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Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

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Social network behavior and public opinion manipulation

Long Chen a,b , Jianguo Chen c ,∗, Chunhe Xia a,d ,∗
Beijing Key Laboratory of Network Technology, Beihang University Beijing, 100191, Beijing, China
Innovation Technology Research Institute, Beijing Topsec Network Security Technology Co Ltd, Beijing, 100085, China
Geophysical Laboratory, Hebei Seismological Observatories, Shijiazhuang, 050021, Hebei, China
School of Computer Science and Information Technology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, 541004, Guangxi, China


Keywords: The scope of cyberspace weapons is expanding from the physical network domain to the cognitive information
Social network domain. Technologies such as network penetration, public opinion guidance and attacks, cognitive intervention
Warfare and manipulation and control will become the main development directions. Controlling public opinion and controlling audiences
Public opinion
will become the cyberspace cognitive domain. In recent years, emerging network media such as social networks
Cyberspace weapons
and mobile communication networks have played an important organizational and planning role in a series
of significant events, which are likely to cause severe threats to national security and even the international
community’s stability. We analyzed and clarified social network actors, environment, scene, manipulation and
ethical framework. We conclude that social public opinion weapons are mainly divided into six categories:
Bot, Botnet, Troll, Manipulate real people and events, Cyborg, and Hacked or stolen. Since social network
warfare is a brand new war situation in the context of great powers, in social media, the confrontation
of camps can be observed. States use social media platforms to penetrate and media war, and its Internet
space monitor and build defenses. A digital wall has been placed horizontally on the boundary of the virtual
space. In recent years, as the trend towards weaponization of social media has become increasingly apparent,
military powers such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and Russia have taken the initiative to
take the lead in the field of social media. All countries continue to strengthen the research on fundamental
cognitive theories. Many basic research projects that integrate information, biology, network, and cognition
have been launched one after another. The combat practice shows that the effectiveness of social media even
exceeds some traditional combat methods. With the prominent role of social media in modern warfare, its
combat use has become increasingly widespread and has gradually become a force multiplier in modern
warfare. At present, the deployment of weapons directed by social network users in significant countries is
mainly focused on incident and public opinion reconnaissance, sentiment analysis, and active intervention. Our
research enumerates the social weapon component model and software architecture. In short, all countries are
using social media to spread political propaganda and influence the digital information ecosystem. This article
enhances our understanding and development trend of public opinion wars in the social network, and proposes
an architecture system for the social weapon arsenal. The technical means, scale, scope, and precision of social
media weapons have been continuously improved. It is gaining momentum to reshape the cyberspace security
pattern of various countries fundamentally.

1. Introduction The main bodies of social network manipulation include the state
guides major public opinion organizations, political parties and politi-
In recent years, as the manipulation, behavior and even weaponiza- cal lobby groups to purchase followers, military online public opinion
tion trend of social network have become increasingly prominent. psychological warfare tools, independent agents not controlled by the
military powers such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and military, independent agents not controlled by the military, not military
Russia have taken the initiative to take measures such as setting up personnel, and civilian commerce. Institutions and ordinary civilians.
specialized agencies, issuing relevant regulations, and increasing tech-
Different subjects are carrying out different levels of activities on so-
nological research and development, in an attempt to take control of
cial networks. However, affected by factors such as organizational form,
the social media field.

∗ Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (J. Chen), (C. Xia).

