"N-no, not at all! ^ ^;"

"Tch, you dont have to lie. You saw me do some 'Taming' earlier, did you?"

"O-of course I wouldnt! Im not like Angie, who's been acting real pervy la- *sees that Im
bottomless with my half-chub hanging and dripping* WEAR SOME DAMN PANTS!! >O<"

"*giggles* Had a feeling you'd look down. -u- *pants lands on my head* ||ox>"

"Alright alright, 'nough fun for me. *puts them on* You dont have to be so uptight, Cammy. It
wasnt the worst, righ-"

"FINE I LOOKED!...And that was it, OK?!"

"Heheh, just trying to easy up here. *looks back at Renamon* Ready back there? *sees her cover
herself with blankets* Ok then..e e"

"You've...Been acting a bit more off than usual yourself."


"You usually are real uptight with people. Now you're trying to make light of happened here..I cant
be your girlfriend's doing."
"Huh. I guess with you, I try to do that."

"...Something happened back in the Digiworld, right?"

"The. Sharp as ever...We got rid of NaitoRenamon..Remember seeing that black Renamon?"

"Y-yeah..So you've been feeling really relieved since then?"

"In a way..."


"I...Kinda need to watch myself. Here and there, she comes up in my mind..and in Renny's."

"O O Oh...(That's definitely bad. She could be up to something.)"

"Renamon's been having a harder time than me so..She's been needing a break too."

"Sorry I came at you like that..Then...This."

"Dont worry. Im more upset about losing a close friend at the Base.."


"It's our lil HQ that's off in it's own space in the Digiworld. We have plenty of mons there. *walks
up to Renamon* Cmon, let's go. *picks up digivice* Oh and..Look out for Wes too" I told her
before I teleported out with Renamon. We appear before our navi group, looking over the monitor
with Bastemon. She turned to us, then looked quite stressed. The group looked with a similar
expression before turning around. I took a moment to look at the screen and see several names on

"Hey, yall seem to be able to see some names. So why the long face, Basty?"

"[Bastemon] There..There's alot going on now..."

"Oh shit, really? ouO"

"[Calumon] I wouldnt be so happy about all this. The last of the Royal Knights is real beat up."

"B-beat up? Who was able to go toe-to-toe against him?"

"[Cutemon] It was awful! One of them turned a Butterflymon into a DarkButterflymon and he's
with them now! Then all but one of the Offspring team came out of nowhere and jumped
Omnimon! AndAndAnd Omnimon could only get away with the help of Beelzemon! Now's he at
Infinity Mountain and the Offspring are on their way to fight him!"

"[Gatomon] Then even before that, I saw that DarkMamemon you guys fought digivolve into
DarkMetalMamemon and he now has an X form! He's going to Cyberdramon!"

"[Renamon] Him? That means he's possibly planning to become a DarkOmegamon. We definitely
cant let that occur. eVe"

"Jeez alot of shit really did happen while I was gone, but what should we do first? Two things are
trying to happen at the same time."

"[Bastemon] I was thinking we could to split into teams. One group could take on those Offspring
and get rid of them while another can face DarkMetalMamemon."

"[Renamon] We could've used Omnimon here but he sounds severely wounded, so this will have to
be a rescue mission. We'll have to bring him back here, so Human, you'll have to aid him with that.
I suggestion me, and Crescemon take on those damn brats. Then Bastemon, you and Ranamon will
have to try your best against DarkMetalMamemon."

"[Bastemon] I-I dont know...Im most comfortable with her sure, but that Mamemon's stronger than

"[Calumon] Weren't the Royal Knights friends with another group, Gato?"

"[Gatomon] Hey, thanks for reminding me! The Olympus XII!"

"Where've those guys been? Are they as strong?"

"[Cutemon] Where've you been at? Of course they are! They train everyday to one day surpass
them, but unfortunately they're in the same position. Only their Minervamon is left, but we've lost
track of her due to this other stuff."

"[Gatomon] She got an even worse beating..She used to be in her Mervamon form...Then
NaitoRenamon was fighting her.."

"That bitch..! So she beat all 12 on her own?"

"[Calumon] Only most but with the help of that Beelzemon, she got rid of the rest."

"Beelzemon? I guess her and him were very close?"

"[Calumon] Yep, and Palmon-X told me all about it before absorption."

"Then he helped that Omnimon...He'll take a while to heal since he's so big..Any ideas for him?"

"[Cutemon] Gotcha there, buddy! Rescue him asap and we'll gather some Digi-cards with Digimon
on 'em to make him fuse with so can he digivolve. I know just the places! ^uo"

"He can digivolve again? (Sounds like he'll be able to take on the current rulers for us by then.) It's
a plan everyone! Y'all know what to do from here. *looks at Bastemon* I'll help you and her right
away after bring Omnimon here. Dont die on me, ok!"

"[Bastemon] ! O-ok. I'll try my hardest!" she said to me, before I gathered the rest of the team, and
we went to our planned locations. Once me, Renamon and Crescemon transported to the scene, we
got in the way of DarkButterflymon from going after a weak and bloodied Omnimon. "*sees him
coming* (I-if I could only use my Ulforce powers, these four would be vanquished in a flash..)"
Omnimon thought, "*bats the dark mon away from Omnimon with the Juga-Maru blade* If
anyone's gonna kill him, it's me. Go ahead, Renny. I got this one. You too, Crescy" I said while the
DarkButterflymon was shaken up by the initial hit, angrily staring at me as Omnimon stared at me
in surprise while on his back. His allies, DarkPhelesmon, and DarkSkullMeramon looked back
from the mountains, seeing me facing their DarkButterflymon while Renamon and Crescemon
were coming at them. When DarkButenmon looked back with them, Renamon-X kicked him off
the mountain with great speed, sending him flying as he looked at her hatefully. Back at
Bastemon's location, miles away from Lilithmon's fortress, her and Ranamon were looking at
DarkMetalMamemon. "Are you ready, Ranny?" Bastemon asked her, "*pats her back* He said try
our best, right? I cant be too bad! It's two mons against one after all! ^O^" Ranamon replies, then
puts on a more serious face before the two dash forward at him.
Aaaaand that's a wrap! More thrilling shit in the next chapter! Thanx for reading this all the way!
Dont miss out, and dont hit that unfollow button!
Vs Beelzemon X. The Doomer & The Blinded

I think yall know the drill here. Intro, wait your turn!

Chapter 12: Vs Beelzemon X. The Doomer & The Blinded —

On the large stretch of rocky land, with the Infinity Mountain towering over us, DarkButterflymon
locked eyes at me as I gave him an excited, grimace stare, with some blackness emanating from my
body. "*looks down at me* DarkButterflymon! You have to be careful against him!" warned
DarkPhelesmon, "You heard him..Who knows how soon I'll tear you apart...! ⓪U⓪" I told him, "
(Bu-but he's just a Human!...Right? Th-there's something else going on here, and it's wrong!)
*starts breathing heavily, and sight becomes shifty and inverted* (! G-get a hold of yourself!)" he
told himself, "Heheheeeeh~! That's what I wanna see..You might as well kneel before me so I can
skewer that head of your's! *draws a card* Though there's always killing yourself. Your choice u "
I told him, while my eyes seemingly blacken with a grin. "! Sweet Honey Straw!" he calls out,
flinging out his antennae at me, attaching it to my body, and started sucking my blood. "(He's just
standing still..Does he not know he could die like this?)" the Dark mon asks himself, "*stretches
neck* Let's get started! *wraps his antennae around my arm and yanks him in, seeing him fly
forward at high speed* Digi-modify! Armor!" I shout, sliding the card through my Digivice, "*sees
my six-slotted Digivice* (He has a Digivice! If I can kill him, I can use it myself!) Sweet Kick!"
the mon shouts, kicking me in the gut, pushing me back by a meter, with blood running down his
leg from my gut, "...You're Dead u " I said, making the pilebunker blast through his body as he
lately sees it pointed right at him with my other arm, "Digi-modify, Chainsaw" I said, and in an
instant while the nail part of the pilebunker was still in him, it turned into said Chainsaw, cutting
upwards with many spurts of blood and sparks flying in my face, "UWAAAAAAAGHHHHH!" I
heard him scream in agony as he died. "! *looks back down, seeing DarkButterflymon slip in half
in front of me as I was drenched in his blood and I looked up with a big grin, then took a bite out of
his brain and spat it out* (This Human killed him mercilessly...Just how long has he been in this
Digiworld?) *is sped passed by Renamon* ! DarkButenmon! Get her!" DarkSkullMeramon shouts,
"*clashes with Crescemon* Drrrgh! Move it!" DarkButenmon aggressively told her, "Dont take
me for a fool. She's with me and the Human down there, and Im going to take you all on" she
declared, making the three high-leveled Dark mons shocked upon hearing. The DarkPhelesemon
looked down for a moment, seeing me climb up, "(Someone seems to enjoy battle a bit too
much..I've got something for him...!)" he plots to himself, disappearing, and Crescemon goes
further up the mountain, taking a knee and ready to fire. "(They're all the same level as me, and it's
unrealistic to try to take them all down on my own, but if I can kill one..) Step forward if you
wanna die" she warned, "Dance of the Sun! *charges forward with sword, catches it on fire* Die!"
DarkButenmon shouts, "Ice Archery" said Crescemon, who fired ice arrows down at them, "Metal
Fireballs!" shouts DarkSkullMeramon, firing several metal balls of fire out of his mouth, which
were blown apart by Crescemon's ice arrows but the explosion they caused emitted dark energies.
"! (She encase darkness in her ice?! When did she-) *looks back at her, seeing a long line of arrows
in front, slashes at them quickly* (How many of these are there?! RAAAAUUUGGHH!)"
DarkButenmon roared in his head, "(If I can tire them out too, that'd be even better)" Crescemon
continued to plot to herself. I looked through my hand of 8 cards, and looked back up from an
obscure-enough angle, so that those above couldn't see me and I was behind a pile of rocks. "(Max
Charger would be perfect now..I could come in with the Benrenjena guns but..Just that I shouldn't
be in a battle between Ultimate-level Digimons like that..)" I was scheming, "THAT'S IT!"
DarkButenmon shouts in great frustration, slicing the upper 1/10th of the mountain horizontally, "!
No fuckin' way! *sees that part of the mountain come to where Im at* Oh shit! *jumps out of the
way, it bumps where I was at a moment ago and continued falling* Phew, missed me there" I said
to myself, "Hmmhmmhmmmm, yes but are you forgetting something? *sees me bat my head
behind* Black Statue! *eyes glow and echoing rays shoot from them, petrifying me to stone*
Since you're still alive there, let's make this fun. Demon's Shout! URRRRAAAAUUGHHH!"
DarkPhelesmon roars with tinges in his voice, which assaulted my ears and was fucking up my
WANNA HEAR MORE, HONEY! OUO)" NaitoRenamon said in my head, while Im mentally
quivering in anguish, wanting to hold my head...AND RIP IT FROM MY NECK!..but I cant.
"*looks down, drops from the skies* Dammit all. Am I too late to tell Beelze- *something zips
past, blowing a massive blast of air, gets pushed by it* ! was that him?" Renamon asked herself,
"*puts a hand on me, feeling my heart racing* Good. His really losing it in there! *raises pitch
fork* Time to die!" excitedly said DarkPhelesmon, "*shoots him in the head, watches him fall to
the side, off of the edge of mountain path* Think again, asshole" Beelzemon said, "*breaks out of
the stone, falls on the floor, wildly gasps for air* That was too close! I almost completely lost
myself in there! *looks up and sees no one* Who..Saved me?" I asked myself, "*falls further* (I
was..So close...His Digivice...Could've been mine...) *flaps a bit* (My wings! They work! They
still-!)" DarkPhelesmon thought, but is suddenly met with two guns in the mouth, planting him into
the wall of the mountain, "Choke on this" Beelzemon coldly said, starting to unload tons of shots
into his head, kicking up bloody patches of dirt and rocks behind him, til his upper head flew out of
the dust that covered the two of them, and once the dust settled, the Dark mon was already
absorbed. The high-leveled Digimons were on the flat surface of the huge mountain that
DarkButenmon created, and DarkSkullMeramon unraveled alot of chains around him. "*jets at
DarkButenmon, making him defensive* (That SkullMeramon is on the defensive too, so let me
take care of this since his friend's mobility over there is limited. This other thing should take care
of him too) *kicks him away* Lunatic Dance~" Crescemon says, spinning with her arms up,
around the DarkButenmon, starting to bewilder him. Suddenly a moonlight shines on the
battlefield, distracting everyone but Crescy, who soon had a shield around her and she ends her
dance with a leap over DarkButenmon, blinding him as he looked up. Once Crescemon landed
almost instantly, a meter from him, her opponent suffered a handful of cuts from the quick
thrashings all over his body, making him fall on his ass. "*gets back up, makes whole body glow*
Drrrghhh! Dawn Light Flash!" shouted DarkButenmon, shooting a big light from his body,
blowing Crescemon backwards, and even with the shield that protected her, the attack rattled her,
causing blood to run out of her armor and down her head. "(This one's very powerful for me..I
know I can win if I just outpace him)" she thought to herself, clashing blades with him, exchanging
blows, blasting each other away, going faster and faster, and before he knew it, she was jetting all
over the field, attacking him from all angles, tearing away at his armor in no time. "(All this damn
speed! Where'd it all come from?!) *blocks while flapping wings, soaring into the air, looking
down blow* Ha! You cant use all that speed can you! I can see your ever move from up here!
*sees many shadows on the ground as the light dissipates in the air* huuuuuh...?" he questions,
looking back to see tons of ice arrows raining from above, and he blocks the barrage of them as
DarkSkullMeramon used his chains to form a dome around him, shielding himself all over. "*feels
the last dozen of arrows past through, puts arms down, breathes tiresomely* Are..Are they don-
UWACK!" he squeaked, feeling a big burst from his chest, seeing that it was caused by
Crescemon's wide blade from behind and gets decapitated by the other wide blade, with his head
flying into the distance as his data evaporates. "Filthy rodent..You'll pay for killing him...! *hears
waters from behind, sees a huge tidal wave coming this way, already towering* Hmph! Water is
nothing to me. Watch. *charges fist with big layers of flame and punches a massive whole in the
tidal wave, even blowing the whole thing backwards, most of it now evaporated* Heh. See? *sees
a hole being shot through the vapors, gets hit in the forehead by it, being blown back from the
impact* ARRGGHH! What the hell was that?!" he reacts, "*raises in front of him, planting a gun
between his eyes* Right here. *shoots him, blasting him backwards as he grabs his face in agony,
seemingly appears behind him* Darkness Claw. *shoves claw of emitting blackness through his
back, lifts him up and puts a gun in his back too* Heartbreak Shot" said Beelzemon, shooting a
powerful, roaring shot through the flame mon's heart, killing him and absorbs his data in that at the
location that's miles away from Lilithmon's location, Bastemon lands a big scratch across
DarkMetalMamemon's body, zipping a distance away from him. "*aims at her, charging a red blast
in the cannon arm* Energy Bomb! *gets arm grabbed and flicked up into the air, fires a huge red
blast into the sky* ! Who did that?! *looks to the right, seeing Ranamon on her back with her arms
and water whips out. cuts the water whip with the other arm's claw* You dern fish! I'll fry you
good!" the metal mon shouted before aiming at her, "(That'll kill her! I have to do something!)
Vampire Jewel!" Bastemon desperately does, casting a energy-absorbing jewel above his head,
making his growing energy shot start to shrink, then the whole arm falls to the ground. "Mind
Fogger! *zips around him and stabs him in the eye with long sharp nails that were lined up
together* There! Gyuh!" Bastemon then grunted, getting stabbed in her stomach and a burst of
blood comes out of her mouth, causing her to fall over. "Basty! Nooooo! TToTT *sees the
DarkMetalMamemon hold his stabbed bleeding eye with one hand, and uses the other to aim this
way* Yikes! *gets shot down by his red shots and flew backwards from the shots*
AAAAAGGGHH!" Ranamon shouted in pain, floored by the shots. The last standing mon was
about to finish off Bastemon, then suddenly he heard "-Digivolve to...!" making him turn to her,
"Calamaramon! *lands on the ground, wrapping a tentacle around DarkMetalMamemon, already
putting dents into his armor* I can already tell. You never fought a Digimon like me before.
Thankfully now, I can harden my own tentacles to get through this body of your's" Calamaramon
said to him in slight devious glee, and all he could do was grunt in agony. She proceeded to crush
and slam his head into the ground while entangling him, only resulting in a few more dents to his
skull. "Pesky bastard...Ooo I have a better idea. Acid Ink" Calamaramon said to herself, spitting
black ink on him, then wraps her tentacles around him, making a big ball of tightly-tied together,
and hardens her tentacles even further. The devilish mon continued this killing process for a few
minutes, feeling his life slip away more and more while she held her arms folded with a grin. She
felt him try to do an X transformation, but even then, once 30 more seconds passed, of squeezing
and suffocating, he struggled no more, with blood and black ink oozing out of her tentacles.
"*insides shudder from watching* (R-ranamon became a bit twisted in this form..) He's already
dead! change back please! I want the old Ranamon now!" Bastemon shouted at her, bringing some
senses back to her, "*looks back at a very bruised Bastemon, gives her an unsatisfied look* Hmph.
I'll go ahead and change back. I dont want any trouble from the others" she told herself with a look
of dislike sitting on her face, and reverts to Ranamon form, who sat there on her knees, shivering
while holding her arms. Bastemon went up to her and rubs her back, soon me and the others arrive
on the battlefield, with Omnimon carried by Beelzemon.

"[Bastemon] B-beelzemon? Why's he trying to help us?"

"[Beelzemon] Don't think this is me joining forces. These guys were trying to cause trouble, and I'd
be damned if they killed any one of ya."

"That's right...If memory serves, you still want to fight us."

"[Beelzemon] This is the second time I helped the lot of you outta sticky situations. Im not sure if
anyone here will put up much of a fight."

"[Renamon] *walks up to the dead DarkMetalMamemon, absorbs him* Ranamon and Bastemon
were able to subdue this strong, Dark Digimon. An Offspring at that. They've come far just like the
rest of us. This could very well be your fate as well."

"[Beelzemon] Listen here sweety. You still haven't beaten a Ruler yet, and I can take out any of
them if I really wanna. I am gonna be the strongest there is, so I could give a damn for their lives."

"[Crescemon] ! (He...Wants to be the strongest too..I doubt there're any other Crescemon by
now..At least any normal ones...)"
"[Beelzemon] *looks at Crescemon* You."

"[Crescemon] *looks back* H-huh?"

"[Beelzemon] You must be the last Crescemon..I can it. You're close. Closer than this Renamon
here. *sees Renamon painted with surprise* I can't have either one of you two get any closer to
your last selves. When we fight, it's for keeps."

"*pulls out the Berenjena gun, aims it at Beelzemon while getting his attention* Well go fuck
yourself cuz you don't get it. We have to be this strong. Not only to live but kill all these Rulers,
restore the Digiworld and I get to take over everything."

"[Beelzemon] (He's so different than before. A Human taking over the Digiworld? Nonsense. I
don't care if he's a Digi-destined or not.)"

"Guess you didn't catch wind that NaitoRenamon's nowhere to be seen. That was us."

"[Beelzemon and Omnimon] ! Your team?! Doing that should've been impossible!"

"Impossible's apparently our last name. Next ones on the chopping block is you guys."

"[Beelzemon]...*looks at everyone* Infinity Mountain. One hour. Any longer and Imma start
consumin' the Rulers. *starts flapping wings*"

"[Bastemon] Wait! *gets his leg* Is this why you got rid of the Olympus XII?! Then why'd you
help Omnimon?! You said you wanted to get stronger and you didn't care about the Rulers!"

"[Beelzemon] *sighs* It became that later, little girl. NaitoRenamon..Ever since I was torn up
Impmon..She rose me, and I was with her for a while..After her...I needed a reason to keep goin'. I
wanted strength like her's and she understood that. Soon, that was when we attacked those 12
strong Digimon."

"(It was a big test..) Did...Did she say anything about Wes?"

"[Beelzemon] Doesn't ring a bell. *sees me slightly frown* Now then- *gets shot at, turns to me,
shooting my next bullet down*"

"Where is she...Where's Minervamon?! WHERE IS SHE?!"

"[Beelzemon] If she's even alive..*sees my eyes widen* She was thrown in the Dead Data zone, by

"(she...) SHE DID WHAT?!"

"[Beelzemon] You can try finding her. *turns away* But I can't guarantee anything."

"[Bastemon] *sees him fly off, and I started tighten my grip on the guns* Hey I...Im sorry we
couldn't find her when we-"

"We're going ther- *gets slapped by Renamon* !...Renny..?"

"[Renamon] Human. Don't you DARE go back to your stupid ways. Not for yet another female

"...You're right..He said an hour. Going anywhere would be the worst time, and he's already a
Ruler. No telling how much stronger he'd get."
"[Renamon] So do everyone a favor and bring us back to the Base this instant. -V-"

"Tch...Have it your wa- *sees her raise a claw, staring at me with a black-eyed gaze* G-got it! o o;"
I complied, having everyone come back to the Base with my Digivice, Omnimon included.

Wes and Strabimon were looking around the city, asking around for answers with one or two of his
new members giving him information when no one was looking. "Alot of military was being taken
out close to here?" he asked someone, "Yeah but there used to be a big ol' wall right here. Someone
said it vanished, but there's no way that can be true. Things like that don't just poof outta thin air
like that, yknow" a civilian explains to him, "(Not unless it's Digimon-related. It could be an
anomaly. 'Cous told me he killed the wrong guy here..) Was there a Body found here?" Wes further
asked, "H-huh? Did someone die here? I would've heard something like that right away! All that
destruction went on a block ahead, but there wasn't any news saying anything about that. In fact Im
lucky I came out of that with a dislocated shoulder, everyone else had broken arms and ribs" he
was telling him, "(And he was hurt, so he was close to it all as well) Alright then. That's all I
wanted" Wes dismisses, walking away. "W-we didn't get anywhere, Wes. Who else do we ask
from here?" Strabimon asked him, "No one. Cous' told me he killed a guy here, and if no one
knows where that Body would be, it only tells me whatever happened here, the military didn't
solve any of it. They'd only report back all the damages. *sees Strabimon lament* However, there
is something Missimon said he saw about this. *gets his attention* He didn't catch any of the
fighting, he was scouting elsewhere, but by the time he came around here...*picks a small,
pentagonal-shaped device out of pocket* He stole this out of a toy store. *sees Strabimon's eyes
widen* Now this could be an actual toy, but he seemed assured that it's some sort of Digivice" Wes
was trying to piece together, "But...Dad should be the only one with a Digivice..Im sorry Wes, but I
really don't get this..." Strabimon laments to himself, "Im not sure either, but that doesn't mean him
or his Renamon wouldn't know at least something about this. Those two're really sharp themselves.
Till they're back, we'll keep training you up, k?" Wes then told him, with the lil mon following him
back home.

The four of us arrive at the Base, with a still-bloodied Omnimon. "Golly, this big guy is really
beaten up huh?" commented Calumon, "Renny, you'll have to stay with him for a while. 40
minutes should enough to restore him. It'd be a good time to get some training done with the
others. *looks to the two navis in front of me* Is Cutemon watching the monitor?" I then asked,
"Well no. She's trying to get digi-cards. It's been half an hour though, so- *hears beeping from the
center room, rushes over to it* That should be her! Hold on, Cutemon! *presses the receiver
button* Cutemon! Come in!" Gatomon shouts into the monitor mic, "Gatomon? Gatomon! I can't
find them! It's like they disappeared! They were right here, I swear!" Cutemon shouts back on the
tele-panel, "*catches up* What'd she say? Does she have any?" I asked, "She...She said they
disappeared.." Gatomon lowly answered. D-disappeared?! How'd they disappear? Maybe this is
another anomaly. It could explain why Wes was able to find that many cards for me last time, but
something's up. Dammit, an hour is so little time now! "Cmon, you said we have some training to
do, right?" Crescemon reminded me, "...Tell her to come back here. The three of you are on watch
until I come back from killing Beelzemon" I ordered, and Gatomon looked back at me in worry.

Strabimon was staring down Strikerdramon, Veemon and Swanmon on a tall building, with the
night casting over them and Wes watched from a distance. "*ignites entire body* Fang Strike!" said
the Strikedramon, charging at Strabimon. "Light Leg" Strabimon said to himself, darting to behind
Strikdramon, landing a kick on his back, making him stagger. "White Marie!" Swanmon said from
above, flopping her wings over Strabimon, raining icy waves down at him, "*rolls away from it
with Strikedramon* (Swanmon's faster than me. I keep forgetting)" Strabimon calmly said in his
head, "Boom Boom Punch! *winds up punch, Strabimon ducks it, trips, and spins to him while
falling* V-shot!" Veemon calls out, shooting out a fast fire ball from his mouth, "Light Nail!
*claws start shining, does several swipes, slashing through it at high speed and lands a scratch on
Veemon, making him fall over* Wes, digivolve him" Strabimon told him with a fierce look in his
eyes, licking blood from a claw. "(Drrrgh) Learn to control yourself. There's still Swanmon and her
partner. If you wanted to be pushed further this soon...*takes out the Dragon's Nest card from
pocket* (No, a bit too strong here..) Trident Arm, activate" Wes said, making a metallic arm appear
on Strikedramon, "Swanmon, allow me. Grrrrrggh...! *charges the equipped arm with a big load of
flames* Claw Strike!" Strikedramon shouts, "Light Leg. *dashes to him, stabbing a claw in his
him, swinging him around and makes his arm aim skyward as he grunts and resists. now on his
knees* Don't you dare" Strabimon told him, stabbing him in the chest with the other arm, making
Swanmon dodge around him big, fiery arm, with some of her feathers getting charred. "(He's really
thinking on his feet, but this is getting dangerous) Swanmon!" Wes shouted, "*scurries to a corner*
Please! I don't wanna end up fried over here!" Veemon said frantically, "Y-yes! Feather Tornado!"
Swanmon shouts, flapping gusts at Strabimon, blowing him away and extinguishing
Strikedramon's arm. "*sees Strikedramon catching his breath, and Swanmon petting Strabimon's
head* (The way he's progressing now..It's been much more than before..) Strikedramon, you have
to engulf your whole body so that won't happen" Wes told him, "Wes...*gets his attention*..Next
time Dad comes back..I want him to release me into the Digiworld.." Strabimon told him, "! But
why? Don't you know how dangerous it is?" he asked, "Yes, you won't last a day and-" Swanmon
was saying, "None of you know that! *sees them hush* It's a way to find out my worth...Dad's
team..They're so far ahead of me..If I die there and can't find his team in the process..Then Im not
worth a damn..I can get stronger like that much better. I know he doesn't wanna deal with me
anyway..." Strabimon lowly says, "*puts a hand on his head* Strabimon...I know you don't wanna
feel complacent and progress, but you can't rush things. *sees him turn his head away* ...We'll talk
about it later then" Wes told him before resuming their training session.

My back was pinned against a tree, with Bastemon's long nails pieced through it, holding me down
over my shoulder and one piercing my shoulder. I was more tired than them, but my devious smile
didn't waver. "Heheheeeh..You two were able to keep up.. *huffs* even with me using six cards at
once. *huffs* ..That's good, but a problem on my end..Least it got fun euO" I comment with blood
running down my head, "M-my body moved on it's own and..*pulls claws out of the tree, holding
the arm afterwards* too excited to use everything at once" Bastemon was commenting,
"*picks up my Digivice, starts taking them out of the slots. sees me relax my neck backwards* You
look like you really lose it with the more cards you use...Try to stick with two as long as you can"
Crescemon suggested, "(It's been happening more..Cuz of me using as many as possible all the
time..I don't think it happens all the time..But..) Crescy...Dont you have a final form like Renamon
does?" I brought up, "(He's...Oh..) Im still a ways off from obtaining it..If we Bio-Merged I can't
guarantee anything" Crescemon answered, "Ten minutes left..Beelzemon must be impatient now"
Renamon told us, "...*looks at Omnimon, seeing how he still has a few big scars on him, and his
large shield is still tattered* He'll have to wait. Heal us up before we go out" I told her and she did
as such. I wasn't able to do much damage at all to neither Basty or Crescy, with the two simply
being very strong for their current evolution stage, despite my big boost in power from NotRenny's
absorption. I wonder though..If I were to do the same to the Rulers...

With the ever-shortening time we had, we used it to have Renamon heal us before appearing
towards the top of Infinity Mountain, with Beelzemon looming over us, whereas he sat on a branch
with his back to the side of the mountain. He shot past us, taking out 5 Champion level, winged
Dark Digimons that were approaching with one bullet. Once he looked down, he saw us, dropping
down in front of us.

"[Beelzemon] You know what this means."

"I know. It's time to try or die."

"[Renamon] It isn't too late to switch sides. The way I see it, you've little to do with the other

"[Beelzemon] If I am to be the strongest there is, killing whoever threatens my position is part of
that cause."

"I'll warn you just this once, having 60 digi-cards is nothing to sneeze at. Anything can happen on
this battlefield. *smirks* Especially if Im not dead."

"[Beelzemon] Don't be so eager to die, Human. Consuming all the Rulers will be easier once that
Digivice is mine."

"(Our first Ruler battle...Anything can happen to us too..Like if I lose any of these girls..)"

"[Beelzemon] *looks at Renamon, feels a tear drop, rubs it away with a wrist* Tch.."

"[Bastemon] ! H-hey, is there something wrong? / .\"

"[Beelzemon] ...When I look at that Renamon..Those times with NaitoRenamon..I haven't



"(I don't wanna hear it.) *steps forward* Then..We dont have to fight. It'd be easier if you just- *is
at where I was gonna step, stops* (So much for that.)"

"[Bastemon] Beelzemon...I really dont wanna have to fight you..I definitely dont wanna push you
either. Not when your feelings for NaitoRenamon are still there like that! Cant you see tha-"

"[Beelzemon] Shut up..."

"[Bastemon] But Beelzemon!"

"[Beelzemon] I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP! *shoots to the side, blowing away huge chucks of
the mountain's top off, far into the distance. puts everyone in awe* YOU TOOK HER AWAY

"(...Well this happened..)"

"[Beelzemon] *wipes tears away, hics* You're a part of this Human's team...So you have no say in
any of this.."

"[Bastemon] Im..Im sorry..*looks to me*"

"([NaitoRenamon] YKNOW~~~ w)"

"(We aren't doing anything your way, so dont even ask.)"


"(You have no shame! You gave us way more than enough trouble, and now this! Whatever comes
out of taking you outta the picture, I dont give a shit.) Beelzemon..*gets his attention* I set foot on
this world to take out all of the Rulers and become one myself. *raises Digivice in one hand, and a
card with the other* If you ask me, you shouldn't be sad at all..cuz your fate is gonna be the same
as her's...!"

"[Beelzemon] *sees my eyes change to a red color with symbols hovering in the irises* !
(What..What are those?!)"

"(A Virus Type, eh?..That's right. Now I know what kind of Type you are thanks to my Digi Eyes!)
Digi-Modify! Excalibur! Speed! Activate!" I shouted out, putting a purple into the ground near us,
and Beelzemon grew wings and took flight to get away from it. "(If he has wings, he must be able
to Digivolve) *goes into X form and looks back at him, seeing his wings turn blue* ! (He has an X-
antibody as well?!)" Renamon X thought in surprise, "Finding an X-antibody carrier was no
problem within 30 minutes. *looks at me grabbing Excalibur* No you dont!" Beelzemon X shouts,
shooting a bullet at me, "*dashes to me, catching the bullet with a tail with two hands, using Power
Paw* I'll hold him off, you go ahead and get to Crescemon" Renamon X told me, and I ran to her.
"*dives in at Crescemon, charging dark energies into a claw* Darkness Claw!" Beelzemon X said,
striking down with it, "Fox Switch Deception! *switches places with him, causing him to blow up a
corner of the montain* Fox Switch Deception!" Renamon X calls out, "*turns around* Enough of
these tricks! *jumping out of the cloud of dust, is met with a gun to the face* ! (What is this
now?)" Beelzemon X reacts in surprise, "You're not going anywhere, bastard" Renamon X said,
taking Beelzemon X's appearance, shooting him in the face, making him stagger backwards with a
now cracked mask. "(Though my transformation is perfect, I can't use any of his abilities. Just
basic attacks..Though, let's take this a step further) Fox Switch Deception" she said as Beelzemon
X, a big puff of smoke pops below her, making two clones of him, with the clones having a gun to
his head from behind. "*looks back, seeing that Im focusing into Crescemon* Now stay there and
maybe you can die peacefully" Reelzemon X told him, "*is wrapped by water tendrils* If you
think this'll work against me..*impales both the clones with a skewering from tail, then shoots
Ranamon in the head, blowing her away with helmet flying off as it shatters into pieces, matches
up guns with shifted Renamon X* Then you've got it all wrong" Beelzemon X says, "Vampire
Jewel!" shouted Bastemon, making a jewel appear above Beelzemon's head, making his legs to
quiver as he grunts. "Grrrrghh! *turns to Bastemon with a gun aimed at her head* Im getting rid of
these small fry before- *doesnt see me anywhere* ! Where the hell that Human go?" he said in
surprise, "That Speed Card I used earlier..*sees him bat his eyes to the side of himself as I swung*
I applied it to myself!" I shouted in excitement, "*feels the Excalibur cut into ribs* Think again!
*shoots me in the arm, but gets cut up the chest and in the middle of face as I flew backwards with
one hand gripping the blade, blood flying up into the air* RAAUUGGHH! *sees me get my foot
back, does the same, shoots with both guns, with one landing in my leg and the other in the
shoulder blade in my back, gets cut across the stomach with more blood flying out the wound as I
fall on my arm and the sword flies out of my grasp* GAAAAAAAHHHH! (This Human...! What
is he made of?!)" Beelzemon X shouted in pain, stomping the ground to keep himself standing on
one knee. "(Good..Work...Human..) *reverts into Renamon form, backing away while holding a
deep wound on stomach* (If only I didn't get cut with him with that wild swing there..I must've
shared his Type too..It appears being cut has affected me more than it normally would..- v_)"
Renamon thought to herself while puffing. "(Dammit!..Moving my arms is impossible now, so I
can't use the Digivice, and the only one who can now is..)" I thought to myself, "*coughs blood and
unblurs vision, looks down at me as my blood spills on the ground* (He's in really bad shape..As
he should be!) *raises a claw* Prepare to die, reckless Human! *strikes down but I get dragged
backwards* How the hell?! *looks around, seeing a water whip around my feet, traces it back to
Ranamon, still having her face in the ground, struggling with one arm* You damn fish!"
Beelzemon X shouts, blasting a shot at her hand with a bullet, "*hand explodes with blood flying
everywhere* AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH! *drops me to the ground, shudders and writhes in
pain* Ghn..Ggghnn.. (At least I..Did it..)" Ranamon thought before fainting, "*charges an energy
shot* (His team..Everyone seems to fulfill a sort of role one way or another..If I can get rid of one,
it'll all go downhill from there. Him and his Renamon are already doing bad on their own) I
should've fried you from the start. (Best of all, he can't use that Digivic-)" he was thinking to
himself, "Volcano Armor! Pile Bunker! Sharpness Claymore! Activate!" he heard from his right,
"What?! But wh- *gets slash cross the eye by a flying, spinning blade* AAUUGHH! Drrrgggghh!
Who the hell did that?! *looks to where the shot came from, and sees Crescemon, who donned a
bulky armor, a big yellow blade with a thin handle extending out of the side of it, and a shield-
looking weapon in the other hand* You! You have the Digivice, dont you?!" Beelzemon X
shouted in anger, "('If I happen to get in really bad shape, you guys need to know at least a few
card combos when any of you get a hold of my Digivice. You can really shine here, Crescy. A
good amount need a my cards work with Ultimate level Digimon like you and Bastemon'.) It was a
good thing Ranamon did what she did or else I couldn't do any of this" Crescemon said to him. "
(Good, she has a combo going, but how'll we get him to Crescemon if he can't move?...Or
maybe!)" Bastemon was plotting to herself from below the lowered top of the mountain, watching
behind Beelzemon X with her head slightly popped out.

