Fraudulent Accusations Probate Petition

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Listed below are, the names pall the dleae43ent's ] .~eir., with the age or majority status,, adcixe :ss, and
relationship to decedent set opposite the; natne of each :

Nam e Age AL(kiress, Relationship

(Olr over 113)
Mad~7 i S_F`F;('r_] " lV~AN1 _____«'v_~-r 1 .3_ X37.]: r,tie~arci $.a$d~~bc~~_r. ]N[o~uitaim~GA 3,010$3 x3 IM liF,rtv____
DOU{s:LAS , ST~~C7I!~ML--27ETj.F ;ArE:_st 28_'9:5 _C;_csm_ry__F~c_:K : ]v[a~rke;~F~r ._~VI 53'9_•4_i6Ne~i~ievr

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --

:5 .

A .clc[itionalL ]Date : Mie,re full ISarticulars are lacking, sUte here t31e ; reasons fiDr,my siwti orriission If any
heirs IistA;d akmyve wre wusnrrs, 17andubLi .hiren, nephews or nitxR s of the d .ecNli,zit,Pp[eose indicate ire
deceased 2.nAcesI :aT tllvXWg;h whom die), are related to the dix.e:dlenC.

71-e c ec~g~%•.d~,s husba]1(~ d1F~I :EII_'d~m1~'!/~-f:l5 ag_8I1C~ she.e had no clXe;r' s~re~nits Eire decewsod. The

i:a de4unts ed vvi .6 no li'ri p g----

he,_irs and the otl~tK -Ad i~iiIciten_The,~e : ]:7oug[a~-

; d~~;~ ;_as_e~~ and th_e_ T)~,I~:~ a'b C4c~~uit Y I).A 'S o_ffilu, MM _-

~ a~~ci_E ', 1 ~~{_z •,~~~us ,e i s a jawv suiit ,jLe n_duq, in the_Qek a 3lb~ --

el-Ii, r ourl~~M yam,tj -aE ann . 9:cAuntng fu~~d i _C.otu_fty, C JgM •dfMsJoh_n_ 7ayngr,----

a~ }i]I151EEI1]Q~_:'S tE ;t~~~nan . T_h_ cEece~ a~~E:dL l _~~:: Jle:fltall he r J~~~ et~ ~tc ~ ,Lch~ a~-i~t~~de ,-ignaite~d ±3Lt~E ~,]C~~~~i~_be :t_ -

T'o the knowledge of the .p,el:itionet•, no othot• proceedings with respect to this estate m°ee pe;r.l.dli:ng, or
have INm,ti wmplt tei, in an'y other probate, wurt in this site .
Wherefore, petitioner prays for an ordvr appointing~`~~ieirier Tipnporuy ~~d~tinis~trztj3r~ of said
Et P,

;S ;ign .atiu'e c}fALt0Cilfsy, (or `RobeirI, .&c .C~.~~ ;r ~-~__--

petitioner if pro se:) ~S :igiafiire af'Att:omey (or jx;titione ;r if pro se;)
Address : Address : 1 :5 1) E;ast :Ponm de Leon Avenue, Ste 245
:DeGaruir, GA 30030
Telephone rTtunber: Telephone Tliunbe:r: ~~14~ . $9l c
l:ate, Bar # : jF~~ 4" ,~~;a~~
~; Bara~~~~
#: 7 f~f~~~ ~~~


P]E'TTT ION FO R'.TEMPE?l[tAIt'Y LET'771]f2S DFAIDM INI S7R.4'1 `lq-'k

V F. K A L B CO, Pi S ! 1
7'o the; ]Honorable Judge of' the Probate Coua :

'[1c pertiti on of '- -_T_ra_n[c Lil ]Lijo, _TCl whose cinrnic ;i le; it s , and whose ma .i l'.ui~; address is 4831
7 `tttrrnh i ll C7 .
]'fLorrihill A .cUroitl~ GA S 3'~O~ lO~ I_- -----------------------------------_ J~~a~vrs itc ~ i~,E e S ~~o ~w~t

C:a .f&ey w hose
First Middle Last'Name.
d omic i le ww . ]. :34 :5 Milford Church Road ____~,_{W o_' b_b __ ----- I QA
S1seAA City County State
departed this life on leaving an estate o f m ]'l properly, va lued at appro xirrif ite liy _-,------
__------~~ 4 and [w;rwrt a. l propmt( valued at app roxinn ,al:al,r
--------~1 {DAD ---------------------


Petitioner', ; appointment i ts ic i the lest interests of the estate by xE ;a.scyn of the, esCa le" s b eiinp ;
unrepresemil :ed and i t is nex; essi uy for Temporary Letters of Admunis tr Etio ;n t,3 be granted for the. sole purpose
o f collecting amd pre5+erv n;g i h e assets of the dmxlEent .

Petitioner is entitled to Ix, appointed Tern pormy Admcaista-ator by mison of (check cone) :

being t h e niom n iin a t ;ct e:K+ xutQir indaseAlent's F purpa rt od v vi . lll (a copy of which is attaDlied
hereto and made a p art ]nque n f) .

being ttr MU m Eau, s13l selected by al.l the hears .

being the sole heir cir Fse :ing the s mviving spo use .

Wav ing been selected by, a majority i ri interest of the hei r.a.

--- being ari elli ;gib Ie person a :, de-fined in O .C .Ci. A. §53-6-;L .

kHDing fL,crodLitor cif' th e decedent (evidence aif &e. hid e,btedne:rs is atta .ch o3;) .

being The r c,um.tV admi n isra .br.

hitn ox 6) 8 4,
Effa;tivc IM GPC,iF 1 '.
Personally a:plpi aued tie;£aire ; rn.e the umd em i ,gaiui pe t i t ion lej{ s;rwh o on aail. :t a1 :e(s) that the iFa .c Ls set
forth icy 'by-~4 :)ire;g;a~ian~; eO.Ot i a n Eire tmt:.

/Ak 7"
P; til~ysne r t,~ Petitioner
Frank Lillig, III
Residence Address :
OTA- 3,0 101 Re(;idenu
'Te:le ;ph:one Niumm1w:r ~ v),), - W 1'01.4 7CE,le~pJh+ ~~a~,

Swom to) and subscribed before rne :, Ills day of

,~~~tly unlnriyON,
El. IUD ~r ,,,~
Cie,d: o: f ,P ~bmte C , cnvt or I 3'


For die cotirt's Gumidera#i<>n in derevpakim .g the person whose iq)pcn'tzn{eni : ,would serve -the lbest
interests of i he estutte„ ()We) (all) (a majority in cnabere ;;t) of 01C. lhi~irs of
------------ dau ;asvi, hereby select, an d request the appormtrme nt of
_ taari:a~s 7'e;~n~p~~~-aryA~cl~n iri isl ralte~rnf#~i e ;~,s~~i ee~fsaid[ciec ;edervt

SI :G 1 621 R MMLE90~i
Sworn to and subsrm-ibtAl before
ine this. day of . .... .... .... ...


Sworn to and subscribed before

one this .____ day af '_____-____


Sw o~m to and subscrfbwEi before
me thi s----- day cif------__---- ---- ' ---------------------------------------


iMoni to and subs oiilbed before ,

xne thi 's ._--- day tof-----------

; 1011-PROB .All" COURT


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