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MBA Program

Fall 2021
Final Exam, Marks 40 (may be converted to 30),
Time 2 hours, 9 pm to 11 pm, Jan 8, 2022,
BUS510-Sec1: International Business

You have to answer on BUX.

Your backup file should be sent to
No other email address is acceptable (not even my BRACU address)
Answer Any 4 Questions in one MS Word file (including a scanned pic of math) and convert it
to pdf, then upload.

1. Write about the newer theories of trade. Despite these theories, most people still
believe that mercantilism dominates the thinking of some world leaders – discuss. (7+3)

2. Explain the impacts of culture and political environment on international business. (10)
3. Explain organizational design/structure and methods of planning of an MNE. (10)

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a single monetary policy in Europe?
Write about EU and Euro. (3+7)

5. (i) What is SDR? Do you think SDR is a currency? Elucidate reasons for the creation of
(ii) Calculation: Today (6 Jan) 1 SDR is equal to USD 1.35977. Changes in the exchange
rates compared to yesterday’s position of the following currencies are given in the table.
Using the table calculate the value of SDR in terms of USD for yesterday (5 Jan). (Hint:
we learned to calculate today’s rate based on yesterday’s rate. This question asks for
yesterday’s rate in terms of today’s rate.) (4+6)

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