Crescemon, after activating the White Wings card, clashed a bit unevenly with Beelzemon X in the
skies, with each blow thrashing her around but she still managed her altitude. "Gluttony Glare!
*does a charge shot at Crescemon, who barely guarded with her weapons. her armor now starting
to crack* One more of those and...Wait! *looks back down, seeing Bastemon run to Renamon with
me* You're trying to distract me! I should be finishing off these three!" he said before diving down
on the three of us, "*sees him diving in* Renamon! You gotta go back into X form and use that
new move you've worked on!" Bastemon shouted, is now 50ft away from me and Renny. "! (New
what?!)" Beelzemon reacts, "Ghnnnn...! *purple and blue aura starts emitting, with the second tail
popping out* (There! My X form returned!) *looks up, seeing Beelzemon X is close* ! Fox-
Butterfly Illusion!" Renamon X called out, making the area clouded with her aura and shimmer
before his eyes, "What the hell did she do?! *stops, covers mouth from it as the cloud of it grew,
gets caught up in it, coughs* (I've never seen a Renamon do anything like this before. Not even
NaitoRenamon!) *sees NaitoRenamon appear in front with wings of her own, giving a cheery
smile and a wink* No! Get the hell away from me! Double Impact! *does a big blast from the
guns, shooting a spreaded shot with many bullets blowing her away but she reforms to give a hug*
Don't make me repeat myself, dammit!" Beelzemon X shouted, "Aww is the big bad Beelzy-wellz
all bother to see me? ^w^" she teased at him, "Don't you dare call me! Now let me through!" he
ordered, "Power Paws! *does a double-fisted paw strike, he catches both wrists, scoots up to him,
looking down at him, pressing breasts to his chest* Don't you miss your good ol' Naity? *backs
away and bends over* I know you miss this the most, ehehehe~. *hears him grunt and a great light
shines* Ooo Ooo! It's happening!" she also said, dissipating as she clapped, along with the illusion
field itself, and he finds himself facing to the right, on the other side of where everyone stood.
"*looks up, seeing no one in the air* (Seems though they managed to get this Bio Merge to work.)
*looks to the further left, seeing Ranamon still fainted and aims* You can't be too careful" he said
under his breath, pulling the trigger and suddenly has his hand pushed up, making him fire into the
sky with him noticing. "Someone seems to get too impatient" Dianamon comments, "*jumps back,
reloads and cracks neck* Taking out another of your kind was very difficult. Even with
NaitoRenamon's help, you were of the tougher members of the Olympos XII. This is gonna be
messy" Beelzemon X comments, "Im prepared. All that data you compose of will be mine in no
time" Dianamon replied, tossing and catching the Digivice in the air. Beelzemon X shoots at
Dianamon between her eyes and she dodges the shoots with left and right tilts of her head. He then
made the shots more shotgun-esque, making dozens of bullets come out per shot and she zigzags
left and right with afterimages, dodging them with ease. "Im through with playing around...!" he
was uproaring, getting into a huge clashing with Dianamon, going fast enough against each other
that they looked like big strands of light colliding with one another, forming a powerful sphere out
of the ridiculous speeds they reached, before the sphere flattened at dropped to ground level,
erasing Infinity Mountain in the process. "*bats him and his bullets away with the double-sided
lance* (The mountain is gone already..) *looks around, seeing guts of Dark Digimon fall around
the area* (And so are the Dark Digis that were close to here) *looks at his guns as he flies back,
aiming* (! He was charging something the whole time)" Dianamon was noticing, getting the
Digivice from inside her glove, "*forms a symbol of Gluttony in front, puts guns to it* Seventh
Full Cluster!" he howls, firing a massive energy shot at Dianamon, "*puts Digivice back in glove,
getting a bow and ice arrow out, pulls back* Arrow of Artemis" she said, with a sudden Tsunami
coming up in front of her and fires a powerful, piercing shot that punched a whole right in the shot,
but right when it did and tried to enter through it, the shot explodes on her, creating a massive puff
of smoke on her, rupturing the immediate area, blowing up the frozen Tsunami and spreads around
many ice particles.

Everything in the area was blinded by the cold particles, as the specks froze the ground below, and
the hurt Beelzemon X flew around in it, searching. "Crescent Harken" he heard, before getting cut
up violently by a multitude of extraordinary quick slashes, which seemingly appeared on his body,
with enough force to blow away all of Dianamon's ice debris, clearing it out of the air in an
explosive burst of power. Dianamon flew down in front of her heavily injured opponent, who was
dripping with blood from the deep cuts all over his body, "If we keep at it like this, your data will
be in the palm of my hands. I can keep summoning tides all day, so are you confident about
continuing this resistance?" Dianamon asked, "...Gimme all you got. *coughs blood all over wrist*
My tank aint empty, and I'll be damned to give in here" Beelzemon X responds, "I guess some
wanna die hard. Suit yourself, but.. *raises a hand* It'd be interesting to see you come back from
this" Dianamon replied, and upon dropping her hand, an even larger Tsunami than before towered
over the two combatants from behind her as she flew backwards into the water. "*charges a shot*
(I got very little to charge..But here goes anyway!) Seventh Full Cluster!" shouted Beelzemon X,
trying to shot the massive wave with her twin-barrel gun, and a big yellow flash of energy blasted
from it, bursting the wave, but was still crashed down upon by strong wall of water, being
submerged by it, pushing him deep into the murky abyss. "*spreads arms out, stopping. tries to flap
wings but they barely work* (My wings won't work...If I can just blast my way outta here..)" he
plotted to himself, charging his gun, "*taps his back* Im right here. *sees him turn around and
surprised* Goodnight Moon. *sinks slightly lower, shines light from the crescent ornaments on
legs and he falls asleep* Good. Now stay like that as I tuck you in. *quickly dashes to the surface,
flying 20ft in the air above the waters, already pulling and getting a shot ready from a bow, aiming
downward* Arrow of Artemis" she said, firing a bigger ice arrow shot, that had enough force of it's
own to touch Beelzemon X and freeze his whole body, then the whole mass of water in seconds.
"*draws a card from one glove and the Digivice out of the other* Digimodify. Orochi. Activate.
*sliding a card through the Digivice, making a big bulky, blue and red cannon blaster appear in
front, grabs it, charges the shot* Die. *lets the shot go, making a powerful explosion occur upon
impact, strong enough to break apart and fragment the entire structure of the frozen water mass*
Goodbye, unwanted Ruler" Dianamon said, landing a distance away from the massive fragments of
ice before her. She turned away, ready to undo the Bio Merge, "It aint over...UNTIL I SAY SO
*slides from behind her, dangling arms down, with dirt kicked from both feet which she turned
back around from hearing* DARKNESS CLAW!" Beelzemon X shouted, breaking through her
frontal armor, burying his shadow-imbued claws in her guts, and tears his claws out of her from
opposite directions horizontally, "(GHN!) *suffers a big scratch down the middle of face from , but
catches his bloody claws* How...How the hell're you even alive? *looks up at him and how his
eyes were overcome with rage* You leave me no choice then...!" Dianamon said, having a big
solidified, moon-looking crest made of ice on her back, and her double-edged scythe gets bigger,
becoming Dianamon X. Then with a powerful kick, she struck down Beelzemon X's body with her
big scythe, gushing a splash of blood on her face while pushing him away in one fast motion,
"Digimodify!-" Dianamon X was saying, with what she said being unheard by her opponent, other
than big coughs of blood, "*vision starts blurring, staggering to stand as blood rains from a large
gash that kept splattering upon the ground* (Nai..To...Rena..Mon..) *hears a foot-steps, fast ones*
(Running...Are you...?) *looks forward, seeing NaitoRenamon wildly running in with a big sword*
(You're..Coming..Towards me...So be it..As long it's...By You..)" Beelzemon X was thinking,
"RAAAAAUUUGGGHH! *lifts the sword off the ground at the last moment, and drives it through
his chest, then feels his arms wrapped around me* !...What the hell..? *shortly feels his arms give
out and dangle* (...He saw it..He saw her in me...) Don't worry anymore, Beelzemon..It's over.." I
told him, with a tear dropping from my face, "Human..I saw that..*struggles to walk forward* Has
grief stricken you?...As a Ruler, it will always be possible to feel like this way..Your views haven't
changed..Have they?" Renamon asked, getting on one knee from fatigue, "...*picks up each of the
cards, turns to her* Maybe..But as long as I have formidable opponents like him, and you're still
alive..I think- no...I know I can make it. Besides..*starts absorbing him in the Digivice* That's one
Ruler down -ue" I replied, "*has a hand out, starts absorbing him too* Indeed..U U *sees the dark
skies opening up slightly, with beams of light shinning down upon the area, raining several cards
from above, smiles* It's as we suspected. For each Ruler killed, darkness upon the Digiworld
becomes lessened. *looks back at the others, who laid on the ground without energy* Hmph. If
only they could- *turns head back, gets mouth kissed by me and arms wrapped around waist*
Human..Yes..Im glad we succeeded too..With you, me, and everyone else here UuU" Renamon
said, putting a hand on my head, "Let's go home..Renny" I told her before pressing the returning
button the Digivice I had behind her, beaming everyone back to the Union Base.

Once we appear there, the navis we designated came rushing into the grassy field, seeing everyone
on their stomachs. "*GASP, runs over to me, grabbing and shaking my arm* HEY HEY HEY!
What happened, what happened?! OoO" frantically asked Cutemon while jumping next to me,
"Cutemon calm down! Cant you see how really hurt and bloodied they are? If they can't responds
then we'll come back" Gatomon told her, "...We..Got him.. I told them, "You got him? Oh a Ruler,
really?" Gatomon replied with a reaction, then sees that no one else could respond, "Look at 'em.
They must've fought extra hard out there. We really should give these guys a break" Calumon said
before the three walk away from us. An unknown amount of time passes, and once I awoke, I was
in a tent. My wounds seem to be mostly healed...Let's see how everyone's doing. Outside, I was
thankful to see everyone, but they had some castes on them, while Renamon was busy healing
Ranny's hand. Bastemon sees me come out, with a caste on her arm and a wrapping around her eye.

"[Bastemon] *waves happily at me* Hey you're up! ^ ^"

"[Renamon] Human? oxo *looks back, seeing me* Wait here. *comes to me*"

"[Ranamon] (Sure was out for a bit e -)"

"*sees her stop in front of me, then gives me a tight hug* Glad to..See you too."

"[Renamon] Im..Really h-happy you're well...Everyone's worrying was getting to me, and..."

"Before absorbing him..The way he died there...It reminded me of how Pally went away..Makes
me...Regret fighting him, yknow."

"[Renamon] *kisses my lips, smirks* You can be so kind at times. To think you sought out to kill
him like you did."

"Yeah..Maybe that's the type of Ruler I'll be..A kind one."

"[Cutemon] *comes into the field* Oh you're up! Good news, good news!"

"Oh? What is it? Something about the Rulers or Minervamon's location?"

"[Cutemon] Something like that. One of them seems to be getting attacked by a heard of strong,
new Digimon and it's been going on for hours! As for that girl, she seems to be in a cave and even
though we can barely see through the monitor, her location seems to lead somewhere."

"To somewhere, eh? Could explain how she's survived for months."

"[Renamon] What do you wish to do, Human?"

"I'd say we should take some time off. Me and you can celebrate our first victory against a Ruler
and see what Wes is doing. T-that fight at the end kinda bummed me out. - ▿-"

"[Renamon] The team still needs some healing, so let's stay for a while longer here."

"I suppose.."

"[Crescemon] *walks up to me* A part of me wanted him to join...He'd be perfect to have with
us..He was like me and Renamon."

"Sometimes, you just can't get everyone on board, Crescy..*feels a vibration in my pocket, picks it
up, looks at my Digivice, seeing a crest symbol* Huh?...Renamon, do you feel..Different?"

"[Renamon] Hmm...Not really. I only feel more keen in my senses and some strength increase."

"[Ranamon] *giggles, points* You should also feel a butt increase. Look at what you have back

"[Renamon] oxo! *looks down at a cheek, seeing a symbol glowing on it* T-that wasn't there
before. I'd very much appreciate it if you didn't stare, Ranamon. e/e"

"*giggles* I think it looks good on you."

"[Renamon] Well I didn't ask for your opinion, Human. -x-"

"(You'd figure that she'd get a new form or something..Guess we need to find something else out.)
Renamon...I was thinking too..What if we were to try having a baby again?"

"[Renamon] E-excuse me?"

"N-now dont think I wanna do it cuz I wanna. We should try again so see what'd happen. He/She
could be really strong for these battles."

"[Crescemon] Wouldn't...Wouldnt it be a better idea to try me first? Im the strongest here."

"[Bastemon] Or me. I look the most Human out of us so maybe...Just be sure to take good care of
the child."

"[Renamon] (T-they've become rather eager to receive his seed. It's starting to rubs me the wrong
way ʘ̆ ʘ̆) How about...He does everyone in that Dianamon form?"

"Hmm maybe...Or better yet, in your Sakuyamon form, that should work."

"[Crescemon] Thing is that no one can sustain Mega form on their own, or without you."

"[Bastemon] Then I-I really should be first. /"

"Girls girls, no need to fight. We can vote when I get back and...*sees Basty give me the puppy-
dog eyes look* ...D-dont beg, Basty..Renny unless you wanna heal-"
"[Renamon] *turns nose up and away* I rather not right now."

"(Oh great..I hope she doesnt turn into a drama queen.) Look, it's not like Im doing her for that. It's
to find out how this works with y'all."

"[Renamon] Mnnnmm...- -"

"[Cutemon] ...If only Pally told me about all this beforehand oo...Opp m-monitor's calling! ^^;"

"[Renamon] *sees her scamper away* Human...Just dont have too much fun with her."

"What's wrong? You only want me to do it with you?"

"[Renamon] Im...Im trying to get used to the thought.."

"[Bastemon] Renamon...I told you that I dont wanna take him away from you. I know it's hard on
us, but it'll be even harder on him if he never has a baby with you, and if you keep letting him

"So you two talked about that..Alright, y'all know where I'll be" I told them, going back into my
tent, await for Basty's arrival...Maybe I should've told them to keep talking amongst themselves,
but chances are, they're still doing so anyway. I could tell. I was feeling a handful of minutes pass
by. Makes me wonder if she'll do something special or have someone else be in her stead. Waiting,
I laid there on my back, that rested on the mid-sized mattress, with my eyes to the ceiling.

"*enters, holding an arm* H-hey..Im r-ready.."

"*looks at her, sits up* (Just walkin' in? Basty seems a tad more nervous than usual.)"

"You dont...Seem too eager to touch me.."

"J-just a bit thrown off is all. I guess I need to be warmed up more nowadays."

"Warm up eh?...W-what if I dance for you?"

"D-dance? You can try o/o."

"Alright..H-here goes. *puts legs together, moves hips back and forth while going up and down,
holding both wrists overhead*"

"*watches her graciously doing the motions as she danced around the room, then comes back to the
center, shaking her hips a few times and lowers her pants to show me her cheeks* (Basty must've
worked on making her dances more..Stimulating for me. Boy is it working ~ ~)"

"*sees a boner wrestling in my pants* (He's getting there) *waves tits left and right, twirls, and
bends forward, slightly showing some tanned areola, with cleavage ready to spill* Is this good?"

"A-anything's good when it comes to you, Basty.."

"( / ) R-right.../-/ *grabs my cheeks, puts both knees between my crotch, leans forward, face an
inch from mine* (Renamon said for us not to get too into it but...I really can't think straight now )
Y'know I...I like pleasing you.."

"Same for you, Basty..I love hearing your shy, yet passionate moans. *smooches my lips with
her's, slowly exchanges tongue glands with her* Guess we can't help each ourselves when we're
like this.."
"Yeah...Thoughts of us kissing and holding each other rush to me so fast..I sometimes forget my
own name...*goes in to kiss some more* Renamon has a very good lover..I try to teach her how she
can love you better but.."

"Don't worry for her so much, Basty. She'll get it in due time. You're there the most to fulfill my
needs, and I know you want me to fulfill your's too.."

"At times I dont know...Maybe if she had expanded on her needs for you..There's nothing wrong
with that, and she needs to know..I know I can't just..."

"It's hard, I know..However she interprets it, I'll hear it all out."

"For now..*unzips my pants, pulling out my hard cock, and grabs the back of my head* I'll enjoy
having you all to myself..Maybe then she'll know what lovers should be like..*deeply kisses me
with eyes closed, tilts head*"

"*makes out with her for a moment, then pulls her away* Hold on."

"U-uh huh."

"Just one thing. I'll let you lead everyone for a day, and see how well I do comparison."

"I-I dont know...Anything can go wrong out there."

"If anything does, I'll take over and things will be fine afterwards."

"..Practicing my outside voice'll be a good idea then.. "

"*holds her chin, turning it this way* Now c'mere..Let's try this baby thing.. *kisses her some
more, feeling her legs spread apart on me*"

"*smacks lips away slowly, strokes strands of hair out of the way* I'd love to.." Bastemon replied,
giving me a sexual look while looking down with her head above mine. She lets me get a mouthful
of them big tits of her's, making her moan in seconds, especially when I licked around her large,
stimulated nipples. My other hand was rubbing that round ass of her's, sliding into her baggy,
spotted pants, and got a handful of all that goodness too. "Mmm...Haaah..I..I love it when you suck
them..Dont stop.." she was moaning, making me that much harder, so much that my erection was
extending right in the middle of her brown booty, hugging against her hole. *feels shaft being
drooled on by her pussy* You're getting..Real wet down there" I told her, "...Do it. Im ready for it.
Put it in me.." Bastemon softly said to me, grinding her cunt on my shaft "Let's get these clothes
off..*takes shirt, pants and undies off as she does the same. glides my hands on her body* You feel
so smooth, Basty..Well the more Human parts do" I lowly said, "..It's been so long since we've
done it..I can't wait any longer../ \ *holds arms around my neck, lowers pussy on my cock, has it
kissing the tip with vag lips, quickly moves it back up* HughH! / o\ *lowers it some more, making
it enter* A-AUUGGH! / O\" Bastemon moaned out loud, starting to fuck me, smothering her cunt
against my pelvis while moaning loudly some more. "Mmmm, you feel so good,
Basty..And..Different...? *looks behind, seeing another me behind her* O O!...Um...W-who're
you?" I asked, "...You.." other me said, "(He looks and sounds like me..) T-there's no way you- I
mean no- like...B-but how? " I reacted, "Ugh. *changes voice* How 'bout now?" other me said
with a girl's voice, "O O! R-renny?!" I reacted, "We..We were thinking in case your sperm alone
wouldn't suffice. Maybe if I use my Fox Switch Deception, mine would help the process
impregnate her" Renamon with my appearance clarified, "We...Tested a bit earlier..And she can
have some come out..I agreed to this..._U _" Bastemon lowly says, "N-not gonna lie, this got real
weird but let's see where this goes" I reply, cringing on the inside. Like uhh, yeah, I dont feel the
hottest on this right now...Though thinking about it more, the more naughty it made me feel.. "R-
renamon...P-put it in my mouth" Bastemon offered, "*sees Basty turn around, putting her ass on my
abs, and sliding it down* (...I think this can work now ~u~)" I thought to myself as she bent over. I
grabbed her curvy hips, and as much as I wanted to go in that sexy rectum of her's, I inserted
myself into that pussy of her's, and I slowly grew inside her. "P-put in my mouth, R-renamon../"
Basty shyly told her, "Human..If this doesnt work, you're on your own, because Im only doing all
this once - - #" she said, still using my appearance, giving Basty some foreplay by smearing her
cock on her tongue for a moment, then sticks it in her mouth. "(Mmmmm..) *starts sucking her
cock with eyes closed, working her neck back and forth* (Yes...O-only once..I'd only want to do
this with him..But at least she looks like him...and has his big cock..That tastes as good as
his..Renamon often cleans herself and..I-I really shouldn't think about her and make this weirder /)"
Basty was thinking, enjoying the lip service she did and liked how Renamon stroked out her throat
with her fleshy, veiny cock as her balls slapped Bastemon's cheeks a few times, making her hair get
messy in seconds. "(W-wow..I guess doing her so often made her that good...Even at being
me..Well lemme not fall behind)" I told myself in my head, tightening my grip on Basty's hips,
then was smacking my pelvis into her nice, round ass while inserted, making her moan with erotic
hums that were noticeable enough to send tingles to my balls. Bastemon started to take a two-way
pounding on both ends, and Renamon started to move her hips more into Basty's mouth, while her
tits rocked around as they were dangled...The chime sounds from her tails' rings were getting
stimulating too..Yknow that cradle toy in Science class? Anyways, Basty's pussy was squeezing on
me with her inner walls, and the moment she felt my tip rattling around inside her, she couldn't help
but let out some big moans as she gasped for air, but didn't mind from all the pleasure she was
getting from getting railed by two dicks, "*smacks lips off of Renamon's dick, taking it out as a few
liquid strands drips from lips* Huuugh..H-huuuugh..*spreads ass and pussy at me with paws* Y-
yes..F-fuck me~..Im r-ready for your c-cum. Fill my pussy~ u/u" Bastemon was lewdly saying to
me, "I-Im getting there, Basty..Just a big tighter and- *feels her vagina suddenly crushing and
closing down on my cock* G-ghn -/0! (G-guess now's the best time if ever..) *leans over her,
feeling more of her ass on my abs* Alright Basty, here I come...!" I warn her, thrusting
aggressively into her pussy, rocking her whole body as her insides started quaking on me, "AHH!
AHHH! AH! NYAAAH~! C-cum in me now, Nyaaah~~! *licks Renamon's cock* G-give it to me
too, Renamon..*mouth gets stuffed by her long dick, quickly sucks on it, taking her thrusts, putting
a paw on her abs* (Mmmmm~ Like that, Renny! Thrust all that in me~3) *feels me leaning more
forward, with my arms wrapping around stomach, and moments later feels some gooey shooting
happening on the inside* Nya! Nyaah! NYAAUGGGHHH~~~~333" Bastemon was loudly
moaning out (in a more feline manner), my cock pumping her insides as much as it could, with
Renamon giving her a few squirts in her mouth and a few more shooting all over her face, painting
her in white as she drooled with a now scrambled brain from the climax.

The tent got really heated at the time, and our bodies' temperatures were up there with a radiator.
Everyone took a moment to catch our breathes, before saying anything. "I...I...I t-think..I need both
in me...Down there" Bastemon suggested, "! (At...AT THE SAME TIME? O O;;;)" me and
Renamon thought. Oh man. This'll be...I know it's my dick, but still I dont wanna feel another on
mine. It's bad enough I've crossed so many boundaries for this long. "H-human...I know this is a
very, extremely awkward process..But I won't partake in such a thing" Renamon refuses, reverting
to her normal form after a poof of smoke, arms crossed. This made me think..Instead of
doing...THAT..I was trying to think about alternatives. Regrettably...I thought back to how it was
for me and NaitoRenamon. "It'd get even more awkward if it worked and...We wouldn't know who
exactly the kid is from" I brought up, "Oh...I wish I've thought of that.." Bastemon comments,
"So...Gimme four hours...And the rest of you wait out there" I told Renamon, "Fine by me.
Anything but this -x-" Renamon agrees and walked out...And yeah let's say it'd take alot to explain
what happened with that, so we'll just cut to here...Hours later. "*watches Renamon clean herself in
the pond with me, looks around, seeing everyone else sitting around.. swims around some
more*...THIS. IS. BORIIING! Im gonna check on him!" Ranamon shouts, hopping out of the
water, and running to the tent. "Wait...He said 4 hours ago..Let's see...I washed myself...Did some
training..washed myself again..talked to Ranamon while healing Omnimon...washing myself again
just now...That was over 5 hours ago OxO;" Renamon realized to herself, "*opens the tent* ARE
YOU TWO- ! *sees Bastemon's stomach get much bigger than before, with her eyes rolled
upwards with her mouth opened, drooling and I was still inserted in her, with my back on the bed
and laid out, with our corner of the area cover in white, gooey stains*...finished..imma...imma step
out now ʘ̆ ʘ̆" Ranamon said, "*sees Ranamon coming back to the pool, looking down at the
ground* How're-" Renamon was asking, "They're fine" Ranamon quickly said, "Are you sure?" she
asked afterwards, "THEY'RE FINE ;" Ranamon told her in an imposing manner, "*sees her hop in
the water and sank deep in it*...I'll..Give 'em an hour x" Renamon said to herself. An hour passes,
and...I still didn't come out. Renamon took it upon herself to drag me out of the place, and flung me
into the pond, still naked. I felt an instant of drowning and soared to the surface, with Renamon
meeting me with a scowling face. "I uhh..I got good news ^ ^...And bad news ^ ^;;;" I started, "I
can imagine ʘ̆ ʘ̆" she replied, "So uhh..Good news is that it worked...But now she...She needs
some time to..D-deliver" I told her, "Uh huuuuh - ▱ -" she replied some more, unenthusiastically.
A wave of awkward silence brushed through us. "*scratches my head* So uh...ahem..L-let's go
check on-" I was saying, "Yeah x " she interrupts, knowing where this was going. [Insert sigh
here] I get my..Sticky clothes with a dozen stains on them and..Go to his house with
Renamon..Look I could only control my aim for so long..

We appeared in the neighborhood, walking up to Wes' house. The locals giving us even weirder
looks, with a kid trying to come up to us but his mom stopped him. There is house was, waiting to
be knocked on by us. I could've texted him here, but I couldn't think too straight for obvious
reasons. Nor did I think of getting any body spray...Then again I keep forgetting to use any. Damn,
people really put up with me more than I think then. I might get a bit mildewy here too.

"[Wes] *hears a knock, opens the door and sees me with Renamon*...The hell happened to you?"

"Best you dont ask...If anyone asks though, just tell 'em I got egged on...By several guys."

"[Wes] Well look my parents are here, so make it quick, ok?"

"I think it will be. What'd you find out?"

"[Wes] Not much honestly. *looks back, comes out with us, closing the door* Yknow that place I
told you about and you said you killed the guy there? I went there earlier and cant find neither."

"[Renamon] Hmm? Did you perhaps get lost? Or maybe the Humans took care of it?"

"[Wes] It really doesnt seem like it. News is saying it just...Disappeared."

"! D-disappeared? Like no trace?"

"[Wes] No trace. Military had nothing to do with it."

"Wait What the fuck?! But I killed him! They should've at least be able to find his body! Not even

"[Wes] I told you, I went there. I would've told you that I found his body by now. Strabimon went
with me too, and he didn't pick anything up either."

"*slams fist into my palm* Dammit! How the hell doesnt anything disappear in the real world like
that?! Nothing makes sense!"
"[Wes] Strabimon...Cmon on out."

"[Strabimon] *walks from the side, behind me. gets in front of Wes, looking up at me then looks
back down* Hey...Dad.."

"*looks down, sees him* ! (I..Didnt even know he was behind me. Renamon seems to've noticed
him late too. Did he really grow that much?) What's this all about?"

"[Wes] Tell 'im.."

"[Strabimon] Dad...I want to go the Digiworld.."

"You...May've gotten stronger, but still need to become more to join us on-"

"[Strabimon] Alone.."

"A-alone? What do you...?"

"[Strabimon] I want go to the Digiworld on my own."

"Strabi! Do you hear yourself?! You'll be torn apart if you just go around on your own!"


"Hu- What do you mean?"

"[Strabimon] Dad...My worth...I always think about it..And I hate not being able to help you or
with anything to do with the Digiworld..Wes can only..Help so much with me...And earlier...I
almost killed Swanmon.."

"[Renamon] (Oh...The apple doesnt fall to far from the tree..That fall seems to be just a 5ft one.)"

"(It's...Almost like before..All that blood on the building..)"

"[Strabimon] If I cant make it on my own out there..Then that's all my worth will ever be! *sees
me frown* Do you get it now, Father? I dont wanna hurt anyone close to me! I...I just.. *sees
me kneel down and feels a hug* D-dad...?"

"Son...You're right.."

"[Renamon] ! Human? Are you certain?"

"Renny...This could be the only true path for him...He's trained really hard...But he's yet to absorb
any data like the team has.."

"[Renamon] ...I see then..Thriving off of another's data..It's what Digimon do for growth."

"If you really want strength to help us...Ok...I'll release you..If you see data you need from a
mon..You take it. Got it, Strabi?"

"[Strabimon] Yes...I'll do that, dad..I'll..*returns the hug*"

"Dont die out there...No matter what..Dont get absorbed..*hugs him tighter* I dont wanna hear you
go out like some common mon."

"[Strabimon] ...I promise, dad..*rubs eyes on my shirt* I promise...Next time you see me, I'll be a
powerful Digimon! One you can be proud of! TTVTT"

"..That's more like it..*sniffs, clears throat* Wes...Take care of what happens here" I told him,
raising my Digivice, and we warp to the Dark Digiworld. Once me, Strabimon and Renny appear
in a crumbling, ruin city area, I stand up, stepping away from him. Even with tears falling from his
face, Strabimon gave me smile and waves goodb..F-farewel..H-he was ready to not see me for a
while, ok?! "*turns and walks the other way* Dad...(At least...) *turns head around* (I dont have
Mom to worry about.) Love you ^ ^. *sees that me and Renamon are already gone*...Love you.."
Strabimon lowly said, walking off into the distance, already seeing a hoard of Dark mons in the
distance. A card falls from above, and he catches it. A DarkTyrannomon comes running towards
him, "Like he said...No matter what!" Strabimon said, using the card, shining a blinding light on
the area.

The moment I came back to the Union Base..A frown was locked on my face, and tears poured on
the grassy ground. The team, and navis pulled themselves around me, telling me it'll all be ok.
After half an hour of sulking, I muster the courage needed to go to the Dead Data zone. Gatomon
gave me a blanket. I put it on Bastemon, and the rest of the team went to our destination. The area
wasn't as pitch-black as before, but still easy to get lost in, so Crescy used her inner light to
illuminate the group. Cutemon told us earlier about the approximate location of this Minervamon.
Saying that this shelter-looking construct appeared around the edge of the whole zone. Going there,
it felt forever with a handful of fights we had to do, but it turned out to be a 20 mile walk. Next
thing we knew, "*bumps into a wall* Agh! The hell was...? *puts a hand on it* Wait..Shelter..This
is it, everyone!" I told them, and we ran around it, finding the entrance in no time. Entering, we
heard footsteps and followed it. The hallway was rather steep but a long stretch with a slope that
leads downwards. Soon the footsteps stop. "Whoever's there, dont bother fighting us. We're just
here for the Minervamon" I gave caution, "...Over here.." said a little girl's voice. We proceed. A
minute later, Crescemon's light shines on a young girl with a blindfold on, who turned to us.
"*turns her all the way around, seeing the blindfold over her eyes* You...You really cant see? Are
you...?" I asked her, "..Yes...Im..Minervamon.." she unveiled, "Then...(if I've trained the Human for
a few months...) You..Must've been down here for far too long" Renamon surmises, "But...Who
gave you that?" I asked, "*touches blindfold* This...? I..I dont know..It sounded like a man...He's
down there...But I dont know what he is anymore...Im..I've been too scared to go down
there..Whatever it is at the end of here..It's very strong.." Minervamon warns us, "...We took down
a Ruler earlier. I think we got this" I told her rather bravely. If she doesnt know what it is...It's up
to us to find out, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. However, it's this same fear that's driven
me this far, so Im all too familiar with fear itself. I haven't stepped down from a challenge with the
team I've gathered, so no reason for me to change that now. If Im gonna be a Ruler of this damn
world, I cant have fear of all this conquer me. Not now, not ever. "Follow right behind me. Not
sure if news went around, but Im gonna be the one that rules the world" I told her, "R-rule...?" she
asks, "Yeah you can ask more later" I also said, "AAH YeSss. ThE OnE I'vE BeEN
aM LiStEnInG" said an echoing, brooding voice, "T-then listen here. Dont get me
excited..Hmmhmmm I dont think you want me to get excited..! u " I said in a deeper voice, with a
wide smile. As much I as I wanted to come off as the one to be truly feared and in control,
something felt really off. And I wasn't a fan of it. Whoever this is, he didn't sound thrilled in the
slightest. Anything can happen from here.

Aaaaand cut! How'll the next chapter be? You'll have to see! Thanx for reading this all the way!
Dont miss out now!
Strabimon's Ascension, And The Great Bridge Battle. A New Offspring!

Helloooo readers! Your favorite (but really one of your favs) writer is back with another chapter of
our favorite Digimon, who kinda ironically takes a bit of a backseat this time around. Dont worry
tho, she'll back kickin' ass or getting banged in the ass next time. Whichever comes first! Anyway
sorry it's been some extra time since i've dropped a chapter, but this seems to be received really
well on Wattpad so far lol. Also real quick Wattpaders, the moment i drop a chapter, the site has a
weird thing where it wont keep all the spacings for the main meat of the uploads. Which is pretty
shitty considering i yknow...USE THAT TONS OF THE TIMES! So yeah just a head's up there.

Oh and yet another heads-up, I do have a , which i posted some time ago, but just know that it''s
ABSOLUTELY optional! I was able to get my previous job back (cuz screw those guys i worked
with a few weeks ago) about two weeks ago, so no need to worry about me financially. The page
itself, let's say it pertains to my drawings. Yes i draw, but very rarely. Im more of a pencil-and-
paper kinda guy but im trying to get better digitally. If anyone pledges, it'll help spruce up
moments in these stories, and i have other deals related to all this, so at least check it out. It's a
Wattpad exclusive tho. I've been trying to find the comfortable time to work on this stuff after
work. I cant say what exactly it is, but just know it's one of them intense labor jobs. As some know
too, i have other planes of existence, such as gaming, drawing, fapping, and all this shit on here, so
life's a bit of a juggling act. Did you know i used to climax up to 4 times a day? Once a day always
saves time.

I rather let the chapter speak for itself on it's contents, but yeah it's apparent there were alot of ideas
here. Hopefully everything will be no longer than 18 or 20 chapters. If it does, i may need to owe
everyone a dozen packs of ramen and a soda. Also keep in mind too these chapters are a pain IN
THE DICK to research. Sometimes im just sitting there for half an hour to decide on what to pick,
be it Digimons or the cards, which sometimes takes even more research, hence the wait time.
Anyways alot of spotlight on the main son here, even gets a love interest, but anyone that hasnt
read far, to say it's shaky as hell between them is an understatement. Then our cousin gets some
shine too. I thought about having the team come out to help him but i was like "Nah, let's keep it
hard for him" (no homo) and i'd say it went pretty well. I have some plans for the new kid, but
Renner's….i need more time in the oven on that lol, but i do plan to have some unexpected events
to take place, to make this newborn very memorable. Similar case for Norn, who'll probably be
relevant towards the end of the story. Oh and before i close, let's look at the views! Haven't done
that in a while. Since the previous chapter, we gaiiined~ almost 3000 Views?! That's a bit more
than i expected. We're sitting at a total of about 23900 views on FanFiction, and 27279 on
Wattpad?! Man, yall're really blowing FanFic outta the water on this one XD! This seems to be my
most favorited on FanFic tho, with 94 favs and 93 follows. Not even the Tsu fic had that many on
it. In terms of upvotes on Wattpad...Let's say having 348 vs our 256 isnt something to really sneeze
at 3.

Well i think that's it, right? Yup, met my "Too long" prerequisite for this intro here. Now all you
have is to read 15 times more than all this down below. At least it'll be really entertaining, right?

Chapter 13: Strabimon's Ascension, And The Great Bridge Battle. A New Offspring!—

Digi-Card Total: 88

Digi-Cards Used: 31

The winds blew, carrying a rag of cloth from a deceased Digimon in the distance. It traveled on top
of a cliff until it was caught, then worn, by none other than the lonesome Strabimon. He stood
from on high, looking at the landscape that held an abundance of Dark Digimon roaming below.
He remembers his rather scarce times with his father, some of the other mons and with Wes,
feeling a strong source of longing, his claws dripping with blood. "I...*rubs bloody claws on the
cloth* I just want...A place..Somewhere that is peaceful.." Strabimon lamented to himself, "I may
know somewhere. *sees him jolt his head upward, then gets pounced on, and rolled with him til he
was on top, then he rose his claws over his head* Whoa wait wait! Im not here to fight or anything!
Im just a BlackGatomon that happened to hear you!" the BlackGatomon shouted, "!
(BlackGatomon...?) Black...So you aren't like the Dark Digis?...You aren't evil or just trying to kill
other Digimon?" he asked, "(Phew, too close -3-) Of course not. Well at least not on an empty
stomach. Im actually kinda surprised you aren't dead like most normal Digimon like me. You have
to be really strong for a Strabimon" she said, "...Im sorry..*gets off of her* I knew for a while..That
this world was filled with many strong Digimon. My father and his team used to come back with
many cuts and bruises from visiting here..Killing so many was the way I knew that I could get
stronger...I hope to fight with them and live comfortably one day" Strabimon told her, "*lowers
brow* (What the heck does he mean? It's like it's his first time being here. How does this really
work for him? I saw that he was able to take out a DarkLeomon and a DarkGaogamon. His kind
should've Digivolved from that by now but he hasn't) Im with this group of Digis called the Great
Gao Brigade to beat the Rulers. I'll tell you more about it but..Say, you seem to have alot going on
with you. Mind telling me about all that at this place I told you about?" BlackGatomon asked, "e/e
S-sure.." Strabimon complied, following her.

Hours upon hours go by and my zeal truly started to dissipate. My legs started to grow weak and
Renamon had to give me a piggyback ride on the way to the end of this path, which was seeming
to be endless. "Dammit, just how long is this way? It's taking us forever to get to this asshole" I
complain, "I've...Never reached the end to see him.." Minervamon meekly said, "*bats at her*
Huh?! Why didnt you tell us?! You have us going through here for lord knows how long! Drrrgh..!
Does anyone know how long it's been!?" I shouted, "It's definitely been over a day. Of just
walking" Renamon said, "O-over a day?! Then..Wait I should've gotten hungry a long time ago" I
comment, "I've noticed long ago that you have a rather extensive lack of starvation. However
Human, you can still get weak over time if you do not eat. Your energy and body endurance are
not infinite" Renamon informs, "(...So that was why I was still being fed during training. I
somehow didnt know this) Ranamon, take me and Crescy as far as you can with your water whips"
I ordered her, "Alright boss!" Ranamon complied. Water gushes out of her wrists, forming into her
water whips, that wrapped around me and Crescemon, flying us forward at a moderate speed.
Unknown to us though was that we were gliding pass 300ft of distance within a minute. After
another minute of this passed, we felt a stop. "*arms and legs start to jitter and quake*
mmmmnnnn...! (Sorry you two, but I'll have to bring you back)" Ranamon thought, reeling us back
to where we were.

