Eng - Science Grade 10 UNIT 1

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School: N.

Lut secondary school

Lesson 10
Date: 23.09.2019 Teacher’s name: Yasko D.V.
CLASS: 10 present: 2 absent: -
Theme of the lesson: Grammar focus: Impersonal passive constructions.
Learning objective (s) 10.6.11 - use a variety of reported statements and question forms on
that this lesson is a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics;
contributing to
All learners will be able to: use impersonal passive constructions and
passive for continuity
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives
Some learners will be able to: write her own sentences using an
impersonal passive construction with say, believe or think
 Demonstrate respect to people’s opinions using lexical units of
topic vocabulary
Success criteria  Analyze given feedback; Form opinion and give constructive
answers to feedback
Identify facts and details in extended talks with little support
Lifelong learning.
Value links
Cross curricular links Russian
Stages of the Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Teacher’s notes
lesson planned activities)
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Hello, girls! How
are you?
Grammar Focus
Impersonal passive constructions Безличные пассивные конструкции
The verbs think, believe, say, report, know, expect,
consider, understand etc are used in the following passive patterns in
personal and impersonal constructions.
Active:        People believe that he lied in court.- Люди считают, что он
солгал в суде
Passive:      1. It is believed (that) he lied in court. (impersonal)
                  It + passive + that-clause
                  2. He is believed to  have lied in court.- Считается, что
он солгал в суде. (personal)
                  Subject + passive + to-infinitive

Active:       They expect him to arrive soon.- Они ожидают, что он

скоро прибудет
Passive:     3. It is expected (that) he will arrive soon.- Ожидается,
что он прибудет в ближайшее время (impersonal)
                It + passive + that-clause 
                4. He is expected  to arrive soon.- Ожидается, что он
скоро прибудет. (personal)
                Subject + passive + to-infinitive
Ex.3 Help students as they rewrite sentences in the impersonal passive in two
ways. For the last two items, only one of the constructions is possible.
1 People believe that these figures underestimate the size of the problem.
Люди считают, что эти цифры недооценивают масштаб проблемы
These figures are said to underestimate the size of the problem. It is believed
that figures underestimate the size of the problem.
2 People claim that the trolls are responsible for the most abusive forms
of cyber harassment. Люди утверждают, что тролли несут ответственность
за самые оскорбительные формы кибер-преследования. The trolls are
claimed to be responsible for the
most abusive forms of cyber harassment. It is claimed that the trolls are
responsible for the most abusive forms of cyber harassment.
3 People expect that victims of online harassment will speak out against
their abusers. Люди ожидают, что жертвы онлайн-преследования будут
выступать против своих обидчиков. Victims of online harassment are
expected to speak out against their abusers. It is expected that victims of online
harassment peak out against their abusers.
4 People understand that self-regulation is the best way to control bad
behavior. Люди понимают, что саморегуляция-это лучший способ
контролировать плохое поведение. Self-regulation is understood to be the
best way to control bad behavior. It is understood that self-regulation is the
best way to control bad behavior.
5 People consider “Just ignore it” to be sensible advice to victims of online
harassment. Люди считают, что “просто игнорировать его", чтобы быть
разумным советом для жертв онлайн-преследования. “Just ignore it” is
considered to be sensible advice to victims of online harassment.
6 People have argued that these problems will require a legal solution. Люди
утверждали, что эти проблемы потребуют юридического решения. These
problems are argued to require a legal solution.
Ex. 5 Students rewrite the second clause or sentence using the passive.
1 Although the stalker had been harassing students for weeks, he was not
caught by the police until yesterday.Хотя преследователь преследовал
студентов в течение нескольких недель, он не был пойман полицией до
вчерашнего дня.
2 A full year after the plane disappeared over the Indian Ocean, pieces of
the plane floating 25 miles from shore were seen by the crew of a fishing
boat. Спустя целый год после исчезновения самолета над Индийским
океаном экипаж рыболовецкого судна увидел фрагменты самолета,
плавающие в 25 милях от берега.
3 Coffee is one of Brazil’s most important crops. Most of it is grown by
farmers in the area along the Atlantic coast. Кофе является одной из самых
важных культур в Бразилии. Большая часть его выращивается фермерами
в районе вдоль Атлантического побережья.
4 One week after Congress passed a bill to make cyber harassment illegal,
it was signed by president into law. Через неделю после того, как конгресс
принял законопроект, чтобы сделать кибер-преследование незаконным,
он был подписан президентом в закон.
5 Polar bears and some other Arctic animals are in danger of extinction.
Their habitat has been drastically reduced by climate change. Белые медведи
и некоторые другие арктические животные находятся под угрозой
исчезновения.Их среда обитания была резко сокращена в результате
изменения климата.
Homework Learn the Grammar rules; ex.4 p.16
Additional Information
Differentiation - how Assessment - how are you planning to check Health and safety
do you plan to give learners` learning? check ICT links
more support?
More support will be -through questioning and the redirecting of -Health promoting
given to weaker learners questioning in feedback activities techniques
by giving them a -through observation in group and end performance -Breaks and
modified worksheets in activities physical activities
some tasks with greater -through formative task used.
support -Points from Safety
rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?
Lesson 11
Date: Teacher’s name:
CLASS: present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Features of a good article