Available online 8 December 2021

2214-2126/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

size of personnel, financial resources, and motivations, the control and From 1st January 2020, the US Carnegie Mellon University Re-
manipulation of social networks by different subjects collectively form searchers studied 2 Tweets discuss new crown epidemic and related
an impact on social networks. issues more than 100 million, according to the researchers, in discus-
Social network actors, environment, scene, manipulation and ethical sions on the virus tweets, nearly half of them are sent by robots [7].
framework urgently need to analyze and clarify. In addition this article
mainly discuss the operation of social networks by organizations with
official backgrounds and political purposes.
3. Social network actors, environment, scenes and categories
2. Research on social network manipulation in various countries
Social network actors, environment, scene, manipulation and ethical
In 2019, Oxford University researchers released a report [1] show- framework are explicitly analyzed and explored below.
ing that more than 56 countries carry out cyber military activities
on Facebook. All countries continue to strengthen the research on
fundamental cognitive theories. Among them, the US Department of 3.1. Actors
Defense has successfully launched many basic research projects on the
intersection of information, biology, network, and cognition, focusing The actors who use social media at the beginning of the article revi-
on the study of neurocognitive functions and neural tissues to explore sion include the state, the state guides major public opinion institutions,
human information acquisition’s cognitive mechanism. political parties, and political lobby groups to buy followers, military
In 2007, the National Research Council of the US Academy of online public opinion psychological warfare tools, independent agents
Sciences published the report ‘‘Army Network Science, Technology not controlled by the military, independent men not controlled by the
and Experimental Center Policy’’ [2], setting out the Army’s priority military, not military personnel, civilian commercial organizations and
investment areas in the field of network infrastructure. And the use of ordinary civilians.
social networks followed by humans. This has become an important Different actors are carrying out different levels of activities on so-
area for research.
cial networks. However, affected by factors such as organizational form,
US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 2011 published
size of personnel, financial resources, and motivations, the control
the ‘‘Social Media Strategic Communications (Social Media in Strategic
and manipulation of social networks by different subjects collectively
Communication, SMISC) plan’’ [3], intended to enhance the ability
impact social networks.
of US forces to carry out professional guidance of public opinion.
Through careful design, coordination, coherence, and management of Here we mainly discuss the operation of social networks by organi-
these social activities’ influence, its effectiveness will be significantly zations with official backgrounds and political purposes.
In Russia IRA (Internet Research Agency) Internet research insti- 3.2. Environment
tutions (Agentstvo Internet-Issledovaniy, also known as Glavset) [4],
and is referred to in the Russian city of well-known Internet companies
3.2.1. Warfare environment
Olgino of Trolls, is a representative of the Russian business and politics
Interest in Russian companies engaged in social network influence At present, no country has positively recognized cyber warfare
tasks [5]. and social media manipulation, and there is no widely accepted clear
According to research conducted by Ali Murat Kirik of the Univer- definition of cyber warfare [13]. Some researchers have provided very
sity of Marmara, Turkey, social media has become one of the essential broad definitions [14–24]. These definitions do cover most imaginable
warfare tools and is known as a new generation of war methods, cyber warfare cases, but they may be too broad. particular note is the
including deceptive news, diplomacy, law, and foreign election inter- increasing use of this term in political and media circles [13].
ference. The increasing analyze the number of perceptual management Brandon Valeriano who equates cybermedia manipulation with
and social engineering activities in social media proves its use as a covert activity and suggests that the intelligence community is more
war tool. Social media can shape ideas and redesign society. It can often the significant actor than the Department of Defense [25–33],
increase sensitivity and strengthen the social response. Anything can which has conducted a lot of research and discussion on network media
become a reality through social media, and society can become part manipulation and network warfare. Social networking is a relatively
of this simulated or artificial world. Social media can manipulate brand new field, and the responsible agencies in different countries are
reality to weaken the administration, society, military, or economy of different. In particular, the US CAI is directly under the leadership of
a country [6]. the president, but it is full of military backgrounds in terms of technical
In recent years, the US military plans to analyze worldwide more means and jurisdiction.
than 3500 billion social media posts to help track the mass movement’s
Nowadays, Cyberspace continues to develop. The mode of cyber
evolution. With 60 languages to collect screened from at least 100
warfare has been extended from physical cyberspace to psychological
countries, two info million users understand the ‘‘group expression
space, and most of them are deduced in the imaginary space. In some
pattern’’ better. The project will research the comments, metadata,
countries as an important supplement to psychological warfare, so as
location and hometown identifiers of messages including user names.
to spread tension and false information in the enemy’s country. In
In 2019, Oxford University researchers released a report [1] that
particular, an open and vast social space provides the possibility for
more than 56 countries carry out cyber military activities on Facebook.
Researchers found that due to its market size and influence, it can it. Research by Oxford University has shown that there is extensive
spread political news and information and form groups and topics, information manipulation in many major countries to the extent that it
which can also be widely used as a social network weapon. All countries includes multiple intents [13], including but not limited to war, crime,
are using social media to spread political propaganda and influence bullying, espionage, and terrorism.
the digital information ecosystem. The scale, scope, and precision of If a real war is launched, social media networks can be used
social media weapons have been continuously improved. It is gaining as a means of indirect offensive, from secret media manipulation to
momentum the cyberspace security pattern of various countries to publishing rumors, inciting internal conflicts of the attacked party, and
fundamentally re-shape. spreading tension and negative emotions.

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the social network weapon arsenal.

3.2.2. Infosphere environment issues in the moral discourse characteristics of the information soci-
Luciano Floridi put forward the explosive development of infor- ety. Floridi believes that we must expand our ecological and ethical
mation and communication technologies (ICTs) in the information approach to natural and artificial realities and be placed in an envi-
community is changing some basic human problems. This has promoted ronmentalist that can successfully address the new challenges posed
the discussion of subject morality in the information circle, and the by digital technology and the information society. This is a unique
biosphere, in which animals can be regarded as moral subjects without philosophical research field that studies the ethical impact of ICT on
having to show free will, emotion, or mental state, and in a social human life and society. He made critical research on the conceptual
environment, organizations with similar information circle systems can nature and basic principles of information, including its dynamics,
play the role of moral agents. As the boundaries between online and utilization and science, as well as the elaboration and application of
offline life are broken, we seamlessly connect with each other and are information theory and computational methodology on philosophical
surrounded by intelligent, responsive objects, and we all blend into issues [34–41].
an ‘‘information circle’’. Luciano Floridi believes that addressing the
new challenges posed by information and communication technologies 3.3. Scenes
(ICTs) sets out the original ethical framework. He considered informa-
tion ethics, including privacy, ownership, open-source, copyright, and Different subjects are carrying out different levels of activities on so-
accessibility issues. ICT has had a radical and widespread impact on cial networks. However, affected by factors such as organizational form,
our moral life and contemporary ethical debate. Privacy, ownership, size of personnel, financial resources, and motivations, the control and
freedom of expression, responsibility, technological determinism, the manipulation of social networks by different subjects collectively form
digital divide, and internet pollution are some of the most pressing an impact on social networks.

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

Table 1
Summary of social network arsenal.
Classification Definition Judge Means
Bot An automated program used There are no personalized posts, comments, answers, Ostensibly expand the visibility of an individual or
to participate in social media. or interactions with other users’ online posts organization
Bots are automated social Influence election
media accounts operated by Manipulate financial markets
algorithms [8] Amplify phishing attacks
Spread spam
Destroy freedom of speech
Botnet Refers to those who are Network botnet identification uses Web information Internet writer
motivated by commercial mining technology in the current network environment Manufacturing and using false information
interests to achieve improper [10] to define high-discrimination features and Re-comment and big V means
purposes [9] behavior patterns to discover hidden network botnet. Download and play data fraud
Anti-discrimination ad
Commercial and political robots
Troll People who deliberately The difference between a troll and a robot is that a normal
initiate online conflicts or troll is a real user, and the robot is automatically set. Profanity
offend other users, distract The two types are mutually exclusive and do not Trolling
and create divisions in online overlap Derogatory
communities or social Hate speech [11]
Manipulate real people Try to connect with Influencing unsuspecting people can range from ‘‘Useful Idiot’’
and events individuals and mobilize them forwarding or disseminating propaganda, to hiring ‘‘Fellow Traveler’’
to take action in the real false intelligence personnel online to persuade real ‘‘Secret Agent’’ [12]
world people taking action.
Cyborg Integration of automation and Use auxiliary tools while being controlled by people Mass forwarding, fast reply and ultra-high frequency
manual control posting
Hacked or stolen The hacked or stolen account Highlights the Internet’s propaganda through more ‘‘False’’ high-profile account is a network of strategic
traditional forms of cyber attacks forces.