The two of us were being pulled back quicker than were suddenly being sent forward, getting back
to the group in half the time. "*is dropped in front of them after a few seconds, seeing that a sitting
Renamon has a paw on Ranamon's thigh* I see that you wanna relax" I comment, "So that fatigue
doesnt get the best of her. She might be a bit low on energy now, and she mentioned about being at
the limit of her reach. Did you two see anything?" asked Renamon, "*sighs* Nothin'. Just more
darkness" Crescy informed, "Hm...(That damn that bitch NaitoRenamon..She threw her way too far
down here. This is such a pain in the ass she's causing us...Should keep going together..Or
maybe...Should we split from here?) *falls on my back, sighing* This is a nightmare. I hope you
all got some ideas. If not, looks like we'll have to rest" I decided, "I second that. Us Digimon work
about the same way, but after two days, we do feel effects of hunger" Renamon informed, "(So
that's why she said it's only been a full day. It must be really faint, but her stomach must be feeling
off) Alright. After we wake up, we're going full speed" I told everyone and we laid where we were.
Several hours go by, we awoke and hop to our feet. Renamon puts me on her back, then
Crescemon puts Ranamon on her's, who held Minervamon with her water whips, and they both
took off running at incredible speeds. Racing through the extremely long path, they found
themselves at this top speed half an hour, with no end in sight. "*eye twitches, looks at
Crescemon* We must become Sakuyamon. We should reach the end in no time" Renamon told
her, "(If there is an end)...Ok" Crescemon agreed. Everyone went into Renamon's body,
digivolving her into Sakuyamon, who caught the digivice that flipped in the air. "*draws a card*
Speed card. Activate" Sakuyamon said, swiping it in the held device, increasing her speed so much
that it seemed that she was warping forward, even creating afterimages. 5 minutes fly by with this
new speed, we suddenly split from Sakuyamon, and into ourselves, rolling across the ground,
slowing us down by 100s of times. "Tch! *slides on all fours, and runs forward with them* Cmon
everyone! We're getting at the end, I just know it!" I urged them, "Dont slow me down and we'll
get there" Renamon replied, keeping up with me, as well as everyone else. Renamon held tightly to
Minvervamon as they followed us, who were behind us at this point. At this point was when the
path was becoming brighter, and in seconds we found ourselves rushing into a big square of light.
The next moment we fell on a ground.

"*rubs head and other sore areas* We...Fell he- *looks up, seeing a massive tube with a young-
looking girl in it, with books scattered around, and notices the lights blinking* here...What..What
the hell is this place...?"

"[?] Somewhere...No one is supposed to be.."

"That didnt come from the girl...Then from who? *looks to the right of it, seeing a big cloud of
darkness coming around it in the air* Wha..What the hell are you?!"

"[?] I...Used to be Human.."

"[Renamon] But how? Were you...Were you made into this?"

"[?] Yes...Into an artificially made Digimon..*floats down, lands, shrinks the cloud of darkness,
revealing a big neckbrace, a metallic, sharp-toothed mask and a green screwed-on helmet*..An
incomplete one."

"*sees some darkness emitting from the girl in the tube* Then..What is she?"

"[?] *looks up at her* She is connected to King Drasil...She is called Norn."

"[Crescemon] ! To the God of the Digiworld? THAT King Drasil?!"

"God of the Digiworld...? I've...Never heard anyone mention this...What do you plan to do with

"[?] *looks at her with scorn* She keeps rejecting me. It will only be a matter of time. I got
somewhere...With that NaitoRenamon I made.."

"You did...WHAT?!"

"[?] When I made her..She caused enough havoc, along with my group to loosen Norn's resistance.
Soon..It'll all be over. Yes, truly."

"You...GOD DAMN...BASTARD! Do you not know what you did to me?! I went through hell cuz
of you! Im losing my FUCKIN MIND!"

"[Renamon] That's enough, Human."

"No it's not! *runs at him* Im sending this fucker to Hell! *swipes claws through him, slides past
him in the process* Huh...? *looks back at him* Did I just..Phase through him?"

"[?] As an incomplete hybrid..Im metaphysical. I lack a form...I might as well be a ghost."

"*stares at claws* So you're saying...I cant kill you.."

"[?] Not without the crests. *gets my attention* If I were to have all the crests of the Rulers..I can
possibly have a complete body. One you can kill."

"Hmph. *holds up my digivice* Im not helping some worthless failed experiment. Let's go, you

"[?] Then you dont want to help the Digital World? *sees me lower my digivice* I made that very
device you're holding too. So it can be good enough to draw you back here...Most is according to
my plan.."

"Just who the hell are you?"

"[?] Verge..Verge is fine..With your help, I can be Overmon.""Im sure as hell not going to help
someone with that name."

"[Verge] Even so..If Norn dies, every Digimon, and everything in the Digiworld will go with her."

"But you caused it...Why would you do something like that?!"

"[Verge] Everything comes to an end...You...Me...Everything you see..Whatever suffering I bring

means nothing.."

"Then why bother with my help?"

"[Verge]...The only thing that matters..Is that I erase what the creators made here. First..I must
come into being. *sees me look skeptic* Do you not want to also find out?...About how to cure

"Will that make you whole if I do? *sees him stay silent* If it's the only way..I dont seem to have
much choice. At least by then, I can put you out of your misery. *looks up at Norn* (What would
happen...After she's freed?) If you made that..That NaitoMutt, how do I get rid of it?"

"[Verge] Where..Is she? *sees me hold out the Digivice* ...How puzzling."


"[Verge] She was made with the intent to cause 'The Darkness', to eventually bring everything to
nothing...I did not prepare any measures to her being absorbed."

"I...The only thing is that Im far more powerful with her in the Digivice, and so is Renamon..Looks
like I'll have to find a way."

"[Ranamon] I-it doesnt seem like we can do anything to him."

"[Crescemon] Same for him to us. I guess we should head back."

"(I gotta check on Basty...) *raises digivice, angrily looks at him* I'll make you wish you were
dead earlier. I'll give you a damn body so I can end it all, and take over this freakin' world."
"[Verge] *sees me warp away with the group, puts on a faint smile* Yes...Things are surely falling
into place...For me" he says, becoming a cloud of darkness. His amorphous body swarming all over
the tube.

In the tent, Bastemon found herself in intense pain and her mind became numb. She was sweaty all
over and really wanted it all to be over. "(This is...A really big baby...I..Have to...Keep...Trying..!)"
she was thinking to herself, with her entrance staining most of the best, that was dry and crusty
from alot of semen several dozens of hours ago. As Basty pushed more and more, she lost that
much more of her conscious, unknowingly giving many blank stares. For the next few hours, she
was pushing subconsciously with the little energy she had, inching the offspring out little by little.
His hair was gray, and had three horns. It took Bastemon half an hour to notice how much of him
was out, so she took a few moments to catch her breath and started pulling with her hands, carefully
making she didnt cut him with her claws. Ignoring how much more painful it was, she was able to
pull him half way out of her lower, inner walls. This process was on it's last hour, and most of his
body was out of her body at this point. "*enters the tent, seeing how much of her face was stained
with her tears and sweat, as well as how the child now only has his ankles inside of her. uneasiness
sets in* Basty...(Her arms..They really gave out earlier..She was...Actually pulling him..?) Im..So
sorry..." I lowly said, walking to her, "*peeks head inside* Well at he looks better than his dad"
Caulimon comments, "Not now, Caulimon...Not now...*puts a hand on her wet face* If only I was
here sooner...I could've really helped, and you were so willing...*pulls him all the way out* ...What
is he?" I asked Caulimon, "Hmm. Looks like a Aegiomon. They usually have goat-like feet, but his
are Human" he answers, "Aegiomon...Mind leaving me..With both of them?" I requested, and he
left. Moments later, Renamon walked next to me, putting a hand on Bastemon's head and stomach.
She paid no mind to the new child. "I suppose this is your first time seeing the aftermath of birth.
Normally, they'd be in eggs..But with you.. *sees me stay silent* Human...When we truly become
together..We do not speak of this. I will let Bastemon have this child, and mentor him" Renamon
told me, "Renamon...It's..Only fair if we have him meet his brother..At least..Before they're fit to
become something...Like being princes of the Digiworld" I said, "(O-one thing at a time, Human...-
x-;)" Renamon thought.

Strabimon and BlackGatomon ran to this lakeside that had a handful of cards in a dying forest,
housing many fallen leaves. She was telling him how it was one of the few safe spots that suddenly
started showing up in the Digiworld, even though most of the world itself was still shrouded in
darkness. BlackGatomon took a moment to play with him and pounce him to the ground, making
him that much more vulnerable and unwilling to strike her. What helped him calm down even
more was how light was shinning down upon them. After sharing a few laughs, he realized how
flaky and hard his dried blood from his claws and fur made BlackGatomon's fur seem, so they
went to the waters they were close to.

"I guess you really haven't bathed in a while, eh? You sure did have alot of blood back there too."

"Yeah..Since Im trying to get strong as fast as possible, I dont really..Think about bathing.."

"So what kind of Digimon was your mom and dad?"


"Uh huh?"

"*uses some of the water to rinse* Dad...Isnt a Digmon..He's Human.."

"! R-really? That should be impossible for you to be born like that."

"That's what..His cousin's Digimon said too..My mom was a Digimon too..A Dark one."
"Huh...That should be that much more impossible."

"Ever since I've known, I've been unsure of...What I am..Am I a Human? A Digimon? Both? I wish
I knew.."

"Well you look plenty Digimon to me. In fact, I dunno what part of you is Human, so you're a
Digimon like the rest of us, kid."

"I..(But dad...He's a Human..I have to have a part of him...Somewhere...Even if it's a little..) I guess

"How does a Human become well enough to not die out here? And who's this 'Them' that you
mentioned earlier?"

"Well...Dad is..An incredibly strong Human. He was able to even beat me in this form on his
own..He has a team of his own Digimon."

"A Human strong enough to beat a Rookie level mon? Never heard of that. He sounds like he's
doing alot. Oh, so you're just on your own out here?"

"I trained with his cousin's Digimon for a bit, and..I felt I didnt really belong there so..When he
visited I told him I wanted to come out here. To get stronger on my own."

"Even knowing you could die here at any moment?"

"He knew..Better than I could. *sternly stares upward* So next time I see him, he can proudly have
me with him, as another powerful teammate."

"What's he trying to do?"

"I heard him talk about beating all the Rulers, so he can rule over all of the Digiworld. To get rid
of all this darkness, andnau the Dark Digimon. He mentioned about getting rid of one, so far."

"Wow, that's awesome! Him and his team there are doing the same as us."

"What do you...Mean by 'Us'?"

"Never heard of the GGB? Great Gao Brigade?"


"Hmm..We really dont get around..That's fine, we've been trying our best against Barbamon.
There's 20 of us. Im scouting to have more join us."

"Im sorry, but..I dont think I can.."

"You can train with us and-"

"*looks away* I cant...*sees her reach out with a hand* I said I cant!"

"*sees him quickly scurry away* Hey! Strabi, wait! mnnn..But I haven't found anyone to join us.."
BlackGatomon lamented to herself. She went off to follow him shortly, leading to outside the
forest. Once she was in the open field, she saw no sign of him. After frowning for a moment, she
went back to her group. Strabimon watched from within the branches of a tall tree, and though he
liked the time he spent with her, he chose to go to the other way. He however stopped himself, and
chose to follow her back to her group, with a slightly crazed, wide-eyed stare, filling with bloodlust.
Back at the Base, everyone including Caulimon, sat in front of a resting Bastemon, deciding what
our next action would be. "That's pretty crazy how there was a Protometamon in a dark place like
that, and Minervamon was stuck in there for so long" Caulimon comments, "(Proto-what now? He
made that up -.-) You were in there for weeks, right? You dont starve at all?" I asked her, "Hmmm,
I never thought about it, but yeah I dont think I can" Minervamon replies, "Must be an anomaly
thing. We're always hit with them..Oh speaking of which, that proto-ghost guy, if he's been
corrupting Norn, that could explain all these anomalies. Not that we could do anything about him
though...*looks at Aegiomon sleeping next to his mother* Oh yeah, you or the other Navis couldn't
hear her?" I asked Caulimon, "Gato's making something and checking for me. Cutemon should be-
*sees Cutemon fly in with a stack of Digi-cards* Oh she's back" he replied. Cutemon gives me 21
Digi-cards and two card holders (that carry 100 in each). Sorting through them for a moment,
around half were copies the ones I already have. "Im really starting to have too many here...Where
did you find this many anyway?" I asked her, "Whenever it's my turn to monitor, I kept seeing this
one lake have alot of these. So I decided to go there myself and start collecting for you. I didnt go
overboard, did I?" Cutemon told me, "I may have to stay here a bit and see how I can make this
easier on myself..Renamon, Ranny, Crescy, you two train in the meantime" I told them and they
nodded before stepping out.

Wes was sitting in his room, figuring how this digivice-lookalike works. Picking into it with a
hairpin that he found, getting behind the buttons. He also pondered about the disappearance of the
area he talked to Strabimon about. "(I really think this is a replica. The digivice wouldn't give me
this much trouble for pushing it's buttons. Either this is busted, or it's a piece of plastic. I dont
wanna end up melting it, but man is this hard to open)" he was thinking to himself, "*darts to his
window* Wes! Boss, open up! *sees him open it* Squad A to C! They're helping each other in one
spot, but they're having some real trouble! Get the cards, cuz we gotta go now!" Missimon urged
him, "(You'd have to be incredibly strong to do that) Dammit, ok I'll be out. You tell Squad D
about this so they can take me there!" Wes ordered him before running down the stairs and
dashing out the door. Once he steps outside, he sees DexDorugamon flying towards him. Wes
gestures that him to go near the river bed before Missimon went to give him further instructions.
The way there was taking him around 10 minutes to go there. "*zips back to him* He's all we have
available, boss. Everyone else is too busy surviving out there" Missimon told him, "How many're
left?" Wes asked, "...Last time I checked, just three.." he answered, making Wes put on a shocked
face before he was able to see DexDorugamon, who didnt seem happy either. Making sure no one
else was in sight, Wes hopped on DexDorugamon's back, and held on really tight to his fur and an
ear as they flew really fast to their destination. The travel time took just two minutes to reach there,
arriving at a large bridge over the ocean, with many sliced cars around this battle. "*sees a big
black Digimon with a large blade cutting down Swanmon and Strikedramon as their blood rained
on his face, with XV-mon laid on the ground a few meters away from everyone* N-no! Who's
Digimon is this?! You two should've ran while you could!" Wes shouted, "*looks up at Wes as he
came down with DexDorugamon before he hops off* These were your's? They lasted longer than I
thought...Unlike that Waspmon and this Bulkmon" he said, "! You killed Waspmon..*sees him and
Bulkmon's bodies floating in the waters below* And Bulkmon..? *takes two cards out of pocket*
You bastard...!" Wes was roaring, "*puts a wing in front of him* Let me handle this Tactimon. He
owes me for all the damage he's done! *runs forward* Cannonball! *shoots at him with an iron
ball from the mouth, and he cuts through it* Metal Cast!" he shouted, clashing with his blade
through a series of claw strikes and tail swings. When he went in for a bite, he gets his stomach
crushed inward by the sheathed blade's tip, and Tactimon lifts him skyward this way. "Oh no
you..Dont! *wraps him in wires from tail, and starts electrocuting him* Once I paralyze your body,
I'll eat you alive..!" DexDorugamon told him, "...Earth Shaker" Tactimon said, causing a quake to
rupture throughout DexDorugamon's body, making him spew a ton of blood through his mouth and
his sides burst with blood in two directions. "! (Damn! I felt that from here too! He's really gonna
die if I dont do anything!) D-Ark! Activate!" Wes shouted, "*falls off of his sheathed blade, starts
glowing* DexDorugamon...Digivolve to..." DexDorugamon weakly said, "*stabs blade into the
ground two times* Secondary Tactic" Tactimon calls out, summoning many dead, shadowy
warriors around DexDorugamon. They fall on him and start cutting and biting down on his flesh,
"To...*light blinds the area and raises large claw out of the pile of warriors, making some fly off
and makes the rest blast off into the waters over the bridge's rails* DexDoruGreymon!
GYOOOWWWWHHH!" DexDoruGreymon loudly howled, swinging his claws in front of
Tactimon, making him leap away from the thunderous shockwave he caused. "*lands, blood leaks
out of helmet* I'll be careful with you" Tactimon comments, "(I really need something big to take
him down. DexDoruGreymon still cant take him on his own...I was hoping to save a few of these
for cous', but Im getting desperate)" Wes was starting to plot, looking at 10 cards.

While Wes was getting ready to decide what to use, something zips past his head from behind him,
"Carrot Bomb! *throws carrot-shaped bombs at Tactimon, which he cuts through before they
explode, lands* Ear Lancer! *extends out an ear that sharpens, he deflects it with his sword, and
dodges the other ear, then plugs both into the ground behind him and balls up to tether into him* (I
have to buy him a bit of time) Taaaake this!" Bitmon shouts, slightly pushing him backwards upon
impact, "(Bitmon!) *looks below* (She must've had her ears stabbed under the bridge and waited
for a good time to strike) *sees Tactimon grab her, then throw her forward before cutting down her
body* Bitmon! (Im sorry, Bitmon..I'll take this bastard down!) File Island! Activate! *morphs the
area into a floating island, putting everyone on top of a mountain, then sees Tactimon dash into
DexDoruGreymon* Wool Ball Blaster! Activate! *makes DexDoruGreymon jet upwards, making
Tactimon miss with his slash* Mega Hand! Activate! *makes a 3-stared shrunken appear on the
blaster pack* (I wish I used Black Gear earlier, and Evil Spiral, I cant use here..but I have
something better!) Devil Chip! Activate! *sees DexDoruGreymon glow with dark aura and clashes
more fiercely with Tactimon* Evil Ring! Activate! *sees DexDoruGreymon land big bite on
Tactimon's body and soars into the sky while spinning with him* That's about all of my cards,
DexDoruGreymon! You have to finish him from here!" Wes shouted skyward. "*flips body away
from him, taking a big chunk out of him* Dammit, I missed..*turns to him* Once I get your
Digicore, I'll be able to digivolve...!" DexDoruGreymon uproars with a growl, "*breathes heavily
while bleeding from gapping bite wounds while falling* (I..Suddenly feel weaker..Why?) *looks
down, seeing Wes trying to draw his last 2 cards* (Him! Of course, one of his cards must've made
me this way) *sees DexDoruGreymon fly downward a meter away*...Before either of us dies..I am
from an underground group that joined the yakuza..If you can find them, you can stop them from
making several more that are like me" Tactimon informs somewhat weakly, "I appreciate you
telling me..*swoops further down and swiftly flies back up into him with the sharp pointed metal
blade on face armor* But I would appreciate having your Digicore more! Bloody Cave!"
DexDoruGreymon shouted, "*gathers tons of energy into the blade* Death Tachi!" Tactimon also
shouts, slashing downwards, shooting a massive slash wave at DexDoruGreymon, "! (This must be
the last of his power! Fine then..!) Metal Meteor!" DexDoruGreymon roars, shooting a large metal
ball out of his mouth (that was 10 times bigger than his Cannonball attack). The attacks collide and
slide pass each other, making the two mons take most of the incoming opposing attacks head-on;
Tactimon practically explode into a bloody mess upon impact as all of his armor flies off while
falling, "(Dammit! How could-) *gets cut down the right of body and an even deeper cut gashes
into stomach, a waterfall of blood rains down afterwards* ARRAAAAAUUUUGGGGGGH!"
DexDoruGreymon roars in great pain, unable to dodge the large attack and ends up falling to the
ground. "Oh no! That wound might be too deep for him! *watches him fall in front, and is blown
back from the impact, lands on back* Aghck! *coughs* DexDoruGreymon! Are you alive?!" Wes
yelled, running to him. The large mon closed his eyes, heavily gasps as he bled out alot of blood
while the area returned to it's original state. "*looks back at the four other downed mons behind*
Guys? Swanmon! Bitmon! He has to absorb him so he can Digivolve! Help get Tactimon close to
him! *sees XV-mon step up* XV-mon? Can you do it?" Wes asked, "I'll...Try my best.." XV-mon
weakly says, dealing with several deep cuts himself. He digs two claws into Tactimon, and drags
him to DexDoruGreymon like this. However he was up to 12 meters away from DexDoruGreymon
and Tactimon was still heavy. "(This...He cant do it..?) *sees XV-mon trip*...XV-mon..Eat his
Digicore..*sees him look back this way*...(Im sorry, DexDoruGreymon..)and DexDoruGreymon's
too... (If only this damn fake Digivice worked..) *sees DexDoruGreymon shed a tear* Dont cry...I
blame myself..I could've prepared for all this better for everyone..and I almost lost you guys
here...Please understand.." Wes lowly said, watching XV-mon do what he had to do before the
military showed up.

Back at our usual field, Renny, Crescy and Ranny were wrapping up their training session, as I
wrapped up what I wanted to do with these Digi-cards. I came up with a few neat combinations but
a really good idea came across to me. Though I still needed more time to think through my
strategies with them, and how they'll work with the rest of my decks. "*steadies breath, body pulses
brightly* (I was tempted to Digivolve a few times there..) *stands upright* Admittedly, you did
push me rather consistently, Crescemon. *looks at Ranamon* Now Ranamon, you mentioned
earlier that you Digivolved, yet you didn't have a hint of that while you two sparred against me.
Are you keeping a secret, or is Crescemon picking up that much slack for you?" Renamon asked
with a slight smirk, "Ugh she is not! I just...Dont want to is all! 3" Ranny replied in a pouty
manner, "You girls. *looks back at Aegiomon, still asleep* Say...Caulimon, when's the last time
you've seen the boy wake up?" I asked him, "Huh. You've been gone for 3 weeks...Wow, he really
hasn't woken up since birth" Caulimon answers with a blank stare, "! Caulimon, that's bad! What if
he's in a coma!? *rushes over to Aegiomon* Aegio! Aegio! *shakes him* Please wake up! Wake
up dammit! WAKE UP!" I shouted, "*enters the tent* Forcing him to wake up doesnt seem to
work. Think though...It sure is strange how a Digimon goes into coma right after birth. There's a
chance it is due to being from both Digimon and Human..However, the case with Nyanromon..."
Renamon was piecing together, "He..Came out of me a few days ago..But I didnt notice
anything..It...Really does sound like a...Im sorry everyone TT TT" Bastemon said in grief, "*also
enters* Coma? Hmm... (Not too likely if you ask me) What if there's a trick to waking him?"
Crescemon suggests. Ranamon comes up to us, catching what the situation seems to be. The group
stands there for a few moments to brainstorm. We tried playing for him an instrument that was
lying around, CPR...And even.. "Ooooooh~ There once was a cattle called a Digi-cattle and it was
wide as the eye can see~ ^O^" Ranamon was singing, but to no avail, "Please dont...Do that again.
(Why the hell we agree to that?) *sees him flick an eyebrow* Did...Did that almost work? *looks
to Ranny and her star-struck smile* ...Got another verse for us? _ _;" I asked, "Sure do!
Ahem..Let's go Let's go to the Merry Zone! Let's go Let's go to the Wonder Zone! Shuba-shuba~,
Shuba-Shuba~, Sh-" Ranny was trying to sing then I shut her mouth, "(She...Just kept getting
worse..-n-) *hears him giggle* ! Did he just laugh? Caulimon, you have any ideas?" I asked him,
"Not really. I can shine a light from my head and see if that works" Caulimon then mentions,
"*watches him shine a light from his red triangle on his head, and Aegiomon's eyes start to open*
(Is..Is that all we needed to do?) *sees his eyes stop to open and become stuck there* Umm um...B-
basty, do you wanna try singing for him?" I asked her, "uh ok...oo...OO...I'll go get him some food
⊿ " Bastemon said before running out and escaping the tensening atmosphere...She really
didnt know any songs, did she? Then again I wouldn't either, so I guess we have that in common e
﹏e...Bastemon then returned with a cooked sausage link, baby food and a big leg of ham (just in
case). I pry open Aegiomon's mouth, and Basty feed the sausage link into his mouth, which got
quickly swallowed into him...Ok let's try the ham. I lowered it to his lips, and he takes a big bite on
it, but notices that his teeth are stuck into it, so he opens his eyes and sits up, the whole thing still
hanging between his teeth. "*pulls the meat from his teeth, but ti doesnt budge* Aegio. daddy
would appreciate it if you say ahhhh ^ -; " I told him, "Aaah- *feels the meat pulled away from
mouth* That tasted good too -p-...Hm? -.- *looks around, seeing the group and the tent interior*
Am I in trouble?" he asked, "(He's..kinda smart for a newborn...And odd) N-no uh..H-hi Im dad
and..Basty, take him with us" I told her, "R-right" Bastemon agreed, holding his hand carefully
before he jumped down. Renny and Crescemon were trying to make sense of all this. Ranny too,
but she was quickly occupying herself with thinking of lyrics. Me, Aegio, and Basty were shortly
outside, in the middle of the grassy plains. When he was let go, he was gawking at the jewels and
long claws that Bastemon had.

"So...Lemme introduce myself. Im your dad, ok? So call me daddy."

"[Aegiomon] *giggles* Daddy! ^u^ *looks at Bastemon* Ooo oo is she mommy?"

"[Bastemon] *crouches in front of her* Y-yes, Im your mommy. You're happy to see us, huh? ^ ^"

"[Aegiomon] Uh huh. Why does daddy look so different from mommy? Is he..A Daddymon?"

"N-no, Im..Im not a Digimon..(What those other mons said though...Im sure they meant my
strength but...Maybe not..)"

"[Aegiomon] If daddy isn't Digimon..What is daddy?"

"*takes a deep breath, kneels in front of him* Y'see son, we made Digimon. We're called Humans."

"[Aegiomon] Ooooo~ Humans are sooo cool! I wanna be one just like you, daddy!"

"(When we wanna be, we can be cool...Kinda..) *rubs his head* Maybe one day, son. We'll see,
ok? = ⊿ = *gets a hug from him* Oh Aegio. Ya shouldn't have."

"[Bastemon] *carefully pets his head, giggles* He's a really nice kid, eh? ^w^"

"[Aegiomon] So what do Humans do?"

"! -;;; (Ummm..Where to even start...There's so much he's not ready to hear..) *sees him tilt his
head* Well..Us Humans can do alot of things."

"[Aegiomon] Like make Digimon like me! ouo"

"[Bastemon] Yeah, Humans did make us after all ^ ^. Us Digimon are good at alot of things too."

"(Tell me about it.) Then there's the Digiwo- oo; (Shit I dont think I can tell him about that yet!)"

"[Bastemon] Digiworld? All of us Digimon are from the Digiworld, lil' guy ^ ^."

"[Aegiomon] Why aren't we there now?""(Dammit Basty, you just had to pick up for me _ v_)"

"[Bastemon] The Digiworld...Isnt a nice place to be right now. It's very rough down there. We
Digimon are usually raised to become very strong creatures."

"[Aegiomon] That's fine. Im good enough here -u-...Where is here anyway? -.-"

"[Bastemon] We call this The Base, which is waaaaay above the Digiworld. We have some
Digimon here, but everyone is safe up here."

"[Aegiomon] Oooo can I talk to them? Are they nice?"

"S-some more than others."

"[Caulimon] *flies over my head and turns to us* Hey are any of you gonna finish that meat? ~o~"

"[Aegiomon] Hey who're you?"

"[Caulimon] Im Caulimon. I helped wake you up."

"[Aegiomon] It was a some nap too. I also ate something really good, and I could sleep longer -u-.
Then this big meat was stuck in my mouth."

"[Caulimon] Well Imma finish it if you cant eat it."

"[Aegiomon] Hey I thought it was mine ~.~""[Bastemon] *pets him with a frown* Now now
Aegimon, learn to share. If it is that big, you can have some of it and he can have some too."

"[Aegiomon] Mmmn, how about we finish it together and get more to eat, Caul? -u-"

"[Caulimon] You sure have a big stomach. I'll see if I can keep up."

"*sees the two walk off into the tent to eat together and we see the other girls step out after a
moment* Im glad he made a friend..But I didnt think it'd be like this."

"[Renamon] *walks up to me* He's...Rather peculiar. Almost like his father."

"[Crescemon] At any rate, what do you want to do now? You've spent some quality time with this
Offspring.""Do you think you can fight again, Bastemon?"

"[Bastemon] I may need a bit more resting..My insides aren't all that well."

"[Renamon] Seeing how carefree Caulimon is, no dire perils are surfacing in the Digiworld. So if I
can suggest, Human. One of us can check on the Human world and rest of us can check the
Digiworld for you."

"It does feel like we really have free time..Ok, I'll check on Wes and the others. While Im out, the
rest of you check things out down there. But Renamon, Crescy. Have these. *looks at Omnimon in
the distance* When we're back, that's when we'll send out Omnimon."

"[Renamon] *is given a card holder and sees Crescemon is given one too* Oh..Are you certain,

"Yeah. Each has 30. I'll be fine with the rest. Over 20 should be good enough for me. You can
always talk about the ones you have with the girls."

"[Crescemon] (Interesting..) There's always finding more too. *also looks at Omnimon, who is
staring at the cloudy ceiling* Well..Let's not stand around, bring us down."

"Renamon, if Bastemon struggles, be sure to cover for her, ok?"

"[Renamon] *looks at Bastemon, who looks slightly paler* (My, have the tables turned recently)
Hmph..That was my plan from the start" Renny complies a bit arrogantly before I beam everyone
down to the Digiworld. Once the team sat food on the dark, blood-soaked grounds, I use my
Digivice to teleport to the real world. Once there, I found myself in the usual neighborhood, only
half a mile from Wes' house. Wes himself, however, I saw walking to a bus stop to be picked up,
and big blue Digimon (Aero V-dramon) flies in the distance before swooping into hiding. Taken by
curiosity, I followed Wes and we ended up talking on the bus.

Elsewhere in the Dark Digiworld, Strabimon, after following BlackGatomon's tail, he is led to a
rough-looking facility that was deep in a mountain. He was from a tall tree, thinking about his
approach as the BlackGatomon goes inside. "MachGaogamon sir, Im back. I found a strange but
normal Digimon out there. It's a long story, but he-" BlackGatomon was saying but stopped herself
when she heard scratchy running noises behind her, and by time she turned, something jetted past
her. "*slides pass her, looking around, seeing a Loader Lionmon, Black Meramon and a Pandamon
for a split-second* (They seem tough, but I can take them down on my own if Im careful enough)"
Strabimon was plotting, "Superstar Upper! *sends Strabimon flying upwards with an uppercut to
his back* Who the hell's this kid? You should've looked behind yourself, Gato" Superstarmon
said, "! (Drrrgh I didnt even see him)" Strabimon was thinking, turning to him, "I dont know but...!
*stomps down on Strabimon, making pieces of the floor fly upon impact* He is out of his league
here. State your purpose, intruder. *sees him get up and stare this way in silence* Get him,
Duramon" MachGaogamon ordered. "Glass Rush! *dashes in at him with both arm-blades, and he
dodges both by bending forward, gets kicked backwards by him, slides a few meters back* Hm,
not a bad little guy here" Duramon comments, his full-body golden armor ever shining as he stares
down at Strabimon, "*puts both claws up in front, looks left and right cautiously* (If Im to take out
him, Duramon and that star mon..Taking them up front isn't the best idea..It seems that they'll fight
me one-on-one now)" Strabimon was plotting some more, "I said State Your Purpose, intruder!
You're telling me now or I will kill you myself!" MachGaogamon yelled, "..Light Leg. *seemingly
disappears, and reappears while sliding to the right, using both claws in the ground to stop* The
battle against the Rulers isn't your's..*sees everyone knocked off balance from a late but strong
thud impacting them, stands upright and looks back* This is dad's and his team's battle against
them" Strabimon told them, "Gyuuhn! *struggles to get back up* (He's so fast!) *feels something
zip pass, and right arm gushes a spray of blood* AUUGHHH! HE- He tore through my arm and
my armor!" screamed Duramon, "*catches Strabimon by his head, and slams him to the floor* If
you're so deadset on making sure the Rulers go down for good, you could join us and train you to
make you stronger" MachGaogamon suggests, "...You dont get it. *sees his brow flick up in
surprise, claws down his right eye, causing a deep cut there before swinging out of his grasp,
watches him scream in agony* If I wanted to be trained, I would've stayed in dad's world.
Everyone's data here is mine...!" Strabimon said as he looked more serious, "*comes up behind
him* Even mine? Are you going to kill me too?" BlackGatomon asked, "*looks at her, frowns*
BlackGato.../.\ (She...Really won't forgive me for this..but..) *turns away* Im sorry..I have to do
this" Strabimon replied, "No you're not! *pounces him from behind and rolls with me, ends up
being on top, eyes start glowing* Cat's Eye Hypnotism!" BlackGatomon shouts, "(Hypno..?...)
OqO" Strabimon was thinking but his mind froze, however a cut appeared on BlackGatomon's
stomach, making her jump away from him and she lands, holding her bleeding stomach. Few
seconds afterwards, Strabimon came back to his senses, ready to finish the job, but hesitation
struck him. "Justice Massacre!" shouted Assaultmon, shooting at Strabimon, with only a few shots
landing before he started zipping around, "*dashes through his leg, sending it flying into the wall*
Light Nail. *zips through his body, dozens of cutting noises later being heard, making him blow up
with blood on his claws, starts dropping while absorbing his data from a distance* (19 more to
go..This is going to take some time, maybe I should go for the weaker ones and-) *hears a massive
explosion from above* ! Huh!? Who did that?" reacted Strabimon, seeing the large ceiling of the
interior and mountain being blow apart. Looking pass the debris, everyone sees an alarming smile
from DarkLucemon as he descends upon the masses below with his arms out to them, filling
everyone with dread. "So many strong Digimon here. Though I sense someone in particular.
Someone...Familiar. *looks to Strabimon and gets a bit closer to him* Oh. Well if it isn't Brother.
Im glad we get to finally meet again ⓪U⓪" DarkLucemon said, "B-BROTHER?! Of this guy?!
What the hell is going on?!" MachGaogamon reacts, "Relax...Everyone's simply going to die"
DarkLucemon told him with a hand casted, shooting a planet-looking sphere at them, blowing 7
Digimon up from it's explosion, "*looks behind with a face of shock and dropped jaw*
You...*looks up at him smiling* YOU DAMN BASTARD! *jets up to him* WINNING
KNUCKLE!" MachGaogamon shouted, landing a punch in DarkLucemon's face but he barely
budges the wolf mon gets slapped away with a massive amount of force, with the impact strong
enough to mangle his right arm. "(This is..How strong my brother became...?) *sees him laughing
in MachGaogamon's face* (He's..Terrifying)" Strabimon comments in his head with a sinking
feeling in his guts, then gets out of the way of an blind fire from DarkLucemon, blowing up 5 more
Digimon that he was close to. "*watches a few others gasping while being bloody messes, dying*
(We're all going to die at this rate...I gotta try this!) Superstar Seeker! *loses limps, star body glows
and shoots self at DarkLucemon, zips into his chin and across his face, not doing much damage*
(Even with all my energy..Dammit..) *goes to MachGaogamon, still speeding* Boss, you have to
absorb me..So you can Digivolve. Give it your all, brother" Superstarmon told him before a piece
of his glasses broke off and giving him a wink, "Superstarmon...*catches him by bashing fist into
his star body, blood splatters in face* (I won't let you down, pal..) MachGaogamon digivolve to...!"
he was saying, "Hmmhm, this'll be fun. *sees a light shining from below* Oh. What's this? ⓪
U⓪" DarkLucemon says, seeing Strabimon digivolve into Lobomon with a brilliant light, looking
up at him, exciting him, "(There we go, brother..Let's make this entertaining owo)" DarkLucemon
then thought, "MirageGaogamon! *slashes down with his large talons, cape flapping rapidly in the
wind* You fiend...You glutton for punishment..I will see to it that you die here!" MirageGaogamon
told him, "No need to get all high and mighty. You're still going to die yourself. *sends a planet-
looking blast his way, it blows up on him and he sustains only several bloody marks on his body*
You really did get stronger..Hmmhmhmm Muhahahahahaa!" DarkLucemon then laughed,
"*gathers energy into the mouth in chest* Allow me to show you! Full Moon Blaster!"
MirageGaogamon shouts, shooting a massive light at him, "Howling Laser!" DarkLucemon heard
from below; This laser hitting him first before the Full Moon Blaster, causing a huge, blinding
explosion of light. Once the great shine finishes, DarkLucemon thrusts his hand into
MirageGaogamon chest, "*coughs blood all over him* ('Give it your all, brother'...I HAVE TOO!)
*casts hands in front of him* Double Crescent Mirage!" MirageGaogamon shouts, however lately
noticing DarkLucemon is now in his X form, so when the moon-shaped shockwaves come out of
his hands, not only did it blow DarkLucemon X away, it sent the mega wolf far further away from
him. How far is DarkLucemon X now? Around a whole mile away from where he was before, and
MirageGaogamon is 7 miles away from where they were, fell into a crater that he made.

The huge shockwave hit most of wherever was below (which they felt up to 10% of it's power), and
it was powerful enough to send everyone against the wall. "*wakes up, feeling blood rushing down
the top of head* mmmnn..gehh..Get...Up..! *vision comes back, sees Lobomon stepping forward
menacingly, with blood oozing out of his armor* P-please stop! You've done enough damage!"
BlackGatomon was pleading, "*hears RizeGreymon heavy footsteps from behind, turns to him,
dodges his claw strike and slashes him in half with a light saber, his upper half flying to the right*
Everyone..Is now weakened..I can now finish it all from here" Lobomon was saying, "*flies at
him* Cat Kick! *kicks him down* (That shockwave did alot of damage to him too. He may've
Digivolved but he has another thing coming if he doesnt think we're equal now!) *looks at the last
two mons (Wingdramon and Coredramon) that are barely alive* Dont..You guys worry..I'll..Get
him outta here! *sees him swing down sluggishly, dodges and cuts down his leg with a claw, then
gets kicked away by him before he falls* Gyuooow! *sees him barely standing on one knee with
both light sabers in the ground* He's...Going to regain his strength soon.." BlackGatomon was
saying, "(No..Please...I dont wanna die..NOOO!) Blue Flare Breath!" Coredramon shouts,
"Coredramon, no! She's in the way!" Wingdramon shouted, "! *sees the blue flames incoming this
way and that BlackGatomon is in front of it* (If I don't do anything, not only will I be burned to
death but she will too!) BlackGato, get out of the way!" Lobomon urgently shouted. Lately noticing
it, BlackGatomon was face-to-face with a big wall of blue fire, not prepared to take any of it, then
she finds herself being yanked, in Lobomon's arms and rolling backwards, seconds away from the
flame making contact with them. When it does, it ends up hitting Lobomon's back, throttling them
out of the mountain's cave, and he takes a hard (45ft) fall from the ground below. "*coughs*
Dammit..I..Couldnt...Get all of them...But BlackGato...*opens arms, sees her blank eyes*
(She's..Unconscious..Must've been from the fall...)" Lobomon was thinking, "...w...why..*gets his
attention* Why...Did you" BlackGatomon weakly asked, "I...I was..*looks at back,
seeing wireframes being exposed, devolves into Strabimon, doesnt see them anymore* (good..) I
was trying to..I didnt want you to die like that..From one of your own teammates..I thought
about..Sparing you..Out of all of them.." Strabimon replied, "That's..Worse than..Killing me,
yknow...Leave me alone..I dont...Wanna end up..Killing you..." BlackGatomon threatened,
"Get...Stronger then...I' to..See you try..*gets her attention* yknow..In a way..I wish I
died...Doing that..for you.." Strabimon told her before closing his eyes. At a loss for words,
BlackGatomon thought long and hard about the situation she's in. An emptiness can be felt from
her if one were astute enough. After some long thinking, her mind drifted and wavered, and
without noticing, BlackGatomon fell asleep, right there, in his arms.