Learning objective (s) 10.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a
that this lesson is growing variety of talk contexts on a growing range of general
contributing to and curricular topics;
All learners will be able to:
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives
Some learners will be able to:
 Identify the main idea in extended talks with little support
Success criteria  Identify details in a text with little support
Interact in a pair, group and a whole class work presenting
Lifelong learning.
Value links
Cross curricular links Kazakh, Russian
Stages of the Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Teacher’s notes
lesson planned activities)
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Hello, boys and
girls! How are you?
A feature article is a creative article that deals with real events, issues, and
trends. However, unlike straight news articles, it places emphasis on the
people involved rather than on the facts of the news. There are seven types
of feature articles described on these pages. NOTE: Most feature articles
have elements of more than one kind.
• This is the most common type of feature article.
• This type typically reports on someone’s success in spite of great odds. •
It may recall a tragic predicament.
• It may share a continuing struggle supported only by hope and faith. THE
• The subject of the article may be famous or not so famous but has done
something of interest to others.
• This type usually shows how a person gained recognition.
• The personality feature is very much like a character sketch.
• The Courier-Journal has a column that publishes reviews of the “best”
products of all kinds.
• This type of article usually includes the writer’s personal experiences
with the product.
• It includes proof and examples that the product is the best of its kind.
• The article includes information about where to get the product and how
much it costs.
• The article usually has a catchy title. THE NEWS FEATURE
• This type of article brings a human-interest focus to breaking news.
• It adds personal involvement to what may otherwise be a distant,
seemingly unimportant event

Additional Information
Differentiation - how do Assessment - how are you planning to check Health and safety
you plan to give more learners` learning? check ICT links
More support will be -through questioning and the redirecting of -Health promoting
given to weaker learners questioning in feedback activities techniques
by giving them a -through observation in group and end performance -Breaks and
modified worksheets in activities physical activities
some tasks with greater -through formative task used.
support -Points from
Safety rules used
at this lesson.
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was
Lesson 12
Date: Teacher’s name:
CLASS: present absent:
Theme of the lesson: Writing an article
Learning objective (s) 10.6.12 - use a variety of comparative degree adverb structures
that this lesson is with regular and irregular adverbs; use a wide variety of pre-
contributing to verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs on a wide range of
familiar general and curricular topics
10.6.13 - use a growing variety of past modal forms including must
have, can’t have, might have to express speculation and deduction
about the past on a wide range of familiar general and curricular
All learners will be able to:
Most learners will be able to use:
FUNCTIONS encouraging someone
GRAMMAR ways of referring to the future (review); future
Lesson objectives continuous; future perfect; past perfect
continuous; past perfect simple vs. past perfect
VOCABULARY phrases to talk about the future; phrasal verbs
Some learners will be able to:
Success criteria
Value links Respect, cooperation and transparency
Cross curricular links Kazakh, Russian
Stages of the Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Teacher’s notes
lesson planned activities)
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Hello, boys and
girls! How are you?
Focus on a model text

Once the students have generated their own ideas, and thought about which
are the most important or relevant, I try to give them the tools to express
those ideas in the most appropriate way. The examination of model texts is
often prominent in product or genre approaches to writing, and will help
raise learners' awareness of the conventions of typical texts of different
genres in English.

I give learners in groups several examples of a genre, and they use a genre
analysis form to identify the features and language they have in common.
This raises their awareness of the features of the genre and gives them some
language 'chunks' they can use in their own writing.

Learners identify the function of different paragraphs in a piece of writing.

For example, in a job application letter, the functions of the paragraphs
might be something like;
reason for writing
how I found out about the job
relevant experience, skills and abilities
closing paragraph asking for an interview

Learners are given an essay with the topic sentences taken out, and put them
back in the right place. This raises their awareness of the organization of the
essay and the importance of topic sentences.

Organizing ideas

Once learners have seen how the ideas are organized in typical examples of
the genre, they can go about organizing their own ideas in a similar way.