Luciano Floridi explores Artificial agents (AA) [40] especially 3.4. Manipulation
but not limited to agents in cyberspace, expanding the categories of
entities that can participate in ethical contexts. This has promoted the Early and recent updates on our progress [42–47]follow-up. Ma-
discussion of subject morality in cyberspace and the biosphere, where nipulation is controlling someone or something to your own advan-
animals can be regarded as moral subjects without showing free will, tage, often unfairly or dishonestly [24]. A manipulator can introduce
emotion, or mental state, and in a social environment, systematically some potentially fake content among the connected voters to alter the
similar organizations can play the role of moral agents. The main ‘‘cost’’ voters’ preference rankings and make her desired candidate win the
of the facility is to extend the categories of agents and ethics agents to election [46]. Change has two layers of behavior and theme and is
accept AAs. relatively widely used.

Due to the large scope and breadth of social network manipulation,

3.5. Ethical framework
most agencies with government backgrounds are carried out. According
to the Oxford research report [1], this is also proved.
The ethical framework of ’electoral success’ is a forwarding tool to
We distinguish between the deployment of weapons to influence manipulate results on behalf of the modified candidate.
users and the deployment of weapons to alter the digital environment. Electoral stands for the conduct of a free and fair election. Although
In deploying weapons to influence users, it is the subject of In- we often use ethical connotations and cultural significance to restrain
formation Ethics (IE), a new philosophical research area that studies individual behavior to the agency. But the election has extended to cy-
the ethical impact of ICT on users’ lives and society. Luciano Floridi berspace, including social networks with common ethical frameworks.
believes that addressing the unique challenges posed by information
and communication technologies (ICTs) sets out the original ethical
framework. ICT has had a radical and widespread impact on our 4. Types of social public opinion tactical weapon
moral and ethical debate. Privacy, ownership, freedom of expression,
responsibility, technical determinism, the digital divide, and online Social public opinion information warfare includes technical and
pornography are just some of the pressing issues that characterize the psychological information warfare. The scope of cyberspace weapons
moral discourse of the information society. At this point, Floridi lays is expanding from the physical network domain to the cognitive in-
out the impact of IE on online users. formation domain. Technologies such as network penetration, public
opinion guidance, and attacks, cognitive intervention and control will
In deploying weapons to change the digital environment, Luciano
become the main development directions. Controlling public opin-
Floridi argues that operations, decisions, and choices previously re-
ion and controlling audiences will become the cyberspace cognitive
served for humans are increasingly delegated to algorithmic tools,
domain—weapon development goals [48]. In recent years, emerging
which, if not decided, may make recommendations on how data should
network media such as social networks and mobile communication
be interpreted and what action should be taken. Based on the impact networks have played an important organizational and planning role in
on users, algorithms mediate social processes, business transactions, a series of significant events, which are likely to cause severe threats
government decisions, and how we perceive and understand our in- to national security and even the international community’s stability.
teractions with each other and the environment. The gap between the As the social public opinion weapon arsenal’s core equipment, social
design and operation of algorithms and our understanding of their eth- robots create content and messages, which are injected into online
ical implications can have serious consequences that affect the digital social platforms, and read and spread by others (Fig. 1). Deceptive news
environment of society as a whole. stories, invasion and release of private communications, fabricated

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

Table 2
Social network weapon module.
Weapon module Technical means
Behavior Information To achieve the problem of representation of interactive text, social text multi-level and multi-angle graph representation methods is used,
Representation Module including research on the extraction of multi-dimensional information. The interactive information semantic variable granularity
representation realizes social text lexical, sentence and paragraph level multi-level semantic representation. Construct a multi-dimensional
representation method of user operation behaviors of four types of social network likes: favorites, comments, and forwards, realize the
characterization of each dimension, construct a text topic extraction method based on topic models, and construct a text source authority
and text emotional tendency Characterization algorithm, the expression method of text popularity, and the calculation method of poor
Character portrait Realize the characterization problem of portrait information, and construct the description method of user’s basic attributes, personality
information representation characteristics, interest characteristics and emotional characteristics. We use data mining methods to obtain the user’s basic attributes, use
module the Big Five Model theory to analyze the text posted by the user to obtain the user’s personality label, use machine learning methods to
train the text feature and the user’s personality association model, build a key Word extraction and sentiment analysis are used to obtain
user interest weights to construct user sentiment representations based on short texts.
User recognition model Implement depicts the problem of social network users cognitive processes, and builds relationships between the user and the user accepts
construction portraits of information to build user awareness and user behavior model to describe the user cognitive processes.
User behavior guidance The social network behavior guidance mechanism realizes the guidance of the user’s original behavior to the desired behavior. The guidance
mechanism construction mechanism’s construction includes three aspects: the conversion of the guidance intention to the desired user behavior, the cognitive
reasoning function based on the convex function to find the optimal semantic difference, and the template-based guidance text generation.
Homogeneous community The commonalities in homogeneous communities are called homogeneous attributes. The homogeneity of the property is the basis for
discovery reaching a consensus and forming the convergence of group behavior. Homogeneous community discovery requires the adoption of
behavior-driven social network structure timing models and community discovery techniques based on consistent attributes.
Behavioral collaboration Realize the convergent trigger problem of social network group behavior, build a guided communication model based on guiding text and
module of homogeneous a group interaction model based on sentiment analysis. Construct a multi-source social information dissemination model, and realize the
groups prediction of the scale of the guidance text in the social network; design the information-oriented communication maximization method to
realize the homogeneity of the guidance text in the dissemination process full coverage of the community.