Further from them, over a mile away, DarkLucemon flew into the nightly sky. He wondered what
"What fate befell my brother? Or the rest of them? Especially that MirageGaogamon", "Only one
way to find out" he said to himself with an evil smirk, flying across the land, ever in search of an
exciting battle with these thoughts looming in his head.

Aaaaand cut! How'll the next chapter be? You'll have to see! Thanx for reading this all the way!
Dont miss out now!
Battle In The Abyss. The Third Child

Hey guys, sorry it took so long! Internet went out last night, so for now, go ahead and read!

Chapter 14: Battle In The Abyss. The Third Child


On the bus, there were just several people on it, including Wes and me. We were all pretty spaced
out from each other. It isn't uncommon, even with the few metro trips I had before. I looked outside
as Wes hung his head, and I see the street sign for his place pass us. The bus took us to the next
sign up ahead, stopping there.

"...You're not getting up?"

"[Wes] *hears the street name being called* Im fine...."

".....Something bad happened...Right?"

"[Wes]It was so sudden...Most.....Most're gone.."

"! Wait most now? (If he means his team....Was it really a good idea to send Strabimon away...?)
W-when you say most...How many you mean?"

"[Wes] *frowns*.....Just two...They're all I got.."

"So it was that strong....Im real sorry, Wes...I shoulda been there...I should've...."

"[Wes] HE should've been there. I needed all the help I should get, yknow.."

"Im sure everyone put up one helluva fight. At least, right?"

"[Wes] Everyone that was there, yeah...By the time I got there...All but my Bitmon were beaten. I
came in with my strongest mon...Who I lost."

"Damn...It was that tough, eh...."

"[Wes]...You saw my last teammate....Didnt you? *grabs my gaze* Well, Missimon is still alive,
scouting somewhere...But my Aero V-dramon.."

"[???] You hear that? It must be him."

"[??? 2] I heard, don't worry.."

"Tch...If my Renamon was there, she would've taken this guy out. If you thought that Tao form
was strong, wait til ya see Sakuyamon."

"[Wes] S-sakuyamon...? You..She was able to reach that?"

"With...Alot of help, yeah. It's still hard to have her keep that form though."

"[Wes] I see....What about your kid?"

".....I, well..Decided to put him the Digiworld.."

"[Wes] So you really went through with it.."

"Won't forget what he said too.."

"[Wes] Yeah...I won't either....We can only hope he isn't dead, and can actually grow on his own."

"Right...*looks down, then left, seeing something with a sticking from his pocket* Say, what the
hell's that?"

"[Wes] Oh...*takes out Digivice* Remember how I told you that area disappeared? Im thinking
that was cuz of this."

"Does it work?"

"[Wes] Not at all, it seems. I was trying to turn it on all day, nothing."

"My guess' that it's a prototype of the real thing. Maybe it has a mind of it's own. It could be a one-
time use."

"[Wes] If that's the case, it really is junk."

"Though...I did get to meet this guy. In fact..*brings out Digivice* He said he made this, so- *sees
both start glowing* ! Hey, what's it doing?"

"[Wes] *takes a closer look, presses the buttons* It's still not working...Even weirder..Maybe you
should ask that guy."

"If only, right? Wish you told me sooner before I- *mouth is suddenly covered, gets stabbed from
behind* MMMMMPHHHHH!!!!!!" I tried my best to scream through my assailant's hand,
shocking the other passengers and Wes as he jumped out of his seat. "Who! Who the hell?!" Wes
reacts, his heart beating very fast, obviously facing distress. "...Heheeheheheeehh~ *turns my head
to him, seeing him looked shocked then I stood* You're just waiting to die....AREN'T YOU? ⚈u⚈
*sees him take the knife out of me, grabs his head* If that's the case...*hears footsteps behind me,
pushing the driver away from us without looking* SAY GOODBYE!!!" I shouted before yanking
him into me, bending his head backwards with ease, biting out his throat with one chomp, his
blood spurting all over my face and the window, then with the little vision I had, I bit deep into the
top of his skull with another swift bite, exposing most of his brain before I let him drop to the floor
with his body collapsed, dying right there. Wes watches me spit out a piece of his brain in terror as
I wipe my face of all that blood. "(He-!! I can't believe he's this crazy! How could he kill him so
fast too?!!) *sees another guy that's a seat away from us, shook from what he witnessed, then sees
him try to open the window* W-were they trying to assassinate us?!" Wes said in shock, "Were
they now? *sees the same person that's trying to get out* PERFECT ⚈u⚈ *flies at him with a
strong lunge with a wicked smile, busting him through that side of the bus, with the window
shattering out upon impact, landing the two of us on a car as his back splattered some blood when
WEREN'T YOU? ⚈u⚈ *sees him shaking in fear and mouth began to foaming* SAY
SOMETHING, DAMMIT!! @W@" I shouted and threw him across the ground, making him land
22 meters away from me, into the pavement of a sidewalk. "CAAAAGGH!!! Gy...Gyhn..! *tries to
get up but back gave out, starts bleeding all over from a shoulder blade and from the back of the
neck* AAUUGH FUCK! (This guy's a fuckin' animal! He's insane to boot! Who the hell bites all
over a guy like that??!)" the guy thought to himself, thinking as well that he could die here, "*lands
on his back, with both feet planted on both sides of him, is hunched over him while somewhat
squatted there, blocking him from the sunlight, casting a big shadow* You aint goin'
ANYWHERE. Not til you tell me why you and your dead buddy was sent" I told him, "*looks at
my feet that were on the ground, seeing how they made cracks in the ground* ! (H-h-how the hell
does a guy become this strong?! He isn't huma-) *feels head being pressed on by two sharp claws
that were placed there, drops of blood soon start to fall from there, dripping down the cheek* EEK!
"See? That wasn't so hard. *moves away from him, putting the netted claw tips away and he soon
tripped due to the pain from earlier* By the way...*gets his attention* Tell this boss..Today. Im
Gonna Skin Him. And Im Coming For Him ⚈ ⚈" I also told him as he ran away faster. It looks
like Wes will have to wait a bit longer to finish catch up. These punks aint gettin off the hook.
Besides... I can have fun this way...! @u@

Only a minute passed of me walking, and a car pulled up, with four guys coming out of it, all of
'em having tuxes and shades on them. I could see that they all had guns on them. "Tch. If only y'all
knew. Try me ouo" I said with an excited face, then I tracked the first guy's hand, seemlessly
moving outside of it's trajectory, his movements being slow to my perception. By the time he
blinked, I already took the gun out of his hand, shooting the other guys as they turned to me and
mangled the guy in front of me with a few claw tips, then I proceeded to finish the others off with
headshots. My head turns to the car they arrived with. Hmm...If I jacked this car..Things may get
even more fun ouo. I went on the road, heading to the place that one guy told me. Though, there
was a bit of rush hour happening on the way there...Too bad for them.

"What do you mean they aren't picking up? Why the hell not?!" asked the big man in a white
tuxedo, missing a hand, "I-Im sorry, Mr.Kyomoto! They might've died.." said an underling in front
of him, "Huh?! They had guns on 'em! There's no way they- *sees another member rush through
the door, really sweaty, gasping, losing his hair and a big bloody print oh is back* What the...You
look like hell. The fuck happened out there?" he asked, "B-boss...I barely escaped from him! He's
coming here! A-and he said...'Today. Im gonna skin him. And Im coming for him'...What should
we-" he was saying, "You ratted us out...*takes a gun out of shirt, then hears a big bang noise
outside the door* Listen. You either die here, or you check out what's outside my door. *sees him
look hesitant, then he inches to the door that shut itself on him, and right he opens it, he gets
yanked to the right, a big spurt of blood and a violent scream followed* HOLY SHIT! Men! Shoot
down whoever killed him!" Kyomoto ordered, "*slams the Juga-Maru blade down in front of the
doorway, making everyone's heart sank then I lifted my head at them all*
making everyone weak in the knees, then I threw the large blade with one arm. The swing from my
arm made the thing fling in a half circle, chopping down anyone in front of it, cutting down 15 of
them as their blood shortly rained in that area, really making everyone duck from seeing it's
dangerous prowess and velocity. "(T-this guy is just murderous monster!) *sees it coming this
way* Oh what the hell?! *jumps out of the way, only having it cut across the back, and make a
deep cut on a shoulder* DAAAAAHH! Shhhhit! *holds shoulder, then looks around, seeing my
plunge and gut out the other members with my claw tips, one after another* You...YOU'RE
NOTHING BUT SOME MONSTER!! A DEMON!" he shouts in fright, "*holds up a gang member
with one hand and squeezes his neck out with four claw tips as he shirks* Heh! Call me what you
will. I gave everyone here a chance to leave me and the others alone...Since you Humans started it,
now Imma end it all...By SKINNING Every Last One of You! @ @" I told him, "Please! Please!
I'll tell you anything! I MEAN IT!!!" he shouted and pleas, "Ah now we're getting somewhere" I
reply with a chilling smile.

Over at an empty plains area that led to a ruined city, Strabimon and BlackGatomon walked
together, although with some reluctance in their hearts. Strabimon was on the hunt for both of
them, while BlackGatomon was thinking over what happened between them. She was wondering
what she'll do from here on...Including how she'd want him and her to die together. What prevents
her from doing this, however, were her curiosities. Of his background and if MirageGaogamon is
still alive. "*hears lighter-sounding footsteps, grabs BlackGatomon, swiftly taking her behind a
buidling* Ssshh. *looks low from around it, seeing Ranamon strolling by, singing to herself* ! One
of dad's Digimon? What's she doing out while she's this far out?" he wondered to himself,
"Hey...*gets his attention* We gotta warn her..She'll be going to a Ruler in this direction. How
many digis are in your dad's group?" she asked, "Hmm. If you count him, that's five...Wait here,
ok? *goes behind another building ahead* Ranamon. Hey, Ranamon" he began, whispering from a
distance to her, "-Really feeling..Huh? Who's there?" she asked, "You have to go get the others. A
ruler is ahead" he warned, "Is that right? Ok! Thanks for telling me! ^u^" Ranamon replied,
running off to the other way. He goes some other way with BlackGatomon, leaving the ran-down
city, until he was suddenly stopped. "Look. *points to the rest of the group, minus Bastemon, led
by Renamon* That's your dad's team...They really do look strong. But where is he at?" she asked,
"He'll with them... *turns gaze, then sees a white Lopmon, who scurries away* Cmon. I saw
someone. It's not a Dark digimon either" he told her and they gave chase. Quickly, he slid in front
of her after a fast lunge, facing her way. "*holds ear flaps in over both eyes* P-please dont hurt me!
I-I just wanna see my sister!" the Lopmon pleas in fear, "Sister? Who?" he asked, "*catches up*
You're just going to kill her like the rest...Aren't you?" BlackGatomon lowly said, "I won't...But
listen..*walks up to Lopmon* I..Want you to come with us. We'll help..*sees her pop her head out
in surprise* But..Im a...Really dangerous person.. (If I can gather other normal Digimons this
way..I can get stronger with them) You'll have to protect yourself along the way. From others..And
from me...Ok? It's better than being on your own out here" Strabimon told her, surprising
BlackGatomon, "O-ok..I understand..I'll go..." accepted the Lopmon, putting a small smile on
Strabimon's face and the three head off into the further distance. "*sees Strabimon run off with his
small group, smirks, turns to the others* So someone told you a Ruler is this way?" asked
Renamon, "Uh huh! He should be about a few miles ahead from here!" Ranamon answers, "Hmm.
We shouldn't go to him without my Sakuyamon form. I'd say it'd be far more appropriate if another
one of us is able to enter into their final Digivolution. *looks to Crescemon* Crescy- ! C-
crescemon? Dammit, he's rubbing off =I'll probably need a few dozen more Dark Digimon
absorbed before I can do it on my own. Also Renamon, I'd be shaking in my boots if I were you,
because that's not even my final form. I have one more after that UuU" said Crescy to Renamon,
making her raise a brow, "Is that so? Wasn't he one of the Olympus XII? Who we already has the
last of? *sees her give a low-brow face, then looks at Ranamon, seeing her jump upon being gazed
at* I've been sensing something in you recently. It's been rather faint, but now, it's making me
think. The reason why it's nothing more than faint. It is because it is hollow. You're missing
something. *sees her tilt her head in confusion* So you aren't aware of the Human Water Spirit
within you?" she then asks and prefaces, "! H-huh? How...*puts hands on stomach* Is that why Im
like this? Because of that?" Ranamon said, perplexed and wondered, "So you really didn't
know..Renamon, are you saying if she were to have the Beast Water Spirit...?" Crescemon was
piecing together, "We'll have to find while you and me gather our strength. So that she can possibly
become AncientMermaidmon. That is our mission, so let's move it. The Ruler can wait" Renamon
declared, taking lead to the other way as the two follow. Though they're significantly aimless.

In the real world, Wes finds himself in the lap of Camil with his head, who openly consoles him.
Apparently his sorrow for his lost Digimons, feeling in inadequacy with this other Digivice, trying
to make sure he doesnt lose his Aero V-mon, and...What he saw on the metro was alot for him to
bear...Camil sat there with him, pondering what she could do for him. Of course, also feeling really
sorry for him after what he told her.

"[Camil] So....You aren't gonna give up, are you? Your cousins seems to be doing alot and.."
"[Wes] As tempting as it is...I still believe he needs all the help he can get.."

"[Camil] R-right...Even though..If we help, we can easily get dragged in the mess like him..."

"[Wes] Whenever we do...I just wish it wasn't so...Traumatizing, yknow. Whether it be a

Digiworld...His Renamon...NaitoRenamon...Or him himself.."

"[Camil] Did you...Know NaitoRenamon in the past?"

"[Wes] .....Y-yeah.."

"[Camil] How far back...? -._"

"[Wes] Back enough to....Let's just say she was way better back then..J-just don't think about it too
much, ok?"

"[Camil] (These two can be disgustingly similar sometimes > >;;;;) *sees me walk in the door* H-
hey! What the hell were you thinking on that trip with him?! He didnt need to see all that at a time
like this!"

"*siiighs* I can get pretty feral is all. Losing myself can come with the territory if the danger is
serious enough...You know all the stuff that's happened to me in the Digiworld.."

"[Camil] I-I know but....It really affects us. More than you think. We can feel as if we're not even
speaking to the same person anymore."

"Well slowly but surely..I'll have all that under control. Just dont expect much over night. You try
dealing with some of the things I do out there."

"[Camil] Actually..*looks down at Wes then back at me* We've been making plans on giving him
a sort of kickstart. *sees me expand my eyes* That's right. By making me fullfledged Tamer."

"B-b-but! What about your job?!"

"[Camil] Well..Ok maybe not really full-fledged, but I can possibly cover for him on the side."

"With what Digimon?"

"[Camil] We've been thinking about sharing with his. Ugh, I would've started with my Plotmon but
he suddenly disappeared on me. He was really cute too!"

"! (That sounds like an anomaly if I ever heard one. I can only hope he's still fine.)"

"[Wes] At any rate, you're back from taking care of those assassins? Who the hell were they?"

"[Camil] He told me they were trying to kill both of you.."

"They go by CySyn. Cyber Syndicate. Apparently they're the ones who built Union Base that me
and my team use. They've kept alot of tabs on us too."

"[Wes] So what happened with all of that? Did you shut these guys down?"

"....Good news is, what I did was a major hit to their group."

"[Camil] M-major hit? So you...?"

"I had to. Cutting down him, his goons and a few of their mons was gonna mean trouble for all of
us. As y'all could guess, taking over the town and then some was their goal. They weren't always
like this though. They had good Tamers, who built the Union Base as a safe place."

"[Wes] But dont tell me..."

"If your guess was that one of their assholes was able to alert the rest of their Tamers, you'd be
right..They're trying to find us."

"[Camil] ! H-how could you involve us like this?!"

"[Wes] Camil, calm down...We just need to get ready for 'em. And fast."

"Before I sawed him up, he was telling me there were five of 'em. 'Course, he wasn't gonna tell me
where and who exactly they are. It could be anyone, you two. It's best to lay low as possible while
Im out."

"[Wes]....You aint gotta tell us, cous'. Cammy should be good enough for any of 'em within a

"If you have that much time, but I'll hold you to it, Wes. Let me down and I can't guarantee
protection from Renamon's wrath."

"[Wes] Heheh.. I'll keep that in mind. -﹏-"

"Oh and uhh I have another kid."

"[Wes and Camil] O O;;;;;;"

"We're..Trying to experiment...To make sure Renny can have one with me this time and...Umm.."

HUMAN!!!) OoO;;;;"

"W-we're...I'll let you know what we'll figure out, bye! ^<^;;;;" I quickly told them as they were all
sat up, and after seeing me flash away with a sphere of light while digitalizing, they fell away from
each other. The two of them also foaming at the mouth from what they've heard, realizing how
absurd it all sounded. Something tells me I p-probably should've told them at a better time...Or
maybe even not tell 'em at all. Geez, I really am affecting them harder than I'd figure. Ugh, boy do
I wish everything could just go back to normal...= =;....I mean alot of this is fun for me but still.
The lows get reeeeal low for everyone.

The team of three head to the Aqua Tunnel due to Crescemon's suggestion of hearing the Beast
Water Spirit inside there. The place was rather deep and darkens on them the further they went.
That is until they see shining shimmers on the ceiling, which they followed and got brighter.
Unfortunately, this brought trouble to them. "Fish Power!!" they heard from a few voices, being
attacked by a dozen fishes that were flying at them, "*takes out ice arrows* This is nothing"
Crescemon comments, shooting many of the fishes down with her bow at incredible speeds, barely
using a dozen arrows, "*looks further, seeing 10 shielded sea lion mons with big claws and dark
patterns and spiky hair, [DarkGomamon] standing in front of a body of glowing water* They must
be guarding what we're looking for. You two do whatever, I'll tear them apart" Renamon said,
quickly dashing at them, "She's fast! Now guys! Water Current Ball!" one of them shouted in a
panic, shooting at Renamon in unison with shots of water balls from their mouths, though futile
with her clawing through all of them at incredible speeds. "*ducks under her claw strike, making
bubble shield burst on Renamon, blowing her away* T-this Renamon's alot faster than any I've
seen! *sees Crescemon readying her arrows* And they have a Crescemon! We're in big trouble!"
said one of the other DarkGomamon, "Yeah, let's get DarkMegaSeadramon!" another one of them
frantically said, "MegaSeadramon?" Crescemon repeated, easing up on her fire. Upon a whistle,
DarkMegaSeadramon pops his large head out of the water behind the DarkGomamon group. "W-
what're we really gonna do?! This kind of Seadramon looks really big for us!" Ranamon reacts,
"Just stick to the plan, because believe it or not, Ranamon...*takes out a card from a sleeve* We're
gonna let most of this be your fight. Thor Hammer! Activate!" Renamon shouts, making a heavy
hammer appear in Ranamon's hands, "*struggles to lift it* I-Im having trouble with it!" Ranamon
complained, "This is MY turf! Not your's! Maelstorm!!" called out the DarkMegaSeadramon,
swiping his head ahead of the group of DarkGomamon, creating an electrified twister at Renamon
and the gang, "You have to take charge here, Ranamon! Strength Plug-In UQ Strength Plug-In W!
Activate!" shouted Crescemon, "! *feels a burst of power inside* I-! I feel like I can do this! *stares
at the twister coming this way* I dont think so, you oversized fish! How's this!? *gives the twister
a huge, thunderous swing, clashing with it* Cmon Rannyyyy!! HAAAAHH! *follows through with
the swing, making the dangerous twister swirl in half, dissipating it; runs towards the large sea
mon, ignoring the bruises on both arms from the impact and shocks* You're mine!" Ranamon
yells, preparing another swing of the hammer at him, "We got her, boss! Gomamon Headbutt!"
said a few DarkGomamon, launching headfirst at Ranamon, "*comes from behind
DarkMegaSeadramon's head, flying out of the right of him* I wouldn't do that. Dark Archery"
Crescemon said, firing dark-imbued arrows at the surprised attacking DarkGomamon, bursting
their bubbles with the shots, pushing them towards Renamon, "Diamond Storm! *swings an arm,
launching an array of thin shimmering shards at them, violently piercing them as they fly closer*
Power Paws! *thrusts both energy-imbued paws at two of them, killing them right before they fell
and notices one flew by, landing behind as he struggles to get up, bleeding all over; quickly speeds
over to him* Power Paw! *gives him a paw thrust down into his head, killing him this way,
leaving three claw wounds in his skull before lifting that hand* Send more my way if you can,
Crescemon" Renamon told her, "*looks at Crescemon* But when did you- *receives a large impact
from Ranamon's swing of the Thor Hammer* RRAAAAAAUUUGGGHHH!!! *coughs blood as
chunks of the head platings fall to the floor, along with the blood from the top of head fall on them
too* Gyhhn..! You damn pest! I'll make sure to fry you first!" shouted DarkMegaSeadramon,
"*lands away from him, pants* He...He's taking alot of damage..I hope you all have a...P-plan B.."
Ranamon said, getting tired. "*dashes backwards from the large mon* It's a bad time to let up now.
Holy Rod! Flame Fragment! Spiked Club! Activate!" Crescemon calls out, using all the cards she
had, giving Renamon flaming Holy Rod, and herself the Spiked Club for extra strength. "*gets
struck by Crescemon's swing of it, only being pushes a dozen inches backwards by her but with a
swift movement of the head, she flew right off* Hmph. You think a small increase in strength will
help?" DarkMegaSeadramon somewhat taunts, "Heh, of course not. Go for it" she was saying,
"Hmm?! *gets head pummeled down into the ground from above due to a fiery charge, even more
pieces of head's armor comes off, flicks neck upwards, getting her off; sees Kyubimon holding the
flaming rod in her hand* Dammit!!! DIE! ALL OF YOU! Thunder Javelin!" he shouts, charging
his horn with electricity, hurling the bolts of lightning at where Kyubimon is, making the several
DarkGomamon run from the area as the attack explodes on Kyubimon, even after blocking it, she
ended up getting a series of bsruises from it before she lands. "*watches her coughing* Phew, good
thing we- *gets tangled and wrapped around by a long whip of water* Hey, no fair!" one of the
DarkGomamon shouts, "I'll..Show you not fair! *tightens grip with one hand, and casts out the
other hand* Dark Vapor!" Ranamon called out, exposing these smaller Dark Digis to a purple
cloud that she spreads to them, burning their skin and fur, popping their bubbles as they howled
and writhed in pain on the floor. "*sees Crescemon shoot through their heads timely, killing them
off like that; dodges his flurry of horn lunges, ending up getting nicked in the ankle by him, backs
away, then sees Ranamon's Thor Hammer disappear* (How're we gonna take him down? He sure
does keep up with his resilience...I may have to use that card) *digs into sleeve, is all out of cards*
(! I must've dropped them!)" Kyubimon reacts, "Let's finish this! Digi-Modify! Winning Percent:
40%! Giga Evolution! Holy Seventh! Holy Tag! Holy Ring! Activate!!" I shouted, landing in front
of them, inserting the called out cards into the Digivice. "THAT'S ENOUGH!!! Giga Ice Blast!!"
he shouts, gathering alot of ice into his mouth, "It's too late" Taomon said, shattering the big block
of ice in his mouth with her flaming rod, then unleashed a multitude of tags all over and inside his
mouth out of her sleeve, making him explode on the inside and all over his head. His whole head
was covered in smoke in no time, "*wildly coughs, constantly dripping with blood, wheezes* T-
this power! B-but how the-" he was saying, "DIE! *sees him look above at me with my rising
sword winded fully; sees him trying to go in for a bite but chops the Juga-Maru blade through his
mouth and ends up landing on the floor in front of him as the top part of his head lands next to me*
Heh. Just like butter. He really got weakened from that last attack" I comment, "*sees Ranamon
absorbing the dead DarkGomamon* Be careful absorbing them. There's a chance their dark data
will harm you" Renamon told her then saw me walking up to her, and she smirks at me, "*stretches
neck left and right* Figured I finish it for you three. Thanks for doing most of the tenderizing. If I
hadn't came in like I did, I might've lost one of you" I told her, "Suuure. Now help us pick up the
Digi-cards. Turns out we really didnt need all that many" Crescemon said, "Yeah. Guess I should
give y'all that many if we're away for a few days. *looks over at the edge of the water, seeing an
AncientMermaidmon* Hey, I think that huge Dark mon dropped this. Should be handy, right?" I
said, "*pops out of the water* Yeah but hey girls! I cant seem to find it! The Spirit of Water thingie
isn't here!" Ranamon told them, surprising them, "It's not here? Ok. Let's head to The Base then.
One of the navs should know" I told them, finishing up the gathering session of the cards and I
shortly beam us up to our good ol' Base.

Cutemon sees us warp into the grassy field, taking her eyes off of Aegiomon. "*flies over to us*
Hey! You all are back already? It's only been around three hours" said Cutemon, "Yeah. *wipes
some blood off of an arm* They ran into some trouble. Now we're trying to find this Spirit of
Water thing. We came from this tunnel area" I informed her, "You mean the Aqua Tunnel? It
should've been there! Gato should know, so let's go ahead and ask her!" she told us as we followed
her. The flying mon took us to the center room, where we find Gatomon looking closely at the
monitor, then she hears us and turns to us, followed by a late Bastemon. "I overheard you guys
while I was resting. Do you know where the Water Spirit is, Gatomon?" Bastemon asked for us, "I
wish you all came sooner for that. It's been taken away! Look, it's here!" she told us, pointing to a
really dark area, "! We were over there before we ventured to the Aqua Tunnel! Ranamon told us
that a Ruler was over a mile from there! So he has it!" Renamon points out and recalls, "Then you
three have a meeting with Barbamon. I saw him take it but I wasn't really sure why he would.
Maybe he's trying to take all of debug plates for himself" Gatomon told us, "That's really bad!
What if he's trying to use them all to bring back all the Ancient Digimon?! We really won't be able
to stop him then! All he needs are their cards!" Cutemon said in worry, "We need another one of us
to go into our Ultimate form to contest against him. We need that debug plate that Barbamon has so
we can do that for Ranamon, and Crescemon still has a ways to go to do it on her own" Renamon
plots to me, "Tch. Well it can wait. Besides we have Omnimon. He may not be at 100% but he
looks like he's got alot of his strength back....We also.....I hate to say it...But we also have that
NaitoMutmon..I still feel her presence in me..I know you do too, Renamon..." I told her. A fearful
moment casted on everyone. We were able to hear everyone's hearts beating a slow yet loud tune.
"....I suppose it cant be helped...We'll have to try our best. Even if it comes down to using....Her.
It's not all too likely that we'll find enough normal Digimon out there to absorb, so we might as
well leave. *looks at Ranamon* Try your best not to die. You're still the lowest level in the group"
Renamon warned her, and with a nod from her, we go to Omnimon and warp out of the Base with
him, appearing at the ruins of this one city.

Our large mon gives us a nod and races ahead of us into the distance. Even I started having a sense,
and tension building in my head, from this Ruler that's ahead of here. Remarkably it's not from
dealing with Muttmon, who I feel giddiness from in my guts. There's a void sphere that's seeable
and Omnimon went into there...Oh no..."(WHAT'S THE MATTEEER~? AFRAID IMMA TAKE
OUT OR SOMETHING? OWO)" she asked inside my mind, "(Just don't get excited. I need my
head on straight for this and Im not letting you get in the way)" I mentally replied, "(PFFFT, NOT
me, "......Renamon! *gets her attention* Go into X form. Imma need it for a while" I told her and
she complies. When she about to do so, we heard a thunderous clang that stopped us. We ran
forward to the void area. Coming a dozen meters away from the void, we see Omnimon struggle to
get up with a claw-shaped mark in his armor, leaving a bloody stamp in him. "*looks at the gray
Digimon in front of him, having a big yellow eye, spheric shape, an eye for each claw's palm, black
and red wings* Ghoulmon...He's very powerful to bring Omnimon down like that. I take it you're
the body guard" Renamon said, "If you come closer to master Barbamon, I cant let you live"
Ghoulmon said to us, "I cant let you live either, so I'd prepare to die if I were you. *sees Omnimon
try to get up* Stay down for now, Omnimon. Digi-modify! Flaming Wings! (If he can be off, even
by a little!) Activate!" I shouted. "*sees Ranamon float upward with fiery wings to her surprise*
(He's getting the weakest out of way. Fine by me) Death Arrows!" Ghoulmon said, shooting several
dark arrows from the eyes on it's claws, making Crescemon match them with a quick succession
with her ice arrow. After seeing that attack failed, the fool jumps up to her, "*flies higher above
him, escaping his reach and casts a hand* Dark Vapor!" she shouted, exposing the Ghoulmon to
the dangerous cloud of gas, "*skin starts to boil and burn, falls to the ground, lands* Grrrgh..Once
she's down, that's when I'll-" he was saying, "Revolution of Hidden Power! Activate! *puts it
through the Digivice, sees Ghoulmon look at me, and he gets assaulted by tentacles, making him
fights off the slippery appendages* (Now that he's distracted...!) *uses my Digi-eyes* High
Evolutor! Summon Cube! Excalibur! Activate!" I shouted, putting them in the Digivice, "*sees a
great glowing light behind, turns to it* Hmm?! It cant be!" he reacts, "Hmmhmmhmm, Im afraid
so~ -u-" the flying Calamaramon said. Fortunately I was able to look for the right set of cards for
this, so I can make battles against even this sort of tough opponent much shorter!
"Renamon....Taomon Digivolve to...!! *morphs into Sakuyamon* Sakuyamon! *descends in front
of him while he's still tangled* Any last words, little mon?" Sakuyamon tauntingly asks, "(With
those first two cards, she's way stronger than she would if she were to Digivolve on her own! If I
timed Holy Seventh better, she'd be close to double her strength by now. This'll more than make up
for it...!) *runs in from behind him, striking down on his hard shell with Excalibur, sparks flying
everywhere* Hold 'im tight, Calamaramon! *stabs Excalibur into his eye as he screams and wildly
struggles* (Just what I needed!) Good!! Now he's much weaker than before! Go ahead,
Sakuyamon!" I told her and I jump out of the way, "Perfect, dear. Now then...Spirit Strike"
Sakuyamon said, and with a wave of her staff, four fox spirits ravage and pounce on Ghoulmon,
blowing him up in a blue explosion. When the smoke cleared, there was little of him left. "*takes
the cards out of the Digivice, making everyone revert to their previous forms* I think we got an
incredible combo on our hands, team. Now let's do it better on this guy up ahead. But first. Now
you can do it, Renamon" I told her as Omnimon got back up and proceeded into the void.

In the very dark space that was in this area lied an enormous, spacious place. Namely, (kinda
lamely named too) The Dark Area. This domain lorded over by the great Barbamon, who hovered
about, ever scheming while looking at the floating dark Digi-cards and other trinkets that were in
the background to him. Wounded, Omnimon floats towards him, ready for their deadly duel.

"[Barbamon] Ah. *turns to him* It seems my Ghoulmon was bested by an Omnimon."

"[Omnimon] I may've came to kill you, but Im considered the back-up."

"[Barbamon] Ohohoho! This is an incredible turn of events. Back-up? An Omnimon? Unheard us.
Where is this main threat then?"
"[NaitoRenamon] Right here~! Lookie lookie~ ^w^"

"[Barbamon] You...What're you doing here? You're here to take my head after the ridding of my

"[NaitoRenamon] Hmmmmmm yes and no. You made the question weird!"

"[Barbamon] What's the meaning of all this?"

"[NaitoRenamon] That's better! I am here to kill you, but I wasn't the one that offed your pal.
They're still up there, they just have cold feet."

"[Omnimon] I see, so we're here to go as far as we can against him...So be it."

"[NaitoRenamon] That's right, Omni! You better hope it's us that'll finish you, Barb. Cuz they got
me real good and are able to use me however they wanna. Im kinda their servant. If I was a second
faster I would've torn 'em all apart.. >3>"

"[Barbamon] (Whoever these foe are..They're pitting me against two powerful Digimon against
me. Clever..But It will take more than that to best me.) If that is the case, allow me to end the lot
of you. Resistence against a Ruler results in perish!"

"[NaitoRenamon] I dunno about that. As a manifestation, I can probably come back to do this
again. This is a real recent trick my plaything found out, so make it fun, ok? OwO" she told him,
striking a cord of fear in Barbamon's heart. Rather than question her further, he not only found it
unfruitful but he also put faith in his great power for this encounter. "Dark Inferno!!" said
Barbamon, swinging his staff, making a black explosion happen on both Omnimon and
NaitoRenamon. "*feels furs tearing from an arm* Ooooo reaaal painful, eh Omni? *looks to him as
he aims at Barbamon with both cannons as they crackle from the flames* You better hurry up or
you'll die too owo" NaitoRenamon told him before dashing into Barbamon and his line of fire, "
(....If I kill her this way, so be it!) Double Shot!! *shoots large red and blue shots from both arms*
Omni Blast!" he also shouts, resulting in NaitoRenamon dodging the the blasts with ease, the force
that the shots carried being enough to snuff out the black fires on her, "*giggles* My turn.
Diamond Storm. *swipes an arm, lining rows of black shards in front* Power Paw!" she called out
as well, shooting a dark-charged energy shot with the shards at Barbamon, having him handle all
that with Omnimon's initial attack(s). "!? (These two...Are they working together or not?) *tries to
dodge them but is hit by a lightning strike from above, cutting into a shoulder, looks above*
(Lightning? But- That Omni Blast! He delayed it!) *looks back down, unable to see
NaitoRenamon* Hmm?! Where di-" Barbamon reacts before being stabbed by the many thin
shards that were shot (and went through Omnimon's attack), followed by being slightly blown up
by Omnimon's firepower a second ago and pushed back the force of NaitoRenamon's Power Paw,
leading the large mon to grunting. "*coughs* Hmph. You two will need much more than- *gazes
drift to the right, noticing NaitoRenamon hugging an arm and another hugging the other arm* (W-
what's this?!) D-Death Lu-" he was saying but gets shhhed by both NaitoRenamons, "Relax relax.
We just wanna show a bit of lovin'...Before showing something else neat with this Fox Switch
Deception. Like this OwO" one NaitoRenamon told him, making the other Diamond Storm around
where they hugged, quickly needling all over his wrists with both of their simultaneous attack,
spurting bits of blood in their faces. Feeling some of the pain, Barbamon shook both of them off,
one of them disappearing. Ignoring her for a second, NaitoRenamon smirks, "By the way...Fox
Switch Deception :3" he heard, making him look back at her, but by the time he did, he was already
looking down into the floor of the Dark Area, flying backwards, then hearing a charging noise, and
shifts his head upwards to an aimed, upside-down Ommnimon. "Supreme Cannon!! *makes him
explode from the red and blue shots from both cannon arms* Now! *flies downward and stabs him
through the chest with blade-arm* Transcendent Sword!!!" he shouted louder, "GYAAAH! D-
damn...! Bastard...!! *looks down, seeing NaitoRenamon smiling and waving, then looks at the
blade sticking out of chest* That....DOES IT...!! PANDEMONIUM LOST!" he shouts, making
immense, dark energies arise below everyone. "Uh oh oxo" NaitoRenamon said, "(I have to try
something!) Sword of Ruin!!" Omnimon desperately said, swinging down at the energy with his
other sword-arm, making an explosion happen in front of him but was futile since the instant he did
so, the whole Dark Area explodes in a massive burst of fire.

With a swipe of the staff, Barbamon rids the flames of his domain, confirming he is the only being
the Dark Area. "What fools. They really thought they could best a Ruler like me. Such slow-witted
beings deserve to die" Barbamon comments, patting down his robe and long beard, "Yes, beings
like you, that is" he heard, turning his gaze behind and then below, seeing Renamon X and the rest
of us on the floor of the Dark Area. He gave a bewildered look for a moment.

"[Barbamon] Oh, yes, yes- The dark foxling told me of a group that deceased my Ghoulmon. But
this is disappointing. You lot look even weaker than the two I battled. Something is amiss."

"[Renamon X] What is amiss is your better judgement. 'Never judge a book by it's cover'. Our
Human did the most to take care of that Ghoulmon."

"[Barbamon] Did he now? *looks at me, seeing how my eyes' pupils dilate at various lengths and
sizes* This man...He is in a trance of some sort. What became of him?"

"[Crescemon] That doesnt matter. Worry about yourself since we're here to kill you."

"[Barbamon] You lot as well? My day is rather eventful. Two attempts at my throat by the same
people I see."

"It'll be THE attempt real soon...Because this is your last day! It's time to die!"