Students in groups draft a plan of their work, including how many

paragraphs and the main points of each paragraph. These can then be pinned
up around the room for comment and comparison.

When preparing to write an essay, students group some of the ideas

produced earlier into main and supporting statements.


In a pure process approach, the writer goes through several drafts before
producing a final version. In practical terms, and as part of a general English
course, this is not always possible. Nevertheless, it may be helpful to let
students know beforehand if you are going to ask them to write a second
draft. Those with access to a word processor can then use it, to facilitate the
redrafting process. The writing itself can be done alone, at home or in class,
or collaboratively in pairs or groups.

Peer evaluation

Peer evaluation of writing helps learners to become aware of an audience

other than the teacher. If students are to write a second draft, I ask other
learners to comment on what they liked / didn't like about the piece of work,
or what they found unclear, so that these comments can be incorporated into
the second draft. The teacher can also respond at this stage by commenting
on the content and the organization of ideas, without yet giving a grade or
correcting details of grammar and spelling.

Additional Information
Differentiation - how Assessment - how are you planning to check Health and safety
do you plan to give learners` learning? check ICT links
more support?
More support will be -through questioning and the redirecting of -Health promoting
given to weaker questioning in feedback activities techniques
learners by giving them -through observation in group and end -Breaks and physical
a modified worksheets performance activities activities used.
in some tasks with -through formative task -Points from Safety
greater support rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was

English Sciences Grade 10 TERM 1 Unit 1

Lesson 9
Date: Teacher’s name:
CLASS: present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Writing an article
Learning objective (s) 10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to
that this lesson is topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately;
contributing to 10.1.6 - organise and present information clearly to others;
All learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives Most learners will be able to:
Some learners will be able to:
• identification of levels for later work
Success criteria • reinforcement of learning and pupil motivation
• identification of problem areas
Labour and creativity, cooperation
Value links
Cross curricular links Kazakh, Russian, Аrt
Stages of the Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Hello, boys and
girls! How are you?
Practice LEAD-IN Students share opinions in pairs and say what they feel about
in English. They ask follow - up questions if possible.
In this lesson students learn how to write articles. Make sure they
know the difference between letters and articles, reports and
essays. Students read the tips and useful language for articles.
Next, students read information about good features of an article.
Help students to understand the prompt. Students next write the
article in class or give it as a home task.

 Use the provided example newspaper article, or take a newspaper into

the class.
 Ask students to read the newspaper article and summarize the
 Have students analyze the difference between the headline, leading
sentence and article content in terms of tense usage and vocabulary in
small groups (3 to 4 students).
 As a class, check that the differences between headline, leading
sentence and article content are clear. Here is a short guideline to the
main differences:
 Headline: Simple tenses, idiomatic, flashy vocabulary, no use
of function words
 Leading sentence: Present perfect tense often used to give
general overview.
 Article content: Proper tense usage, including a change from
present perfect to past tenses to give detailed, specific
information about what, where and when something happened.
 Once the differences have been understood, have students split up into
pairs or small groups (3 to 4 students)


A fake painting supposedly by Vincent Van Gogh has been sold for $35
million in Paris.
Paris June 9, 2004

Imagine this: It's the chance of a lifetime. You have the necessary cash and
you have the opportunity to buy a Van Gogh. After purchasing the painting
and placing it on your living room wall to show to all your friends, you
discover that the painting is a forgery!

That's what happened to an anonymous telephone bidder who

purchased Sunflowers in the Wind at the Peinture Company in Paris, France.
The first (supposed) Van Gogh painting to have been auctioned since last
year's record sale of $40 million, the forgery was sold for $35 million. The
painting had also been reported to be the last ever offered for sale, Britain's
Daily Times reported Thursday.
Unfortunately, shortly after the masterpiece had been transferred to the
buyer's home, the Academy of Fine Arts released a statement saying
that Sunflowers in the Wind was a fake. Upon further investigation, the report
proved to be true. The unlucky buyer was forced to recognize that he or she
had indeed purchased a forgery.

Leading sentence: Provide your leading sentence.

Article content: Write at least three short paragraphs about the incident.

Additional Information
Differentiation - how Assessment - how are you planning to check Health and safety
do you plan to give learners` learning? check ICT links
more support?
More support will be -through questioning and the redirecting of questioning -Health promoting
given to weaker in feedback activities techniques
learners by giving them -through observation in group and end performance -Breaks and
a modified worksheets activities physical activities
in some tasks with -through formative task used.
greater support -Points from
Safety rules used
at this lesson.
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

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