incidents, statements or results, and the spread of fear have been used The network of water army is those driven by commercial interests,
to influence the target country’s politics, military, and economy [49]. to achieve a network such as the impact of public opinion, disrupting
Six ‘weapons’ can be seen as a means and link of tactical used to the network environment and another improper purpose, by manip-
serve the strategic layout. Due to the concealment of each agency’s ulating the software robot or botnet accounts, made on the Internet,
manipulation of social network space, its strategic layout and tactical spreading false information, comments and spam comments [9].
means can only be hypothetical and studied by technical means. Network botnet recognition uses Web information mining technol-
In the field of social media, the confrontation of the camp can be ogy in the current network environment [10] to define high-
observed. Western use of social media platforms and media penetration discrimination characteristics and behavior patterns to discover hidden
war, and its Internet space monitor and build defenses. A digital wall network botnet. The network botnet can also be understood as an
has been placed horizontally on the virtual space boundary [50]. outlier among all network users [52]. Because of the social networking
Social network arsenals are summarized (Table 1). media robot clearance and enhanced detection method, Botnet network
herdsman becomes more carefully, so that a single robot is more
4.1. Bot difficult to detect [8]. However, evidence such as speech patterns, iden-
tical posts, date and time of creation, behavioral relevance, location
relevance, and account name patterns can still be used to distinguish
A social media robot (Bot) is an automated program to participate
the botnet [8]. The botnet’s methods are divided into network writers,
in social media. A bot is an automated social media account operated
making and using false information, reposting likes and oversized V
by an algorithm. These robots exhibit partially or utterly autonomous
methods, downloading and playing data falsification, anti-serial slander
behavior and are usually designed to mimic human users. Robots’ key
advertising, commercial and political robots, etc.
indicators are anonymity, high activity, and amplification of specific
users, topics, and tags [8].
4.3. Troll
Automated media accounts on social networking sites allow social
media users to artificially enlarge and increase dissemination, or the
Troll deliberately initiates conflict or offends other users online,
‘‘toxicity’’ of network content. Russian-backed agents have used these
distracting and divisiving people in the online community or social
automated accounts and are committed to developing and improv-
network or posting provocative topic posts. Their goal is to irritate
ing their robotic capabilities to spread false information faster and
others, react emotionally, and disrupt discussions. The difference be-
deeper across the social media field. January 2018, Twitter disclosed
tween a troll and a robot is that a troll is a real user, while the robot
its security personnel assessment that there are more than 50,000 is automatically set. The two types are mutually exclusive and do not
automatic accounts related to Russia in Twitter post-election-related overlap. Trolling as a behavior, not just limited to troll would do.
content during the US presidential campaign [51]. The troll arsenal is divided into eve categories: normal, profanity,
A large number of social media bots are malicious bots disguised trolling, derogatory, and hate speech [11]. A network troll is a key-
as human users. Malicious social media bots can be used to influ- board player who posts provocative, offensive, harassing or misleading
ence politics, advertising, access, networks, and media for multiple information on the Internet by a real person who tries to provoke
purposes [8]. reactions from other users on social media.
In recent years, Russia’s use of troll behavior is more and more
4.2. Botnet exposed. Entity supported by Kremlin has specialized in operating a
large number political funding troll troops over the years. Investment
The botnet is a network of robot accounts managed by the same construction of large-scale industrialized ’’troll farm’’ and the Russian
person or group. The so-called ‘‘water army’’ refers to the Army of fans advanced in the global information goals.
lurking on the Internet social platforms to bluff for specific users or top- The NATO Center for Strategic Communications of Excellence was
ics. Most of these paid senders and commentators of false information commissioned to research trolls in hybrid warfare. This research focuses
are employed by relevant agencies or competitors in the target country. on discussions surrounding Ukraine and Russia’s conflict and outlines