"[Barbamon] A Human tells me it's my time now? HOOOOHOOHOHO! What sort of-"

"Just like Beelzemon."

"[Barbamon] ! What now?"

"You'll end just like him...I'll make sure of it...Activate! *slides a card through the Digivice, takes
out Excalibur* Good thing you're a Virus mon too."

"[Barbamon] I see now! You're a Tamer! With the Digivice. An advanced one, no less! That will
be perfect for my collection of Digiworld riches!"

"[Ranamon] You have something that you stole from us too! The Beast Sprit of Water! Where is

"[Barbamon] Oh this thing? *takes it out of the Dark Area walls* If you're interested enough, I will
wagger my life and this debug plate if you best me. However, I am confident that you cannot."

"[Bastemon] What did you plan to do with it anyway?"

"[Barbamon] If I were to gain all the Spirit artifacts and resurrect the Legendary Warriors, I could
make them stronger than ever and help tighten my hold on the Digiworld. Possibly ridding all the
other Rulers so that no one can stop me!"

"(Legendary Warrior eh?) That's too bad...Because we need one of them more than you ever

"[Barbamon] How convenient that this Renamon has an X antibody carrier. She will be handy in
giving me an X form, so I suggest you wagger her too."

"LIKE HELL I WILL!!" I loudly shouted at him, drawing several cards. I look at them and smirk,
seeing how good they are. Only thing being that I never had this combination of them before, but
that's ok. Ignored as usual, Ranamon is crouched behind Barbamon, and raises a water whip behind
him. "(That's a start!) Digimodify! (If I can have another mon that's as strong as Sakuyamon
here..That's our best chance!) Torrent! Activate!" I said, inserting the card into Digivice, "! *looks
down at Ranamon, but only sees her hands up at me* Isn't Torrent a weapon? Where is- *gets
stabbed in the shoulder by the Torrent spear from behind* GAAAHHH! Why you-! *sees the spear
come to her while being held on by a water whip she's drawing down to herself* You little sneak!
*sees another water whip underneath, raising; turns around, seeing me being launched by the end
of it, and holds me with a hand as I struck with the Excalibur blade* I cannot allow you to be an
issue anymore! *pushes me down into the space's floor* Armor Crush! Activate!" Barbamon
shouted, holding up the card, "(Armor Crush?! Wha-) *sees Ranamon being warped behind the
dark wall of the space with other things floating around her as she then bangs on the inner wall*
What the hell did you do?!" I yelled, "Ah yes, you didnt know about what it's like for us Rulers to
use these cards. You see, we simply can use multitudes of them! Infinitely!" he unveils to me,
"Infinitely?! (Shit! How am I gonna beat that?! Alright, calm down and stick to the plan!) *takes
out the Torrent card* Alright you three, pick things up for her! Crescemon! You first!" I shouted,
"*leaps up, combines both bladed weapons to make a bowgun, aims* Ice Archery" she said,
shooting rows of ice arrows at the large Barbamon, "Bah! *spins staff, deflecting and breaking
each of them upon contact* This is nothing. You're exhausting yoursel-! *sees her sharp weapon
being thrown this way; tries to deflect it with staff too, but notices it start chipping for an instant
and ends up dodging to the side of it* Heh, what a troubling bunch everyone here is. Death Lure!"
he then shouts, putting Crescemon under a sort of trance with a spaced out face was present. As
soon as I saw him raise his staff, I threw my Excalibur to his surprise, and Taomon followed up
with a big swing of her brush, which he guards with his staff, but she notices that the sword was
stuck in his chest before it went away. "Digimodify! Flame Fragment! Holy Ring! Digital Hazard!
Activate! *sees Barbamon seem a bit weakened by how he slouches, and notices Taomon's glow of
red as a big ring appeared on her wrist, then I put another card in the Digivice* Baptism of Flames!
Activate!" I shout, "(That one! The one Bastemon used before!) *floats backwards for a second,
casts a hand out* Let's see you handle being burned to death...!" Taomon said before engulfing
Barbamon's upper body in a huge wave of fire as screams of pain could be heard from him. "Good!
Now if I can-" I said as I reached a card, "*holds two hands outside the flame and they glow*
Hacking! Perfect Anchor! Activate!!" Barbamon interrupts, "*feels three cards handing to my hand
and looks down, seeing how two fell out of my hand* ! (My 'Counterattack from Crisis' and 'Truce
Agreement'! I gotta get them asap!) *sees a ghost from Barbamon being hurled at me, dodges it but
the cards get blown away from it's force* Dammit! Taomon! Are you- *sees him bat her away
with his staff, also swiping away her fire wave at the same time* Bastemon! Do something!" I
called upon her, "*jumps up* Vampire Jewel!" Bastemon calls out, making a floating jewel appear
in front of Barbamon, sapping some of his strength away, "*notices how the 'Digital Hazard' card
popped out of the Digivice* (Whatever cuz more room for me! Speaking of which!) *takes out
Baptism of Flame* Digimodify! Summon Cube! *sees the Holy Ring pop out of Digivice and
Taomon digivolves* Activate! King Device! Activate!" I also call upon, "*sees a large King chess
piece appear behind me* D-Dark Inferno! *makes the orb on the staff glow and attacks Crescemon
with a burst of black flames, but it gets disrupted and quickly extinguished by a powerful swing of
a golden staff* ! This cant be! *sees Sakuyamon appear in front of a dazed, and badly damaged
Crescemon that was bleeding all over her body* A damn Sakuyamon?! This soon?!" he
complained, "(Finally...I have a real way to make her go into her Sakuyamon form. Now with me
inside her, she should be able stay in this form longer than she would without me. Then
Crescemon...Just wait there a bit longer. I need the right time to use That method for you)" I plotted
to myself within Sakuyamon, calmly thinking to myself in her warm graces...Ok, Sakuyamon. Let's
make it happen! You're way stronger than you usually would too! "I'd be scared to death if I were
you, old one. Hopefully you dont die too fast or catch a heart attack as Im besting you. Please tell
me you have some cards against me" Sakuyamon was taunting with a smirk, "Hmph! I care not that
you've turned into Sakuyamon! Your end will be unchanged!" he shouts in rage, dealign with alot
of his face being seared and still burning, "I assure you. This won't exactly be easy for either of us.
Spirit Strike" she says, bringing forth four different colored fox spirits in front of her, and charge at
Barbamon at great speed, "*guards against them as they swarm all over, biting down with each
attack* Drrrrgg! It's time to finish this! Pandemonium...!! *raises staff* Lost!" Barbamon casts,
"*sees dark energies amassing from below* ! (I must act fast!)" Sakuyamon urged herself in her
head, grabbing Crescemon and Bastemon, then a sudden explosion of dark, fiery energies engulf all
that he sees. "Bwaaahahahahaaa! None can withstand against my- Hmm?!!" he reacts as the
energies simmer down, "*holds the spherical barrier up that glows with pink petals and static, that
was also around Crescemon, who was knocked out, with more fox spirits surrounding inside as
well.* Now tell me. Have you ever seen a Sakuyamon's X form before?" asked Sakuyamon X,
"She has an X form...?!! Since when did-! Bah!! I'll just use my own then!" Barbamon threatens, "
(This isnt good!...Just a little more. I shouldn't be outmatched so soon!)" Sakuyamon X thought,
watching him have a more metallic head and arms, several balls of light appear on his body, his six
wings look like they're made of pink lasers and his crest manifests in one hand as he becomes
Barabamon X. With little time to react after putting the crest in his body, he quickly lunges at
Sakuyamon X, he grabs her with one hand and reaches inside of her with the other, tuggling at her
Digicore as she struggles to get him off, "*starts feel some tense pain* GYAAAAAAAHH!!! S-
I shout in anguish from within, holding Bastemon tightly in my arms, "Uka-no-Mitama!" she
shouts, "Go ahead and try to fight me off! Your Digi-core will be mine! *sees a few more fox
spirits gather behind* Huh?! What is this now?" Barbamon X asked, "*holds him closer*
Desperate measures. Spirits! Now!" she commands and a giant fox spirit rams into the both of
them, causing a massive explosion, making Barbamon X fly off of her but the caster herself ended
up dropping from it. "*coughs and feels cracks in limbs all over while trying to move*
Nice...Try...But-" he was saying, "Aim For....The Strongest...Evolution...Activate!" she says,
putting that into the Digivice, "Futile! Just give it up, curs!" he told her, "Crescemon..Digivolve
to...!! *sees him look downwards, then grows a pink ribbon, two large lunar armor pieces on legs,
and the weapons are locked together to make a double-edged scythe* Dianamon!" Dianamon said,
"Mandala of Light!" Sakuyamon X calls out, shining a light over both of them as her staff was held
up. "*sees the both Dianamon and Sakuyamon X raising in front* No..No NO NO NO! THIS
SHOULDNT BE! IMPOSSIBLE!!" Barbamon X shouts and starts getting frantic, "You first,
Dianamon..I need a bit more time to heal. I'll cover you" Sakuyamon X told her, "Perfect. *takes a
quill from behind, puts it on scythe-like weapon and pulls as the string forms* Arrow of Artemis!
*shoots him with it as a large, sharp chunk of ice forms behind it, pushing him back upon impact*
Goodnight Moon" Dianamon says, putting Barbamon X to sleep as the lunar armor pieces on her
legs open their eyes, hypnotizing him. "*picks up a card* Now we can finish this. Counterattack
from Crisis! *puts it into the Digivice* Activate! Spirits! *summons and gathers more fox spirits*
Uka-no-Mitama" she casts, but this time makes three more giant fox spirits made from fusing a few
into one. When he was able to wake himself up, was a second away from being blown up on as
they dove down from above him, causing an explosion that was much bigger than the last,
dwarfing Sakuyamon X and Dianamon. Out of the explosion flew the Beast Water Spirit debug
plate and Sakuyamon X, knowing that Barbamon X was finally defeated absorbed his data from
afar. That was when she took the cards out of the Digivice.

After exiting Sakuyamon X's before she reverts to her Renamon form and Bastemon comes out of
her later, I looked at my Slot Hang, Holy Orb (couldn't be used here anyway but still), Infinity
Mountain cards, then thought about how unfortunate it was that I didn't get to use 'em. If worse
came to us, I would've used these in no time. Though with all that's happened, becoming this damn
world's Ruler felt that much closer. I'll chalk it up to him being frantic when he was on the ropes
for now. From there. I picked up any cards that were on the floor, as well as his Black Helmet,
Perfect Anchor and Cyber Parts cards. "Human, you dont seem too spent over there" Renamon
comments, "I dont, eh...Guess cuz it was Digivice that did all the work instead of me for 100% of
it. I still felt whatever pain you felt. Maybe that was reduced too....Like..When he put his hand in
you, that was somehow more painful than getting hit by your own attack in that X form...Wait!
Also my..! *rubs my head* I seem to be...Fine while Im in this darkness. Could it be...?" I was
surmising, "*falls out of the dark wall, then the plate with the Spirit drops in front, picks it up*
Lookie look! I got this Beast thingie! Can I use it to be AncientMermaimon? Well?! ouo" Ranamon
asked, "*looks at AncientMermaimon's card* .....You can but...*sees Ranamon putting on a
puzzled face* We....We'd have to use Renamon to do it" I told her, making her gasp, "*manifests
from me* Nooo biggie! I can always substitute for her anytime! ^x^" NaitoRenamon said, "W-
wait, how the hell'd you come out on your own?!" I asked, "Weeeellll~ Your Renners just took in
all that mean digi-geezer's data, so now I can come out on my own! *grows another tail and black
aura emits from body* I can even go into X form this way! See how far we're coming, honeeey~?
ewe" NaitoRenamon X explains, "Good now how do we make you go bye-bye? eVe" I then asked,
"Hmmm sorry you kinda ca- ;3" she said in a snarky way before disappearing instantly with a bit
of will emitting from me, "Tch. Annoying fake bitch" I cursed. I suppose this means that she can
apply the X form to all other forms...God I dont wanna think about how she'd be in a Sakuyamon
form. I noticed the Crest of Greed on Renamon's other asscheek but I didnt say anything about it.
"This is a real milestone. *gets my attention* Not only are you able to have Sakuyamon X on the
field but my Dianamon as well. Our plan really worked and we were able to defeat him not too
long after all that. If we can have AncientMermaimon out at the same time, we could be
unstoppable uVu" Crescemon told me, "Yeah...It's just that we need a Mermaimon card. Where
ever that'd be. Anyways we're done here, so I think everyone knows the drill" I told them and I use
the Digivice to warp us back to the Union Base.

"[Cutemon] *sees us come back in the middle of the field, GASP* Hey! Everyone's back in one

"Uh huh. It could've-"

"[Cutemon] *tackles into me, making me slide backwards* YAAAY! You took out another Ruler!!
The Digiworld will be fine in no time at this rate!"

"C-cutemon, you sure are happy, huh?"

"[Cutemon] o o! *quickly hovers away and turn around* Y-yeah! Not that I was really worried
about you or anything! 3 "

"Hmph, riiii- *hears a big crashing sound from behind* ! What the hell was-!"

"[Aegiomon] DADDY!! *tackles me down and rolls with me dozens of times before stopping upon
land on the ground* You were gone for so long, I was getting bored!"

"*coughs* T-take it easy there...How on Earth are you so darn strong?"

"[Aegiomon] I ate a whole bunch! -u-"

"[Gatomon] W-we...Thought that we could train him for a bit...But for some reason, he's insanely
strong for such an early Digimon. OxO;"
"I-Is he now...? Aegio...What were you doing before I came back?"

"[Aegiomon] Hmm..I ate and ate and I trained for a bit. *points to the far right* My partner's over
there. - .-"

"*looks over there, seeing Coronamon in the distance, out cold with a path of destroyed land
streaks in front of him* W-w-whoa...You did all that..?"

"[Gatomon] Me and Cutemon keep telling him to hold back but it kept turning out like this..."

"[Minvervamon] *comes up to us* Sorry that I couldn't be there. Im still trying to get my strength
back. Then with my eyesight lost, Im afraid I cant do too much...Oh yeah, where's Omnimon? I
didnt hear him."

"Y'see...Outta everyone, he...He..Was defeated by Barbamon..Then Renamon had to absorb him. It

was before me and the girls fought him ourselves.."

"[Minvervamon] Really...Then Im very sorry I couldn't help....We gave him so much time to heal

"[Bastemon] Dont be...If anything I think I should've died instead of him..I dont feel like I help
much in the group.."

"That's not true, Bastemon. *gets her attention* You're always handy when it comes to cheering
anyone up. Your techniques throw others off too. With the kid we had, we managed to find out
how risky it is to make them when it's me and another Digimon."

"[Aegiomon] How risky was it with me, daddy? -,-"

"! (Dammit I forgot he was here for a second...) Uh, y-you came out perfectly fine, lil man. ^ ^;"

"[Aegiomon] Yaaay, Im not that different from other Digis! -u-"

"[Bastemon] *goes to him and pets him* Well...You're still different, but think of it as being
special, ok? ^u^"

"[Aegiomon] *giggles* I guess I am, huh? -u-"

"[Renamon] *comes up to Crescemon* Say, Crescemon. *has her turn this way* I felt it. The
power from your Dianamon form seemed a bit higher than my Sakuyamon X form. Was this latent
power really this immense?"

"[Crescemon] There's a reason why you needed to do your best in Taomon form against me. Im
comfortable in this form. I trained and absorbed enough to earn this much power. You really do not
know what that's like?"

"[Renamon] I assure you that I do. Though I am curious. Could my Sakuyamon X form be enough
to take you on during that Dianamon form?"

"[Crescemon] If I were you, I wouldn't try. Who knows, maybe it's all we need to kill the rest of
the Rulers. nun"

"[Renamon] .....Human. Is there any business you wanted to attend to back in your world?"

"Well...There is. I just want you and me to go in a bit. We'll be gone for the day..Why you ask?"
"[Renamon] Tell one of the Navis to set up a room for just me and Crescemon uxu. We want to
find out about something. oVo"

"Oh man. Sounds really serious...O-ok, you ready to go then?"

"[Renamon] (Before I 'accidentally' raise some hell with everyone here) Yes, let's. uxu"

"[Ranamon] And I'll be- *watches us warp out* Work on my singing with him..."she was telling
me but went to the real world on them. Upon leaving, everyone but Crescy was left with an uneasy
feeling. Even without knowing the context, the feeling was strong enough to leave an impact.

So after some walking around town and me telling what I exactly had in mind with this visit, me
and Renamon decided to do some of these best pick-pocketing. We were too simply too fast for
alot of people to even noticed we took their money. This literally takes us a split-second to see that
their wallet has nothing in it or not, and put it right back in their pocket. It was pretty fun to say the
least. So why did we do all this lightning speed thievery? Just to spend a night a local hotel.
Nothing too special...Well what we're gonna try to do will be pretty special. We could've just
jumped into a high window, but you never know how good a place's security is. There's the idea of
doing it on the roof too, but neither of us wanted to feel like strays in heat. Getting a comfortable
place was our go-to. The front desk lady gave us a moment of her getting squinty on us before
asking us what available room we wanted, then Renamon gave her the money out of her sleeve. In
the hallway, it was at that point that I noticed that Renamon was missing her pants. They kept
getting torn along with her shirt that I somehow kept forgetting. Alot's been just on our minds
so..Time kinda just flew..We briefly exited to a nearby clothing store and came back with a
similar-looking outfit she had before. It was then that we settled in the room we were able to get.
We sat next to each other on the bed.

"So Human...What is- hmm? *sees me blush while looking* Is...Something the matter? oxo"

"U-uh n-no it's just...You look..Pretty cute in that..>///>"

"It seems like you're all that used to seeing me like this...Even if Im just wearing a black shirt and

"Even then..It's kinda plenty for me right now...-///-"

"At any rate. I saw that you weren't too celebratory once Barbamon was brought down. Is the
whole journey of ridding all these Rulers already a bore to you?"

"Not quite...It's just that...There were several cards I wanted to use to make things interesting.."

"I didn't do enough for that on my part? Perhaps the plan was too successful."

"You did plenty...I dunno..How well the plan was does play a part...That battle with Beelzemon
was just more thrilling..And yknow...Felt more meaningful than just killing him.."

"Would you say it was due to you finishing him?"

"Hmm pretty much. Same time though...I felt like I touched him...That's what Im talking about

"I see then...Sad to say, Human, you must keep your focus on this conquest of our's than anything
else. How about possibly thinking of making things fun for me in combat as well?"

"Heh. I thought you said you weren't a thrill seeker."

"Which brings me to Crescemon. *sees my brows jump* Honestly, Im not a fan of thinking of her
as my rival. She's been on a certain mission to outdo me at every turn."

".....That's funny..When I use my Digi-Eyes on her, it says she's Ultimate level. Compared to you,
she's two whole leagues ahead. I'd say if she wants to make things fair, tell her to drop down a level
for a while. See if she feels she's on her high-horse by then."

"Hmm. That's a good idea actually. I suppose my pride got the best of me this time. uxu"

"It sounds as if she's scared to go down by one measly level to fight just the usual Digimon, yet you
go into forms all the time. I'd rub that in her face. >u<"

"Hmmhm. Yknow Human, even I have times where I like how you think. UuU"

"...I'd...Like to hear that more often...Renny..*sees her bat her eyes at me* I-I mean, R-Renamon..."

"N-no need to correct yourself, Human ////x///...S-so...What is it that you had in mind for us with
this visit?"

".....*puts the Digivice in her hands and the card holder as well* I want you to do it..."

"D-do what now? *sees me getting behind as I move the tail away, and hands are held by mine* H-
human? oxo"

"Become Taomon for me..*feels her transform to Taomon in front of me as she shines for a
moment* Good...Now do you remember what I used to turn you into Sakuyamon?"

"I believe I do...*looks into the card holder, thumbing through a dozen cards* Oh, was it this?
Summon Cube?"

"You found it...*takes her tall, omnyo hat off* You won't be needing this.."

"Of course...I see it's this again.."

".....Turn your face this way. *sees her slightly bigger head turn to my face*....I've...Never seen you
like this..Im really getting turned on by this new look of your's.."

"A-are you now? oxo *feels legs being pushed apart by my hands and my thumbs start spread
vaginal lips, massaging the lips' walls* You are...Then again this is your 2nd time being...Intimate
with this form.."

"Yes..It's been so long..I've lusted for this form for so long, and it's a new look now.."

"Before we proceed...The goal is to...Inseminate me in Sakuyamon form? ///x///"

"While in the real world, yeah..But for now, I wanna get...Familiar with this form first...And enjoy

"H-how do you want to..."

"*takes the Digivice, puts it to the side, and gently lays her back on the bed* C'mere..I'll start,
Renny..." I told her as I got on top of her, then started kissing down on her, letting our groins touch,
with some slight leg-locking..Our lips and tongues slowly clash with each other, matching one
another's oral motions, a bit of head-tilting as well. She was quite experienced with making out
with me at this point...I wouldn't have it any other way...The moment I opened my eyes, we locked
pupils together as we continued making out...Her big yellow ears flop downwards, getting more
and more into the kissing..She also used a hand to hold a cheek, slowly brushing me there...The
signs are starting coming to me..Alot of things are happening perfectly in sync, even though we
dont have to do any of this stimulating stuff. It all gave me that much more anticipation to how
she'll feel as Sakuyamon. My mind was easing the more we remained intimate too..Then I felt a
breeze happening around my lower body. With a glance, not only were both of pants and undies
dropped, my hard cock was right on her pussy, fitting like a hot dog in a bun while her knees were
really spread apart for me. If I so much as moved an inch the wrong way, I'd already be inside of
her. As wonderful that'd be, I waited til this next transformation of her's..I then found myself
watching as Taomon puts her white cloth piece to the side, then drags a claw down her beige shirt.
The moment she was done, her large tits blossomed out of the hole she made as it opened more for
me, exposing her white and yellow stomach. I grab both of them soft, pillowy knockers and
circularly moved them while the nipples sat between my middle fingers, causing her to moan and
make pleasuring faces. "Renny...Oh Renny, you look so beautiful right now..I love seeing you
being blissfully pleased..It makes me want you so much more.." I was saying to her, "Mmmm yes,
Human...I...Love how you feel too..Now..P-please, r-rub it...Rub it against me..." Taomon told me,
sounding more breathy by the second, "Yes Renny..." I complied. Making sure my cock was still
on her, I press down, then started sucking on her delicious tits, making her really start moan. She
moaned even more when I started rubbing her vag with the shaft of my cock, getting it nice and
wet in the process. Between her legs, wetness trickled down to her anal region as I continued the
vagianl foreplay. My mind was blanking out, filled with the sounds of her moaning for me. I really
rarin' to enter at any moment, but instead of thinking that, I was in the moment. I felt her deepening
heartbeats, the warming wetness of her cunt. Then as I press my cheek against her's, before I could
admire more of her beauty, I soon felt a certain weakness in my privates. I get of her for a moment,
then I see that there's some jizz on her stomach...And mine as well. "Im...Sorry, Renny...I..It was
feeling so good and.." I was trying to say, "No need to apologize, Human..We were getting
somewhere..Just sit there..." she told, "*watches her play with her vag in front of her, slowing using
two fingers, raising her hips off of the bed, slowly moving it back and forth, moaning* Mmmmm..I
never see you do this either.....Play with them too" I told her, and she did as such, stroking and
rubbing one of her tits. The small show was making my cock grow back to a half chub, leading to
me to jerking myself, barely able to take my eyes off of her as I moaned in no time...The moment I
close my eyes with the back of my head burying into the bed, I felt some real familiar fleshy and
wet pressing on my shaft, then when I lift my head to look, Taomon towered over and looked down
into my eyes with a hungry look, and her pants were already off. Her huge, yellow tits were laying
on my chest, and she grinds on my cock from this position, locking lips yet again for a good
moment...It felt as if most of what happened today never even happened.."*draws head backwards,
slows down* Human...*sees me open my eyes with a relaxed look* If...This really works...Where
you really make an offspring with me...Could you...Maybe promise that you have relations with
only me?...Have you had your fill with the other girls? *sees me look down for a moment* I hate to
say this...But...Ever since Bastemon...And Crescemon have became close...Your times with them
brew some...Jealousy in me..So if you can..." Taomon was asking, "Renny...(I've always felt like
she could do so much more with me...My feelings have been with her from the start after all..) I
want to give you everything...You are my everything...I wouldn't wanna mess any of that up....No
matter how behind we were in the past...If giving you alot is what it takes to complete you, I'll be
happy to do just that. So yes...I'll stay with only you if this works.." I told her, "(Human...)
Good...Music to my ears..*reaches backwards and to the side, now holds the card and the Digivice,
putting it into the device, sits up* Summon Cube...Activate..*starts glowing and changing; puts a
hand on the back of head* Taomon digivolve to....*starts having Human-looking skin, marginally
shrinks down, a yellow fox mask appears on head, a yellow breast armor comes to the chest area
and wears black leather wraps all over; lips look as if red lipstick was applied* How do I look now,
little Human?" Sakuyamon asked with a smile, "o//////o G-gorgeous...I get to see you in such a
godly form...It's a dream come true..I feel so much better already......T-though this'll be the first
time I have sex with someone that's really Human...*feels her lean forward and makes me enter
with a masterful motion of her hips* M-Mmm! S-so far o-only the outisde feels alot smoother
>/////=" I told her, "*giggles* Makes me wish it didnt take us so long. I've truly depraved you,
Human. That stops today and here on..I want you to ravage and stuff all of your seman, Human..."
Sakuyamon told me with a bit of lust behind her voice this time, "I will, Sakuyamon..I want to link
with you as much as I can.." I told her as I held her hips. With a claw tip I took from my pocket, I
threw my pants off of me and drag it down her body, going left and right slightly on the way down,
making curvy openings like this, then, as she lifts her lower body on me, carefully made a wide
enough opening below her pussy, and gaped open the tight black leather, making her ready for my
entry. I noticed her blush got redder as I did that..Heheh, I guess her thrill seeking nature is that
much more surfaced in this form. She then impaled her pussy on my fully erect dong, with a
breath-taking moan following afterwards, "Such a big, hard cock this is..Violate me, Human..I wish
to for this hole to be violated so badly~" Sakuyamon was moaning. I was mentally taken aback for
a moment. R-renny often sounds dirty too but she's trying to go a step above that, it seems. I forgot
to take off the claw tip, but she doesnt mind me having it on. In fact she seemed to welcome it, cuz
she had that hand rest on her hip while holding it..Not bad..She leaned back, still connected to me,
and really worked my dick by raising her hip, then plummeting down to my pelvic area, repeating
this process in a smooth motion. "W-wow Renny..A-ahh~..Y-you're even doing something new
here...You must be really horny for me o////-;" I comment, "*giggles* Mmmmm yes I am, hon. It's
hard to resist and have fun with an erection this good ;)" Sakuyamon told me, then got back on top
of me, and rapidly pounded me from above, making the bed rock really frequently. Our sexual,
watery sounds echoed throughout the room for a few minutes. She soon spreads her knees apart
while still above me, standing on her toes, dominating my cock by dropping on it from there, and
had her arms behind her head, letting her tits and long, beautiful hair wildly bounce around as she
moaned even more. Both of our tongues were out, our mouths were open while she was doing me
like this, hitting her G-spot with no issue, and her fox mask flies off. My vision blurred, and eyes
rolled back during this time too...She felt incredible inside. Perfectly timing when to squeeze on
me. After up to 10 more minutes of this however, she started squeezing harder way more, watching
as I winced when she did this. "Cmon Human~. Dump a gallon into me..I know you do...If you
don't, I won't stop fucking you~ ///u///;" Sakuyamon lightly threatens, knowing that she has far
more stamina than me, "I-Im trying, Renny..Maybe if you come closer.." I replied, "Or maybe a
tight, intimate mounting should be in order.." she replied back, "A-a wha- *is towered over by her,
able to see her gorgeous face for a second and makes out with her* Mmmmm..(Sakuya-) *feels her
going faster and tighter on me* MmmMMMMM~! >///////<" I muffled, "*unlocks lips*
Ssshh..Dont want any noise complaints...For now eue" she told me, giving me a full-on mating
press, strongly stroking and brimming some jizz from my stem while on top of me. "*feels a rattle
and a few throbs* MmmmmmmMMmmm, I can feel it, Human..I crave to fuck you dry..Dont hold
back now~~" she was telling, "(S-she's right. Im r-really damn close...!) H-here it comes,
Sakuyamon...!! *squeezes on her hips some more, spreading her wide asscheeks, making her bleed
when the claw tip was dug into her hard enough, toes start to curl in* H-have my kids,
Sakuyamoooon~~! I-I LOVE YOU, SAKUYAMON! SAKUYAMOOON~~~!! ////Q//" I moaned
loudly, "*starts feeling cum start to rush in womb and spurt all over insides* YES! YEEES! H-
HUMAAAAN~~! AAAH SO DEEEEP~~~<3" Sakuyamon moaned ecstatically, her eyes now
rolling upwards and her tongue all the way out while taking in loads of sperm into her rutted
vaginal tracts...

Fuuuuck was that up there with the first time we fucked...It might've been better than that..It's like
that added a few years to my lifespan. Usually I feel like resting for a few minutes, but I felt pretty
refreshed after a few moments...Like it's all so unbelievable. I really doubt any Human can feel like
this...Makes me kinda feel bad for Camil. I look around us, seeing how messy our bed is after quite
a bit rough-housing there. The covers were mostly on the bed, so I just took it and put it over
myself, even if I felt really good. "Let's uh...Rest a bit, and maybe do a Round 3 afterwards..What
do you think? ///u//" I asked, looking a bit shy at the moment but happy, "*scoots over to me* I
have something...*strokes my cheek* How about..We play with me down there..With Bio-Merge"
Sakuyamon suggests, "! O-oh that...Im..Kinda surprised you remember that. S-sure thing o///o" I
comply, and meld into her body, changing her face to look a bit like me but slightly prettier than
before. It was then that Sakuyamon started fingering herself while I was within her, feeling all of
the pleasures she felt. We were staying like this for a while, finishing when the sun was
setting...Well it had to since we had someone come in on us due to a noise complaint. It wasn't
much of a problem though cuz all we had to do was jump through the window and fly to the roof,
enjoy the scenery for a few, then swiftly re-enter to continue our business. Something tells me this
could only work for so long in a day.

Over at Angie's house, she was busy with teasing and moving her ass around in front of her cam
while on her bed. "*giggles* You like all this my precious monsters~? ewe *hears a knock on the
door* Who's that? Sorry boys. I'll have to shut off the cam for a bit, k?" Angie told her viewers
before blowing them a kiss. She then sees a message reading "I'm outside". A bit spooked, she
went downstairs. She checks her windows to see if anyone pulled in her driveway but only sees her
car. She then goes to the door, seeing a guy in all white and a stern look on his face through the
peephole. Angie actually recognized him. She also sees a more familiar companion next to him,
who had curly orange hair and a big pink jacket wrapped around her waist, looking worried.

"[Angie] (Luciel?) *opens the door* What're you doing here today, 'Ciel? What's this guy doing
here too? I haven't seen him since..*looks left and right, whispering* Since The Initiation."

"[???] I'll let her explain this."

"[Luciel] And'...The Syndicate fell apart...It's just us Tamers..We're supposed to take care of
whoever caused that..We received the last of their funds but..It really isn't much.."

"[Angie] Really? Hmm..I didnt get any more from them. You can stay here for a bit but I don't
have enough for any longer than that."

"[???] (Her too eh...)"

"[Luciel] Well...The bigger problem is this guy..."

"[???] See...Joining the Syndicate was all I had...Now I don't have nowhere else to go. If I can't
find a place after robbing some banks with my team, let's say you dont wanna know the details
from there."

"[Angie] Y-you can go away now then. You're scaring 'Ceil anyway and- *he slams a hand over
the rim of the door* o o!"

"[???] *leans in on her* Guess what. Your friend told me that you might know who did it.
Now...Do I need to have my team come out to get that information out of you?"

"[Angie] (I had to let go of my team in case this happened...Wes would be able to help here, so..)
Wes...He's the guy you want, ok?"

"[???] Wes? *sees her type something in her phone and is shown his address* We're close to
there..Fine then. It's best you tell him in the several hours that someone named Kuzaki is coming."

"[Luciel] *sees him walk off and walks inside with her* T-that..That could've gotten ugly...Did
Wes actually do it?"

"[Angie] I don't know...He should be able to take care of him. I'll let him know in a few. Just make
yourself at home, ok?" she told her and Luciel sat on a couch, getting her mind together. Angie
wasn't sure what to do with Luciel, besides getting a bit frisky with her. Though she'd find out 'Ciel
is straighter than she thought. She was also thinking of talking to Camil about this later on about
this to see what she'd say.

Tomorrow, after these list of events. At Norn's tube, she slowly opens her eyes.
"It's...Awakening..." she comments, catching Verge's attention but he underminds this. What she
sensed was upon me and Renny's return. A certain phenomena was occurring, transferring all the
way to Renamon's insides. There, the infant (Pucchiemon) was growing relatively fast. When it
approached an hour before Noon, she developed a consciousness. ".....Five more" she said a bit
ominously, opening her white eyes before returning sleep. A blue X-shape appears on her
forehead, with a black third eye forming on it, under her growing red hat, making streaks on it and
on her face, extending into a scarf, unknown to everyone.

Aaaaand cut! How'll the next chapter be? You'll have to see! Thanx for reading this all the way!
Dont miss out now!
Nexus Eyes. The Other Last Offsprings And The 3rd Ruler!

Chapter 15: Nexus Eyes. The Other Last Offsprings And The 3rd Ruler!