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

the influence techniques used by cyber trolls, including improper use. Superpowers support the release of cyber intelligence perception
The slander and attack, the use of irony and satire, the peddling of weapon arsenal capabilities through the framework of global intelli-
conspiracy theories, the use of young and attractive male and female gence monitoring projects. Especially Edward Snowden [56] in 2013.
avatars, the transfer of topics to others, the posting of misleading infor- The US National Security Agency (NSA) had a global intelligence,
mation on sources such as Wikipedia, and the emphasis on social issues surveillance and disclosure of its various global intelligence surveil-
e.g. the gap between rich and poor, without source or verification, lance project intensified. Large-scale surveillance is considered by some
provides a lot of indigestible data [53]. countries as one of the means to combat terrorism, prevent crime,
prevent social unrest, and protect national security.
4.4. Manipulation of real people and events In 2015, a commander ‘‘Islamic State’’ exposes its position in the
building because the organization on social network released a self-
While creating deliberate disinformation, trolls, we try to establish portrait. Then US warplanes were bombing killed.
contact with individuals and mobilize them to take action in the real
Since 2017 the attempted attacks on electronic devices have effec-
world. Russian spies hired bogus intelligence agents online to attract
tively diverged people’s views on the government, media, and public
a wide range of real people to take action from influencing unsuspect-
ing people to forwarding or disseminating propaganda to persuading institutions in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Estonia, the United States, Germany,
someone to stage a real-world protest. France, and Austria. Because it is difficult to blame, the conduct of these
In 2017 Clint Watts [54] outlined three different types of Rus- actions will not expose the aggressor to political severe or military risks.
sian influence operations potential organizational penetration of target
(Watts, 2017). One category of ‘‘useful idiots’’ refers to unsuspecting
5.2. Influence public perception through social media
Americans being used to further expand their propaganda in Russia.
‘‘Family travelers’’ ideologically sympathize with Russia’s anti-Western
elements to take action on their own. ‘‘Secret agent’’ refers to being Cyber forces use a variety of messaging and value strategies when
actively manipulated to carry out illegal or secret operations on behalf communicating with users online. At the same time, the influence of
of the Russian government [12]. public awareness of military operations is increasing. Social media can
quickly push selected information to hundreds of millions of target
4.5. Cyborg audiences in the form of pictures and texts, which affects the target
audience’s views and attitudes towards the event.
The robot account, which combines automation and manual control, (1) Spread propaganda supporting the government or the party,
is another weapon account type. It is controlled by humans while using (2) Attacking the opposition or launching a smear campaign,
auxiliary tools to realize large-scale forwarding, quick reply, and ultra-
(3) Drive division and polarization,
high-frequency posting accounts in a short time — this kind of account
is also called ‘‘Cyborg (semi-robot)’’, which is usually with a strong (4) Expand content and media online,
sense of purpose. (5) Spread false information or manipulate the media,
(6) Distract or divert attention from conversation or criticism.
4.6. Hacked or stolen During the Syrian civil war, the opposition forces and their sup-
porters posted more than 100 videos and thousands of messages from
Hacked or stolen accounts. Although these accounts are not robot 12 different regions through social media, accusing the government
accounts in nature, ‘‘deception’’ high-profile accounts are strategic forces of using sarin gas, making the international community generally
cyber forces to spread pro-government propaganda or revoke access to believe that the government forces have launched chemical weapons.
legitimate owners’ accounts through censorship. A small number of na- The attack eventually forced the Assad government to agree to destroy
tional cyber forces have begun to use stolen or hacked accounts as part chemical weapons stockpiles.
of their activities, highlighting the Internet’s use of more traditional
More and more national organizations use social media as a weapon
forms of cyberattacks for propaganda. Also, not all of the accounts used
of destruction. Use ‘‘Troll’’ to promote political goals. Many fake ac-
by the military are false.
counts, discussion boards, online newspaper websites and video servers
have been registered on major social networking sites [57]. Including
5. Social public opinion combat effect
Twitter and Facebook’s freezing of unique accounts. In recent years,
political campaigns have shifted from the top-down model in the classic
The combat practices of Ukraine, Iraq, and Syria have shown that
media era to the bottom-up model in the social media era. Social media
social media may produce effects that aircraft, tanks, and artillery can-
can enable candidates to achieve multi-dimensional interpersonal inter-
not achieve. In a sense, its effectiveness even exceeds some traditional
action, help increase people’s political participation and effectiveness
combat methods [55]. With the prominent role of social media in
and have become the core transformative weapon of the campaign.
modern warfare, its combat use has become increasingly widespread
and has gradually become a force multiplier in modern warfare. Department of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University pro-
fessor Kathleen M. Carley time analysis of noteworthy natural disasters
5.1. Use social media to gather intelligence information and political events in the United States, the interactive platform typi-
cally have 10%–20% is a robot account participation. In the discussion
Various national military and political departments, organizations, of topics related to the new crown virus, the participation rate of
and individuals conduct background analysis of messages, photos, and fake Twitter accounts may be as high as 45%–60%, and the activity
videos on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Weibo, and WeChat to iden- level is 3–5 times that of usual, and there are signs of organization,
tify the details of the publisher’s activities and implement unique behavior patterns more complicated, and deeper hidden. The large-
intelligence collection. The means include : scale epidemic of the epidemic globally means that greater political
(1) Network element terminal intrusion, and capital interests will drive more people. Simultaneously, more and
(2) A large number of report contents or accounts, more institutions are launching influence campaigns, exerting powerful
(3) Data-driven strategy. forces to lead the dissemination of false information [58].

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

5.3. Use social media to implement psychological deterrence The active intervention technology of network social weapons is
mainly divided into monitoring and intervention. Such hostile forces
In conflicts during the 21st century, the psychological level is in Twitter collect relevant information and extract the user’s mood and
as crucial as the physical level, and the creative use of psychological feel a sense of social robot to identify opinion leaders, influential users,
warfare can effectively onset the opponent’s advantage on the physical cultivating big V social robot account intervention, guiding public
battlefield. Social media has become an essential means through which opinion, and influencing political outcomes.
extremist terrorist organizations gain popularity. Our research on social network weapons mainly consists of the
In recent years, the combat use of social media has shown a diversi- following modules (Table 2).
fied trend. The ‘‘Islamic State’’ uses social media extensively to spread
revolutionary ideas, recruit members and raise funds [59]. 7. Research progress of social network arsenal technology
(1) Trolling, assassination or harassment,
(2) Suppress participation through personal attacks or harassment. 7.1. Research on social network behavior
At the end of 2010, in the Arab world revolution—the ‘‘Arab Spring’’
movement, covering the entire Middle East and North Africa, Face- Early research on the evolution of social networks was mainly
book and Twitter became the leading positions for young people to based on the cumulative advantages of node degrees and the static
initiate and organize protests, express their emotions, and spread their fitness of nodes and other factors to study the evolution mechanism of
revolutionary will. It not only played a robust political mobilization network growth, node growth mechanism, and aging mechanism, and
and organizational liaison function but also played a role in out- explore the statistical aspects in the evolution of social networks. User
putting information waterfalls, inspiring individual behaviors, coordi- attribute factors increase the evolution model, with different categories
nating collective actions, challenging authoritarian regimes, escalating considered evolutionary difference households, only considering the
proliferation movements, acting as citizens’ emotional vent, brewing conventional network architecture evolution compared to higher accu-
awareness of protest, triggering chain reactions, and attracting interna- racy. In recent years, the game evolution model [61] uses mutations to
tional attention and the multiple roles that influence the international describe user behavior strategy updates and uses genetic algorithms to
pattern [60]. simulate user cooperation’s evolution process. Compared with the evo-
November 14 2012, the Israeli army launched a military operation lution model that only considers user attributes, it has higher accuracy
code-named ‘‘defense pillar’’. While launching the military action, the and has become a research network—hot spots of structural evolution.
Israeli Army and Hamas simultaneously stated action on Weibo, ex- Network ‘‘groups’’ promote disseminating information in the net-
pounding the justice of the Israeli Army’s actions and seeking sympathy work and affect the social networking topology configurations. The
and support from public opinion. Social media is directly used in research on groups in social networks mainly focuses on group inter-
warfare, which has affected the process and results of combat to a action behavior and sentiment analysis. The researchers first expand
certain extent. interactive features for individual users in social network analysis, such
In recent years, the combat use of social media has shown a diversi- as the depth of convolution-based on a combination of neural networks
fied trend. The ‘‘Islamic State’’ uses social media extensively to spread to create a user interaction model node properties [62] analyzed the po-
revolutionary ideas, recruit members and raise funds [59]. tential for personal and social interaction characteristics of individuals
(PSLF) joint model [63], the behavioral probability generation model
6. The social public opinion arsenal module evolution combined with social influence [64], etc. These models mainly analyze
the user’s interaction behavior from an external perspective and fail
In terms of the cyber social weapon arsenal, organizations with to explore the user’s internal factors’ influence on the interaction
military backgrounds in various countries have created cyber social behavior. Then the researchers realized that factors such as user interest
public opinion cyber weapons. Through the cultivation of social robots preferences have a significant impact on user interaction.
(robot ‘‘big V’’), they affect the information environment of the target Research in disseminating information focused on information dis-
country. semination process modeling and disseminating information to maxi-
By creating a new type of strategic game in cyberspace and the mize the two aspects. The traditional modeling of information dissem-
sharpest social network weapon for security struggles, countries have ination can be divided into graph-based models and infectious disease
realized the guidance of online public opinion, which mainly refers models. Graph-based models mainly include independent cascade mod-
to the long-term confrontation of various communication channels els [65,66], linear threshold models [67], etc., which dynamically
surrounding network information, competing for the dominance of simulate the propagation process; infectious disease models mainly
public opinion and then ideology. Social network behavior guidance include SIS models [68], and SEIR models [69], the primary consid-
is a series of activities to change the attitude and behavior of users eration of the state of rotation change. The main concern of the above
or groups with specific intentions. People need to integrate different models and statistics propagation characteristics, ignoring the wealth
sources of information when making decisions, and in social media, of semantic information dissemination process within the culvert. In re-
the information environment may be distorted by the influence of cent years, communication models related to information content have
cyberspace robot account weapons. gradually emerged. Recently, research studies began to consider the im-
Since social network warfare is a new war situation under the back- pact on the evolution of information dissemination’s network structure.
ground of the game of big powers, the current weapon deployments These methods only find key nodes from the network structure level
directed by social network users in major countries mainly focus on and ignore the rich semantics in information dissemination.
incident and public opinion reconnaissance, sentiment analysis, and For this reason, a variety of information dissemination maximiza-
active intervention: tion methods combining information semantics have emerged. How-
The weapon means of the event and public opinion reconnaissance ever, the above techniques for maximizing information dissemination
includes two continuous identification and tracking processes. Solu- all depend on the network topology to varying degrees. At present,
tions to this task can be divided into four categories: topic-based model, user privacy protection is increasing, and it is almost impossible to
text-based clustering, feature-based, and pattern-based. obtain a complete network topology. So in recent years, researchers be-
The task of online public opinion warfare can divide sentiment anal- gan exploring cell-based research interest semantic feature information
ysis into sentiment polarity classification, sentiment change conditions, dissemination maximized.
subjective and objective analysis, sentiment analysis combined with The current research on the mechanism underlying the social net-
multiple features, and feature selection in sentiment analysis. work is still relatively early from the above studies. The mass has

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

Fig. 2. The overall of social network weapon research and development.

Fig. 3. ‘‘Social robot’’ account generation steps on social networks.

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

Fig. 4. Steps to simulate the social behavior of ‘‘social robots’’ on social networks.

a social network of nodes, structural complexity, evolution multi- cannot describe the process of information dissemination from multiple
dimensional, multi-source information, etc. concurrency. Laid point is dimensions such as time, space, and information semantics. Interaction
conventional. Most of the driving forces for network topology evolution
of research studies on the mechanism of interaction between groups is
only consider unilateral factors such as time. Information dissemi-
nation models are mostly based on infectious disease models, net- not deep, and strong social networks cannot describe the evolution of
work topology diagrams, statistical analysis, and other methods. They interactive, public sentiment drift characteristics.

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

Fig. 5. Training steps of ‘‘social robot big V’’ on social networks.

7.2. Research on user behavior guidance of social networks hot events monitoring and tracking functions. Proactive interventions
do some introductory guide to explore the theory and technology,
Current academic research on social network user behavior guid- through the analysis based on user preferences guide the user to specific
ance mainly focuses on event and topic discovery, sentiment analysis, purchase behavior and other methods recommended by covering infor-
and active intervention. mation, pressing, pushing and, other means with government policies
The discovery of events and topics includes two continuous pro- and regulations to control node controlled by the robust platform for
cesses of Identification and tracking. Solutions to this task can be the realization of public opinion under control And boot. However, the
divided into four categories: topic-based [70] model, text-based clus- international community’s social network and the hot topic of the event
tering, feature-based, and pattern-based. have not effectively guided the behavior of mold formation type and
From the tasks concerned by sentiment analysis, it can be divided guide technology.
into sentiment polarity classification [71], sentiment change condi-
From the universal consider guidance programs, uncontrolled social
tions [72], subjective and objective analysis [73], sentiment analysis
networking platforms can only influence the content of the information
combining multiple features [74], and feature selection in sentiment
used by behavioral guidance households. The human brain’s thinking
analysis [70,75], etc.
consciousness determines the received data and the resulting behavior.
In terms of active intervention theory and technology, the exist-
If a guiding model is constructed based on the human’s thinking
ing technologies are mainly divided into two types: monitoring and
consciousness, the user can be guided from the received information’s
intervention. Monitoring
Friederike and Galam et al. [76,77] explained the underlying oper- content to self-consciousness. However, the existing guidance based on
ating mechanism of online public opinion. Good program [78] at Twit- thinking consciousness is concentrated in the fields of pedagogy [79],
ter collects relevant information and extracts user emotions and feelings medicine [80,81], psychology [82], etc., and need to work together
to help decision-user-makers identify opinion leaders, an influential in the external environment, equipment, etc. Under the guidance’s
public statement in response to immigration and border security-related influence, the guidance theory and methods described in it have not
put for decision support. In terms of network group intervention, yet formed a calculation model and cannot yet be used for the guid-
communication is still the primary method, and the main process is ance of social network behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to study
to find critical nodes. a computable guidance theory, use computers to implement guidance
As can be seen from the above literature, existing social networks construction models at the user’s thinking level and develop social net-
to guide user behavior found in the topic, emotions analytical re- work behavior guidance systems and tools. Through literature review,
search plane made some progress in monitoring, analysis level, enables no published research results have been found yet.