When we arrived at our Union Base, the joy we felt was short-lived...Because Renamon's water had
broken and was quickly having inner spasms, so we had rushed her to the tent. Me and Bastemon
were with her, to relax her with the laboring process as she was in a heavy sweat. I was physically
comforting her til she rested her eyes and Bastemon was comforting her with her words. The
process was taking a few days, about the 4th day at noon and Renamon had her eyes shut at this
time. "Basty...Im thinking about..Taking you off the team for a bit.." I was telling her, "! A-are you
sure?" she asked, "I'd hate to lose you..It feels like the other Rulers will keep getting stronger from
here. So I'd say it's more fitting to have you train the kids up here..Hope you can understand" I
lowly told her, "No I...It's just that I cant seem to digivolve, and my attacks..*looks at claws* And
my abilities..They just keep getting us nowhere, especially against the Rulers..So I understand...It's
just that..I'll really miss you is all..." she lowly replied and I nodded, "Im...Pushing..But..*gets our
attention* I dont...Feel anything.. -;" Renamon told us to our surprise. No pain? I seems she really
doesnt need our help..But this is already starting out strange. We can only wish that it's not as weird
as it was with Aegiomon. Once she was giving some big pushes, light was coming out of her lower
entrance and the baby flew out with her eyes closed. "What the...? I've..Never seen this sort of mon
before o o" I said in awe, "It's a...Pucciemon..But...I think she's blind" Bastemon lowly said, "
(Blind...? D-dont tell me-)" I was thinking, "Relax, Mother...Father..*turns to us* I can see you all,
but I dont need eyes" she told us, making us feel a bit lost. How do you see without eyes? It
seems..That we're looking at another anomaly. Just her birth produced this..I guess this is what
happens when I make...These sort of children..I tell her about coming out with me to meet
everyone else. I see her white eyes for a split-second before she shuts them again...Since she's
practically an anomaly..There's a good chance she saw something. I'll be sure to ask soon about it.
"[Ranamon] *sees us coming out* Hey! I guess she's done with the- *sees Pucciemon fly a bit
aimlessly* Is..Is that who she gave birth too? Why's she...?"
"Yeah...Unfortunately..She's blind. Though, she said she can still see us."
"[Crescemon] However that works. *walks up to her and she turns around this way, looking
below* Her hearing is very accurate."
"[Pucciemon] Hearing...I heard it all then. *feels her a small breeze come from her head* You
moved, but not with your body..Your face. You moved it."
"[Crescemon] I was only surprised..So, you can feel even that?"
"[Pucciemon] There's..Many things I can feel...And hear. *feels someone flying in close* Like
"[Cutemon] ! *stops* W-whoa! You must be the kid, right? You sure can sense just about
anything, huh?"
"[Aegiomon] *comes up to her, holds her hand* Sis? *sees her turn around and give a comforting
gaze, smiles at her* Sis! You're kinda nice to be around! Welcome! -u-"
"[Renamon] *leans on me, watching as she meets the others* She seems to be doing quite well
with others. What do you think of this, Human?"
"It's great...Even though she didnt come out the way I wanted, she's showing to be impressive, even
in this short of time..But..I cant help but think of...What it'll be like..If I somehow die after being
the Ruler."
"[Renamon] With whatever time you possess in your lifespan, you have to be sure that you can
entrust these offspring with the position. You'd have to decide who's best suited to be seated first,
"Admittedly..I see a whole lot in each of 'em...*thinks about Strabimon, envisioning him*
Especially him. I know for sure he wouldn't let me down."
"[Renamon] *chuckles* I suppose, seeing how he's shown the best performance. Who knows how
much stronger he's become."
"That aside...*walks up to Pucciemon and she quickly turns to me* Pucciemon..You see something
else when you open your eyes...Do you?"
"[Pucciemon] I can try..*opens white eyes, surprising everyone as they start glow, and skin turns
blue* Im...! Seeing black..And alot of screens."
"[Renamon] Screens...Human! Is she seeing the lab?"
"I think so..Then she's seeing what that little girl at Verge's lab sees! What could this mean...?"
"[Bastemon] *sees her grow wings, some whiteness on her body fades out the blue, and her eyes
turn black* She's morphing..Into a Morphomon?"
"[Renamon] How strange..This child is going through alot of changes in little time. Can you see,
"[Morphomon] Not...Much. Mother..I can only see you, it seems."
"[Minervamon] ! *is able to see Renamon too* (Im! I can share sights with her as well!)"
"[Aegiomon] (Sis...)"
"[Renamon] Cutemon, I need you to keep an eye on her. Do all you can with the others to keep up
with her changes. Minimize them if possible."
"You too, Bastemon. If you can really control her, train with her and Aegio, alright? *looks at
Cutemon* I guess you and the Navis found something peculiar?"
"[Cutemon] Y-yeah! So, one of the Rulers, Belphemon has been sleeping for a few days! He's still
asleep now in his resting form, so this is the perfect time to take him out! You'll have to do a
massive attack to make sure he's destroyed."
"Dont have to tell me. What about...The little boy? Seen him?"
"[Cutemon] Dont worry, he's fine and has a few Digimon with him, but more importantly, we're
really late with these last two other Offspring. One's a DarkWhalemon that's been eating tons of sea
life at Dragon's Eye Lake and he's being guarded by a DarkMachinedramon! They'll become too
strong in no time!"
"[Renamon] Machinedramon already? Human, that DarkWhalemon could become a Neptunemon.
We surely do not want that."
"[Crescemon] With their data absorbed, Renamon would do more damage to that Belphemon than
we would now."
"I suppose you have a point. I was thinking we'd take on some other Ruler but looks like this one's
our best bet. For now, let's take out these last Offsprings."
"[Cutemon] I'd hurry up! We also saw DarkLucemon on the way there! He might wanna absorb
them too!"
"Right. You three, let's go then" I told them, after looking through my Digivice's mini-map,
picking up DarkMachinedramon in no time. I warp us to the giant mon's location, which is at a
wide shore. Im glad that the kid's still alright..I just know he'll make me proud when I meet him
again. Looking forward to that.
Back in the real world, Wes was plotting with Angie and her friend, awaiting for Cammy to arrive
too. "I haven't seen him lately. Only when he stole from this one bank and I saw him using a
MasterTyrannomon. With our current team, he'll be a big problem. Most of 'em might get wiped
out" Wes told them, "So he's busy with getting money for his own place..I wish I could help.
Hopefully Camil can find some Digis that're strong enough for this" Luciel commented, "Yeah. I
say we have little time before he searches me out, especially now. I texted you all that we're
meeting her and she's late by 20 minutes. When she steps in, hate to say that it depends on her
but.." Wes was saying, then they hear a knock. They open it and they're greeted with a female
human-looking birdmon with a hard mask, skimpy metallic wears all over her body with wings and
blue short hair that take the form of wings (Zephyrmon), and another human-looking female mon
that's in all black leather, black wings, black shoes and had big black hands with dark red claws and
red eyes, gray skin, with chains wrapped in multiple places (Lady Devimon). Both of them flying
around Camil. "Camil...I dunno about this. My team of 3 won't be that much more effective..Then
Angie's team of 4..I hope we're prepared to lose half of these guys" Wes told them, "As long as
Lady Devimon can keep calm, I should be able to work with her. *looks to her* Which yes, you
can easily cost us. If one of us needs to Digivolve, I'll be sure you're the first to be absorbed"
Zephyrmon then warned her, "Heh, I'll show everyone I can do plenty" Lady Devimon replied with
a smug look, "I was only able to hunt Dark mons with them yesterday, but I have a plan or two up
my sleeve. Just call your Missimon to lead us. He knows where he is now, right?" Camil asked,
"Yeah. *looks at Angie* Have your friend wait here, gather your Digimon team and follow us
outside, Ang' " Wes ordered her before running outside. The moment he sets foot on the grass, he
claps his hands into the sky for a minute, then Missimon zips down, later followed by Aero V-
dramon. It gave Angie good time to gather her mons to come out with her. One was a somewhat
muscular woman-looking mon with yellow armor (which was a bit revealing of her big breasts),
cape and helmet on her, and a big club (Kinkakumon); Another being a young wizard-looking mon
with a red staff and big red gloves and shoes and two belts, with a hat that's on fire at the top of it
[FlameWizardmon]; The other looked like a little boy in a dark blue-green penguin suit with green
headphones and record disc on his chest [Tempomon], and lastly she had her own Duskmon.
"*looks at everyone then looks at Missimon* Tell him...My other Digimon..That Cammy's group
is with me and Aero V-dramon. Ang', we're gonna station at the east edge of town, so after finding
him, draw him there. Think you can handle that?" Wes plots with the girls, "And I'll call you up
when I see him. I'll tell you if I need help too" Angie replied, "Alright then. Just remember that
your team isn't all that strong. If he even has one that looks as strong as Aero V-dramon, y'all gotta
focus on running. *sees her vertically nod her head* Ok everyone..Let's do our best, so no one dies
and we take this guy down. Just stick with me, Camil. We'r ready, Aero-Veedramon" Wes ordered
and they were whisked away by his big blue mon, with Cammy's small team following him.
A bunch of cars were getting lifted and tossed around by a small, pink mon, who was having an
easy time dealing with policemen as she struts out of the bank, letting her pink belts do most of the
work. "All you Humans are so desperate. Even while losing. *dodges several bullets with ease and
is stung in the arm by a taser, looks back at him* Bad move - .- *runs a big of volt through the line
of string, making the taser explode in his hand and makes the cop suddenly have spasms on the
ground from a rub of an electric belt* Ain't got time for small fries, MasterTyrannomon. Let's go
and- *sees a piece of one of the belts fly in front, and turns to the right, seeing a girl standing
against Duskmon's chest with her back facing this way and shares a gaze with her* And just who
might you be?" the little mon [TeslaJellymon] asked, "A Tamer..But just like your's, I was part of
CySyn! Alright Dusky, take care of her" Angie ordered a bit seriously, "Right! *dashes to the right
and zips to TeslaJellymon* Brute Strike!" Duskmon shouts, doing a cross-slash on TeslaJellymon,
who guarded against both of his blade-arms with several of her belts with her hands out, quickly
finding herself holding him back with her bare hands as the other belts wrapped around her palms,
starting to bleed. "MasterTyrannomon! The bank can wait! Help me here!" she shouted, and the
giant mon turned to her, "*runs to her* I got him! Masteeeer Cla- *sees a zip of lightning pass by*
! What the hell?" MasterTyrannomon reacts, stopping his attack, "Kibakusou! *takes a big swing at
TeslaJellymon's back, ramming her into alot more of Duskmon's blades as he zips past her too,
making fly up with many cuts all over her body and blood rained down; turns around to see her hit
the ground* Heh! That was some home-run eh, Dusky?" Kikakumon said with a wide smile,
"Hmph. Don't get so cocky. We still have a big guy to take care of" Duskmon told her, both of their
eyes drifting to him, "Drrrrrgh! Zen Recovery!" MasterTyrannomon shouts, forming a fresh aura
on the downed TeslaJellymon. "*pulls Digi-Cards out of pocket* (Oooo if only we had time to
look for more. I only have four here. The organization used to have way more too = 3=;)" Angie
plotted to herself, "I'll kill you all! Masteeeer FIRE!" MasterTyrannomon shouts out, blasting
waves of fire out of his mouth, making Duskmon and Kikakumon split from each other by jumping
away, "Too slow, big guy! You'll have to try way harder if you're gonna take us out" Kikakumon
taunted, "Shut the hell up! I'll make you pay for-" he huge mon was gonna say, "*zips from the
side, through MasterTyrannomon's legs with a slide, making him topple over with a loud landing,
spins and starts dancing* Yo yo! What's da matter wit-cha? Ca'int handle three lil' mons by ya
self?" Tempomon taunts while doing the moonwalk, "REEGH! RAAAUUUGH! That's IT! You're
all gonna be nothing but BONES!" MasterTyrannomon loudly shouts in anger, "(There we go,
Tempomon~)" Angie thought with a smirk, "*sees him charging this way* Uh oh! Cmon y'all! We
gotta jet!" Tempomon told them, and following his lead, the three run for it towards the east with
MasterTyrannomon tailing them, "*gets up, seeing MasterTyrannomon run after them*
MasterTyrannomon! You shouldn't leave me here! Im still dying! Can you hear me?! *sees him
still running after them* UGH! I gotta do everything on my own? *looks at Angie* Well there's
still you, Tamer. I'll make you wish you were carried by them :)" said the TeslaJellymon,
"*giggles* Mmmm~ Are you sure about that~? I have a little of a...Monster kink, y'see eue. *shows
her some Digi-cards with two hands* And these're all I need for you~ m u m" Angie warned
her, "O O;;;; *turns around and follows them* MasterTyrannomon! WAIT FOR ME!"
TeslaJellymon shouts in fear while running towards her partner, and Angie puts on a devilish grin
while licking her lips, having dirty thoughts while rubbing a spiky dildo in her back pocket.
Wes and Camil with their mons fly around the city, trying to find this Kuzaki guy and some of his
team, but came up short after the first 20 minutes of searching. "(Where the hell could this guy be?
I guess he's become good at hiding) Aero V-dramon, let's lower down. We're going to the east
coast now" Wes told him. However, the moment they did, they were pelted by a stream of razor
waters, making Aero V-dramon hold the Tamers in his arms as he spun, only to be surprised that
his arms were running with blood. "! Wes! Camil! Are you two ok?!" Aero V-dramon asked them,
"*holds the big cut on the right arm* Don't worry about me! Just take us down and fast!" Wes told
him and he did as he said. "Excellent, Witchmon. Now make sure to keep up the pressure once you
get close. Maybe scare them more with your wind when you see them" plotted a large gray rabbit
mon with huge and long forearms that stood over her from inside a higher building that he killed
everyone in [Antylamon (Evil)], "*giggles* Don't laze around, Antylamon. I don't wanna hog all
the fun for myself" Witchmon replied to him, "Now hurry. They seem to've enacted some sort of
plan" Antylamon (Evil) urged her and she flies down to where were going. "*comes up behind him,
shares an angered gaze at him with Zephyrmon* I swear, Zephyrmon...!" Lady Devimon uproared,
"I'd suggest that you follow them. They'll need all the help they get once they get to the coast.
Especially with what's there" Antylamon (Evil) told her, "Lady Devimon, I don't think he's lying.
Let's hurry" Zephyrmon urges her, "I have no reason to lie. Besides..It'd increase everyone's
chances of survival if the two of you went and joined your team for what's down there. It is
stronger than you, her and I" Antylamon (Evil) told her. Feeling very unwilling, Lady Devimon
ends up deciding to fly down with her black wings with Zephyrmon. As he watches them leave, he
waits for a full minute and hops down from the building and going to his Tamer, who was in
another building. Though, he didn't see this coming. The building suddenly had 9/10th of it's
structure flown off from one strike once he entered, surprising the two and making Antylamon
(Evil) turn around, only to be met with a steely dragon boot to the face, and is sent flying through
the wall. "A friend of mine saw it all. *sees shook appear on Kuzaki's face* Your Antylamon's
plan and Witchmon chasing the Tamers down. With me here, your Antylamon's plan backfired.
Now not only will they all be in one spot, but so will I after killing both of you. Missimon filled me
in on everything, and none of you are getting closer to Wes, my Tamer" told by a red-yellowed
armored mon with a red tail, a gray sharp helmet and wings of fire that stood tall over them
[Vritramon]. "Kill me...? I'd like to see you-! *sees a burning flash occur and is splashed with a
spurt of blood as Vritramon claws through Antylamon's back, making him fall* Dammit...! Don't
make me use these 10-!" Kuzaki was saying before getting stomped down on by Vritramon,
making his guts disperse out of him forcefully while flying up to the ceiling and rain down with
blood all over both the mons as he quickly died. "*wipes blood out of eyes and turns around, not
seeing Antylamon anywhere, and sees that the cards were no longer in Kuzaki's hands* And the
chase continues, it seems" Vritramon comments and goes to where the group were heading.
Aero V-dramon found himself crashing into the sandy shores of the eastern border, landing on his
back to soften the impact of the Tamers he held. "*escapes from his grip, gets next to his head*
Aero V-dramon, are you- Ghn! *kneels down, gripping wounded arm* Dammit, my arm!" grunted
Wes grunted, "You two should take it easy! It's bad enough that Angie and his team aren't here.
*looks at Aero V-dramon's back, seeing a big scar on his left shoulder blade and it bleeds a big
spot into the sand" About that rest..You two really need it now.." Camil comments, "Well too late!
*sees Wes with his group turn around this way, skyward* Looks like I landed a nasty wound on
that Digimon of your's. I'd give up since my partner mon is deciding how they'll level you all with
this city with my Tamer as we speak!" Witchmon told them, "Wait, then-! (He must have Digi-
cards that have powerful Digimon in them! If only we knew where he was to prevent that) Aero V-
dramon! You have to get up! We gotta beat her asap!" Wes told him, "Just stay there and die!
Poison Storm!" Witchmon shouts, riding around Aero V-dramon, causing a tornado around him,
thrusting the Tamers off of him with it and he finds himself ingesting poisonous liquids while in it
while trying to gasp for air as the winds took away his oxygen, "*lands and tumbles, quickly seeing
him in danger and a few Digi-cards were scattered out of pocket* (My cards! I might have only one
that can help but I have to look through them) *looks through them* Hang in there! You have to do
something, Aero V-dramon! Please!" Wes desperately shouted to him. Witchmon giggles to herself
as she watches him dying, "...Wiiind..! Guardian!" he struggles to say, emitting a gusty barrier
around him but feels the tornado tighten around him as he coughs, "Ha! Nice try, but you need to be
more than crafty against me! *sees Antylamon (evil) coming from behind* Why look at that. My
partner is coming close to finish you two of-" Witchmon was saying but she gets throttled a mile
into the air by a kick, with a scatter of blood occur from the impact, "! Who was..? *looks back and
upwards* ...Hey! It's Vritramon! Just who we needed to be here!" Wes said with resounded hope in
his voice, "*looks down at Antylamon who looks frightened* Now to finish you off. Worm"
Vritramon said, "Hmph..Im afraid I have to call him out as a last resort now..*takes a deep breath*
DEVIMOOOON!" he calls out loudly, "Huh? You mean a Devimon? What good will that do
you?" Wes asked, "Not just any Devimon. *points to the waters* Look" Antylamon told them,
drawing their gaze to the sea. Coming out of the waters was a large, monstrous looking Digimon,
colored in all black, standing on two feet and bigger hands compared to that, possessing two
massive wings with his dark purple tongue out and had massive project dark hands bigger than all
of that, a long tail, two curved horns and looked very slender in build. "! Wha...What the hell is
that?!" Wes & Camil reacted, "Meet the strongest of our group..Done Devimon. Our Tamer wanted
at least one more like him" Antylamon (evil) unveiled to them, "Vritramon! Hold him until Aero
V-dramon can help, everyone else gets here and so I can get my cards together!" Wes ordered him,
"RAAAAAUUUGGGGHRR!" Done Devimon howls, throwing a punch with one of the
manifested hands where Wes stood, "*stops his fist in time with a hand, and bats it away with an
arm but some blood comes out of the armor joints there* You'll have to kill me before you lay a
finger on anyone" Vritramon told him, glaring at the huge mon very seriously. "*looks at cards* (I
can't use Rainbow Flute, but with these other ones..) *looks at Done Devimon* (At least, I can't
use all but one of 'em against him with Vritramon. Now with Aero V-dramon...I can only use one
card)" Wes was plotting to himself with a weighed expression, "Corona Blaster!" Vritramon
shouts, shooting a large burst of flames downward from his small barrels attached to his arms,
engulfing Done Devimon in a huge body of fires, "Ultimate Flare!" Done Devimon shouts,
gapping his mouth while ignoring most of the pain from the flames and shoots a gray blast of
energy up at Vritramon, which he dodges but it chips off a shoulder pad and a horn, making the
shot really only obliterating most of a building, that initially blew a massive hole in before
disintegrating the rest of it after a moment. "*sees him shake off the flames as the burn the rest of
his area and evaporated alot of the water behind him* Maybe I should've started with this..Atomic
Corona Blaster!" he shouts, shooting big, concentrated lasers from his attached barrels down into
Done Devimon's body, "*gets searing cuts into skin and is blinded by it's light; covers an eye with
a hand while squinting* THE BRIGHTNESS! NOOOOO!" Done Devimon was screaming while
in pain, "(If I can just keep this u-) *suddenly is cut by a rain of heavy axes from behind as some
lodge into shoulders, back and legs* What in the-!? *looks back, seeing Antylamon having a pile
more axes ready and notices how he's fully healed* YOU!" Vritramon reacts in anger, "You gave
me time plenty to think and heal. Do not forget that you, me and him are all at the same strength
level. Two against one doesn't sound good, now does i- *gets wrapped by an electric whip*
Hmm?! What's this?" Antylamon reacts, "Don't you dare count me out. I am also at the same
evolution level as the three of you. And with my partner mon next to me, you might as well give it
up, or else this'll get messy" Lady Devimon warned with a devious, squint-eyed smile, "*sees
Vritramon struggle to keep up his beam attack* Enough fooling around, Lady Devimon. I have to
help him finish off our bigger threat" Zephyrmon told her before zipping to Done Devimon,
"Finish me...? No one is going to kill me...NO ONE! *sees Zephyrmon look surprised for a
moment* Ultimate Flare!" he shouts while holding the weakened beam to the side with a hand and
shoots a huge gray energy shot out of his mouth at Zephyrmon. She attempts to bat it away with an
arm, but she does, however when she looked back at the arm, it was gone completely, shocking her
and making her vision go inverted, making Done Devimon stare in delight with a smile. "Dammit,
Zephyrmon! You shouldn't try to take on every attack that comes your way! You never panic like
that! *sees Antylamon break out of the whip* Now look, this bastard's gonna cause us trouble
again!" Lady Devimon complained out loud, "*sees her trying to go for another move* Mantra
Chant..! *hardens body and have metallic properties* I wouldn't attack me in this state. You see,
Im using Chrome Digizoid. Not much can hurt me in this state. Along with my quick healing, Im
afraid there isn't much you all can do against me" Antylamon was telling them with an evil look,
"You damn pest..! *looks at Zephyrmon as she's still stunned* (Great and she's out of it too. All I
can do is go after our bigger target now) Drrrgh...! I'll be back for you!" Lady Devimon shouted at
him before flying to Done Devimon, "*takes down the metallic layer* (Hmm. Little do they know
that I have a time limit, but given how distraug-) *feels head being dug into from behind* Gghhnn!
Gaaahh..! Who is..? *looks behind, seeing an incredibly angry and feral Aero V-dramon, who is
digging into head with all claws* But you! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DOWN!" Antylamon
said out loud, "I could said the same for you! NOW DIE! *crushes his head some more, sees him
morph his arms into axes and is jabbed into the chest by one* Go ahead! Cut me all you like! IM
STILL GONNA SEE YOU DEAD!" Aero V-dramon shouts aggressively, "*looks at a
card*...Finish him, Aero V-dramon. *holds the card up as it shines* Brave Shield! Activate!" Wes
says, giving Aero V-dramon a hexagonal, golden shield on his back, seeing him bulk up some
more, "DIIIE!" Aero V-dramon shouts as Antylamon's eyes crack with his head for a split-second
before both explode in his face and his body flops down in front of him as Aero V-dramon barely
noticed him dying this way before looking down. "(Good..He's out) *looks over to Camil who
closed her eyes* (Yeah..Sorry you had to see that) Ok Aero V-dramon, do what you can about
Done Devimon!" Wes ordered him, making him stare at the busy mon with a angered scowl, ready
to kill him too. "Stun Whip! *wraps a long electro whip around Done Devimon, but sees him
breaking it in seconds* Darkness Spear! *makes the other arm a black spear and stretches it out at
him but he swipes it away* Drrgh! Stubborn piece of work we have here -v-. Poison Spr- *dodges
his Ulimate Flare blast, looks back at it for a second and sees several others before getting grabbed
by one of his large manifested hands* Grrrrrgh! Gimme a damn break already!" Lady Devimon
loudly grunted, "*sees him open his mouth at Wes and Camil as they run away, charging a blast at
them* Howling Blast! *shoots a powerful soundwave at Done Devimon's head, making him aim
and blast his shot at the far right of him, away from everyone* Think again, big boss! Guess who
wasn't a fan of that stunt!" Tempomon said to me while running in from the side, "*sees
Tempomon with the rest of Angie's team* Hey! You guys made it!..But where's Ang'? I thought
she was with you" Wes asked, "No time for that now. We have a threat to take care of. *looks
behind, seeing a tired MasterTyrannomon* Well make that two threats, as it seems" Duskmon said
before using Ghost Move to warp to Lady Devimon and free her from the hand's grasp with a slash,
flying down with her. Now weak and barely able to keep up his beam, Vritramon is swiped away
by Done Devimon, who quickly found himself in a 7-on-1 fight. "We're definitely gonna win now.
Right, Camil?" Wes asked her with a smile, "You bet! *sees Zephyrmon blanking out* Lady
Devimon, can you do something about her up there?" asked Camil, and with an eye-roll, Lady
Devimon flew up to Zephyrmon's aid, "*hurries over to the dead Antylamon and looks through his
cards in his pockets* (...What the hell? I can't use any of these!)" Wes thought to himself in slight
dismay, "*sees him have a stressed look on his face when he looks at them* (If only Angie and me
had cards on us..) It looks like we have to hurry it up and take care of him now, everyone!" Camil
told them, "Follow me up, Kinkaku! *drops in front of Done Devimon* Howling Blasts!"
Tempomon calls out with a series of huge bursts of sound coming out of the speaker from his body,
pushing Done Devimon back, only slightly immobilizing him as he raises a claw overhead, "*zips
above and behind the opponent, starts discharging electricity while spinning club with a hand over
head* Dokidokidokyūn! *unleashes a big, heavy sphere of electricity from body, engulfing and
frying up most of Done Devimon's body* Kibakusou!" Kinkakumon was saying, pounding down
on Done Devimon's body, still emmitting the static field, denting his body in the process even
when each blow made alot of damaged sand jump up. "(Now I can do this) *flies up to him*
Poison Spray~ *blows some air at him and it goes into his body, making him kneel on one knee in
seconds* That toxin turns your energy into something that rejects your body. You're on a time limit
now~" Lady Devimon told him, "*sees Done Devimon's giant hands punch Kinkakumon off of
him, sending her flying away* Lunar Plasma! *forms an image of a full red moon with arm-blades
and rapidly cuts into Done Devimon's body, making him grow even weaker* This allows me to
take energy so you'll be dead in no-" Duskmon was saying but gets huge cuts down half of his
body from a claw swipe from Done Devimon, making his blood fly out of him from the wounds
they caused, making him back off and fall on his back as he recovers from the scars while gasping.
"*sees him punch through the soundwaves from Tempomon and how he was dodging out of the
way of them, then sees how Vritramon was still catching his breath* Vritramon! Get up! You have
to finish this!" Wes told him, "We're doing this. Together" Aero V-dramon told him in a serious
tone, "*sees Done Devimon coughing* (Yes..Now's the best time than any!) *dashes at Done
Devimon, grabs him by a leg and lifts him up* EEERRRAAAAAGGGGHHH! *swings him
around a dozen times and throws him into the air* It's time.." Vritramon started, "TIME TO
DIIIE!" the two mons shouted, "Veeeeee NOVAAAAA..! *charges up a mass of fire around body*
BLAAAAST!" shouted Aero V-dramon, shooting a huge beam of fire up at Done Devimon,
burning through his body this way, "Now's my chance. Fire Cloud!" FlameWizardmon calls out,
forming a violently hot area around Done Devimon's body, burning him further, "(This is it...!)
*engulfs body in flames, forming a dragon while soaring above opponent* Draaaag FANGER!"
Vritramon shouted, colliding down at Done Devimon, who was already getting scorched but now
has limbs flying off upon impact. He tried shooting an Ultimate Flare but Vritramon punched his
head downwards while still coming down at him, making him shoot into the ground, where his
shot blew up on FlameWizardmon, kicking up alot of sand and some blood where he stood. "*eyes
widen* YOU BASTARD!" Vritramon shouted in even greater anger, bursting through Done
Devimon's body while still burning with intense flames and makes his foe's body explode into big
scattered, fiery chunks.
"*watches Vritramon falling after the move* Vritramon...That was amazing..*sees him crash deep
into the sand with a big impact* You deserve a rest after that..You did great there" Wes said with a
slight smile, "*gets up* Phew..That's one problem out of the way. Only on-" FlameWizardmon was
saying before he was stomped into a bloody mess from behind by MasterTyrannomon, "! *turns
back and sees where he is* Wait no! FlameWizardmon! (If only I checked if he was ok or not..And
kept track of MasterTyrannomon) Drrrrggh! Camil! We can't just stand here! We're making him
pay this instant!" Wes said in anger, "Im making everyone else pay for giving my team so much
trouble! *charges up by raising body temperature and emitting fire* Hypeeeeer! Heeeat! BLA-!
AA-! *sees flames disperse from body* Hmmmm?!" MasterTyrannomon was saying but suddenly
had his tongue, mouth, an eye and stomach stabbed by razor feathers, "(Im sorry everyone..For the
slip-up earlier) *seemingly appears behind MasterTyrannomon while sliding forward* Gilgamesh
Slicer" Zephyrmon said before MasterTyrannomon's body bursted alot of blood from dozens of
places due to her many incredibly fast attacks, making him stumble and fall over, "*lands on his
back, stepping and crushing heel on his head* Too bad for you, big boy. You could've died a fast
death at the hands of Vritramon, but now you have me and her to deal with. Whatever happens
from here, just remember it's all you and your fault. *sees him look up at smile in fear* Darkness
Spear. *stabs transformed spear-arm into his throat for a second and takes it out, making him cough
blood all over the ground as he wheezed* Heheheheeeh~ You're making this too fun to watch"
Lady Devimon said with a grimace smile, "We dont have all day, Lady Devimon!" Camil told her,
"Hmph. Darkness Spear. *stabs it through his head and concrete this time, killing him quickly*
There, ya happy now? -v- Always gotta take the fun away" Lady Devimon complained, "(Geez,
she's almost as bad as cous' with that. Just what the hell was it like when she was hunting down
Dark Digis yesterday with these girls?) O-ok everyone. Now we need to find Angie. Missimon still
hasn't came here so it seems he's still trying to search. We still need to know all of this Tamer guy's
Digimon" Wes told them, "*walks up to the group, slightly limping and holding an arm* Don't
worry..There were five and we took out four here..I saw for a moment earlier how she's been taking
care of the last one" Kinkakumon told him, "Really? How's she able to?" Wes asked, "Heh. You
wouldn't wanna know" Kinkakumon replied with a slight smile, making him and Camil look at
each other with unsettled wide eyes.
In a boarded up, abandoned shack of a building, Angie was bottomless with TeslaJellymon as she
smashes her pelvis into her's while sharing a spiky, double-sided dildo. Their love oozes formed a
small puddle below and around them. "*caresses her gelatinous, squishy head while still doing her*
Mmmmm~, you feel sooo soft up here, my lil Jellymon~. I wonder if you taste like jelly down
there too ewe" Angie was telling her, "Ghn! Ghhhn! Hauh! (T-this Human is having too much fun
with me! How long have we been like this? / ) P-please! Gyuuaah- N-no more~!" TeslaJellymon
begged, "Mmmmmhmhmhmm~ Maybe if you beg some more I'll think about it~~3 wo" Angie
teased her before giving her a smooch, holding her head in place with her hands on her cheeks.
Moans filled the space some more for a few more minutes, and before Angie could reach her 3rd
climax (for TeslaJellymon, it'd be her 2nd)...Wes and Camil walked in on them. "...ANGIE! /O/"
the two Tamers shouted, "*raises ass again but stops in that position, looks underneath then over
the shoulder*...Meow? 3 ;;;" she lowly reacts, "(...Did her ass get fatter or- NO, FOCUS!)
Angie! Get the hell off of her right now! You could've helped us earlier! *looks to the right of her,
seeing four blacked out Digi-cards* And you used all your cards?!" Camil shouts, "Hmm. *raises
hips some more and plops the dildo out as TeslaJellymon was out cold* Well I knew my team
could handle it. Not like the threat was-" she was saying, trying to make light of things, "Well you
lost FlameWizardmon...- -" Wes told her, "Ugh! What the hell you two! I wanted to see what his
dick was like after seeing it! Sure it was small but- " she was also trying to say some more, "L-
look! Too much info, ok?!" Wes told her, "AND PUTS YOUR DAMN PANTS BACK ON!"
Camil yelled, "Ok ok geez. *puts them back up, making them snug over both cheeks and the band
from it snaps right above ass, giggles; looks at the downed TeslaJeellymon with a smile* Im not
too mad. I got a new playmate now. She was having sooo much fun with me earlier, so Imma make
sure to keep her -u-" Angie said, making her friends roll her eyes. "(Geez what'll we do with
her..Well...At least most of us survived there..Ya hear that, cous'? We did good)" Wes thought
while looking up with a smile.
The four of us were a half mile away from Dragon's Eye Lake, seeing few DarkDigimon in our
way, with the large lake in plain sight beyond them. "Aww, I was just about to sing too -3-"
Ranamon complained, "I guess these're his lackeys. Hmm. *sticks Juga-Maru into the ground
while a big smile appears on my face* What's it gonna be? All it's gonna take is one of us here..!" I
asked, "*sees that they're just DarkTuskmon, DarNefertimon, and DarkUnimon* I'll do the honors.
Dont wanna your precious 'Renny' to struggle a bit here" Crescemon said in a belittling manner,
"Im not the one that feels she always needs to be in her Ultimate form" Renamon told her with
smirk, "! *grips tight with one hand for a moment* We're settling that when we return to the Base
after this. For now..*walks forward* Just watch and learn U.U" Crescemon replied, "*waves* Just
don't get digi-devolved into a Lekismon, ok?! ^o^" Ranny shouted to her, "! (I swear Im gonna kill
her...! _V_)" she thought to herself, hearing me and Renamon snicker. "Horn Driver! *charges at
her with glowing horn, but seemingly passes through her; turns around seeing her again* Bayonet
Lancer! *shoots an energy lance out of horn, but sees a spinning crescent-edge spear going through
it* H-huh?! *rolls over to dodge it, sees a horn fly off in the process; stands up, doesnt see her*
Hmm where sh-" DarkTuskmon was saying before getting his head split and skewered through by
Crescemon's spear. "Supersonic Wave!" DarkUnimon shouts, shooting a soundwave blast from his
horn at Crescy, "Cat's Eye Beam! *shoots a red beam with the mask's snake piece at Crescemon
and sees it combine fast enough with the soundwave, causing an explosion on her* ...Did it...Wor-
GUAAAH!" DarkNeferimon comments before being shot from underneath her by an arrow, with
pierced up through her skull and she was pierced several more times by other arrows before falling
from the sky and dies upon landing. Distraught at how fast she died, DarkUnimon tried to turn
away and run in fear but when he attempte, he fell and couldn't get back up. "*looks at legs and
seeing one was cut off* ! W-w-when did that happen?! *gets suddenly flung in the air*
AUUUGGGH! P-Please! Spare-" DarkUnimon tried to plea, but fell to the ground in many meaty
pieces, minus a head. "...Hm? Who did..? *turns around to me but sees someone else behind me,
looks surprised* Human! Behind you!" Crescemon warned me, "*turns around to me with a smile,
snuggles with DarkUnimon's head while holding it* Isn't he so cuuute~? ow *sees me and the
others stare in awe* Hmm? Oh that's right, Im out aren't I? Guess it's a lil' coincidink ^w^"
NaitoRenamon comments, "*points Juga-Maru at her* Dont play fuckin' stupid! How the hell did
you get out?!" I aggressively asked, "*throws the head away* Oh it was no biggie. You got real
impatient like me when you saw them get torn apart, and coming out on my own is easier when
that happens UwU" NaitoRenamon answers nonchalantly, "Drrrgggh..! You're getting back in!" I
ordered her, "Ooooo you want me inside you? owo" she replied, "DO IT OR I'LL KILL YOU! ((⓪
⓪)" I loudly told her and she phased into me with a giggle and a smirk...For a moment my heart
raced quickly and my breathing got unstable and shook up. "Human..Will you be fine?" Renny
asked, "I'll be ok...Let's go.." I tried to assure, with sweat crawling down my face and neck. She
pets my back to calm me down as we approached DarkMachinedramon. Hopefully cutting him up
can help me..
We walked forward as the large DarkMachinedramon still stood there in the distance. Now 30
meters away from him, I used my Digi-Eyes to confirm what kind of Digimon he was, "(Of course
Machine, Cyborg...Virus...Unidentified? Seems that even these Eyes can be deceived. Now what to
use..)" I plotted in my head, "*sees DarkMachinedramon running this way* He's coming, Human.
Be sure to stay away and get the cards together. *turns to me* And please, know what you're