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

Fig. 6. Guided auxiliary campaign steps based on social network behavior.

8. The overall body of research arsenal of social networking and then have to guide the text, the last text-based template generation
guide; social networking group behavior using convergence to find
The overall research system of the social network weapon arsenal homogeneous community area, based on individual sentiment analysis
is shown in Fig. 2. Social network behavior refers to user behaviors on the establishment and homogeneity within homogeneous commu-
generated using social networks through information and group be- nities Homogeneous ‘‘social robots’’ with similar community emotions,
haviors based on user interactions. Social network behavior guidance and gradually guide target social users with similar feelings to ‘‘social
aims to enable network users to create expectations. Social behavior robots’’ in homogeneous communities, to realize the idea of converging
and social network environment produce desired effects. Social network group behaviors in homogeneous communities. Technically, through
user behavior is an activity in which the character’s personality and the dynamics of the network structure digging discover and track ho-
received information are reflected on social networks through personal mogeneous society, disseminating information, and a research-oriented
cognition. The convergence of group behavior is the evolution of group model build propagation path. The final study population between
user behavior to achieve the desired goal. It is the evolution of user diffusion interactive mode information and the message spread to a
interaction information, and the interaction method acts on users and range of network behavior will form groups of convergence. Simu-
causes the development of homogeneous communities. lation and test results of use cloud computing, SDN technology, and
Social network information representation, based on user nodes SOAR model simulation to build a social network, research testing,
and collected interactive text, describes text information, user behav- and model-guided technology projects proposed. Finally, the Hadoop
ior, user personality, interest, and other profile information. These big data processing platform and Sri Tanfu network analyzer platform
description dimensions are all related to cognition and are the input SNAP can combine with our evaluation system to analyze experimental
for constructing cognitive user models. Social network boot behavior data.
generate computing paradigm. First of all, according to the guidance The social network weapon research and development designed the
intended derived FIG user desired behavior, then the difference output social network behavior guidance system into the architecture. Wherein
by the input information inference behavior Bayesian belief network the data acquisition and management layer negative responsible crawl
the corresponding difference relationship, poor mixing behavior based mass in the heterogeneous data taken from the social network to the
on the personal tag optimized input difference information to find out, local database and pre-correlation model training practice layer is

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

Fig. 7. Based social network behavior guidance step guide public opinion.

accountable for learning the social network users from extensive social difference calculation module developed based on the technology of
and cognitive model data. In the network environment information- social network weapon research and development, and the difference
related model, the user behavior guidance layer is responsible for behavior-oriented the difference information generating module and
calling the trained model to perform the guidance process of social generate guidance text-based boot text generation module difference
network user behavior. information, and then call the virtual social account management mod-
(1) The data acquisition and management, social network weapons ule in the social network virtual account generation, social behavior
development using open distributed crawler frame Nutch build several simulation (against the social networking platform of ‘‘social robot’’
data acquisition module, an extensive data processing system using a check test system) and The guide text is published.
distributed Hadoop design data processing module, designed network (4) Visualization layer in the system, the social network weapons
node configuration database, the user attribute database, sea and user development based on HTML5 for the system to provide a front-end
interaction database for storing text information database to obtain the user can visualize the UI, and design social networking topology,
amount of heterogeneous data, and the development of data processing social networking environment information, social networking portraits
and data access interface module to provide services related training and guide performance statistics data of the four key information
model layer; visualization Module.
(2) The relevant model training layer will realize the learning pro-
cess from data to the model proposed in the research and development 8.1. ‘‘Social Robot Big V’’ cultivation system in social networks
of social network weapons. The social network user cognitive model
generation needs to rely on text information and user behavior charac- Currently, ‘‘social robots’’ have begun to invade major social net-
teristics, user portraits, and social network environment information. works and influence users’ decision-making on these social networks.
The correlation model needs to analyze the evolution law of a network Significant presidential election, little to the evaluation of a movie, can
structure and a user interaction, and therefore the layer is provided see ‘‘social robot’’ live-action ‘‘shadow’’. However, the existing ‘‘social
each functional block; robot’’ influence in social networks is still limited, which is one of
(3) At the user behavior guidance layer, social network weapon the reasons is the insufficient number of fans single ‘‘social robot’’,
research and development provides social network behavior guidance our project-based research achievements in social networks (such as
intention editing and interpretation modules to receive user intentions social networking, new Cultivating influential ‘‘Robot Big V’’ accounts
and convert them into a form that is easy for machines to process, and on Weibo, etc.)
then develop target user expected behavior generation modules based (1) Call system in virtual social account management module in the
on guidance intentions and The guiding strategy generation module social network generation ‘‘social robot’’ on the account, the steps as
based on guiding purpose is used to generate social network behavior Fig. 3, first based on user input contains character, political views, hob-
coaching strategies, and finally the social network behavior coaching bies, and other faith identity information of ‘‘social robot’’ Background
execution and scheduling module is designed to call the user behavior Vector, search for a collection of users on social networks with the