doing. This is a Mega Digimon" Renamon told me before jumping in front of the enemy in her
Kyubimon form and the others follow her, "An ounce of faith now? If she's trying to motivate
me...*puts three cards the Digivice* Then it's working..! Digi-Modify! Max Charger! Holy
Seventh! Holy Tag! Activate!" I shouted, "Giga Destroyer! *launches a missile out of chest after
opening it, and aims it at me to everyone's surprise* Hmmhmmhmmm! That Human's a dead one
for su- *sees it explode halfway to me* Huh?! *sees a brush come out of the smoke then to
Taomon* (She transformed so fast just then!) You! You'll be nothing after I drain you of data!"
DarkMachinedramon shouts, "I purposefully made it hard to gauge my strength and speed by
starting with Kyubimon form" Taomon explained, "Even better..*holds up my Digivice, showing a
4th card is in it* I also put in Speed" I told him with a smirk, "Tch! It'll take more than just cheap
tricks to kill me! Booster Claw!" he says, drilling with his drill-arm down at Ranamon, who holds
it up with her water whips with a multi-layered coiling form above her, but it was quickly
shredding, "Dark Archery" Crescemon said, shooting the arm away from Ranamon as she jumped
out of the way and the arm digs a dozen feet deep into the ground. "Giga Destroyer! *fires missiles
out of chest at the ground, blowing away Ranamon due to the huge explosion, causing alot of
smoke to form around body, making it hard to see for Crescemon and Taomon* Gigaaaa...! *sees
Taomon swipe away the smoke with a hand* CANNON!" DarkMachinedramon shouts, using the
two cannons on his back to fire a powerful beam, swinging his body around with it to cause a ton
of destruction, filling the field with explosions in no time. "*finishes attack and sees the weakening
beam suddenly fly into the air* ! But how?! *looks around, seeing me bleeding with an arm, along
with a smirk* What the hell did you do?!" DarkMachinedramon reacts in shock, "See these?
*shows all 6 slots of the Digivice used* Used two more cards. One being Data Copy, which lets a
Digimon copy the strength of all moves from another's. Guess who I chose there :D" I explained to
him, "*looks where the attack was deflected, seeing Taomon, in a post-swing pose with her brush*
This damn Taomon..!" cursed the DarkMachinedramon, "And that's not the worst of it. *gets his
attention* Strength Plug-In U. This was the other thing I used. Now look...We can end this the easy
way, or the hard way. *sees him aiming this way* (Always stubborn, I see) Finish this thing off,
you three. Ranny, stay back for this" I ordered them, "(But how's it still three if- Dah screw it!
They'll all die anyw-) *feels a tap on cheek from a nail* Hmm?" he reacts, "Hey there, Mechs. You
look like you're in great shape. Well more like in big shape, but yknow~ ^u^. *sees his eyes widen*
I like that look of your's but oh well. Time for mommy to tuck you in bed. FOREVER x "
NaitoRenamon told him, "L-like hell you will! *aims a hand at her, charges it* Infinite..! *sees her
lower it with a nail* HAAAAN- Hmm?!" DarkMachinedramon calls out by accident (somewhat
due to fear), causing a huge, self-inflicted explosion to occur on it, "*flies on the large flown off
arm while sitting on it* It gets them every time, I swear ^x^" NaitoRenamon comments. "*Sees her
happily flying away from DarkMachinedramon* Not ideal but it did do some real good damage.
Take it from here. Taomon. Crescemon" I ordered, "(That is, if she doesn't steal this kill) *looks
up, seeing Crescemon appear above him, ready to fire* (Perfect) I hope you're ready to die..!
*throws big brush at him, gets it lodged into his chest, making him take a knee* Thousand Spells!
*casts out a sleeve, making a long, plentiful stream of red tags come out of it, causing tons of
explosions to pile on DarkMachinedramon as Crescemon fires many ice-encased arrows of
darkness for a whole minute* Now cease! *stops unleashing the tags and Crescemon lands on the
other side of him, turning around to observe the damages, in which he mostly dismantled and
charred* Allow me to do the honors. *sees the brush flying in the air, jets up to it, snagging it and
writes Sanskrit letter while above him with the brush* Bon..Hitsu..Sen!" Taomon briefly chanted,
launching the letter down at him, blowing him apart with a big explosion once it lands, and absorbs
him in no time. "*has ass in the air while covering head*...Is it over now? *sees only the team was
on the field, hops on feet* Ok! Great work team! ou Now all we have is the- *hears a giant splash
come from behind* o.o;;;...What was that? . *sees NaitoRenamon carrying DarkWhalemon 100ft
in the air with a claw deep in it's gut* Uuuh...N-nevermind guys O_O" Ranamon said, "*looks
innocently away with a finger to mouth* Oops, did I kill this baby of mine too fast? Shame on me~
^ ^. Ooo but wait! It's still kinda alive! Lemme fix that :D *takes claws out of it's stomach, then
seemingly disappears after a slight movement, thrashes it around in the air for a moment then
making it spin around violently the next moment and makes it explode in bloody chunks from
clones using many Diamond Dusts* All Done! ^W^" said NaitoRenamon with her clones,
simultaneously brushing and patting their hands up and down of whatever mess that was on their
paws. We couldn't help but stare in slight awe..I knew we're far from weak but this..She killed him
so unbelievably fast. "Alrighty clones! Let's get back inside me! owo *has them come back into
body, and looks back at us* Hmm? What's the matters? NaitoRenners did too good? ewe" she
taunts us, "You're coming back inside THIS INSTANT! oVo" I yelled at her, "Fine fine fine. It's
been forever since I've let loose yknow -M-" she said while floating down to me and phasing into
my body...The next time she does..I'll kill her, I swear it! Let's see her like it when I tie her up and
gut her completely with both swords up her ass! "*walks up to me* Human...?" Renamon asked,
putting a hand on my shoulder, "...This is why I save her for the Rulers..She gets too unpredictable
too..I hate that...Most of all, I hate her... *notices the Sloth symbol fading in and out on Renamon's
head* Let's go.." I lowly said, using the Digivice to return us to the Union Base.
There, we beam down in front of everyone. My eyes met with Morphomon, who, even though she
looked away, she had a different air to her. As if she gained a sort of grace. Her and Bastemon
traded glances too before she stepped up to me for her. Basty seemed a bit different too. Able to
smile more often on her own. Of course however, Aegiomon was being Aegiomon, stuffing his
face as always. Maybe if I speak to him as well, a development can be uncovered too.
"Did something happen while I was gone, Bastemon?"
"[Bastemon] Well y'see..I really like being with Morphomon ^ ^."
"Really? Why's that?"
"[Bastemon] I..I told her just about everything. So as we trained for a bit..We understood each
other more, and I understood myself more too."
"[Renamon] How peculiar. What would a Digimon that's been born not even yesterday be able to
open your eyes on?"
"[Bastemon] She's pretty wise for her age. There really was alot of growing she did while in your
womb, so she definitely has your smarts. ^u^"
"*sees Renamon look away with a blush* So..What were your talks like?"
"[Bastemon] She told me...How it's ok to have multiple parents for an offspring. It's more help that
way..And that I've been scared..Scared of loss."
"(Scared of loss, eh...)"
"[Bastemon] My desperation comes from a bad place if that's the source..*looks at me* And if I'm
too focused on how you feel as well. You really have been more self-reliant. More than I realize
UuU. It was also a great time to hone my skills with her. From a few minutes of explaining, she
told me alot of this."
"Amazing...She said all of that. It wasn't just to make you feel good either.."
"[Morphomon] Father. You've returned with your team faster than expected. I know your
oppositions were still challenging. -.-"
"Did...Did she tell you about NaitoRenamon?"
"[Morphomon] I already know of her existence. *sees me look surprised* That vile presence is
unmistakable...I suppose you've used her for this instance."
"(! So smart) Uh yeah..I guess it is obvious, huh? But yes..She ended things a bit too fast."
"[Morphomon] Due to how powerful she is, you've felt inferior, and have been hoping to surpass
her while coming to terms with using her if needed in the meantime. It's also like-"
"Ok I-I think I get the picture here. _ _"
"[Morphomon] Father...All I am saying is that not everyone has the mental endurance you have,
and that this is one of those difficult things to deal with while trying to be a Digimon Ruler as a
Human. So far you have been impressive. None of your teammates have died in these battles. Your
path is bright."
"...Thank you, my daughter...I'll admit...Words of encouragement are what I need..Not even I really
acknowledge my progress like you do."
"[Morphomon] *smiles a bit* ...It is thanks to Bastemon that I understand this much."
"[Bastemon] You guys were gone for two hours after all. She was able to train with me and
Minervamon. She may need a bit more time since blind battling isn't something she's good at, but
Morphomon is really good at it. She's really considering about joining you two soon ^ ^."
"[Ranamon] Ya hear that, boss? We'll have another gal on the team! :D"
"She's been good in fights, eh? She doesnt seem the type to.."
"[Morphomon] I can possibly replace Bastemon at this rate. All I need to do is Digivolve, Father. -
.- My brother, Aegiomon is even a bit easy for me, and is talented in combat too."
"[Renamon] Are you ready to slay and absorb Digimon?"
"[Morphomon] As a Digimon, I am afraid it is something I cannot avoid. Though I prefer not to do
so, may their power and data be used for a better future."
"(For...A better future...Has she thought about this alot?) Heh. Well I see one thing you didnt
inherit from me."
"[Morphomon] I am aware. Bastemon has told me...A few occasions..O-of those acts of violence.
Though they are very frightful to think of...Father...I am sorry.."
"S-sorry? For what?"
"[Morphomon] For how difficult it was to borne me...And that I was not born much sooner. If I
were there much sooner, alot of your past internal struggles could have been at ease..Mother is
very harsh to you too, it seems."
"[Renamon] Maybe if we started on much better terms, and he wasn't so pathetic even for a
Human, all this could've took place much sooner. - x-"
"Better late than never, I'd say. Though, we had no idea that she could be a child of mine from you,
Renny. Even if it worked with Naito...HER, and Bastemon, there was a chance you'd be out of the
"[Morphomon] I suppose that makes this Naito being my Half-Mother?"
"I...Rather not think about it."
"[Morphomon] She's worse than Mother?"
"[Renamon] ! C-child, watch your tongue in front of me! ōxō"
"Yeah uh...Let's just say me and Renny are pretty touchy when it comes to her..She's that bad."
"[Bastemon] Umm...Think of a flame for this, Morphomon."
"[Morphomon] But I really like flames...Though they're attractive to the eye, they are
destructive...Oh. I understand now."
"[Crescemon] I can only imagine what a daughter from him would be like if I had it from him."
"[Morphomon] So you are interested in giving me a Half-Sister?"
"[Crescemon] O-of course not. I hate how many he has as is. /~/"
"Well you're also way more similar to Renamon than her too."
"[Renamon]...What now, Human? ō ō"
"B-believe me, Renamon, you're very unique on your own. I mean more like she doesnt have a
NaitoBone in her body."
"[Renamon]...Very well because you should be thankful that gutting you was only a thought I had.
"Im...Not a fan of that thought at all."
"[Morphomon] *giggles* That is something I lack from Mother too. The wit behind dangerous
intent u"
"Heh. Dangerous can't even describe it. All she'd need is..1/10th a second...- ,-;;;"
"[Morphomon] Frightening. But I've seen on the monitor how this Ruler you are after has been
pulsating for the last hour."
"Oh, so you're one of the Navis too?"
"[Morphomon] Yes. Cutemon showed me how he's gathered more darkness around him. He could
wake up sooner than we think."
"Then you keep training up here, and I'll think about helping you naturally Digivolve on the way
"[Ranamon] We'll be back in no time, Morpho! uo"
"R-ranny- *beams us out by accident*"
"[Morphomon] Morpho...*giggles* I'd like to talk to her more too. - u-"
"[Bastemon] Like she said, in no time, right? ^ ^" se reassured her while petting her really soft
head, and Morphomon looks up while smiling back at her. The two held hands and walked. They
interrupt Aegiomon from consuming a row of ribs and pork on a skewer, telling him to train more
with them.
We found ourself in a void that is very similar to the belated Barbamon's domain, nothing but a
dark void with some sort of flooring. Crescemon's light emitted from her body brilliantly to
illuminate the area so we can see. Ahead of us, we see Belphemon in a deep sleep and I gather my
cards together. "*tries to scan through a dozen cards* You girls may want to go ahead and come
together to form Sakuyamon. I need to get the right combinations to blow this thing to hell" I told
them, "Before we do..There is something I must mention" Renamon starts, "That'd be?" I reply,
"Normally Digimon cannot Bio-Merge with another as freely as we do. Perhaps we've made a
series of anomalies this whole time" she brings up, "Just now decide to tell me that? What, are we
gonna have to sit around and end our conquest here?" I asked, "That..Could be considerable. With
that little girl your daughter saw..It feels like we're just rolling dice for the best results" Crescemon
replied, "Then we'll keep rolling til things work out! We started this whole thing at a complete
disadvantage and this is the only to come out on top. We're against the clock too, so! *draws a few
more cards, looks at them* Ok, here's something!" I started. My legs were trying to give out
suddenly and my cards fell out of my hand as I dropped to a knee, and I was carried further away
from Belphemon by Renamon. "*gathers the cards for me and returns them* Belphemon Sleep
Mode's snoring puts others to sleep. *looks to Ranamon sleeping on the ground* Like so..I'll get
her - -" Renamon said, "*sees her slap around Ranamon while hopping away with her* Tch...Even
when it's sleeping, eh? Then let's not waste time! Digi-Modify! *puts 6 cards in all slots* Flame
Fragment! Baptism of Flames! French Fried Potato! Protein Plus! Missile Pod! Reverse Seventh!
*sees Belphemon start to open his eyes* ACTIVATE!" I shout and commanded, sending
NaitoRenamon out of my body afterwards. "*is thrown a card, catches it* Oh use this? Ok! Attack
from Underwater! Activate!" Ranamon shouts. While dashing, Renamon's body glows with a
brilliant red aura then her hands start glowing red with flames does a huge, fiery blast at
Belphemon, while Crescemon launches a barrage of missiles at him, and Ranamon shoots a
manifested horn that jets at Belphemon as well with it's water jet. "*dashes backwards in front of
all the attacks* Oooooo these're gonna leave a nasty boo-boo~ :3 *looks back, seeing him closing
in really fast* Oh that's right. I gotta attack too. Okaaay~ ^w^" NaitoRenamon says, backflipping
over him, letting all the launched attacks land and does a big Power Paw down at Belphemon,
going into the explosion, and made the explosion five times bigger before getting flung out of it
with several bruises. "*sees her land and lick her wounds with a smile on her face, then waits for
the explosion smoke to die down, takes a backup card out of pocket* (Cmooon, cmooon! Do alot
of damage, please!) *sees the smoke clear then it gets swiped away as something was growing out
of it then it turned to us with black embers all over it, then it towers over us as it spreads it's 6 big
purple wings* No...Way...! All that didnt hurt him that much! Dammit!" I complained, "*jumps in
place in joy* Oh goody goody goody! Now we're gonna have tons of fun and I can go all-out! ^O^"
NaitoRenamon excitedly said, "Shut the hell up! (What're we gonna do now? This is really bad!)" I
thought to myself. "You..!...YOU...! *looks down at us* You dare disturb MY sleep?! A
RULER'S?!" Belphemon yells, "Not just disturb it...But even better..Kill you while you were
asleep. That seem like a good idea to you?" I rhetorically said, "!...BUT YOU'RE JUST A
HUMAN! What chance do you have ag-" he was saying, "*shoots him with the Berenjena guns*
Maybe you slept on this, but Beelzemon, and Barbamon. All dead. Me, and our team did that. Now
you're next. Your life is mine!" I shouted up at him, "*looks down at NaitoRenamon as she waves*
Then SHE joins you...? JUST WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?! *body bursts with a pulse of
black flames*...Hmph. Even if you've killed them, those two aren't as powerful as me" Belphemon
told me as he was accepting how things've turned out, "He is in Rage Mode, Human. His attacks
may easily kill us" Renamon warned me, "Tch. (If we have any chance against him, we're gonna
have to use everything we got, and think further than just using Sakuyamon..) *takes out two cards
from the Digivice* (Two slots left eh? Just like the first times...Anyways..) *looks at Ranamon*
Crescemon now! Renamon, become Taomon!" I ordered them, "*sees me running to her* Oh no
you dont! *tries to punch down on me but is stopped by Taomon and Crescemon, holding fist with
both of their arms* Huh?! How're they-?" Belphemon reacts, "DRRRRRGGG! (Whatever this plan
of your's is, Human..Please make it fast!) No one is hurting my Human partner!" Taomon shouts,
"*sees her sleeve pull up slightly, seeing several layers wrapped around fingers* HMM?! *is blown
away backwards by the explosion, slightly tumbling but uses wings to regain footing* You damn
craft fox..!" Belphemon cursed with a bleeding fist, "*crouched with Ranamon* Got it? This is
important for you to do" I spoke with her, "You bet! I'll make it as quick as possible!" Ranamon
assured, taking a given card with her, "Great. You gotta hurry though. *sees her run through the
void area's wall, then turns back with a smirk* (Heh. Good thing I halved his strength beforehand
to set this up) Ok you three, Imma need everyone to not hold back" I told them, "Caaaaan do! wo
*spins around, grows two tails and does a cute pose on one foot* Diamond Storm~"
NaitoRenamon X said, leaping into the air while blowing her opponent a kiss with both hands as he
was stabbed by a multitude of spiraling shards from her arms, "*draws a nagari letter with large
brush* Talisman Star! *launches it, lodging it deep into his chest, and draws another letter in the
air* Bon Hitsu..Sen..*sends it out* Talisman of Light! *sees the letter explode on him and is
grabbed by his hand from the smoke* Ghhnnn! Not all that effective I see Vo" Taomon says,
enduring his very tight grip, "*thunderously drops on the joint of Belphemon's arm, making him
fall to the ground with it and lose his grip on Taomon* You really need to get a grip, Taotao or else
you're good as dead! ^W^" NaitoRenamon X was saying, followed by a loud growl by Belphemon.
The giant mon swipes her away but he sees her jumping past his head while upside-down with a
smile, further frustrating him before he got back up. "*coughs* Human, when will I be
digivolved?" Taomon asked, "Hold out a bit longer, Taomon. (Those increases to her strength
aren't enough to keep Belphemon down) Guess I can take this out for now" I said to myself, "*aims
from above while upside-down* Dark Archery" Crescemon said while shooting down at
Belphemon with a rain of dark arrows, "Lampranthus! *whips around chains of black flames,
swiping the arrows away* Gift of Darkness!" Belphemon shouts while striking his giant claws
overhead, which Crescemon dodged but he slams his claw into the ground, sending a wave of
black flames at me. "! *runs away on all fours, but it catches up and explodes on me, sending me
flying in the air* GYAAAAAHHH! *is caught by Taomon, breathes heavily as he smirks*
Damn..Bastard! (Cmon Ranamon...! If you dont do this fast then we're all dead!) Guess we have no
choice...Get ready, Taomon.." I told her, "*sees my head and right arm bleeding alot with a deep
wound on my leg* Human..You're awfully damaged...Im sorry..Crescemon, hold him off!"
Taomon told her, "(However I can do that. My arrows were almost nothing to him)" Crescemon
thought with doubts, but chose to dash towards him, and he flies up to her surprise, blowing her
away slightly. She leaps upwards, using her crescent spear to strike at him, "*sees her get punched
down then a second later get wrapped in his chains* Ok Renny..Now's the time" I told her,
"*makes blazes of black fires come out of the flames, searing her body as she screams in agony*
Hmph! A mere Crescemon challenging me? I pity you. *continues burning her some more and she
loses her consciousness and reverts to her Lekismon form* In a few seconds, you'll be- *notices
some shining coming from behind and drops Lekismon* ! What's this?! *looks back, seeing
Sakuyamon* A Sakuyamon? Is this what you all were hidding from me? So this is what got rid of
Beelzemon and Barbamon?" he was asking in spite, "You say all this like you've never lost in
battle. Even then, nor have I. You'll see why that's the case in no time" Sakuyamon told him
confidently, "Show me then! Lampranthus!" Belphemon howls, spewing big black flames out of
his chains, "Amethyst Mandala! *casts out rod and a large, brilliant barrier forms in front, and the
flames push it backwards, slightly cracking it* (Errgh! Not even the barrier is doing too well
against his attacks) *puts more power into it after emitting white enemies and the flames dissipate*
Like that? -u- *is pushed back with the barrier after he rams into it, stops myself after flying back
for several meters* Hmm? *sees him consumed in his black flames and his red eyes shine out of
it* Oh? You truly do seem more powerful when coated. Which reminds me. *digs Digivice out of
breasts and puts a card in* Dark Power! *puts another in* And Dark Power again!" Sakuyamon
then shouts, making Belphemon fall on one knee, "*coughs* You...! What've you done to me?!" he
shouts, "Nothing really. I just lowered your health is all. UuU" Sakuyamon told him, "YOU
DAMN-!" he was saying, "*flies in and kicks him in the nose, then flips off of him, pushing him
backwards; drops while seemingly sitting on stomach, paws pressed on both cheeks* Heeey dont
forget about me, silly Belphy. I wanna have fun tearing your guts out too o3o" NaitoRenamon X
said to him, "(Good, now keep him distracted. This is just what I need) Healing! Activate! *makes
the barrier form around myself and turn more pink while cherry blossoms emit from it* Mandala
of Light! *emits a gold aura and on NaitoRenamon's body as well* Now I can sit here and let her
all the work. Is this fine, Naito?" Sakuyamon asked, "*lands* It's perfect, Renners! I feel like I can
fight all day long! ^w^" NaitoRenamon replied.
"DRRRRRRRRGHH! (These..These damned brats think they can handle their own against me?!)
YOU! *sees NaitoRenamon look this way with a smile* I WILL WIPE THAT SMIRK OFF
YOUR FACE! You've gone against me for the last time!" Belphemon yells down at her,
"Whenever your ready, big boy~. Just make it fun, k? ;3 *is slammed down by both of his fists
clammed together, holds it up, struggling to keep it in place and is being burned by his black fires*
(He's heavy as hell. I might be in troubaruuu~ o3o) Phew, is it getting hot down here or what?
A;;;;" NaitoRenamon X comments, "Hmmmm! HMMMMMMM!" he grunts more loudly, "Wha-
ohs~. What am I gonna do n- Fox Switch Deception -w-" she said a bit nonchalantly, "Huh?
*instantly switches places with her, finding self on the ground, lifting upwards with both knuckles
against her as she's in the air, and a series of puff clouds occur* How's she-" he was about to say,
seeing a dozen NaitoRenamon Xs surround him, "That's Deception Version 2 for ya. Ok girls!
Diamond Storm Barrage! *sends 100s of glimmering shards down at him with everyone else,
stabbing him all over, with bits of blood flying everywhere, licks some of it up* Mmmm~ Now for
Power Paw Barrage!" NaitoRenamon X said, doing a series of Power Paw shots down at
Belphemon with her clones, causing blinding explosions as the shielded Sakuyamon was watching
from above. The NaitoRenamon Xs kept up the attack as Sakuyamon was charging an attack,
hoping that he'll die but suddenly all of them were swiped away with deep claw marks on their
stomachs, "*sees them disappear as the main NaitoRenamon retreats into Sakuyamon's body,
bleeds with several wounds all over, most blood pouring from a shoulder* Heh...Heheheheh...I've
beaten her and her clones..Now you're next..You should prepare to die!" Belphemon shouts at her,
" I dont think so. *takes out a both Dark Power cards and puts down another* Aegis. Activate" she
replied, "...Where? I see no shield here" he said, "It isn't for me, that's why" Sakuyamon corrects, "!
Then who...?" Belphemon questioned hesitantly, "*stabs him from behind with a hand* Me, that's
who.. U " DarkLucemon X whispers in his ear, "GYYAAAH! *coughs out blood* N-n-no...Not
Lucemon!" Belphemon said in fright, swiping him away while turning around, only to see his
grimace smile that sinks his heart. "*looks down at a tired Ranamon* Right on time. Naito just
gave out. What did you tell him?" Sakuyamon asks her, "I just..Told him..*catches breath* That
you were fighting a Ruler..Then he pretty much felt he couldn't turn down facing him -;" Ranamon
answered her, "Aww, he took down Mother, did he? As happy I am to hear that, I prefer that I did
the honors there. Now you have to die for making me miss out UuU" DarkLucemon X told him,
"N-no please! Lord Lucemon, I-" he was trying to plead, "Divine Feat. *dashes into him, flinging
him into the air and throws a light spear at him, blowing up upon contact, seeing a rain of blood
fall everywhere* He's very weakened I see. Normally it'd take 12 of those to do that much to him"
DarkLucemon X comments with a smile, "Then allow me. *removes Aegis card, making the shield
disappear on DarkLucemon X's back, then sees a large ball of black flame come at me* Last
attack, eh? Pathetic. *swipes it away with rod* (Good. Removing the Aegis card weakened his
attacks) Now here's mine. Last Attack! Activate! *puts it into Digivice*, then takes it out*
Amethyst Wind. *puts rod in front and blows a burst of pink winds upwards, punching holes into
Belphemon and makes him fall on the ground hard as he dies, Sakura leaves falling on him;
absorbs him* There. You were useful yourself, Lucem- *turns to him and doesnt see him* He went
away?" Sakuyamon somewhat reacts, "He did? *looks up, seeing a ripple in the Dark Area's wall*
I wonder why. And after looking for him and avoiding all those other mons too = .=" Ranamon
comments. "*floats out the Dark Area* Heheheee, I'd like to see what happens when I tell all the
other Rulers. How a certain Human and his team have been killing off a few of their members. This
way, either they finish them..*zips into the distance* Or I do" DarkLucemon X plots to himself. As
he went away, Strabimon and his team looked up, seeing the Ruler fly across the skies at great
speeds. Ignorant of his intents, Strabimon knows whatever he's doing is evil and unsettles him to a
We returned to the Base once more. I witness Morphomon gracefully dodging Aegiomon's big
swings and Minervamon tries to mimic the same, both supervised by Bastemon. They finish after
dodging the last huge swing, which was big enough that Bastemon needed to dodge as well, though
Minervamon was blown away by it and was sent flying. When I her trying to get up, that was when
I approached her and helped her the rest of the way up and I grunt, still being in pain from the
"[Bastemon] *gasps* You guys're back so soon! ^o^ *sees my wounds in a few spots* A-are you
ok? Those look pretty bad.."
"Renny..*feels her hand touching me* Good..I'll be fine, Basty..*looks at Morphomon* Yet again
seeing alot of progress, especially from Morphomon."
"[Morphomon] Oh Father. *flies up to me* Bastemon has been great help in helping me dodge
"[Aegiomon] Yeah..A lil too good. -3-"
"Heh, that's what we need though. A few hits stronger than lil Gio's there is all it takes sometimes."
"[Bastemon] So how come you all took about an hour and you're already back? Maybe the Rulers
really are getting easier?"
"[Renamon] If only. This one was indeed the toughest so far, but the Human ensured our victory
by calling upon the aid of the last of the Offspring. DarkLucemon."
"[Bastemon] D-darkLucemon helped you all?! S-so has he..?"
"He just wanted a some fun. Thanks to him the battle ended alot faster, but he quickly left when the
guy died."
"[Crescemon] Whatever he has in mind for us cant be good. He's still nothing but trouble."
"[Morphomon] Off...Spring..?"
"Yeah...Let's say you're related to brothers that're really evil. This one's the strongest of them all.
When I thought of using him, it sounded perfect for us but I knew it was very risky."
"[Morphomon] It was, Father...Cutemon mentioned him being on the way there too..I might've
done the same if he was the strongest so far...I cant think of losing either of you.."
"[Renamon] So that doesn't happen, we may need some further traini- *stomach growls loudly*
"[Aegiomon] Ahahaha! Looks like mommy is getting hungry. -u-"
"As much as I wanna take care of all the Rulers, I think we need a break. I wanna try something
"[Renamon] Hmm? Like what, Human?"
"If possible..I wanna put this fake Renamon in Angie's body."
"[Bastemon] Hey, why would you do that?! Even if you're able to, we don't know what that'd do to
"[Crescemon] Besides, NaitoRenamon is very helpful on the battlefield. She might not be what we
want, but she's someone we need. Even in X form, she did quite a number to this Ruler."
"I know but...*looks at Morphomon and Aegiomon* Ranny..Have the kids go to the tent.."
"[Minervamon] *sees them go to the tent through Morphomon's eyes* What's this about?"
"They didnt tell you?...She...She raped me..About three times..Then there's how she can come out
on her own..My mind hasn't been the same ever since...And I just HATE how she tells me Im
her's..It's so infuriating.."
"[Minervamon] T-three times you said? I...Can see why they didnt tell me..That's terrifying to even
think about...Then..I'll..I'll make sure I can replace her if you can give your friend NaitoRenamon!
This way, even if she runs rampant in the Human world, I'd be really helpful in stopping her. I
never liked her anyway."
"Thank you, Minervamon...That'd be perfect."
"[Bastemon] Then Crescemon! How could you say something like that after knowing all that's
happened to him?! We need help but not when it's like this! How would you feel if-"
"[Crescemon] Spare me. For someone that's out of the group for being dead weight, you sure love
running your mouth."
"[Bastemon] Im telling you this because you're just being so insensitive to him! After how much
he's doing to make the Digiworld a better place too!"
"[Crescemon] Well Im sorry that you aren't his beloved Renny. I swear even if he wasn't trying to
be Ruler, you'd still be quick to defend him. What the happened between you two?"
"[Bastemon] It's...It's not important, ok?"
"[Crescemon] So something unimportant happened. And you're like this because of that? How
helpless can you get?"
"[Bastemon] No one said I was helpless!"
"[Crescemon] Well you really look like it n-"
"Ok Crescemon, THAT'S ENOUGH! *gets her attention* That's enough too, Basty. None of you
should be at each other's throats, even for me.."
"[Renamon] Human's right. We're fighting Rulers, not each other."
"[Bastemon] Im..Sorry.."
"And Crescemon, you've no right to talk down to others. Bastemon...She can't exactly help wanting
to stand up for me..Not after how close we once became.."
"[Bastemon] (Yes...Im so glad you understand..Even if it was short and became occasional..I still
cherish those times we've had..)"
"And it did mean something, dont let her tell you otherwise. *Bastemon stares in surprise* At the
end of the day, it was mostly incidental. Im to blame for that situation. Though...If I didnt save her,
she would've died. But still. She's never been useless, even now."
"[Crescemon] Then what exactly happened back then?"
"I'll..Tell you once Im back..."
"[Renamon] Shall we go?"
"Yeah. I'll bring you."
"[Cutemon] *flies in* Hey you're back! *stops in front of me* We can see about half of the
Digiworld now. What you guys're doing really is working!"
"Figures. I was about to leave."
"[Cutemon] Im glad I caught ya then. Some of the DarkDigimon have been becoming regular ol'
Digimon now. We're estimating this is 20% of the population!"
"Good..Strabi should be able to thrive nicely now."
"[Cutemon] Uh huh! (If..If only I could see what it'd be like to have a baby Digi by him..Just
thinking about it is making me all- /)"
"Well we're going now. You and Calumon keep an eye on things too."
"[Cutemon] Right, Sir!"
"*looks to the far left while getting my Digivice out, seeing Calumon sleeping atop the barn* And
uhh..Make sure he's awake."
"[Cutemon] Ugh! *flies up to him* Calumon you lazy bum! Stop hiding to sleep! It's your turn to
watch the monitor!" she complained before I beamed me and Renny out of Base. We found
ourselves in my neighborhood and I was trying to remember which house was Wes. I then called
him up and he didnt pick up. Then I called up Angie and she answered. She reminded me of which
place was her's after I told her where I was close to. It took us a few minutes to get there. I knock
on the door and she opens it.
"[Angie] Welcome! *sees my much smaller scars* Oooo someone got into a pretty bad fight eh? ^-
"If I haven't told ya, I've been trying to beat- *looks down for a bit and sees her not wear any pants
or panties, shuts eyes* Why the hell're bottomless?!"
"[Angie] Oh sorry about that. eue *giggles*"
"[Luciel] She was having fun with her new girlfriend earlier. Im sure, she keeps smothering up
with her ever since she got her today. "
"Today? What the hell happened? And who's that?"
"[Angie] A bit of GF #2 but she's just a friend Im helping out. She'll be able to get her own place
soon enough. But cmon cmon, let's go upstairs to my room! ouo"
"O-ok. *sees Renamon standing still with a low-browed look and folded arms* What's the matter,
"[Renamon] I dont trust her from last time. Just fill me in when you're done up there..-x-"
"Oh right. Suit yourself. *goes upstairs and sees Renamon sit on the same couch as Luciel* (I
kinda dont trust her either..I'll just see happens.) *goes into her room with her and sees a mon
wrapped up by her own leathery appendages, with her ass exposed to the door* W-what the hell,
Angie?! O O"
"[Angie] *giggles* Dont worry about her. TeslaJellymon just couldn't last against me is all uo"
"Anyways..What happened out today?"
"[Angie] Hmmmmmm- Oh! Wes and Cammy were able to take on a group of pretty strong Digis.
They let my FlameWizardmon die though. e e"
"Who else got taken out?"
"[Angie] It looks like no one else was out. I remember one of Cammy's mons losing an arm. But
yeah, we took out four mons. *gives TeslaJellymon's ass a big slap* Just like that! ^w^"
"[TeslaJellymon] EEEEK! H-hey! Not so rough back there! TToTT"
"I see then..Well..I got a favor for ya."
"[Angie] Oooooo a sexual one? ewe"
"Eeeeeeh it's...Ok look, I need you have this fake Renamon."
"[Angie] Oh a Renamon? Should be no prob-!"
"In your body."
"[Angie]...What now?"
"She's been in my body for a while and it's been driving me nuts..So please, I need you to have her
in your's."
"[Angie] I gotcha then. How good is she anyway?"
"See...She's a bit...Too good. It's just that she's..Unpredictable...And crazy."
"[Angie] Oooooo~ She sounds just like the right mon I need! Gimme gimme gimme! OuO"
"Ok hold on. *closes my eyes*...Come out...Now!"
"[NaitoRenamon] *phases out of my body, falls over on both knees, and looks up at Angie*
Hehehehe, I like where this is going. ewe"
"[Angie] Oooh she's just so cute! I gotta keep this naughty thing! ✧u✧"
"[NaitoRenamon] Im not all that experienced with girls, but you gotta start somewhere, right?
*cuffs tits upwards at her* You like these too? owo"
"[Angie] Uh huh, uh huh! They're so big! Lemme squeeze 'em! OuO"
"Ok you two, I only came to drop her off and have her inside you."
"[NaitoRenamon] Have me inside her? Ooohoo now look who's trying to be naughty. W
*sees my face taken by anger with a strong scowl, then sees the tied up TeslaJellymon with her ass
out, who looks back with a shocked face* Sure you dont want a show? ō wō"
"YES IM SURE DAMMIT! Now get the hell into her body so I can leave!"
"[NaitoRenamon] Hmm lemme see then! *tries to go into her body and phases through her* Uh
"Try to actually keep her in, Angie! ō ō"
"[Angie] Fine fine, cmon Naity."
"[NaitoRenamon] Ooo I like that one. ^w^"
"[Angie] I do too ouo *sees me staring impatiently* Uh anyways Im ready. *has her phase inside
body, closes eyes*...Alright she's in!...*giggles* I wonder what she's like inside too ewe"
"I'll leave that up to you to find out. Im outta here - .-"
"[Angie] *sees me go downstairs* Hmmmm..*has her come in and out of body, and looks back at
TeslaJellymon* You thinkin' what Im thinkin'?"
"[NaitoRenamon] That she looks a bit scrumptious, yeah. -w-"
"[Angie] Just wait and see..I got a cam and an extra strap-on with our names written on it~ OuO"
she told her and they were preparing to do something veeeeery bad to their victim. Unknown to me
of course, but I knew it wasn't something good that was gonna happen. "Ok Renny, it looks like it
was successful. That's one problem outta my life. And yeah Angie fell in love with her but I dont
care, so let's head back. Now - -" I told her, "So soon?" Renamon asked, "Hmm..Well I just wanna
get outta here before I hear alot of wild noises upstairs" I replied, "O-oh I see oxo. Let's go then,
Human" Renamon said, exiting with Luciel seeing us out the door as we waved her goodbye. In no
time, she hears alot of moaning and bumping from upstairs and charges upwards to stop the
Meanwhile in the DarkDigiworld, Strabimon was strolling through the lands and came across a
short, silver-cladded dragon Digimon with a big torn cape [Hackmon]. "*looks at his scarf*
You..That came from my cape. I guess fate drew us like this" Hackmon said to him, "I guess
too...We're trying to gather a group together. Of non-DarkDigimon. To make sure the normal ones
don't die out" Strabimon told him, "I was doing something like that myself. There've been more
normal ones for some reason. It might be your doing but I dunno. *looks at the top of a mountain*
If you want me to join, then prove your strength to me and we battle on top of there" he told him,
"..Fine. (He's survived a while like me, so he should be really strong too..) Just dont die when we
fight" Strabimon told him, "Hmph. Same to you" he replied, running alongside him to the
mountain as Strabimon's team followed. "So this is the little brother he told me of. No
matter..Though this Human he also mentioned...I should do much better if Leviamon joined me
when confronting the Human's team" Daemon says to himself after watching from above and flies
to the seas, searching for Leviamon.