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

identity background closest to the ‘‘social robot’’. Then, from the users’ 8.3. Public opinion guidance on important social events
account information in the group, find out the account information
suitable for the identity background of the ‘‘social robot’’, including Weapons development social network behavior designed primers
gender, age, location, and location. Work nature, personal profile, etc.; guide system guides system users a social network user groups on
finally, randomly generate the name of the ‘‘social robot’’ based on the heavy solutions to social events in the right direction, the specific
English name generation rules, register a social network account, and processes, such as Fig. 7 below. Here, we also assume that several
fill in the account information obtained by mining. ‘‘social robot big V’’ accounts and hundreds of ‘‘social robot’’ accounts
(2) Call system in virtual social account management module ‘‘social have been cultivated on social networks. First, use the critical node
robots’’ disguised as a social network regular account, as the process of discovery module of social networks to find out the social network’s
Fig. 4, the analog standard social networking accounts tweets published most influential social network account set 𝑈𝑚𝑎𝑥 , and use voters to
and subject interactions. Among them, the simulation tweets release guide the collection 𝑈𝑚𝑎𝑥 in social networking accounts. And then find
behavior first part of the collection and ‘‘social robot’’ status similar the social network of all accounts on the use social networks and user-
background user nearly three days of the tweet’s text, and then use generated cognitive model. The module generates its mental model and
the collected tweets training based on Markov model ‘‘social robots’’ finally generates tweets based on the cognitive model that can guide
account push Wen generation model, and finally the model is based
each social network account to develop in the right direction on critical
on generating tweets and use of ‘‘social robot’’ account number at
social topics or events, and use the ‘‘social robot big V’’ account and
the regular time release period to a social network ; simulation topic
‘‘social robot’’ The account is posted on social networks.
interactions section first detects a social day on the web a hot topic
and the ‘‘social robot’’ concerned user Tweets published, and then
9. Conclusion
collect behavioral data (including likes and comment texts) of users
with similar identity backgrounds of ‘‘social robots’’ on the detected
In recent years, emerging network media such as social networks
topics or tweets, and then use the collected comment text content
to train based on Markov model of ‘‘social robot’’ account comments and mobile communication networks have played an important or-
generation model, and then generate comment text based on the model, ganizational and planning role in a series of major events, which
and the use of ‘‘social robot’’ account at the regular time publish period are likely to cause extremely serious threats to national security and
to detect the topic or tweets of the comments section, and finally even the international community’s stability. We analyzed and clarified
statistics and ‘‘social robot’’ body parts background similar user thumbs social network actors, environment, scene, manipulation and ethical
proportions, if the ratio is more excellent than 60%, the use of ‘‘social framework. We conclude that social public opinion weapons are mainly
robot’’ account at a regular time period thumbs detected subject or text divided into Bot, Botnet, Troll, Manipulate real people and events,
push. Cyborg and Hacked or stolen. Because social networking is seen as a
(3) Call system social network behavior-related boot block is ‘‘social new weapon in the great powers’ battle ground arsenal, it has been
robot’’ to attract a large number of powder wire, as the process of Fig. 5, the subject of widespread military research. All countries continue to
first, generates target ‘‘big social robot V’’, and the account number 200 strengthen the research on basic cognitive theories. With the prominent
is the ‘‘social robot’’. Then use the social network behavior guidance role of social media in modern warfare, its combat use has become
execution scheduling module proposed by the social network weapon increasingly widespread and has gradually become a force multiplier
research and development to guide users to follow the ‘‘social robot’’ in modern warfare. At present, the deployment of weapons directed by
account’s tweets. When the number of fans of each ‘‘social robot’’ social network users in major countries is mainly focused on incident
account has exceeded 50, based on the ‘‘social robot’’ ‘‘Account’s fans’’ and public opinion reconnaissance, sentiment analysis, and active inter-
cognitive model generates tweets that allow them to like, comment, vention. Our research enumerates the social weapon component model
and repost. And they can use the target ‘‘social robot big V’’ account to and software architecture. In short, all countries are using social media
post it on social networks. And then they use the ‘‘social robot’’ account to spread political propaganda and influence the digital information
to repost the tweet, and accompanying guide ‘‘social robot’’ account ecosystem. This article enhances our understanding and development
followers. They following target ‘‘social robot big V’’ account comment trend of public opinion wars in the social network, and proposes an
text, and then target ‘‘social robot big V’’ account number regularly to architecture system for the social weapon arsenal. The technical means,
express their views on hot topics, and the use of ‘‘social robot’’ account scale, scope, and precision of social media weapons have been con-
in the tweets were comments, point praise and forward, the process tinuously improved. It is gaining momentum towards fundamentally
cycle to the target ‘‘social robot big V’’ number of fans over a certain reshaping cyberspace.
Declaration of competing interest
8.2. Auxiliary campaign tool based on social network behavior guidance
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
The social network behavior guidance system designed by the social
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
network weapon research and development can also provide system
influence the work reported in this paper.
users with guidance on public opinion and voter voting behavior on
social networks during elections, thereby increasing the success rate of
elections. The specific implementation process is shown in Fig. 6. Here, Acknowledgments
we have been based on the assumption that (1) an application in the
social network has trained several ‘‘social robot on the big V’’ account This study was funded by the National Natural Science Founda-
and hundreds of ‘‘social robot’’ accounts. So the first use of social tion of China (Grant number 61862008, U1636208, 61902013), Shi-
networking environment analysis find out from the relevant module jiazhuang Science and Technology Research and Development Plan
‘‘social robot big V’’ account and ‘‘social robot’’ account posted tweets (Grant No. 201130351A) and Beihang Youth Top Talent Support Pro-
can all propagation to voters account (end of the path voters account). gram (Grant No. YWF-20-BJ-J-1038). Long Chen and Jianguo Chen
Then it can follow the times for each user on the path to boot, making contributed equally to this work. The early part of the version was ac-
them Candidates who agree with the system users’ hope to succeed. The cepted in the 20th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
specific method is to first generate cognitive model, and then generate as conference oral presentation. And this is a continuing, deepen, and
tweets that can guide it based on the cognitive model, and use the broaden research version for the official publication. We would like to
‘‘social robot big V’’ account and ‘‘social robot’’ chsep= account posted thank the reviewer and editors for their professional advice, which has
to social networks until they were successfully booted. been of great help to our article adjustment and further research.

L. Chen et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 64 (2022) 103060

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