Aaaaand cut! How'll the next chapter be? You'll have to see! Thanx for reading this all the way!
Dont miss out now!
Spirit of Rulers. Strabimon's Guardian and The Beloved Turmoil

Chapter 16: Spirit of Rulers. Strabimon's Guardian and The Beloved Turmoil

Atop a sliced mountain, there stood Strabimon and Hackmon, who had his cape flare open with the
gusts, so wide that one couldn't see behind him. BlackGatomon and Lopmon sat on trees that grew
out of the mountain, serving as a sort spectator's platform. "Have you defeated any Ultimates yet?"
Hackmon asked him, "Maybe two...You?" Strabimon asked back, "Same...It is strange how similar
we seem" he comments, "If you ask me...We couldn't be any more different..Just try not to die.."
Strabimon told him, "C-can...Can Strabimon Digivolve on his own?" Lopmon asked, "...Maybe.
But that piece of his cape that Strabimon has..It's bigger than most of Hackmon's. Even if
Strabimon can do it, he should be really careful" BlackGatomon comments with a stern face. After
another moment of staring, Strabimon seemingly disappears after a light movement, making
Hackmon dash backwards. "Light Nail" Hackmon heard and with an eye closed, he bites down on
Strabimon's glowing arm, redirecting his claws into the ground in a swift motion to everyone's
surprise. "B-but! Strabimon's so fast with that! Is this Hackmon that experienced?! *sees a sharp
tooth drop to behind Strabimon* (He was able to get a tooth...?)" BlackGatomon reacts, "*mouth
bleeds while holding his arm as he grunts* (Daaah! He angled his strike to where he scratched my
mouth and a back-tooth was struck out. If only I timed better..) Pepper Breath!" Hackmon shouts,
blasting Strabimon away with a fiery burst from his mouth, burning Strabimon's arm in the
process. "You took a big hit there. Try not to get hurt like that again" Hackmon told him "*holds
bleeding arm, lets it go after a moment* This pain..It's just ordinary at this point..(He's used to my
speed already..I'll need a way to get to his vitals. Im not letting him kill me) *runs forward* Light
Nail. *makes arms glow brightly, forcing him to shut his eyes*, winds up a strike with the better
arm* (If I can make him just..!)" Strabimon was shortly thinking, "(About..NOW!) *lunges
forward, biting him on the shoulder* (Im sorry, kid. You'll have to do better than-)
GYAAAAAGH!!" Hackmon shouted before collapsing on the ground right after Strabimon's fist
slammed together on Hackman's head, his Light Nail still active, and he kicks him away before
stumbling on his ass due to still feeling the big bite. "(Go I see! He got hit on purpose to make sure
he countered with a move. Good thinking)" BlackGatmon pieced together in her head. Using his
Light Leg again, he circled around Hackmon, and when Strabimon went in for an attack, he slid in
front of him, blowing alot of dirty in his face, making him shake his face while closing his eyes, "
(Now!) *runs at him and front flips over him, then throws both down at him, but both arms get bit
together by him, some blood splatters in an eye, closes it* Drrgh! *kicks his head away before he
shot his Pepper Breath again, making him shoot it far right, then stomps down on him, a big plumb
of dirt raising upon impact, cracking his head's armor, making him let go of arms from his jaws;
pants* I gotta..Admit..You're pretty tough..For a..*hears a drilling noise* Hmm?!" Strabimon
reacts, "Teen Ram! *drills rotating tail into Strabimon's back, making that spot pop with a burst of
blood and he rolls away, quickly finding himself holding his back as he stares while growling, bent
over with one of his arms to the ground to support him* This is what happens when you let up!
*runs into him* Fifth Rush!" Hackmon shouts, "(Dammit...! He missed my spine but..The next
time I put him at a disadvantage, I have to finish him there..) *digs claw into back wound, starts
wincing hard* (Even if I end up killing him!) *splatters a row of blood from a wave of blood-
soaked claw across his face when he got close, blinding him and making him stagger once again*
(Light Leg!) *zips into him, gives him a hard upward kick in the gut into the air, then jabs into his
stomach with both claws several times before holding him up with a hand as his blood from his
wound falls between fingers, dripping on hair; hears a drilling noise again* I dont think so! *feels
it stab a bit into lower rib then holds it into armpit, using arm muscles to keep it from spinning,
taking some scratch wounds there* It's over..You've proved enough..I did too" Strabimon told him,
"Strabi! Watch out!" BlackGatomon warned him, "Huh? *bats head upwards, seeing him glow* He
isn't..!" Strabimon said to himself, "(You really aren't bad at all, kid..But...! Let's see you handle
this!) Hackmon Digivolve To..!!! *cape grows much bigger along with body, and body armor
looks sharper and refined; presses down on Strabimon's face into the ground with a claw from
above* BaoHackmon!" he shouts, putting his two allies in awe. "*looks back at them* This is the
Digimon you all wanted to follow? He wouldn't last another day at this point! If he can't take me
down as he is now, then I will not join him!" BaoHackmon told them, "You...Lousy...!! *sees him
look down for a split-second* BASTARD!! *rapidly does many kicks into his leg, making it bend
outward in no time, scurries through under his legs quickly* Dont you DARE change your mind on
me while Im down! Not like that! Im going to be the next Ruler after my dad! *sees his brows flare
up* I'll Digivolve if I have to..But..*points to his busted leg* You're going to die if I do so...Please,
don't be foolish and throw it all away like this.." Strabimon tries to convince, "*looks down, seeing
it start to bleed* Hmph..(I hate to admit it..) Ok kid. You win. You have my honor. Let me lead
you to a resting area I know of. *reverts to Hackmon form* Now..Do you mind telling me about
this father of your's on the way?" he asked, "...*starts smiling* Gladly" Strabimon replied,
following him, along with his two allies after hopping off of the mountain-bound branch.
In front of a tree, in the real world, sparkles of light moved about on my face and Renny's head
through the leaves on this wonderful morrow, shinning down upon us. She strokes my head and
has a smile on her face for a moment before looking into the skies. "(Is he truly at inner peace?
Though things may seem good for now, I cannot help but feel this is the calm before the storm. For
both the Human world and the Digiworld even. All of the wanted children are undergoing training
and the Digiworld itself is clearing up. However when I think of how to take on the rest of the 4
Rulers, my mind draws blanks. Is there something I lack in myself?)" Renamon mentally reflects to
herself. Her mind returns to easiness when she looks down at me again. She realizes that this is a
growing feeling, and feels less foreign by the day. Fear of it being an afterthought at this point. An
hour passes of this relaxation before I wake up, stretching my arms upward. "*yawns, looks up to
Renamon as she gives a happier smile* Renny...I love you so much..I love that smile of your's too.
You're a bit happier than usual too ^ ^" I comment to her, "Likewise, Human. I am rather proud of
both of our great achievements thus far. Any Digimon would laugh at the thought of a Human
facing them with any group he has mustered, but here we are UuU" Renamon tells me, "Let alone
one that's been constantly trained really hard with one for a while, then is in a loving relationship
with her. It's a dream come true yknow ouo. Even moreso with that fake out of our lives" I replied,
"Speaking of training, there's this special training I wanted us to do for some time now, but we
were bothered with dealing with Digiworld activities" she says, "Well before we do that..I wanna
talk to Wes and maybe Camil for a bit. To see if things've went down. OH and let dad know that I
pretty much got rid of that fake too. Kinda wanna see what he says" I plot to her, "Then once we
return, I'll let you, Bastemon, Minervamon and the kids go hunting to sharpen their skills" she plots
back to me, "Ooooooo I really like that idea. Either I do all the killing or they do. Am I that easy
for you to see through? eue" I ask, "Maybe. You tend to anyway UuU" Renamon replied a bit
jokingly, squeezing a giggle from me before I shook hands with her.
The two of us hopped from building to building, mostly unseen, to Wes' place. We've seen that a
familiar car drove away from there by the time we got there and one of his parent's cars drove
away as well when we landed on his roof. A bit strange. I'll be sure to ask about that. The two of us
landed in front of his door. Once we stood up straight, Wes starts opening the door.
"[Wes] I heard both of you drop like that."
"[Renamon] You must've heard him. My steps should be undetectable to Humans > X>"
"Your spirits seem to be much better than last time I visited. Got rid of any of those Syndicate
"[Wes] Yeah. Me, Ang' and even Camil helped out taking this one guy out, along with his team."
"[Renamon] Any casualties on your end?"
"[Wes] Not the worst. Only lost one of Angie's. Toughest guy was Done Devimon. If it weren't for
Vlitramon, I dunno how we would've made it. Aero V-dramon barely made out alive. Speaking of
Ang', she kept one as...'Her Souvenir'.."
"Y-yeah..I saw..."
"[Wes] What were you doing at her place?"
"Giving this fakermon to her."
"[Wes] W-wha-! Why would you do that?!"
"Look, just lemme know if anything goes down with that. As of now, my team count's reaching 8.
One or two should be more than enough. So Camil did well at that time too?"
"[Wes] Yeah, she has a Zephyrmon and a Lady Devimon. One of 'em lost an arm though, and that
really traumatized her. She's still dealing with it...Anyway Camil still had a hang on both of them."
"As long as they're breathin'."
"[Wes] Speaking of her...She told me how Angie was part of the Syndicate too."
"(Wait she was?! If only I knew that beforehand!)"
"[Wes] That's why your dad came to my place before her's. I had to tell him..I just hope he doesnt
throw her in the slammer for it."
"[Renamon] She seems a bit too fond of someone in that room of her's. You should pray they do
not arrest her for that too. ~x~"
"Anything can happen with that so we'll see. If she was smart, she'd tell 'em about the last three
members that're still out there. You still aint got any hints about 'em, right?"
"[Wes] Nah. Not so far. They're bound to pop up at any time."
"Heh. Hopefully for them, they won't while Im here! @u@"
"[Wes] (I'll say....~n~) S-so...How's this 3rd kid of your's?"
"Oh she's doing real good. Aside from the whole 'blind' thing, even if she says she can still see us."
"[Wes] (W-what now? o O)"
"[Renamon] Her...Other senses are extremely heightened. She was made by me and seems to retain
a great deal of my knowledge and intellect. She developed alot while even in my womb. She's
showing to be quite promising in combat too."
"[Wes] (I would ask how that works but.....This is unbelievable as is) R-really? O-ok then..Ahem.
That sounds like alot of progress to me."
"You bet. Well we won't keep ya. I got a dad to meet. Let's go, Renamon."
"[Wes] *sees her nod and leave with me before leaping off with me in her grasp* (He's been really
saying her name more often..Makes me wonder how he'll exactly be after all this)" he thinks to
himself before shutting the door. Zipping past his Missimon, we land in front of my house in no
time. However...When took a step forward, I got cold feet.. "Renny..*turns to her* How...How's he
gonna take it when...When I tell him about the kids?..What I've done with them...Or all the killing
I've been doing?" I lowly asked her, "Human. *gets her attention* Your father was not part of your
plan to be the Digiworld's Ruler. Understand that this takes priority. You've seen how bad the
world was faced with this Darkness and it affected your world" Renamon told me, "But..." I lowly
reply, "Human. You want to include him in your life, but know that..If you tell him, it is ok. If you
do not, that is fine too. Just know that he's not the type to understand things like your conquest and
these urges to kill. You chose this path, and this is what comes with it. *sees me stay silent* Do
you regret this decision of your's?" she asks, ".....No..Because...I know Im giving it my all for a
better future. For this world, and the Digiworld..But above all else...For you, Renny. *notices a
blush on her face* So...After all this is done...We'll tell him that Im moving on for good. With
you" I declared, ".....Well put, Human. I doubt not that decision..U U" Renamon agreed, "I think
we're good here. *sees his car coming this way from down the street* Heh, silly me. I forgot he
didnt come home yet. Well whatever. Let's go" I told her and I beam us back to The Base with my
Me and Renny arrive, seeing even Crescemon practicing against Morphomon as she dodges her
arrows and swings from her crescent-bladed spear. Aegiomon was practicing against Ranamon and
Bastemon at the same time; Both sharpening the quickness of his attacks with the help of
Ranamon's water whips around his limbs to guide him. Though we stepped forward with smiles on
our faces, they all stopped when they see us.
"[Bastemon] Welcome back, you two! We're doing great over here!"
"[Aegiomon] ...You can let go now. *feels the whips release; collapses while gasping for more
air* Can't...Breathe...Need...Food..xqx"
"[Crescemon] Are you happy to have a pig of a son? He gets tired too easily. uVu"
"He'll get it eventually. You guys seem to be doing good with him so far. Getting his stamina up
won't be too hard."
"[Renamon] Bastemon, you, him and the kids will be going on a hunt, to ensure the little ones can
do much more difficult fights, or even be able to digivolve."
"[Crescemon] Your daughter here has been glowing recently, so she's very close. Maybe absorbing
a Digimon or two will do the trick."
"Ok but before that, me and her are gonna do some special training...Fooor..?"
"[Renamon] 4 hours."
"3- Wait 4 hours??"
"[Renamon] I say you need that much time for this. Hope you weren't expecting a few minutes. -x-
"Of course not...Just...Well ok team. Have at it."
"[Renamon] I know you're there, Cutemon."
"[Cutemon] ! *comes from behind a hay pile, flies to her* H-hey...What do yo- *gets yanked in by
her* WHOA! O O"
"[Renamon] *whispers* Do you have a big, dark room for us?"
"[Cutemon] *whispers back* Yeah I can...Set up a Dark Farm for you two. Whatcha need it fo-
*feels her squeezing neck tightly* Right right, it'll take no time, just wait in the center area ^ ^;;;;"
"Let's go, Renny. You can talk to her later."
"[Renamon] *lets her go and she zips away* Ah yes, Coming, my dear Human. UwU" she replied
before walking to me before we go to the center plaza area of The Base. Cutemon went to a
building that was to the far left of us and Gatomon continued to look into the monitor while
Calumon was asleep next to her. A group of Digis with various materials went into a portal that
was outside the building. "*flies to us* Give 'em a few, ok? They're making sure the place is nice
and- *sees Renamon's angered stare* And-and- They'll be done in no time, yeah ^ ^;" Cutemon
said nervously, though delayed I gave her a nod before she flies to look at the monitor with
Gatomon. "Makes me wish we did this sooner" Renamon comments, "Yeah. Hey, you two see
anything going on out there?" I asked them, "...Ask us later. This one suspicious area is really hard
to see and a situation seems to be happening. We gotta wait for it to play out" Gatomon told us,
"Way to make me curious" I reply, "*runs up to me, yanks on my pants* We're done, future Ruler.
You may enter now" a worker Agumon told me, "Good. Let's get going" I said, having me and
Renamon head to the warp panel the working mons used. Once we entered, everything was pitch-
black. "*heart races slightly* R-renamon..What's the plan he- *feels something tossed into my
chest; is pushed from it, followed by it's rocky thud* Huh? What was...?" I react, "You'll be doing
some lengthy training in this darkness. If I feel as if your mind is slipping, I will force you to
handle it. Through physical means" Renamon premised, "Heh...*holds an arm, digging nails into it,
with a bit of blood coldly dripping on a finger* I feel like that may happen...A bit often @ @" I
said with a slightly crazed tone, "At least dont forget how Im here. Begin!" Renamon ordered me
and I started with 120 push-ups.
In a Dark Area that was found underwater, there lie two Rulers inside it, scheming and talking
amongst themselves. "A mere Human did WHAT now?" Leviamon asked, "Yes, I was told that
with his team, he was able to kill three of our Rulers" Daemon informed him, "Impossible! The
Dark Areas should be inaccessible, and even then, we Rulers are far too great to deal with. Against
any sort of number of Digimon, in fact!" Leviamon replied, "Relax, Leviamon. That is why I've
come to you. To form a pact to ensure our victory and perpetuate our long-lasting grip upon the
Digiworld" Daemon proposes, "Hmmmmm yes, that may be needed here...But I have an even
better idea...!" Leviamon said to him. Intrigued, Daemon talked with him further, growing fond of
the ideas they were sharing.
Night was falling in the Digiworld, seemingly returning it's former darkness to the lands. This
extended over to large river, separated by an area of ground, leading to a cave. Stationed in front of
it was Hackmon, who kept guard, still recovering from his wounds. "*hears footsteps, looks
behind, seeing Lopmon approaching* I thought I was standing guard out here" Hackmon said to
her, "Those two're...Making things tense in there. I rather not interfere with their issues. It feels
safer being close to you anyway.." Lopmon told him, "*looks back* Is that so? *returns gaze
forward, then turns into BaoHackmon* Let me make sure I can protect you" he told her, causing
her to nod and sit close to her. Inside the spacious cave that was glowing with light-emitting
mushrooms, Strabimon stares away from BlackGatomon, who had a more frustrated look on her
face, turned away from him as well. The two thought over their actions all the same.
"......G...Gato, I-"
"It's about...That..Isn't it?...The Brigade.."
"I cant believe I ever trusted you...Because of you, I lost the place that was meant for me!
Gaogamon might as well be dead like everyone else!"
"...*gets up, walks to her and puts a hand on her shoulder; sees her smack it away then pins her to
ground with both hands to her surprise* I know saying sorry won't bring them back...But acting
difficult and stubborn won't either!"
"! Eeeergh!! What do you want from me?! You know you'll never make it up to me now get off!"
"I tried to kill them all but think about it! If they were all taken out by me, what makes you think
they could handle a Ruler?! You saw what happened against my brother, Lucemon!"
"! *kicks Strabimon off* How the hell could HE be your brother?! That makes no sense!"
"Dad...*turns to her while getting up* Him...And this Dark Renamon made many
children..Digimon children..Im the only good one out of them..."
"But! But..! *drops to knees, falls on paws* Nothing makes sense! How can you be related to a
Human and a Ruler of all things?! Then you tried so hard to kill my group! Why would you even
think of doing something like-"
"Power...*sees her pause with a confused stare* I...Was dropped into the Digiworld by Dad..*holds
an arm* I had an urge..To not only take lives..But to absorb other Digimon. To survive, you have to
become stronger and stronger..Just so you dont get killed. That is what this Digiworld
"Yeah but.."
"If I had all of their data..I could become alot more powerful. I can be that much closer to
becoming what Dad wants me to be."
"So you're...Living to see your Dad? The Human?"
"Yeah...*looks up* I believe in him and his team just as you did with your Brigade. I know he's
taking the Ruler's lives, one by one. I want to help him with that..But I have to keep growing and
living to do so. *looks to her* Can you see now? It's all for the good of the Digiworld."
"Wouldn't...But wouldn't I have been easy for you to kill?! Why didnt you come after me first?!
Why did you save me out of everyone else?!"
"*walks to her again, gets a scratch on the cheek from her; stops, rubs the mark with a wrist, giving
a tender look* You're the only one...I...Felt special about..*sees her awe-struck expression* You
wanted me to join your group, but..I know for a fact that you felt the same. I dont think you can
help how much you want to know about me..How much you..Just care about me.."
"You..You felt that from me..?"
"I kinda couldn't help it..And..I miss how excited you were to see me...It makes me regret deciding
to take so much from you..Maybe we could've had a much happier life together if I didnt...*sees
her look down; kneels and hugs her* Gato..It's not too late.."
"It's just...So much changed.."
"I have to start somewhere..Let me do this for you. It's the least I can do.. *holds her cheeks with a
hand, making eye contact* Since...I love you.."
"W-what?! What do you- oxo *gets kissed on the lips by him, arms wrap around his neck, unlocks
lips from him* S-strabi.."
"Gato...When we met..It was the greatest moment I ever had..Im really drawn..To you.."
"I...Yeah..Me too.."
"And you were right.."
"I...I am a Digimon..Humans...Just wouldn't be able to survive as long as I have on my own..Or be
able to absorb data...Or Digivolve like I have. So in a way...It feels it should be this way."
".....It's..Very rough...But it does feel that way..So if you dont mind..Distract me...Help me...Feel
special with you.."
"But you're already special to me, Gato. That means something, right..?"
"W-well..M-make me actually feel it to mean something then! ///~//"
"...Ok..If that's what you want.." Strabimon complies, kissing her some more, which she more than
welcomed as he continued while she was on her back and he was above. This shortly turned into
their blissful, warming embrace. They found themselves in a rocking motion, immersing her into it
as she lets out pleasuring gasps for a moment before stopping him. "S-strabi, wait. *has him stop
with a paw, and sees his frown* Are we...Really gonna do this?" BlackGatomon asked, "Do..Do
what?" he responds, "H-how do you not know? We...We were about to Mate with each other" she
tells him, "Oh...How do I do that?" he asked again, "Well...How do I put it..You- *looks down at
him* Umm..W-where is it..?" she questioned back, "Was..Was there supposed to be something
down there?" Strabimon replied, "....*tears up* I...I cant do this!! TOT" BlackGatomon shouts,
running away while covering her face, "What...What did she mean..? I hope...Whatever Im missing
doesnt come between us....*punches a big depression into the near wall, leaving the fist bleeding*
DAMMIT!!" Strabimon suddenly bursted with, dropping to his knees, bringing him to tears.
BlackGatomon weeps as she was deep into the cave. Time passed for her, for what felt like an
eternity, and eventually she rose her head, staring into the abyss. "Was I...Meant to be alone...?
Without Gaogamon...Without..Him..Im just...Nothing...Just data...Nothing but code....." she
lamented to herself. The seeds of despair were growing inside her, as did something else. She heard
footsteps but she cared not. At least until the person got within a foot from her. "You were...That
BlackGatomon, were you?" asked the voice, "Yes, but..It doesnt matter" replied Lady Devimon,
".....Come with me" he told her, "...Do what you like with me" she complied, coming along with
her, back to the lit up entrance area of the cave.
Upon seeing once again, the two were surprised at what they saw. At this moment, Lobomon and
Lady Devimon locked eyes. "*touches his face in awe* It...It is you. You came back..For me?" she
reacts, "I would've dragged you out if I had to..I cant leave without you" Lobomon told her, "But
we...That moment we shared...We cant.." she was trying to say, "We can. I know what you meant
now" he told her, "! You have it? Now you do? *opens his pants, seeing his penis* So you found
out?....Im sorry..I had no idea was all" she replied, "*holds her head to chest* Im the one who
should be saying sorry...I was trying to take everything from you..Now it's time to give you
everything.." Lobomon lowly spoke to her, starting to kiss and lock lips with her. She soon pushed
away, taken in by his strong yet gentle presence, "Hold still.." Lady Devimon said breathily,
pressing her breasts against his chest then undoing his belt buckle. Looking a bit shy, a hint of
blush was becoming noticeable on him, then she used her teeth to drop his pants and underwear,
starting to rub his throbbing cock on her face. "Mmmmmm~ You really do like me, don't you?
Let's see how long you last eu<" Lady Devimon said to him, wolfing down his schlong in seconds,
pushing his dick further and further down her esophagus, "T-too deep..! L-lady Devimon! ///q///"
Lobomon was telling her, "*takes his whole cock out, holding it in a hand like a hotdog, slowly
strocking* Hmmhmmhmmmm~ What is it, Loby? Am I making you feel too good? You'll never
become the big bad Digi you wanna be if you cant handle this~ ///u//" she was teasing him,
"....K...Keep..Going..." he replied, "Good boooy~" she said back before returning to give him some
more of her surprisingly good oral service. Proving her sexual prowess, she sucked on him faster
and faster, pre-cum dripping all over her mouth and down her chin, "Mmmmm~ G-gyuuugh~
Muuuuh~ Mmmmm- MMM! (He's trobbing and rattling in my mouth! Now's my chance!) *starts
tugging at his balls with one hand then pinching underneath his shaft with two fingers* Cmoooon
Loby~ I know you have alot in there~" she said teasingly before bitting his shaft then a bit harder
on the tip, "(She..She's r-really good! I cant...! Hold it! #q#) S-something's coming! I cant control
it! >//o" Lobomon warns her, and she gets a big burst of his cum explode in her mouth, covering
across her face in white, sticky oozes. "*rubs the jizz down her face between her fingers in bliss,
enjoying the liquid's warmth* Mmmmmmmmm~ It's sooo good, Loby~ *opens eyes, seeing his
legs quaking, and seeing how he's still hard down there; giggles* Your knees're a little weak..*gets
on back, spread legs to him, both knees apart* Let's see you do well on top of me~ eue" she was
telling him. A bit hesitant, he realizes how his knees were gonna give out so he went with her offer,
kneeling and getting on top of her. She had hand behind his back then align his cum-drenched dick
to her pussy. Even though leather was blocking the way, his cock was strong enough to breach
through it, once the head was locked in, she started moaning with him and her mind went blurry.
Once she came to, she noticed that he was a Strabimon and she was a BlackGatomon again, still
holding him like before. "(I..Get it now...He has to be Lobomon for this..) *feels him rattle inside
again, holds him tighter with both hands and feet go in the air* S-strabi! You're about to cum!
>o<" she eestatically said out loud, continuing to get banged down by him, "G-gyaaaah~ G-
gatooo~ G-get ready cuz I cant hold this either! ///Q//!!" Strabimon warned her, "S-strabi~! Not y-
yet! Not-! *gets spewed and pumped into by him* Mmeee-MEEEWWWWWWW~~~~~! >Q<"
she moaned out loud as Strabimon was stiffly unloading into her with his pelvis extended outward
until he cant pump anymore semen. He found himself exhausted above her, his hands stretched out
over her, but resting in her paws. They shared a loving gaze at each other, feeling completeness as
his white fluids leak onto the ground, drenching around their private areas. As their sexual high
was wearing off, Lopmon scurries away before being caught, possessing a blush that BaoHackmon
noticed but he looked away, minding his business about it. "Gato...I...Loved every second of that.."
Strabimon told her, "Me too, Strabi..I feel...Really satisfied with it..Kinda too bad you cant have
babies with me..You're too young -w-;" she replied, "Am I...Well, at least I can focus more on
protecting you..I dont...Think I can ever make up for what happened that day...But take this as me
repaying you..///u//" he told her with a faint smile, "*giggles* I guess. You're so..Unusual, Strabi..I
love that about you uwu" she replied and they snuggled in each other's embrace, heads against one
another. Though, a thought crossed his mind. If he has to absorb all of his team's data to overpower
a might foe, to survive and come out of the fight alive. Before he could think further about,
Strabimon sleeps with his beloved BlackGatomon.
Meanwhile in a much darker place of my own, I find myself hand-standing on my the side of my
thumb and index finger with a balled-up hand, balancing myself with 50 pound weights in the pit
behind my tucked in legs, alot of sweating pouring from my head to the ground. "*is hand-standing
with two fingers with me* You're so rusty, Human. You go a few days without training and look at
you struggling to keep up! I can feel you trembling from here oVo;" Renamon shouts at me, "*grits
teeth harder, then smiles* Heh...Heheheheh..! Hahahahahahahaa!! More of my strength is
returning! My body is screaming in pain from the tension! My joints should be bleeding by now
but I can keep going for another hour! @U@;;;;;" I shouted with some Madness setting in, "! (He's
starting to lose some sanity) Human, on your feet this instant!" Renamon ordered, "Heeeeeeeh~...!
No problem! *flings the weight from my legs behind me, and flips back to my feet after pushing
myself upward; cracks neck* Hmmhmmm! I was getting really stiff anyway. What do we have
now, Renners? OAO;;;;" I asked with a bit of a crazed stare, "First of all, you must relax. I am
aware that training was challenging, but let's not get too excited. *sits on knees* We must meditate
before we spar in the dark" Renamon told me, "*holds my head with both hands, dragging my
fingers down forehead with one of them as I stood hunched over, heavily breathing* Heeeeeeeh..!
Heeeeeeeeeeh..! Heeeeeeeeeh....!! Heeeeh...Heeeh.....Heeeh...Ok..I think Im good now.." I assured,
walking over to her. I feel her fingers and paws, finding that she had both hands out, and I sat after
getting a bit closer, our hands holding one another. Within moments I was thrown into this familiar,
inner space of her's, seeing the statues, though they were more defined this time. The red ones gave
her a black helmet and a red tuft of fur on her chest...I get it now...These are her forms. They're
based off of the Rulers! This is Beelzemon's, Barbamon's and now Daemon's outfit she can have
for these forms..Then the colors, she can use different elements in them, hence this red Beelzemon
outfit form. Then this white one..Im only seeing a white Beelzemon form she can have and...What
was it Barbamon said..These're stood on plates...Debug Plates! She has this many of her own
within her? This row of black statues are getting me..They couldn't be...For NotRenamon, could
they...? Then I'd rather keep them this way..Still...I have to tell her. Discovering and piecing this
together, that was when I decided to consciously exit this inner space of her's.
A minute passes and I open my eyes. "You slipped out of my mind. *opens eyes to me* I suppose
you saw something" she surmises, "It's major enough to mention. I wasn't able to understand it for a
while but...It turns out that..These statues that were within you..They're your Debug Plates. You
have alot of them you can use. They...They make you look somewhat similar to the Rulers you
absorbed" I explained to her, "! (Could this be...? And they were Debug Plates?) Spirit Evolution...!
I have multiple..*hears a gasp from me; puts a hand to forehead, feeling the crest on it pulsate
faster* Perhaps..With this crest, I can now go into them" Renamon speculates, "Then..Can you try
a few now?" I asked, "Yes...I should be able to, that is..Spirit Evolve into...! *body morphs and
shifts about, forming Beelzemon's clothing, including his helmet, tail becomes black, metal-like
and sharpened out* BeelRenamon..There" she says, "You..You really Spirit Evolved? You dont
sound any different...I wonder how much stronger you are now..! òuó" I comment, "Care to test it
out? Very well" BeelRenamon played along with me, and we rose up to continue my darkness
training like this.
Aegiomon and Minervamon train by having her practice on her dodges, while Aegiomon himself
tries to get better with his special attacks. Though she might be using Morphomon's sight (who was
a distance away from them) and may get hit at times, her body proved very sturdy against his
tremendous strength. "*sees him miss with his lightning arms, making him fall face-first into the
ground after Minervamon jumps over him* A-aegimon, try not to put your whole body into it,
please! / ,\" Bastemon was trying to advise. The little boymon was getting pretty frustrated upon
getting back up and Morphomon pats his back, while Crescemon shook her head before turning
away. Everyone then heard other footsteps approaching, seeing me and Renamon stepping into the
field in seconds.
"[Morphomon] Father. Mother, is that you too?"
"[Renamon] Yes, little one. We've returned from our special training."
"[Aegiomon] Awwww..I wish I got special training..It sounds more fun than this..~_~"
"Well, let's say it was more fun for me than anyone. Anyways, good news. We found out how
Renamon has Special Spirit Evolutions."
"[Ranamon] W-wait..She has...MULTIPLE SPIRIT EVOLUTIONS?! But how?!!"
"[Renamon] The Human saw many Debug Plates within me..Thusly, I can tap into their power.
How much exactly is still yet to be seen."
"[Crescemon] Hmph. I doubt they make you that much stronger."
"[Renamon] I wouldn't jump to that conclusion if I were you. Perhaps you want to test out their
"[Bastemon] Can you stop picking fights so much, Crescemon? I hate it when you get so.."
"[Renamon] On that thought, Bastemon. I highly doubt that I need them. Crescemon, can you
prove you aren't a coward?"
"[Aegiomon & Ranamon] Ooooooooooooooo~ >3>"
"[Crescemon] D-dont egg me on! What're you getting at, fox girl? -V-"
"[Renamon] You rely on this form far more than anything else, and the only other form you want
to be in is that precious Dianamon of your's. Is there something you're trying to compensate for?"
"[Crescemon] Whatever you mean that, but dont be preposterous! This form does wonders is all. =
"[Renamon] Then I shall pose this. Fight me in your Lekismon form. Do well against me in it, and
I should honor your might with these forms I just learned of."
"[Ranamon] *comes up to her* Whatcha gonna do, Crescy? You gonna chicken out or- U "
"[Crescemon] *pushes her away and sees Aegiomon laughing* Are you trying to humiliate me? I
dont care if we've dealt with all these Rulers, I refuse to take this disrespect!"
"*sees her regress into her Lekismon form* You're actually doing this. Are you sure?"
"[Lekismon] *points to me* And dont you dare try to get in the way, pesky Human!"
"(Well someone's quite different in her previous form..- -)"
"[Renamon] *steps away from her, faces her, puts a foot out along with paws, one being overhead,
slightly bends legs; sees her becoming more frustrated by the second* ......Something the matter?
"[Lekismon] EVERYTHING!! >O<"
"[Renamon] Uh...How so?"
"[Lekismon] I...I dont know any of my moves! >﹏<;"
"[Ranamon] Should I help fight with you?"
"[Bastemon] Me too?"
"[Ranamon] *tries to think* Im not good with any other Digimon's moves. Everyone just knows
their moves instinctively. Maybe this is an anomaly? o3o"
"[Lekismon] Well it's not, ok!?"
"[Bastemon] You have Tear Arrow, the Moon Night Bomb, and the Moon Night Kick. I've fought
a Lekismon before too, so if you want me to explain-"
"[Lekismon] Look! Im fine on my own, so stop distracting me! >M<"
"[Renamon] *stands upright, hands on hips* I suggest that you let them help you. -x-"
"[Lekismon] I suggest that you stay ready over there before I beat you, how 'bout that!? oVo"
"(Why does she gotta act so pathetic? It's so unnatural to watch..) Just go at her, Renny.. > >" I told
her, and Renamon nods, running at her with supersonic speed, kicking her across the face with
folded arms, making her fling into the air from the hit and ice arrows spun out of her back, falling
with her. The others waited for her to get up, a silent setting being held. ".....Is she dead? - ,-"
Morphomon asked, making Aegiomon and Ranamon chuckle together. "*goes to her* H-hey, are
you alrig-" Bastemon tries to ask, "*gets back up* Of course I am! Just get away! *sees her
stepping away with a frown* Better! (Moon Night Kick, eh? I think i know how that works)
*jumps into the air and dives at Renamon with a foot* Moon Night Kick!" she says, "*steps to the
side, slams tail on her back, making her fall like this, making a small crater this way* Maybe you
should fight the Navis instead? =n=" Renamon suggests, "Shut up! *gives Renamon a mule kick
which she pushes away with a hand; scurries away, stands to face her way again* (If I can just..Hit
her once!) *flexes fingers outward, and a bubble is generated on them* ! Another move? (This
must be...It has to be!) Moon Night Bomb!" she shouts, throwing her bubbles at Renamon. Her
opponent gets ready to timely dodge them, but they pop in front of her, making Renamon fall to her
knees and was quick to snoring while curled up. "R-renamon! You still have a fight to finish!" I
shouted, "o o...Th-that's what they do? (No time to wonder! I have to attack!) Well too bad!"
Lekismon shouts before dashing at Renamon, who slams Lekismon's head deep in the ground with
a downward swipe of the hand, still asleep. "W-wow! Renamon's really strong for her level! I
always knew but geez! 0 0;" Ranamon reacts, "*sees Lekismon's legs wobble around in the air, and
her head was still planted in the ground* Yeah I think she's out now..._ _;" I comment. It took up to
half an hour for her to regain her consciousness (though i didnt really keep track), and once she did,
she saw how everyone was doing warm-ups. Being the runt of the bunch, she took a deep breath
for this.
"[Lekismon] STOP IGNORING ME!!! >O<"
"[Renamon] oxo! *pushes ears together on head* There's no need to yell like that...! You probably
could've used that as an attack earlier. -x<"
"[Bastemon] *holds ears too* What was that all about, Lekismon? /o o\"
"[Lekismon] Well...Well! I just hate being ignored... "
"[Renamon] This Lekismon form of your's is rather weak. It's higher than mine by default, so it has
good potential to grow."
"Yeah what we saw was really sad to watch. Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to get rid of anyone
you see as dead weight anymore. Just so you can possibly redeem yourself, I'll have you lead me,
Basty the kids and Minervamon."
"[Bastemon] Y-yeah. I'd say that'd be for the best. Maybe it'll help sharpen her mind too."
"[Lekismon] What's that supposed to mean?! oVo"
"[Bastemon] P-please, I dont wanna accidentally hurt you! o. <"
"[Lekismon] Wha- IM NOT THAT WEAK, DAMMIT! I'll face you after we're done with this
"(Ugh, dont you start..- -)"
"[Renamon] *whispers to me* Maybe we should have you arrive some time later. It'd help them
grow further...And give you and me some more..Private time..e we"
"*whispers back* Ooooo I really like how you think, Renny -u- *turns to them* Ok everyone,
slight change of plans."
"[Morphomon, Bastemon, Aegiomon, Minervamon and Lekismon] W-wait hu-"
"[Ranamon] *sees me beam them into the DarkDigiworld, then I shortly beam myself back in
seconds*......Oh you're pretty cruel, you know that? >,>;"
"Aint gotta tell me. *sees Calumon flying towards me* Just the guy I wanted to see."
"[Calumon] This...Team you sent to the Digiworld..You left them down there, yknow. ~,~"
"I know. It was on purpose."
"[Calumon] Well are you gonna save 'em or...?"
"I'll come down to help 'em later. Just let me know if you run into major trouble through the
monitor, ok? I'll be up here to rest for a bit."
"[Calumon] Sure I can see 'em just fine. *flies away* Dont be too busy having sex with Renny, k?"
"[Me and Renamon] O O! (He- He really is very smart! ///~//)"
"[Ranamon] *giggles* Hope someone doesnt fill them in on the details~ U "
"Then you and Bastemon watch with the Navis for the time being. That's an order. - -"
"[Ranamon] *sighs, walks away* Fine. I want their thoughts on the songs I've written down so far."
"*sees her walk all the way out of the field* Shall we, Renny?"
"[Renamon] Yes, we shall, little Human."
"I won't be little real soon eue" I replied, walking into the barn with her as our arms hook around
one another's, and she slightly leans on me. Once inside, she pushes me against a patch of hay, then
stomps her big ass on my pelvis, and swirls it around on me. "*giggles* You seem to be quite
rather fond of my rump, Human. Any particular reason? ewe" Renamon asked, "It's just so
heavy...*sees her rub it up and down on me, reaching up to my stomach* And fat..And a bit
hard...It's so perfect, Renny...Just like the rest of you...///q// Uh y-you sure it's ok for them to be left
alone like that? You..Kinda never get this frisky too, so.." I asked, "I feel like it's been a while
since we've had our quality fun is all..And I want to give you a small reward for your progress..Yes
they're on their own, but we'll attempt to keep it short~. Remember we have the Navis to keep track
of them" Renamon answered, "(More like Big reward..Her ass gets me every time...Just like
everywhere else -q-) W-we'll begin...If you call me your Human-Honey..> w> *sees her give low-
browed glare, then I get caved deep into the hay by her surprisingly powerful booty* F-fine, Im
sorry, we can start, we can start! #o#" I said a bit frantically, "*raises me out of the pile with tail's
strength, standing straight up* We're still working on our little nicknames, Human -x-" Renamon
told me, "O-oh that's right..*stares at her big ass a bit and boner grows* Ummm..You..Kinda still
need to work on your oral skills..On me" I suggest, "Hmm, even though we've practiced it here and
there, I suppose it is a skill I can brush up on" Renamon complies, "I miss it so much,
Renamon..Im looking forward.." I told her, "*kneels in front of me* And I rather you call me
Renny for these times. Saying my real name feels...Untimely" she told me back and I affirmably
nod. It was then that Rena- I mean, Renny was jerking me for one moment then was swirling her
tongue all over my tip and shaft, slightly more enthused than the last times. I felt her fangs a few
times and I placed my hand on her head, "D-dont cut me up down there, Renny..I'll press if I feel
more of them - -;" I told her, "Of course..My apologies, Human..I'll think of something. Now
then..*continues to suck on me some more, using lips more often, hearing me moan*
Mmmm..Mmmmph..(So good, Human..) *tries to deepthroat and quickly feels my fingers pressing
down, takes lips off* H-human?" she asked, "*gasps for a few breaths* Just..Open your mouth
wider.." I suggest, "Hmm..I know. *gets my attention then jerks me for a bit* Human...I want you
to...Fuck my mouth e,e" Renny told me a bit erotically, giving me a beautiful, alluring and
pleading gaze, "Yes..I'd love to, Renny..*stands up, puts a hand behind her head* Now keep it all
the way open..*goes it slightly, an orgasm slowly hits me as she squints, stops; holds chest with the
other hand* (R-renny! This feels unbelievably good! I might cum in seconds! >//////o) *thrusts into
Renamon's mouth, balls hitting into her chin each time* R-renny! Y-your- Oh god, your mouth
feels so damn good! >q<" I was saying, "*mouth is fucked more by thrusts from me, and feels me
getting faster* Guah! Guh! Guah! M-mmmph! (He's..Gotten so fast..Even during sex like this. He's
fitting so much too~) *feels my cock start to rattle* (He's about to cum? Already?!) Mmmmm!
MmmMMM! Gyuuuh~! (Cum in my mouth, Human! I want that hot, juicy goodness down my
throat! Aaaaahhh Yeeessss~~ ////q//)" Renny wildly thought, feeling more and more aroused from
assaulting her mouth so much. Once I entered my top speed for a moment, the area was filled with
gagging and swallowing noises, as well as our moans (well, more of mine, anyway) and with one
last thrust into her mouth, her throat was getting pumped more and more with my jizz, making her
roll her eyes back in pleasure. A few of the bursts of sperm getting all over the floor below her
before she tries her best to take it all in before ejecting. I held my head back with my tongue out in
exhaustion with a blurry vision, feeling reeeal satisfied as my half-chubbed cock was streaming
with narrow lines of cum still pouring down my shaft. I then turn my gaze to the entrance, then see
it opening suddenly and was able to see Cutemon behind it, looking really hot under the collar with
her long pause at seeing us, with some drool. "Um...Any reason you're here, Cutemon? > >;;;" I
ask, "C-cutemon? Oxo *turns around, scurries around the hay, covering mouth beforehand* What
is it now!?" Renny asked, "o____o AHEM! Im here to tell you guys that the group's in some
trouble! I wasn't trying to stare or anything! It's just that...I was making sure I saw what I was
seeing..Calumon told me what was happening here before I arrived, but still " Cutemon
starts, "Ahem..*zips back up* So what kinda trouble?" I asked more, "Well umm..Uh- Right! The
gang's having issues fighting off a few strong Champion level DarkDigis and two Perfect level
ones are heading there! You gotta help out!" she tells me, "(I leave them on their own for not even
half an hour, and this happens = =;) Alright, just gimme a few and I'll be ready..Had a Finish, to say
the least.." I told her. She wanted to say something but she knew it'd come off as lewd or make her
desires for me too obvious, so she decides to fly away.
Over at Angie's house, she's with her newly evolved Thetismon, who she was slamming into with
her strap-on, and her cam was behind her to give her viewers a full view of her ass. "Mmmmm~
Mmmm~! My monsters looove how Im plowing into Thety's soft pussy? You guys miss seeing my
ass all over the screen~~? -q-; *hears a ting sound effect, stops* Hmm? A top request? Wait here,
Thety ou< *goes to computer, reading request* Coming over for some extra fun? (Hmmmm he did
drop alot of money with it so...) Alrighty~. You can come over, big boy eue" Angie told the user.
However, behind the screen was someone who was way more than the person let on. Wearing a
creeper's smile and held Camil captive in a chair, tied and blindfolded before leaving. Her two
Digimon were on the search for her for an hour, then they flew to Wes' place, in hopes that they
can find her with his help.

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